Francis Chan Compares A False Prophet To Jesus!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. The clip you're about to see was posted by Reformation Charlotte, and I will link their website in the description, feel free to go check them out.
So Francis Chan was a mainstay in the evangelical church throughout the early 2000s and even up till this point.
He stepped onto the scene with a passion and fervor that drew people to him like a magnet as a preacher.
You see, in Reformed Christian circles, which is where Francis Chan began his career, there's lots of sound doctrine and teaching, although that seems to be going away lately.
But there usually isn't much emotion compared to other churches like Pentecostal churches, for instance.
But Francis Chan provided doctrinally sound Christians with their version of a passionate
Pentecostal preacher who was just as emotional as he is intellectual. At least, that's what people thought they were getting with Francis Chan, that was what made him so appealing to them.
But in the past few years, Francis has linked up with all kinds of heretical false teachers, not least of which are the raging hypercharismatics of today.
A hypercharismatic is a person who emphasizes the miraculous gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues, healing people, having dreams and visions from God, etc.
And they emphasize these things in often extremely unbiblical and inappropriate ways.
Long story short, Francis Chan decided to start linking up with these hypercharismatics in ministry left and right, which drew concern out of his previously very committed fanbase.
And recently, Francis has lost a lot of his credibility through one comment he made about charismatic leader
Mike Bickle. Mike Bickle is the founder and leader of the organization called IHOP, or the
International House of Prayer, which is a hyper -Pentecostal organization that involves itself in just about every unbiblical misuse of the spiritual gifts that you can imagine.
In other words, Bickle is a very dangerous and confused false teacher who does not have sound doctrine in the slightest.
Francis Chan had some very interesting things to say about Mike though, and I'll convey this to you using three biblical points about Mike Bickle's background and Francis Chan's unbiblical and dangerous association with him.
Number one, Mike Bickle is by definition a false prophet, but I don't need to tell you that because he will tell you himself.
I said in the last 20 years, I have concluded in manifestation meetings all over the world, again,
I've been to several thousand of them, a couple thousand at least, that 80 % of them are not real, but 20 % of them are.
Some people go, what? In the clip you just saw, Mike says that the charismatic meetings he has led and been a part of for decades are never more than 80 % biblical or accurate.
In other words, when Mike Bickle or one of his fellow charismatic leaders brings a prophecy to the table, they are wrong 80 % of the time by his own admission.
In Deuteronomy 18 .22, it says, quote, When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the
Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. But the previous verses paint an even more detailed picture and an even more bleak picture at that, with verse 20 saying the following, quote,
But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
So being wrong when you prophesy in the name of God, as Mike Bickle admits that he and his wrong in prophecies 80 % of the time?
Well, that was a death penalty offense in ancient Israel, according to God's own word. But again, the point here is that by the
Bible's own definition, Mike Bickle is a false prophet, and being a false prophet was a serious sin punishable by death.
This brings me to point number two, which is that Francis Chan recently compared Mike Bickle, this false prophet, to Jesus himself.
Check this out. The moment I decide I love
Mike Bickle, he is my brother in Christ, you know what happens at that moment?
Everyone who hates Mike Bickle sees me affirming him, and they turn their rage towards me.
So I understand the cost of friendship in this generation. It happened to Peter.
It happened to Peter. Wait, aren't you one? No. Why?
Because he didn't want the enemies of Jesus to suddenly look at him. And so he betrayed him at that time.
So Francis leads off the video here by saying that all the people who, quote, hate Mike Bickle also must hate him now because he has affirmed
Mike. Let me correct this for Francis and maybe adjust this as we need to, because he seems to have fallen into the worldly person's mindset, which says that contradicting a person's belief must mean that you hate their guts.
Seeing him use this horribly fallacious argument demonstrates that Francis Chan has become just as illogical as the people he's been spending time with lately.
But it gets much worse because then Francis starts to say that the same thing happened to Peter when he denied
Christ. In this video, Francis is literally comparing the idea of fighting against Mike Bickle's false doctrine to betraying
Jesus Christ himself. In other words, betraying Mike Bickle is just like betraying
Jesus, according to Francis Chan, because he's our brother in Christ. Well, let me tell you what Jesus himself said about people like Mike Bickle, because Jesus was not silent on the topic of false prophets.
In Matthew 7, 15, Jesus says, quote, Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
And what is a false prophet, again, biblically speaking? Well, as we covered in Deuteronomy chapter 18, it's a person who prophesies something that is not 100 % accurate 100 % of the time that they make a prophecy.
And Mike Bickle admits that he and his movement are, at best, 20 % accurate. And therefore,
Mike Bickle is a false prophet by definition. And Jesus says in this passage that we ought to beware of people like Mike Bickle.
It's clear as day, to partner with Mike Bickle in ministry, as Francis Chan does here, is sinful, and it goes against Jesus's own command.
More than this, it is deeply sinful and blasphemous to compare a deceitful false teacher to Jesus, who is the foundation of all true teaching and honesty.
This brings me to point number three, which is, how can someone like Francis Chan be so nice, so kind, and still make mistakes like this?
Francis Chan is many things, but one thing that stands out to people time and time again is that he's just a really nice guy.
He's a compassionate dude who genuinely seems to care about the spiritual state of other people.
So when I make videos like this one, there are always dozens of emotional people who come to me saying something like the following,
Colin, how on earth can you say that Francis Chan is someone we should all avoid in the church? He's so nice.
He moved to China to preach the gospel, so there's just no way that he could be as bad as you say he is.
This kind of illogical perspective is probably the most popular argument against me here on this channel, and it's such a horrible argument
I honestly can't imagine why any person would ever use it, and let me tell you why that is the case.
Let me offer you a simple mental exercise here. If there is an atheist who says that no one should ever believe in God under any circumstances, and this atheist travels the world spreading his message of unbelief to the masses, does this atheist have sound teaching about God?
No, of course not. Well what if I told you that this atheist also gives millions of dollars to the poor in every city that he speaks in?
Does that change your mind? Does that mean that this atheist's message becomes biblical? No, of course not.
So hopefully you're beginning to see my point here. Just because you do good deeds doesn't mean you have sound biblical teaching.
There are many people who do good deeds who do not have good teaching. Many Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.
give money to charity, and they help people in their daily lives. All of these groups claim to believe in the same
God as Christianity, but guess what? The Bible directly contradicts all of them and calls their worldviews false.
So here's the truth of the matter, folks. Francis Chan can be a nice guy all he wants, but that doesn't mean that at the moment he's not a dangerous person who is bringing false teaching into the church.
In fact, that's exactly what he's doing. Romans 16, 17 says that we ought to avoid those who preach false doctrine and also avoid those who, quote, create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught.
Francis Chan thinks that you're being a big meanie if you follow this command. If you follow what the
Bible tells you to do here, then you can't be classified as a nice guy. But here's the thing. We need to follow the
Bible regardless of what other people's opinions of us will be in the end. If you watch my videos and you support my content, you're going to be called a person who causes disunity in the church.
You're going to be called a religious nut, a judgmental pharisee. But the goal here is not to get people to call you a nice guy.
The goal is to follow the whole counsel of God's Word. And while we don't always do that perfectly on this channel, and we need to admit that, we also pray that the
Lord Jesus would help us come closer and closer to His perfect standard. So let's pray for Francis Chan and for Mike Bickle that they would turn away from this falsehood and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.