The Fossil Record - Millions of Years of Evolution or Noah's Flood?
The fossil record is typically used in public schools for teaching millions of years of evolution. Or, does it provide evidence for Noah's Flood just thousands of years ago?
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- Is the fossil record really stacked in a way that proves life evolved on Earth over millions of unseen years?
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- Or does the fossil record provide evidence that the world was covered by a massive flood in Noah's time just thousands of years ago?
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- Actually, the fossil record does not show increasingly complex life emerging over the millennia.
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- What it shows is a record of death in the order that the creatures were buried during the worldwide flood. Think about it for a minute.
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- Genesis 7, verse 11 says that the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of heaven were opened, creating floods and tidal waves that were unimaginable.
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- The Bible says the floodwaters increased upon the earth for 150 days until all the high hills under heaven were covered with over 20 feet of water.
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- This process successively buried all creatures outside the ark based on where they lived as the floodwaters prevailed, how smart they were, their means and speed of mobility, and their body density.
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- This is precisely why the fossil record generally shows the shallow water marine creatures buried in the lower layers.
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- Then, as the ocean waters rose higher and higher, the suffocated fish were buried, followed by amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and then birds.
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- Are you a Christian student being bombarded with evolution teaching in public school? Looking for answers about what the
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- Bible teaches about creation, the fossil record, dinosaurs? Download the Genesis Apologetics app from the iTunes or Google Play stores for answers to these questions and more.