Jude 4-5 and Its Testimony to the Deity of Christ
I did not feel well today, but I pressed on, because I really wanted to share this study of Jude 5, CBGM, the variant in the text, and the biblical tapestry of phraseology and teaching that consistently testifies to the deity of Christ. Please get a deep seat, take some notes, and enjoy!
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- 00:27
- Well, sorry about the sound there. I already realized first thing I did wrong. There's probably gonna be a lot of them today
- 00:34
- Let me just tell you ahead of time my family and some friends have asked how you doing today and Optimistically, I'm at about four out of ten.
- 00:45
- I'd say I'm at about 40 % today When the best you can do is
- 00:51
- I've sipped a little ginger ale. I've had four saltine crackers
- 00:57
- And a lot of electrolytes That's It gives you an idea of Where we are food poisonings ugly stuff and the older you get the longer it takes you to get over it, so I'm not looking for sympathy from my critics and everything else just letting you know and I just got off the phone a few minutes ago with the kind pastor up in Ely, Minnesota I talked with the folks in Spearfish I talked with Clyde Bowman the great
- 01:29
- Milo Hudson Bueller who I was going to be meeting with on the way What we've had to do is we've we've had to cut out the middle portion of this trip.
- 01:38
- I Was going to be pushing it as it was The days were too long But it's the only way to get up there and back in time between events here in Colorado And I want to try to do it.
- 01:49
- I want to try to go north and I will try to in the future obviously It's better to go to places like Ely, Minnesota in July than it is in December January February we're in there so we will try to Work things out to be able to go up there
- 02:09
- Minimally next year we might be able to work something out to do some of the topics. We're gonna do From the from the unit here.
- 02:17
- I mean honestly in fact. I didn't talk to rich about it, but it's easier for me to do Programs Presentations webcasts from here than it is from the office in Phoenix because I've got this a temp and We need an a temp in my little studio the smaller two studios so I can control the cameras do what we did when
- 02:42
- I ran it live I'm not I'd have to learn how to hook stuff up to make that happen
- 02:50
- Maybe there could be some switches we could get that would allow me to just do it fairly easily. I don't know but Doing a presentation as we're doing presentations on biblical reliability textual criticism
- 03:01
- Canon stuff like that doing it in here is the easiest place right now for me to do that and So May work something like that out for Ely Or do it next year sort of depends on really on their internet
- 03:18
- Capabilities so my apologies to Everyone I really wasn't doing anything other than the
- 03:25
- Ely spearfish and the meeting with Clyde Because I was doing such long Long drives each day and So we're also having internet problems today, which is strange when we got to this location.
- 03:43
- We had over 300 megabits download I'm watching right now, and our cache is up to 63 percent.
- 03:49
- That's not good That means we're we're struggling. We are 5g wireless hotspot just completely failed on us.
- 03:58
- It's just not even working and so we're on Starlink right now, so worst comes to worst
- 04:07
- Especially for this presentation we will upload the clean version of it
- 04:14
- That I have right here Recording over there, and it is recording good.
- 04:19
- I will double -check that because Some people might be saying okay. You're not feeling well
- 04:26
- You're you get winded walking up the stairs right now My my I would lose a
- 04:32
- I would lose an arm wrestling match to my granddaughter Janie right now, and she's She's young So why why push it why not just do what you did all day yesterday and sleep
- 04:44
- Well that gets boring first of all but secondly There are times
- 04:51
- First of all I love doing this program. It is one a major part of our ministry is getting this type of information out to people and we love doing it that way and The cache is about to max out at a hundred percent so I'm not gonna really worry about that too much anymore.
- 05:10
- If it doesn't work. It doesn't work We'll we'll get it uploaded as soon as we possibly can I promise you that anyway
- 05:18
- Why why do this why push it when you're obviously not at a hundred percent?
- 05:25
- I've told the story before that when I was writing the Forgotten Trinity and I was dealing with the chapter that identifies
- 05:35
- Texts and I could expand this chapter a good bit And I would expand this chapter a good bit if we did a third edition of the
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- Forgotten Trinity I think it would be one of the more important things I could do I Was looking at the
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- Isaiah 6 John 12 41 set of passages that identify
- 06:00
- Jesus as Yahweh and Again I no one ever taught us to do this taught me to do this
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- But I felt like the the way to make that the strongest presentation Was to read what the strongest arguments were on the other side.
- 06:20
- That's That's how we dealt with Mormonism that's one of the reasons we were always going to the LDS bookstore in Salt Lake City and buying the newest books and and all that kind of stuff
- 06:32
- And so I read Greg Stafford's argumentation in his book defending
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- Jehovah's Witnesses, and he eventually left Jehovah's Witnesses, but I left I read his presentation and I mentioned on the last program what his argumentation was and that is that in John 12 you have citations from both
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- Isaiah 53 the Suffering servant passage as well as Isaiah chapter 6 And that he tried to make the connection to the
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- Isaiah 53 passage So that you could try to break the connection to Isaiah 6
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- It's really not possible to do but that's that's what he did and in the process of analyzing his argumentation
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- That's when I discovered I had not I suppose there's Commentary someplace, but none of the commentaries that I had was this mentioned.
