Ketanji Shines Bright! - Analysis From Ole AD

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Apparently, having black skin covers a multitude of sins.
Send tweet. Oh, wait, that's really more of a gab than a tweet.
All right, let's get started today.
All of the craziness with the confirmation hearings of Catanhi. It's okay, I can mispronounce it that way because I am
Latino. In any case, all of that reminded me of something. It's a memory I haven't thought of in a while, but I remember this always stuck out to me about something that happened in my childhood.
And I don't know if I've ever told this story on YouTube before. But in any case, I was like 12, 13. And my aunt, who unfortunately has has passed away since then, anyway, she was a
Christian. So there you go. Anyway, she was graduating from college. She went to Nyack College, and I attended her graduation.
And I remember this stuck out to me, and it made no sense to me at the time. So when she was walking the stage to get her diploma, she carried a
Puerto Rican flag with her, like a little mini Puerto Rican flag. She's waving it around very proud.
And I always liked being Puerto Rican. I enjoyed it. I never had any problems with it.
I enjoyed my Puerto Rican family and all of that. And because I'm Puerto Rican, likely my childhood and my family reunions were a little bit different than yours.
And that's all good. I loved it all. I thought it was great. But that never made sense to me. What was the point?
What is this Puerto Rican pride? You didn't do anything. You were just born. God made you a
Puerto Rican. And she wasn't even born in Puerto Rico. She was born in the United States. So it just made no sense to me, and I never got that kind of pride.
Never understood it. And a lot of people have it, and whatever. So at the time,
I never understood it. But actually recently, I feel like I understood it a little bit more than I used to.
And this all happened because of the movie Encanto. I remember I was talking to someone, maybe it was on the channel, I said this as well, where I said that Disney missed a pretty huge opportunity in Encanto.
It should have been a movie based in Puerto Rico, because that would have made a Puerto Rican demographic in the
United States very happy. And the reason I thought it is because a lot of the people in Encanto reminded me very much of members of my family.
So because, you know, listen, stereotypes oftentimes are true, right? So that's why they're stereotypes.
So Latino, Latina stereotypes, you know, they often match, you know, what being
Latinos and Latinas are like. And I remember thinking there's some characters in that movie that reminded me of Puerto Ricans and people in my own family.
In any case, so I said they missed a huge opportunity to make this movie based in Puerto Rico. In fact, Puerto Rico is
Isla del Encanto, right? So even the title, it seems like it should have been made in Puerto Rico.
Anyway, someone told me that Disney is working on a movie based on Puerto Rico. And so in that moment when they told me that,
I was like, oh, that's cool. That's great. That's exciting. And I feel like I finally understand a little bit of that sort of,
I don't know, ethnic pride or it's not really pride, but just, you know, it'll be cool to see, you know, them putting stereotypes on the screen that actually do match up with reality.
So as much as the movie Encanto and some of the characters in there reminded me of people in my family, there's a very good chance that, you know, in the
Puerto Rican movie, it'll be even more so. Right. But then I started thinking to myself, yeah, but they're probably going to gay it up.
They're probably going to make it super gay. And that's not going to be very much fun at all because they're going to make
Puerto Rican characters gay and all this kind of stuff. And and if they do that, if Disney decides to gay up the
Puerto Rican movie, obviously I'm not going to watch it. I'm not going to praise it. I'm not going to be excited about it, all that kind of thing.
But see, this is the thing, though. So like ethnicity is great and all. And I understand a little bit of some of the camaraderie that's just automatically there.
Like when I meet a Puerto Rican, you know, through the channel or stuff like that, it's cool.
I get it now. It's like, oh, OK, cool. You're you. You know, you probably had a more similar childhood to myself than, you know, some of my white friends or whatever.
And that's cool. There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that at all. I get. By the way, if you're white, you can have some ethnic pride, too.
And that's allowable. You can you can be very proud of your white heritage and whatever it is you guys do.
It's OK to be white. I promise you it's OK to be white in any case. But but but the thing is, though, that that ethnicity doesn't cover any sins.
It doesn't make it doesn't make you good automatically just because you have the same ethnicity as me.
