The Prophet Jeremiah Part 17

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The Prophet Jeremiah Part 18

The Prophet Jeremiah Part 18

All right, we're gonna get started. We're gonna jump right back into our study of the the book of Jeremiah Let's pray
Lord Jesus again as we open up your word We ask through your Holy Spirit to help us to understand rightly believe confess and do according to what you were revealed there
Especially as it pertains to doing justice and not listening to false shepherds. We ask in Jesus name.
Amen All right before we get started Grace Jennings She just turned three years old.
And so I wanted to wish Grace Jennings She's joins us online since she's not able to join us like on our normal birthday day when we have cake and things like that So happy birthday
Grace and and hope that you have a great one. So, all right. Yeah All right, let's jump right back into our study of the book of Jeremiah and you're gonna know
I'm not gonna try to speed through chapter 22 Despite the fact that chapter 23 works perfectly with my sermon and you know, and we pastors
We're kind of nerdy that way We like it when we get all of our ducks in a row and everything's pushing in at the same pace the same direction
But Jeremiah 22 is where we left off and it begins.
Let me roll back up into the context here So thus says Yahweh you go down to the house of the king of Judah and Speak there this word and say hear the word of Yahweh Oh king of Judah who sits on the throne of David And you and your servants and your people who enter these gates thus says
Yahweh do justice and righteousness Deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed
You know the purpose of the government is to actually punish evildoers You know, let's just be blunt.
That's you know in this lifetime when we talk about institutions There are two major institutions that God has created
God created governments Christ is presently ruling and reigning I know it's only the third
Sunday of Easter But we're about halfway to the point where we need to be for Ascension Sunday Okay I don't know if we'll practice if we're actually gonna observe
Ascension this year or not It always kind of liturgically falls at odd times, but all of that being said
Ascension Sunday, you know, it's an important thing that Christ is presently ruling and reigning. He's king of kings and Lord of lords he's not going to be that he is that now and he has established governments for the purpose of punishing the evildoer and governments in doing and executing justice are told to do so with the idea that They are to not look at the person whether they are rich or poor
Whether they are popular or unpopular But they are to do justice for everybody regardless of their station in life
And so, you know, we've picked up this concept then, you know Always and again Lady Justice is portrayed with you know, a blindfold over her eyes and the scales in her hand
That's that's the idea. But the king of Judah. Well, apparently he needs a little prompting and a little reminder
As to how governments are supposed to work and I would remind you in our day that things seem to be ramping up and I would note that the current administration
Has established this past week the ministry of truth. Have you heard of this? It's a ministry of truth and and they are
Attached to the Department of Homeland Security which then begs the question how are you defining truth and Based upon how
I understand progressives and woke liberals to operate I'm pretty convinced that they're going to determine that anything that a conservative says is a lie and everything the liberals and the progressives say are truth and Since they're at the
Department of Truth is associated with the Department of Homeland Security Well, guess what? Congratulations as of today you are all terrorists, you know, so oh
That the head of the department, oh, yeah, the head of the department reminds me of Dolores Umbridge from The Harry Potter series.
I'm just saying anyway, so You'll note then that you might have the opportunity to suffer for doing good for to for being declared a
Terrorist for believing truth because the ministry of truth is going to determine things like this
I I will be watching with with an anticipation, but you'll note then
Governments exist for the purpose of punishing evildoers So God is giving the King of Judah a little kick in the pants if you would
Hear the word of Yahweh Oh King of Judah who sits on the throne of David you and your servants and your people who enter these gates
Thus says Yahweh do justice and righteousness Deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed
This is like government justice like 101 right somebody who robs somebody needs to be
Punished right, but apparently the King of Judah was be it was acting on behalf of the robber
Who does that corrupt politicians, right? Did we still have those today?
Yeah so There do no wrong or violence to the resident alien the fatherless the widow nor shed innocent blood in this place
I would note here that God puts it upon government to To do no violence to protect those who are far fatherless the weakest the most despised
Those who look like God has punished them so badly that they don't even have the means to take care of themselves
Don't let appearances fool you God himself He speaks on behalf of and defends the fatherless, right?
And so nor shed innocent blood for if you will indeed obey this word, then there shall enter the gates of this house
Kings who sit on the throne of David riding in chariots and on horses they and their servants and their people
But if you will not obey these words By the way, you have to believe them first before you obey them.
Yeah faith comes, you know first so I swear by myself There's Yahweh again swearing by himself.
Okay, God can't swear by anyone greater I swear by myself declares Yahweh that this house shall become a desolation for thus says
Yahweh concerning the house of the king of Judah You're like Gilead to me like a summit of Lebanon yet.
Surely I will make you a desert an Uninhabited city I will prepare destroyers against you each with his weapons and they shall cut down your choice of cedars and Cast them into the fire.
