F4F | Debunking Andrew Wommack on How to Become a Water Walker

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Welcome to another edition of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough, I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. All right, have you ever heard sermons as it relates to the account of Jesus walking on the water and then
Peter not believing it's Jesus and saying, Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you.
And then he says, come. And what does Peter do? He walks on the water. And so over and again, the sermons on these texts get mangled because what ends up being the takeaway?
The takeaway is that you need to learn how to become a water walker. Yeah, that's not what that text is about.
So what we're going to do today, we're going to head over to the YouTube channel of Andrew Womack and we're going to take a look at several different installments of a teaching he's recently done on how to become a water walker.
And we're going to show how this is a complete missing of the entire point of this account in the
Gospel of Matthew. And hopefully this will be, how shall I say it, freeing for you, because when you listen to these kinds of sermons where it's up to you now to exercise faith so that you can see the miraculous happen in your life and you too can become a water walker, it puts a heavy burden on you.
And not only that, nowhere in scripture are we admonished to become water walkers.
So we'll take a look at the false theology, the false premise behind this, and then unpack this along the way from the biblical text itself and show you that this isn't some kind of a multi -step passage where if you apply
X, Y, and Z steps that Peter went through, then you too can be a water walker like Peter was, because that's not what this text is about.
So all of that being said, let's whirl up the desktop and let me pull up my web browser.
And so this was from April 19th, 2021 on Andrew Wommack's Gospel Truth program on YouTube and how to become a water walker week one, day one.
This is a multi -day thing here and we'll unpack this along the way, but grab a Bible if you don't already have one and open it up to Matthew chapter 14, because we're going to take a look at this passage in context before Andrew Wommack gets too far.
So let's get to it. Welcome to our Monday's broadcast of the
Gospel Truth. Today I'm going to begin a brand new series and I'm going to talk about how to become a water walker.
I've got a book on this in English and in Spanish. I've got... All right then,
Andy, let's blow at the camera highlights to hide your wrinkling skin, Wommack. Now you're just ripping off the half -baked illusionist known as Chris Angel, known for such illustrious illusions as filling the camera frame with fire to cover an obvious edit all the way down to walking on water in the controlled environment of a
Las Vegas pool attached to a multimillion dollar casino. However, unlike Chris Angel, you're not even going to have the due diligence to perform said water walking on camera at all.
I bet you couldn't walk on the water in your own bathtub, let alone a ritzy Vegas pool. So excuse me if I don't find your
Ikea furniture instruction booklet -sized novella to be anything more than glorified waste paper whose highest aspirations amount to nothing more than lighting up Jim Bob's rusted -out barbecue at the local park on the 4th of July while he's wearing an ankle monitor.
That's a lot of product there. How to become a water walker. DVDs and DVDs. And we also have a study guide that is specifically designed for you to be able to study yourself
Did you see the size of that book? What is going on here?
Okay. Hang on. I feel like that for my sanity's sake, we're going to need to actually take a look at the biblical text now because multi -DVDs,
CDDs, and a workbook that thick don't make any sense on this text. So let's take a look, shall we?
Matthew chapter 14. So this is after the feeding of the 5 ,000. It says that Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side while he dismissed the crowds.
And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray.
And when evening came, he was there alone. But the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, so the wind was against them.
And in the fourth watch of the night, he came to them walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, it's a ghost.
And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying, and this is kind of a
Tharsate, take heart, take heart. Ego eimi.
Me phobostha. All right, that's the Greek there. So ego eimi. See, Jesus says, take heart, ego eimi.
I am. He uses the divine name from Exodus chapter three, when
God appeared to Moses in the burning bush. He uses it for himself and he says, do not be afraid.
Now what happens next is not a great act of faith. It is the result of a great act of doubt, complete skepticism.
So watch what happens. Peter answered him, Lord, if it's you, command me to come out to you on the water.
If it's you, does that sound like an act of faith though?
That's him challenging Jesus, all right, you know, what's going on here? So if this is you,
Jesus, and I'm not sure it is, if it is, then you tell me to come out there and to you on the water.
