Brandan Robertson: Please Stop Saying I’m Not A Christian!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Brandon Robertson is a gay pastor and TikToker who encourages other people to believe that the
Bible totally excuses homosexual behavior. In fact, he has also promoted a number of other false and unbiblical doctrines as he contradicts historic
Biblical Christianity at virtually every turn. Yet it seems that Brandon is tired of people saying that he's not a
Christian. Watch this. Please stop telling me I'm not a Christian. Honestly, that's not a very
Christian thing to do. The only one I owe explaining is the one who did the saving. So thank the
Lord that it's not up to you. So I know that this may seem like just a little TikTok song, guys, a trifle, nothing to be concerned about.
But I actually think this is what he believes, and these are very common arguments. I think this is actually his conviction and a defense of his so -called ministry.
But before we compare this perspective to Scripture, we need to deal with the question at hand, whether or not Brandon Robertson is a
Christian. And whatever answer we come to needs to be substantiated by Scripture. So as I've already said,
Brandon encourages other people to live in sin. Romans 1 26 -27 says, quote, For this reason
God gave them up to dishonorable passions, for their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature.
And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
End quote. The passage in no uncertain terms calls homosexuality a depraved sin based in a wicked lust in several ways.
Yet Brandon Robertson actively promotes it and participates in it unrepentantly. Matthew 7 21 says, quote,
Not everyone who says to me, Jesus, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my
Father who is in heaven. End quote. So the question is, is Brandon Robertson doing the will of God the
Father? That's the only question. But before that, we have to answer, what is the will of the Father in the first place?
First Thessalonians 4 3 says, quote, For this is the will of God, your sanctification, that you abstain from sexual immorality.
So God's will is our sanctification. Sanctification includes abstaining from sexual immorality.
And we know that Brandon Robertson actively promotes sexual immorality. And beneath all of this is the fact that those who know
Christ truly will do the will of his Father. Therefore, Brandon Robertson, by definition, does not do the will of the
Father in any perceivable way. But instead, he actively works against the will of the
Father. Brandon Robertson is a servant of the enemy. He's a rebel in the eyes of God. He is not a
Christian. And I take no pleasure in saying that. I wish it was not the case. In order to call Brandon a
Christian, we would have to dishonor God by removing virtually every indicator of the Christian life given in his word.
And I don't think we can do that while being faithful. Now let me be clear. Am I saying that if you participate in any sexual immorality, then you're denying the will of God and therefore you're unsaved?
No. Please do not think that that's what I'm saying. If that was the case, then David could not be a Christian when he committed adultery.
So I am by no means saying that sinfully participating in sexual immorality officially disqualifies you from ever having known
Christ. Rather, I'm saying that those who make it their mission, as Brandon Robertson has, to affirm, promote, and excuse sexual sins high -handedly, unrepentantly, and with no end in sight, these people are clearly not doing the will of the
Father. So I will say it again, with the evidence to back it up. Brandon Robertson is most definitely not a
Christian, and he is not our brother in Christ. But we pray someday he will be. Let's earnestly pray that the
Lord would change his heart and would save him. Now moving forward, knowing what we know, let's watch that video once more.
Please stop telling me I'm not a Christian. Honestly, that's not a very Christian thing to do.
The only one I owe explaining is the one who did the saving. So thank the Lord that it's not up to you.
So Brandon says, through this song, please stop saying I'm not a Christian. Honestly, that's not a very
Christian thing to do. Unfortunately, this just demonstrates even further how shallow
Brandon's understanding of God's Word is. How on earth can you make the case that calling someone an unbeliever is unbiblical, when the
Bible does it all the time? Jude 1 .4, for instance, says, For certain people have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our
God into sensuality, and deny our Master and Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible clearly says that there will be people, who call themselves
Christians even, who creep into the Church and teach immorality and sensuality, just as Brandon Robertson does.
The Word of God labels him clearly as a false Christian who is damaging the Church. Romans 16 .17
says, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught.
Avoid them. So not only are we told that there are going to be false Christians damaging the Church's holiness and doctrine, but we're also told to publicly mark them and avoid them.
So again, with this in mind, it is incredibly naive to say that calling someone a non -Christian is not a very
Christian thing to do. In fact, telling someone who is deceived that they are in fact deceived is the most
Christian thing you could do under the circumstances, of course depending on how you say it. That would be obedience to the
Scriptures, which I've quoted here. Now make sure you understand that I am not saying you should call everyone you disagree with a non -Christian, a heretic, willy -nilly all over the place.