Well, that sounds like a negative outcome who would have thought that God would actually Send a negative outcome you might want to send an email to Joel Osteen and just include a little screenshot of this, okay
Right. All right, so and many nations will pass by the city Every man will say to his neighbor
Why has Yahweh dealt thus with this great city and they will answer well because they have forsaken the covenant of Yahweh Their God and they've worshipped other gods and they've served them
We've not for him who is dead or grief for him But we bitterly for him who goes away for he shall return no more to see his
Native land in other words. God's basically saying I'll persist in this guess what it's gonna be hasta la vista
Baby, right and you will not be able to say I will return you will not you're not coming back
So that says Yahweh concerning Shalom the son of Josiah now If you remember Josiah is the king who after hearing the
Word of God? Discovering that there was a thing called a Bible that he didn't know there was such a thing You know
It was read out in his and his hearing and he realized that he was in deep kimchi and that they were not obeying the words
Of God he tore his clothes. He repented and he brought some reforms. Well, Josiah is now dead and one of his sons is honest on his throne and Josiah's son is
Let's just say he didn't go to Lutheran private school, okay I'm sorry
He wasn't homeschooled properly. This is this sums off here okay for that says Yahweh concerning Shalom the son of Josiah king of Judah who reigned instead of Josiah his father and who went
Away from his place. He shall return here no more But his place where they have carried him captive there shall he die.
He shall never see this land again Woe to him who builds his house by Unrighteousness and his upper rooms by Injustice who makes his neighbor serve him for nothing and does not give him his wages
Have you ever noticed that the the rich have this amazing ability to exploit the poor?
All right, and and boy do they right who says I will build myself a great house with spacious upper rooms with tennis court with a
Olympic -sized swimming pool and a statue to me right I added those little bits right to the
That's kind of the point right who cuts out windows for it paneling it with cedar Painting it with vermilion.
Do you think you are a king because you compete in cedar? Did not your father eat and drink and do righteousness?
Yeah, Josiah did by the way he did Then it was well with him.
He judged the cause of the poor and the needy then it was well You know, Josiah flat -out repented and he did what did was right
Shalom comes into it into power And he's a greedy little brat who thinks all about me myself and I right daddy.
I want it now Right, you know, you think of Veruca salt, right? Is not is not this to know me declares
Yahweh But you have eyes and heart only for your dishonest gain for shedding innocent blood and for practicing oppression and violence
Okay, therefore thus says Yahweh concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah They shall not lament for him saying ah my brother.
Ah, my sister They shall not lament for him saying ah Lord or ah his majesty with the burial of a donkey.
He shall be buried Oh Well, there goes the royal pageantry at his funeral, okay
You can throw him into a ditch like a dead donkey. All right dragged and dumped beyond the gates of Jerusalem.
Oh, well God He's no respecter of persons So go up to Lebanon and cry out lift up your voice in Bashan cry out from Oberyn For all your lovers are destroyed.
I spoke to you in your prosperity, but you said I will not listen This has been your way from your youth that you have not obeyed my voice the wind
Shall shepherd all your shepherds and your lovers shall go into captivity
The wind will shepherd all your shepherds. That sounds like a lot of today's Pastors vision casting leaders and false prophets, right?
They just they absolutely just Preach wind and it's wind from the south the lower nether regions if you know what
I mean, right? So then you will be ashamed and confounded because of all your evil
Oh inhabitant of Lebanon nested among the Cedars How will you be pitied when pangs come upon you pain as of a woman in labor?
That's a reference to the Day of Judgment You know Christ when he talks about you know, the end of the world talks about labor pains and stuff like that He's completely consistent with the prophets
This is exactly how the Prophet spoke and there's a reason for that because Jesus happens to be The Word of God who came to Jeremiah So as I live declares
Yahweh Though Konaniah and the son of Jehoiakim King of Judah were the signet ring on my signet ring on my right hand yet I would tear you off and give you into the hand of those who seek your life into the hand of those of whom you are afraid even in the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon and Into the hand of the
Chaldeans. I'll hurl you and the mother who bore you. Whoa, that's some pretty strong language
I'm gonna hurl you and your mother All right, and the mother bore you into another country where you were not born and there you will die
But to the land to which they will long to return There they shall not return.
Is this man? Konaniah a despised broken pot a vessel no one cares for why are he and his children hurled and cast into a land
They do not know Oh land land land here the word of Yahweh thus says Yahweh write this man down as childless a man who shall not succeed in his days for none of his offspring shall succeed in Sitting on the throne of David and ruling again in Judah now a little bit of a note here
Okay, so you're gonna know in God giving his judgment of the son of Josiah Jeconiah he goes by Shalom.
He goes by Jeconiah. He also both goes by the name of Kaniah God has said none of your sons are going to reign on the throne but if you know your genealogies of Jesus Right, then you'd say well doesn't this fellow show up in the gospel of Matthew's genealogy?
