Social Justice Benefits the Elite (Almost Exclusively)

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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There is almost nothing more privileged than being a celebrity social justice warrior.
I mean, you can get away with and say almost anything and people will fawn all over you.
You'll get a platform and you'll never have to actually pay for any of the checks that you put out there.
Like people are going to be cashing your checks, but the ones who pay for aren't you. It's like being a celebrity, right?
Like people have always talked about how when you're a celebrity, you get a lot of stuff for free. So you're rich.
And then on top of being rich, you get a lot of stuff for free because businesses are trying to get you to wear their product. It's almost like advertising for them.
It's not almost like it's exactly what it is. And so you can say these things and people will love you that you could never get away with if you were just a regular person.
It's a designer belief. Let me explain what I mean. I saw this tweet on Twitter today and I had a couple of thoughts that I wanted to share about it.
Justin Bullington says this, don't you find it strange that these celebrity pastors who have confessed to being white supremacists haven't actually stepped down from their positions?
Isn't that disqualifying? And this is a very good point. Like a lot of people have noticed this over time that, you know, you get, you come out, you say,
I'm a racist. And you know, of course you don't step down. Nobody calls for you to, to get canceled or anything like that.
Um, you've got even people that have done, that have sold you books on being gospel centered and gospel counseling.
And you know, for 20 years they've sold you books, they've been a conference speaker, they've been a trusted resource for all things gospel.
And then they'll write an article because it's politically favorable time to do so. They'll write an article that says,
I had a, I had a truncated gospel for all these years and now I finally have a full gospel.
And it's like, you know, if that was really true and you really did believe that it might be time to maybe step down from being an influencer for a while.
Like if you preach something for 20 years that you didn't even understand, um, then, you know, maybe like you should stop selling me books now, like stop going on tour now, stop having the conferences now, like take a little bit of time to make sure you fully understand it now.
But that's never what happens. It's, it's always, you know, you know, just keep listening to me. I didn't understand this for 20 years now.
I do though. Definitely. You can definitely trust me. And it's like, well, it, you know, if, if white supremacy was really this big sin, then of course you'd have to, you have to step down from your pastorate if you came out as a white supremacist.
If you said that you were a racist and racist is like one of the worst sins, then you'd have to step down.
I mean, everyone would expect that if you came out as an adulterer, you'd step down. If you came out that you were addicted to pornography, you would step down from being a pastor.
If it came out that you, you know, enjoy stealing from Macy's, you should step down from being a pastor.
So like, but for some reason, this sin, you don't have to now, most people understand that they're playing a word game for the most part.
It's nonsense. They're not really a racist. They're just one of these fake phony baloney, critical theory, racists. They're not really a white supremacist.
They're just white. And because you're white, you're a white supremacist. And it's like, and so, but, but here's the thing.
And if you, if you are a celebrity Christian, a conference speaker and author, and you're tempted to start doing this kind of thing where I will fight racism until the day
I die, but you're still writing books and still expect us to look at you as an authority figure, please take a second because you're not going to get fired for this.
Like Matt Chandler actually was kind of bragging about this at the MLK 50 thing. He said, I'm not going to get fired for taking my stance, but, but you might.
And it's like, that's actually not something to brag about because you're, you're, you're cashing all these checks, but we're the ones holding the bag.
Like you're not, it's not going to cost you anything. In fact, if you say these things, Matt Chandler, or, you know,
Al Mohler or Russell Moore, you'll get invited on MSNBC to talk on their big platforms.
You'll get probably more book deals. You'll probably get more conference speaking gigs. You'll get promoted more. You'll curry favor with the world.
If you do these things, that's what's going to cost you. It's going to cost you nothing. In fact, you'll probably gain notoriety.
You'll gain a following from doing these things, but so you're cashing the checks, but we're the ones holding the bag because we're the ones that are actually going to have to deal with this in, in, in situations where it's going to cost us, it's going to, it's going to be a situation where it's life and death for us.
Because at the end of the day, like if, if this critical theory and woke stuff goes unchecked, so many people are going to get canceled.
So many people are going to be affected monetarily at their job, at their business, they're going to be forced to sign woke statements.
And if they don't, they're going to get fired. Like we're the ones who it's going to affect. So I would suggest maybe take a step back before you start saying, apologizing for all of us for how racist we all are.
Maybe just apologize for yourself and let us handle our own business. Don't start implicating us in your sin.
So often that's what's happening here. Well, I grew up and I was just a racist and, and I didn't even know what
I didn't know. And like Matt Chandler said this, like he grew up learning about how great white people are. Okay. You know,
I don't really believe that's really what you learned. But if that's what you learn, own that for yourself. Stop trying to put that on us because that's the thing.
Like it's not going to cost you anything, but it will cost us things to, to, to go along with this fake phony baloney story.
And so I would, I would strongly urge you, especially if you're a Christian leader, stop talking for us.
Stop talking for us. If you're repenting of sin for yourself, repent for yourself.
Stop trying to, to, to make it like, it's almost like you're trying to diffuse the sins.
So that way you don't have to actually step down. Like Matt Hall, if you're a racist, then you quit your post.
Don't diffuse it throughout the whole Christian population and say, well, we're all in the same boat. This is just a white thing.
And then all of a sudden you don't have to resign from your post. You don't have to step down. You don't have to be disqualified because really this is just everything white people suffer with.
This is something that we experienced. It's all white. That's what's happening with this. When you're apologizing for everybody, when you're apologizing for the
Christian church, because it depersonalizes the sin, right? If you're a personal racist, if you're a white supremacist, own that and you handle it.
You repent, but don't make us all guilty of your sin. That's the, that's a sneaky weasel tactic.
That's how you can come out as a racist or a white supremacist as a Christian leader, but not have to resign your post because what you're saying is, well, after all, we're all racist, right?
Right. And it's like, no, we're not. No, no, no. We're not. No, we're actually not. So if you say you're a racist,
I believe you, but own that for yourself. Don't put that on us. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.
Christian leaders, if you see this video, please, before you come out and saying, oh, white supremacy, white supremacy, this white supremacy, that all that kind of stuff, count the cost for yourself and stop trying to diffuse your guilt amongst the entire community of Christians so that you don't have to actually do anything about it.
You don't have to actually repent. You don't have to actually resign from your post. That's the thing. It's like we need more blacks in leadership, but nobody's given up their post.
You expect others to do it because you're diffusing your guilt onto everybody else. If you think that there's this system of white supremacy that gave you all the advantages and you don't even deserve what you get because you just inherited this bag of privilege, like Matt Chandler said, then you resign your post.
Do the honorable thing. Stop diffusing that guilt and also diffusing the restitution that needs to be made to the entire group.
You make restitution. You make up for it. You repent. Repentance is for you if you've sinned.
Don't try to diffuse that because that's a weasel game, man. That's a weasel game that makes sure that you're never held accountable.
You never have to do anything about it yourself and you can just build this platform and make friends with the world by saying, yo, yeah,
I'm a racist, of course. It's just it's not doing anyone any good, including you, by the way, including you, because you're actually not really repenting of it when you diffuse the guilt to everybody else and make everybody else repent for your sin.
Anyway, I hope you found this helpful. God bless. And so you see, this is a designer belief.
Like if you're a celebrity social justice warrior, you're not brave, you're not stunning, you're not any of these things.
You are privileged. You are supremely privileged. It is posh. It is a designer.
It is bougie. There's there's no two ways about it. But like, be careful, because we're the ones that have to end up paying for those bad checks you're cashing.