Ephesians 2:11-17

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Pastor John and Pastor Jeff teach through the book of Ephesians. You can join live on Wednesdays at noon.


We just had some fun outside For those of you who've seen it most everybody here in the building has already seen it, but for those of you on Watching us on zoom.
There's a Rubber ball like a beach ball Out on the property and there are three turkey buzzards out there playing with it
Yes, oh, so they're up to four are they're gonna choose sides now Perhaps play soccer for something buzzard ball
I have noticed in our yard probably everybody's got this if there's a
Something on the ground and there's a little bird that's trying to play with it or gets to it or something
And a bluebird sees it They they will chase that little bird away.
They're just They're unfriendly towards all other birds Blue jake
They are they're very mean birds and if they don't you know, they don't necessarily go after each other, but I have also noticed
Up at Cooperstown we have They're not seagulls. They're whatever it is lots of them and There's always the alpha bird
You know and if he wants to get to that piece of bread that was dropped nobody nobody else can touch it
They're very very Territorial. Yeah Where we're at in Ephesians 2 has nothing to do with birds
Good But it does but it does have to do with perceived privilege and and almost being territorial in other words
I Have the right and the privilege to be doing this you don't fit my demographics and so I I perceive you to be something less than I am and this was of concern in Ephesus at the time we had
Paul on his second missionary journey Met with the people in Ephesus and large numbers of people came to know the
Lord that church was planted At the end of his third missionary journey
He couldn't get to Ephesus because the harbor was no longer navigable So he went to Miletus and he called for the elders and he gave them more instruction
So the church was growing and thriving And at the same time we had the diaspora going on anybody know what the diaspora was
Why Yes, the Jewish Christians Scattering of the
Jewish Christians. They were becoming somewhat of a threat to the
To the elite Jews if you would in Jerusalem, and so they were were scattering them
And so now there became this question of Well should Gentiles become
Circumcised like Jews. Are they less worthy of God's grace and mercy and everything else.
We're God's chosen people. We're that special people We've gone into chapter 2
And we started out in the first three verses with a very Graphically bleak picture of the condition of all mankind without Christ dead in your trespasses and sins
And then we went into verse 4 through 7 and it starts out with the phrase in the
Greek Oditheo, but God and it talks about how God in his mercy
And in his sovereign love but provides the way for all your dead and trespasses and sins
Raises up together in heavenly places then at the end of verse 7. It's really for his glory
Anyway, and and then last week Jeff brought us into an amazing discussion of salvation
By grace through faith and that God is really the author of all of this
We cannot take credit for any of it and He now goes into this discussion because he wants to assure
Those new believers in Ephesus that they are not second -class citizens
When it comes to their standing before God There is not the 18 and then everybody else there
There is this reality that there is one family in God So he's going to go into a section now in verses 11 through 17
That are going to assure us my one take away from this Section is that God's offering is not just for the
Jews God's offering is not just for the Jews Hallelujah to that.
Yeah. Yeah But it is also for the Jews So it's not that the
Jews are now totally excluded But it's not just for the Jews.
Would you open us in a prayer, please? Yes Father thank you so much for grafting us in.
Yes. Thank you Lord for that Such a great salvation Lord help us never to take it lightly or to drift away from so great a salvation
Lord We thank you for it We pray now as we consider these realities and these these words from Holy Scripture that we would be
Transformed by them and that you would use your word to strengthen us and to sharpen us sanctify us by the truth
Your word is truth in Jesus name. Amen I'm gonna ask you to give me
Jeff verses 11 to 17 and Carol I'm going to ask if you would get
Romans 8 5. I'm going to talk to the first one. Thank you And first Corinthians 15 22
Bob I'd ask if you'll have that ready. I'll talk to the second Corinthians when we get there, but give me 11 to 17
Okay We are in Ephesians Chapter 2 verses 11 to 17
Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh called the
Uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision which is made in the flesh by hands
Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ alienated from the
Commonwealth of Israel and Strangers to the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ For he himself is our peace who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility
By abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances that he might create in himself
One new man in place of the two so making peace and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross
Thereby killing the hostility and he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace
To those who were here. It's an awesome stuff. We start out with that word. Therefore Takes us back.
