A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism Week 2


Sunday In Systematics: The Water That Divides- The Case For Paedobaptism Week 2 Pastor Tim Pasma


A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism Week 3

A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism Week 3

Let's begin with prayer. Father. Thank you for our time now make this profitable help us to understand
And again Lord help us to remember that so many of our brothers and sisters believe this and that we have fellowship with them and love
Them but help us to be as biblical as we possibly can and we'll thank you in Jesus name
Amen, take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter 17 Genesis 17 you follow as I read
When Abram when Abram was 99 years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him I am
God Almighty walk before me and be blameless That I may make my covenant between me and you and may multiply you greatly
Then Abram fell on his face and God said to him behold My covenant is with you and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations
No longer shall your name be called Abram But your name shall be Abraham for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations
I will make you exceedingly fruitful and I'll make you into nations and kings shall come from you and I will establish
My covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant
To be God to you and to your offspring after you and I will give to you and to your offspring
After you the land of your sojournings all the land of Canaan for an everlasting Possession and I will be their
God and God said to Abraham as for you You shall keep my covenant you and your offspring after you throughout their generations
This is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and your offspring after you
Every male among you shall be circumcised You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you
He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised Every male throughout your generations whether born in your house or bought with your money from any foreigner
Who is now who is not of your offspring? Both he who is born in your house and he who is bought with your money shall surely be circumcised
So shall my covenant be in your flesh and everlasting covenant any uncircumcised male who is not
Circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant now
Let's use our imaginations for a moment You're sitting in the front pew of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church to witness the baptism of your cousin's baby girl
He and his wife have invited you to this wonderful event The ceremony seems kind of long and complicated not nearly as simple as ours
Because it involves an explanation of baptism the reciting of the
Apostles Creed vows made by the parents and vows made by the congregation and All of its mute moving and beautiful and then comes the moment you've been waiting for When the baby is baptized the pastor says to the parents what is the name of this child and they respond
Madeline and the pastor then takes Madeline into his arms and Says to her
Madeline for you Jesus Christ came into the world for you. He died and for you.
He conquered death All this he did for you little one, though, you know, nothing of it as yet We love because God first loved us
He then takes her to the baptismal fount or he's standing there at the baptismal fount and he baptized her
He takes a scoop of water and he pours it overhead and says I baptize you in the name of the Father You know the
Son You know the Holy Spirit Amen pastor then places his head his hand on the baby's head and says
Madeline child of the covenant in baptism. You are sealed by the Holy Spirit and Marked as Christ's own forever
Amen Then he addresses the congregation with these words in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ The only King and head of the church this child is now received into the visible membership of the
Holy Catholic Church That's small seed Okay, you got that Holy Universal Church engaged to confess the faith of Christ and to be
God's faithful servant until life's end and then the pastor closes with a closing prayer now they're not all going to look like that the
Presbyterians are not going to look like that, but that's that's a Presbyterian Church of America PCA Baptism Now that kind of baptism is supported by the church's doctrinal statements such as the
Westminster Shorter Catechism, which by the way is a great catechism But it's a little weak in the area of baptism in question 94.
It's asked What is baptism and the answer is? Baptism is a sacrament wherein the washing with water in the name of the
Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost does signify and seal our engrafting into Christ and Partaking of the benefits of the covenant of grace in our engagement to be the
Lord's Question number 95 to whom is baptism to be administered?
Baptism is not to be administered to any that are out of the visible church Till they profess their faith in Christ and obedience to him so they do have believers baptism if you're converted later
Then you're baptized in The same way as that baby, by the way
Not not dunking like us. All right. I don't know if you knew this but Sharon Green and I when she first came here went around and around and around about that because she came from a
Presbyterian Church But she was converted when she was 12 and she was baptized and she said to me over and over But I have had believers baptism.
So anyway, let me read the answer again. The first part says No one outside the church can be baptized until they profess faith in Christ, but then it goes on Baptism is no baptism is not to be administered to any that are out of the visible church
Till they profess their faith in Christ and obedience to him But the infants of such as our members of the visible church are to be baptized
So if you're if you are a baptized member of the church, then you bring your children to be baptized
Now you say wait a minute I don't see how you can read the New Testament and see any of that to which our
Presbyterian friends will make an admission Here's Brian. I don't know if it's Brian Chapel.
