F4F | The Praschians Strike Back


Pirate's Article: https://bit.ly/3dOmtd7 tbckawaii's Video: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tbckawaii/ Article on Prasch's Ancestry: https://bit.ly/31tTiJS Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bibl... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough, I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now this is not a normal episode of Fighting for the
Faith, this is a little bit of an update, an update since Friday's episode of Fighting for the
Faith, and the name of that episode is Prash and Burn, and we were noting what's really going on with the
Prashians. What are they? They are a doomsday cult of personality rallied around the teachings of Jacob Prash, and of course
Jacob Prash has determined that we are right on the cusp of the end times and that John MacArthur, Phil Johnson, Todd Friel, Justin Peters, and myself, that we are agents of the spirit of Antichrist being used for the purpose of deceiving the elect.
That's the narrative that's going on out there. Now since posting that video, let's just say
I've been overwhelmed with emails and people reaching out to me and contacting me who want to talk about their experiences with Moriel, that's the name of Jacob Prash's ministry, and even had a long conversation yesterday afternoon,
Sunday afternoon, with the fellow who was Jacob Prash's video editor before service
Lydia Prashie became his video editor, and let's...
let me just say this, that the information that people are giving me and want to share with me are showing that I nailed this on the head, that what we're dealing with here is a full -on cult.
And so what I wanted to do here in this video is highlight some of the resources that I've been making available on my social media since Friday, and then note here that true to how cults operate,
I have now officially received a threat from Jacob Prash's right -hand man.
Oh, and by the way, Jacob is not his real name. We'll talk about that in a minute. So let me turn on my desktop, and this will be just to kind of bring you up to speed on a few things.
So on my social media, on my Facebook, I posted a link to a blog post, and this is an important one because it has been very well documented that for years
Jacob Prash has claimed to have Jewish ancestry, but in fact he has no
Jewish ancestry at all. Both of his parents are Irish Catholic, and so he's been shown to, well, be passing off a lie, you know, misinformation regarding his upbringing and his heritage.
And so I posted a link to the article that documents all of that, and so that's available on our website.
Now a little bit of a note, somebody else pointed out along the way that Jacob, he was born
James Prash, and there is, how should we say it, speculation out there that seems to be founded and grounded in reality that the reason why
Jacob took on the name, why James Prash took on the name Jacob Prash, was to kind of bolster the mystique regarding his alleged
Jewish ancestry, which he doesn't have. So he has, like Ergen Kanner, spun a yarn regarding his past.
If you remember, Ergen Kanner was the guy who claimed that he was raised as a radicalized
Muslim and that he was training to be a terrorist when he heard the Gospel, and all that kind of stuff.
Turns out none of that was actually true. You know, his parents were quite bland, far from radicalized, and grew up in Ohio, you know.
So Jacob Prash and Ergen Kanner have something in common, and again, what
I'll do down below is I'll put a link to this particular researcher's homework showing you, you know, screenshots from gravesides and screenshots from the
Ancestry .com website. In fact, I've seen that some of Jacob, I'm sorry,
James Prash's relatives mock him openly regarding his claims that he's
Jewish. Yeah, kind of a fascinating thing. So next thing I wanted to point out here, and that is that TBC Kawai, this is a fellow who has done his homework, and the documentation that he is bringing to bear regarding the
Prash doomsday cult is some of the most important work being done out there as it relates to this, and the
Prash cult hates this guy. And so I posted a link to one of the episodes, the worst reality
TV show ever. I mean, oh man. I would,
I mean, this reality TV show that TBC Kawai has put together, this makes the
Tiger King look sane! It's just nuts! Anyway, so I linked to this particular installment because he chronicles the fact that Jacob Prash engaged in a scheme to try to, you know, kind of get 1 .5
million dollars out of the Republic of South Africa via cyber -squatting.
No joke! And it is all, like, meticulously documented. And it is, of all things,
Jacob Prash, in an interview he did with Amos Farrell that sent TBC Kawai checking, doing his fact -checking, and what he found, it's unbelievable!
You know, so yeah, so Jacob Prash tried to extort 1 .5 million dollars out of the
South African government. Again, we'll put a link to that down below in the description.
And then today, I posted a link over at the Museum of Idolatry, and the name of this
Museum of Idolatry piece is titled, Prash, Madonna, and the
Metatron. And you're going, what's the Metatron? Well, here's the thing, is that the
Metatron is an archangel from the
Kabbalah. Now, there are also rabbinic, apocryphal, you know, so how to say,
Jewish rabbinic apocryphal sources that discuss the Metatron, but let me kind of click on this so we can see what the important bit here is.
And so I asked the question, what do the teachings that Madonna believes have in common with the
Jesus that Jacob, his real name is James, Jacob Prash believes in?