He's just gone into you were dead. You are brought into life You are raised up in heavenly places
Reminding them of all this kind of stuff, but he wants now to get as I said to get them into this
Assurance that there are not classes within God's God's economy We are all sons of Adam daughters of Eve.
We are all in the same boat Yes, the Jews are his chosen people
But when it comes to our relationship with him, we're all the same And so he says remember at one time you were and then he says you were
Gentiles in the flesh Says you were called on circumcision by those who are the circumcision in the flesh made by hands
So he he calls to mind the fact that okay, you really you are
Gentile That's that's a given fact that that's a that's a fact but what's going on right now is
Almost the world is identifying or calling you something that God necessarily does not
How does the world generally decide the value of a person
Thank you. Well prestige. How else does the world perceive you?
looks You know what there how much in the news and stuff like that racial profiling whatever
But then again the attractive almost attract more positive attention
I know my time on the school board. I've become very aware of There is something like 15 percent of the students in Mount Laurel between K and 8 that are mentally disabled
And and they need to be handled Appropriately there are differentiations.
There are differentiations. It's not something we can get away fact. In fact When the world looks at us when the world looks at people
We should not be surprised that these are the things that they use they use their own observation their own set of rationale
Because we know in 1st Corinthians 2 14. It says that natural man can't even perceive things of God So there's no reason that we would expect the world
To look at us any differently than by the exterior now, they sure they look at things.
Are you a kind person? That kind of stuff, but it's still all very very Superficial Romans 8 5 you have that Carol So when we have in this case we have
Jews who Unfortunately, we're probably talking that this context because of the diaspora
We're probably talking about Jewish believers There's the ones that scattered the regular
Jews who were not calling themselves Christians had no reason to leave home Occupation family behind there would have been
Jewish believers that would have left and their household perhaps But but even amongst even amongst them there was this
Tendency to look at people on the outside When People you made the world especially are
Perceiving things based on our own fleshly nature. Well, that's what we're going to see
We're going to see things that way. I just wanted to stop here and just briefly admit the fact that just because Just because a person has been born again this process that we looked at Ephesians 2
With Ephesians 8 9 and 10 just because that happened does not mean that we are void of the tendency of Judging things by the flesh, but in this case, he says remember you are
Gentiles Remember that you have been called the uncircumcision by that which is the circumcision made in the flesh
That's probably hurtful to them. But here's the truth. It's true What what these people have been accusing them it is in fact true now at one time
Prior to the salvation prior to this process culminating at verses 8 9 and 10
They were without they were alienated they were not in fact
At that time they were not circumcised, but now they are to what extent
Were the Jew Gentiles not circumcised but now they are They weren't circumcised physically, but they're there are
Exactly that's scriptural Yeah, we have been circumcised in the heart now
They say that there are those who perceive you because they're circumcised in the flesh and you're not
But there there is another message in there that without Christ you are
Uncircumcised with Christ you have the circumcision in the heart and that that nature is cut away
First Corinthians 15 22 You see the the the
Ephesian believers they do need to recognize that prior to their salvation
They were in Adam and they are dead now It's different in Christ all have been made alive.
So there is the importance of them Remembering that second Corinthians 5 17 tells us that we're a new man in Christ old things have passed away
All things are made new And so while at one time they could say this isn't right the
Jewish believers Accusing us of being the uncircumcision because they're circumcised and are we all one in the same?
Well, yes we are But also there's a second level that says don't forget. Don't forget that that is true.
That's that's who you were It does go on and in verse 12.
Give me verse 12 again in Exodus 29 So if you would get the Exodus 29 passage the
Jeremiah 31 stand if you would get that and the Jeremiah 29 candy if you would have those ready, please give me verse 12 again
Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ alienated from the
Commonwealth of Israel and Strangers to the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world.
