Darwin’s impact on America with Trevor Loudon


Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. Trevor Loudon believes that these forces must be exposed and countered, as America’s continued role as a bastion of freedom is pivotal for the future of western civilization. https://www.trevorloudon.com [email protected]


Okay, so, okay. Well, thanks very much,
Terri, and thanks to everybody. Well, let me go ahead and just start things off here. Okay, sorry.
I'm Terri Cammerzell, here with Creation Fellowship Santee, and we're a group of friends bound by our common agreement that the creation account, as told in Genesis, is a true depiction of how
God created the world and all life in just six days, several thousand years ago. We've been meeting most
Thursday nights here on Zoom since June of 2020, and we've been blessed by quite an impressive array of speakers who have brought us presentations on a blend of creation science, current events, and other theological topics.
You can find links to most of our past presentations by typing in tinyurl .com
forward slash CFSantee. That's C like creation, F like fellowship.
Santee is spelled S -A -N -T -E -E. You can also email us at creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com
so that you get on our email list. We promise not to spam you, but we will send you links to each of our upcoming speakers.
Tonight, we're blessed to have back Trevor Loudon. Trevor Loudon is a journalist and a filmmaker.
You may recall that last June we had him on to talk about the film Enemies Within the
Church. He's back tonight with a similar topic in the series that we like to refer to as Consequences of Evolutionary Thinking.
Trevor is a host on the Epic Times of Counterpunch. He's also written quite a few books, including his newest books,
Security Risk Senators and House Un -Americans. So with that, he's going to be talking to us tonight about Darwin's impact on America.
Trevor, go ahead. Well, thanks very much, Terri, and thanks for having me here.
I've got a bit of a throat infection now, so my voice is a little hoarse and I may cough from time to time.
I'm sorry about that, but I've been nursing my voice all day today for this event.
Well, there's two basic views of humanity, really.
One is that we are individual human beings. I call it a spark of the divine, that we all have a spiritual foundation.
We have a relationship with God. We are God's special children, every single one of us.
Or we are livestock. And if we are livestock, we can be bred, we can be manipulated, we can be terminated.
We can be basically manipulated to suit our masters.
Anybody who's ever worked on a farm knows that a farmer tends to his livestock, but he breeds the best bull with the best cow.
He gets rid of unproductive stock. If he has too many male calves, he will send them to the abattoir.
It's a very utilitarian life. It's a very brutal life. So clearly,
I think none of us here believe that humans are livestock. But that is the belief that evolution tells us.
We are just livestock. We are the result of atoms colliding with atoms.
We rose from the primordial sludge through countless years of trial and error and natural selection.
We've evolved into a whole bunch of different species. And now, where we can, and if there's no spark of the divineness, there is no
God, to better the species, it's only fair that some of the cleverest among us should be able to dictate who lives, who dies, who breeds, who doesn't, which useless eaters should be eliminated.
This is the whole basis of, not euthanasia, the whole basis of, what is the word?
Eugenics. The whole basis of eugenics is that we are livestock and we can be bred to improve the race.
This was the basis of the Nazi movement. This was the basis of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, which is why they put a lot of their organizations in black neighborhoods, because they saw blacks as an inferior race, and the duty was to cull them, to keep their numbers down, so they didn't dilute the human stock.
So, there are very different consequences if you regard people as of intrinsic spiritual value, or merely livestock.
And this is a battle that's been going on since Cain and Abel, because we saw the virtues of Abel, you know, steadfast, spiritual, loyal, humble, productive, and we see the values of Cain, spiteful, vengeful, lazy, egotistical, whatever.
Now, you can only really, you know, pain flourishes in an environment where humans are treated as livestock, because, you know,
Abel values are very, you know, Abel values really depend on a belief in God and something bigger than yourself.
But if you don't believe in that, well, then those Cain values take over.
Yes, you should be all about yourself. Yes, you should be manipulating others.
It's your duty to do that. So, this battle has been going on for a long time.
So, what has this got to do with Charles Darwin? Well, Darwin was brought up in an
English clergyman's family in the early 1800s.
But his family were Unitarians. His family were largely freethinkers, which means atheists.
When Darwin went to college at Edinburgh, he joined the
Plinian Society, named after the philosopher Pliny. And that was all about challenging the religious orthodoxies of the time.
It was quite a radical group. They used science as an opposition to God, science in opposition to religion.
And this is very much along the Cain spirit. This is a rebellious, vengeful, egotistical spirit.
An able spirit would look at science as something you use to show the workings of God, to show the laws of God, to show the majesty of God, to show the majesty of the universe that's been created.
And you look at the creatures, the created beings on this earth, and you study them, and you should get a deeper spiritual understanding if you employ science in that spirit.
But Darwin's spirit was exactly the opposite. It was all about challenge.
It was all about, we will use science to prove that religion is wrong.
Not to complement religion, but to oppose religion.
That was very much the spirit that Darwin was brought up in. And Karl Marx, of course, was the contemporary philosopher at the time.
It very much ran parallel to Darwin.
And Marx's work, Capital, he quotes Darwin a couple of times, quotes
Darwin twice, because Marx had the spirit of Cain on him.
