Mark 10:32-52, Who Is He?, Dr. John B. Carpenter


Mark 10:32-52 Who Is He? I. Not Knowing Who Someone Is 1. You just think he’s a normal person and you tell him he’s wrong about children’s medicine and then it turns out he’s one of the best pediatricians in the world. 2. It’s important to know who someone is. 3. Some people around Christmas time, talk about the baby Jesus, who is “little,” with His “sweet head” and “no crying He makes.” 4. From Advent to Christmas to Epiphany is about the same amount of time as the liturgical calendar gives to Lent and what they call “holy week.” 5. This is the turning point in the Gospel of Mark, when Jesus determines to go to Jerusalem, knowing what is waiting Him there. II. The Sacrifice 1. They’re coming from Jericho, which is about 825 feet below sea level, and going up hill to Jerusalem which is at about 2,500 feet above sea level. 2. Jesus is not wandering toward Jerusalem. He’s driven and focused. 3. This is the third major time in the Gospel of Mark that Jesus tells the disciples what will happen in Jerusalem. 4. We saw in Daniel 7 that “the Son of Man” is the one who brings God’s Kingdom on earth. 5. God will deliver over “the Son of Man to the chief priests and the scribes.” 6. God hands Jesus over to them so that they will do what comes naturally to them. 7. Jesus specifically foretells what is going to happen. 8. The most important question in your life is who Jesus is, more important than how you can get more money. III. The Servant 1. James and John, two brothers, come up to Jesus with a request. ‘Give us our wish,’ like Jesus was a genie from a bottle. 2. If your heart’s desire is to be rich, your problem is with what you want. 3. They want to be the closest uppity-ups to Jesus when He finally seizes the throne. 4. They were asking for the seats of power and privilege in the Kingdom. 5. In the Old Testament the cup of the Lord holds judgment. 6. Psalm 75:8, “For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup with foaming wine, well mixed, and He pours out from it, and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to the dregs.” 7. Isaiah 51:17, “Wake yourself, wake yourself, stand up, O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of His wrath.” 8. Jeremiah 25:15, “Thus the Lord, the God of Israel, said to me, “Take from My hand this cup of the wine of wrath, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.” 9. Only Jesus can really drink the cup of God’s wrath in our place because He has no sin of His own to have to pay for. 10. In the Lord’s Supper, we take up a cup and we remember what Jesus tasted for us. 11. The word “baptism” literally just means immersion, or dip. It suggests being overwhelmed by disaster or danger. 12. The Father has prepared places for sitting in Jesus’ glorious kingdom. 13. Do you want to be one of those the Father seats on the right or left hand of Jesus? Then serve God’s people, the church. 14. The ransom was the price paid to liberate a slave, a prisoner or war, or a condemned prisoner. 15. Jesus says that He serves by being the ransom, giving His life for the many, God’s people. IV. The Son of David 1. Leaving Jericho, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, cried out relentlessly, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 2. God had made a covenant with David that one of his sons would always rule. But a king from David hadn’t ruled since 586 BC. Who was going to fulfill God’s promise to David? 3. Bartimaeus is telling everyone who Jesus is: the Son of David, the Messiah, the One who brings in the Kingdom of God, who fulfills all of God’s promises. 4. It’s a picture of salvation, receiving spiritual sight. You cry out for mercy. Make sure you know who He is. Then you receive. 5. Bartimaeus’ faith caused him to believe that Jesus could make him able to receive his sight. V. Invitation: Do you know who Jesus is? Do you know He is your sacrifice who was delivered over by the Father to torturers and murderers for your sin? Do you know He is your servant who drank the cup of God’s wrath for your sin, who was immersed in God’s judgment, so as to be your ransom? Do you know He is the Son of David who fulfills all God’s promises and enables you to receive them so, finally, you see who He is?


Mark chapter 10 starting in verse 32 leading to verse 52 the end of the chapter hear the word of the
Lord and They were going on the road going up to Jerusalem and Jesus was walking ahead of them and they were amazed
And those who followed were afraid and taking the twelve again. He began to tell them what was to happen to him saying
See we are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes and they will
Condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles and they will mock him and spit on him and flog him and kill him and after three days he will rise and James to John the sons of Zebedee came up to him and said to him teacher
We want you to do for us whatever we ask of you and he said to them What do you want me to do for you?
