Speaking Evil of One Another



We're going to read the whole chapter, chapter 4, it's only 17 verses, so starting in verse 1, James chapter 4.
What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust and do not have, so you commit murder.
You are envious and you cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.
You do not have because you do not ask, and you ask and you do not receive because when you do ask, you ask with wrong motives, so that you would spend it on your own pleasures.
You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility towards God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God, or do you think that the scripture speaks to no purpose? He jealously desires the spirit which he has made to dwell in us, but he gives a greater grace.
Therefore, it says, God is opposed to the proud, but he gives grace to the humble.
Submit therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
Cleanse your hands, you sinners, purify your hearts, you double-minded, be miserable and mourn and weep, and let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy into gloom.
Those are encouraging words.
Now humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and he will exalt you.
And do not speak evil against one another, brethren.
He who speaks evil against a brother or judges his brother speaks against the law, and he judges the law.
But if you judge the law, you are a doer of the law, but you are not, I'm sorry, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it.
There is only one lawgiver and one judge, the one who is able to save and the one who is able to destroy, but who are you to judge your neighbor? Come now, you who say, today, tomorrow, we will go to such and such a city and spend a year there and engage in a business and make a profit, yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow, for you are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Instead, you ought to say, if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or do that.
But if it is, you boast in your own arrogance.
All such boasting is evil.
Therefore, to one who knows to do right, the things to do, and he does not do it, to him, it is sin.
As we've been going through these one and others, so far, does anybody remember how many that we have gone through that deal with the tongue? This is in the pages of Holy Scripture.
How many have we done so far that deal with the tongue? Anybody got their list? List, list, list, list, list, okay.
Hey, does anybody's translation say slander in this one, in verse 11? What does yours say, Mike? Speaking evil of his brother.
Speaking evil.
Anybody say slander? Okay.
No? Okay.
Bite and devour.
What else? These are negatives, so do not lie one another.
Any more? Well, the good majority of the ones we are dealing with in this text are actually in that whole chapter deal with things that come out of our mouth.
And he says, and we're going to focus on verse 11 specifically, but he says, do not speak evil against one another.
What does it mean to speak evil against someone? Or to speak against someone? It certainly could be these things, right? What else? All right.
This specific thing, it says to judge a brother.
To judge.
Remember, that was one that we also did.
Do not judge one another.
So what does it mean to judge? Y'all must be sleepy.
Call a brother into judgment.
What does it mean? Does it mean don't make a discerning act? Did you raise your hand? Or did you put your glasses on? I say to say, you...
What does it mean to judge someone? Are we to make judgments? All right.
So there is a type of judgment to make and a type of judgment not to make.
Is that correct? False.
All right.
What's a false judgment? Accusation is not true.
This actually could be two ways.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry.
False accusation.
Right? That what you said? Accusation.
False accusation could bring condemnation, but what other type of judgment? Can we make a discerning judgment towards someone without sitting against them? Yeah.
Based on the truth.
Based on the truth.
I would say, yeah.
But we also can at the same time bring condemnation on somebody on the truth too.
So what? Not to...
So we can't.
If we speak to someone down to someone in such a way as the Pharisees did.
A lot of times what the Pharisees were saying was true.
Remember what Jesus said? Hey, don't do what they do.
Do what they what? Say.
So what they were saying was true.
But how did they conduct themselves as being, quote, leaders, the religious leaders of the time? How did they talk to the people? Down.
So there is a type of truth that we can speak to someone that could be condemning them.
What type of judgment can we make to someone that's a discerning judgment? You can warn someone.
Yeah, I'll just tell you.
I'd make it easy.
If you've ever stole something, you've been caught with embezzlement, you're not helping with the church books here.
That's easy.
That's a discerning.
That's making a judgment, right? We're saying hey, we're gonna as the standing before God on the day of judgment give account how we spend our money We're not knowingly gonna let somebody who embezzled money from somewhere else go Hey, we want you to keep our books for us and have access to the bank account Okay.