So what does Jesus say? Come. And so Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water, came to Jesus, but when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, he cried out,
Lord, save me, which is by the way, a really great prayer. So Jesus immediately reached out his hand, took hold of him saying, oh, you have little faith.
Why did you doubt? And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased and watch what happens next.
This is the punchline of this account. Those in the boat worshiped
Jesus saying, truly, you are the son of God. You see, this was written so that we would believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Messiah, the son of God, and that by believing we might have life in his name.
So what's going on here? This isn't some kind of a multi -step text where you can then learn how to apply the same principles that Peter was employing so that you now can walk on the water.
That's not the point of this text. The point of this text is it points to the fact that Jesus is none other than the son of God in human flesh, and he even has control over the wind and the waves, and he can walk on the water, all right?
So yeah, you'll see that this is all about faith in Christ. Well, what is
Andrew Womack up to with this? That's a lot of merch there, by the way, a lot of merch, but let's keep going here.
Train other people. And I'll tell you, this teaching is really special. I remember that one day, this has probably been,
I'm just guessing, but 20 years ago, I was just sitting at home and I was studying the
Word and Matthew chapter 14, where Jesus came walking to the disciples on the water, and then
Peter walked to Jesus. I just read that, and I mean, it just came alive to me.
And it was like everything that you need to know in order to receive a miracle from God or to do something supernatural beyond yourself, it's all encapsulated right in this story.
And there's your problem right there. Okay. So based on some experience, this thing came alive.
And next thing you know, I see in here, what's in this text is encapsulated all the things you need to know and do so that you can have a miracle.
This text is not anything of the sort. This is an eyewitness account to the fact that Jesus Christ is none other than the
Son of God in human flesh. And the punchline of the story is that they worshipped
Jesus. So what he's doing here is just basically mangling this text.
I mean, obliterating its real meaning and taking our focus off of Christ, putting the emphasis on Peter, and then saying that Peter walked through a certain amount of steps that we can now walk through ourselves so that we can become water walkers like Peter.
That's not the point. So we continue. And I got so blessed that I sat down and I taught this series on how to become a water walker.
I just sat down at my house, and this is back when we were using cassettes. And I made a three part series that one day and just taught on this.
Now what I'm going to do here, no, no, no insult to Andrew Womack. I'm going to speed up the audio just a little bit because we have a little bit of ground we need to cover.
And there's several bites that I want to cover across multiple days of his teaching. And I want you to demonstrate that this is a teaching that mangles
God's word and binds Christian consciences and makes people feel guilty for not operating in the miraculous.
And it puts a super heavy burden on them. So I'm going to increase the speed by about half and we'll keep going.
And it is really powerful. I'm also using this book, which is our Life for Today study Bible. And this is the gospel edition.
And the reason I'm using this is because it took me probably two or three months going through the New Testament and harmonizing the
Gospels. What I mean by that is instead of two or three months to harmonize the Gospels, studying through Matthew and then going back through Mark and then
Luke and John, I do know that on the market there are harmonies of the Gospels available, you know, in English and in everything that happened in the four
Gospels and put them right here side by side. Here's Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And the reason that this is a blessing, I use this all of the time because many of the stories in the
Gospels are repeated by a different gospel writer and they never contradict each other, but they complement each other. And you learn something by combining all of them together.
I'm going to go into detail on this, but let me just real quickly show you what I'm talking about that in Matthew chapter 14 is the only place that records
Peter walking on the water to Jesus. Correct. Now, in Mark and Luke, it shows Jesus walking on the water to the disciples, but it doesn't show
Peter walking on the water. Yeah, that's right. Let's take a look at Mark's account real quick here. Mark six,
Mark six, and we are, it's near the bottom of this chapter.
Give me a second to get there. And let's see here. There's the feeding of the 5 ,000.
Here's the account in Mark. Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side to Bethsaida, where he dismissed, while he dismissed the crowd and after he had taken leave of them, he went on the mountain to pray.
And when evening came, the boat was about, was out on the sea and he was alone on the land and he saw that they were making headway painfully for the wind was against them.