And they said to him grant us to sit one at your right hand and one at your left in your glory
And Jesus said to them you do not know what you were asking Are you able to drink the cup that I drink or to be baptized with the baptism with which
I am baptized? and they said to him we are able and Jesus said to them the cup that I drink you will drink and with the baptism with which
I am baptized You will be baptized but to sit at my right hand or my left is not mine to grant
But it is for those for whom it has been prepared and When the ten heard it they began to be indignant at James and John and Jesus called them to him and said to them
You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them and their great ones exercise authority over them
But it shall not be so among you But whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many and They came to Jericho and as they were leaving
Jericho with his disciples and a great crowd Bartimaeus a blind beggar the son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside and when he heard that it was
Jesus of Nazareth He began to cry out and say Jesus son of David have mercy on me and many rebuked him telling him to be silent but he cried out all the more son of David have mercy on me and Jesus stopped and said call him and they called the blind man saying to him take heart get up He is calling you and throwing off his cloak.
He sprang up and came to Jesus and Jesus said to him What do you want me to do for you?
And the blind man said to him rabbi? Let me recover my sight and Jesus said to him go your way
Your faith has made you well and Immediately, he recovered his sight and followed him on the way
May the Lord bless the reading of his Holy Word Did you ever not know who someone is and Be embarrassed when you find out you just think he's just a normal guy.
You tell him he's wrong about something It turns out he's an expert on that Maybe like an undercover boss.
You think he's an incompetent employee and it turns out he's the CEO I once found myself telling some guy online that a kick at a football game wasn't really a squib kick
But then something about the way the guy responded made me wonder whether he really knew the subject And so I googled his name and it turned out he had been a kicker in the
NFL and sent to the Pro Bowl In other words, he was recognized as one of the best kickers in the NFL and was currently the kicking coach at the
University of Florida I didn't know who he was When I was a seminary in California I had a job with security for the seminary and part of my job was to keep an eye out for any trespassers anybody who doesn't belong
One day I saw a man. I didn't recognize using the copying machine for the belong to the theology professors
So I approached him and asked, you know, I didn't know who he was asking. Who are you?
Just some guy off the street trying to take advantage of the seminaries copying machine. I approached him ask him that and he said
I'm Donald McGavern. I Knew that name. I didn't know his face, but I certainly knew that name
Donald McGavern was the former missionary to India who is known as the father of missiology the study of missions and he had founded the seminary school of missions
It's important to know who someone is we've just come off of Christmas, which is our culture's favorite holiday and since it's supposed to be about Jesus it's an opportunity to tell people people who
Jesus is Of course parts of our culture really likes it because it's an opportunity for them to sell stuff
That's why they like to find replacements for Jesus like Santa Claus or if they do have to talk about Jesus That's probably why they like Christmas so much if they have to talk about Jesus They'll talk about the baby
Jesus who was little with a sweet head No crying he makes You know, no one trembles at the word of a baby who doesn't cry
Now some Christians response to that is to go back to church tradition and to recover the liturgical calendar
That is the church year which begins it with Advent the first Sunday of December Focusing on the birth of Jesus and then from Christmas as we got
Advent and Christmas and to Epiphany Christmas to Epiphany is the 12 days of Christmas from that famous song
Epiphany happens to be tomorrow. Happy Epiphany Eve, I guess so it's about six weeks then of the liturgical calendar are
Consumed with the birth of Jesus focused on the baby Jesus So that other words think about it from Advent first Sunday of December to Christmas to Epiphany tomorrow
It's about the same amount of time the liturgical calendar gives to Lent which is supposed to be about preparing for the crucifixion resurrection and what they call
Holy Week or Passion Week Good Friday and the resurrection and That's a lot more time than the
New Testament gives to those I mean that's vastly as far as emphasis out of proportion to what the
New Testament does for example mark Has nothing on the birth of Jesus it starts its history with his ministry while everything from this point on where we started today chapter 10 verse 32 to the end of the gospel of Mark is
About the cross and the resurrection. It's at least going in that direction That's in the background at least now all that all
Over -emphasis of the tradition and the culture for that matter on the birth and the baby
Leads to the impression like a way in a manger that Jesus is a baby Come to be sweet and to sweeten everything with his sweetness
But who is he? really That's what this passage tells us at the turning point of the gospel of Mark.