All right.
What other kind of judgments can we make? Sure Yeah, that's exactly what Jesus said in John chapter 7 he says when you make a judgment you make a righteous judgment So we're going and that's exactly this Texas fix to talk about.
So if we make a judgment, what's the standard? God's Word Specifically in this context It's the law of God or under the New Covenant.
It would be All of Christ and y'all see that I know I'm going lower It would be the law of Christ if I know the difference between the law of God the law of Christ from the Old New Covenant.
I Know you do Don't everybody speak all at one time What's the difference between the law of God and the law of Christ? There is a distinction that's made in Scripture The law of God was that which was given under the Old Covenant Once Christ come when I do this, I will explain this Goes away as being a covenant Now we go to the law of Christ because Christ fulfilled all of the Mosaic law Understand anybody not following me understand not understand There there is a distinction Between the law of God and the law of Christ in the sense that the law that God gave Moses a better way It's a be the law of Moses and the law of Christ.
It says through cry Through the law, but through Moses came what? The law and death brought and ensure the law ever had the ability to give life.
Let me ask you that What did it do? All I did was kill.
Yep All you had to do is just look at the sacrificial system Constantly killing stuff because the law required that but it says that grace and truth came through Jesus Christ So the law that Christ fulfilled now, we follow the law of Christ now are some of the laws of Moses In have continuity with the law of Moses well, most certainly specifically here We'll use this one just don't lie what the Mosaic law say Do not bear false witness that's making a judgment on someone if you bear John Madden and we're gonna go here Under the law of Moses What did it mean to bear false witness and it's context remember we want to know what it means We have to know what was intentional To its original author bear all witness.
What does it mean to bear false witness? That's true in the court of law Specifically that is true.
It is say it's a lie and I know a lot of times we go Hey, we see it.
We need to take advantage and we go.
Hey that one's do not lie Yes, but not in its immediate context given the law of Moses Bearing false witness had to do with going before the assembly and me saying I think we went over this when we did the do not Lie me saying something mommy you get your closest To saying something wrong about Mike.
Okay, we get together to two witnesses Me and Dan get together and say he was picking up sticks on the Sabbath Yeah So we go before under the law of Moses we take Mike and say hey he was picking up sticks He says okay You two grab two rocks and we got to be the first one to put the bricks to his cranium.
Okay That's but let let's say When what we bared false witness against him and he wasn't picking up sticks What was supposed to happen to me and Dan under the Mosaic law if we lied about him What I the death penalty that was supposed to been imposed on Mike for breaking the Sabbath Now the assembly Beginning with you cracks us in the head with the first rock So bearing false witness had to do with the court of law.
Well once that the law of Moses Somebody clear in their throat to say something Once Jesus came He fulfilled the law of Moses.
It's no longer bearing false witness in the court of law, although we shouldn't do that We should not speak against I'm all right around another Not speak falsely against one another Now should we lie in the court of law against someone? No, but the Mosaic law is done therefore that law under the Do not bear false witness under the Mosaic Covenant is gone and was James a Jew The guy that wrote this book was he a Jew Yes, he was who was he Jesus half-brother, I would believe he's Jewish okay, and he uses a Number of things in here that we begin to be at the beginning where he points back to the Mosaic law What does he say here? He says What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you is It not the source for your pleasures that wage war and your members You lust and do not have what does it mean to lust so now James is doing what Jesus did when the law said Do not covet he says now Great word can be the same Epimathia, they do not lust it says do not covet your neighbor's wife his cattle his oxen Man servant maidservant, whatever.
Does that not sound very consistent with hey, don't lust after another man's wife.
Don't lust after another man's Cattle his junk.
Yeah So he says here You lust and do not have and then what does he say in verse 2? You do what? you murder and this is He's really hitting home with the law, isn't he and then he goes on and he says you commit murder and then he says You're envious.