I think it's Brian Chapel Says this we who believe in infant baptism must confess that the lack of any
Specific example of infant baptism in the New Testament is a strong counterweight to our position
Okay, so he makes that admission Charles Hodge Great Presbyterian theologian and I have a systematic theology
Hodges is a good guy. I mean he really right. He's he's got some good stuff Here's what he says in his systematic theology at this point in every case on record of the
Apostles Administration of the rite of baptism It was on condition of a profession of faith on the part of the recipient
You hear what he says? He says in every instance where it's recorded that someone was baptized.
It was always a believer Okay, so you say wait a minute with all that in mind.
How is it then that you practice infant baptism? Did you just say well, we're just gonna ignore scripture scripture at this point what the
Bible says doesn't make any difference to us And the answer that is no, that's not what they think
Okay, they and I again, please I want to be careful I don't want to get into a day and us kind of a thing
It is they and us when it comes to baptism But it's not they and us when it comes to our common faith in the
Lord Anyway, they're gonna respond that in an absence of an example of a particular infants baptism
You got to see how strong the other evidence is Now they'll do what we all do when we build our theologies and that is we say we will believe anything that is either expressly set down in scripture or by good and necessary consequence
May be deduced from scripture now. We can't disagree with that.
That is entirely legitimate We all operate that way for example Example the doctrine of the
Trinity the very core of our faith is not Expressly stated you can't find anywhere in the
Bible where it says God is three persons in one co equal in essence difference in function
You're not going to find that but when you read the scriptures and you put it all together you by good and necessary Consequence deduce that the
Trinity truly is a truth Okay So I would say this in my view the entire edifice of infant baptism is built
Not on what's expressly stated but on good on good and necessary Consequences and it's they believe it's deduced from scripture.
So no, you're not going to find an Example a clearly stated example of an infant being baptized
But they're going to argue that if you take the whole Bible and you take what the Bible says
You will end up in infant baptism. You will draw the necessary deduction that it is true and So I think the main question is is baptism
The proper deduction from scripture So Brian Chapel asserts we baptize infants because we believe that the
Bible teaches us to do so All right. So let's keep this in mind.
They're not They're not saying now. We don't care what the Bible says They're saying we believe this is what the
Bible teaches and we believe it because by good and necessary Consequences we have deduced that this is what the scriptures teach so now we want to look at the basis of Infant baptism.
I want to make a case for infant baptism now, please You can read tons and tons and tons and tons of stuff and there's all kinds of reasons
I'm going to give you the bare -bones explanation So it may cause some questions to arise out what
I want to do is to give you the heart of it and I want to be as Accurate as I possibly can with this.
I don't want to build a strong man That we can easily knock down. I want to I want you to really understand
How they build their case and I want to be fair and I want to be accurate.
So, you know, hopefully Although I can't claim divine inspiration,
I hope the Holy Spirit has supervised me enough so that I'm fair and accurate All right so One of the things we have to understand is this whole idea of sign and seal
Which by the way, let me start out and say we believe in sign and seal, too Okay, but we have to understand what this means if you're going to understand why our brothers
Baptize their children you have to understand this concept of signs and seals
This is important if we're going to understand this, okay What's a sign, okay, let's talk about signs what is a sign signs
Signify something they stand for or represent some reality.
Okay, so a sign Represents something Okay What does a
Kroger sign mean when you see a Kroger sign? What do you think?
food Okay What? Pharmacy so you see a
Kroger sign you think of a Kroger store Right. That's what you're that's what's supposed to happen.
You see a sign. It's supposed to drive you. It's supposed to tell you something Okay The United our flag is a sign
It represents our country when you see when you see the stars and stripes somewhere.
You're supposed to think USA, all right, it's a sign it represents something.
So look at Genesis 1711 someone read Genesis 1711 real quick Keep your
Bibles open to Genesis 17, by the way, what's just Genesis 1711 say?
All right, you shall be Circumcised and It shall be a sign of what?
Was it say of the covenant that I've made with you? This is a sign of the covenant
Okay, it represents the covenant that I have with you Abraham Okay But it's also a seal
Now, let me just tell you right now when you see this idea of seal don't think of licking an envelope and I think that's what a lot of us do when we read in the scriptures the
Holy Spirit is a seal of Our salvation too often what we think is okay.
Wait a minute. How does that work? Right, like I sealed the envelope. That's not we're talking about The seal is this idea of a visible pledge that the contents of the document are authentic think of the wax
Affixed to a proclamation or a letter So you remember you and some of you when you were young and you got the little kits
You just did that all day long You'd make the little you'd light the wick on that Thing of wet wax and drip it on the paper and make a stamp on it.