That's why we began here You wonder why in the world we start in the middle of chapter 10 This is really the chapters made by a monk kind of help us find passages
But they are not an infallible interpretation of what is a good place to stop and start and this is
Chapter 10 verse 32 is a turning point in the gospel of Mark when Jesus determines to go to Jerusalem Knowing what's waiting for him there and he shows us in this passage on the way to Jerusalem Three truths about who he is.
He is first the sacrifice Second he is the servant and finally he is the son of David First Jesus and his disciples on the road to Jerusalem verse 32 says they were going up to Jerusalem That doesn't mean they were coming from the south.
It's often the way we talk I'm going up to Danville or whatever, but it means here they were going up in elevation
They're coming from Jericho in the east, which is about eight hundred and twenty -five feet below sea level and then going up to Jerusalem Which is about two thousand five hundred feet above sea level
So it's a pretty good hike to go from Jericho up to Jerusalem verse 32 says Jesus was walking ahead of them and This sounds unusual.
The way is put his walk like this is not normal I'd imagine he usually walked alongside of his followers talking to them
Normally up until now he was likely strolling through the countryside He saw a flower would pick it up and say something like consider the lilies of the field
They knew the toil or spin but your heavenly father and closed them better than he does Solomon better than Solomon was clothed
Well, that was before but now he's walking on ahead of them like they having a hard time keeping up with him
Probably the brisk pace and he knows exactly where he's going and why he's not wandering toward Jerusalem He's driven there
He's focused on getting there and what happens to him There is not an accident as though Jesus kind of stumbled into a dangerous situation that he wasn't aware of like he was caught in A trap.
No, he's marching ahead with a resolve to get there What the gospel of Luke describes about this very same turning point also a turning point in the gospel of Luke He steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem So here his determination is so unwavering and his resolve so focused
It actually amazes and scares his followers notice that they were amazed and they were afraid
Some were amazed Some were scared Some were both But he's now focused like a laser beam on Jerusalem, that's his goal and nothing will stop him.
It's amazing and scary Then along the way Jesus calls a meeting of kind of the inner core of his followers called the
Apostles twelve of them In verse 32 it says he it says he took them aside again
Because this is the third major time in the gospel of Mark that he does this this time He gives the most details and he reveals who he is.
He begins behold or was see Pay attention to this. This is important way of announcing.
This is important This is on the test as a professor might say we're going up to Jerusalem. He's determined to go there.
He must go there The Son of Man will be delivered Son of Man is
Jesus's favorite way of describing himself Many people assume it's a humble title, you know, like I'm just a son of a man
I'm just another just another guy son of a man But we saw in Daniel chapter 7 remember just 13 months ago
That the Son of Man is the one who brings God's kingdom on earth who overcomes that last
Beastly Empire the the the empires the kingdoms of men or beastly they're like lions or bears and In contrast to that the one who brings in God's kingdom is like a man.
He's human. He's elevated He's not just a beast. So he brings in that kingdom That's why Jesus is alluding to when he calls himself the
Son of Man and he in Daniel 7. He is worshipped like God and Only God is worshipped.
So he is God So ironically when Jesus calls himself the Son of Man he's implying
I'm God Even the chief priests understood. This is we'll see they asked Jesus. Who are you?
Who is he? Jesus says you will see the Son of Man me coming in the clouds and they accuse him of blasphemy for that Who is he?
He is the one who brings God's kingdom to overcome the beastly world
If that's the case then you'd expect him never to be heard or defeated the undefeated champion of the world, right
To always be triumphant, but then he says this Starting in verse 33.
I will be delivered over delivered by who? The Son of Man will be delivered
It's a passive sentence Which means that the subject the one doing the delivering here is not named who's delivering
It's assumed It's not really Judas Judas sure Judas betrayed
Jesus, but Judas only did what he was chosen to do what came naturally to him it's what they call a divine passive a reference to God which leaves
God unnamed and It's it's assumed. He's the one here doing the action here.
