The Worst Thing I've Ever Heard a Big Eva Capo Say - Part 6

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, everybody. Let's let's get into it. I hope you have a good weekend planned ahead. I know that I do
I'm gonna actually be visiting Some people that we met at the most recent fight laugh feast conference, and so I'm excited about that Going to their house
You know people from all over the country come to fight laugh feast and these guys happen to be from New Hampshire so I'm looking forward to that and Yeah, let's yeah, let's let's dive right in But when you decide to do that you have to be very confident of your spiritual maturity
Yeah, and I see a lot of Incredibly spiritually immature people like people that I would not allow to disciple my cat
Trying to do that. Yeah. Yeah, well. He's of course right. You know what I mean when you're engaging in mocking and Of course he pairs up mocking and slander as if it's the same thing
It's like they're both sins and all it's got it's just not the case at all I mean everyone that's reasonable understands that you can mock
At times and it's totally appropriate Jesus mocked at times even though you know Ligon seems to think he has not
But slander is different slander is a lie slander is not an untruth that you tell to try to ruin something someone's reputation right so But but yeah, you do have to really kind of think about your own
Soul when you're doing that your own intentions your own Situation right because of course it is possible to go too far
And this is something that I think about all the time, and you know if you're out there, and you're mocking
You know the powers that be you're mocking people Online or even in person for that matter
You do need to consider that kind of stuff like like what we know and and it you know of course it always depends right it always depends like if I'm hanging out with my brother and I call him an idiot right
I mean, it's it's different because I'm not actually saying that you're unintelligent, or you're you know
Stupid or something like that. You know it's just like hey, what's up idiot? You know to me like it's just it's just part of our it depends on the context depends on the situation depends on your relationship
With the person stuff like that so of course he's right of course. He's right I'm pretty sure though I'm pretty sure that Liggan is in no position to be judging the spiritual maturity of people random people on the internet
You're in no position to do that Liggan And I think that if you're honest with yourself, which you really haven't been honest with yourself this entire conversation
So I have no reason to think that you're actually gonna somehow figure this one out But if you're honest with yourself you have no idea about The condition of my soul my heart and things like that by the way by the way, let's let's move on from there
I think I made my point somebody asked me in a comment does Liggan watch your content and You know normally
I would say no, and I don't think he's like a religious watcher or anything But I think Liggan has seen some of my content and my evidence for this is
He said that some of these guys. You know you remember. He's like some of these guys. They'd say Yay, John the
Baptist Jesus. You're a weasel Which of course is insane no one would ever say that but weasel
That's a very very specific word, and that's a word that as far as I'm aware.
I'm the only person That's Moscow adjacent that uses the word weasel, and I use it quite often
So it's not like if you you know you know just a random word you picked out of nowhere You'd never seen my content or you watch my content
And you might have missed it because I only say it every now and then I say it all the time I call people weasels all the time because people act like weasels all the time
So so Liggan Duncan. You know he pays no attention to the non anti Big Eva content, but uh
I don't know I don't know. I think he might I think he might watch the old 80
Robles YouTube channel Which I find quite hilarious because I'm just a random.
You know Joe But no, I happen to know that I don't know about Liggan Specifically, but I happen to know that there are some big names that watch my content and that don't like it
But yet still watch it So yeah, you know I mean you could pretend to be too cool for school
I don't even pay attention to it. I don't know but yeah, we know better. We know better I've I've gotten some some interesting emails from the inside people that you probably know and trust
Big Eva goons that say how frustrated they are with watching some of my content
Yeah, you can keep pretending you don't know but I know I know better And I'm willing to bet if I had to put some money down right now.
I'd put all my Bitcoin on I don't I don't have any Bitcoin. I put all my
Bitcoin on Liggan Has watched my content before and in fact. I think more than once I think maybe even often
So there you go there you go And and so you know people
I want to go that like do you know you I think I think Liggan Duncan has watched more Of my content than I've watched of his
Which is not saying much. I mean that could be like five videos All I mean do you have any self -awareness whatsoever?