Well, you know that that when a for example that wax was affixed to a letter or a document and then the king takes this signet ring and Presses it into the wax so that whenever the recipient got that letter.
He saw that the king had what? Sealed it his seal his seal was there on the document
Pam Thomas does this all the time you go to her and say I got to buy a car will you notarize this for me and she takes that little thing and and And she seals the document.
You see what I'm saying? She puts the seal on the document. She seals that document so the seal is a visible pledge that the contents of the document are authentic and And also that the author would honor the promises he had made in that document or to honor what he had
Covenanted to do so when it was sealed it meant This is authentic and I promise to keep the conditions that are laid out in this document
So if you'd seal it that meant you right We again we do this as well you sign
Now not not in terms of a sign that means something but when you sign something that's like a seal
When you sign that document you're sealing it you're saying Whatever's in this document.
I agree to Okay, if it requires something of you you've agreed to it it requires something of me
I've agreed to it So it's it's to say I'm going to keep my promises when you look at the rainbow
You're looking at one of God's visible pledges. So it's a pledge that says
I'll keep my word. It's a pledge that says This this is authentic.
It's a it's a way of It's a visible pledge now when you look after a rain shower and you look up in the sky and you see a rainbow that is a
Seal if you will it's God's visible pledge to what? What is
God this pledge? What does he said? He what? He'll never destroy the world with a flood, how do
I know that because there's a visible pledge right there in the sky It's a visible pledge from God.
So with Abraham and his descendants The circumcision was
God's visible pledge that he would Keep the promises of the covenant that he had made with Abraham.
I Know that's missing That is That that he would add this
Keep the promises of the covenant that he had made with Abraham It's going to keep the promises that he made in that covenant
So circumcision was a sign and seal of the covenant that God had made with Abram It's a sign it represents it.
It's a seal it guarantees it Okay represent and guarantee signifier and visible pledge
Now if you're going to understand the good and consequent deductions from the scripture for the
Paedo -baptists You have to understand the centrality of the Abrahamic Covenant It it is it is that which controls everything that they
Say and do when it comes to infant baptism God made a covenant with Abraham Now you see it in three places in Genesis Genesis 12 1 through 3 he promises.
I'm gonna make a great nation of you. I'm gonna make your name great You are going to be a blessing.
I will curse anyone who dishonors you. I will bless all who honor you I'm going to give you a land and you are going to be the channel of blessing to all the nation
So that was the initial Promises that God made when you come to chapter 15 verses 1 through 20 you see the covenant now again repeated and that it's the promise of an heir and Descendants descendants like the stars and in this covenant they hacked up the animals remember when you make a covenant you killed something as a pledge that says may it be to me as it was to this animal if I don't keep my if I don't meet the conditions of the agreement we've come to right and so you see this really weird thing of their hack and a bunch of animals and they lay them on either side and when you made a covenant that the covenant errs would walk through between those bloodied pieces of animal as a guarantee
That we're going to keep this promise, but in Genesis 15 God alone walks through which says
I'm Taking upon myself entirely the fulfillment of the agreement that we have in this covenant
And it is here in Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 that we read that Abraham was counted as righteous because he believed the promise of God Because he believed the promise of God now we come to chapter 17 verses 1 through 14
He talks about nations coming from him Kings coming from him Kings honoring his offspring land again
And this time he says that God would be the God of Abraham and his descendants
I'm Covenanting with you to be your God and the God of your descendants and it is here in Genesis 17 that he gives him the sign of circumcision this is the sign and the seal of the covenant into which we are entering and So God provided a sign and a seal of that covenant now, let's look at it again.
So it's firmly in our minds Genesis 17 9 through 14
Again, I've said this a million times what happens to someone who's in a public speaking place with the
Bible What happens to the books of the Bible when you're speaking? Yeah, they juggle around.
I know that's how bad it is. Laura. That's really how bad it is Where is that?
Wait a minute Deuteronomy. That's not right Verse 9 and God said Abraham as for you you shall keep my covenant you and your offspring after you throughout their generations
This is my covenant, which you shall keep between me and you and your offspring after you every male among you shall be circumcised
You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you
He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised every male throughout your generations
Whether born in your house or bought with your money from any foreigner who is not of your offspring
Both he who was born in your house and he was bought with your money shall surely be circumcised
So shall my covenant be in your flesh an everlasting covenant any
Uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of the foreskin shall be cut off from his people.