He's the one delivering and so God will deliver over the
Son of Man Jesus is a me To the chief priest and the scribes
God is delivering him over to them He's handing over Jesus to them so that they will do to him what
God wants in Isaiah 53, it was the will of the Lord to crush him and What they want in Acts chapter 4 verse 28 the
Apostles pray that God's hand and plan had predestined what took place
When Jesus was arrested and beaten humiliated and killed now that doesn't mean that those who did it like the chief priests and the priest
And the scribes and not the others as though they were overcome and forced to do Something by God God overcame what they they wanted to be good to Jesus But God forced them to do something.
They didn't really want to do like a puppet is overcome by a puppet master No, that's not at all.
Notice here. God hands Jesus over to them So they will do what they want to do what comes naturally to them
Now sure God's hand and plan had predestined what took place But he didn't have to force them to do
What they didn't want to do he could just give them over to Jesus and let them do What they wanted
Which is what God wanted Then Jesus predicts exactly what will happen You know, so he doesn't just have like a vague feeling that things might get unpleasant in Jerusalem I have a bad feeling about this.
I like from Star Wars. I have a bad feeling. No, nothing like that He specifically foretells what is going to happen.
They The chief priest and the scribes will condemn him to death Then they will deliver same word as before in the first half of the verse
Jesus over to the Gentiles meaning the Romans they're the Gentiles here and everyone knows how the Romans deal with condemned rebels
You know, right in verse 34 They will mock him like putting a purple robe on him while punching him like putting a crown of thorns pressed down into his scalp
While slapping him and fake salutes they will spit upon him degrading him They will flog him as they do in preparation for the crucifixion.
They will kill him. That's how specific this prediction is This isn't just a feeling like things could get bad there
How can the Son of Man come for this? After three days he will rise notice that he will rise
Rise now finally, he's the active one. He's the one doing the action he will rise
He's not just risen by some force outside of himself. He is raising himself. He he's delivered over by the father
He's beaten and killed by others and then he will raise himself From the dead.
He's the one acting and rising Who is he That's the moon that's the most important question in your life more important than how you can get more money or More of whatever it is you want how you can get whatever you didn't get for Christmas The most important question is who is this man?
Calling himself the Son of Man Determined to go to Jerusalem even though he knows that he will be tortured and killed there and who says that he will raise himself from the dead
Who is he? He is second the servant By explaining he's the servant
Jesus explains who he is is the one who was handed over and raises himself
So as Jesus is barking toward Jerusalem James and John two brothers come up to him with a request they have a petition teacher
Probably translate the word rabbi. He's master We want you to do for us whatever we ask of you
In other words, give us our wish like Jesus was a genie from a bottle James and John apparently took the advice you have not because you asked not to heart they learn that lesson
They didn't learn what Jesus told them, but you have not because you asked that they learn that pretty good
So they're not gonna be shy about what they want. Give us whatever we ask I have a feeling Jesus smiled with that or maybe even laughed at that.
Okay, and he says in verse 36 Well, what do you want me to do for you, of course, he might do it depending on what it is
All depends on what you're asking you can have your heart's desires If your heart desires the right things
If your heart's desires to be rich and live in a big house with robot servants who drive luxury cars Have all the newest gadgets and go on extravagant vacations
Well, your problem is not you know, how you can get What you want? your problem is
With what you want What if they had asked instead of this, you know seeds of power
What if they had asked we want you to make us meet servants who love mercy and do justice and walk humbly with our
God Now that would be something That he would give them So he's not against giving people what they ask
It's that sometimes they ask for the wrong things Here James or John asked in verse 37 grant us to sit one at your right hand and one at your left in your glory
The other is they want to be the closest uppity ups to Jesus when he finally seizes the throne
Proclaims himself the rightful King of Israel the Son of David kicks out the Romans and he rules
After all they're marching to Jerusalem Jesus is so intent on getting there and the people around him are amazed and even intimidated by the fierceness of Jesus's Intention to get to Jerusalem.