He was all about resentment. He was all about jealousy. If somebody's got more, means
I've got less. He was all about raging at God, even though he'd been a
Christian at an early age. He'd rebelled from that. And there's a great book out there that everybody should read called
Marx and Satan by my friend Paul Kingor, which really goes into the satanic background of Marx.
So it's not so much that Marx was a materialist. He was an anti -God activist.
And he used materialism to deify materialism, basically as an affront to God.
So Marx couldn't do what he did to basically say that we are human livestock without Darwin doing what he did, because Darwin finally gave a plausible argument, so -called plausible, it's completely lunacy, but a plausible argument that there's an alternative to creationism.
That God didn't necessarily just create the earth and all the creatures and man and Adam and Eve and whatever.
No, this is a process of nature. This has been going on for a very long time.
Somehow, a couple of atoms collided. They never explain how those atoms get created in the first place.
A couple of atoms collided and energy was generated.
And that was done so many billion times that eventually life sprang forth.
And then that life evolved into all the forms we have now through a period of what
Darwin called natural selection and what we would call, a farmer would call selective breeding.
Natural selection was really a sort of analogous to natural selection.
A farmer will mate his best horses to get the fastest horse. A farmer will mate the sow that produces the most piglets so that her children will have, her babies will have more piglets than other pigs do.
We know that selective breeding does work to produce different life forms.
We see all the breeds of dog that we have now. Basically, what used to be wolves are now little dachshunds and Labradors and whatever, all as a result of selective breeding.
So we can see that that does work. People can do that. But that's never been a situation where selective breeding could turn one species of animal into another.
It's never been seen where it can turn a dog into a cat, where it can turn a lemur into a monkey, where it can turn a monkey into a man.
That's never been seen. We can use selective breeding to change characteristics within a genus, but we can never change the basic genus.
And this is where the evolutionary thing falls down. There's been no evidence ever presented that one form of life has evolved into another, not one.
And the mathematical impossibility of it is just beyond imagination.
For people who say that they believe in science because evolution is scientific and anybody who believes in creationism is completely off the wall and unscientific, they have a massive problem here.
Because what they are positing is so mathematically impossible, you know, just to create the simplest of organisms, you know, that that could be a result of evolution.
You wouldn't have enough zeros in the universe just about to stack up how many tens to the power of whatever to get that little organism.
It's just beyond imagination that evolution is a real thing.
And then, of course, they can't explain, well, who created the atoms in the first place? Who created the
Big Bang? Who created all this kind of thing? So Marx and Darwin needed each other.
Marx's theory was that, you know, we had gone through evolution and we had a species called man.
And now we have to have a social evolution, that man would go through certain stages of evolution, of social evolution.
Wouldn't necessarily change the form of the man or the woman, but it would change the form of the society.
Now, the original state of man, according to Marx, is primitive communism, where you live in a cave and you wear a bit of buffalo skin around you and you go out and you kill a deer and you drag the deer back and you cut the deer up and you share the meat communally.
That is primitive communism, caveman communism. The second stage of human evolution is feudalism.
And that is when agriculture is invented, where people start to till small plots of land.
They grow a little bit of corn or a couple of little berry trees. And then they need to protect this plot because somebody is going to come and steal it from them before they get to harvest it.
So what happens is the farmers, with their little bits of land and maybe they have a little pig or a sheep or something and they plant a few berries, they plant some corn or some wheat grass or something.
And they band together in a certain area. And then they delegate someone amongst them to protect them, the feudal warlord.
So this warlord will have the weapons and this warlord will protect a certain area from other warlords and other marauders.
And so this is a feudal system where they're constantly feuding and the farmers pay tribute to the feudal warlords to protect their farms from other invaders.
So that's the second stage of Marxist human evolution.
The third stage is capitalism. People start to trade.
People start to use things like cowry shells for money. There's a primitive legal system starts.
The birth of writing, people write contracts. And this leads to an explosion of human wealth.
And the absolute explosion because people are, they can start to invest their capital.
You know, they build up, they've got six sheep, they don't need six sheep. They can trade a couple of sheep to buy a really good ram or a really good ewe to breed some really even better sheep.
They can trade some of their surplus grain to buy some fruit or to buy some primitive tools or whatever.
So capitalism caused the explosion of human wealth. And this was the third stage.
Capitalism went from that early primitive businessman and that trader right to the mega corporations we see today.
But according to Marx, this created inequality because certain people would get very, very rich.
And they would use their wealth to exploit others. And most of the people would get much, much poorer.
Well, that was complete garbage because, you know, the free market system lifted the boat for everybody.
And the Marxists can never get around this argument. They say, well, Marx said under capitalism, the working class has to get poorer.
Well, under real free markets, the working classes of Europe and other countries got richer and richer and richer and richer.
And then the working class people were richer than their grandfather, who used to be a warlord.
You know, so this is one of the big lies of Marxism.
But you've got to use Marxism, it's all about jealousy. So you've got to say, well, the capitalists are getting more, so I'm going to get less.
Not the capitalists are going to get more, and that's going to give me more jobs, more contracts, so I'll get rich too.
But that would be an able type of thing. That would be too generous in spirit.