Do you know what you're like you know it would anybody in the world go to you? You know and and want to understand the gospel in Christianity And but you're gonna be the arbiter of who's faithful in this is amazing
So this is just more mudslinging right because he what he wants to do is say yeah Yeah, do you know what you sound like?
And he wrote this I'm gonna pretend He's talking to me do you know what you sound like is anyone gonna ever ask you about the gospel and how to be a
Christian and stuff like that and The idea is the answer is no nobody would and you know this is a this is a point that's often made right and It has no basis in reality because Liggan doesn't know me at all
He doesn't know what I do on my on my free time he doesn't know you know who reaches out to me, and who doesn't and stuff like that and and Here's the truth though, and this is
I think People need to hear this. I really do because this is this is actually really important to me
And I think Here's what I think here's what I think There's a subsection of people that would never in a million years
Come to me to hear about the gospel that is true There are some people that I am
NOT their cup of tea And they would not even dream of having a conversation with me that is true
Lincoln Duncan is dead -on balls accurate Dead -on balls accurate right there
And that's true, that's very true There is another subsection of people that would not even for one moment
Consider going to Liggan Duncan to ask about the gospel or to ask about how to be a
Christian Or to ask about morality or to ask anything because Liggan you are also not everybody's cup of tea and Those people while they would not even for a moment consider coming to you
Because they don't think you're trustworthy They don't like your face. They don't like your freaking necktie.
Whatever the reason it doesn't matter. They would come to me They would come to me
There's a dear brother in the Lord who actually just passed away this this week old guy old guy
He liked me. He loved me like a brother But he was I was not his cup of tea. He did not like my style
He did not like my attitude. He did not like, you know, all that kind of stuff loved me though loved me and He actually knew me right?
He actually knew me in real life dear brother, man He passed away just this just just this week and he came to me one time and I couldn't do it
I just didn't have the time for it. I didn't have the bandwidth for it, right? but he said to me said, you know ad
I Really? I really think you should consider Joining me in my prison ministry and I I did not take him up on it
But this is what he told me and I'll never forget this he said Your personality your style your directness
This is the kind of person that prisoners will actually listen to You can actually reach these prisoners
And I'm doing my best. He was in prison ministry. He did a good job. He did a good job But he said that there are certain people in prison.
They don't want to hear from a guy like me But they would listen to you and that's really touching man.
I'm getting a little emotional even right now, but That was touching, you know, and I didn't take him up on it again.
I didn't have the bandwidth for it I have other things that I'm doing but he knows me and He understands this exact point that for some reason
Ligon in his it is ivory tower where he can't see the regular People he doesn't know what we're up to.
He doesn't know what we're doing doesn't know what we're like He can't imagine Why anyone would come to you?
I've got so many emails Messages from people that wouldn't dream of reaching out to someone like you
They don't want to they they don't like it they it just you're just not their cup of tea But they would reach out to me and they do and they ask about the gospel and about Christ and about Christianity and they've got their objections and they've got their things and And I'm not here saying
Ligon that everyone has to be like me Between the two of us. You're the only one doing that.
It's pretty simple The body of Christ has different members This is basic theology
Ligon that I know, you know, and I know you agree with every one is different Doesn't make any sense for the hand to say
I have no need of the head It makes no sense for the the ear to say I have no need of the knee. It doesn't make any sense but you're trying your best to make it make sense and You're failing again and again and again
You keep saying you stay up in your ivory tower, I don't care what you do but the people down here the regulars
While they respect you while they while they hold you in high esteem We're gonna keep doing what we're doing.
How about that? That's my counter offer how that's my counter offer How about you mind your own business?
You worry about the people in your flock in your congregation and this my my old brother.
God rest his soul He's with the Lord now He can worry about me How about that?