That's a pretty tough list Yeah of reality, there's five things in there at least they have no fellow they had at that time no fellowship with God Now we the
Jews Were a very special people And they still are
At right now. We're kind of in this parentheses called the church age But the Jews definitely were a special key
Exodus 29. Sue. Do you have that please? This is the to this is to the nation in entirety
And it is a it's a promise that God gives it does not seem to be at that time
Conditional that you're being obedient or not being obedient. Now we go we know we go to Deuteronomy the curses blessings and the curses
What would happen but his presence with them? I will be your God and in fact as Joshua's getting ready to take the nation into the promised land
He tells them no one's going to stand against you because I will be with you Now in reality the people even at that point have not been the model of perfection around You know in the relationship with God But this was a promise
God gave them is that I will be with you and no one can stand against you now again
There's a little asterisk to that. We know what happens After Jericho when they go to fight
AI what happened and AI the first battle of AI So That's the cause what happened in AI first battle you're right what happened in the first battle of AI They were defeated
They were clobbered And there were many many reasons for it One of them is that there was sin that hadn't been dealt with and another was a
Joshua Decided to go in battle with AI without ever consulting the
Lord He knew how to take care of it So those those are all there But you see the
Nation of Israel had this special special promise with God and that lasted until Things went so bad
That the Shekinah glory left the temple left Jerusalem left the
Nation of Israel completely vulnerable and unprotected So But this is this is something that the
Nation of Israel had as a people fellowship with God that the Gentiles never had that and in fact when
When the spies went to Jerusalem and met Rahab Rahab reported that the people's hearts melted with fear because they had heard how the
Lord had fought for them on the other side of the river So there is this there is this
Difference between Gentile and Jew the Jew did have fellowship with God the
Gentiles did not at that time in fact the Gentiles Did not have something that the
Jews did and that's citizenship within a theocratic state The one true
God they never had that as Gentiles Individuals did we do know that Rahab professed.
We know that Ruth did we know that Nineveh did repent so there are times where God does react to to a faith response by people
But the Nation of Israel had this had this special blessing and in fact
Genesis 12 God tells Abraham all of these promises the
Abrahamic promise. What was God going to do for Abraham? Pastor Give them a land bless them and those who bless
Abraham and his people will be blessed. So the nation's blessed through that seed Now this is how it's really exciting.
We'll talk about this at the end of the lesson. There were promises of Things that God was going to do for Abraham and for his his descendants.
I will bless you etc. Etc At the end of it verse 3 All nations will be blessed through you.
So there there there is an extension that's to be given But but generally speaking the
Abrahamic promise is something that the Nation of Israel could stand on In fact, it was repeated over and over again over and over again and the promises of God being with him
Eventually the Prophet Jeremiah Expands this concept of a covenant promise.
What do we have? I Will make the house of Israel After that time declares the
Lord. I will put my law in their mind and write it on their hearts
I will be their God and they will be my people No longer will a man teach his neighbor or a man his brother saying know the
Lord because they will all know me from the least of them to the greatest declares the
Lord for I will forgive their wickedness and Will remember their sins no more
Pastor when does this covenant come to fruition in the new covenant when Christ?
Dies and rises from the dead in his blood his blood. Yeah, and and then a second fulfillment
In the eschaton. Yeah second fulfillment the eschaton It's interesting because in that particular prophetic
Proclamation it's given to Israel under the house of Judah All right.
All right now we know that Gentiles are now grafted into the tree so we can claim this but here's the thing prior to being grafted into that tree
Gentiles do not have even that promise Prior to being grafted into that tree.