They want that mean, vindictive, jealous type of relationship in society.
Then the fourth stage of human evolution is socialism. And that is when the government starts to step in and correct the inequality, starts to take wealth from the rich and give wealth to the poor.
And only the government can do this because the wealthy are never going to do this by themselves.
So you need a big growth of government. And this will trim the sails of the capitalists, redistribute the wealth so it's a much more even society.
And then you get the fifth stage, we've evened things out so much that you don't need the government anymore.
The state will just wither away and everybody lives peacefully and happily ever after.
In communism, a communal happiness.
So you can see Marxism depended on Darwin.
Marx couldn't have developed his theories without Darwin. He couldn't have developed this theory that man was basically a beast that evolved through certain stages in history.
If he didn't have Darwin to divorce everything from God and creation.
Because if creation comes into the picture, man is put on earth with certain characteristics.
He's given bounty over the earth and it's up to man to make the most of it, to build productive farms and to build cities.
Where everybody is more prosperous and everybody does better.
That's what the creationist view, that is what the biblical view teaches. Go forth and be prosperous.
Apply the laws, be honest, be loyal, be faithful, be courageous and you will have bounty.
The Marxists who said, no, no, we don't believe in any of that.
We're just animals. There is no
God, there is no justice, there is no anything. All there are are the forces of nature and history.
So, therefore, we have, excuse me, sorry.
So, I think I'm trying to make the point here is this. What we're seeing in the world today with people like Klaus Schwab and his crazy friend, transhumanism, the transgender movement.
All of these movements tell you that man can be transformed into something else.
That man's nature is not fixed and created, that we can create our own future by applying the laws of nature.
And we can decide what those laws are. We can decide that men can become women, that gender is completely flexible.
We can decide that people will live together in communal operations and surrender all their freedom to their fellow man to live together in communal societies.
We can decide this because there is no creation. There are no God given principles.
So, we have to make our own future. So, these ideas are all around us now.
We're seeing it in the schools that boys can change their gender. Well, if you believe that man is created and man and woman are created separately, you cannot believe that.
That's why the radical gay movement absolutely hates what they would call fundamentalist
Christians. That's what they call them. The gay movement hates them because the idea of creation says that there is two genders and that they both serve a purpose and they are complementary.
And any aberration from that, any variance from that is a mental or a social illness or a spiritual illness and needs to be corrected in spiritual terms.
And so that people who are suffering from, you know, they think they're one gender when they're another, they have a mental illness and they need to fix that spiritually.
And of course, if you have a Marxist, you have a Darwinist view, you say no, no, no, we can set our own rules here.
You Christians, you fundamentalists, you who believe in creation, you are dogmatic.
You are hate -filled. You are denying us the possibilities of our own creation.
You must be stopped. You must be shut down. You must be marginalized. You must be told to go away.
You must be brutally suppressed if necessary because you are holding back human progress.
So Darwinism and Marxism depend on each other. Darwin undermined the creationist view of history.
He undermined, you know, because everybody before Darwin pretty much accepted that we were created.
They would argue about when and by whom and by what and what period of time.
But it was never seriously debated that there was a creator and that we were created by a power way beyond ourselves.
Darwin threw that idea out the window and that paved the way for Marx to actually say we can choose our own destiny now.
We're not bound by this idea of a creator. We're not bound by this idea of God. This is retrograde stuff.
This is old -fashioned superstition. We are a new man. And we can tell how well that's worked wherever it's been tried.
It leads to destruction. It leads to misery. It leads to perversion.
It leads to corruption. We see this everywhere where this evolutionist view is combined with Marxism to say that man must be the author of his own destiny.
We see the fruits of that in the human misery. You know, we've all seen videos online of transgender activists harassing
Christians. And you see that hate, the absolute hate and irrationality in their eyes.
This is all pain spirit. There is no able spirit there at all.
None. There's no tolerance there. There's no humility.
There is just viciousness and ego and rebellion and hatred.
And then they call us haters, right? But so this is these two ideas depended on each other.
Darwin tried to undermine the creationist theory.
And his ideas are pretty superficial and didn't really bear, you know, you shouldn't really take them seriously.
But they suited the Marxists. And the Marxists wanted to transform humanity.
So they needed an alternative theory to creationism. You can't be a
Marxist who believes that we are created by God and then we have a right to change people and, you know, author our own, you know, change all the social norms, abolish the family, live communally, all the things that we were planned, that we're designed not to do.
That we could change our gender. We could abolish marriage.
We were designed for a certain set of circumstances, a certain number, a certain paradigm to live in.
And Marxism said, no, we want something totally different. How do we justify that?
We justify it through Darwin, that there is another alternative.
We weren't created. We are the products of evolution. This is why
America is going where it's going. Because evolution has cut us free.
Cut us free from God. It's cut us free from creation. And Marxism has then taken us over and steered us into hell, basically.
You know, look, Marx was a Satanist. You know, it was all about the Marxists don't really believe in a great heaven on earth.
They just want to rebel against God. This comes back to, you know, who wrote
Paradise Lost? The great poet, the great English poet wrote
Paradise Lost. And he said, why did Satan leave heaven? Because he'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.
