These Black Churches Need to be Kicked Out - A Gift for the SBC

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Kinism video thread


Alright, thank you so much for joining me back on the channel. I am back in the
United States. If you don't know, if you don't follow me on Twitter, you might not know this, but I spent the last week or so in the
Dominican Republic. I've never been there before, and it was awesome. And if you're interested in finding out more about that trip, go to my
Twitter feed. I posted a couple of videos from the Dominican. You'll be able to tell because it looks like the
Caribbean outside, and I'm wearing a, you know, sort of a Caribbean -type outfit, if you know what I mean.
But it was a wonderful time. Wonderful time. So if you want to find out more about that trip, and maybe even what it has to do with kinism, because I've decided that, you know, kinism's not so bad.
If you want to find out more about that, follow me on Twitter. I make a full explanation of why I say kinism is not so bad.
That's right, kinism. You've heard a lot about it. You've heard a lot of negativity about it. I've got to be honest with you. It's not so bad.
In any case, the Dominican Republic is very similar to Puerto Rico. And don't tell my mom
I told you this, but I think I might like the Dominican a little bit better. It's a little—so when you go to the
Caribbean, you go to like a place like this, I feel like you don't want it to be as American as what you're used to.
And I feel like Puerto Rico's a little bit more American than the Dominican Republic. They're very similar, so don't hear me saying that it's like a completely different experience.
But I feel like the Dominican's less American than Puerto Rico, and that has pluses and minuses, of course.
But I think when you go to a place like that, you want to feel a little bit out of place. I don't know.
At least maybe that's just me. But the people were great, wonderful, very nice and easy to talk to, that kind of thing, and all of that.
So good stuff. I highly recommend it. The Dominican Republic, very fun. Very fun indeed.
Speaking of black people, you know, there's not all black people in the
Dominican Republic. There's a lot, but they're not all black. But speaking of black people, this is a really very—a great development, in my opinion.
So this is the new narrative here for the Southern Baptist Convention. And if I was a
Southern Baptist, which I'm not, but if I was a Southern Baptist, I would be very grateful to the
Lord for an opportunity like this, because you don't get these kinds of opportunities in such a public way every single day.
And this is absolutely a wonderful development. What am I talking about? Look on your screen.
This is the article from The Washington Times, and it's titled,
Thousands of Black Churches Could Face Southern Baptist Convention Expulsion Over Women Pastors.
And in the article, the guy says that a lot of black churches will call women pastors.
You know, maybe they are pastors. Maybe they're not pastors. Sometimes it's just, you know, if they're in charge of a ministry, they call these women pastors to signify that they're in charge of the ministry.
They're the children's pastor or the women's pastor or, you know, something like that.
And the concern here is that the SBC, given the way that the convention kind of voted in the last meeting, they're going to—there's a division here now.
They're potentially going to have to kick out these 4 ,000 churches or so, these 4 ,000 black churches.
And the concern is that that's really—that's going to look a little racist, you know what I mean? You're kicking out these black churches.
It's part of their heritage to call these women pastors. You know, maybe they're really pastoring, maybe not.
We don't really even know what a pastor is, to be honest. But you're going to have a convention that's going to be even more white than it already is, which, of course, is the worst -case scenario, and it's going to look really bad to the world.
The world is watching, and I've got to be honest with you, I agree. The world is watching, and you've got to thank your lucky stars.
I don't really believe in luck. I'm a good Calvinist. But colloquially, you've got to thank your lucky stars.
In fact, let's just be honest about it. You've got to thank the Lord for an opportunity like this, because it's not every day that you get an opportunity before a watching world to show everybody that you serve but one master.
And that master is not the court of public opinion. That master is not black people or black pastors or conservative black churches and what their heritage is and what they decide to call their women who are in charge of ministry.
By the way, they shouldn't be, but okay, that's a separate issue. You know, the SBC is not quite there yet, but you're not going to be calling them pastors.
That's how the SBC voted here. And so the Southern Baptist Convention has a choice before the watching world.
The world is going to pay attention to this, because if anything is clear at this point, that these race narratives within the church, the world wants to elevate them and signal boost them as much as possible.