- 07:28
- I Discovered the textual variant in the Greek Septuagint To The the reading saw his glory in Isaiah 6 and so It was in listening to the other side
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- It was in listening to what they had to say that I discovered a much deeper
- 07:57
- More Full Understanding of the truth and a defense of the truth. So what happened before I Got food poisoning
- 08:07
- What happened was a friend of mine who I will not mention Simply because he sends me a lot of stuff from people some of whom might block him if they knew that he sends me information
- 08:21
- He doesn't interact with a lot of folks all the time and so he gets to read people that otherwise
- 08:28
- Would block people Sent me a fairly recent article from Dale Tuggy.
- 08:35
- And of course we are taking on Dale Tuggy We are looking at Dale Tuggy's Arguments and this was dated
- 08:43
- May 29th this year. So not very not very long ago It's on his
- 08:49
- Trinity's website Trinity's org Jude 5 did Jesus deliver the people out of Egypt and as soon as I saw it,
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- I'm like, oh cool Why because here's an opportunity to do two things at once to respond to Dale Tuggy and to deal with Jude 5 and CBGM now a
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- Few years ago. I was working. I was in a doctoral program at Northwest University in Patrasum, South Africa.
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- I Was pursuing that study specifically focused on p45 because my doctor
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- Votter there was a student of Bruce Bruce Metzger and Graduated from Princeton with a
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- PhD in textual criticism in 1974 Unfortunately, my doctor Votter had a major heart attack
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- Shortly into the kovat period and Had to retire and that's why I haven't been able to pursue that work down there and now
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- Wouldn't have any chances to be going down there. Anyway Bit as it may
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- That was when I was forced to be introduced to CBGM coherence based genealogical method coherence based genealogical method
- 10:12
- So CBGM is a new tool
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- That is being utilized by the Institute for New Testament manuscripts of research.
- 10:23
- So on so forth that Munster everybody just calls it Munster and Which I got to visit in 2019 and It is the primary driving force in all the changes
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- That have been introduced into what's called the ECM stick with me here. There's a reason to Some people say you just talk about stuff that goes over people's heads
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- Most of times when something goes over someone's heads, it's totally due to terminology. It's that's all it is so ECM is the additio critical mayor, which is the massive will be the massive
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- Critical edition the Greek New Testament many many volumes Many many volumes
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- Most of the books are at least two volumes some three or four and it's not anywhere near done.
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- They've got Mark Acts And the Catholic epistles they've sort of fallen behind. I Think I think
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- Cove it impacted things like that. Unfortunately, I was hoping that John would be out by now
- 11:34
- But but it's not and they've got Mark Acts and the Catholic epistles Anyway, it is it involves one of the largest
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- Collations of Manuscripts ever done collations that is comparing the readings of manuscripts to one another and That in of itself
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- For some Christians is troubling It shouldn't be it is a good thing.
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- It's a positive thing. It's something that needs to be happening while we have peace It's not something that happens during times of war and the more information we have on the
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- New Testament the better and So there are I could show you
- 12:24
- I won't right now I want to get into the presentation but The modules for acts and mark are online and they keep making changes to them
- 12:34
- Which is fine, you know They add features and things like that and then you have to go back and read through the PDFs and learn how to use the whole thing all over again but that's okay and the general pistols
- 12:47
- Catholic epistles Very old old much older technology But I wish they'd get they bring that up to and make it consistent with Mark and acts
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- Eventually, I'm sure once the whole thing's done. There will be a single interface That will allow you to study textual variants using
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- CB GM a CB GM is a It's been a long time since I mentioned this.
- 13:13
- I'm not gonna go in depth in it You can if you just look up CB GM in the previous
- 13:20
- Dividing lines you can pull up where I have gone through some of the basics some of the very very basics it is
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- It's a black box to a lot of people it is not we're just gonna let the computers figure this out, but everyone knew
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- That at some point in time we would use Computers to help us in analyzing the manuscripts you have
- 13:46
- You know just under 6 ,000 fragments of the New Testament in Greek 20 ,000
- 13:51
- Latin put them all together With other languages Coptic Sahitic Boheric We're not even talking here about the early church fathers, even though that can be added in at some point in the future and probably will be but CB GM Was the brainchild of some brilliant?
- 14:12
- Germans don't hold that against them. Please. I know some really brilliant Germans Which is why it has a horrible name
- 14:19
- Because Germans can't name anything in a they just slam words together
- 14:25
- It just gets longer and longer and longer and that's just it's a German thing. I Love you guys but Basically, what it's what it is doing.
- 14:37
- Is it saying look we've lost a lot of manuscripts to history and so there are a lot of gaps putting together a
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- Genealogy for any one manuscript is next to impossible The best way that we can
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- We can do this is by looking at not just the major variants
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- Because a lot of us who spent a lot of time just reading textual material and studying textual material you can start getting an idea of the the flavor of a particular manuscript and That's really what developed into what are called families the
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- Byzantine Alexandrian Caesarean stuff like that older terminology now
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- CB GM has challenged a lot of them and You can start getting idea that oh, yeah, you know
- 15:33
- Sinaiticus Vaticanus, you know they happen to agree with a lot of the papyri on these certain readings and but what you can't do as a human being is
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- Track every reading of Every manuscript in comparison to every other manuscript.
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- It's just too many data points computer scan and Hence CB GM is based upon two different kinds of recalled coherence.
- 16:06
- So so if you have two manuscripts of Let's just use a small book first John and They only have say five differences one difference per chapter between them they have a
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- Massively high coherence. They are closely related. And so there is what's called
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- Pre -genealogical coherence and post genealogical and so the the pre genealogical coherence is just you put the numbers in the computer and How often do these agree and disagree and when you look at the variants
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- Of from other manuscripts, how often do these two agree against other?
