F4F | "Christian" Tarot Cards and Fortune Telling


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that you can do tarot card readings and that the
Holy Spirit would have an encounter with the person having the tarot card reading because you're
Christians and you are affiliated with Bethel Church in Redding, California, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below, and don't forget to ring the bell.
If you remember, at the beginning of last year when we began broadcasting on YouTube in this format, one of the very first things we covered was a group out of Australia called
Christ Alignment, and they do Christian tarot card readings, although they deny that this has anything to do with tarot cards, and they claim that what they're really doing is controlled by the
Christ Spirit and the Holy Spirit and stuff like that. But what they're doing is explicitly forbidden by Scripture.
And what we're going to do is we're going to circle back. It's been about a year, a little more than a year, since we've looked at Christ Alignment.
We have some new videos of theirs that we'll be sharing with the world, and we're going to demonstrate from Scripture that not only is this practice forbidden, but it's presumptuous of Jen Hodge and those affiliated with her, like those at Bethel Church in Redding, California, will demonstrate that they're connected in this installment of Fighting for the
Faith. It is absolutely presumptuous of them to think that God would use a forbidden practice so that people can have encounters with the
Holy Spirit and the Christ Spirit and stuff like that. So I hope you're sitting down because this is jaw -droppingly evil, the best way
I can put it. On the blasphemy scale, think of blasphemy, maybe it has a spectrum, this is way up super high in the blasphemy spectrum, really, really, really high.
So we're going to start off with a video where Jen Hodge, she's the gal on the right, and the gal on the left received a
Christ Alignment destiny card reading, we'll just call it what it is, a tarot card reading, with a thin Christian veneer slapped onto the top of it.
And she's going to ask, you know, how was it? Was it, you know, did it assist you? Was it a good thing?
That's what we're going to take a look at. And so here is video number one.
This was Christ's Alignment, I had the most amazing reading, it was incredible, thank you so much.
What happened in it, yeah? So I found out about a lot of truths.
She found out about a lot of truths, yay, a lot of truths in her destiny card reading,
Jen Hodge just looks so thrilled, you know. My destiny? Yes. She even learned her destiny in her destiny card reading.
And yes, that was, that was a lot, that was a lot to take in. Really a lot to take in, and spiritually, was it helpful?
Yeah, spiritually, was it helpful? Yeah. We'll find out. Very helpful. Very helpful.
Yeah. How do you know it was spiritually helpful? This, like I said, is a forbidden practice in Scripture.
Let me demonstrate that from the Bible itself. We'll look at a couple of passages from the Old Testament. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering.
Thankfully they're not doing that at Bethel yet. Anyone who practices divination, or tells fortunes, or interprets omens, or is a sorcerer.
So you're going to note that fortune telling is in the same list as sacrificing your children.
Yeah, these are pagan occult practices. Or a charmer, or a medium, or a necromancer, or one who inquires of the dead.
Leviticus 19 .31 states, Leviticus 20, verses 6 through 8, and also verse 27,
Yeah, I love the imagery there.
Mediums, necromancers, psychics are referred to in terms of prostitution.
Verse 27 of that same chapter, So note the practice that we're looking at here, that Jen Hodges tried to Christianize.
Back in the theocracy of ancient Israel, the punishment for this would have been death, by stoning.
In fact, 1 Chronicles 10 .13, Saul himself, King Saul, turned to a medium, and a necromancer, because God wasn't answering him, because God was done with him.
And so in 1 Chronicles 10 .13, it says of Saul, So you get the idea, this is absolutely a forbidden practice.
You cannot take a practice that is occultic like this, and Christianize it.
So, was it helpful for you? Oh yeah, it was really helpful, this blonde lady said.
Now here's Jen Hodge in this video, giving us a demonstration of how these destiny cards work, and this apparently was the result of a destiny card reading.
Let's take a listen as Jen Hodge instructs us on how this all goes down. Hi guys,
I'm just doing a video about the last reading that I just had. I had this beautiful woman in, and these are her cards in the top three rows.
And it's amazing how accurate these cards are, because these two here are the two leadership cards together, and indeed she was a leader.