And this is a huge opportunity for you in the SBC to show your fidelity to Scripture, to the
Lord, is more important than any single other thing. Your fidelity to—I don't know why
I'm saying fidelity. I usually say fidelity. But fidelity, your fidelity to the
Lord Jesus Christ, your allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ, your service to the
Lord Jesus Christ is more important to you than anything. You know you're going to go into this situation knowing you are about to be called racist, bigoted, white supremacist, neo -Nazi.
Every name in the book that they have, they're going to throw at you, but you're still going to do the right thing.
This is, my friends, a tremendous opportunity, Southern Baptists.
Don't blow this. My prediction is you will blow this. You're going to backtrack. You're going to form a study commission.
You're going to kick the can down the road. This is not actually going to happen. I think you guys are going to betray the
Lord publicly. I think that's what's most likely going to happen. You're going to betray the
Lord publicly is what's most likely going to happen, because you fear being called a racist more than you fear the
Lord. That's the truth. That's what I think. That's what I think is going to happen, but maybe you'll pleasantly surprise me because this is such an opportunity.
You need to be thanking God that you have an opportunity to be slandered for his name, for doing the right thing.
You don't get those opportunities every single day, especially maybe you do get those opportunities every day, but not in as public and as an exposed way as this.
This is a tremendous opportunity because if you do the right thing and you get slandered because you've done the right thing by the media, by the liberals, by the pagans in our culture, my goodness, you are so blessed.
That's what the Lord says. That's what God says. You are so blessed if you are slandered, if you're persecuted, if you're mocked, if you're jeered, if you're cut out of things because you serve the
Lord. You don't get these opportunities every single day. You've got to kick every single one of these black churches out that has female pastors on staff.
Whether they just are pastors in name only, that's enough, or they're real pastors. Either way, they need to be kicked out of the
SBC immediately. This is an opportunity. This is such an opportunity to show what it is to follow the
Lord with joy. You could do this joyfully. You could do this joyfully because it's good when the church obeys the
Lord, and it's joyful. And when you get mocked and you go through troubles because of it, you praise the
Lord's name even more because that's the joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord is our strength. This is such an opportunity,
SBC. My prediction, as I said, is that you're going to cave here.
You're going to make some kind of exception because I don't believe that, in general, the SBC, the leadership anyway,
I don't believe that the SBC serves the Lord as much as they serve the court of public opinion.
That's what I believe. I believe they worship and serve black pastors or black leaders more than they worship and serve the
Lord Jesus Christ. That's my prediction. And I'm not saying the run -of -the -mill. I don't say that about the run -of -the -mill people in the pew.
If you went through the people in the pew and you polled them and things like that, they would do the right thing.
That's what I think. That's what I believe. I think the leadership is, yeah, I think the leadership is mostly either cowardly or there's a lot of wolves in the leadership as well.
So my prediction is that they're actually not going to do the right thing here. But this is a tremendous opportunity, and the
Lord has given this to the SBC because the Lord still loves the SBC. And so he's given you an opportunity to suffer dishonor for the name.
This is the way to do it right here. You're being given this on a silver platter. Suffer dishonor for the name of the
Lord. Here's how you can do it. You can say, look, the scripture is very clear. Our denomination is very clear.
If you do this, you're out, and you're all out. I know what this looks like. It's not about that.
It's because of your disobedience to the Lord. We do not tolerate that here in this denomination.
This is such an opportunity. By the way, this is an opportunity for these 4 ,000 black churches as well, because the 4 ,000 black churches do not have to call these women pastors.
They don't need to have female pastors. In fact, absolutely they must get rid of having female pastors.
This is an opportunity to purify itself in service to the Lord Jesus Christ if they want to cooperate with the
Southern Baptist Convention and the tremendous power and world missions that the SBC has, because it does.
It has a lot of capabilities and resources and things to move the gospel forward, to move the kingdom of God forward into all of the nations and things like that.
By the way, that's why we're cooperating, right, in the SBC. I say we. I'm not in the SBC. But as Christians, we're all doing this.
This is our mission. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and be saved, all of that kind of thing.
This is an opportunity to say, you know what? I know this is how we've traditionally done this, but we want to have unity with our brothers in the
SBC, and we did sign on the dotted line in the SBC. So this is actually an area where we're wrong, right?
This is an opportunity, black church, to humble yourselves before the Lord because this is very clear in the
Scripture, and you need to let your yes be yes. You're in the SBC. You've agreed to certain things, and this is one of those things that you've agreed to, and so you need to accept this and change what you call these people that are not really pastors.