Well, what's envious? Same thing as coveting means that he's really driving home the continuity now that Christ has come Hey the law of modes that the covenant of Moses is gone But Jesus has inaugurated a new a new law and that law has some Consistencies with the Old Covenant and it's that which is a standard of morality which says do not lie Do not steal do not commit adultery.
Do not covet.
That's what he is saying here and In doing so, all right, do our when we have When we lust and we commit murder, where do those things begin first first begin within our heart does it not? Then what do we start doing immediately? Kick-kick-kick-kick Yeah, we slander we may not When he said do not devour bite and devour one another When we did that one didn't really mean that they were Doing like us like I like to watch you remember I like to watch the National Geographic where a little Womp, you know Llama or something's running across the way and the tiger or like of that wipes the legs out from underneath Okay, is that what he meant we were not to do to one another no, what does he mean by biting devour one another? Words And how do we do that with our tongue hey if you just go back just what's that one chapter Yeah, we go back one chapter This is nothing but that he sets up what what he is going to say in 4 verse 11 in the previous Chapter by talking about that which is his is the big problem for man And it's his tongue back in verse for chapter 3 verse 20 says let not many of you become teachers my brother knowing they will Incur a stricter judgment, okay If you're gonna incur a stricter judgment, and you're a teacher Howard.
How is that gonna? transpire By opening your mouth and using your tongue, right? So there's a sin against it by using the mouth right here that has to deal with the tongue So he is already saying hey the tongue can cause you a problem if you're a teacher because you're gonna have a stricter judgment He says for we all stumble in many ways if anyone does not stumble and what he says he is a perfect man and able to bridle his whole body as well now if We put the bits in the horse's mouth so that they will obey us We do we direct their entire body as well understand what that means you may ever wrote a horse you put a bridle in its mouth and you Pull You pull one way or the other where's the horse's head go? Yeah, like a steering wheel.
He's gonna go on he's gonna use something else here.
He says and look at ships Also Though they are great and are driven by strong winds and are still directed by a very small rudder Wherever the inclination of the pilot desires you ever seen a gigantic sailboat.
Have you ever seen what's on the bottom of it? There's a little old on The bottom of just a little old fin and that's what obviously the mass they can trick to guide it But when there's no wind to blow at the direction There's a little rudder on the bottom that they can turn and that little old tiny piece of wood or fiberglass Wherever it's made by now it turns that whole boat Well, here's what he says here are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires So also the tongue is small as a small part of the body Yet it boasts of great things see how great a Forest is set aflame by such a small fire and the tongue is a fire in a very world of iniquity and the tongue is said among our members as that which defiles the entire body and sets afire the course of our life and set on fire by hell for every species and beast of birds and reptiles and creatures of all the sea is tamed and Has been tamed by the human race, but no one can tame the tongue It is a restless evil full of deadly poison and with it We bless our Lord and Father God and with it We curse men who have been made in the likeness of God From the same mouth both blessing and cursing my brethren these things ought not to be that way You see what he is saying that our mouth our tongue Can cause great sin to one another and it causes great sin to one another by judging one another Speaking evil against one another by slandering one another by biting and devouring one another by causing division by lying By coveting someone else's junk as we said Lusting after somebody else's stuff and then we murder with our tongue whether it's somebody's We murder with our tongue somebody's character, can we not slay someone's character with our tongue how You can speak the truth you can speak the truth in love you sure can that's what I think that is the The biggest fallout as far as speaking the truth within the community of believers is Speaking the truth and love Hey, we can say the truth, but is it said in love now? I'll even say I'll go so far as even to say there are times that we speak the truth and we are trying to convey That or speaking it in love But did our hearer Take it that way that's where we as Christians brothers and sisters have to be very careful Man be a chainsaw to a blade of grass and shouldn't be that way So we need to make sure when we do speak the truth in love that that that that we're conveying love to that person as They understand that what we're saying is because we care not because we're trying to be as the Pharisees were to be condemning So when it says that the that the tongue it can't be tamed Can our tongue really be tamed? I can the thought captive if we take the thought captive that certainly would slow down what comes out of our mouth because This don't do it on its own It starts here.