Yes, he does So, how is this how does this work then? Well, you see there's a fascinating thing that occurs in in Israeli Jewish Israeli practice, all right, and the practice goes something like this if a
Man marries a woman and the man dies childless then his brother
Must marry the widow and Bear children and the first child that is born the first son that is born of that marriage is not his son it is the son of his dead brother and So what's interesting is that when you look at the differences between the
Lucan and the Methian? genealogies There is clearly
Two cases of that going on in the early church knew about it the early church knew about this
And so here's the thing. It is absolutely 100 % true that that the line that comes through Joseph who is the legal father of Jesus not the
Physical father of Jesus. Okay that his line comes through Jeconiah, but when you read the
Lucan Genealogy the the idea then is is that Mary also had her own
Genealogy she was a direct descendant of David and Had her own, you know Her her descendants had their own claim to the throne as it were and there were two instances of that kind of marriages
Kara, I I forget the name of it. I'd have to think about this for a second something like that That type of marriage in her genealogy
Eusebius writes about it in his Ecclesiastical history explains how this works And so what's interesting is that Jesus is
Not only the legal heir of the throne of David by virtue of being the the son of Joseph But not his physical son because he's not the son of Joseph But he's also the he's the true heir of this throne of David through Mary So it's kind of interesting when you put all of this
So what's interesting is that God kept his word and no offspring of Jeconiah actually
You know gave birth to Christ and plus Christ himself is the he's the product of God the
Holy Spirit Impregnating the Virgin Mary. So so God keeps his word for sure. All right
All right. Now, here we go See if this kind of jives with the sermon today good shepherd
Sunday, you know All right. All right. So woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture
Listen when God declares a woe that that's that's that's a term of judgment
All right Yeah, you know if you translate into kind of modern parlance in deep kimchi are the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my
Pasture right? Right. They are you know, they're gonna have a come -to -Jesus meeting and we all know come -to -Jesus meeting
That ain't a positive thing, right? So woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture declares
Yahweh Therefore thus says Yahweh the God of Israel concerning the shepherds who care for my people you've scattered my flock
You've driven them away You've not attended to them has anything changed
No It's terrifying. It absolutely is stunning to me how many
People who have the title of pastor that this is describing them
All right, and let's just put it this way I don't want to be that guy because I don't want to be torn apart by Jesus and then thrown into the lake of fire
All right, and I'll kind of emphasize it this way y 'all ain't my sheep you belong to Jesus Okay, and so he's the chief shepherd.
I just worked for him and he told me to do things a particular way He said not to scatter you guys But to take care of you and those of you who are struggling who are weak who are injured who need help
I'm supposed to help you and do those things and not sit there and go Well, let's check your tithing record and see if yeah, by the way,
I have no access to such things and I don't want it I have no clue what any of you give and if you give it all it doesn't matter to me.
All right So I would note there are some people Who we serve online Kong's finger has given more money to them to help them in their time of need than they've ever given to Us and it then rightly so that's fine.
There's nothing you get the idea So you scattered my flock you've driven them away behold. I will attend to you for your evil deeds declares
Yahweh I don't know anybody
Who in their right mind would want to be the recipient of this? I?
Didn't even like it when my mother used my middle name when I was growing up I'm convinced that middle names exist for one purpose to convey that your mother's upset with you because you haven't done something
Right when my mother would say Christopher Michael Okay, oh boy, oh
Boy, I knew I was gonna get it. Okay But my mother's nothing compared to Yahweh So I will attend to you for your evil deeds declares
Yahweh then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and I will bring them back
To their fold and they shall be fruitful and multiply. I They shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall any be missing declares
Yahweh All right. And again the correct liturgical response here is yes
That's the correct liturgical response and you know, this perfectly folds with Ezekiel 34 perfectly so behold the days are coming declares
Yahweh when I will raise up for David a righteous branch and He shall reign as King deal wisely
He shall execute justice and righteousness in the land in his days
Judah will be saved Israel shall dwell securely and this is the name by which he shall be called and watch this name
Yahweh is our righteousness Now think of the implications about this
The name by which Jesus will be called as Yahweh is our righteousness because this is what who this is referring to Doesn't that just scream salvation by grace through faith apart from works.
All right this the perfect perfect, you know Cross reference to this is
Philippians chapter 3 now I got to warn you guys here Paul here is going to speak very harshly to the self -righteous
Those who believe that they are saved by their works each and every one of us our old sinful nature wants to be saved by works and The sneaky bit is that oftentimes
We start by believing but then somehow think well I've got to maintain my salvation by my good works and you you end up changing exchanging your
Justification for your sanctification. Don't let the two ever commingle All right, your justification your right standing before God is 100 % gift from beginning to end you have done nothing to earn it.
You couldn't earn it if you tried your sanctification always is the result of your justification if you turn your sanctification into some kind of a currency that you then exchange for the purpose of keeping your
Justification that's still a form of self -righteousness and works righteousness. It's absolutely forbidden by God All right.
So the name by which he will be called is Yahweh the Lord is our righteousness now watch this the
Apostle Paul. You'll note that he was a he was a little blunt Have you guys noticed that about the
Apostle Paul? He can be a little blunt. So he says this of the Judah Isers These are the fellows who are saying that unless you are you are circumcised you cannot be saved
So here's what Paul says look out for the dogs. Yeah, he called him dogs. Look out for the evildoers
Yeah, he called him evildoers and look out for those who mutilate the flesh You'll note the Apostle Paul referred to their circumcision as a mere mutilation
He doesn't refer to it as any kind of anything kind of holy at all. Oh, yeah, those mutilators. Okay.
No, it's circumcision No, it's just a mutilation, you know, all right We are the circumcision who worship by the
Spirit of God glory in Christ Jesus Put no confidence in the flesh
How much confidence to the Apostle Paul put in the flesh? None Zip zero nada.