That truly would be an un -Christian thing to do if it lacked discernment in that way. I am saying, however, that if there is someone who you cannot classify as a
Christian by the standard of Scripture, not by your own opinions, then frankly, you shouldn't classify them as a
Christian. In fact, it would be sinful lying if you did call them a Christian. The next part of the song
Brandon uses is, quote, The only one I owe explaining is the one who did the saving, so thank the
Lord that it's not up to you, end quote. My response to this would be, be careful what you wish for, sir.
The statement being made here is in a way that would dismiss the accusations against those like Brandon and others like him who are not
Christians. You are not the one who does the saving, you are not the ultimate judge, so I don't owe you any explanation for my salvation, lifestyle, doctrine, etc.
But I don't think this is going to work out the way they think it will. You see, the problem is that to a certain extent, they're actually correct.
At the end of it all, Brandon will owe an explanation to God, not to all of us. Have you ever wondered how you're supposed to deal with these kinds of questions, though, guys?
If you've ever been in a conversation with someone who is actively denying God's Word, rejecting it, and living in rebellion, they may say something like this to you.
This is very important, guys. People will say stuff like this all the time. It's none of your business. Only God can judge.
The only one who makes decisions about who's saved and who's not is God, not you. The only person I owe an explanation to is
God. Well, Romans 14, 12 says this, quote, So then each of us will give an account of himself to God, end quote.
So that's true enough. We will give an account to the Lord. But the way you respond to this kind of argument when offered by progressive
Christians and others like them is to simply say, yes, you will have to give an account to God.
Ultimately, it is Him who you are accountable to, not me. But then you need to simply add something like this.
But what standard is God going to hold you accountable to, then? You said that only God can judge. So by what standard do you believe
God will judge you? The Word rightly says that everyone will give an account to God. That's true. But what exactly will you be accountable for when giving that account?
Ask them these questions and put the ball in their court. Nine times out of ten, they won't have a clue what to say.
Because they've never actually thought these things through biblically. Because really, their only goal was to excuse their sin.
And when that happens, lovingly yet firmly tell them it is God's revealed Word that you will be held accountable to.
Psalm 119 verse 11 says, quote, I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
You see, when the worldview that these people have inevitably folds like a cheap suit, you need to have Scripture memorized to demonstrate your perspective.
When they say, well, it's not up to you who gets saved. You can say, you're correct. Human beings do not decide who gets saved and who doesn't.
But by what standard does God decide who gets saved? And again, they'll probably have no good answer.
In John 14, 15, Jesus says this, quote, If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
End quote. In the final judgment, you will be held accountable to the judgments and commandments of God's Word.
God is the only one who decides who gets saved, and he will decide that on the basis of those who fulfilled his commandments, those who have been made righteous.
And then the person who's talking to you might say something like, but you're not perfect. You haven't fulfilled all of his commandments perfectly either.
And this is the perfect time to share the gospel with them. You can say, you're correct. I'm a sinner.
And if I was judged according to the law of God, on the basis of my actions alone, I would come up guilty on all counts.
I would be in hell. And that is why I rely on Christ and believe in him alone for my salvation.
He has freed me from my sin by fulfilling the law perfectly in himself. And now in the final judgment,
I will be pardoned as though I fulfilled the law through Christ, and I will be welcomed into his kingdom.
Do you see how all of this involves the gospel? All of this involves the lordship of Jesus Christ. This is not a small matter at all.
The video may have seemed like a trifle to you, like an irrelevant little song, but it's not. Fundamentally, it is one of the biggest examples today we have of rebelling against the standard of God and refusing to be held accountable by him.
The mark of those who follow Jesus is that they know they have broken his commandments. They accept
Christ's fulfillment of his commandments in their stead, knowing that they need a savior. And now they live their lives by the power of the
Spirit, trying again to fulfill his commandments as much as they can for his glory. And this time they have a new master, a new heart, and a new hope.
So yes, God is the judge. And God is the ultimate decision maker. But that is not an excuse to ignore his commandments.
Rather, that is the reason you are bound to his commandments. You cannot separate God's sovereign judgment from his righteous judgments.
These people want it both ways. They will tell you up and down all day long till they're blue in the face, only
God can judge me. But they will never quote a passage like Psalm 711 which says, quote, God is a righteous judge and a
God who feels indignation every day, end quote. You see, they want God to be the only judge, yet they do not want his holy judgment.
And you cannot pick and choose, though. You must accept both or none. And until Brandon Robertson and others like him see this truth, as long as they're singing songs like this, they will be lost and without hope, stuck in their sins, stuck in their trespasses.
That would be a sad place to be. So let's pray for Brandon that he would repent and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.