So that is that's good.
That's right.
We could we could Transform our mind by the renewing of money.
We renew our mind by the power of the scripture, right? We read the word put that in so that what comes out of our mouth We have an opportunity to bring those thoughts into captivity obedience the Lord Jesus Christ before we say it That's what we should do.
How else? Oh, yeah Sure and do we When we all got saved and we all Know exactly how to speak Did we? Did I baby? I did not I did not That's part of the fruit of the Spirit Temperance patience and how does that come that's something that's a fruit of the Spirit that has to be honed It has to be pruned it has to be in an order for that that fruit to be pruned What has to happen old stuff's got to be cut off so that it can be so if we want to cultivate Temperance self-control.
How are we going to do that? We have to put things in place that we think before we speak and is what I'm saying I'm going to bring honor and glory to Christ first and foremost is what I'm going to say Gonna honor the Lord and is it going to be edifying to my brother or sister in Christ? I think we forget that part more more than anything What we're supposed to say is to edify and build up is it not? And if it says we've done I think one of the ones we've done is to encourage and to exhort one another How do we do that? By opening our mouth by using our tongue You see I mean a good bit of these one another's has to do not just with physical the actual acts But has to do with our mouths Says we're to teach one another God's Word.
Well, how do you do that by opening your mouth and using your tongue? And it says here that how great a and then we'll get back to chapter 4 in a second.
He says the end of verse 5 he says see how great such a Forest can set aflame such a small fire and a tongue is a fire in a very world of iniquity the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body and sets on fire the course of our life and Is set on fire by hell You understand that the words that come out of our mouth once they come out You can't retrieve them I Was gonna say a cork tube, but no, that's uh, you can always put the cap back on a Of Toothpaste you're not putting a cap on a cork tube.
Once it comes out.
It just sort of keep oozing, you know, so Once that word goes out, that's what it's saying here.
Hey once you say something and It's harmful and hurtful You can't retrieve it like Gary said that's why we need to bring every thought captive to the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ and think before we speak Hey this forgive and forget garbage is just not true.
Okay, that is some Oprah Winfrey Deepak Chopra baloney.
It said dr.
Phil crap Okay, it's just not it's not true There's no such thing as sinning against someone and forgetting There's no way He does not forget he cast as far as the east is from the west and he never Holds it against us again.
Can God forget? No, he can't God knows all things But in the context of what he's talking about He cast him as far as the east is from the west to never be used against you again Now we did the forgiveness now that is true when we forgive someone that is how we should forgive We should forgive someone in such a way that I'm that once we forgive that person and that can be difficult We went through all that We're not going to use it as a point of contention, right? Let's say you have Somebody speaks evil against you.
They lie about you.
They come to you.
They seek forgiveness.
Okay It could be a very grievous Reputational sin that damaged you there may be some counseling involved you do realize Forgiveness may be granted Okay, but you realize you still have to work through that.
So that means some of that stuff.
It's gonna have to be talked about That doesn't mean it's never talked about again It means it's never brought up for a point of contention or hostility again, and that can be difficult that can be difficult says the human the human tongue is a There's a weapon here basically what he says a deadly poison out of it comes blessing and cursing It is amazing how we can in the one moment say Oh bless the Lord Oh my soul all that is within me bless his holy name and then we turn right around and our brother and we Stick him right in the back Isn't it? No, is it true? That is what we do I'm saying that's our consistent pattern of life.
I'm just saying that is how we act.
That's what he said It ought not be that way But that is what it is a good bit of the time So he goes on he continues on dealing with hypocrisy hypocrisy has to do with words And you get back into James chapter 4 and he says do not speak evil and goes on to verse 11 So do not speak evil against one another brethren for he who speaks against his brother or judges His brother speaks against the law and judges the law But if you judge the law you are no longer a doer of the law but a judge you understand when you make a judgment and a Act of condemnation with the mouth to your brother or sister in Christ.