It says we have a true hope We have knowledge of God Jeremiah 29 11 candidate of that The Jews have a promise and there's hope in that promise and Again the
Gentiles as a people don't have that Gentiles who do turn and are grafted and will have that hope
But at that time it says remember that you at that time were separated
And it goes on with this stuff without the privileges that God gives to his people
Ephesians were desperately lost And you go back to verses 1 2 & 3 to see exactly how desperately lost
People are now give me 13 through 15 2nd Corinthians 5
John totally if you would have that and Matthew 5 17 rich if you would have that ready
Give me 13 to 15, please Ephesians 2 13 to 15 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off had been brought near by the blood of Christ For he himself is our peace who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of Commandments expressed in ordinances that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two so making peace the word but often when you're in this
Very bleak passage And the word but is sent followed by just the amazing blessings that are that are made available what we have in these few verses are the obstacles are removed and they're removed by the act of one on the cross
Why was the cross necessary For So you actually brought out the two most important points one is payment was needed
My sins are egregious offense to God and they had to be paid for and they're either going to be paid for For propitiation or we're going to pay for them for the rest of eternity
That there is no escaping the payment for sin But you brought up the second point is that the cross was adequate for the propitiation of that sin
But now in Christ Jesus you who are sometimes far off are now bought by Bought near by the blood of Christ.
This is the this is the amazing thing removing the obstacle of verse 12
The horrible obstacles were so we're completely alienated in alien without God in the world
But now in Christ Jesus You who were far off are now bought now. We were alienated
We are far away from God without him in the world, but now we're bought in by his flesh
It says he is our peace He's broken down that dividing wall of hostility
Now on one side that dividing hot wall of hostility can look like the
Jews Finding themselves to be the privileged ones the Gentiles outside the privilege and there's a dividing wall of hostility and to a large extent
That's a true statement Because the Jews needed to understand there was no wall and the Gentiles needed to understand that they weren't being held back by any wall
But the real wall of hostility was between any man and God And so it's brought down by the blood of Christ he's our peace and then it says that he has abolished the law of commandments made in ordinances a
Lot of things here a lot of obstacles to be talked about. The first one is that What I am and who
I am as a sinner requires Restitution And in Galatians 2 20 is this profession that Paul says
I am crucified with Christ Nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ lives in me so having
Blood of Christ having washed us clean Having the process that Jeff went through the whole last week.
There's nothing I can do to make this happen I now have this new identity. I now have the
Holy Spirit living within me It's no longer I who live that he who lives within me
Is that Corinthians 5? Can I first say you mentioned that you know
Our sin is an offense to God and I've heard people say so conveniently that well
I don't believe in sin, so I don't believe that I've offended God and I don't need to see because I don't believe in sin
Yeah If you want to get into a debate you're usually now you're talking to the atheist if you want to get into a debate on That you can go down the path of saying
Are there are there laws in the municipality where you lived and And it's hard to say there aren't the laws then you can say well why?
Well because there's a standard of behavior there's a standard of behavior and if Municipalities set up standards of behavior so that society can live with reason
Why can't God set up standards of behavior? Breaking those standards of behavior in the municipality is a misdemeanor or a felony well.
It's it's sin There's absolute truth and breaking that absolute truth is it said if you really want to get into a debate
But I got news for you trying that argument isn't going to convince anybody so the
Holy Spirit's going to do it I know because I've tried it with my brother 2 Corinthians 5 18 and 19 yes all this is from God who through Christ reconciled us to himself and Gave us the ministry of reconciliation that is in Christ God was reconciliation was reconciling the world to himself
Not counting their trespasses against them and entrusting to us the message
The passage uses the word a few times
Reconciliation yeah, give me a definition of reconciliation Making friends of people who had become enemies there you go
That's a great. That's a good like mine a little better. I thought no. No that's great I was gonna say
I know you've been involved in in marital counseling Typically what you're seeking for in marital counseling is a reconciliation
And Kind of Suggests that there was a fracture of the relationship and and so some way there's a there's a
Restoration of a common bond a common mind common set of goals. Well the reality is that we are because of Our acceptance of Satan's lie that you can be like the most high
We're separated from God the only way to reconcile that is to say I cannot be like the most high
God And everything I've done has been wrong and the by the blood of Christ that that's our reconciliation
These obstacles that are brought into our lives that that separate us from God They are removed and to the point where he is now our peace
And to have to have a relationship of Peace the mandates that neither side is
Yes And There goes the word
Unless you are born again There goes that phrase unless you are born again when when
God in in the sixth day He created a whole lot of stuff including including man, how did he perceive that creation that's good.