And about the fourth watch of the night, he came to them walking on the sea. He meant to pass them by. So we get a little bit more information, but when they saw him on the sea, they thought he was a ghost and cried out for they saw him and were terrified.
But immediately he spoke to them and said, take heart it is I do not be afraid. And he got in the boat, the wind ceased and they were utterly astounded for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hearted.
So here you've got another a bit here, more information. Well, Matthew's account tells us how they worship
Christ, but here Mark's account makes it clear that they still didn't understand what was going on in the feeding of the 5 ,000 because of their hard hearts.
So this, you can take these things and kind of flesh out the bigger picture of the story. But again, note here, they were utterly astounded and Peter isn't even mentioned, which is kind of a big deal.
If Peter's not mentioned in Mark's account or Luke's or even John's, then you're going to note something here, and that is, is that Peter's cynicism and skepticism and his walking on the water isn't the point at all.
The point is, who is Jesus? These things are written so that you might believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God, and by believing you might have life in his name. So we'll come back to Andrew Wommack here as he's pointing out some of the differences in how the gospel writers deal with the walking on the water.
If all you do is read Mark's account or Luke's account of this, you miss all of the detail about Peter asking the Lord if he could come walk into him on the water.
Nobody misses that. Everybody preaches that. That is really significant. And I mean, even unbelievers have heard the account.
It would, we would miss a lot if we didn't have Matthew's account of this. But then in Mark's account, it shows some individual things too, because Jesus would have passed by them.
It showed that he didn't just come out there to help them. He was just like on a stroll out on the water. That's correct. And he was going to walk past them if they had.
Yeah, which is kind of wild if you think about it, who can walk on water? I don't know.
Maybe the son of God. And then Mark is the only one that shows that it was because they had a hardened heart that they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure and wondered.
And one of the most important teachings that the Lord ever showed me about having a hardened heart. So note that most important teachings that the
Lord showed me, is this direct revelation? It comes from Mark's account of this same thing.
But then if you read John's account of the same thing in John, he's the only one that tells you that when Jesus and Peter walked back to the boat and entered into the boat immediately, the boat and the disciples were just translated to the other side of the lake.
That's an amazing thing. And so you have to look at all three of these gospel writers. Luke didn't record this instance, but you have to look at all of them.
So anyway, I said that is to say that there is benefit in seeing the same instance in each of the gospels and reading them.
And as you read all three accounts, you get a greater understanding of what's happening. But I'm going to be focusing primarily on Matthew's account of Peter walking on the water.
And as I said at the beginning, this just really struck me that nearly every single thing that you need in order to do the supernatural in your life.
It's all in this, in the assumption here. If this is what you assume that this text is about, rather than allowing the text to tell you what it's about, you're going to twist
God's word. And that's what he's doing here. This text is not some kind of steps that you follow in order to experience the miraculous in your life.
Let me back it up. His account of Peter walking on the water. And as I said at the beginning, this just really struck me that nearly every single thing that you need in order to do the supernatural in your life, to rise above just your own ability, your own power.
It's encapsulated in this. I mean, there are great, great principles. And so there are no principles for me to follow here.
The point of the text is for me to believe that Jesus is the son of God. That's the point. I spent probably two weeks teaching on this.
I actually have about three weeks worth of teaching on this. Three different teachings in this book, but I'm going to just condense them into two weeks.
And I encourage you to get those products. And so this to put it into context, when the disciples went into this ship and then
Jesus came walking on them on the water to them, it was right after the feeding of the five thousand. And if you study
Mark's account, that is really critical to understanding. Actually, it's critical to understanding this whole thing, because let me just read some of this.
And right after the feeding of the five thousand, it says in Matthew, chapter 14 and verse 22, in a straight way, Jesus constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go before him under the other side while he sent the multitude away.
Now, this is important that you understand he had to constrain his disciples. You know, if you look in the NIV, I think it says he had to compel.
This implies that there was some resistance on their part. Now, that's not that's not inaccurate. I actually think that's correct.
Hang on a second here. I'm going to go back to Matthew 14 and verse 22 was the verse that he was looking at.
Immediately, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat. Before him, while he dismissed the crowds made here on a kratso.