He has broken my covenant. So There it is. Boy, that should not be that small because when you're working at 11 o 'clock, all right so the sign
The sign of the sign of circumcision Was what was given that the sign of circumcision was given we see that here this represents the covenant
Okay, and as you read through the rest of New Testament, for example, Deuteronomy 10 16
It represents the removal of spiritual uncleanness in the Old Testament as you start reading through the
Old Testament It starts God starts talking about I don't want you just Circumcised in your body.
I want your heart to be circumcised with the idea then that spiritual uncleanness
Needs to be removed. I just don't want you having this outward sign I want you to have a circumcised heart so it appears already in the
Old Testament that circumcision is a sign Pointing towards Spiritual uncleanness
Or the removal of spiritual uncleanness. It also marked out God's people as being separated and consecrated to him this set them apart as The people that belong to the only true and living
God All right. This was a sign that God had made a covenant with Abraham and all his descendants
We are in covenant with the one true God No one else is we're different than all the other nations
Okay We're different than all the other nations. We've been marked out. It's also the seal of Circumcision is also a seal.
It's a visible pledge by God that he will fulfill his part
When the conditions of the covenant are met when you fulfill your part of the covenant
I'll fulfill mine. I promise I make a visible pledge that I'll keep my part of the covenant
It was God's pledge to provide all the blessings of his covenant when the condition of faith is met
When the condition of faith is met I'll fulfill all of what I've promised in this covenant now
Are you with me so far? You see what place this occupies But notice that the covenant did not just embrace
Abraham But his entire household and his descendants
Okay Now what's a household I'm really sorry that's so small
I thought I'd change that what's a household Genesis 17 gives you a clue.
Who did he describe as members of Abraham's household? Okay Yeah Your your family your children your slaves and your servants anybody who's a part
That's your household. They all must be circumcised Okay, they all have to be circumcised
All right, so the covenant made with Abraham Stands on what we call what they would call a representative principle, which is the biblical perspective that the head of the household represents the family to God and Commits his household to the worship of God.
All right so by taking on this sign you're entering into covenant and As the head of the household you're having everybody in your household circumcised
Which is saying to God? We're part of this covenant and I have committed my entire household
To serving the one true and living God. I'm going to lead them in that now so because God's promise extended to Abraham's household.
He was to then to devote all that he had To the
Lord and to show it By the use of this covenant sign.
I'm devoting my whole household to you God How do I how did how did
I show that by being? Circumcised and by having all the men all the males in my household
Circumcised Okay, so that meant that all who know
Get the wrong thing here. That meant that all who were part of Abraham's household was devoted to God by this sign
He says I'm devoting my entire household to you Now, what does that mean that explains?
Why Abraham devoted his entire household to God even though some of its members
Could not yet have expressed their faith or even known what the
Covenant was all about And although and I'm going out on a limb here, although I've not seen this written, of course
I haven't read every book on this. I have not seen this written But it also means that people who might not believe or care anything about the
Covenant slaves foreign slaves are circumcised Right.
I'm devoting this entire household to God. I will lead it to worship
God All right So then the
Covenant does not require faith before you administer that sign Right.
It's an infant and they want to say God's saying if you act in faith I'll fulfill the conditions of the
Covenant, but you don't have to believe in order to be circumcised Okay The represent your representative is making this agreement with God and you don't have to believe
I Mean what I'm saying is you don't have to believe in order to get the sign Okay You don't have to believe in order to get the sign
Now it's not only Abraham's household, but it's also his descendants
So as you keep reading, especially when you get You know into Exodus and everything.
I mean you still see it in Genesis, but it goes from generation to generation
So the parents as members of God's covenant people would bring their sons to be circumcised on the eighth day
Right, that's what God said my covenant with you The sign of that covenant is with you and I'm making a covenant with you and all your descendants my covenant
It was with you and all your descendants. So then Everyone who's a descendant of Abraham then must
Circumcise their children. So the parents who are covenant members they were circumcised to or he was circumcised to bring the child to be circumcised on the eighth day and Generation after generation of covenant members would have had their son circumcised
Okay What is this saying God made the covenant with Abraham's descendants and said
This is my covenant. This is the sign in the seal all your descendants belong to this
They too must submit to the sign and the seal you get it They too are under this covenant where they have to submit to circumcision
Are you with me? Ten Generations down they're still circumcising those children and they're brought by the parents who are part of the covenant people and They must according to what
God says to Abraham. They must have that child circumcised or what's the penalty? Remember what it said in Genesis 17 verse 14
They're cut off from their people You're cut off You're not part of the people then so you must be circumcised to show that you're part of the covenant community and you must have
Your children thus circumcised so to be in covenant with God through Abraham's covenant you must be circumcised and your children and your household the rest of your household and So because of the
Abraham covenant covenant, you got to baptize your children. You say wow, how do you make that leap?