And this is the motivation for the Darwinists. And this is the motivation for the
Marxists. They don't care what happens to earth. They don't care what happens to you or me, as long as they are running things.
They would rather run hell than serve in heaven. Milton, Milton, Paradise Lost.
So, I might just call it quits there for a couple of minutes. And maybe take a couple of questions.
And I'd like to talk about some implications of what's happening in our society and Maoism.
And we're in a Maoist revolution here. And there may be just a few words about my books at the end.
But, yeah, I'll call that quits. And I'd like to have any commentary or if you think
I'm wrong, you think I'm way off track, I'd like to know now rather than keep repeating this stuff all around the country.
So, yeah, that's what I see. Darwin created the conditions where Marx could flourish.
Where Marx could tell people they could create their own future. Because he broke the link to God.
He broke the belief that 95 % of people had that we are created.
And the creator gave us rules to live by. Why would he create us without the rules to guide our lives?
Well, he wouldn't, would he? You know? So, yeah, I'll call it quits there.
And any questions or comments or criticisms on what I've just had to say?
Yeah. Wow. I mean, I think for the most part, we're probably all in agreement with what you're saying.
So, it's good that we get different people who have different approaches or ways to explain this truth.
We've been studying the, you know, we've been studying creation. That's our thing that we do.
That's why we're Creation Fellowship. But it is good. I like that you pointed out the difference between Cain and Abel and how we see that.
I don't think that we've had somebody illustrate that for us before. So, that was a really good point. And really,
I mean, it really goes back even to the garden. I mean, when Adam and Eve questioned what
God was saying, that's still what people are doing all through the ages. We see that, like you're saying, is that, you know,
God tells us one thing and people say, oh, but I want to be smarter than God. I want to be more clever. I want to be more right.
I want to control my own destiny, just like you're saying. So, it is. That's the
Cain spirit, isn't it? The rebellious spirit. The no, no,
I can do better. I'm cleverer. I'm smarter. And I'll just take what
I want. And it's that constant battle between the Cain spirit and the
Abel spirit right through humanity. And Marxism and Darwinism have empowered
Cain to wreak havoc on this earth. Basically, that's what they've done.
Yeah. And we had a speaker a few weeks ago. His name is Kevin McGarry, and he's the founder of Every Black Life Matters.
Yeah, I know. I know Kevin, yeah. He also did something, you know, I want to say similar, but it wasn't quite the same.
But he did also expose about the roots of racism and how it comes from that same philosophy, the same
Marxist, you know, this evolutionary thinking that if we're all from animals, that we all go through these stages, and some people are more developed than others and should be treated better or worse than others.
And that is, I mean, that's what we talk about. A lot of people and unfortunately a lot of Christians don't think through the consequences that if they're going to subscribe to what the scientists are saying, you know, the main science, that if they're going to subscribe to that, just the impacts, not just, you know, there's the impacts on the gospel, and whether or not we even need
Christ's salvation, but there's also the impacts on on society that, you know, when you think through, what does that really mean a lot of Christians are very short sighted when they decide to get on board with that camp and it's, it's very unfortunate.
Well, that's right. And that that'll, you know, like, if you believe in creation, creationism, you know,
God created different races, and then, and we all have different, you know, virtues, but, but God decide who's who has value.
You know, God could pick out a young boy from Africa, who's very primitive and brought up with nothing, who could become one of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen or one of the greatest educationalist,
God decides that. But if you believe in evolution, well, you use clearly some races that are less developed than others.
And clearly, we shouldn't let those people breed and outbreed everybody else, we get to decide who lives and who prospers.
The Chinese communists are so racist. They believe that Han Chinese, which is the most developed race on earth.
And they plan to basically destroy the, the, the, the black African race.
This is what, you know, your Black Lives Matter in America, which is a pro Chinese communist operation, are working for the people who want to block white black people off the planet.
You know, because, you know, if you believe in evolution, you believe we are livestock.
And so it's the duty of the enlightened people to manipulate the race to produce the best possible livestock.
And who gets to decide the people in power get to decide. We all think, well, we have the best possible livestock.
So if we're in power we eliminate the other forms and we elevate our own. When you get rid of the creationist principle, you open this up to all kinds of evil.
All kinds. Yeah, for sure. So Trevor, I know that you're from New Zealand, but then you came to America.
Do you want to talk to us about what brought you here? Why, why it was that you came? Sure. So neither demons nor Satan can rule in hell.
That's eternal judgment. Well, you know, well, Satan believes he could rule in hell.
He's the ruler of hell. You know, that's what he thinks. So, but I'm not going to get in a big theological debate about that.
Okay, so I came to America because I saw America as the leader of the free world, the guiding light politically for all of us.
You know, a nation that people's rights come from God, not from government.
You know, a special nation, a providential nation. And I saw America being torn apart by Marxism, by revolutionaries, and most
Americans having no understanding of what's going on. And I thought, well, if we don't save America, New Zealand's done,
Australia's done, everybody else has done, we'll just be part of the Chinese empire in five minutes.
And they'll just, they won't treat us very nicely at all. So I started coming to America about 2011, lecturing mainly about communism, wrote several books, made movies, including enemies within the church.