That's my counter offer Social media has encouraged us in that direction because anybody with a cell phone can opine to the entire known universe
This really bothers him. This really bothers him that an idiot like me can in his opinion.
He's I'm an idiot. I Happen to know that I'm pretty smart. I've got enough. No, I'm not gonna say that line again
It's been tested it bothers him though that I can have any hearing whatsoever
The playing field has been leveled and we can go toe -to -toe with a massive intellect like Ligon Duncan And I do mean that seriously.
I know it sounds like a joke, but I'm not joking. I mean that seriously and I could pick apart the nonsense that he says in about five seconds flat and it makes sense because it's the truth and He's like well, who are you?
Where did you go to school? Look the time for like credentials to be the only way you get by I've got the credentials therefore listen to me that time
Is over it's over Credentials are great. I'm not against credentials.
But the thing is in our modern times credentials have to actually be backed up with substance
They have to be backed up with action I don't give two rips how many freaking
PhDs you have if you think that to get the Vaccine is a sign of how you love your neighbor.
You are wrong and I am right Simple is that Simple is that A lot of people don't trust
PhDs, and I understand why And I pretty much don't trust PhDs, but PhDs in and of themselves do not
Do not are not a bad thing That's for sure But being able to point to your credentials is not just gonna fly anymore
That's you got to do a lot more than that You actually have to have the conversation like this whole thing where you're like well
You know I'm not gonna have the conversation But if I did man I would have you in a chokehold in five seconds
And you'd be in the defeated position and like yeah, that's not gonna fly anymore. That's internet LARPing That's internet stuff that who cares we don't care about that anymore
Have the balls the cojones Have the cojones to go on cross -politic you do that Ligon Even if you get decimated which you most certainly would
They'd be nice to you though. They'd be nice to you I My respect for you would go through the roof.
You'll never do it, so I'm not too worried about that And and so when you know
I really by the way I think that Neil Postman's book amusing ourselves to death fantastic explains all of this now
Illustrations are out of date. You'll laugh at them etc, but he explains this whole dynamic 40 years ago and When your
Vision for faithfulness in engagement is a food fight. You know whether it's on television or whether it's on Twitter or X Then you're gonna have a very different view of what it means to be faithful in relation to your culture and a lot of it is just feeding ego and a lot of its envy and And again a lot of it is is driven by a desire to be important Yeah, you know very unimportant people who want to be important Brother they're very unimportant people not like me
I am important, but it's a very unimportant. They're trying to be important. Yeah, I Love that kind of stuff and you know and honestly like You know
I love Doug Wilson as you guys know I mean He's a hero of mine. You know it's simple as that, but but when he says it's envy
You know that that's just one of those things you know Doug says that about when people talk badly about the
Jews It's just envy whatever It's just so easy to throw that accusation out there, and it doesn't have to be based in reality it's just something you throw out there, and It's it's expected to land and it's just these accusations.
You're just jealous. You're just envious you want to be important It's just so easy to throw that stuff out there, and it's not based in reality
He doesn't know the people from Moscow in that way. He doesn't know me like that.
He doesn't know what I care about It's just as simple as that. It's just one of those things. It's just more mudslinging to throw it out there
I mean I could say I could do the same thing and I have done the same thing where I think that you know all the the woke stuff it was just like a like a desire to be loved by the world a little bit more and I Can base that in some in some evidence and because when
I do it I usually do it in response to something that I'm seeing in front of me right now And so you can go back and you can make your decision
You know it's just an opinion of mine, but you can go back and say okay Well, he's talking about XYZ and 80s wrong on that one or 80s right on that one
You know I could see why he would say that But when Ligon does it, Ligon just says it and it doesn't give you any examples
It's obviously an opinion I mean we're not gonna be upset about him with an opinion But he just throws it out there without naming anyone without saying anything in particular without pointing out something in particular
This is how big evil lies all Often this is what they do and so you have no way to check it you can just be like well
You know I feel he's right, or I feel he's wrong like there's no there's nothing. There's nothing to it right There's no substance to you're not actually talking about anything of course
It's an opinion, but at least with an opinion where there's an example You could be like yeah, you know 80 gets this one wrong people do that all the time in the comments by the way
I appreciate you for doing that you know I don't think I don't take it as antagonistic I don't always agree with you, but I appreciate when you think
I'm wrong on on something someone did that yesterday about Ligon So and I didn't agree
Anyway, um, but yeah, that's that's just what it is. It's just mudslinging completely out of context So there's just no way to fact -check at all hard out at 740
Let me ask you this you will not hurt my feelings. I wanted to get your thoughts on theonomy I doubt you can answer that in one minute.