The truth be told, they should have nothing in common. So by the way, Madonna is a
Kabbalist, and she's a follower of the mystic sect of Judaism whose esoteric teachings attempt to explain the relationship between the unchanging eternal
God, the mysterious Ein Sof, the infinite, and the mortal finite universe.
Kabbalists claim that Jesus was a mystic rabbi, and that he stole key concepts from the Kabbalah, at least modern -day
Kabbalists do, and in the video below at the 5 minute 14 mark, Madonna explains some of the details of her beliefs as a
Kabbalist. So this, by the way, today's modern Kabbalism is embraced by celebrities, is more akin to kind of a
New Age concept, but the reality of the situation is that the Kabbalah teaches that the
Metatron is Enoch, kind of...remember
Enoch, the guy who went up to heaven before the Flood? He didn't die. Upon ascending to heaven,
God made him the Archangel Metatron. And so that's kind of the teachings of the
Kabbalah, and so if you read the Midrash and Talmud sources regarding the
Metatron, there's weird speculations regarding who the Metatron is, all this kind of stuff, but what you need to know, whether it's today's modern
Kabbalah, you know, celebrity version or whatever, or even ancient
Midrashic, you know, sources regarding the Metatron, here's what you need to know.
Nowhere in the Bible, not anywhere at all, is Metatron mentioned.
No, especially, and I'll say this, so it's not there at all, but especially, especially it's not there in regards to a name used for Yahweh or a title used regarding the angel of the
Lord. No, but what's really fascinating, and so I went ahead and threw some modern -day
Kabbalah information regarding the Archangel Metatron, which is just cuckoo banana town, but I then note that in September 2009,
September 2009, in the Moriel Quarterly newsletter, you know, journal that they send out, and there's a link, you can find this online, on page 10, there is an entire article dedicated to Metatron, written by Jacob Prash, and this is just jaw -droppingly, head -bangingly bad.
It is one of the most egregious and blasphemous bits of Christology I've ever read in my life, and I have been doing countercult work, you know, and looking and reading heretics for the better part of three decades now.
So, but the conclusion of this article is just mind -boggling, because what you could tell what he's trying to do is try to find a way to come up with, like, you know, common ground with Kabbalists and people who are buying into rabbinic midrash and Talmudic teachings, but in the process then he ends up actually creating a false
Jesus. Now, let me explain it to you this way. Okay, so if you were to ever engage in a conversation with somebody who's a
Muslim, you cannot, under any circumstances, try to draw the connection between Esau of the
Qur 'an and the biblical Jesus, and the reason why is because Esau of the Qur 'an clearly is not
Jesus. I mean, clearly. The reason why is because the Esau of the Qur 'an is, well, he wasn't crucified, he's not the
Son of God, he's a prophet of Allah, but, you know, but the ultimate prophet is
Muhammad. So the idea here is that Esau of the Muslims of the Qur 'an is not synonymous with the
Jesus of the Bible, and you do violence in your evangelism when you equate the two together.
This is why years ago, when Saddleback Church did their Kingsway initiative, they put together a document that really, for real, made it sound like Allah and the
God that Christians worship are the same God, and so you can't do that. So like, for instance, when the
Apostle Paul is in Athens then, and he sees that they have all these idols and stuff like that, and he gives this great speech at Mars Hill at the
Areopagus, that he does not say, you know, that the one true God, he's like Zeus, or the one true
God, you know, he's a lot like Mars or anything, he doesn't do that. In fact, in order to build common ground, he has to go to the
God they know nothing about and reveal who he is. So in his attempt to kind of build some common ground, what he did is he said, listen,
I saw an altar to the unknown God, let me tell you who that unknown God is, so that he could start with a blank slate and reveal who the one true
God really is. But unbelievably, James Prash, for real, is making claims regarding the
Metatron, and I did not say Megatron, the Metatron that ends up with a false
Christology that is, at best, heretical. Let me read to you some of the statements.
So in the conclusion of his article, he writes, Jacob wrestled with the Metatron, God in human form.
No, he didn't. No biblical text says that. You will not find that in the
Tanakh. It's not there. You will not find it in the New Testament. It's not there. This is an extra -biblical
Christology that is false, okay? And you can't talk about the Metatron and ignore all the loaded information and definitions of who the
Metatron is, regardless of how many rabbis debated this thing or that thing about it, okay? You can't do that.
So then he goes on and says, Joshua fell before him upon entering the Promised Land, the Metatron. The Metatron is the middle pillar of the
Godhead. What? Metatron is Jehovah. No, he's not!
Metatron is the Shekinah. The Shekinah is the Metatron. Jehovah made Jehovah God Metatron, Shekinah, three in one, one in three.
The Metatron is the Redeemer. The Metatron is the only way to God. Have you asked the
Metatron into your heart yet? Have you made the Metatron the Lord and Savior of your life yet, okay?
