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The Holy Nope Breakdown: Still Limping Did the injured guy fake it? I don’t think so. I think the expectation of something happening, and wanting to believe that it will happen because the guy commanding the healing is supposed to be a


Open your eyes, watch this, and tell me what you see. You couldn't do that before?
Look at this, Jesus is recreating tendons and ligaments. If you had a torn meniscus, you had all this stuff going on, you wouldn't be able to walk like this.
Come on, somebody give Jesus a mighty shout of praise. This man is obviously still limping, and this preacher commands healing to go into his leg, but as he walks, this man is obviously still in pain.
Notice his leading questions. Would it have hurt to do that before? Yes. Now, the man says he tore his meniscus.
The preacher believes that he's got brand new tendons and ligaments, that they've been recreated on the spot.
Why isn't he running? Why isn't he leaping and praising God? A meniscus isn't a tendon or a ligament, it's a
C -shaped piece of tough cartilage located in the knee that acts as a shock absorber between the shin bone and the thigh bone.
I know that God is still pleased to heal people according to his sovereign will and his good pleasure and wisdom, but I also know that people will leave this meeting and report that they saw someone's leg tendons and ligaments be recreated, when this is obviously not the case.
These so -called healings simply do not compare to those which were performed by the apostles.
In Acts 3, Peter and John encounter a man who is lame from birth. His legs were probably quite shriveled without an ounce of muscle on them.
He likely moved about on his hands, and Peter, as an apostle, commands that he walk in the name of Jesus, which, you should take important note of, immediately leads to an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to the people.
And it says he walked and leapt around. There could be no doubt that the healing took place. So think about this poor fellow when he goes home that night or wakes up the next morning and his knee still hurts.
However well -intentioned this preacher may be, this is a gross abuse of the sheep of Christ's flock. Bad theology hurts people.
Did the injured guy fake it? I don't think so. I think the expectation of something happening, the wanting to believe that it will happen because the guy commanding the healing is supposed to be a man of God, the pressure of people looking at you all likewise expecting something great to happen, coupled with the power of suggestion, can and does have a real psychosomatic effect that can make even a limping man think something miraculous has happened.
This guy's carrying healing power. Why is he only challenging people to come to his church?
You want to see miracles? Get people in here that need miracles. I'm challenging people now. If you want some, come get it.
I'm serious. God is going to release revival fire in this city. Wouldn't any of us, if we realized that God had given us the ability to heal and command, wouldn't we head straight to the nearest hospital and make shriveled limbs whole and cast out fevers and cancers and heal broken bones?
I mean not even one shift in the emergency ward, not even one night shift in the ICU from these guys.
God is able to heal, God is able to do miracles, but do not be fooled by these charlatans.
The guy is still limping. Nope. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Is everybody in the world blind? Please Lord, give me a sign.