Do you have another minute to answer that or should we just let's go? Okay, go. I'm yours. You will not hurt my feelings if you say
I just got to go You know I wrote he always closed his eyes. It's so weird does anyone have any information for me on that one
You won't hurt my feelings if you go if you like man like what it's so strange very strange
I think it's a body language thing. I think it's it's an embarrassment thing That the body just kind of unconsciously does when you're saying something that is embarrassing like you you just you don't even want to look
It's just like you know. I don't know. What do you guys think let me know what you think about the closing the eyes thing I don't get it. I don't get it
Anyway, we're gonna move into theonomy here. Let's see do I have time for this. Yeah, I've got time for this. Let's let's do it
Vote on theonomy as a young professor at RTS in the early 1990s
You know Greg Bonson wrote theonomy and Christian ethics while he was a professor at RTS Jackson in the mid -1990s
I did not know that theonomy was a ground zero kind of issue when I came to RTS Jackson And so I had to develop a lecture for it in my ethics course and that eventually became a book which
I finished in 1995 or 1996 but by that time theonomy was already in retreat in Circles yeah, and so I put it on the shelf
And I thought this will never be relevant again for the rest of my life and then behold
You know from for the last seven years or so You know, I see the zombie coming out of the of the grave force
Zombie of the love God is coming out of the grave Well, he's given his little backstory about his startup in theonomy
I'll give you mine some of you guys know this some of you guys don't but when I became a Christian, you know, my my my go -to's were like Matt Chandler and Who's the guy who yelled a lot?
I don't remember a Driscoll Keller all these all the normal guys that you expect and then
I randomly found Rush Dooney and I found Rush Dooney through Gary North because I had actually been a libertarian for a while and Gary North used to write for a libertarian blog called
Lou Rockwell every week He had he'd have a column and I loved his columns and then this is before I was a
Christian I loved his columns and then I became a Christian and I found out that Gary North was a Christian not only a
Christian but like a like a pretty awesome Christian, so I found theonomy through that and I remember reading the theonomy books like the standard stuff and My mind was completely blown.
I mean, I'd never heard anyone Take the law as seriously as they did and I didn't agree with everything.
I read but it was just a whole new world for me and and Theonomy like the
Christian Reconstruction stuff. There's definitely some novel stuff there some new stuff But as far as taking the law seriously in the civil realm and how the civil law applies in the civil realm
That was not new that that's something that the reformed tradition Had always debated had always kicked around had always believed that the civil realm had some duty to obey the
Lord and so I just remember being very angry because I'd never heard anything like it before and it was made perfect sense that the civil government would have some duty before the
Lord and I remember being angry that nobody had ever taught me that before because they'd like to pretend like it's brand new
Now again, hear me saying there there is some parts of Christian Reconstruction that I think are new that being said the the it's not
That the civil realm, you know has a duty before the Lord To apply the law in certain ways like like that's not new.
So It's interesting that he tries to present this as a zombie.