Nunca Nadia you get the idea. Whatever your language is. It's none of that. All right Put no confidence in the flesh though I myself
Paul says I have reason for confidence in the flesh also if anyone else thinks he has reasons for confidence in the flesh.
I have more Now I'm gonna point something out here when
I was in Nazarene They didn't give me a list like this when I was in Nazarene the list again I will refer you back to you've heard it before if you are a true
Christian You do not dance. You do not smoke. You do not chew. You do not drink
You do not go with girls who do right? My dog is a great Nazarene. Okay, and so that was that That was always and again the focus make sure that you don't play cards.
Don't go to movies rated higher than G When we were in high school there were parents who would hang out at the
Hastings Ranch place where the movie theater was on a Friday night to see if Any of the
Nazarene kids were going into the movies and they were paying attention to what movies they were going into Okay, and if you went in to see a movie rated higher than G Especially it was like of the
R variety. Oh Man, there was hell to pay
Okay, and so and when I was a senior in high school, we weren't allowed to have a dance
Okay, so some parents who had more money because they live in San Marino, which is a really ritzy neighborhood
They decided they were gonna put on a dance for us, but they had it all the way down in Huntington Beach Okay, the school we went to was in Sierra Madre.
All right, you you work that out. Okay, you know You got to get on the 10. You got to go down the floor. You got to go down that you know
That you know down to the 405. Yeah, anyway, you get the idea When you get down to Huntington Beach, it was like 45 minutes to an hour away, but we had a dance.
It was spectacular Okay, because no true Christian dances. Well, apparently I changed my salvation for a dance that night
But you're gonna know people make lists up They always make these lists up, but the
Apostle Paul when he gives this list This is a straight -out biblical list and he's saying anyone who thinks they have confidence in the flesh.
Listen, I've Got more and here's his pedigree. I was circumcised on the eighth day of the people of Israel Biblical of the tribe of Benjamin you betcha a
Hebrew of Hebrews as to the law Pharisee as to zeal a
Persecutor of the church as to righteousness under the Torah blameless
How you guys measuring up to that by the way? Yeah, I'm none of those things. All right
Then he says this Listen, whatever gain I had I counted as a loss for the sake of Christ Indeed, I count everything as a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I've suffered the loss of all things and I count them as rubbish
Again I've pointed this out a thousand times I'll keep pointing it out a thousand more rubbish here is the word that is used to describe what a dog leaves on your yard
Okay It's called scuba line. All right, and what is he saying is rubbish?
What is he saying is scuba line all of his self -righteous works under the law Every last one of them.
It's all dog poo That's what he's saying So I count everything as a loss because the surpassing worth of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I've suffered the loss of all things that I count them as Rubbish scuba line so that I may gain
Christ and be found in him watch these words Not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law he's gonna raise up a righteous branch for David and He will be called
Yahweh is our righteousness Not Having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law.
By the way, if you are self -righteous, you are just intolerably arrogant and You are repugnant in the arrogance in the sight of God Because you foolishly and delusionally think that because you think you obeyed this command and you haven't
That you somehow have cleaned up your life. You've gotten your act together You you've gone from the doldrums to being a bright shiny penny all on your own.
You are deceiving yourself Absolutely deceiving yourself
Your good works cannot save you full stop You need a righteousness
That is perfect and sinless And so what does Paul say not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law?
But that which comes through faith the righteousness that comes through faith
Through faith in Christ. It is the righteousness that is from God and it depends on faith
So Paul is saying here. He's clothed in the righteousness of Christ or As it says in Jeremiah Yahweh is our righteousness and So why do we obey then by the way, we obey only by the power of the
Spirit We obey because we are Forgiven we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ We are created in Christ Jesus for good works and you in and of yourself
You do not have the power to do these things Anyway, so we must humbly ask God to the
Holy Spirit to give us the strength to mortify our sinful flesh And then when we do obey or we do good we sit there and go well
I don't get any credit for that because God the Holy Spirit's the one who gave me the power to do that You see the difference, right?
So you'll note we are saved not by our righteousness and as Jeremiah prophesied
Okay God is going to raise up the days are coming when I will raise up for David a righteous branch
That's Christ He will reign as king deal wisely execute justice and righteousness in the land and his days
Judah will be saved Israel will dwell securely and this is the name by which he will be called
Yahweh is our righteousness. I'm not clothed in my own righteousness. My own righteousness will get me thrown into hell.
So will yours Right, so he is our righteousness
Therefore behold the days are coming declares Yahweh when they shall no longer say as Yahweh lives who brought up the people of Israel Out of the land of Egypt.
That was a common saying back then Right, but as Yahweh lives who brought up and led
Led the offspring of the house of Israel out of the north country and out of all the countries where he had driven them
Then they shall dwell in their own land and see I have hope here because you know, North Dakota See that that's a reference to North in,
Minnesota Yeah, God's gonna bring me out of the snow -driven wilderness and You know, you think
I'm joking, huh? All right But but that's the idea right the north country is everything kind of north of Israel we're in the north country
So he's gonna he's gonna bring us all back then they shall dwell in their own land and to this everybody said amen
Now before we talk about the lying prophets, we're gonna check real quick on Questions make sure everything's rolling through here.