- 16:53
- Manuscripts not just it's not just what's the percentage of agreement of all manuscripts though.
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- We now have much better Information about that than we ever had before And you can demonstrate that the
- 17:06
- New Testament manuscript tradition is astonishingly accurate and The idea that it's some kind of mishmash of All sorts of people trying to make all sorts of changes just the computers say no, that's not really what happened
- 17:23
- So so the pre genealogical coherence is just sort of the the bulk number as Far as agreements and disagreements between two manuscripts
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- When you get into what's called genealogical coherence, this is where you have a subjective element and the subjective element is if You look at a variant
- 17:46
- For most variants, it's actually very easy To go this reading came from that read this reading caused that reading to come about and What they've done is and this is where Editors have had to do this humans do this is
- 18:06
- They have for example, you can bring up Sinaiticus and Vaticanus in the CBGM databases for Mark and Acts and you can get a number you can get a pre genealogical coherence number and then you get a genealogical coherence number which is based upon what's called text flow and that is the decisions of Editors as to which way the text
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- Was going and so, you know 60 % of the time I think it's around that.
- 18:38
- I didn't bring it up, but Memory memory serves me which in my current state may not 60 60 % of the time
- 18:50
- I think they say that Vaticanus contains a reading that is prior to that of Sinaiticus so that gives you an idea of Of the relationship of the manuscripts as far as where they are in the textual flow and I Again in the past I have done entire programs when
- 19:17
- I was specifically working on this. I haven't stopped working on it, but Not doing what
- 19:23
- I was doing once It's it's wonderful technology. I have questions about it
- 19:29
- My doctor Votter had questions about it and one of the things I wanted to do was use manuscript p45 which is a unique Manuscript from around 220
- 19:42
- It's unique because it contains portions of Matthew Mark Luke John and Acts. The only one we have had
- 19:50
- Those books together not in the same order. By the way, it was in the Western order not in the order we have today Anyway, I wanted to use p45 to analyze
- 20:03
- The application of CBGM to the papyri and that that's an area that I would still love to do that work
- 20:12
- I'll be honest with you the changes in the world since 2020 has made it less it would be something that would be very beneficial down the road and and maybe it might still be able to be done, but There are other pressing issues on the church today
- 20:29
- Well, we'll see if future generations get to that type of thing but that was what I was working on and so I spent a lot of time in CBGM and utilizing the
- 20:37
- CBGM materials and So all of that 20 minutes to say to you that Jude 5 is one of the key texts
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- That I use to explain to people how CBGM has impacted their
- 21:03
- New Testament already. So let me show you here here is
- 21:10
- Jude 5 and The key issue is right here
- 21:16
- This is the LSB. I want to remind you though You know all things that Jesus having once saved a people of the land of Egypt subsequently destroyed those who did not believe now the
- 21:28
- New American Standard The New American Standard has not followed
- 21:39
- CBGM at this point the Nessie Olin 28th edition, which is the current edition of the
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- Nessie Olin text Changed From Kurios to Yesus.
- 21:50
- Now again you go back to NA 27 The textual variant was listed there, but the editors chose
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- Lord over Jesus 28 they put Jesus the main text and Lord in the footnotes.
- 22:02
- The reason for that is That when you look at the manuscripts that have the reading
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- Jesus They have a higher coherence Than the manuscripts that say
- 22:16
- Lord, what does that mean? When you look at the manuscripts in CBGM and the
- 22:22
- CBGM databases when you look at the manuscripts that say Jesus They have a higher rate of agreement
- 22:30
- With the other manuscripts that say Jesus, which means they are close more closely related to one
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- There hasn't been a disruption in the transmission of the text the manuscripts that say
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- Kurios often have their closest relative in the coherence realm
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- Says Jesus not Kurios so there's been a disruption in the transmission of the text at that point between those manuscripts and as a result even though it was always clear that Jesus had a very early and Strong attestation in the manuscripts now you have the added
- 23:12
- Analysis of a higher coherence. It's actually a pre genealogical coherence in this case
- 23:20
- Amongst the manuscripts to say Jesus rather than those that say Lord and as a result the na28 put
- 23:25
- Jesus and the LSB follows that which I agree with and so We were expecting
- 23:33
- John and Matthew At least last year to come out in the
- 23:38
- ECM To my knowledge. I haven't come out yet. I check every few months. I would
- 23:43
- I would assume that given the feeds I follow in Facebook and Twitter that I would know when they come out and when they'll be available
- 23:56
- But this is the ongoing work that will produce the ECM and Then my my guess would be that as soon as the whole
- 24:04
- New Testament's done and it'll be huge probably like 40 volume um
- 24:10
- Maybe more now. I think about it And it's available online, which is nice as well, which means you'll have it in accordance and logos and all that kind of stuff eventually
- 24:21
- That they'll start a revision. That's just the nature of things as more collations are done the database
- 24:29
- Expands and of course the process of scholarship is To analyze do the analysis of you know, what do we find from looking at the papyri and things like that?
- 24:41
- so That's the background of the Jude 5 and you can see why
- 24:46
- Dale Tuggy Comes the conclusion. I don't think that Jesus is he takes a few shots at the
- 24:55
- NET and he puts a picture of you know, he puts a picture of Sinaiticus with kudios
- 25:02
- Listed and that's true But you will notice Yeah Let me blow this one up and this one up here
- 25:18
- Why can't I blow you up, huh? That's odd.