I mean if anything, it's I guess a Like a maybe a half zombie. I don't know. I don't know so I Actually Jonathan Lehman reached out and asked if we could republish some of that material in the nine marks for the journal magazine on Reconstructionism I said absolutely and I've realized
I need to address that again. So I I would say that Theonomy and the the larger reconstruction movement around it
Was a well -meaning but misguided cultural overreaction to Some some theological things in American culture and to some and to some cultural and political things in American culture
I think that if you look at the time when theonomy is developing Rushdooney North Bonson the you know, the original folks that sort of spread the word the dominant theology of Evangelicalism in those days was dispensational antinomianism and So It's almost like okay, we're gonna do the opposite and the end and a lot of neutral public square talk
Yeah, yeah, and and and and then at the same time there was a there was a right there was a gradual rise of the of the sort of conservative movement in America through you know from Before Reagan through Reagan the moral majority and then the moral majority something to you because you know
You remember Ligon Duncan's male fake weeping and I I keep bringing that up because it was totally fake
Completely fake and it's very obvious We can you know, maybe I'll link to the the video where he's fake weeping so you can make the determination on whether it was
Real or not. I think it's obviously fake. He's crying and then a second later. He's cracking jokes, right?
so You know in that he says that we got to go a little woke
This is what he essentially says we got to go a little woke Because this is the dadgum second commandment a second commandment applies, you know and stuff like that so It's okay to be a theonomist to Ligon So long as you're doing it in the fake gay liberal way
The way that is not really based in God's law It's based on what you wish God's law said essentially the dadgum second commandment
It applies to the civil realm as long as it's something that is regime approved But the minute you start staying saying, you know, well
The second commandment the second greatest commandment applies and it applies in the way that God originally meant it which is you know, the the six the six the the latter six commandments of the law and You know, and there's a lot of information in the law about how it applies and you know
We don't have to necessarily make the book of you know, Leviticus our law But we have to look at that and say well
How does the general equity apply here and all that stuff and if you do that in a conservative awesome way?
Well, then that becomes a well -meaning but misguided, you know kind of thing for him This is what it boils down to for Ligon Duncan.
So, you know, maybe like affirmative action and reparations are okay I'm not sure what he believes on that, but he wouldn't come down too hard on that stuff.
Maybe that's okay. But but yeah, you know Banning homosexuality making that a criminal offense again
That's just are you? What? What you know what I mean? It's like it's just it's just that's how it works
Right the dadgum second commandment only in the little and a lot of these folks ended up being advisors to some, you know fairly significant public figures and politicians and I think there was a there there was a very optimistic post -millennial
Expectation that we're gonna not only take back this country. We're actually going to establish, you know
Theonomic yeah, we're really doing it. Yeah, we're gonna do it. The Puritans will be proud. There you go.
And and so That I think that was That's a interesting comment from Sean DeMars, right because if you remember
Ligon Duncan describes this as a zombie a Monster to be slain that just resurrected, you know
It's you start in the 90s and then it's resurrected now and now you gotta you know Put the bullet in the head to kill the zombie and stuff like that That's how he described it.
But then But then and then Sean says oh the Puritans would be proud
Which is an interesting comment Because it kind of reveals that Yeah, I mean reform people have been you know talking about this kind of thing
Maybe not the exact same thing but this kind of thing since the inception of the nation since the beginning of the nation
Which is weird because that would be like I guess the zombies resurrected a couple times a few times
I mean, what exactly is being said here? What exactly is being said here? Don't these guys like the
Puritans? I mean, I Assumed he did. I mean, I don't know. I know some people don't like the Puritans Very interesting comment because it kind of like shows you that you know
This is actually these issues that these debates these conversations. These are reform debates These are reform like like and I honestly do believe that it if if if Ligon Hasn't didn't choose to clip his own nuts
And to only talk about things that are approved I think that it would be awesome and he would do a really good job engaging with Stephen Wolfe's book with all of the wealth of reformed patriarchs, you know
Positions in it. I think he could do a good job engaging I think he would I think it would be a very interesting thing because he would
I mean he would have to admit that This this kind of thing. This is the idea of a Christian nation a Christian magistrate
That's part of the reformed tradition that's very reformed And this guy knows it.