Yeah, that that verb does kind of have the sense of forcing or compelling.
And so he made them get into the boat. So, you know, they may have been saying no or, you know, putting up a fuss or, you know, what he's saying, that's correct.
That part is true. They were his disciples. They were serving him. And yet when he told them to get into the ship and to go to the other side, he had to constrain them, compel them.
There was some objection or some resistance. And to their credit, they went ahead and obeyed Jesus even over their own personal objections.
And the scripture here doesn't say exactly why he had to constrain or compel his disciples. But I believe it's pretty obvious that, you know, if these men, a lot of them were fishers on the
Sea of Galilee, the text doesn't say I don't think it's a good idea to put too much. They knew the circumstances. They could tell that a storm was brewing.
And if you've ever been to the Sea of Galilee, there's mountains over there and the wind will come over those mountains and then sweep down those mountains onto the sea.
And they could recognize the signs. And according to their knowledge, the things that they had been taught, they knew that it wasn't good to be getting out into a boat and heading out on the
Sea of Galilee in these situations. And yet, because the Lord constrained and compelled them to do it, they went ahead and obeyed him.
So we're going to be talking about Peter walking on the water in this. So apparently this is the setup for like principle number one miracle in the thing that happened.
But, you know, one of the first things that you can see in this first verse is that you need to obey God and follow his directions and not lean unto your own understanding.
All right. Now, let me give you a text here. OK, we're going to open it up over here. Galatians chapter three.
Oh, foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified.
So let me ask you this. Did you receive the spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish having begun by the spirit? Are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Did you suffer so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? Does he who supplies the spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
Just as Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. So you'll note that God, the
Holy Spirit, is the one who works miracles. And he does so not because we obey, but because what?
We believe, we hear and we have faith, we trust. And so the point of Galatians is the exact opposite.
You know, if you're going to say that miracles are contingent upon your obedience, you're turning miracles into the reward for you, quote, obeying
God and miracles then are the result of your good works. But the reality is this, let's go back to the 10 commandments and let me just ask you this, how are you doing at obeying them?
That's the voice of God. You shall have no other gods. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy. Honor your father and mother. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery.
Do not steal. Do not slander and lie about your neighbor. Do not covet your neighbor's stuff or covet your neighbor's wife or possessions or those who work for your neighbor.
How are you doing on that? Do you covet? You say, well,
I haven't committed murder. Oh, do you hate your brother? Because to hate somebody is to murder in your heart.
Well, I've never committed adultery. All right. Physically, you may never have committed the act. But if you look at somebody who isn't your spouse with lust in your heart, you've committed adultery with them already.
So how are you doing at obeying God's voice? You're going to note that what Andrew Womack is doing here is making miracles contingent upon your what?
Obedience. And here he's not really talking about obedience to what God has revealed in his word, but obedience to whatever
God is speaking into your heart. You'll see it as this develops, but let's keep going. Proverbs chapter three, verse five is a classic verse on this.
It says, trust in the Lord with all of thine heart and lean not under your own understanding. In other words, if you want to be a water walker. Wait, wait, wait,
Proverbs, let's, let's see that text again. Proverbs three, five. Does Proverbs three, five teach that if I trust in the
Lord with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding, I can become a water walker. Yeah, you'll note that this isn't a full text.
So let's open that up. Proverbs chapter three, famous text that he's not quoted in context.
So trust in Yahweh with all of your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding and all your ways acknowledge him and he will, what he will make your path straight.
Yeah. Watch how Andrew Womack uses this. In fact, I'm going to slow this down and put it back at normal speed so that you can hear the deception.
He doesn't get to the conclusion of what this proverb says, and instead changes out the ending of this proverb with, you can become a water walker.
So here we go. Do your own understanding. Proverbs chapter three, verse five is a classic verse on this.
It says, trust in the Lord with all of thine heart and lean not under your own understanding in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
In other words, if you want to be a water walker, if you want to see a miracle, if you want to do things that are beyond your own ability, you've got what, why is that something that I should seek after?
The text doesn't teach me to be a water walker. There is no biblical text that says you need to seek
God so that you can be a miracle worker. This is not to follow God and not follow just your own reason.