They must be going to finally take over Finally, they've been waiting for this moment and it'll be glorious It's gonna be great when we finally get to Jerusalem at the end of this hike
We you'll go to a grand extravagant palace and to this ornate throne room with a platform
Six steps high for the sculpture of a lion on the side of each step Just like Solomon had and on the top of that platform the ornate glorious throne with Jesus They are ruling and on either side of him on his right hand and his left hand will be
James and John That's their vision. That's what they want James and John probably couldn't agree about who would be the right -hand man.
They probably argued about that The number one guy so in their humility They agreed to let
Jesus decide that for them They both said we'll let Jesus decide who gets to be the right -hand man, but one of us definitely That's the petition
And Jesus tells him in verse 38 You do not know what you're asking They thought they did they thought they knew that Jesus of Messiah Messiah is the king
It's like David that he's gonna rule and they'll be right there ruling with him
What's not to know They know how these things work. They've seen them before They were asking for the seats of power and privilege in the kingdom
You know right now in America with a new president elected, but not yet taking officers There's thousands of people sending in their resumes asking for positions of power and privilege in the new government
They want an office. They want a title You know, they wanted something carried with her even after the the president's gone
So they'll say I served they always put it that way I served and the administration did and they that gives them
Open doors and contacts for a lucrative career in the future It's what they're all after now here are
James and John preemptively asking Jesus to remember them for the promotion, right? We're going to Jerusalem going to take over remember us when you get to the top
You set up your government and by your glory. That's what they mean. They don't mean in heaven Glory in heaven
No, they mean when Jesus inaugurates when he starts his glorious kingdom his new government
When they finally get to Jerusalem at the end of his height, but Jesus says you totally misunderstood
What I'm going up there to do So we asked him in the second half of verse 38
Are you able to drink the cup? that I drink Now the reference to the cup
Should be a clue Besides the fact he just had told them when the son of man will be beaten and humiliated and killed
But the cup should be another clue of what he's going to be delivered over to in the Old Testament the cup of the
Lord holds judgment Psalm 75 verse 8 says for in the hand of the
Lord There is a cup of foaming wine Well mixed and he pours out from it and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to its dregs the dregs are
Dead yeast cells grape seeds and skins and other solids that settle at the bottom of it of a cup or bottle of unfiltered wine
Isaiah 51 verse 17 says wake yourself wake yourself stand up Oh Jerusalem You have drunk from the hand of the
Lord the cup of his wrath Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 15 says thus the
Lord the God of Israel said to me take from my hand this cup of the wine of wrath so the cup represents the wrath of God for sin and Jesus is saying
I'm going to drink of it and This explains what the mocking the flogging the killing means that he had just mentioned it means he's drinking that cup
He's drinking the wrath of God for the wicked He's drinking it for us
Even though he he is the only one who does not have to drink it So the cup refers to God's punishment of sins, which he will bear in place of the guilty.
Who is he? The cup tells us He's the sacrifice
Now we ask James and John if they can drink that cup They say they can the verse 239 we are able
Are you sure? The cup should be a clue that it's not all glory promotion power and perks like you asked for It's the cup of the wrath of God To be drunk down to its dregs until there's no more wrath left
It's to be the propitiatory Sacrifice the sacrifice that appeases
God's anger at sin. So he no longer holds it against us Now first only
Jesus can really do that Because he has no sin of his own to have to pay for it.
We have our own sin So we can't take someone else's sin We have to pay for ourselves first, but Jesus has none.
So when he takes the wrath of God for sin He takes it in the place of others. So no
James and John you cannot drink that cup but in a lesser a secondary sense
Jesus does share little taste of his cup with his people
So we know what he tasted and So we get to know him as Paul said in Philippians chapter 3 verse 10 when we share his sufferings
We become like him and the Lord's Supper. We take the cup
We remember what he did for us and in the end Everyone either remembers the cup that Jesus drank from Or they have to drink it themselves
And drink it down to its dregs Jesus also asked them
Are you able to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?