I mean this guy's a scholar, right? He knows that But he can't admit that because that's not approved
Man, how awesome would it be to see Ligon Duncan seriously engaged Stephen Wolfe's book?
You know without all the nonsense about racism and kinism and all that stuff, right? Without the nonsense of saying oh, this is just rush duty to 3 .0
Like it's obviously not rush duty 3 .0 and I like rush duty I'm not saying this from a position of I think rush duty sucks.
I like rush duty But Stephen Wolfe's book is not rush duty. It isn't it not
I mean, it's not it's not even close Anyway, yeah It's the background
I think what's happening now Is that we've never been further away from that possibility in our culture than we are now and Just like the abortion abolition this for a second like He he's he's using as an example of why it's so stupid and ridiculous
That we're we've never been further from the possibility of having a Christian nation and actually doing some good for the kingdom of the
Lord in the civil realm But weren't you like fighting against it so like what what is so I'm fighting against it and Now he's using his evidence.
We've never been further like Okay, so what what how should
I interpret that like so does that mean you were right? You're on the right side of history because we've never been further from Having a
Christian magistrate like that. So I guess you were right like it all along. You did a good job You fought for your king.
How am I supposed to interpret that? It's so bizarre
It's bizarre. It's it really is like he's proud and satisfied of losing this is why people call it loser theology because He's almost like taking credit for being on the right side of history
And the evidence is because we've never been further from a Christian magistrate. It's like what?
I Man it's very strange Very strange.
Anyway, we're about to get into the abolition thing. This is this is just gold here Movement, you know
Roe v. Wade gets struck down and suddenly there's an abortion abolition movement You got like where were you like for the last 50 years while all these evangelical pro -life people were out here, you know
Scraping and clawing and trying to do what they could do to to roll back
Roe v. Wade same thing up there for a second. Okay, so there's just so much here
There's multiple lines of attack and this is something that a lot of people have noticed where they're like ad you missed
XYZ you miss this you miss that and it's like yeah, I mean some of it I did really miss some of it
I didn't but it's just like there's there's always Five lines of attack on what he's saying because what he's saying is just so it's first of all, it's factually incorrect
But it's also just it's bizarre Think about this for a second.
Okay, so so we're gonna start with the factual problems He says Roe v.
Wade gets overturned and suddenly Where were you? I mean suddenly the abolitionists are here.
What? Where were you the last 50 years? And that's just I mean
The abolitionists have come out in droves to talk about how untrue that is It's not that's not how it is
Ligon. You lied again. I mean, I don't know how many lies were up to here But there's there's tons. There's there's probably 20 probably 20 lies a couple dozen here
He lied again. And so Listen, I mean, I'm I I haven't been a Christian for for all that long
I mean I told you the other day about the the street preaching conference I went to man probably at this point that was maybe 10 years ago.
I don't know maybe maybe a little more than 10 years ago So 10 years ago
It was when I met Rusty Thomas and Rusty Thomas was involved with Operation Rescue And I know he was involved with Operation Rescue for a lot longer before that Probably since the 80s if I had to guess right and so Yeah, they weren't called abolitionists back then that that's a newer term, but the idea of abolishing abortion
It has been around for freaking decades man decades and You know that Ligon and so does
Sean DeMars He knows that they didn't spring up out of the depths of hell Like the way he wants you to pretend that it did after Roe v.
Wade was was was was a was a was abolished Or overturned or whatever?
Why do this? Why lie like that? Now that's one issue I'm not gonna go too much into that because the abolitionists out there know the history a lot better than I do
It's just factually incorrect, but think about what he's saying for a second here.
He's trying to he's trying to Make this seem bad somehow, right?
So let's just pretend let's just join Ligon's fantasy land for just a moment and Pretend that the abolitionists didn't exist
Before Roe v. Wade and then Roe v. Wade was overturned great news And now people are saying great.