No Very good on the first five days. It was good on the sixth day.
It was very good And when he described the discussion that goes on inside the
Trinity, right? Let us make man in our own image
This has nothing to do with taking a snapshot and Photoshopping it on it has nothing to do with that.
It has to do with the attributes of God that can be imparted upon man but man
Spit it out And so now one by one by one by one by one man has the opportunity to be reconciled
To what we were conciled So that we are now Made right in our relationship with God.
Does that work for you? It's a beautiful picture of what you know
What happens at that point of salvation is it? What was in the way can now be removed so that we can now have this fellowship with God That's not to say that we always live in fellowship with God But it's there but it's there is there for us
He says that I came to abolish the law of commandments made in ordinances and rich Give me
Matthew 5 17 Wait, wait, wait, wait, it says here in Ephesians that Jesus did not come to a limit then he came to abolish the law of the commands of Matthew Jesus says
I have not come to abolish the law Yes, it does. Here's what here's what is being abolished the ordinances the way that man
Believes the law can be kept that's abolished. The law is still there
In fact, Jesus says what's the first and greatest commandment? Love the Lord your God all your heart your soul and your mind second is like it love your neighbor himself and on these
Hang all the laws he never came to abolish them But what he came to abolish was man's need to set up limits
Do's don'ts to be good enough to satisfy God. That's what he came to abolish
The law is still there, but you you just need to accept God and not have
God except you Those things that stood as obstacles between man and God are removed by Christ Jesus and by him alone
There's nothing any one of us can do to eliminate these obstacles But the good news is that they are all eliminated by Christ Jesus Give me verses 15 and 16, please and have a kick one will go back to you
Carol if you would get that We're starting we're okay 2nd
Corinthians 5 Bob if you would have that and Hebrews 10 Sue if you would have that and Roman I can talk to the rest of them.
Go ahead So Ephesians 2 15 and 16 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two so making peace and Might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross
Thereby killing the hostility. Oh, man, there is no there's there's no longer.
You're a saved Jew You're just a Gentile none of that none of that applies anymore through Christ through Christ He creates this one new man out of the two
Out of the two so that he can he makes peace and he made it on the cross For us and the intent of that cross was to reconcile us back to God Killing killing that hostility
Have a kick one you've got that just the first phrase of it Okay, that's enough
God's perfectly just and justified Sin cannot come to him some kid that cannot be in his presence when when
Satan Approaches the Lord every day and says did you see what
John did yesterday? He's right He is right
I am a sinner But the And and he is sitting at the right hand of the father saying, please look at John through my blood
Please look at him through my blood because my blood washes that and my blood takes that sin and takes it as far as the east
Is from the West so his sin is not in your presence father Because I paid for it and my blood paid for it
In fact, that's second Corinthians 5 you have that Bob I Made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God Go ahead, what do you got anywhere?
Well, they took one says Wow Everyone says great, but it's a referral to Colossians 4 2 & 6
Matthew 5 48 just just that the fact that And this
I one of the questions that people ask is why would God turn his face
From Christ. He says why hast thou forsaken? Yeah, and it's because It was said and God can't look at me
Christ to be sin And God can't look upon sin
So there's the abandonment. God forsook Jesus. Yeah, there's a there's a term called imputation and The sin of Adam is imputed on us.
Okay on the cross My sin was imputed on the
Lord was teaching a college class college and career class
And we were going over attributes of God and I was talking about the holiness of God and at the beginning of the class
I said somebody gave me a definition of the holiness of God and this one young man Raises hand and he said when the father turned his face from the son when he was on the cross
I said we're done. I can't teach any more than that Here's here's an amazing thing because Christ's righteousness is imputed to us.