Here she has physical touch up really high. And I had word of knowledge straight away over her, that she is a nurse, and that was absolutely correct.
She's head nurse, head matron, so she's got the leadership. Now a little bit of a note here, the
New Testament attributes the ability to tell fortunes to demonic spirits.
So they're sitting there going, oh it's amazing how accurate this was. In fact, I think it was in Acts 17.
Let me pull that up, let me see if that's where it's at, when Paul is in Philippi.
The following Thursday, Acts 16 is our chapter, and Paul is in Philippi, made it to Macedonia.
And here's what it says, and this is one of the wee sections of the book of Acts, which means that Luke was there for this.
He was an eyewitness of this account. So as we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination.
Greek word, puthona, which means that this particular spirit of divination was related to the oracle at Delphi.
So a girl who had a spirit of divination brought her owners much gained by fortune telling.
Yeah, you see, the fortune telling thing, it's the demonic that, you know, enlivens that, gives it its power.
Anyway, she was following Paul and us and crying out, These men are servants of the Most High God who proclaim to you the way of salvation.
And so this she kept doing for many days, Paul having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit,
I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And it came out of her that very hour.
Now notice that Paul didn't turn around and go, You know, there's a better way to do this divination stuff and do fortune telling, and that's to allow it to be controlled by the spirit of Christ.
It's much better that way. Not at all. He cast the demon out and Paul and his companions got in trouble for that particular demonic casting out, that exorcism, if you would.
But let's come back to Jen Hodges. She's explaining how these destiny card readings, fortune telling, apparently is so accurate.
Authority here in charge. So she would know from this card strength that she is perfectly in the right job that she was created or destined to do by the spirit.
She was created and destined to be a nurse because the destiny card says so.
Just suits her so well. Then we had the encounter. And the amazing thing here was that she was in a garden, in a beautiful garden, in her own garden.
You know, I just have to ask, is that card on the left the sneaky squid? That looks like a squid tentacle to me.
And she was sitting between two trees, an apple tree and a pear tree.
And she saw a basket that was put down at the bottom of one of those trees.
And in the basket was red, red tissue paper. And this is very relevant.
And inside that was a gift for her. And as she touched that gift, gold light came down all over her protecting.
She felt protection. This has nothing to do with God the Holy Spirit.
You cannot take a forbidden abominable practice that God commanded the death penalty for in the
Old Testament and Christianize it and believe that God the Holy Spirit is now going to be the one guiding these fortune telling experiences.
It turned into silver light, but she felt gold light fall down on her shoulders and she just felt so much calmness, so much warmth and protection.
Her question today was, am I going to have more kids? She only had one kid and she got...
Am I going to have more kids? This is fortune telling. Quite a shock when
I turned over the red card and told her the meaning. This isn't a bee, it's a wasp.
And that wasps are needed with fruit trees to do cross pollination or you can't actually have fruit.
And this was quite a shock to her because in the encounter she was clearly sitting between two fruit trees.
Notice she's in the encounter, in the encounter. And so Jen Hodge believes that this woman had an encounter with the
Christ Spirit during this destiny card reading. So this represents multiplication, fruitfulness, anointing and power.
And she said Christ Spirit then told her in the encounter that she is going to have two more kids.
She actually got... So the Christ Spirit told her that. No, Jesus Christ, the
Son of God, second person of the Holy Trinity did not tell her this. The word two and they were given.
She saw them actually in that same basket under the fruit tree. So this card today was really, really significant for her.
So that was an amazing encounter. I could clearly tell her about the whole spiritual world and about who
Christ Spirit is and how... She was able to tell her who the Christ Spirit is.
I don't think Jen Hodge is capable of communicating that with any kind of biblical accuracy at all.
Why he loves her. Why he would want to give her two more kids. And that was a really wonderful encounter.
I just thought I'd show you her cards down at the bottom. It was a really, really wonderful. All right, now a little bit of a note here.
We've made the claim that Bethel Church of Reading, California is involved. I would like to introduce you to a student of the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry who has come down to Australia to help and assist with Christ's Alignment's destiny card readings.
So a guy from Bethel has joined the team, the Christ's Alignment team.
Yeah, that's right. Bethel is intertwined with Christ's Alignment when it comes to Christian tarot card and fortune telling.
