Tape 6 - Divine Ordinances


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


Open your Bibles please to Leviticus 23rd chapter. We've been thinking about the tabernacle in Christ and we're drawing to a close.
We have two more things tomorrow. Last evening we spoke about the offerings.
Tonight we want to look at our sixth part, part 6, the divine ordinances. We're going to look at three passages of Scripture in Leviticus 23 and there probably no, there is probably no more important chapter in the
Bible than Leviticus 23. And that includes John 3, that includes
John 1, that includes Revelation 20, that includes any chapter you want to go to.
There is no chapter in the Bible that is more important to Christianity than Leviticus 23.
We're going to look at verses 4 through 6 and we'll look at 9 through 12. We'll look at 15 through 18.
The feasts, that's what we're gonna look at, the divine ordinances, the different feasts that they had.
And some people accuse us, we who believe in the Holy Bible and we say that we believe that the
Bible is the revelation of God and we exalt the Bible and people tell us we worship the
Bible and people tell us that we've limited God to a book and I perfectly agree with them. We have limited him to a book, he's limited himself to a book and the reason is because the book is unlimited.
The book is unlimited. It has no limits upon the Bible. I mean it has a front cover and a back cover, you can't add to it nor can you take away.
But what it says itself is unlimited and God himself has done it.
But now when you come to telling the gospel story, God hasn't done it that way. God hasn't limited the telling of the gospel to necessarily putting it down in words as such because in telling the gospel, he uses divine institutions and ordinances to do so.
Now every institution in the Bible has the mark of divinity on it. If you didn't know anything about the
Bible but you just saw it and heard someone go through it such as the Lord's Supper that you'll have Sunday night, a person can come under that without having any knowledge of the
Bible, not even being a Christian and God can marvelously and wonderfully speak to that heart through that as the pastor will go through what it really means.
Now every divine institution of God has two things that it does. We usually miss one of them.
First of all, it teaches everything. You know the Lord's Supper teaches. Every institution teaches but it also does something else.
It proves. It teaches and it proves. It has a didactic property meaning it teaches some truth or an apologetic property.
It teaches something that is defense of Christianity or it proves something about Christianity.
Now the tabernacle is exactly what we have read on about three different occasions in Hebrews 9. The tabernacle in the wilderness is a figure.
It is a pattern. It is a type. It is a divinely purposed illustration or symbol of Jesus Christ.
That is why the furniture was placed as we've said in the form of a cross. That is why we've said five pieces of furniture are there, five being the
Bible number for grace. That is why the golden candlestick looked forward to the coming of Christ as the light of the world and why the table of showbread looked forward to him coming as the bread of life.
Everything in that tabernacle including and I we didn't have time to go into it, the sockets and the pillows and the silver hooks and everything in there speaks of something about the person and the work of Jesus Christ.
Now the bread on the table of showbread we said was a type of Christ because it was unleavened bread because leaven is evil and there was no evil in the bread of life but my question is this.
Now we've talked about this on several occasions but I just have different questions. How do you get bread?
How is bread obtained? Well Jesus told us didn't he? He said except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die it bides alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit.
Now that's where we get bread but what else happens? I mean what else happens before bread can sustain life so to speak?
Well in the olden days wheat had to be ground between an upper and a lower millstone.
You've seen them in the pictures. So the Lord Jesus Christ before he become bread for us the bread of life and that we could feed upon him had to be ground between the upper and the lower millstone just like the
Old Testament said. Furthermore the wheat had to be roasted in the ovens. I believe the demons of hell itself and the earth realm resemble the lower millstone and the wrath of God like in the upper millstone ground and descended upon the precious head of the
Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ endured the heat of the wrath of men and even the iniquity that God allowed to be poured upon him as God unleashed his wrath for you and me upon his precious
Son which would be symbolized by being thrown into the oven. Christ is a part of everything in the wilderness tabernacle.
Now the wilderness tabernacle was placed where? It was placed at the western end of that great court.
This court consisted of white linen curtains eight feet high.
There was only one way to approach that tabernacle. There was just one entrance, one gate, one door and that was where?
