FBC Morning Light (5/4/2024)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Speaker: Mike Gottemoller Today’s Scripture reading: Psalms 32-33; 36-39


Good Saturday morning, people of faith. This weekend, our Scripture reading is all from the book of Psalms.
We'll be reading Psalm 32, 33, and then 36 through 39.
I'm going to try and bring out some common themes here, and then give us a challenge at the end.
So if I were to suggest a common theme throughout these particular
Psalms, I would suggest to you that it's the good versus the evil, and what makes the difference, and how does that make a difference in our lives.
So it starts in verse 1 of Psalm 32. It says, blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Now this is not talking about someone who is perfect. This is not talking about someone who works really hard at becoming perfect.
We all know that on our own, we are full of transgressions.
It's the one in whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, the one whose transgression is forgiven, that is the blessed man.
In comparison to that, at the end of that particular Psalm, down in verse 10, it says, many sorrows shall be to the wicked, but he who trusts in the
Lord, mercy shall surround him. So there is this contrast in Psalm 32 between those whom, the blessed man in whom the
Lord has forgiven his iniquity, versus the wicked, who will be followed with many sorrows.
Verse 11 ends with, be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart, which leads to Psalm 33, which says, rejoice in the
Lord, O you righteous, for praise from the upright is beautiful. One of the outflowings of being forgiven is worship and praise, and that is something that is a right thing for the people of God to do.
Psalm 36 goes back to the wicked and talks about the wicked.
It says, an oracle in verse 1, within my heart concerning the transgression of the wicked, there is no fear of God before his eyes, for he flatters himself in his own eyes when he finds out his iniquity and when he hates.
For he flatters himself with his own eyes, that reminds me for whatever reason of a phrase that I've used many times.
You've heard of people who are a legend in their own time, and then there are others who are a legend in their own mind, and flattering themselves in their own eyes would be that, being a legend in their own mind.
And so, it says in verse 11, let not the foot of pride come against me and let not the hand of the wicked drive me away, again contrasting and comparing the righteous with the wicked.
In Psalm 37, more of this comparison, it says, do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
As righteous people, we are not to look at how other people are doing, and I would suggest, not necessarily just from this verse, but you don't know what their life is really like.
You don't know. Only the Lord knows the heart. But do not fret because you see the success of evil people.
Why? Verse 2, it says, for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb.
It will not be long in the grand scheme of things before the evil of this world will be done away with.
The Lord will judge in righteousness. Whether people receive the just due of the good or the evil that they do in this life is not the ultimate purpose here.
It is that the Lord will judge in the end the living and the dead, and at that point, the
Lord will judge justly. Psalm 38 continues, as a righteous person, knowing that we have not all lived perfect lives and none of us have lived perfect lives, it starts,
O Lord, do not rebuke me in your wrath nor chasten me in your hot displeasure.
Knowing this, that you and I, we do sin against a holy and righteous
God, we must call out for his mercy. And Psalm 39, an outworking of that idea will be,
I said, I will guard my ways lest I sin with my tongue. It ought to be not that we know we are forgiven and will be forgiven of what we do wrong, so go and live your life however you wish, but that you realize in the mercy that God has shown us and in the changes he has made in us that it ought to be that we look to becoming righteous as Christ is righteous, letting his righteousness take over.
I had a conversation with a man this week in which we were talking about a passage of Scripture that in taking the wrong way may appear that salvation could be lost.
And I do not believe for a moment that it can. However, there is a need in our lives to test, are we of the
Lord? And what I had said to this man was, where are your affections?
When you do fall into a sin, is your first reaction, how can
I cover this up so that I will not be found out by people? Or is your reaction to repent because you have sinned against a holy and righteous
God? And where your affections are in that matter can indicate what exactly it is that whether or not you have been made a new creation in Christ.
And I would suggest if you have been made a new creation in Christ, it's not that you won't sin on this earth.
It's that when you do, that you will come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit because that new creation longs to live righteously before God.
I'm going to go back now to Psalm 33. And in Psalm 33, just for our thoughts here, and the question becomes, what is it that you're placing your trust in?
And it says in verse 16 of Psalm 33, no king is saved by the multitude of an army.
A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is vain hope for safety, neither shall it deliver any by its great strength.
Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his mercy.
Let's pray. Heavenly Father, let us not put our hope and trust in the strength of this nation or in its army or in having a horse or whatever it might be that we might choose to trust in outside of you.
Let it be that we are a people that places our trust in you who fear you, who love you, and who walk with you.
It's in your son's name, Jesus, we pray, amen. Have an excellent day, people of faith.