- 25:24
- Why can't I increase the Size Well, you'll have to have to believe me on this one you can see
- 25:40
- In Jude 5 here is Sinaiticus and it does have kudios. That's called a gnomon sacra.
- 25:47
- It looks like KC If you can see that up there KC, that's
- 25:54
- C is the final form Sigma Kappa line over top kudios the two -letter abbreviation gnomon sacra kudios a lord but in Over here in Vaticanus which
- 26:12
- I can't blow up for you. It's I see Jesus, so it's Jesus and here in Codex Alexandrinus It it is also
- 26:24
- There it is very small right there I see Jesus So and then p72 has a very very interesting reading
- 26:34
- Where it has Hati theos Christos, it's a tri -letter gnomon sacra
- 26:41
- Cairo Sigma So it has a more interesting variant at that point God probably
- 26:47
- God even Christ would be p72 and so Dale Tuggy is is correct to say that you should never make dogmatic conclusions based upon text with major Textual variant.
- 27:08
- This is a major textual variant So I wouldn't if I was just making a simple list of verses
- 27:14
- I Would have to have an asterix I'd have to have some discussion of the textual variant
- 27:22
- Just as you at John 118 That doesn't mean these texts become irrelevant. And what happened was when my friends sent me
- 27:33
- This I said, oh cool. I'll get to talk about CB GM and and a few things like that tiny sip of ginger ale to try to But once I started digging into it
- 27:47
- I started finding more and more and that's what I wanted to share with you That's why I'm pushing myself to do this on a day when
- 27:53
- I don't feel like it physically, but I really feel like it spiritually, so I hope that this will be of use to folks
- 28:03
- In looking at this, so let me switch over to There we go let's look at the text itself for a moment and Think with me follow with me with what the textual flow here is what what is the argument?
- 28:27
- Okay Beloved while I was making every effort to write to you about our common salvation.
- 28:34
- I Felt the necessity to write to you exhorting that you contend earnestly epagonism.
- 28:41
- I It's a term there to agonize contend earnestly for the faith It's literally the once -for -all delivered to the
- 28:48
- Saints faith or for the faith, which was once for all handed down to the Saints For certain persons have crept in unnoticed
- 28:58
- Those who are long beforehand marked out for this condemnation ungodly persons who turn the grace of our
- 29:06
- God into sensuality and Deny our only master and Lord Jesus Christ Now I want to remind you though, you know all things that Jesus having once saved the people out of the land of Egypt Subsequently destroyed those who did not believe
- 29:26
- Now I think when you when you follow the flow of thought this is going to go into further warnings about false prophets and false teachers very similar to 2nd
- 29:40
- Peter and Notice Once these false teachers are introduced for certain persons have crept in unnoticed
- 29:52
- And we could spend a long time I don't have the strength Fortunately to do this, but those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation.
- 30:01
- There is Some serious theology there and in 2nd Peter There's clear parallels between Jude and 2nd
- 30:09
- Peter. There's some connection there. We don't know exactly what it was Could have been a meeting of Apostles and they said, you know
- 30:16
- You need to communicate with people that are in connection with you and I'll communicate with people because these are some of the things we need to make sure people understand
- 30:26
- But there's a There's theology there that doesn't fit well with Lot of this synergism of today
- 30:36
- Anyways, these are ungodly persons who turn the grace of our
- 30:42
- God into sensuality That sounds like the Nicolaitans That sounds like what
- 30:50
- Jesus was talking about in Revelation and Deny our only
- 30:56
- Master and Lord Jesus Christ Now we're gonna come back for a moment to that phrase our only
- 31:03
- Master and Lord Jesus Christ think about what that means The Greek term is despot on from which we get despot the despots not a nice word in English But it means owner
- 31:16
- Master it was a slave owner in many contexts. In fact, Paul uses it that way means those of you who are slave owners
- 31:25
- Masters treat your slaves in this fashion Jesus is said to be our only
- 31:35
- Despot on Kai Kutia Jesus Christ and Then just follow the
- 31:42
- I won't take the image. Yeah, but just follow the train of thought So there are these people who are denying the grace of God They're denying they're turning the grace of God in sensuality and they are denying our only
- 31:58
- Master and Lord Jesus Christ is Jesus our only Master and Lord If you're a
- 32:05
- Unitarian, no, in fact, how can he be called only Master and Lord then follow the law?
- 32:13
- follow the thinking if you've just identified Jesus as Our only Master and Lord Now I want to remind you though, you know all things that Jesus our only
- 32:25
- Master and Lord our despot on Kai Kutia Having once saved a people on the land of Egypt.