Okay Okay, let's see, thank you Is this is yeah, this is being recorded
Terry it's being recorded on on the Kongsvinger audio system Okay. Yeah, let's see.
Have you heard of a organization ONA ONA No, I actually
I legitimately and I'm not familiar with them so okay personally amen, thank you very much indeed
Wow, it really sounds like the other text we listen to isn't that amazing? Yeah, you'll note that With Jordan Peterson who recently really is starting to sound like he's you know
Come to faith in Christ or something. So something's changed in his way of thinking Jordan Peterson actually talked to talking about the
Bible. He describes it this way the Bible hyperlinks itself constantly and I I got to tell you when you figure this out that the
Bible hyperlinks itself It really changes how you read the text and plus it makes it a little bit easier for me in my preaching because I Just go to the hyperlink and it kind of works text together, but in the one -year lectionary
The people who put that thing together, you know centuries and centuries actually more than a millennia ago
They knew what they were doing They did a wonderful job of putting the Old Testament gospel text together that should be together that hyperlink each other so yeah, it's it's one of the most fascinating things about the scripture is how it hyperlinks it and My friend pastor
Will Whedon He's absolutely convinced that Jesus quoted from the minor prophets more than he did from Isaiah and from Jeremiah, which is interesting and so I've I've decided
I'm gonna follow his breadcrumbs and see if I can kind of tease that out. I've studied him for my own personal study
I've began studying the 12. So if you how many minor prophets are there 12, there's 12 of them
So they're called the 12 and so I've started teasing them out in my own personal study for the purpose of taking a look to see how much
Christ hyperlinks the 12 and And finding that pastor Whedon's thesis is actually at the moment holding water.
I'll keep you posted this You know, this is kind of the nerdy stuff. I do It's like all right, yeah challenge accepted.
Yes, I will do that. Okay. All right So that's why I thought there was just one person who wrote the Bible. Yeah so so Marlene so there's there is
There is only one person who wrote the Bible, but he used a lot of humans to it So so the best way
I could put it is this all scriptures God breathe There is one common author of all of the biblical texts and that's the
Holy Spirit and I'm telling you the more you study this thing and you look at how it hyperlinks itself and how how
God uses the lives of human beings to foreshadow the life of Christ and in like stark detail
You sit there and go there's there's no book like this Anywhere, nothing exists that's even close to this.
It is so miraculous All right. So if your dog would be a Nazarene, would you be able to howl in tongues?
I Don't know how to answer this. I'm just gonna keep scrolling day Yeah, I think this is
German humor. We'll have to just move along. Okay All right. Karen says ug the the girls had to swim in t -shirts and blue jeans.
Oh Karen Yeah, I know while the boys could wear their swim trunks and t -shirts and legalistic Baptist Church.
I attended as a teenager Oh, I know. All right, you know, it's like Uh -huh
You know, there's all kinds of strange jokes around legalistic groups like the Nazarenes and the Baptists, you know and some of them are just Huh?
Yeah, cuz they're there what yeah, that's right. There was piety Lutheran pietism to kind of the same thing, you know
I Can't even recite some of these it's just it's you know, it's good therapy for me, but it would not bless you
You know, I would feel better but you guys would sit there and go whoo, that was a zinger, okay So, how do you swim in jeans?
You don't you drown? Okay, you know, oh
I remember one time Barb and I were in high school. We so we dated in high school There was we one time got busted because we were sitting too close to each other
At our lunch break, so There was a six -inch rule, so Apparently they were they were afraid that human procreation could happen, you know, if you broke the
So we got scolded really harshly one day by our Spanish teacher, mr. Kusil and boy was he mad
Okay, I mean we weren't even facing each other we were like sitting on like the steps of you know of one of the one of the portables and And and yeah,
I was touching her and she was touching me but we were facing the same direction and he came out
He was he was hot mad man. He was and like he was spitting It's like you we have a rule and you're broken the rule you know, this is sinful behavior.
Oh my goodness, you know Yeah. Oh You would have you would have thought he caught me with a fifth of vodka or something, but good night.
All right All right Yeah, yeah, I Bet Paul and pastor would have been great friends
Paul has been a just a tremendous teacher of mine I mean, I I'd be blind if it wasn't for the
Apostle Paul and what God has done in him writing the scriptures I'd probably still be in bondage
I mean and it's it's Paul's writings in Romans that God the Holy Spirit used to open the The eyes of Martin Luther, you know, and in fact,
I would note this this is the very reason why Progressive liberals and historic classic liberals within the visible church.
They hate the Apostle Paul Okay, the narrative that they've created Regarding the
Apostle Paul is something along the lines of well, you know, he really wasn't one of Jesus's twelve apostles
The Christianity of the Reformation is the product of the Apostle Paul, but he wasn't really an apostle
Okay, they hate his theology. Okay, because you think about it, you know
When you look at liberalism and you look at Self -righteous legalism.
Okay. They are two sides of the exact same coin. They are both forms of legalism
They just have different lists and this this is something I had to kind of learn the hard way So when you think of Bob Jones University out near where Stephen Elliot lives, right?