You need to change what you call them, but they shouldn't even be in those. That's a separate issue, though. You know, the SBC is not quite there yet.
The SBC is not quite there yet. This is a huge opportunity, and I've got to be honest with you.
If I was in the SBC, I would be very grateful for this opportunity to go into a situation where you know full well you are going to suffer dishonor for the name and to do it, and you don't get these opportunities every single day, and so they're very concerned.
SBC African American Fellowship head warns there's a division created here. Not all divisions are bad.
This is a very important division that needs to be addressed. Now, there's a lot of white churches that have female pastors, too, and this is a tremendous problem.
This is not just a black problem, and I don't know. I mean, is it more likely for a black church to have female pastors than a white church?
I don't really know, but the point is that if there are 4 ,000 black churches with women pastors in the
SBC, there needs to be zero black churches with women pastors in the SBC.
Each and every one of these churches should be given an opportunity to repent, to change their ways, to change their doctrine, to change their teaching, to change their organization.
They should be given that opportunity, and if they do, then they can stay in cooperation, and we can work together, and we can do this thing, and we can have a great time serving the
Lord doing it. If they are not going to change that, they should be unceremoniously kicked out without looking back, without thinking twice, without shedding a tear, because this is not something that is tolerable.
That's right. It is not something that is tolerable. I mean, yeah, of course you shed tears for people that are disobeying the
Lord. I mean, that's standard, right? But no extra tears because of how it looks to the pagan world. Who cares how it looks to the pagan world?
Every SBC leader needs to ask themselves, who do they serve? This is such an opportunity, an absolute gift from the
Lord to show your allegiance to Him, to show that that's what matters to them more than anything else.
This is an opportunity. SBC, I've made my prediction very clear in this video.
I do not think that you're going to do the right thing here, but I pray and I hope that you do.
And if you need encouragement, I know lots of people who will encourage you. If you need to know that you will have support, you'll have backup, we'll get your six, you know, that kind of thing,
I absolutely, even if you've wronged me, even if you've said, you know, me and my friends, you know, we're racist, things like that, even if you've not treated us well, we will treat you well if you do the right thing and you take heat for it.
I don't hold any grudges against people like that. I think there's a lot of pastors like that, that would say me and my friends are, you know, borderline white supremacist, racist, things like that, but they know that this is the right thing to do, despite how it looks, and they're worried right now.
They're worried that they're going to be metaphorically lynched in the social media for doing the right thing.
Here's the thing, guys. I know you've treated a lot of us badly on very thin evidence.
I don't hold a grudge. A lot of my friends don't hold grudges. We will get your back because we've been through this rodeo before where someone says that we're racist when we're really not racist.
Someone says that we hate black people, we hate Jews, whatever it is, when we absolutely do not.
We know how this works, and this is how it works. They take something unrelated and they connect it to race, which, you know, maybe there's a correlation there, maybe there isn't.
Again, I don't know the numbers and all of that. And they say, well, if you do this, it will disproportionately affect this race, therefore you hate those people.
This is how it's always worked, and you've often used this against us, right? You've used this exact strategy against us.
That's okay. We don't hold grudges, you know what I mean? We don't hold grudges, a lot of us. We'll get your six, man.
We will. The SPC, in my prediction, will not do the right thing because I think they serve black people more than they serve the
Lord. I've made this very clear on my channel many times. But you've been given a gift.
You've been given a gift. You can serve God. This is very easy. It's a very easy decision here. This is not a card one.
This is not a tough call. This is a very easy one. The Scripture's clear on this. This is an easy one.
You're going to go in, and you're going to do the right thing. You can do it knowing full well you'll be slandered.
Get ready right now to be slandered because it is a joy. You are blessed if this happens to you.
It might not be pleasant the first time, but I promise you it gets better.
You get more joy out of it. You realize how blessed you are every subsequent time it happens more and more and more.
I've been down this road many, many times. If this is your first trip down this road,
I want you to know we're having a great time over here. We are. We're having a great time, and the
Lord provides for you. That's what I will say to you. The Lord will provide for you even when your name gets drugged through the mud.
They write articles. They've written articles about me, flat -out lies about me. They've written articles.
It's not fun, but the Lord will provide. The Lord will provide.
There's a lot of camaraderie on this side, a lot of friendship. Let me encourage you, this is a gift, my friends.
This is a gift. Use it wisely. In any case,