So the Metatron is the only one in whose name he will answer our prayers.
The Metatron is the only one to whom God has committed the future of Israel into his hands. The Metatron is the only agent of God's salvation.
This is a direct quote. This is taken directly from the conclusion of this article written by James Prash.
The Metatron is the only one who has the right to give the way to the Tree of Life. The Metatron is the only one in whom you, if you take refuge, you will be saved.
Who is the Metatron? Yeshua HaMashiach. Jesus, the Messiah. The Metatron is the
Messiah. Oh, Loko Kaktov. No, this is not at all biblical
Christology. This is a heretical Christology. No joke.
You cannot, you cannot whitewash the
Metatron and turn it into Jesus. It's just not possible.
So I posted this article this morning, and wouldn't you know it, true to form, because Prash is running a cult of personality.
True to form, rather than him or one of his followers saying, listen, I totally understand how you would be confused about the
Metatron. Oh boy, I can see how those statements would be very upsetting to you.
Let me tell you what we meant, and let's show you how biblically this is the case. Yeah, no, no.
That's not how cults operate. Let me explain. Cults work through fear and intimidation.
The reason why they have to do that is because they cannot defend their positions biblically, and they cannot defend the positions of their leaders biblically either.
So they will not allow themselves to be challenged, for the narrative to be questioned, or for anybody to offer any evidence that contradicts them at their positions or the writings or the positions of their leader.
So because of that, the Prash cult has no choice, and I mean this, they have no choice but to destroy my character.
That's what they must do because they can't defend themselves biblically. There's no way, there's no way they can defend the
Metatron. So what happened? Well, Amos Farrell, one of the right -hand men of Jacob Prash, he came on to my
Facebook, and this is the comment that he posted in the section where I link to my article on the
Metatron. And here's what he says, I thought you were just bitter and twisted.
Now it's apparent you are very stupid. Yes, you see, that's the thing, that's the other thing that cults do.
If you disagree with them, you're stupid. You're unintelligent. Clearly I'm out of my league,
Amos. What was I thinking? I should go put my dunce cap on. You're stupid, and you're driven by a desire that is ungodly.
And now they are questioning my desires. My question to Amos is, can you read minds?
Do you know what my desire is? And they always can claim to know your motives for doing things.
And see, this is all part of the ad hominem attacks, the fear and intimidation that they engage in, because they can't defend themselves biblically, so they have no choice except to attack.
Now, by the way, they could repent. They could act and behave in a Christianly and brotherly manner.
But no, no, no, that's not on the cards here. So let's continue with this great, great, great letter that I got from Amos Farrell, which proves my point.
All right, so you're stupid, and you're driven by a desire that is ungodly, and designed to injure, not to fight for the faith or the truth.
You have posted fake videos from TBC Kawhi. No, actually, I haven't. TBC Kawhi has done his homework.
All of his I's are dotted, his T's are crossed. Every allegation he's leveled against James Prash have been substantiated with facts.
I 100 % endorse people looking at, researching, and considering the videos that he's put forward, because he has not only been bold and tenacious, he has done his homework and made sure that every allegation that he has leveled has been backed up with factual evidence.
And the fact that they haven't sued this guy is proof that they can't. And he's been going on for some time now, right?
All right, so you've posted the fake videos from TBC Kawhi with no research into their accuracy or validity, and by using the material from a fixated and malicious coward.
So note here, apparently TBC Kawhi... So this is an ad hominem attack. This is ad hominem. He's engaging in a...
The person who's provided, I mean, oodles and oodles and oodles in the worst reality
TV show ever produced has provided all of the backup documentation that show that James Prash is not
Jewish, that James Prash tried to extort money from the Republic of South Africa, you know, by cyber -squatting, that him and his henchmen, they destroy anybody who tries to challenge them or question them.
They got this Prash and Byrne mentality, and there's no love of Jesus in these people at all.
And so what the only thing... They can't actually answer any of his charges. They can't even really deal with him straight up because they have no ability to defend themselves against the allegations and the evidence that he's brought.
So the only thing they could do is destroy him. And watch how they do this. This is really fun. So no research or validity, and by using the material from a fixated and malicious coward who is afraid to use his given name, you thereby endorse his perverted sexual.
So apparently, TBC Kauai, they've determined that he's got some kind of perverted sexual thing going on.
Let me just say this to the followers of James Prash. You guys should not be throwing stones when it comes to sexual immorality.
The conversations I have, the evidence I'm sitting on, you don't want to go there. That's all
I got to say. So anyway, they should not be throwing these stones.
Oh boy, this is fun. So all right, so thereby you endorse his perverted sexual biblical lifestyle.
So he has a perverted sexual and biblical lifestyle. I assume he meant unbiblical. So Christopher, the frock you wear has been stained by your anger and desire for revenge.