You know independent fundamentalist Baptist their official position on the book of Galatians is that it is has no bearing on Christians today
They deny the book of Galatians. Why because the book of Galatians it clearly teaches
We are saved by grace through faith apart from works. So they they deny The the inspiration and ongoing efficacy and binding nature of the of the book of Galatians but on the on the converse side in in the the liberal form of legalism, which is exactly what it is now if you want if You if you don't believe that Liberals are legalistic.
Let me just inform you. It's the exact same thing just a different list All right so one time
You know back in the day when the emergent church movement was a thing and it was still kind of visible and out in the
Open it's it's since kind of gone to seed and disappeared off into the wilderness, but it's still having an influence today
I used to go to emergent conferences to try to figure it out Because if you remember anything about the emergent church is that it didn't make sense
They would say things that seemed irrational and there's a reason for that is because postmodern
Philosophy was at the heart of the emergent church movement and postmodernism itself is a nihilistic
Philosophy that denies any kind of objective truth truth is something that is experienced
In within your cranium here It's not something that is objective or outside of you and they were trying to bring this in and adapt post -modernity for the church and so I had
I had attended a an emergent conference in the Washington DC area and having come home shortly after that, you know
I had you I'd spent some time talking with some of the emergent leaders I talked with Tonia Jones had a conversation with another conversation with Nadia Bowles Weber with Brian McLaren and others and got to meet some of the other people who were not well known and they started following me on social
Media, they were following me on Twitter. These were the days before I was really using Instagram for anything and and what
I had done is After you know, just a couple weeks after I got back from that emergent conference
I Had decided to take a swipe at some of the big -box megachurches who were at that time
Bragging about that if you really wanted to grow your church, you needed to put in a good coffee shop in your church foyer
Okay that that was like, you know, that's like the really really cutting -edge avant -garde thing to do, you know
Create a coffee shop and then call it something stupid like Hebrews Okay, it's just nuts right so the church that we were attending after the after the church there was a you know, a folding table that had a big coffee pot on it and you know and coffee powdered coffee creamer and sugar that somebody had purchased from Sam's Club and I took a photo and put it on Twitter and said my my church is really forward -thinking.
Here's our coffee bar Okay, and you know the people who understood the joke thought it was funny, but I kid you not the the
Postmodern liberals who were following on me on Twitter They had a full -on meltdown and were calling for me to be canceled
Okay, and here's the reason why because the sugar that my church had purchased
Was was was by a company they had identified as a colonial oppressor
Okay, yeah because it was pure cane sugar it was sugarcane from you know, you know
It's like C &H sugar from Hawaii or something. Then they said this they are colonial oppressors
They're responsible for slavery and stuff like that and my Twitter feed blew up Okay, you can't be a
Christian and use that brand of sugar Okay Yes, so so, you know, they have no problem with alcohol.
They have problem with certain brands of sugar Okay, you know and then if you've ever traveled to Europe okay, like in the
UK one of the main coffee shops is not Starbucks is a place called Costa and Costa always makes a big to -do about the fact that all of their coffee and their products are locally sourced to to basically help
Indigenous peoples so that they aren't oppressed by colonialism. Okay, so It's Stephen Elliot, it looks like I can't believe
I'm hearing this You know, so when I tell you when I tell you okay, the liberals are just as legalistic as the the fundamentalist
Baptist It's just a different list. It really is and both of them hate salvation by grace through faith alone
In fact, you'll note postmoderns hate the woke hate the idea of actual guilty sinners being forgiven
Then the you you want to get cancelled really hard just pick somebody that they have
Determined has to be cancelled and absolve that person. I've gotten in more trouble Actually giving an absolution to people that I have in Opposing false doctrine.
I have enraged people for for actually forgiving real sinners and We won't go into that list.
But yeah, you get the idea here. All right All right, let's see here
All right, so all right so that's like the old church I attended as a child They even told us we couldn't listen to contemporary
Christian music. It sounded like the world too much Funny that you would say that yeah, Jeff Well that when
I was in Nazarene, we couldn't listen to secular music The only thing we could listen to was contemporary Christian music and you know
It's like, you know, I still cannot believe I got rid of the Beatles white album to replace it with the Garmon key
I am still bitter about this. Anyway, so anyway, so concerning the prophets.
My heart is broken within me Jeremiah writes all my bones they shake
I'm like a drunken man like a man overcome by wine because of Yahweh and because of his holy words
Now I'm gonna point this out here. This is this stands is stark stark Stark relief here that Jeremiah now in discussing the false prophets of his day
He begins with a real lament. His heart is broken. And why because God's words are actually holy
You know, sometimes I get you know, people commenting on my youtube channel or sending me an email going.