At the eastern end. Just one way to get in to where the presence of God was. Is it any wonder that Acts 4 12 says neither is there salvation any other for there's none other name unto heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved.
Is it any wonder that Jesus said I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved.
Friends don't ever forget what's the primary context of those scriptures. Who was Jesus talking to? He was speaking to Jews.
As I've said to you and you know well the Gentiles didn't even get the gospel as a group of people until Acts the 10th chapter.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the first nine chapters of the book of Acts God is dealing with Jews and in Acts 8 it's
Jews and Assyrians or Samaritans. So the Gentiles did. Who was Jesus talking to?
When he said I am the door by me if any man their minds went back to their teaching about the tabernacle. They knew there was just one way to get in that tabernacle and Jesus says
I'm that way you trying to go in another way and there's just one way. Now not only does the tabernacle teach the only approach to God is and that Jesus Christ is the greater and more perfect tabernacle it proves it.
It will prove it to you. You know here's what you need to establish. You'll need to establish two things for it to prove to you that Jesus Christ is who he says he is.
First of all all you have to establish is that the tabernacle existed before Christ did and the second thing you must establish is look at the pages of history and prove that Christ existed and if you prove those two things my friends it'll prove it.
It will prove it to you. The tabernacle whoever wrote it I don't know you know if God just sat down and sent an angel down there and spoke to I don't have
God communicated to them but I know that those who wrote the many chapters in Exodus and Leviticus concerning the tabernacle
I believe that they knew all about the atonement of the Messiah and I believe they knew about the blood of the
Lamb 1 ,500 years before John the Baptist cried out behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.
We want these people in the Old Testament to be ignorant because our egos wants us to have all the information but my friends we'll have to go a long way to understand things like Isaiah did.
We'll have to go a long way to see with the mind of Ezekiel and Daniel. We'll have to go a long way to walk with God like Moses.
I haven't met anybody in any church anywhere there was a man like Moses. I've never met one like Abraham and I've been around this world three and a half times.
Maybe you know one maybe you think you are one but my friends I never met one and yet our egos are so inflated all the time we feel we must have all the information and the people back there well
I'll grant you they didn't see the cross as clearly as you and I but they saw it. Jesus said what
Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was glad.
Jesus said Abraham knew about it. I like to drop that one out especially people who question all this stuff.
I know that you don't but that one just solves the problem. That just solves the problem. He said
Abraham knew about me and they just don't know what to do about it. Well all of God's Old Testament institutions and ceremonies have this didactic, this teaching quality, and this apologetic value or this defense or proving of that which is by faith.
Now God's New Testament institutions also have these two values in them baptism and the
Lord's Supper, Holy Communion. Holy Communion proves the central fact of the universe. Do you know that? You have thought about it?
Holy Communion proves the central fact of the universe. What is the central fact?
That the body of the Lord Jesus Christ was broken for us and his blood shed for many for the remission of sins.
Now the Lord's Supper proves that conclusively. If you want to prove that Jesus died on the cross and if you want to prove his body was broken for the forgiveness of sin, just show somebody the
Lord's Supper. It teaches it and at the same moment it proves it. Now here's how it proves the death of Christ for the world.
The communion service as we know it is universal dear people. It isn't just celebrated in Texas. Everywhere you go in this world you can find people.
For years you can find people doing it. They celebrate the Lord's Supper. Now it is practiced all over the world and has been for some 2 ,000 years.
It is a universal effect. Now when there is an effect there must be a cause.
If there is no cause there cannot be an effect. Wherever there is the effect there first of all has to be a cause and what is the adequate cause of this effect?
It was the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. So by reasoning from the effect to the cause you can prove that the atonement really happened in history and not only does communion service prove the great fact of the atonement, it performs the function common to every one of God's institutions.
It teaches it. Now God knew that there would be wolves clothed in sheepskins who would find their ways into the pulpits of Christianity and they would corrupt the flock but he placed the central fact of the gospel in an institution called the
Lord's Supper in such a way as to force everyone who preaches the gospel in any way whether he's false or true he has to tell the gospel in objective form whether he wants to or not and any child can see the broken bread symbolizes the broken body of Christ and the poured out wine represents the poured out blood of the
Savior because God will communicate it to him. That's why it's extremely important to have a holy time when you have the
Lord's Supper because my friends God will use it like he won't use anything else but what do we do well we come in you know it's just another it doesn't mean anything we're so used to it we're so used to it.