You have just set yourself up to be God That's what you've done I didn't say it it said it right there we don't see it that way We make a judgment on someone who can judge Only God now, I understand we got tattoos and stickers only God can judge me people don't really understand what that means In other words, they want you to just hey, you just don't tell me about my lifestyle That's what they're wanting you to do But there is only one person that can judge and there's only one person that does judge and that's God But he has given us a standard by which we should hold one another accountable and it's in the Holy Pages of Scripture and When we judge one another and we have condemnation we are no longer a doer of the law it says we now become a judge of it and we become the standard of how we're gonna say what's right and wrong and He says it should not be this way Says in verse 12 that there is only one lawgiver and one judge and what does it say that one? That one lawgiver one judge is able to do save and to destroy That should that right there should be enough for us to go You know what? I should really be careful of how I speak against someone Because God's the one hey God does have the right when we speak evil against someone And he should but by his grace he does not oh, yeah Yep, that's right All right, any questions comments we got about ten minutes.
I Don't want to start another one because we won't finish I Think the hardest thing for us to do is think before we speak What's really bad is when we think and we articulate what we're gonna say so that we can hurt someone we go You know what? I want to if I say it this way, it'll cut more No, we do that don't wait And we get this narrative in our mind and we go man if I say it this way and then we kind of practice it out and God I'm gonna say it like this and I'll just add a little Punctuation here and a little passion when I say it there and man, that'll cut them Bible says it should not be that way Yep That Is what we all lack is wisdom Wisdom what is wisdom? Certainly is but we can think like God even if we thought like God we can have the truth of God, which we do have Right, we do have but if that truth if that wisdom and truth is not applied.
That's a dumb individual Wisdom what is wisdom? It's the truth of God applied Hey Solomon was the wisest man to ever live was he not but how much of his wisdom was actually applied? I mean We know that he wasn't real smart to build the ashtoreths and all the idolatry temples for his wives And what did God say in the mosaic law don't take a bunch of lives because what are they going to do? They're gonna pull your heart away from the true and living God So did we did did he take the wisdom that God had applied a given him? Did he use it and apply it? No, he didn't at least not in that area of his life You know were there times that you know Solomon had Had times of great wisdom and use great judgment and ruling the kingdom Yeah, but man there was a time where he it looked like he was heading this way read the book Ecclesiastes He gets to the end and says hey at the end of it All of it is is to is to love the Lord God and serve him for your days or nothing, but a favor Here today and gone tomorrow Yeah Speaking of wisdom people with wisdom, you know, if you if you go to the Old Testament and you read The person with the most applied wisdom was probably Daniel we don't see any character quote flawless Daniel Daniel took the the wisdom that God had gave and the revelation that God had gave him and he applied it and he did it with with boldness and without hesitation And he constantly called those into account which were which were opposing God so anything else So explain We're under grace sure explain I'm saying the Old Testament law is no longer a binding covenant, but we still but we still follow I Mean, I mean Simplistically, let me say it's in Commandments.
I mean we still follow the Ten Commandments We look at the Ten Commandments and see principles there that we can pull out and use that are applicable But is the Ten Commandments a covenant anymore? They can't save and then you some of those you have to change what the Sabbath means You have to change what bearing false witness means You know, I understand and I know it's difficult because we go Oh, well, the Ten Commandments are a standard of morality and they're in our courthouses and all that but just let you know That's civil religion.
That's in our courthouse.
They don't care nothing about that The the Mosaic Covenant i.e the ten words the Ten Commandments were foundational for all of the other 613 commands and prohibitions that came into in the in the Mosaic legislation Does not mean that they're irrelevant.
So if you're that's what you're hearing.
That's not what I'm saying.
Okay, I'm not saying that Ten Commandments are irrelevant.
I'm just saying they're no longer binding covenant.