I've probably spoken to 1000 groups now all over the country. And my message has always been the same, you know, it's incumbent upon us to fight for freedom.
It's actually our duty to fight for freedom. And I think a lot of Christians don't understand this at all.
They think, they don't see any connection between the wonderful country they have, and the principles this country was founded on.
They don't understand this is a Christian country. This is not a Hindu country, or a
Muslim country. If it was, it'll be infinitely poorer, and a lot more miserable.
They don't understand that. And so they're letting it just be, they're letting it, all the roots be torn out from under us.
And they think they're going to maintain the freedom and prosperity they have today. They think if you take away all the roots,
I won't defend those roots. I won't defend this country, but I can still be free and prosperous.
No, you can't. I think we're analogous right now to the time before, the best analogy for right now is the time before World War Two in Germany.
I mean, Hitler was rising to power. And he was definitely an eugenicist. He was a
Marxist. He was an evolutionist. He believed he could shape the
German nation to be the leaders of the world. Right? And there was only one group in Germany that could have stopped him, and that was the
Christians. And Hitler said, you look after men's souls,
I'll look after Germany. And the pastors with almost unanimity said, right on.
Good one. We'll put swastikas in our churches. We won't do anything to upset you,
Mr. Hitler. And we will just be good Christians. And what was the result of that?
80 million dead. Massive slaughter. Because the
Cain spirit, the evolution spirit, the Marxist spirit, the totalitarian spirit was allowed to just take over.
And so who sorted it out? You know, well, there's a lot of people that took on the
Nazis, but it wouldn't have been one without America. It was American Christian boys who left their farms in Nebraska and Iowa and California and their factories in New Jersey.
And they put on uniforms and they picked up guns and they fought the
Japanese in the Pacific. And they fought the Nazis on the beaches of Normandy.
And they saved the world from complete destruction. Because what do you imagine had the
Nazis taken over the whole world? What a world it would have been. So they saved the world.
So, you know, who would you rather be on the day of account? You know, would you rather be a
German Christian who did nothing to stop Hitler, but was a very nice person, who always went to church, who always prayed, read the
Bible every day, was honest in business, faithful in his marriage?
You know, who would you rather be on Judgment Day? That Christian who allowed the
Nazis to take over and did nothing? Or the young boy from Nebraska, 19 years old, who died face down in a pool of blood on Omaha Beach?
Who would you rather be? And I think this is what we are facing now.
We are in a world that is heading headlong into tyranny. The Cain spirit is taken over because the
Abel spirit is not being promoted. And because Christians by and large have said, no, we've abandoned the culture.
We've abandoned politics. We're going to sit in our churches and we're going to do nothing and leave it all in God's hands.
Well, if your three -year -old daughter has fallen into the swimming pool and she is drowning, do you say, well, that's
God's will, or do you dive in and save her? What do you do? What do you think is
God's will really there? God's will is for you to show the courage necessary to do what's right in the situation in front of you.
Well, I believe that God's will is that Americans and everybody around the world will show the faith and will show the courage necessary to save our nations, to save our families, to save our churches.
I think that's God's will. Because, you know, where does courage come from?
Courage comes from your faith. If you have no courage, it's because you have no faith.
You know, the book of Revelations, there's groups of people that get cast into the pit of hell, there's a little list, and then there's idolaters and murderers and whatever.
But who is the first group on the list? It is the cowards. Because cowards have no faith.
Cowards believe in nothing. They won't stand for anything. All they've got is their miserable little life and they'll make any compromise necessary to save it.
They'll sell their grandmothers to save it. So when people stand up and are bold and vocal and courageous, that is proof to God that they are really faithful people.
They really have faith because they're actually taking a risk for their faith.
They're actually putting something on the line. It's all very well to say,
I believe in God. Well, the devil believes in God. But when you actually stand up in faith and courage, like David versus Goliath or Gideon's army, that is proof to God that you really, really have faith.
And we saw Abraham negotiating with God over the fate of Sodom.
And I think if enough people stand up in faith and courage, God may decide to save this country yet again.
That's my hope. Yeah, that's a really great message.
It's very on point. And to be able to value lives also.
We know that God, there's dignity in lives and God values human life.
And that's what we want to be able to do too. Like you said, the analogy with the three -year -old in the pool.
And also, it's the same thing that we want to fight because we want to fight for our freedom.
And we want to fight for people's lives so that they have the ability to make decisions for the Lord. That's really what it's about.
Who do you think God is more pleased with? The pro -life activists who worked for years, just chugging away, going to rallies, going to state houses, and eventually got
Roe v. Wade overturned? Or the pious pastor who preaches about God every
Sunday and never did a single thing to help those activists?
Who do you think would please God more at the time of account? I mean,
I'm assuming that was a rhetorical question. Well, it is. We are given life, created.
We are created beings. We are given life, very precious. Everyone is precious.
And we're supposed to respect that principle. And we're supposed to stand by that principle. And if it gets a bit uncomfortable or a bit unpopular, we can abandon it then, right?
We can just say, well, no, it doesn't matter. When it's too inconvenient, we don't have to obey that principle.
No, there's no exceptions to that rule. And it may get pretty uncomfortable sometimes.