Well, let's see it what it is God designed this covenant to continue
You notice in Genesis 17 God calls it an everlasting covenant. I'm not sure
Now I'm not even gonna go there. He's calls it an everlasting covenant And when you go to Acts chapter 2
Peter's preaching at that wonderful Pentecost See Axes before Romans.
All right acts to Peter's preaching and He says this verses 38 and 39
Okay, verse 37 now when they heard this this is the conclusion now when they heard this they were cut to the heart and Said to Peter and the rest of the
Apostles brothers What shall we do and Peter said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ?
For the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off Everyone whom the
Lord our God calls to himself so they say to us see God continues to relate to us as individuals you must repent and Be and be baptized for the forgiveness of sin you and your children
You see You and your children see God still operating this way
He's still operating with the household you and your children
Okay. Now, let's look at Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3.
All right, so He's made the point
Oh Foolish verse 1 Oh foolish Galatians who has bewitched you It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified
Let me ask you only this Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by or by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish heaven begun by the Spirit? Are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Did you suffer so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain? This he who supplies the spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith
Just as Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness You're not saved by faith because look at Abraham didn't do anything
He believed God and it was counted him for righteousness now He goes on know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham You're the sons of Abraham Therefore what?
What did God tell Abraham to do with all his descendants they and Their descendants must be circumcised, okay verse
Let's keep going and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham saying in you shall all nations be blessed so then those who are of faith are
Blessed along with Abraham the man of faith For all who rely on works of the law under curse for it is written curse be everyone who does not abide by all things
Written in the book of the law and do them now It is evident that no one is justified before God by the law for the righteous shall live by faith
But the law is not of faith rather the one who does them shall live by them Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us for it is written
Cursed is everyone who's hanged on a tree so that in Christ Jesus The blessing of Abraham might come to the
Gentiles so that we might receive the promised spirit through faith To give a human example brothers even with a man -made covenant
No one annuls that are adds to it once it has been ratified Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring
It does not say and to offsprings referring to many but referring to one and to your offspring who is
Christ This is what I mean the law which came 430 years afterward does not annul a covenant
Previously ratified by God so as to make the promise void for the inheritance comes by the law
It no longer comes by promise, but God gave it to Abraham by a promise
So he says see the Abrahamic coming covenant is still ours and what does it say your offsprings?
To your offspring. All right Jumped down to verse 25
But now that faith has come we are no longer under a guardian for in Christ Jesus. You are all sons of God Through faith for as many as of you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek There is neither slave nor free There is no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus And if you are
Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring heirs according to the promise there it is you are heirs of Abraham and therefore as Covenant members you must do what
Abraham did as members of the covenant community You must devote your household to the worship of God if you're the head of your household you see because he says
Right, doesn't he say here your descendants of Abraham and Abraham was told all
Your descendants you your household and all your descendants must have the covenant sign
Them and their children must have the covenant sign. So he says look see we're
Abraham's offspring then So we have to do that with our children too. Just like he did so do we
Both the Old Testament and the New Testament affirm God's continuing covenant promise to Abraham to bless people by grace through faith
Now what has changed you say, but no one the Presbyterians don't circumcise their babies.
No, they don't What do they do? They say the covenant sign has changed
It's changed. The covenant is still there, but the sign has changed
Okay, are you with me? Are you following with me here? Okay God made this covenant with Abraham said you your you your household and all your descendants
Which again your household and your children in your household, right? So I made this covenant with you.
It's you and your household and all your descendants have to do their household We're in Christ. We are the descendants of Abraham Therefore we too must apply the covenant sign to our infants.
Can you see that now? Can you see that connection that they're making? The Abrahamic Covenant is still in force.
Therefore we must Include the children in the covenant community. We do that not with circumcision, but with baptism so what's changed is the covenant sign the bloody sign of Circumcision prefigured the shedding of Christ's blood that removes our sin.
It was a picture. It was pointing forward It was pointing forward to Christ now look we don't have you're gonna have to look up those those
References later because I'm trying my best not to keep you here too long All right
Hokey -smokey I've already gone too long. You want to quit? Okay.