Yes, we're able so confident themselves Now the word baptism literally means immersion or dip
The word baptized is the Greek word for immersion to be dipped to be submerged
Are you able to be immersed or dipped and what I am about to be dipped in it suggests being overwhelmed by disaster
Or danger Jesus didn't just get sprinkled with suffering He did to put his toe in Just to suffering he was immersed in it
Now are you able? To be overwhelmed by it now they boast that they are able and Jesus says in verse 39 that they will get a taste of that cup and they will
Get dipped in suffering and James was the first Apostle to be martyred killed by the order of King Herod Agrippa John was exiled to Patmos but in verse 40 to sit at my right hand or my left hand is not mine to grant
It's for the father to grant he's in charge of the seating chart Yes, there is a glorious kingdom where those who have shared his sufferings are rewarded to sit beside the
Sun But the Sun lets the father Do the seating is for those for whom it has been?
Prepared the father has prepared places for sitting in Jesus's glorious kingdom and when the other
Apostles heard that James John asked for this about their petition in verse 41. They were indignant.
He says well, they were angry Not because they were disappointed that James and John had asked for a promotion
Just after Jesus had described how he's going to be the sacrifice by being delivered over and beaten and killed Jesus just described his sufferings and they asked for Exaltation and the other
Apostles why were they so indignant because you're so carnal I would never think of such a thing No, almost certainly the opposite.
They were indignant because they didn't think of it first. How come we didn't Maybe Andrew and Peter were going like we should have asked her at first.
We should have beat them to it So Jesus calls another meeting in verse 42 and explains You know that those who are considered rulers of the
Gentiles lorded over them and their great ones exercise authority over them I think he called Emperor and Often worshipped as gods themselves people want positions for the power and the perks.
Oh, they may call themselves public servants or comrades But they're in it for the money or the power
Or the power to get the money But in verse 43, it shall not be so among you among Jesus's people in the church
But he says it's a strong contrast there you have the way the world works people want power for the exaltation so they can be somebody but Verse 43 the opposite of that for you in the church shall not be so not for followers of Jesus, but totally opposite Whoever wishes to be great is their desire to be great.
I want to be great not necessarily wrong with wanting to be great It's just how to be great whoever wants to be great among you among Jesus's followers the church must be your servant
And the Greek word there is diakonos where we get the word deacon from verse 44 literally whoever among you in the church
Wishes that he desires to be first. It's his desire that I want to be the number one guy among Jesus's people shall be
Slave it's a different word more servile of all It's not just one of the biggest donors don't just be the slave of those that give the most
So they'll give you the most or the most important families the slave of all of God's people
Do you want to be one of those and the father's seats on the right or the left of?
Jesus then serve God's people the church Serve like Jesus served.
He's the example of a slave of all even the Son of Man reminding us that What he's driven to Jerusalem for remember you son of man earlier.
He talked about what he's going to Jerusalem to do Who is he the Son of Man will be delivered over and killed even he came not to be served
Not to get one of those prime seats on the glorious new empire but to serve he came to serve like a diaconess like a slave and to give his life a
Ransom for many Though the ransom was the price paid to liberate a slave or a prisoner of war or a condemned criminal some people want to debate
Who the ransom is paid to You pay the ransom to Satan So he's Satan lets people go or you pay it to God.
So God lets people go But that's really I think beside the point the point is that who it is paid to But what or who?
it is The ransom which usually money. It's what the word ransom you just like today.
We use a ransom We think of a certain amount of money, but here Jesus says that he serves by being The ransom he is the ransom
He's giving his life for the many And the many is the term for the elect people of God God's people
So the purpose of the ransom here is to make clear that Jesus Christ the Son of God and the
Son of Man is himself He is the price to be paid to set us free.
He is the ransom. He serves us by drinking the cup of God's wrath So we are free from having to drink it
So who is he He's the servant Who is he?