How do you do this? Okay, because they hear the craziness that I am critiquing and they recognize that what these people are doing is making void the holy words of God and I mean holy and And so he said and he goes on the land is full of adulterers
Because of the curse the land mourns the pastors of the wilderness are dried up Their course is evil
Their might is not right and both prophet and priest are ungodly even in my house
I have found their evil declares Yahweh When the church
Abandons the holy words of God and exchange them for wind
False prophecies and the people who are the leaders in the church are greedy evil perverse wicked when they strengthen the hand of people who need to be called to repentance and They basically wink at sin and participated in it themselves this is a judgment from God and Over and again,
I keep coming back to the Pentecostal movement as somebody who's had a front -row seat For the apostasy that is going on in our day
Have you guys noticed just how rampant Legitimate sinful evil is in the church
Let me give you a historical one. That's not that far back. Y 'all remember the Lakeland Revival and Todd Bentley We called him
Bam Bam Because he you know when people would come up to be healed He would just go hit him on the head or hit him in the stomach
He'd say BAM Right, and he claimed that God told him to heal a woman of stomach cancer by kicking her in the stomach with his biker boots
No, this is not this that is not hyperbole that is a quote All right And the whole time this thing with a circus was going on all the charismatics were losing their mind
Think of this is the end times revival see Peter Wagner showed up with Shea on and Bill Johnson and other notable
So -called apostles and they gave an apostolic anointing and commissioning to Todd Bentley and prophesied over him
That he was going to be basically leading the way into the end times and and that God was going to use him mightily and no
Sooner did they leave it came to light that he was sleeping with his babysitter
And then he was drubbed out of ministry, but then he was restored But then he really didn't change and then he was caught again
You know sexually coming on to volunteer people on his staff
And then he was removed from ministry. He's still preaching by the way Still all right.
Then again, I point out Carl Lentz here Okay, Carl Lentz. I reviewed some of his sermons
I reviewed Todd Bentley's sermons from the Lakeland revival and on fighting for the faith I reviewed Lentz's sermons and each and every one of these guys
I've reviewed by in Houston's sermons each and every one of these guys you can tell by the way they were botching the handling of God's Word and Filling people's minds with false
Hope and twisting all these scriptures and not telling them the truth not calling them to repent but telling them
God wanted to be healthy God wanted them to be prosperous. God wanted to be influential though. God wanted them to conquer the world and all this kind of stuff and Nobody listened
People basically yeah. Yeah. Yeah Rosebery. You're just too uptight You know, I mean that that's their interpretation of Scripture How do you know your interpretation is right and they would just poopoo it and write me off.
Oh, you're a Pharisee. You're a hater You're just jealous. I always love that one You're just jealous because you you don't have a big church like that I wouldn't want one that those saved my life, right?
the the list of people who I've doctrinally offered biblical counterpoints to over the course of my career in public ministry is huge and When you think of it this way, let's walk through the list
Pete Wilson. Yeah, I'll remember him Okay, Pete Wilson was a fellow I reviewed
He was caught having multiple affairs with women in his church Pete Wilson Mark Driscoll plagiarism
Plagiarism and mishandling of church funds to the tune of two hundred thousand dollars. He had a spectacular fall
Mars Hill Church No longer exists Then you think of Carl Lentz Carl Lentz big huge moral failing
Brian Houston big huge moral failing Tommy Sparger big huge moral failing the list goes on and on and on I'm gonna be doing a video this week on Stovall Weems This is a guy back in 2018 who claimed that Jesus appeared to him on stage on a
Good Friday service Where they were having a Seder at his church in 2018 well he was just removed from ministry for pilfering the church's funds to the tune of hundreds of Thousands of dollars and they ran a big story about him down and you know in Mississippi Basically asking interviewing his staff saying the guy was a complete narcissist.
The only person he cared about was himself False doctrine is incapable of producing the fruit of the
Holy Spirit It's not capable of it False teachers do not call people to repent of their sins false teachers do not preach
Christ in him crucified for their sins false teachers scratch itching ears
I Mean and and I would note this the fact that there was all this money found in the wall of a bathroom at Osteen's Church that sounds like the beginnings of Some kind of a big scandal.
I'm just saying where there's smoke there's fire And here's the thing you can always tell there's smoke and fire just by listening to the doctrine
I don't need to know what's going on in some pastors bedroom To know that this guy is false
All I have to do is open the Word of God and that's kind of the point that Jeremiah is making here
So he says therefore their way shall be to them slippery paths in the darkness into which they shall be driven and they will fall
I will bring disaster upon them in the year of their punishment declares Yahweh. So in the prophets of Samaria This is the old northern kingdom that's now gone.
All right, I saw an unsavory thing They prophesied by Baal and they led my people
Israel astray But in the prophets of Jerusalem, I've seen a horrible thing. They commit adultery
They walk in lies They strengthen the hand of evildoers so that no one turns from his evil all of them have become like Sodom to me all the churches where they scratch your itching ears and they do not turn you from real evil and Have you trust in Christ with the forgiveness of your sins?
They they're strengthening the hands of the wicked. Oh God wants you to be prosperous. He wants you to be healthy wealthy
He wants you to be the head not the tail. Oh, yeah It's so send your thousand dollar seed offer and make it payable pastor
Chris Rose, bro Right and I'll blow myself wind and get rid of kovat for you.
All right that has nothing to do with Christ Those who really preach the words of God call sinners to repentance
Therefore that says Yahweh of hosts of armies concerning the prophets behold, I'm gonna feed them with bitter food
I'm gonna give them poison water to drink for from the prophets of Jerusalem Ungodliness has gone out into the land
So thus says Yahweh of hosts do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you filling you with vain hopes
And I would note there's a liberal version of this too. All right the ELCA Liberal Lutheran in name only they ordain impenitent homosexuals
They ordain women and what do you think these people preach? Do you think are they calling people to repent of their sins?