And again, it still ties back to our belief in creation that God created us with intrinsic value.
If we were just the product of animal and evolution, then this wouldn't even make any sense.
So that is the focus. We have a couple of questions coming in from Facebook.
So I'm going to go ahead and read those to you. The first one, Anne says, since Israel is now a nation and Ezekiel 38 players are at the same table and we're living through birth pains,
I'm not sure the world can be saved anymore since we're headed toward destruction. I'm not saying we shouldn't still stand up, but I'm asking if we should take our eyes off the nation and put them more on the monarchy to come.
Well, this is the thing. A lot of people here are more versed in theology than I will be.
And people have been predicting, you know, Israel become a nation in 1948. Well, people have been predicting the end of the world for a very long time.
And OK, but in Jesus' return, Jesus didn't know when that was going to be.
He had no idea. So are we supposed to modify our behavior through external signs like that?
Look, to me, we're supposed to occupy till he comes. You know, do you stop?
You think, well, OK, Jesus is now a nation. There's going to come a point where I stop paying my mortgage.
You know, there's going to come a point where I stop mowing my lawn. And there's going to come a point where I stop changing my underwear.
No, I don't believe we stop fighting till the last minute because we don't know what
God's timeline is. It could be, we could all be going up. It could all happen next
Tuesday. But it might not be for a thousand years yet. And, you know,
I think if you stop fighting, all sorts of misery takes over.
All sorts of chaos. When the churches are leading, the families are sound and the civil government stays within its boundaries.
When the churches abandon their leadership role, the families fall into chaos and the government gets way out of control.
Well, I think there is no time where Christians don't have civic responsibilities.
You know, anybody who says that your civic government isn't a godly institution has never read the
Old Testament. You know, when is there a time that you are supposed to abandon your family because you think the world is coming to an end?
When is there a time you abandon your church? When is there a time you abandon your nation?
When is there a time you abandon your civil responsibilities? You know,
I don't think there is a time. I think we're told to constrain evil all the time till the very last moment.
And, of course, we see signs around us and we should be getting more focused in our faith.
Absolutely. But I think we should be redoubling our efforts, not taking the focus off them.
Because, look, if America goes down, we are heading for a world of chaos like we have never, ever, ever seen.
And there's a lot of different views of the end times and prophecies.
But I don't think there's any indication in the Bible at any point that we abandon our civic responsibilities, our fight for freedom.
I don't think there's any indication we should ever stop doing that. If there is a verse that tells me we should stop doing that, please let me know.
I'd love to know. Oh, and actually, Sal Cordova, who's with us tonight, he posted a comment here in the
Zoom comments with the verse Matthew 24, 46. And it says, Blessed is the servant when his master returns and find him doing so.
So just the opposite of that is that there is a verse that tells us that we need to keep on working.
And that's not the only verse, but there are verses that go with what you're saying, that we need to keep doing our work on the earth until...
Who wants us to stop doing that work? Is it our friends? Nope. Yeah, exactly.
Ah, look, it's all coming to an end. Look, take your eye off the ball now. Just, you know, don't worry about it.
Satan is the prince of lies. It is never said, there is no time where to abandon our responsibilities that I can see.
And people need to understand that civic government, the stewardship of your nation and your city and your state is a
Christian responsibility. The Old Testament makes that very clear. What happened to the
Israelites when they forgot about their border security, when they didn't put a wall around their city?
What happened? They were attacked. Is there a message there? No. Prior to the...
Can you hear me, Terri? Yeah, we can hear you, Robin. Okay, because I wasn't sure because I thought I had the wrong headset on before.
Prior to the Zoom meeting starting, there was a guy who messaged me on Facebook, and he's, you know, very concerned.
And he's like, what do you think is going to happen? And I said, well, if America goes under, there's nowhere else to go.
And he's like, well, why do you say that? I said, because this is the last bastion of freedom.
And he said he's living in Mexico. He was living in Puerto Rico, but it was too, it went too, you know, controlled, tyranny, too much tyranny.
So now he's in Mexico living in Cabo San Lucas, and he says it's just fine there. And I'm like,
Mexico is owned by the cartel. You might be living your life fine right now, but once those globalists take over, you know, your life will have no value.
You know, I wouldn't want to be a gringo in Mexico when the cartels and the
Chinese Communist Party are at war with America. How long do you think you're going to last?
Look, I came from New Zealand. That's regarded as the safest country on the planet.
That's where all your millionaires from America go. Whenever things get dodgy in America, they all go to New Zealand.
So I'll go there for sure, but learn Chinese, because if America goes down, they'll have us in a heartbeat.
Look, if there was somewhere safe to go to ride this out, I'd already be there.
The only thing to keep things stable is to help save America.
If America can be turned around, other countries can be protected. I'm of the opinion that if we can evangelize,
I mean, God raises up leaders. Okay, so he raised up this awful leader who is a puppet to the, you know, to the globalists.
But if we can, you know, change hearts and minds, we, you know, we're being punished because we haven't been changing hearts and minds.
That's right, you know, this is a spiritual battle we're in, isn't it? And, you know, the founding fathers understood that.
They fought that revolution over religious liberty. They knew it was their duty to fight for what is right and free people to worship, you know, according to their conscience.