There are people watching this program. All right. I'm going to speed it up again because this is, this is just a, just a mangling of God's word.
You want God to come through for you, but are you doing things your way or are you following God's leading? In other words, you have to position yourself for a miracle.
You can be. What? All right, hang on. I got a little too clicky here.
I should have kept it at normal. Where in scripture does it say that I need to position myself for a miracle?
There is no text that says that. Did Peter position himself for the water walking that he did, uh, based on his faith or his obedience?
Nope. Was he acting in faith? Nope. Total skepticism. Lord, if it's you, I'm not sure that it is.
Uh, then tell me to walk on the water. There are people watching this program that I can guarantee you want
God to come through for you, but are you doing things your way or are you following God's leading?
In other words, you have to position yourself for a miracle says no biblical text anywhere.
You can be out of position. You know, if these disciples had just said, look, I don't care what you say,
I can tell that there's a storm brewing, that this could be a potential problem. We aren't going to follow your leading.
We are going to lean onto our own understanding and we are staying here on this shore. You wouldn't have had this story.
So man, where the disciples looking for a really cool miracle, did they position themselves for a miracle based on their obedience?
No, the miracle that took place resulted in that it resulted with them worshiping
Jesus and declaring him to be the son of God. Yeah, they wouldn't have seen
Jesus come walking on the water. Peter wouldn't have gotten out of the boat and walked on the water to go to Jesus.
How did that work out for him? By the way, he ended up sinking. So one of the very first things is if you want to see the miraculous power of God in your life, you need to start following what
God has told you to do. Uh, total contradiction of Galatians three here.
Wow. Talk about missing the whole point about this passage. It's not about me performing miracles.
It's about the fact that Christ performed them and it results in me worshiping Jesus as the son of God, just like the same as the disciples.
That's the point. And you know, I travel and minister and I've talked to thousands, probably tens of thousands of people one -on -one and they come up and tell me their problems and ask me to pray and God loves them.
And God will help us even when our problems are of our own, our own making. But I tell you, most of the people that I talked to, the reason they've got problems is because they haven't been seeking the
Lord. People come to me with marriage problems and they're, they're talking about things. And as you begin to dig and ask some questions, they didn't follow any of the leading of God.
Leading of God? How about obeying what's written in the word on how to select their mate? They aren't submitting themselves and loving their mate more than they love themselves.
Yeah. Now we're in Ephesians five. At least you're referencing kind of a text. Husbands aren't loving their wife as Christ loved the church.
Women aren't reverencing and submitting to their husband the way. Now, Andrew Womack believes that God speaks to us through his word, but that he's not limited to churches.
Or it hasn't limited himself to speaking to us through his word. Reverence and submit to Christ. All of these things are said in Ephesians chapter five.
And so, because they're doing it their own way, they're following the template that the world has put down.
They've got all of these problems and then they come and want God to just perform a miracle. Well, again,
God loves us and praise God. He will pull us out. Yeah. You can't expect God to do a miracle.
You know, if you're sinning and stuff. It's weird. A lot of people in the
New Testament received miracles from Christ and they didn't get their act together first.
Weird. The messes that we make, but I'm telling you, you could avoid a lot of problems if you would just do things
God's way. Indeed. And that's the problem. We all are sinners. And the reason why we sin is because we have a sinful nature.
You know, I praise God that Jamie and I, we both got born again when we were eight years old.
We were both spirit filled. We were seeking God with all of our heart. Both of us had made a decision.
See Andrew Womack. I mean, he's, he practically walks on the water himself. I mean, the reason why he wrote the book, you can become how to become a water walker because you know, he's one himself.
That's what I'm getting from this. Now I'm going to fast forward to day two and I just want you to hear his, you know, kind of summary, if you would, of like the main point of day one.
Since that people don't walk on water and I'm not physically talking about walking on water, but one of the reasons people don't walk in the supernatural and do supernatural things and see the miraculous manifestation of God in their life is because they aren't following God's leading.
They're staying on the shore because they can see that it might be dangerous if I follow
God. And so they aren't doing what God told them to do. And they're missing out on the miracles that God has for them.