- 32:32
- We know who that was. That was Yahweh. What do you do? Subsequently destroyed those who did not believe so the flow is very clear and It makes perfect sense
- 32:48
- To have Jesus as the reading of verse 5 Because of the fact that the denial is of whom our only
- 32:58
- Master and Lord Jesus Christ so they're not believing and Therefore they are going to face judgment from the one who having
- 33:10
- Saved a people out of the land of Egypt We know that that people that were taken out of Egypt were a very mixed company a very mixed company they may have been circumcised in the flesh, but very few more circumcised in heart and so you have the wilderness wanderings and you have
- 33:31
- Jesus Destroying those who did not believe. Well, I know there's a lot of people today
- 33:37
- Don't talk to me about Jesus. It would destroy people who don't believe but the reality is
- 33:45
- That's what you have in in the New Testament, so let's
- 33:51
- Let's look at this In in the original language,
- 33:56
- I'm gonna get the font a little bit larger here Just so we can see so here is
- 34:10
- So perverting the grace of God into licentiousness sensuality Chi ton mon on despot ang
- 34:19
- Kai Kurian. Hey moan. Yes, I'm Chris done our Numenoi, so our numenoi is your
- 34:26
- Participle denying and hence and the only despot and Lord of us
- 34:36
- Jesus Christ denying that's what you have in Jude 4 now
- 34:43
- There are some textual variants as mentioned before most of them have to do with the
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- Location of pronouns, but one Possibly in P the
- 35:04
- P vid you probably can't say it's too small. I can't blow it up any larger on my screen and the number of other manuscripts and have our
- 35:14
- God and Lord and try to make a distinction between the two but you'll notice
- 35:20
- Sinaiticus Alexander's Vatican a c33 and Even 1739 1739 by the way together with 1881 are two around 10th century miniscules that We can tell
- 35:36
- Had very early exemplars second third century exemplars they were being made their copies of so they have a higher level of Value given the text that they that they contain
- 35:51
- But notice this phraseology Tom on on despot a mechai Cody on our
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- Only master and Lord Jesus Christ none. It's just off the off the top of your head you immediately start thinking about What happened
- 36:11
- What happens when you talk to Unitarians About the subject of John chapter 17
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- They love John 17 3. They don't love John 17 5. They love John 73 when Jesus in prayer to the
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- Father refers to him as the only true God and they go see Jesus can't be God because he Says the
- 36:37
- Father is only true God as if he would say you're one of many gods. You're one of three gods You're not
- 36:42
- God at all. What's wrong the world's he's supposed to say Um Yes, the
- 36:48
- Father is the only true God and as long as you don't mix up your categories You don't ignore the fact
- 36:53
- Jesus is called God in the exact same sense. The Father is called God that the
- 36:59
- Father Son the Spirit identified as Yahweh if you just allow the Bible to actually speak for itself instead of being a sophist and Limiting what
- 37:07
- God's Revelation can say Um, then You go, you know one sentence later and Jesus talking about glorifying me with the glory which
- 37:15
- I had with you in your presence before the world was This is one divine person speaking to another divine person, but they're all saying see only true
- 37:23
- God Okay, so is Jesus the only master and Lord? Is the Father not despot talk
- 37:29
- I courios Is he not master and Lord that by the way, I have to mention this because people get a little confused but When you see
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- Despot, ah despot a courios Kodi on Kodi We'll see
- 37:52
- Kodi in a moment. These are just different cases in Greek It's it's showing you how the doesn't change the meaning of the word.
- 37:59
- It tells you how the word is functioning in the sentence and so Tan man on despot a in kai kuri on those are accusatives and so where are they accuses because they're the direct object of the participial action of denying and So they'd be in the accusative if they are the subject of the sentence then they'd be
- 38:20
- Different courios instead of Kodi on Kodi and it would be the vocative Oh Lord the case of address direct address
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- Though not all of the New Testament follows not all the New Testament uses the vocative the vocative was
- 38:35
- More classical Greek and it was passing away in common use in the
- 38:40
- Koine period anyway, so if you're confused by that as Iglesia Ni Cristo Was this few years ago?
- 38:49
- in regards to They on at John 118 that's just a
- 38:55
- It anybody who gets confused by that is someone who knows nothing whatsoever About the
- 39:01
- Greek language. They read they do not read Greek. Um, and So then you can you can see
- 39:10
- Jude 5 you can see Jesus here That Jesus Delivered having saved the people of Egypt then destroyed those who don't believe so here's the na 28 reading
- 39:23
- Whereas the na 27 had had courios there So what
- 39:30
- I did is I? I looked into the use of that phraseology in The Greek septuagint and I found some rather interesting things that I had not discovered before it had seen before and So I wanted to share them with you
- 39:56
- Here's so here's
- 40:03
- Jude 4 through 5 In Isaiah 3 1 you do day hot despot a scurrious sabba oath
- 40:12
- Which in see if I can get my? Come on go over there. Oh, I didn't want you to do that.
- 40:22
- Ah Okay What I'm gonna have to do here is take it out of full screen so I can use my cursor.
- 40:30
- There you go For behold I don't The Lord Yahweh Sabra oath
- 40:41
- So I don't hear Lord Yahweh is Rendered in the
- 40:48
- Greek septuagint as Hot despot a scurrious sabba oath sabba oath
- 40:53
- Lord of hosts Yahweh of hosts with Adon put before it and so despot a despot
- 41:03
- I Don't I I don't in this particular? form
- 41:09
- In Isaiah 3 1 in Isaiah 10 33 It do gar hot despot a scurrious sabba oath again
- 41:18
- Adon Yahweh sabba. Oh same phrase And Isaiah 10 33, but it's very interesting.
- 41:26
- This is where I started getting sort of excited to look at the context of what you have in Isaiah chapter 10
- 41:37
- What came before verse 33? Well, let's let's take a look at it um
- 41:45
- Here's Isaiah 6. I'm sorry. Isaiah 3 1 for behold
- 41:52
- He Haney Adon Yahweh sabba. Oh, so so for behold the
- 41:58
- Lord Yahweh of hosts is Going to remove from Jerusalem and Judah both supply and support the whole supply of bread and the whole supply of water my man the night of war the judge divine for so Isaiah 3 1 is a
- 42:13
- Judgment text and Yahweh is identified as ha
- 42:19
- Adon which is rendered as Despot a's in the
- 42:24
- Greek Septuagint. So we saw that Then you go to Isaiah 10 33. So here it is again.