No one said no By the way, they're gonna tell us that no one says no later we'll get to that.
All right Therefore New Testament believers receive a sign that indicates what
Christ has accomplished for them 1115.
All right So baptism with water is the sign of washing away our sin
Right got Jesus accomplished that water is the sign of washing away our sin Baptism is now the sign for all those who desire to obey
Christ and express their faith Granted but it also involves our children someone look at Colossians 2 11 and 12
Colossians 2 11 and 12 someone read that and read it loud and clear. Oh, yeah,
I put the wrong word in there, didn't I? Okay, here's what it is the washing away of our sin
I'm talking about that now the washing away of our sin And it's a sign
Yeah the removal The removal of our sin the washing away of our sin the removal of our sin
Okay Is that what you're asking be what
Christ has accomplished for them accomplished The washing away of our sin the removal of uncleanness.
Yeah, just get rid of accomplished I Don't know why that's there
I have no idea how that word got in that blank and if I was thinking of one word at that point
I don't remember what it was Okay You know, it's funny
Andrew and I and some of the guys were talking I said Man, I'm really wrestling with her out of good of this match or not
Cuz I'm not ready for tomorrow and I talked to Beck and she said you really need to go because in our view
This is a ministry. I love it, but it's still a ministry, right? And so I Saw Andrew.
I saw Andrew this morning. I said man, I was I was here till 1130 last night He goes.
Wow, you were here that long. I said no. No, I went to the wrestling meet and Then I came back
No more wrestling meets for me. That's negotiable So Colossians 2 11 and 12
All right So there they say it tells us that Baptism has replaced the circumcision
Okay, and so we still have the blessings of Abraham's covenant now. I haven't
Said this outright, but what they're thinking is this Abraham was justified by faith and God says just like Abraham you're justified by faith.
And so they say this is the sign of God's covenant that he will save everyone
Who believes just like Abraham? Okay, and Abraham blessed all the nations
God kept that promise. So All right, so you see you see what's what's happening there now
There are certain features of the covenant that still remain since the covenant remains but the sign changes the new sign applies to believers and to their children just As the old sign was
Okay, you got it since the Abrahamic covenant remains this and the sign changes right
So the new sign applies to put believers in there for themselves The new sign applies to believers and to their children just as the old sign was.
All right So you naturally expect believers to apply this sign to their children.
You would naturally expect that Chappelle or Chapel writes this the promises continue to be extended through parents to their children
Acts chapter 2 38 39 with the ordinary condition remaining that these children must
Ultimately express their own faith in Christ in order to reap the full benefits of the covenant
Okay Here's another statement under the
Old Testament infants were circumcised as well as adults baptism occupies the place of Circumcision in the
New Testament and has the same use as circumcision had in the Old Testament Therefore infants are to be baptized as well as adults
And so as a seal, so the promise continues to be extended through parents to their children
Okay Why? because we are in The Abrahamic Covenant we are descendants of Abraham.
Therefore as descendants. We must also have our children Baptized the covenant sign must be given to them as a seal then
Baptism would indicate the visible pledge of God that when the conditions of the covenant are met
That is repentance and faith in Jesus the promised blessings apply So they say so you're baptized into this new covenant and the new covenant is now got
Jesus at the center And so here's the condition when you baptize that baby you are
God is entering into covenant with that baby and saying I Will fulfill all the promises of the covenant if you put your faith in Jesus I'm promising by this that that will be the case for you now
There's more you are engaged to exercise your faith in Jesus. So when they talk about not being true to your baptism
They're saying you entered into a covenant in which you said if you'd believe you'd you get it
You're a covenant child. You should believe Okay, don't don't give me any questions on that right now.
Okay? now So here's the heart Abraham covenant with God covenant signed to households and descendants
That goes on now through Christ. We have become part of the Abrahamic Covenant therefore as Therefore as Christians we too must
Apply the covenant sign. We too must devote our households to the worship of God Okay, all right,
I think we need to stop Maybe take me a little bit longer to develop the case for them
Next next week though because you know, I know you're all getting kind of sleepy. That was a never mind
Next week. We'll talk about other biblical considerations that they have This is the heart of it.
But there are other things that they point to in order to promote
Pato baptism and we'll start that next week. So as you can see in your notes
We'll look at other biblical considerations as well as the benefits that are supposedly
These children's benefits having been baptized as children of the covenant
Okay All right, who wants to close this in prayer?