So there's Peter. I mean, after he was going, dudes, so glad that we like obeyed Jesus and got in the boat.
Cause otherwise, Whoa, I would have never been a water walker. What? Well, that's big.
And I spent all yesterday talking about that. I want, I, yeah, I know. I, that's why
I'm pointing this out and just read this story, but all right, now let me, let me fast forward to day three.
And some of the points that Womack is making on that day, as it relates to being a water walker and stuff.
I mean, there was all kinds of false statements about us. Now he's talking about himself here again, ironic, right?
But you know what? I am not going to change what God tells me to do because I ran into opposition.
All right. So when the disciples are in the boat and the wind is against them, you see that's allegory of, of how, like when you are obeying the voice of God, telling you to do certain things that, that that's, that's the opposition that you can expect.
Cause you know, the wind was against the disciples. That's not the point of the wind.
The wind is actually just an actual historical part of the account. If you, if the disciples had done that, because here's a two hour trip across the sea of Galilee, nine hours later, they were only halfway across.
This was a huge storm that they were in. Great opposition.
Most people would have just said, it's not worth it. I know Jesus told us to go to the other side, but we're turning around.
We're going back. We're thinking of ourself. We're headed for safety. If they had done that, they wouldn't have.
Now you're inserting stuff in the text. It isn't even there. Jesus come walk into the safety.
Now watch this. So if we, if they had gone after safety, they would have never experienced the miracle. If they had done that, they wouldn't have experienced
Jesus. Come walk into them on the water. They wouldn't have experienced Peter walking on the water.
They wouldn't have experienced being translated to the other side of the sea. Cause it's all about experiencing the miraculous, right?
No, wrong. Wouldn't have experienced all of these miraculous things if they had just quit and given up and headed for safety.
And I really believe that God is speaking to some people through me right now that you've started in the direction that God's given you.
And yet there's opposition. It may be people, it could be finances. It could be wind, you know, like, you know, the way the disciples experienced opposition, the wind, the circumstances, there could be a lot of things, but you're facing opposition and you're thinking of turning around and just heading back for sure.
Uh, nowhere in any of the accounts as disciples were thinking, you know, maybe we should head back.
Protecting yourself. I'm telling you, if you will keep doing what God told you to do.
Not what's written in the scripture, whatever God you think God told you to do in your heart, that it's what God told you to do.
And if you will continue in that direction, there's a miracle waiting for you out there.
What? What? This text doesn't promise that at all.
Now you're making promises for Christ that he's never made. This was what it means to take God's name in vain.
If you head for sure, you're going to get nothing except just the natural physical things that you can produce on your own.
Do you, do you fail to glow in the dark? Is the miraculous not a part of your everyday normal life?
Well, it's because you haven't learned how to become a water walker. And so you need to learn how to apply the principles that are hidden in this text that only
Andrew Womack found by virtue of the fact that he glows in the dark and his written down in his multi -merchandise set that you can purchase for a certain amount of money and you too can then find those principles, apply them to your life so that you too can walk in the miraculous and experience miracles.
This text doesn't teach any of that. This is just well beyond annoying. So last of the bites here, this was from day five of week one and we'll see what
Andrew does here. Next verse in verse 49, but when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit and they cried out for they all saw him and were troubled and immediately he talked with them and saith unto them, be of good cheer.
It is I be not afraid. Now here's another point I want to make. The Lord told them, he says, be of good cheer.
It's I don't be afraid. Be it. Yeah. Take heart. Ego me.
I am uses the divine name for himself there. Stop being afraid. Yeah.
Why did he say that? Yeah. Why? I don't know. What is the, the text doesn't give me the motivation for why he said those words.
Some people might say, well, it's because they were terrified. Well, why didn't he just still the storm, which is what he eventually.
By the way, this is not exegesis. This is speculative. Jesus specula.
Jesus. Yeah. Yeah. This is where now we're just speculating. Well, you know, we can just kind of hash this out by, you know, well, he didn't do this and didn't do that.