Now when you enter the realm of Christian apologetics that means a defense of Christianity. We're talking about the tabernacle let's look at seven institutions in the
Old Testament, seven sacraments, seven feasts that God ordained and they are recorded in Leviticus 23 and they will prove
Christianity. In the Old Testament we're going to prove Christianity. This chapter
Leviticus 23 contains seven monuments which are a complete story of the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the founding of the church on the day of Pentecost.
All of this is found in this ancient book that was written about 1490 BC, about 1 ,500 years before Christ.
Now Leviticus 23 contains a list of the seven feasts of Jehovah. They are almost identical to the seven holidays on the
Jewish calendar. Now we humans establish a holy day or a holiday to celebrate something that has occurred in our history.
Our holidays celebrate something that has already happened Memorial Day, July the 4th,
Labor Day, any holiday we have in our human history that's what it has. But God being
God makes his holidays symbolize something that did happen and something that is going to happen in the future.
God does it differently and he begins the calendar of the Jewish year with the
Passover. So let's look at the Passover verse 5 Leviticus 23 verse 5.
In the 14th day of the first month at evening is the Lord's Passover and you know as I know it's old story to you but let me just quickly go through it.
They were to take a spotless lamb which met all the specifications of the book. They shed its blood, now watch it carefully, they put the blood on the top and on the sides of the doorpost and then they put the basin of the blood on the threshold.
Most forget that. We know about the cross oh yeah we got all that but they put the blood of the basin on the threshold.
Of course the sign of the cross and the blood at the bottom. Christ is specifically called by Paul Christ our
Passover is sacrificed for us. Now the Hebrew word for basin and for threshold is identically the same
Hebrew word. It's the same word. Now I know you knew that but I just thought again from my own edification
I thought I would just relate that to you. Now God said on the first night, you're looking at me strangely, when
I was a rock of ages. Let me go on.
You're so excited and enthralled and elated. God said on that first terrible night of the
Passover when I see the blood I will pass over you and you know and we'll see it again tomorrow in both services so clearly they'll fit even more into it but let me hasten along lest you become impatient with me.
The next feast is found in Leviticus 23 verse 6. It is called the feast of unleavened bread and on the 15th day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the
Lord. Seven days you must eat unleavened bread. Of course let's look forward to Christ as the bread of life who had no leaven.
Leaven, no evil in him. There was no evil in him. Leaven is always as we said the picture of evil in the
Bible. Somebody tells you, you say go on act like leaven in the world. Don't you do it because leaven is a picture of evil, a picture of evil.
All right what's the next one quickly. It's Leviticus 23 9 through 12 and this is called the feast of the firstfruits and the
Lord spoke unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them when you are come into the land which
I give unto you and shall reap the harvest thereof then you shall bring a sheep of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest and he shall wave the sheep before the
Lord to be accepted for you on the next day or tomorrow on the next day after the sabbath the priest shall wave it and you shall offer that day when you wave the sheep and he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the
Lord. A male lamb with all again the specific qualifications was killed and the priest lifted it as an offering unto the
Lord and of course this foreshadowed the death of the Lamb of God. That lamb was killed and it was lifted up.
What's that song we sung Sunday night? If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto myself.
But something else happened on that day. The priest waved what is called you see a wave sheaf offering of wheat before the
Lord. Now what they did was they'd go through the harvest was ready to come and they would go through and they'd pick a little bit and they formed you know in the old days used to have brooms you know how the brooms they get a bunch of straw and tie it around a stick and that was a sheaf well that's what a sheaf looked like and all the people to get a little bit of theirs and they'd put it together and they'd bring it in and the priest would wave that before the
Lord. Now the sheaf of wheat has always been a picture of the resurrection.
Why was he waving it before the Lord? Because it was an indication of the harvest that was to come.
It wasn't the harvest it was the representation of the harvest that was come and when Jesus came out of the grave what happened?