The Spirit of Truth, the Christ Spirit came to him during a destiny card reading conducted by a guy from Bethel.
Knitting material. And it was a thing of his heart being knitted together.
And as he invited the Spirit of Truth in, that was the moment of his heart being knit together.
So when he invited the Spirit of Truth in, that was the moment his heart was knitted in stuff.
What does any of that mean? Up in the cards, as well as a thing of sadness.
And there was a picture of a violin, which was sadness from his past. But actually his length was being changed.
In the future, there was a hand which is called fortune, which is Spirit of Truth. So there was this thing of...
So rather than, you know, preach Christ and him crucified for our sins, calling them to repent and to be forgiven, trust in Christ for forgiveness and eternal life, bear fruit in keeping with repentance, and abandon all of these pagan practices.
No, no, no, no. They had an encounter with the Spirit of Truth, and there was some knitting of hearts and stuff and thingies.
The past pain, the past moment of his heart, being able to invite the Spirit of Truth in, and he invites the
Christ Spirit in, which is incredible. Come on, let's... Come on, yeah, that's just a crock of beans.
Anyway, this woman, this one's going to be creepy. She had a physical encounter with Jesus, the
Spirit of Christ. And I think, yeah, all I can say is get ready to be weirded out in like a really, really bad way.
Here we go. Hi, did you want to just let me know...
Your name's Cody? Yes. Did you want to let me know what happened for you today, Cody? Yeah, so we started the reading.
We connected with the gift giver first. Connected with the gift giver.
Any relation to the key master? Yeah. I imagined myself on a beach, on my favorite beach,
Port Malaga, and walking down, and there's a cove there. And I imagined a gift box, like a big square gift box, bright, baby pink color with a big white ribbon around it.
So the gift giver gave you a pink box, got it. And then after, hey,
I'm like, yay! And, yeah, after that we connected even more, and I saw flickering, almost like his legs running.
And then I completely, yeah, completely saw him, not knowing really what he looked like, but then you described to me what he looks like, and it was exactly what
I saw. And I let him in, I accepted, and I let him in. You let him in and you accepted.
What exactly did you accept? Completely, and he was giving me the physical affection and touch that I have been so longing for.
You sure that's Jesus? Jesus was giving you the physical affection and touch that you were so longing for.
And, yeah, I'm feeling very good. Give that woman a cigarette.
Did you actually see a figure or a man, and how did he communicate to you?
I didn't see his face, I just saw the hair, the curly hair in the white, no shoes, almost with like a white sort of tie around his waist, like a,
I don't know what they're called. But, yeah, it was very, very white, his coat, and I just saw the background, like the beach, and it was magical.
Magical, yeah. Sounded like quite the date. Touch your back?
Yeah, he's just sitting there, I was kind of... Stroking you? Yeah, I was just coming to, kind of coming,
I think I was upset in the vision, and he was just comforting me and petting me, and I was fully naked.
He was petting you when you were fully naked. Yeah, that doesn't sound at all like the
Jesus of Scripture. This doesn't sound like you really connected with the
Son of God. Something demonic, but that went in Jesus, wow. So beautiful.
Oh, wow. Has this never happened before? No, nothing really like this.
Not with Jesus Christ. So she believes that Jesus was the one giving her this physical affection while she was naked.
She believes that was actually Jesus. Yeah, visualize people
I love and things, yeah. All right, so this woman, she's going to give her testimony of what happened during her
Christ Alignment encounter, and she's going to be a little annoyed at the end, just you can kind of tell when it sprung on her that the encounter that she had was with Jesus Christ.
Yeah. Hi, Cuba, we're here, you're here in the Christ Alignment tent, and you just had a destiny reading night.
How did it go? It was absolutely incredible. Wow. I think probably the most powerful moment for me was the healing.
What kind of healing did you have? It was an energy healing. She had an energy healing, right.
Yeah. Sounds like New Age practices to me. Energy transferred between our palms, and I had my eyes closed and I just relaxed, and I literally could feel the healing energy pulsating through my body.
Healing energy pulsating, yeah. That can be a little off -putting if you didn't expect that.