We're gaining some ground. I'm an abolitionist now Not only should we overturn
Roe v. Wade. We should abolish abortion We should abolish abortion. So not only is it not protected by the
Constitution, but we should actually make it a crime We should we should abolish abortion Man, we're gaining ground.
We're getting we're gaining momentum. You know people start to get optimistic There's a man we can really do this. We can really look all those pro -lifers out there
They were scraping and clawing and finally they did it, you know, they did it They they did they finally got but we could do better.
We could do better. Let's do it. Let's that's his fantasy land, right? That's what people were thinking if that was the case
Why throw shade on that He just got done saying we've never been further from the reality of a moral
Christian government Roe v. Wade gets overturned. What are these abolitionists thinking?
These guys are crazy Does that not just over like like again?
We're operating his fantasy land here. This is his this is the fantasy land of Ligon Duncan Does not what he just said about Roe v.
Wade gets overturned Contradict what he said about we've never been further never
Never been further. It certainly seems to but then even if it does, okay, whatever.
He's confused. Whatever Why is he trying to throw cold water on a movement that sees momentum and says man those pro -lifers good job now
Let's go for the whole let's go for the whole thing. Let's go for the whole enchilada. We're gaining ground here Why throw cold water on that Ligon Ligon?
That's pathetic That is sad How did you get this way
Ligon, how did you become so pathetic and sad Why would you want to throw water on that why would you want to present that as if that's a negative
Why it's bizarre? It is bizarre
It's like we've never been further from from a moral government Um, but then now we kind of got a little closer and now these abolitionists want to make it even more
We got to go back to that point when we've never been further from it because that's my admit that's my mission What a mess
What a mess What a confused weird bizarre because it's it's it's
It's grotesque is what it is. This is a grotesque view of What the
Chris how the Christian should engage culture? What is he actually saying here?
Because it does not look good It's almost like he prefers
Us to be as far away as possible from a Christian and a moral government that's like his preference
It is grotesque Thing with with reconstructionism you you know
Just like you were saying friends from other countries look at this like it like talk to your Chinese friends
How impractical is this? I don't live in China. I don't live in China What does it matter if they think it's impractical or not?
I live in the United States And we just overturn Roe v. Wade and we could actually abolish abortion in many states
We could do it if we wanted to We could do it if we plan appropriately and so why do
I freaking care if someone from the Qingpao region? Doesn't see how this is practical. It's practical here
There are many states where it's possible and don't give me this bull about how states have banned abortion
No state has banned abortion, but it's possible And we could do it. So let the
Chinese worry about their situation Because their situation is very different and I have sympathy for them and I feel for them
But my situation in New Hampshire is different from China and my situation in New Hampshire is different from Tennessee and Texas and Florida It's really not that doable here in New Hampshire at this moment
At this moment, it's not doable doesn't mean it's impossible But it does mean that it's not as doable as it is potentially in Florida or Texas or Alabama or Georgia or whatever the
Name your state So do I do if I lived in if I lived in Alabama?
Am I going think about my brothers in California? I mean, they can't even do it.
They think it's crazy What do I care? I don't live in California Let's do it here
It's not that I don't care about the Chinese. It's just I don't live in China I have no power in China.
I have a little power here in New Hampshire It's so impractical.
I mean think about Saudi Arabia. They can't have a Christian nation there So you can't have a Christian nation here. It's got to be even
What a joke This is grotesque. It's grotesque is what this is
What a joke Utterly impractical in in in most parts of the world even think in these ways cares
Who cares? Why does that matter to the man sitting in Alabama on the legislature?
Why? It doesn't It doesn't He might care deeply about China.
He might send missionaries to China He might fund missionaries to China, but he's a legislator in Alabama, and he's got to consider
He's got to care a lot more about Alabama Why is this so difficult?