third He's the son of David So we see in that last story from verses 46 to 52 about Bartimaeus as they're leaving
Jericho They're long marks up to Jerusalem with a huge crowd all around a blind beggar
He's probably just plopped down the side of the road Sitting in the dirt probably some kind of shirt or cloth laid out in front of him where people could drop down coins for him
He's pathetic He's desperate. It's kind of for you. Just feel sorry for anybody would have to live like that He hears that Jesus is going by he's
Bartimaeus The Bart the name Bartimaeus means in Hebrew son of Timaeus Which anyone knows
Hebrew can figure that out bar means son of Timaeus and Mark translated for us in verse 46 in case
We don't know Hebrew showing that mark is written for Gentile people in verse 47 He began to cry out does he began to he began to which complies that he continued to do so like he started
He kept at it Repeatedly relentlessly Jesus son of David have mercy on me
Notice what he calls Jesus there. Who is he? Bartimaeus says he's the son of David The one who fulfills the promises to David Remember God had made a covenant with David that one of David's sons would always rule
But a king from David hadn't ruled since 586 BC almost 600 years now
Who was going to fulfill God's promises to David? Who is
God's King? Well, that'd be the son of David Bartimaeus blind He sees that Jesus is the son of David That's who he is and Bartimaeus announces it over and over again shouting
Jesus son of David have mercy on me People all around him.
They shushed him quiet down Buked him They want to see
Jesus they will hear Jesus have a good talk You want to hear this blind man who's desperate doesn't mean anything yelling like that Keep quiet, but he kept at it announcing loudly
Who Jesus is Jesus son of David? So in verse 49
Jesus stops and told the crowd to call him And I called out notice the first 49 they call out to the blind man
He's called there notice he's called the blind man, even though we've already been given his name Could just say he's called out to Bartimaeus, but we're reminded that he's blind
Because he sees who Jesus is Take heart
Be of good cheer being confident Bartimaeus be encouraged The word there is used seven times in the
New Testament and every time except here It's spoken by Jesus here is probably originates with Jesus they relayed the word to him who is
Jesus He's the one who tells us to take heart Like in Mark chapter 6 verse 50 when
Jesus is walking on the water in the middle of the storm The disciples are in the boat. They're terrified. They look like a ghost walking on the water
He cries out he calls out to them take heart in his eye Here it's originally from Jesus relayed to the blind man.
Jesus says Take heart He's calling out to Jesus for mercy telling everyone who
Jesus is. He's the son of David. He's the Messiah He's the one who brings in God's kingdom who fulfills all of God's promises take heart
Bartimaeus. He is calling you So in verse 50, he flings off his cloak
Springs up from the ground runs to Jesus now imagine that blind people Rarely run because he would think you would be afraid of running into something
But here he runs because he's just so excited and doesn't want anything to get in to slow this down So he comes to Jesus and Jesus asked him.
What do you want me to do? It's basically the same question Jesus that asked James and John remember, what do you want me to do for you?
We want you to give us the prime spots of the kingdom. Well here the blind man. He's called again in verse 51 says rabbi
Master teacher it's a term of respect That's who Jesus is Well, what's he want from Jesus in Greek?
It's just two words that and I may receive sight
Four words in English, but in Greek it only comes down to one. I have I have to receive it.
I Asked you to give me the ability to receive sight. I Want to receive it, but I don't have the ability to you have to give me that ability.
I'm I'm Active, but my ability to receive it depends on you master son of David this is a perfect picture of salvation
Receiving spiritual sight you cry out for mercy because that's all you can do
But make sure you know who you're calling out to make sure you know who he is and when you do
Then you receive yes, you are active You receive
But you can only receive if the son of David makes you able to Jesus simply says in verse 52 go
Your faith has healed you It's his faith It made him see even when he was blind
That Jesus is the son of David the Messiah His faith made him believe that Jesus could heal him
His faith caused him to believe that Jesus could make him able to receive his sight
He ran he asked for it and he was able to receive but first Jesus has to enable him to receive
Immediately as soon as Jesus had said these words He received his sight he actively did
What Jesus gave him to do and he went? But not away remember
Jesus told him go So he went where he wanted to go and that Was with Jesus He went with Jesus on his march to Jerusalem Who is he the son of David God's King who enables his people to receive the kingdom
To receive all the promises that Jesus fulfills Who is he
Do you know who Jesus is? We confess him in the icing Creed The only begotten
Son of God born of the Father for all ages God from God Light from light true
God from true God, that's great and true, but do you know who he is for you?
Your sacrifice who was delivered over by the Father to torturers and murderers for your sin
Do you know him as that? Your servant who drank the cup of God's wrath for your sin
Who is immersed in God's judgment so as to be your ransom the
Son of David who fulfills all God's promises and enables you to receive them so that finally you see
Who he is? the only question now is Are you blind