This does not say if I read this It does not say that I will become
Capable of doing righteous acts. That's not what it says here. It says that I become righteous
So if I looked at my passport to go to heaven it says
Righteous that that's that's who we are from what we were
To what we are we are and we are actually become righteous And so Hebrews 10 19 gives us this beautiful opportunity
The the Jews were terrified Of the very very presence of the holy place
So much so that the high priest What did the how did he go into the holy of holies to do his ministry?
With bells on his on the hem of his garment so that if they stopped hearing the bell jingling and And a rope around his ankle they couldn't go in to get him
They could pull him out could not go in without without the righteousness of it.
The ark is falling off the cart After that is he was now aching he was dying forget that Nothing can be done in God's presence, but but righteousness
We actually we actually have access to the holy of holies
It says in Mark 15 that the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom
We now have access directly in reconcile us to God in one body
Through the cross. That's what we have Romans 10 did I give you that? Did I give that to you?
See it? No Romans 10. Yeah Romans 10 12 But there is no difference between Jew and Gentile the same
Lord All right, there is no distinction between Jew or Greek the same
Lord is the Lord over all who call on Him the beauty of this passage is the fact that although sin places a barrier and man cannot cross that barrier
The cross restores that access that we have takes away all the barriers through the blood of Christ Give me a verse 17
And he came and preached peace to you who are far off and peace to those who were near This is also kind of interesting because you've got you got to look at that scripture as it says, you know in Luke 4
Jesus says I must go to the cities and preach the peace of the kingdom of God And where is it?
He says he goes to the synagogues He goes to the city to the cities to the
Jews and preaches in the synagogues And in Matthew 10, he takes the 12 and sends them out and this time when he sends them out
He says don't go to the Gentiles or to the Samaritans And at that time the
Word of God was being given to the Jews Uniquely to call the Jews to him
First 2nd Peter 3 9 he says I wish that none would perish but that all would come
Acts 17 says God declares to men all everywhere to repent and then acts 2 has a
Transfer of exact words from Joel 2 and basically says whoever calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved It's no longer Only the
Jews who get the message it's all of humanity that gets the message
Candy would you give me acts 1 verse 8? It's not on the list I get acts 1 verse 8, please and I want you to note the sequence of this command
Note that sequence From Jerusalem to Judea to Jews and then even to Samaria hated people and To the uttermost parts of the world this gospel message the
Evangelion is now going to be given not just to the Jews But to everybody
I Want you to understand that this section here this passage is such a teaching on the fulfillment
Promises that our faithful God gave us John to tell you I'm gonna ask you to have
Romans 116 ready, please Genesis 12 we talked about God gave a promise to Abraham that he would be a great person his offspring would be as the sands of the sea
It also said that all nations will be blessed through you
Now listen to the power of Romans 1 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel
It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes To the
Jew first and also to the Greek It does say to the Jew first and when Jesus came he would preach to the synagogues
And he would send his folks to the to the Jews and in fact when Paul would go on his missionary journeys
He would start out in the synagogues But it's then to all The message of this
Section here is that God's offering is no longer is not just to the
Jews all obstacles have been removed through the blood of Christ our the propitiation for sin
Reconciliation has been made sure would you close? Thank you father for this indescribable gift
Thank you that we Gentiles who were far removed and not reconciled
Your enemies even We were without God and without hope in the world and yet you have grafted us in and you have made us one new body
Thank you Lord that you have brought us near by the blood Thank you for the blood that precious blood of Jesus, and thank you
Lord that we are a church one church All reconciled in this one new body
So thank you for this incredible message and for your huge plan that you had from even back in before the foundation of the world
Revealed to Abraham in Genesis 12 And now that we can be a part of this and know it
Lord that you've made these things known to us It's all the more reason to delight in you and to go tell it on the mountains in Jesus name