Well, America got rich because of that. America got happy and prosperous, but America also got stupid and lazy eventually.
You know, we always see this story, you know, a guy builds up a business and he sweats and he builds up a business.
Then he hands it to his son who doesn't run it very well. And by the time the grandchild, you know, the grandson takes over, he's back to, you know, working at McDonald's again, you know.
That's Chick -fil -A, you know, Chick -fil -A. His son is not, you know, what was his name,
Kathy? Yeah, yeah, Dan Cathiel. Yeah. That's right.
If you build up these great things because you follow the right principles, then you get a bit cocky and think, well, it wasn't the principles, it was me.
It was us. We're a special people. You know, we don't have to follow these, but we can just have a good time now.
We can indulge every passion, we can whatever. And bang, pride comes before the fall.
Well, that's our duty to try and stop that fall by eliminating pride within ourselves and trying to get people as many as we can back on track.
It doesn't take everybody. There's numerous examples in the old, you know, that God would spare a city because of a few people.
You know, but the church has lost its way in this country and we're reaping the consequences of it.
And the answer isn't to throw up your hands and just let it all happen. The answer is to roll up your sleeves.
Yeah, definitely. Back to our conversation a little bit ago about the sanctity of life and also that God values life.
So somebody else on Facebook, Cheryl, is asking, what about assisted medical suicide? Hospice uses morphine.
Hospice uses morphine, did you say? Yes, that's what she said. Okay, well,
I'm not a fan of medically assisted suicide at all. A friend of mine,
I used to mentor a little bit a young New Zealand politician that 30 years ago.
And he became the leader of the political party that I was vice president of. And he pushed through a bill legalizing assisted suicide in my country, in New Zealand.
So this personal friend of mine did this. And we're already getting the argument now, well, families will say to an old person, well, grandpa, your life's pretty tough, you know, it's not the best.
Maybe there might be another way out of this. Maybe we could put you in touch with a doctor who might, you know, sort of make life a bit more comfortable for you for the next couple of weeks.
And by the way, granddad, we really like your inheritance. You know, it's a very slippery slope.
And we all know there are cases of people who go through extreme pain and live in misery and whatever.
But I don't think that's any justification for this at all.
I think it is extremely evil.
I think it's a slippery slope to a whole bunch of other things. Like now in Holland, they're offering assisted suicide to minors, to young kids.
You know, not 80 year olds, to eight year olds. What young kid can make that kind of decision?
And what doctor with any conscience at all could assist that?
How could you do that? You know, it's just, you know,
I'm not in favor of anything like that at all. Yeah, and just to reiterate that, and we're definitely,
I mean, I am and I know Robin is. I didn't think we would be. And I think most of our group, just to put it a little bit more in context, too, is that we believe that God is the author and the finisher of life, that he didn't just create us, but that he has our days numbered.
And it's his decision when we stop breathing. And so, you know, as long as he has any one of us, whether it's individually or collectively on this planet, we still are here for a purpose, for whatever his purpose is.
So I think that, you know, it is important for us to just remind people of that and mention that.
Well, suicide is a sin. You know, it is a sin. Because it's when you despair, you're despairing and you have no more courage left.
And lack of courage is lack of faith. It is a sin. You know, so it's not just a decision that's just going to make life a bit more convenient for you.
And, you know, just spare myself this pain. It's actually a sin against God to do that.
And you're basically thumbing your nose at God saying, no, I'm going to decide. No. So we have another question here in Zoom.
And also, I put this on the comments on Facebook, but we have a nurse that's here in our
Zoom audience. And she just wanted to clarify that morphine isn't used to end a life, but it's used to make people comfortable.
It's used in small doses to help somebody at the end of life be more comfortable.
Sure. Yeah, I'm not going to get into the anesthetic debate.
You know, there's a lot of women who say, I couldn't have got through my birth without my epidural, you know. My father -in -law just had a major operation today, and he was out for a couple of hours.
Well, they couldn't have cut him open without some anesthetic, could they? Yeah. Let's praise the
Lord for modern medicine sometimes, huh? So we do have another question.
Father -in -law, father -in -law. Okay. We do have another question here in Zoom.
So just as a reminder for people who are watching, when you came and talked to us before, it was last summer, and you talked to us about the
Enemies Within the Church documentary. And we just wholeheartedly endorsed that one.
We want people to watch it. It was a really good film. We watched it, and it was nice to talk to you about that.
So this question does go a little bit in hand with that. So the question is, any comment on seminaries and churches regarding the hostility specifically against creation?
I saw this hostility from intervarsity and Christian universities and seminaries. The irony is many of the science faculty, especially engineering faculty, are actually in favor of creation.
Yeah. A lot of astronomers are very, very deeply religious people because they can see the majesty of God's creation.
And they know that the stupid idea of evolution is just wacko.
They understand mathematics. They understand the mathematical impossibility of it.
But, you know, you look at intervarsity. That is now a Marxist organization. You know, that's the reality.
Intervarsity, Campus Crusade for Christ group, are now Marxist. Now, they wouldn't call themselves that.
They might say we're a little bit woke. But wokeism is Maoism. It's consciousness raising.