- 42:30
- Behold the Lord Yahweh of hosts Haney. I don't wait Will lop off both a terrible crash those also who are high in stature will be cut in pieces those who are lofty made low
- 42:41
- You'll cut down the thickets of the forest and iron axe and Lebanon will fall by the mighty one by the mighty one.
- 42:48
- Hmm Heard that phraseology somewhere before but what is the context?
- 42:54
- Well, let's go back This is really really interesting to me and hopefully been
- 43:00
- Now it will be in that day that the remnant of Israel and Those the house of Jacob who have escaped
- 43:08
- Will never again rely on the one who struck them But will rely on Yahweh the
- 43:17
- Holy One of Israel, so they will rely upon Yahweh Qadosh Yisrael and to rely is in truth
- 43:26
- Emmett is the term for for truth in truth will truly rely on Yahweh Oh, I want of Israel, but then notice this goes into poetry and you should recognize
- 43:37
- What happens here? 1021 says a remnant will return the remnant of Jacob to the mighty
- 43:45
- God for though your people Israel may be like the sand of the sea only a remnant within them will return a
- 43:53
- Destructive end is decreed overflowing with righteousness now if you are thinking
- 44:02
- You'll notice the cross -reference over in the corner. I don't know if you can see that This is what
- 44:07
- Paul quotes There we go. This is what Paul quotes in Romans 9 concerning the remnant of Israel This is an election passage and this remnant
- 44:23
- Will return the remnant of Jacob to what? L L Gabor in the
- 44:32
- Hebrew L L Gabor Unto L Gabor, where have you heard
- 44:39
- L Gabor before? Well, I can scroll a few seconds here, but previous chapter
- 44:49
- How about Isaiah 9 6 For a child born to us the
- 44:56
- Son will be given to us and the government will rest on his shoulders His name will be called wonderful counselor
- 45:03
- L Gabor mighty God Aviad eternal father.
- 45:11
- I would say father of eternity Sar Shalom Prince of Peace. There's no question
- 45:17
- Sar Shalom Prince of Peace. Jesus is one who brings peace King of Peace This is prophecy and Jesus is called
- 45:24
- L Gabor in Isaiah 9 6 but we go down here to Isaiah chapter 10 and We have the same terminology
- 45:35
- Being used They will rely on Yahweh the Holy One of Israel for though you're a remnant will return remnant of Jacob to L Gabor They will believe remember truly rely on Yahweh But though your people are is maybe like saying only a remnant within them will return a destructive end is decreed overflowing with righteousness so this is
- 46:05
- This is a text Where you have prophecy Concerning what
- 46:13
- Yahweh is going to do in the future with a remnant and What is the name?
- 46:19
- That the remnant names in the book of Acts. What's the name for which Christians suffer? Jesus Jesus and He is called
- 46:29
- Kurios Which is the exact word used in the Greek septuagint?
- 46:35
- Almost all the time not all the time, but almost all the time as the substitute for Yahweh for Yahweh It's right there.
- 46:45
- And I'm like, oh I've I've not seen that before I will confess
- 46:52
- So we have some others In Jeremiah 1 6 and Jeremiah 4 10 you have the exact same thing
- 46:59
- Oh Despot, ah, Cody. So here you have the vocative forms being used in Jeremiah but again despot ah and Kurios being used together as A single phrase just as you have denying our only master and Lord Who Jesus Christ in Isaiah and Jeremiah?
- 47:24
- It's Yahweh in Jude, it's Jesus Which fits perfectly with Jude 5
- 47:31
- Jesus saved a people and then he will he destroyed those who did not believe because the true ones believed him member
- 47:40
- Emmet Okay, so that wasn't everything that wasn't everything Because I looked around and it's a few other places and I found revelation
- 47:50
- I was I think it was Jeff Durbin who said
- 47:58
- I think it was Jeff who said If if the writer of Revelation lived today
- 48:10
- He would get sued for plagiarism Because so much of the book of Revelation are just citations from the
- 48:17
- Old Testament. It's true same with Hebrews I'm not sure which has more I'd be an interesting study
- 48:26
- Revelation 6 has always fascinated me because of the phraseology the wrath of the
- 48:31
- Lamb There's so much deep theology there But I started doing a little closer look at that too and Went.
- 48:43
- Oh, there's more here than I thought there was Let's go over to Revelation chapter 6
- 48:53
- There it is Let's start back here with the fifth seal.
- 49:00
- All right relations 6 9 and When he opened the fifth seal
- 49:06
- I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who have been slain because the
- 49:12
- Word of God because the witness which they had maintained and They cried out with loud voice and here's where the connection was.
- 49:21
- And this is what allowed me to start seeing some of this And they cried out with loud voice ha despot a's
- 49:28
- Ha ha gios kai. I'll a than us. Oh master
- 49:36
- Holy and true Jude says we have one master and Lord Jesus Christ despot a's
- 49:47
- Holy and true will you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth and A white robe was given to each of them and it was told them that they should rest a little while longer
- 49:59
- Until the number of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were to be killed even as they had been had
- 50:04
- Would be completed also, man, how do you understand this without a recognition of the sovereignty of God? I don't then
- 50:13
- I looked when he opened the sixth seal and there was a great earthquake And the
- 50:18
- Sun became black as sackcloth made of hair and the whole moon became like blood.