I have no desire for revenge at all. Again, where did you get that information? Can you send me a graduation certificate from one of those schools of the ability to read people's minds?
How did you figure out that my desire is for revenge? I'd like to see that evidence. Where'd you get that?
Because that's what we call slander. Yeah, you're questioning my motives without me ever telling you what my motives were.
You're impugning me and attributing to me motives that I've never said. In fact, I've never even felt at all.
I have no desire for revenge at all. So we continue. So the suggestion regarding the
Kabbalah and the Metatron is laughable. No, actually, Frasch's Christology based on the
Metatron is just laughably abysmal. And by the way,
I have to ask you guys a question. Is it a mortal or a venial sin to deny that Jesus is the
Metatron? I'd like to know which one it is, because I don't believe Jesus is the Metatron at all. And I actually think it's heretical to say that he is.
Anyway, so the suggestion regarding the Kabbalah and the Metatron, it's laughable. You simply have no idea about the ritualistic modern
Kabbalah of celebrities and the rabbinic. Yeah, actually, I do. I read the article. I read the article.
I have a firmly good understanding of the rabbinic versus the modern. I even talked about that in this video.
But the thing is, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. See, one of my mentors,
Dr. Rod Rosenblatt, who worked very closely with Walter Martin, taught me apologetics. One of the rules he taught me was this rule, a difference that makes no difference is no difference at all.
A difference that makes no difference is no difference at all. It doesn't matter if your definition of the
Metatron is based upon today's modern celebrity mysticism and the popular version of Kabbalist beliefs that are made popular by people like Madonna, or if you go into the ancient rabbinic midrash in Talmuds to get your theology of the
Metatron. It doesn't matter what your source is. A difference that makes no difference is no difference at all. Jesus is not the
Metatron. And to base your Christology and say these statements regarding Christ being the
Metatron that Prash did, this is straight -up heresy.
It's indefensible. It's absolutely indefensible. And so I will stand by what
I said. Jesus is not the Metatron. In fact, change my mind. Prove to me that Jesus is the
Metatron. But you can only do so using the Tanakh and the New Testament. That's my challenge for them.
But then again, they can't do that. You see, there are cults operating fear and intimidation and guilt, and so they can't, so they won't.
So the only thing they can do is attack me personally. That's their only recourse. They could repent, but see, then again,
I, you see, me, I am one of the agents of the spirit of Antichrist, yeah, and the
Antichrist is using me in order to deceive the elect, so, you know, they're not going to give me the time of day.
At least that's how the narrative works, right? So, all right, so you've distorted the historic Metatron. If you stooped any lower, you would get run over by a skateboard.
I like that line. I think I might use that sometime in the future. You need to repent. Actually, Amos, you do, and so does
James Prash. He needs to repent big time. And here's the good news, is that there's forgiveness in Christ, even for all of your bullying, even for all of your manipulation, your slander, and lies.
Jesus bled and died for all of those sins. So put away your hatred. Stop having to be right, and stop controlling people.
The gospel is free. The forgiveness is free. So repent. Repent and stop slandering godly men of, you know, godly men of God who are, who've made a career of proclaiming the gospel.
And instead, you guys are like the mafia. Challenge us, question us, and we're going to put you, you know, we're going to put you in a grave under a parking lot.
This is nuts. This is nuts. All right, so your behavior, attitude, they're shameful. Right, yeah, okay.
All right, so, and you've destroyed any remaining credibility you have. I don't care if I have any credibility or not.
The question is what I said, the truth. All right, so batten down the hatches. There's a storm coming, and you have no ruach in your sails.
Ruach, by the way, is the Hebrew word for either wind or the spirit. So there it is.
I've now been threatened. And by the way, I told him, I told him, I said, thank you for threatening me, Amos. I was counting on you doing that.
That's how cults operated. You're doing exactly what I was expecting you to do. So there's your update.
And so the cult is now doing what the cult does. They're not going to sit down and treat me like a brother and say, listen, listen,
I understand how you would be confused about the Metatron, and yeah, it's true that Jacob lied about his being
Jewish and all this kind of stuff, but, you know, they're not going to sit down and have a conversation. They must be right at all costs.
They must be, because it's the end of the world, and they're saving the world from those like me, like John MacArthur, like Justin Peters, like Phil Johnson and Todd Friel, they who are agents of the
Antichrist, who are trying to deceive the elect. You see, so they, so Amos, go ahead, destroy my character.
I give you permission. You just, you go right ahead, because it's the only thing you can do.
And I won't retaliate at all. I will tell you, you need to repent. Jesus loves you,
Amos, and he bled and died even for your sins. Let go of your hatred. Let go of your control.
Repent. There is forgiveness in Christ for all of this. Knock this off.
Jesus will forgive you. Thanks for tuning in. That's my update. So hopefully you found this helpful.
If so, all the information now you can share the video is down below. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.