Daily Devotional – Sept. 22, 2020

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A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Trust things are going well Hasn't been all that long ago a little over well, maybe a year and a half and my father who had
Parkinson's disease and the first few months of 2019 started to deteriorate pretty rapidly and Got to the place where he had to get put in an assisted living facility and when he first went in there in the assisted living place, he was he was doing pretty well and One of the things that he really liked was dinner and the mealtime
Had good food. He really appreciated it and so forth. Well Had a trend had a little episode and Caused him to lose some of his quite a bit of his mobility
And they had the trends we had to transition him from the assisted living Part of the
Place the unit the facility to really just like a nursing home kind of care skilled nursing care and he didn't like that very well and I got him set up in there and went to see him after he got situated in his new room and I saw a tray and had food on it.
I said, what are you eating dad? Nothing Why not? What you need to eat?
I don't want anything not hungry. Don't want it, you know and In talking to the nurses and so forth.
That was a pretty standard response every time Food was brought you didn't want it didn't want it had no appetite
Have you had one of those seasons of life? Lasted maybe a couple of days or maybe a few months where you simply had no appetite
Well, I'm sure somebody noticed and if they did or maybe you actually shared with others that you know
You just just didn't have any appetite. Maybe you went to your doctor. You told him you didn't have an appetite
What's the first question that they're gonna ask? It's gonna be something like what's wrong?
What's going on? right because they recognize that If you don't have an appetite
When you should then there's something Something else wrong the not the lack of an appetite is a symptom it's a symptom of a deeper problem and That could be something like fear.
It could be some over Overwhelming fear that is so consuming you that you don't even want to eat or maybe anxiety perhaps sorrow or grief
Just so stricken with with grief Perhaps there's an underlying physical illness like in my dad's case
Come to find out part of the problem with his note with his lack of appetite, you know, the the
Parkinson affected his You know affected his taste some and his ability to swallow and he just didn't want to just want to deal with it so there the physical illness or perhaps an intense conflict you're you're at loggerheads with somebody and that that conflict is just a constant source of a constant source of stress in your
Within you that you just don't have any appetite for food.
You don't want to eat well What's true with your physical appetite is also true of your spiritual appetite
John Owen put it this way he said the loss of spiritual appetite is an evidence of the decay of all other graces and what
Owen is getting at is if Your spiritual appetite isn't healthy that indicates a
Deeper problem that lack of a spiritual appetite is merely a symptom of a deeper problem
Well in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus began with the Beatitudes you remember those the blessed our statements
Well, the fourth one the fourth but the fourth beatitude in that list reads this way
Jesus said Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied so How's your appetite for righteousness if your appetite for righteousness is, you know waning?
Something else is wrong. Something else is awry that is if you're feeling rather indifferent about living life as God prescribes it in his word or perhaps
You really don't even care to find out how God prescribes Life and how it is to be lived in his word.
You really don't have a Appetite to find out what he has to say about what pleases him
What he likes. Well, if that's the case then there's a serious lack of other graces and Frankly, you know we can look right there in the
Beatitudes and you can see Some of the other graces where Jesus is blessed are the you know, blessed are the poor in spirit and so forth
So looking at those surrounding Beatitudes you can see some areas where If you don't have a hunger for righteousness
You're probably lacking also in these other areas these other graces these other things that the
Beatitudes touch on for example No hunger or thirst after righteousness means you probably
Don't have any poverty of spirit You're you're not seeing yourself as impoverished in your spirit before God And I'm pretty confident that there would be no mourning
Sorrow over sin and its effects in your life or in the life of somebody else that you're affecting
You don't hunger a thirst after righteousness I'm pretty confident. Also that you're not humbling yourself before God And if you have no hunger or thirst after righteousness
Your relationship with other people is probably wanting that is You probably have a lack of mercy that you show toward others
Probably have an impure heart insincere duplicitous And what about conflict, you know, he says blessed are the peacemakers if you're in conflict with others and You know could care less about it and doing nothing to make peace well, that's one of those graces that you're lacking that is this that is underlying the lack of hunger thirsting after righteousness now,
I realize if you're listening to this today that Most of those things are probably not true of you and that there's at least some degree of hunger
After you know what God has to say otherwise, why would you be listening to this? Why would you pay be paying any attention to some guy?
You know providing a devotional well, I I commend you for that appetite and I just pray and trust that This time that you spend these few minutes just watching a devotional broadcast every day would help to Stimulate that appetite all the more.
I hope you have a healthy hunger and May these times Where we look at just a simple idea in God's Word that encourages us in our
Christian walk May those things just increase that hunger and feed it so let's pray today and ask
God to Just to just to give us a greater hunger and thirst for righteousness
So our Father in our God We do realize that our appetite is a symptom of underlying things
I pray as we consider this question today about our spiritual appetite that we could honestly look at our lives and Look at what we want and what we're after in life and be able to discern
Just how hungry we are hungry for the things of the
Lord hunger for righteousness and I pray that you would you would deepen that hunger and that we would find satisfaction
Your your word promises those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied and may we find our appetite
Satisfied on a daily basis and may it return every day That we might have it satisfied every day.
And so this we pray in Jesus name. Amen All right. Well, I trust the
Lord will bless you today with some good food Spiritual food and have your hunger return again tomorrow.