Like like Sonia Sotomayor is a disgrace. She's a disgrace. It's like like like it stinks because I said this on Twitter, too.
This is also probably better on Gab. But I said, you know, we deserved, you know, life as a black or a brown.
It's hard enough. We deserve like a Jackie Robinson level. But we got Bush League. You know, we got Sonia Sotomayor, a complete disgrace.
And now we're going to get Katon. He can Jackson, Kendall Jackson. No, that's a wine, something
Jackson. And she's going to be the next Supreme Court nominee. And she's going to be the worst Supreme Court justice yet.
And I guess that's not really saying much because they just keep getting worse and worse as we go. But it's like the presidencies, like each president is worse than the last.
In any case, so so like the fact that Sonia Sotomayor is
Puerto Rican doesn't cover the fact that she's awful, right? It doesn't cover the fact that she's a revolutionary judge who's going to be horrible for the country and stuff like that.
It doesn't cover the fact it doesn't cover for the fact that she's part of our judgment. She's God is using her to judge us, giving us horrible judges like Sonia Sotomayor and and other guy.
The the one that the man, I forget their names at this point aren't even not even other names anymore.
These people are so irrelevant to me. But anyway, so all these judges, they're just we're being judged by God for all these judges.
People couldn't believe the Supreme Court justice didn't do the right thing during the election. And it's like, well, why couldn't you believe it?
We're being judged right now. God is destroying the nation. And so Catan, he is the next one that he's going to use.
And it's so it's really a shame. But I just keep seeing like evangelical leaders talking about how wonderful she is because she just kept her, kept her composure.
And she's just so qualified and just can't believe how she's been treated.
And it's like, yeah, but she's an awful judge, right? Like the fact that she refused to answer the question about how to define a woman.
It's not that's not genius. That's not legal genius. That's just frankly, she's showing you that she's going to do whatever it takes to for the revolution.
It's just that she was lying. Of course, she knows the definition of a woman, but she won't tell you because she needs to do whatever the revolution needs her to do.
Right. And so if that means that she's got to hide the definition for a woman until later when she can spring it on you at the right moment, then she'll do that.
Right. And it's just that simple. She will judge with partiality. And that's why she's there, because she will judge with partiality.
By the way, that's why all these judges are there. They're not there to interpret the Constitution correctly.
They're there to drive the revolution. It's just that simple in any case.
But yeah, that's just it certainly seems to me that because this woman is black and all of that, that she's been given a pass for all of her horrible judging, right?
Her horrible morality, her horrible track record of justice, her horrible, you know, just views on on justice in general.
Like being black doesn't cover for that just as much as being Puerto Rican doesn't cover for Sonia Sotomayor.
Right. These these people are are are instruments of God's wrath. Right. God is using
Sonia Sotomayor and Katina Katin Katinki. I don't know.
I'm like I said, I'm Puerto Rican. So you have to excuse me. These are people being used to judge our nation, you know, and and it's the same as the same as the previous judges.
You know, we thought we were getting a great judge. I remember being against Kony, Kony Barrett. I remember saying on YouTube that I was against her judgeship and that she probably wouldn't be a very good judge.
Or maybe I said that she might she she might be a good judge, but I was still against her judgeship. She turns out to be pretty worthless.
You know what I mean? She's not going to stop the revolution. Neither is the other guy. Neither is the other guy. Listen, we all know there's one good judge,
Clarence Thomas. But the thing is, what good has that done? Very little. In any case, this is not blackmail, by the way.
This is just reality. Right. And you got to enjoy the ride. Like people are like getting all upset about about this.
This revolutionary judge. And it's like I called my brother about it and I said, hey, what are you for confirming
Katonji? And he's like, yeah, absolutely. Let's just get this show on the road. I think that's the right attitude.
Right. It's like God is judging us and we're going to pray for mercy. But like, I just kind of want to get it over with already.
I understand that. I understand that viewpoint. My brother. In any case, here is by the way, here's a woman.
Here's a woman boxer who won the women's championship made by Jim Bob.
So there you go. Anyway, I guess that's really all I have for you. Man, I really hope they don't gay up that movie.
They probably will. And, you know, that'll be that'll be that. But yeah, I guess that's it.