Have you ever asked yourself the question when the Bible says when Jesus was raised from the dead that the graves of many were open and the saints came out and went around town visiting people?
Why do you think that happened? My friends it was the wave sheaf offering. God was indicating to the people because they come out you can be sure one day you coming out and it says that Jesus led captivity captive being the first fruits of them that slept and because Jesus came out of the grave but not only that that's what we preach and teach but not only that dear people but because he took some others out with him at the same time because of that also you can be assured of your resurrection one day if you go through what the world calls death and that was pictured in the wave sheaf offering.
Now again he took what is called the heave offering the heave offering and he moved the offering as far as he could from the left to the right the left to the right and the vertical again the priest would do it making the sign of the cross.
Now in Leviticus 23 11 what did it say when were they to do it? On the morrow after the
Sabbath. What's the Sabbath? That is Friday at six o 'clock to Saturday at six o 'clock.
Now what is the Sabbath? It says Sabbath Saturday no says the day afterwards on the next day after the
Sabbath on the morrow after the Sabbath and you can look back and you plainly see that God was thinking about Sunday.
He was thinking about the Lord's day that's the day that commemorates what the resurrection so the feast looked forward to Easter.
I was in Mississippi I just read an article by a Baptist pastor retired pastor and adopted somebody and he put an article and I brought it back with me a lady gave it to me in the
Mobile Alabama newspaper and he says that we ought to be worshiping on Sabbath because the
Bible never teaches that we're to worship on the first day of the week and he goes on and plays around but he starts out with the wrong date and then he gets back in the right scheme of things and then he goes off on the wrong date and this big problem is he doesn't understand his
Old Testament. If he just understood Leviticus 23 he'd be in good shape but he misquotes and misuses dates because he doesn't know the
Old Testament and he's sitting over trying to keep the Sabbath. My friends if you just read Exodus 31 that'd solve your problem wouldn't it?
Wouldn't it? Now you're shaking your head up and down what's Exodus 31 say? Well it says
God says the Sabbath is a covenant between me and Israel it is a perpetual covenant between me and the
Jew forever. It has nothing to do with the church whatsoever and again you've heard me say and I hasten to say it again quickly lest I take up too much time with it on Sunday when you pray don't say
Lord thank you for this beautiful Sabbath day because Sunday isn't the Sabbath. Sunday is the Lord's day and it commemorates the resurrection and you know that well and it was on the day after the
Sabbath. Now to instruct the Jewish people to observe a holy day on Sunday is the equivalent of trying to get you and me to change our worship to Monday or Tuesday.
There just doesn't seem to be any sense to it. God did not select Sunday arbitrarily. The Jew had to celebrate the first fruits on Sunday even though his own inclination would be to celebrate it on the
Sabbath day Saturday. Now it is true that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the
Gentiles be come in. It's amazing how the Jew could have all this at his hand isn't it and still not see?
The Jew could see the golden candlestick in the tabernacle and he could never see the light of the world. He could see the golden table of showbread and never see
Christ the bread of life. He can see the precious blood and the bleeding lamb and never see the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
He can see all the detailed instructions and instructions regarding the Passover lamb and never see
Christ our Passover sacrificed for us. He could observe all the instructions to keep the feast of the first fruits on Sunday and never see
Christ as the first fruits who rose on Sunday. At Passover time you know the well how the
Jewish father leads in the celebration in his home. The father takes three pieces of unleavened bread basically and we ask him the question why unleavened bread?
He'll say I don't know. Why couldn't there be any kind of bread? He says I don't know. I say it looks forward to the bread with no evil
Jesus Christ. I said why do you take three pieces? He says I don't know. I say it represents the father the son and the
Holy Spirit. I said wait why are you breaking that second wafer? He says I don't know why I break the second one. I said why didn't you break the first one or third one?
He says I don't know. Why are you breaking that second one? He says I don't know. I said because it was the second person of the
Godhead whose body was broken for you and the Jewish father takes that second broken piece and hides it out of sight and the children are allowed to come and slip it out and take it off and the father opens it up later on and says he's gone.