- 50:24
- This is all almost Formulaic judgment language,
- 50:33
- I think the only All due respect, but the only way that much of Dispensational writing a revelation has gotten as far as it did is because the people that were reading it had never read the prophets because You see stars falling from heaven you see
- 50:54
- Moon stirring to blood and Sun being darkened and vapors and all I could it's judgment language
- 51:01
- And the stars of the sky fell to the earth as a fig tree casted sunripe figs when shaken by a great wind
- 51:08
- And the sky was split apart like a scroll and is rolled up and every mountain and island or moved out of their places so the entire
- 51:16
- Earthly order is being upset then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man, so Everybody no matter what their position in society
- 51:37
- Hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks and the mountains and said the mountains of the rocks
- 51:42
- Fallen us and hide us in the presence of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the
- 51:49
- Lamb For the great day of their wrath has come and Who is able to stand?
- 52:04
- for the great day of their wrath has come you'll notice that that is a allusion to Zephaniah 1 5 a day of wrath is that day of day of distress and anguish
- 52:21
- Day of room and devastation a day of darkness and gloom day of clouds and thick darkness again using clearly the
- 52:31
- Language of judgment all across the prophets To describe the wrath which in the
- 52:41
- Hebrew Scriptures is the wrath of Yahweh in judgment here they are calling out to the mountains and to the rocks fall on us and hide us from the presence of what of him who sits on the throne and From the wrath of the
- 53:00
- Lamb, this is this is Revelation 6 Revelation 5 remember you have conjoined worship of him who sits on the throne and the
- 53:12
- Lamb and every created thing worships him who sits on the throne and the
- 53:17
- Lamb and The Lamb now if you make the
- 53:23
- Lamb a create a creature, I don't know what you do with that You know, you're not getting that from the
- 53:28
- Bible. You're just you're just coming up with your own theories but Here judgment and we know who the judge is
- 53:37
- Judgment the presence of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of Lamb and the great day of their wrath has come bring this up here a little bit higher and the great day of their wrath now, there is a
- 53:55
- Variant there as there are all through the Book of Revelation But Sinaiticus has their wrath has come and who is able to sin and that's what fits with what came before Presence of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the
- 54:08
- Lamb Now even if you use the singular, it's still one God Revelation has to struggle with this all the way through and you can tell in the transmission of the text and we have the fewest manuscripts of Revelation That scribes struggled with them
- 54:26
- So I'm looking at this and I'm going Okay, the crying out to the despot ah
- 54:33
- The the souls under the altar and then the next seal The wrath is now beginning to pour out and you have these
- 54:40
- Old Testament citations Being being brought forth. Okay.
- 54:46
- Well, where are they quoting from? Isaiah chapter 2 verses 17 through 19
- 54:52
- Isaiah chapter 2 verses 17 through 19. I hopefully have that Over here someplace
- 55:02
- Jeremiah Jeremiah Daniel Hosea There we go,
- 55:08
- I knew it'd be in there some place that is that is one useful thing with Accordances thing you go back to all those sections sections
- 55:16
- Isaiah 2 the loftiness of man we bowed down and the men who are high we made low
- 55:25
- What does it say and? Yahweh alone This is the same term for example, and those knows the the septuagint septuagint has moss
- 55:40
- Kudios monos Yahweh leave a dull I'm forget.
- 55:46
- I'm it was on our witnessing with the word t -shirt. We've got to remake those. I bet you
- 55:51
- I bet you Somebody still has it rich. Do you still have your witnessing with the word t -shirt?
- 55:57
- That's a question We've got to remake them because I love those shirts And one of the
- 56:02
- Isaiah texts that we used for the Mormons primarily Had to do
- 56:10
- Oh Rich says he don't doesn't I'm getting the feeling rich that we're not live -casting right now but that you
- 56:20
- But you're listening anyways, okay. All right. I didn't think you'd be hearing this. But anyway, cool.
- 56:26
- Um, all right Uh, we've got to redo those though, we really really do we may have some pictures of people in them and I could figure out from that Henry Wall, I bet has still has his was yellow.
- 56:39
- I remember that anyway this is used in the demonstration of monotheism
- 56:48
- In the trial of false gods in the book of Isaiah same term in fact
- 56:55
- Let me I'm doing this off top my head kids and we're getting toward the end of the hour, but doesn't matter
- 57:08
- Yep, there it is. Ha ha ha found it Isaiah 44 24 I Yahweh and the maker of all things
- 57:17
- Stretching out the heavens what? I don't nobody actually but eat there by myself and spreading out the earth all alone
- 57:28
- All oh, that's Yahweh Except we know that Jesus does that in concert with the
- 57:36
- Father that's One being Yahweh three persons.
- 57:41
- It's right there if you if you if you let go of your sophistry Submit to the word
- 57:47
- It's right there You could get it but and the men who are high the kings and the rulers say follow us we made low and Yahweh alone will be exalted in that day
- 58:03
- But the idols will completely vanish men will go into caves and rocks and the holes to the ground before the dread of Yahweh and the splendor of his majesty
- 58:15
- When he arises to make the earth tremble writer of Revelations is ah
- 58:24
- When it sits on the throne the lamb Their wrath this is the fulfillment and it's
- 58:31
- Yahweh alone Who is exalted in that day and the universe Unitarian goes?