Should we should we Bow down and worship graven images No, and where do we see that in under the New Covenant? Don't worship idols What is he what does Paul say abandon idolatry? Okay What about Honor your mother and father Should we honor our mother and father? Yes, we should honor our mother and father It's even said that in the new under the New Covenant should we Should we under the Mosaic legislation and under the the Ten Commandments under the under the Sabbath Can is it Saturday or Sunday? Which one is it? See it was on Saturday So technically speaking we'd be worshiping on the wrong day It's still in force and then you get into the whole I don't have time to get into all that But then you get into the Christian Sabbath, which is just a hermeneutical hopscotch to change the day Can't go such thing as a Christian Sabbath you can say what you want The Sabbath is on Saturday.
The Lord's Day is on Sunday and we worship on the Lord's Day on Sunday because that's the day that Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave a every day should be every Sunday should be Easter Sunday That's why we come and worship on Sunday But the Saturday, you know, if somebody wants to worship on the Sabbath and they want to keep the They want to try to keep the Mosaic legislation as an act of worship I'm not gonna say they're wrong.
Okay, if they have that conviction we actually when We planted that church.
We were We were renting Beth Israel's synagogue on Sunday because they worship they were Messianic Jewish community They worshipped on Sunday.
So we rented their sanctuary on on Sunday You know, I mean I had conversations with one of the rabbi dudes over there and he said no we're not doing it thinking We're better.
We're doing it because this is the way Jesus did it I says what what about the Lord's Day and he said this is just the way that we Seen deem it right to worship.
I said so you think we're wrong for worshiping on Sunday And he said no, that's why I left it because if he would have said yes Well, then he has set up a standard of his own righteousness But they worship on Messianic Jews worship on Sunday because they want to still kind of hold to the heritage of the Jewish culture That helper make it more confusing Yeah, but If you say if you heard if what you heard by any stretch of the imaginations I said that the Ten Commandments are irrelevant.
I did not say that They are okay, there's principles Hey it when Paul says all scripture is profitable for doctrine for reproved from correction instruction righteousness What what with all the scriptures at the time the Old Testament, so what did Paul have to go around and do? He was teaching the Old Testament So when he if we were let's say we were going to teach through the Mosaic legislation We would look for principles as we taught through that.
First of all, we would teach it in its historical context What did this mean to the original? Intention of the authors.
I mean from the author to the audience.
It was written to then we go.
Is this even applicable today? I mean how many of us are gonna have a disagreement on some land or try to do it and take off our shoe and throw It y'all remember that I mean, are we gonna do that? How many in here got concubines? How many want concubines don't raise your hand? You See what I mean? So there's laws that were in the Mosaic legislation that were because of the culture He was doing things to protect them What about the left or right? Law, you know my brothers does I Got a raise up see to my sister-in-law do that.
I am Doesn't apply no, we're not doing it So it's that kind of stuff to where you go, okay Is the it was the Ten Commandments or all of the Mosaic legislation? Sure, yeah, they're the the tablets were in the stone that actually you know what nobody could go look at remember that They were in the Ark of the Covenant now They one dude a year went in there one day with some funny clothes on did his little thing in there and did his little Sprinkling and all that to make atonement but nobody was ever to look into the Ark of the Covenant and see the Ark, meaning what the carrying the box that can contain the Covenant.
They never saw it So that's a good point in on now that under the New Covenant God takes and what was written on stone Now writes it on our heart now.
Does that mean we we know it exhaustively? Well, no, but we do we know this we do not lie.
We do not steal.
We do not commit adultery We don't covet I mean, but those are things that are consistent with natural law natural law meaning what God wrote on the unconverted's heart when they were born All right, Mike you'll pray us out That we would guard our lips Place a hedge around our mouth that we would not speak evil of our brother We would lift up the name of Christ that we would speak truth And we would speak that truth in love and pray Lord that he would use us as men and women of God to share the good news of Christ The salvation that we have in the finished work that he has done on for us we pray Lord that The words that brother Mike shared with us this morning.
We find in their place in our hearts pray Lord that they would not Be found as light, but they would be weighty in our minds and hearts and that we would use them or allow them to Conformance to the image of your son our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ We pray that you'd be with our brother Keith as he preaches this morning.