Of course not when you diverge from the actual
Word of God You are in big trouble and I would know I have to make one little caveat
There are some guys that are still left that are faithful in the ELCA they are like and I they're like islands with the water rising and When they leave the ministry the wolves are gonna take over their churches.
There's just no way to stop it Pray for those guys pray for those congregations All right
Don't listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy filling you with vain hopes They speak the visions of their own minds and here we go.
Okay in the modern -day charismatic movement. You have men like Dr. Michael Brown and dr.
Michael Brown says that if you give a false prophecy that does not make you a false prophet
If I stole something does that make me a thief? Yes, it does if I murdered somebody does that make me a murderer if I committed adultery does that make me an adulterer if I give a false prophecy.
Does that make me a false prophet? Yes Okay, is there a such thing as a prophet of God who has an a batting record of 310?
Okay, that might get you millions in the in the Major League Baseball but a 310 batting average as a prophet means you're a false prophet and Over and again the people who are defending this stuff.
They say nonsense. They say absolute nonsense Well, the the thing in Deuteronomy 18 doesn't really apply today
That's the Old Testament and we live in the New Testament era and have you noticed? This is gonna sound ridiculous the
Old Testament prophets according to their way of thinking had a higher quality of prophecy than in the
New Testament How is it that everything gets better in the New Testament except for prophecy
This doesn't make any sense the Old Testament's type and shadow the fulfillment is in the new in Christ and they come along and Basically, they are teaching you to seek after the voice of God in Everything other than the
Bible now, they'll give lip service to the Bible They'll say something like well We recognize that the Bible is the
Word of God and clearly God is talking to us through the Bible, right? Right, right Of course He's talking to us through the
Bible But we need to learn how to posture ourselves so that we can hear the still small voice
Which is a twisting of first Kings 18 and 19, right? Oh, you gotta you gotta hear the still small voice.
You got to do these things You got to hear the voice of God. He's in the rocks. He's in the trees He sometimes talks to you when you get in your car and your digital clock says 3 3 3.
Oh, it's a sign from God It's nonsense. And then God has people taking out
YouTube channels and saying Absolutely, nothing over and again. It just enrages these
Pentecostals and charismatics that we play this thing called prophecy bingo But we have yet to have a prophecy bingo time when nobody gets bingo
Okay And I wrote the list for the bingo words years ago, okay
So I'm going to note here and I'm kind of on my soapbox at a moment at the moment in the in first John Okay in first John Let's see for I think all right now
I'm gonna point this out beloved This is a New Testament command written to Christians Do not believe every spirit full stop
So somebody comes to you says well, you know, I feel like the Lord has led me into clowning ministry
Right It's that happens by the way Don't Believe every spirit but test the spirits and what are we to test for to see whether they are from God?
All right, and here's the reason why for many Is that a small amount no, when did he write this?
First century Many false prophets have gone out into the world not some not a scant few
Many many false prophets have gone out into the world So we are commanded by God the
Holy Spirit if somebody comes to us, you know I feel like the Lord's telling me that I that you need to give me a thousand dollars.
You need to test that Okay, you know I usually say get behind me Satan and that just works just fine
But the idea here is is that we are commanded to test and what's the test to determine whether they are from God Now Deuteronomy 18 comes into play.
Okay. Give me a second here Deuteronomy 18 here's a prophecy regarding Christ and note then
Here is one of the ways in which we can tell Something is from God or not Yahweh your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you from your brothers
It is to him you shall listen Just as you desired of Yahweh your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my
God or see this great fire anymore lest I die and Yahweh said to me they are right in what they have spoken
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. I will put my words in his mouth
He shall speak to them all that I command him and whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name
I myself are required of him. In other words God saying you listen to that guy or else who's that guy?
Jesus, right? But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name, is that a positive thing or not?
That's negative that I have not commanded him to speak or Who speaks in the name of other gods that same prophet shall die?
So in the theocracy of ancient Israel the punishment for false prophecy for blasphemy This is a breaking of the second commandment.
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God That's the breaking of the second commandment They are cursing swearing using satanic arts lying and deceiving by the name of God To give a false prophecy is to break that commandment by definition
They they in the ancient theocracy died so then if you say in your heart, here's the question
How may we know the word Yahweh has not spoken? So remember what
John says see whether they are from God test the spirits to see where they are from God Alright, so how may we know the word that the
Lord Yahweh hasn't spoken? So when a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh in the name of the Lord if the word does not come to pass or come
True, that is a word Yahweh has not spoken Does that sound like it still applies today?
Okay, does God ever lie? So I think back to the first days of Kovach right?
Charismatics were claiming. Oh the pandemic isn't really gonna come and it came and it's it's gonna end
Passover of the year 2020 Did the pandemic end at the
Passover of 2020? No, it didn't did God tell that Yahoo to say that thing
No, the biblical test is if it says that he says something's gonna come to pass.
It doesn't come true. We know the source It's not God The person's either cuckoo.
They're mentally imbalanced or they're a flat -out deceiver But it wasn't God All right, and he says the prophet spoken presumptually you need not be afraid of him in other words kill him, right?
This is where we're gonna end off today because I got I got to go to Emmanuel I kind of got myself wound up. But yeah, we'll pick this up next week