He wants to lose He wants it to be as bad as it could be what other explanation could there be
Yeah, I know you you have the possibility of banning abortion in Alabama, but think about the Chinese before you do it
It absolutely boggles the mind It boggles the mind and so again you can be really brave and you can have these really strong opinions and you can you can think you're really pure and you're you're the you're the one true believer and everyone's midst and It's it's there's no possibility of this being implemented in any possible world
Yeah, I think we'll come back to that statement and just in the next episode and we'll probably do two more
And maybe one more we'll see there's no possibility of abortion abolition in any possible world
That's one of the most grotesque Limp -wristed Well, I Could say a lot more
You know, but being a Christian man, I won't That is one of the worst things
I've heard any Christian leader say ever No exaggeration
No exaggeration It's pathetic It's grotesque
It is the it is one of the worst possible things. I've ever heard any Christian leader say ever about cultural engagement when
I heard that for the first time I It's one of those like jaw hits the floor moments
You know what? I mean? It's just like it I'm gonna be straight up with you.
Okay, so before I say this I'm gonna say
That I believe that Ligon Duncan is a believer. I believe he's a Christian. I believe his sins are forgiven
Okay, but when I heard that statement I thought to myself remember he said abortion abolition
Cannot be implemented in any possible world and the thought
I had when I first heard that I Don't have the same religion as Ligon Duncan We worship two different gods.
How can you interpret that any other way? How can this man have the same religion as me?
That was my thought How can we believe in the same Almighty God How can we be reading the same book of Exodus?
How can we be reading the same book of Ezra Nehemiah? How is it possible?
there's so Much in there and that's what it's for guys It's not for so you can read it and you could be the smartest guy around and get your
MDiv and you know You know you could debate the esoteric stuff No, that stuff is there the history is there so you can see the amazing miracles the works that God has done the
Almighty God where he takes this people that really nothing special and he does these amazing things for them that nobody could ever have done themselves and he delivers them
He delivers them. You're supposed to read that and have confidence in the
Lord and have a Faith that God can move mountains and I get it.
It's hard man. It's hard sometimes when you when you face big obstacles, right and There's things in your life that you just feel like you can't overcome and it's hard to believe.
I Get it, man. I get it But man, that's what's so beautiful on Sunday, man
You go to you go to church on Sunday You've been through a hard week, right? you've been through a hard week nothing went right and you're praying and you're just like what's going on and and Like like you can't you can't see a way out you can't see a solution and you go to church on Sunday, man and and Some of the people know what you're going through some of them don't
But everyone's there singing the praises of God remembering the mighty mighty works of God and you go and you're and you're invited to the table again and and you remember the
Things that God has accomplished amongst his people and you're reading Exodus you're reading these amazing stories
You're reading the book of Genesis and Joseph and all this stuff. And yeah, and you just remember it's like man
And my problem seemed kind of small or maybe they seem big but man, there's been so many times where there are big problems and God just did these miracles and You can see what it was all for and you can go back and look at that and you just and it builds your faith
It builds your confidence. It builds your trust in that Lord who is almighty who is all -powerful
Who is all good who's who works all things out for the good of his people we get all that and on Sunday, don't you just feel recharged you feel like Like like I don't know how it's gonna happen.
But man, I trust the Lord. I mean, that's my religion
We all have moments man. We all have moments where we think just like Ligon does there like There's no possible world where this is gonna be
Like good is gonna be accomplished. There's no possible world You know to hear a
Christian leader talk this way. I just I just wonder like What's going on with him it doesn't seem like he's in a good place
And if you're friends with Ligon, I mean Ask him about this This seems like despair
This seems like the pit of despair This is not something to be proudly proclaiming on the room for nuance podcast, this is something that you take to your pastor
You don't make people think that this attitude is appropriate Especially when you're in a position of power
Ligon position of authority a position of influence This is grotesque
And I think you need to look yourself in the mirror talk to your pastor and figure out what's going on in your soul