And so why did, why didn't he say be a good cheer? Do not fear. I am. Why did he say that? Well, clearly they were terrified and those were words that were designed to comfort them.
We can tell by what the words say. But watch this. I'm going to back this up. Why did he say that?
Tom? Some people might say, well, it's because they were terrified. Well, why didn't he just still the storm, which is what he eventually did.
And if you read this same account in John's gospel, after Jesus got back into the boat, immediately the boat and the disciples were translated to the other side of the lake.
Yeah. And that's what they count. And John says, let me read that to you in John chapter six and verse 21.
And they willingly received him into the ship. And immediately the ship was at the land, whether he went.
And yet it says in the same passage that they were in the midst of the sea. So it was translated over a mile to the other side.
If he wanted them not to be afraid and to be a good cheer, why didn't he just still the storm, translate them to the other side?
Wouldn't. Now here comes the principle because it's in the answer to the question that he's posing using speculation.
Taking care of it. Why did he tell them this instead of just perform what they needed so that they wouldn't be afraid?
Yeah. What is, what is the reason? You know, cause I'd like to see that actually stated in the text.
They would be a good cheer. It's because God needs us to stand in faith so that he can move in our life.
What? Wrong.
No texts. It's all up to you.
God's hands are tied. You know, he wants to do a miracle, but he can't. Yeah. What kind of lousy deity is that?
Hang on. I'm going to back this up. I want you to be afraid and that they would be a good cheer. It's because God needs us to stand in faith so that he can move in our life.
All right. It's time for Vincent to make an appearance. Hi, this is only spirit.
And, uh, I really want to do a miracle in your life, but, um, I can't, my, my hands are tied and I am utterly powerless.
And unless you like stand in faith and like give me permission to operate in, in your world,
I can't. So I, um, you know, I, I, I promise it's going to be like a mind blowing miracle.
Um, uh, generally they can be that. Um, but, uh, I, I can't do anything until you stand in faith.
Would you please stand in faith so that I can perform a miracle? Pretty please.
I'll even give you some of your tithe money back. I promise this is, this is, this is nonsense.
This is absolute deception beyond all belief. No biblical text says this. Listen to this instead of just perform what they needed so that they wouldn't be afraid and that they would be a good cheer.
It's because God needs us to stand in faith so that he can move in our life.
Do I need to go on? Um, yeah, Andrew Womack is a very nice man.
He, he looks like a very kind fellow and you know, like a, you know, he was probably a great grandfather and, um, treats his family and employee employees well, but here's the thing.
He is a wolf. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and the theology that he's teaching is demonstrably false.
And I would even argue based upon what he's saying here, it's demonic. And this puts heavy burdens on people.
Well, God can't move unless you act in, you, you act in faith and it's nonsense. God can do whatever
God wants to do, wherever he wants to do it, when he wants to do it, and he don't need you to give him permission or act in faith to do that.
This is just utter nonsense. So God doesn't want you to become a water walker. The whole point of that text is that you would believe that Jesus is the son of God, that by believing you would have life in his name and that you, along with his disciples, would worship and praise and thank him, call upon him in your time of trouble and need.
And your God, your great Jesus who bled and died for the forgiveness of your sins, even while you were yet a sinner.
Yeah, that's what the scripture says. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for our sins. Didn't ask for, we didn't ask for his permission.
We didn't need to act in faith either for him to do that. Out of his pure mercy and kindness and compassion, he's bled and died for you.
He's reconciled you to the father and those who believe and trust in Christ and this good news of the forgiveness of sins, you've been adopted into the family of God and you can call out to God as your father and he hears you.
All of this was done by Christ for you as a gift because of his great love.
And God doesn't work miracles among Christians because of their obedience. God works miracles among Christians because they call out to him.
Trust him. And he answers their prayers. Sometimes he says no. Sometimes he says yes.
And sometimes he says yes in a way that it's obvious that he still performs miracles today and still answers prayers today because indeed he does.
So put Andrew Womack away. If you know anybody who follows this guy, help them. They need to run.
They need to find a better resource. Andrew Womack is a word of faith heretic and he is somebody who makes a lot of money selling a lot of really garbage theology.
Yeah. Hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.