Yeah, it was amazing, especially in my stomach and through my arms.
Yeah, I've had those moments before whilst meditating. I call them energy chasms.
Oh, wow. Yeah, no comment necessary. Only quick bursts, whereas just now, it was a continual flow of extremely strong, powerful healing energy from my body.
Amazing. Yeah, and it's real. It's real, and Antonio told you it's from Christ's spirit because that's who we're using.
Oh, really? Yeah. All right, okay. Yeah, she told you that we were using the
Christ spirit. Oh, wow, really? Who knew? Yeah, the Christ spirit gave her an energy chasm.
Well, yeah, I don't know who it's from. It's from the universe, but it's definitely profound.
Thank you so much. Yeah, that awkward moment when you are told, yeah, this isn't caffeinated coffee.
It's decaf. Yeah, and it was the Christ spirit that gave you an energy chasm. Yeah, now this woman, she's going to be asked a question straight up.
What's the difference between what she experienced in her Christ alignment destiny card encounter and what she would experience when she would have a psychic reading?
And she's going to basically admit that she's had a lot of psychic readings, and we're going to note that when she's asked the question, it's going to take her a little bit of time to figure out what the difference is.
Hi, Ruby. Hello. Dan, you're in the Christ alignment tent today at Dandenong Market, and you just had a reading with Edward.
Yes, I did. And you have been to psychics before? Yes, a lot.
A lot? Yeah. So what was the difference in today's reading between ours and a psychic?
Yeah, what is the difference between a destiny card reading and a psychic card reading?
What is the difference? Answer? There is no difference. All of this is forbidden by the
Word of God. None of this can be baptized and turned into a Christian thing. And nowhere in Scripture are we led to believe that the
Holy Spirit would empower the same pagan practices that He, the
Holy Spirit, condemned in the Old Testament. It's taking her some time.
Yeah. I'm not sure.
I know there's a difference. It's on the tip of my tongue. Hang on a second here. I've got to sort this out.
Yeah, notice that she, right off the top of her head, really can't think of a difference because there isn't one.
They're the same, but I found out who
I was. Uh -huh. It's weird because when we talk about gifts of the
Holy Spirit, those are reserved for Christians, penitent believers in Jesus Christ, who have been regenerated, raised from the grave, bearing fruit in keeping with repentance, given gifts with the purpose of the edification of the body of Christ.
That's not what she's talking about. Was that good? Yes, it was actually good because I've been doing that too.
I've been doing that a lot as well, but I just wanted to find out if I was doing what
I was meant to be doing. And I have been. So you found it to be a deeper, more satisfying reading.
Yes. Let's listen. Yeah, it's a deeper, more satisfying reading.
Way more satisfying. See, those psychic readings are just less satisfying.
They're not as deep. Okay. I was actually, I was going to cry, but now
I hold my tears back. I was also going to cry. Really? Yeah. That's so awesome.
That was really awesome. That really touched me. She didn't look like she believed it. That was really awesome.
Yeah, okay. His spirit really touched you deeply. He always does, but in a different, not sloppy, silly way of thinking, but yeah.
That's awesome. Yeah, it does actually. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Thank you. Yeah, this woman's practically a
Christian now. No, she's not. So that's our check back in, if you would, with Christ Alignment and their practices.
And we note that Bethel is connected to Christ Alignment, sending people to help out with their Christ Alignment destiny card reading teams.
And all of this is fortune telling, pagan, psychic readings, which scripture explicitly forbids.
And even in the New Testament, forbids. It's not allowed.
It's empowered by the demonic, not the Holy Spirit. You cannot baptize these practices and expect that God, the
Holy Spirit, is going to somehow then empower them. Just to show you how far off the rails
Bethel Church is and those affiliated with them, because they are.
And Jen Hodge, her and Ben Fitzgerald are relatives.
Really close relatives. You know, just saying. If you found this helpful, please share it with others.
And all the information on how to share it is down below, as well as all the information on how you can support
Fighting for the Faith and Pirate Christian Media financially by either joining our crew, sending in a donation, becoming a patron on Patreon.
All that information is there, as well as a link to the software that I use in my
YouTube videos, because we do have a lot of people asking about that. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.