- 58:38
- Yeah, it's cuz Jesus is just a creature. And so the glory just goes to the father
- 58:44
- Don't worry about all of creation worship being the lamb. That's a we won't worry about them Sorry, you people don't believe the
- 58:51
- Bible. No, you don't. No, you don't you use it as a plaything
- 59:00
- You use it as a plaything you Unitarians it's all there is to it so I Got to chase in this stuff and seeing all these threads and the connect connectedness of these texts and What does it tell you about the authors of Scripture and what they believe?
- 59:22
- about the exalted nature of Jesus and that got me so I'm excited that I said
- 59:28
- I Don't care how I feel today. I couldn't do it yesterday because I couldn't sit up for more than a few minutes and I'm probably gonna crash after this
- 59:39
- But I wanted Desperately to get this out to you because there's somebody out there that I think is gonna be really blessed by it needs it
- 59:49
- May not know that you need it right now But you're gonna be talking to somebody you're gonna be talking to some
- 59:54
- Jehovah's Witness some Unitarian some friend of yours that's getting sucked off into some weird cult and You're gonna be able to go back through this episode
- 01:00:04
- Maybe make some notes in the back of your Bible and go look look look look at how
- 01:00:10
- Jesus is described in Jude 4 & 5 Yes, there's a textual variant, but now you know how much
- 01:00:20
- Contextual evidence there is that Jesus is the proper reading there Not only do you know what
- 01:00:26
- CBGM is and by the way, they'll tell you never mentioned CBGM. I'm not Wasserman and And Gurry have written the introduction to CBGM I'm not sure why but he may not understand it and very few people do okay very few people do
- 01:00:41
- I get that But if he's gonna address it he should at least address the reality that CBGM Points to the greater coherence of the
- 01:00:51
- Jesus reading than the courteous reading which he didn't even mention Because he probably just doesn't understand it
- 01:00:57
- It's not his area. So anyway Hopefully you'll be able to use this information and Present to others.
- 01:01:06
- It's not the kind of stuff you can do In a short period of time. This is the kind of stuff you sit down with a friend at the coffee shop
- 01:01:14
- Sit down friend after church sit down with their neighbor over dinner It's not the kind of thing that you're gonna do on the street corner
- 01:01:21
- It's too long. It's too involved. I get that but sometimes you gotta do the long involved stuff and go man, there's a
- 01:01:30
- You know how those of you who watch the program for a long time. No, I have
- 01:01:38
- I have used the language of a tapestry the
- 01:01:46
- The weaving together of a beautiful complex tapestry where you have threads of different colors going all sorts of Different directions and and they form this this beautiful tapestry and the more
- 01:02:05
- I get to delve into the Word of God the more I get to be the beneficiary you
- 01:02:16
- You have any idea how blessed we are to live in the day we live We have all of this.
- 01:02:23
- I often think that the psalmist in Psalm 119 had a much
- 01:02:31
- Expressed a greater love for Scripture than most Christians do today And he didn't have anything more than the
- 01:02:37
- Pentateuch and maybe a few books after that and we have all of this we have Ephesians and Romans and John and when you
- 01:02:47
- Allow it to be connected together and one of the sad things about the the
- 01:02:53
- Education in most of our seminaries today is that this is all broken apart.
- 01:02:58
- It's broken into pieces You don't it is it's appropriate to understand the context of each book it's a that's perfectly fine
- 01:03:09
- But there isn't enough emphasis put upon The interconnectedness of the themes the phraseology and especially when you're doing
- 01:03:20
- Hebrews and revelation You've got to pay attention to the Old Testament citations.
- 01:03:25
- You've got to see the threads that are interwoven and this despotata
- 01:03:31
- I could ask this taste This Using this
- 01:03:40
- Master and Lord our only master and Lord Jesus Christ when you realize that has an
- 01:03:45
- Old Testament background to it and Then you dig in you go. Wow It's a direct
- 01:03:52
- Old Testament background. It's not just simply similar similarity of phraseology But this is he who sits upon the throne of the
- 01:03:59
- Lamb This is this is judgment. Jesus is the judge. That's what's going on in Jude 4 and 5
- 01:04:06
- Jesus judges the people destroys those who do not believe they're denying the only master Wow This isn't just one book
- 01:04:17
- Little short book Jude over here someplace. It is meant to be in here it's meant to be a part of this and it's
- 01:04:29
- I just get the feeling that once we leave this life and the limitations of our ignorance and our
- 01:04:37
- Traditions and and everything else goes goes by We are going to see consistency and beauty
- 01:04:50
- That we cannot begin to imagine that we cannot begin to imagine It's it is such a privilege
- 01:05:00
- To be a servant of Christ and have his word really really is and I really hope that my efforts today
- 01:05:08
- Will be a blessing to some of you out there Because I just felt Compelled to take the time to do this
- 01:05:17
- Even if it puts me back a day in recovery, it doesn't matter I Need I needed to do this.
- 01:05:23
- And so I hope it's helpful to you. I Apologies for any mistakes I made in passing because couldn't concentrate as well as I normally do or whatever else
- 01:05:33
- I I've done the best best that I can and Lord willing we will be with you
- 01:05:44
- Next week in health and vigor and the week after that as well because I'm going to be here in the
- 01:05:51
- Colorado area and we will Try to continue to Benefit people through ministry at that point in time.