Your consciousness is raised to the issues of homophobia and white privilege and, you know, social injustice.
So, yeah, of course they're going to be anti -creation because they're effectively
Marxists. Now, they'll say they believe in God because, you know, they don't want to.
They can't go that far and say we're an atheist organization now. They wouldn't attract many people.
They couldn't say Campus Crusade for Marx, you know. But that's what they are.
And so you are going to get, they're going to be very hostile to these ideas because it's a direct challenge to where they are.
They're all about, you know, you go to an intervarsity meeting and it's all about social justice.
It's all about white privilege. There's very little about the Old Testament. There's very little about repentance.
There's very little about anything that's really Christian, other than they use the terminology a little bit.
So, yeah, that was the whole message of Enemies Within the
Church, which we're working on part two of now, by the way.
And the message is that Marxism is replacing
Christianity in Bible colleges and seminaries all over the country and is being preached from the pulpits.
They still have a cross on the top of their church. They should have a hammer and sickle. But this is a danger.
People are going to church thinking they're learning Christianity when they're learning Marxism.
You know, if you're talking to Campus Crusade for Christ Kids and they won't talk about creation and they're all about evolution, well, they're on the
Marxist road. Well, Trevor, so we're kind of at the end, just about of our time anyway.
And I know your throat, we're so grateful that you came on with us, even though you're not feeling the best.
So probably this is a good time to wrap things up. And so to do that, will you tell us about the new books that you have and also tell people how they can find you and learn more from you?
Yeah, look, please go to TrevorLoudon .com. And welcome sharing.
I've enjoyed this. I always learn when I talk about this. I have to think my arguments through.
And go to TrevorLoudon .com. And the new book, that's House Un -Americans.
That's going to be one of six exposing over 100 serving
Marxist U .S. Congress members. And that one deals with Alabama, Arizona, Northern California.
The rest of them will go, you know, cover all the states in America, giving the
Marxist backgrounds. Because we're in a revolution. We don't even know it. We vote for these people.
We don't know they're Marxists. And the other two, which have been out for about three or four months, they are
Security Risk Senators, Parts 1 and Part 2. And they profile 30 currently serving
U .S. senators from Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly in Arizona to Ron Wyden in Oregon to Patty Murray in Washington to Padilla and Feinstein in California.
Kevin McCarthy, the House lead, he was a student of Klaus Schwab in the
Young Globalist Leaders. Well, that doesn't surprise me at all.
You know, this isn't a problem only of Democrats. You know, so I've heard that before.
I haven't seen the evidence of it, but I'm going to check it out. Yeah, I looked up on the list. You can see on it.
You can go to the bill. Yeah. And there's about five
Republicans that attended that. And also Ivanka Trump, Trump's daughter, also attended.
Yeah, I think Trump attended too. Look, it isn't like if you're a global young leader or you're consistently involved,
I think that's a problem. Some people just go to these things because they're invited and it's a place to be seen.
They may not really buy into the agenda. Yeah, I'm hoping that's the case. I don't think
Ivanka Trump bought into the agenda. I don't think Donald Trump did. But like John Hickenlooper, the senator from Colorado, has been to the
World Economic Forum the last six times. So, yeah, you could say he's buying into the agenda.
You've got to be a little bit flexible on that. But, yeah, it is a red flag, but it's a real red flag when they go six or eight times.
Just like Stacey Abrams, who thinks she's the governor of Georgia, is just off to the latest
Bilderbergers meeting. It's about a fourth time now. So that shows a pattern, doesn't it?
So those books, you can get them all on TrevorLoudon .com. I'll sign them for you.
You can give them as presents so you can read them yourself. My argument is we're in a war and you need to know the terrain.
You need to know who your enemies are. If you understand Marx, you understand
Darwin, you understand what's happening in the world today.
You understand the backgrounds of some of your government leaders and their ties to China, their ties to Iran, etc.
You start to understand what's happening around you. Look, here's the thing.
All the states that had the toughest COVID lockdowns were all the states with the most
Chinese communist influence. There's no coincidence there. They gave us a disease, then they managed the lockdowns to inflict the maximum damage on our country.
So the states that had the worst lockdowns, that's when they used the unions they control and the politicians they control to do maximum damage to us.
None of this was about public health. I'm sure you're all pretty much on board with that message.
Yes, yes, definitely. Well, okay, so thank you so much. Again, it was TrevorLoudon .com.
And then, once again, we're Creation Fellowship Santee, and you can find links to most of our past presentations by going to tinyurl .com
forward slash CF Santee. That's C like creation, F like fellowship.
Santee is S -A -N -T -E -E. There's also a list of our upcoming speakers.
We're going to be taking the next two weeks off for Memorial Day. So be sure to celebrate your freedom by looking for ways that you can not be a coward, just like Trevor's encouraged us tonight.
And then when we come back, we have just two meetings in the month of June. We'll be having Dr. Christopher Ting, who's an author and physicist coming to us from Japan.
And then also Becky Rasmussen, who founded the Call to Freedom, and she'll be talking to us about human trafficking.
So you'll want to be sure to look forward to those speakers. So with that, we're going to go ahead and sign off.