It's not there. What happened to that wafer? I said why do you do that? He says I don't know. He doesn't have any idea why he does these things but my friends
I know why. What's he talking about? The feast of the first fruits is a dramatization of the death, the burial, the resurrection and that little wafer broken and hidden from sight opened up gone.
Jesus put in a tomb opened up gone. He doesn't know why he does that like a bunch of bad guys.
They don't know why they're here either most of the time. They don't understand all and if you think so my friends you grab hold of a
Jehovah's Witness and he'll make a theological pretzel out of you. He'll wrap you into more corners.
That's why Baptist don't talk to them. That lady she said I got the greatest answer in the world in dealing with those people. When I see them coming
I turn the lights out pull the shades down and I don't answer the door. I said what a witness. What a witness.
We don't know what we believe but they they're wrong but they know what they believe. We got admiring for that.
Well we can move on. Let's move to the next one. The first fruits on the day after the sabbath.
Leviticus 23 15 17 and he shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath from that Sunday from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering seven sabbaths shall be complete even unto the next day after the seventh sabbath which will be another
Sunday shall you number 50 days and you shall offer a new meal offering unto the
Lord. You shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two -tenth parts.
They shall be a fine flour. They shall be baked with leaven. They are the first fruits unto the
Lord. Now why again the phrase the morrow after the sabbath and then that phrase 50 days.
This period of course terminated on another Sunday. Well what happened 50 days after Easter Sunday after the resurrection what happened the church of Jesus Christ was born on the day of Pentecost.
Moses wrote about it way back yonder. Oh Moses Paul revealed it.
No Paul was a Jew studying under Moses. How'd Paul know about it? He'd been reading Leviticus. Paul knew about it.
Of course God took him out into Arabia and explained it to him for about three years. Wouldn't that be wonderful just to get alone in the desert with God and let
God teach you from the scripture. Isn't that marvelous? Wouldn't you just love that? I got news for you.
If you'll just get with your Bible God will teach you in your house. You don't have to go to Arabia like our brother had to go to Saudi Arabia down there for six months.
He'll teach you at home. You don't have to go out in the desert. Moses went out there 40 years without any food or water.
You don't have to do that. You can sit with a sandwich and a glass of milk with the word of God and God teach you. What marvelous provisions
God has made for us. Now no leaven is mentioned in this passage is it? Because it's a symbol of Israel of evil and no
Israelite would ever eat leaven. He hated it and he was taught to hate it. At the
Passover season when he got ready the wife of an Israelite ransacked her house from top to bottom cellar to attic to make sure there was no leaven in her house.
Her home was purified or cleansed and purged. The housewife reported back to her husband that there is no leaven in the house but nevertheless the head of the house he lit a candle, a practice that's continuous today.
Where do you think Roman Catholics got the idea from? You think they figured that one out too? Now I've been kind of hard on this week but friends they didn't figure it out.
Jews been lighting candles long before there was ever a Roman Catholic church. They lighted a candle. Why? Because my friends they weren't sure where there was one but what was that lighted candle for?
It was indicate to them light that would guide their path as they went from room to room looking for evil. They searched out for that leaven in there and it came to the front door of the house and the father would hold that light out to shine so people could see the light of his testimony and he would say there is no leaven in my house and if there's one bit of leaven in my house it is here against my will.
That's the light of his testimony. I want to be right with God and if there's anything here that I don't know about it is not because I want here it is against my will.
I will to serve God is what he's saying and here's the light of my testimony. That's what he's talking about and all of that.
Now that's how he regarded leaven. Everywhere always and continually. Jesus said what?
Beware of the leaven of the Sadducees. Watch them. Beware of them.
Why? Evil. Evil. Watch out. It'll take hold of you. Well just a little bit of gossip staying in your mind will contaminate it.
You know how they kill a rabid wolf or a wild lion that's rabid?
They take a bunch of fresh meat. 98 % good meat and 2 % poison meat and he eats it all.
What killed him? 98 % good meat. 2 % poison. My friends whatever you put in your mind stays locked in there.
Stays locked. If you put good stuff in your mind it's fine. If you put that junk that the world offers you in your mind when it comes time to make a decision you got that poison lurking around in there and it'll do you in.
That's why Jesus said beware the leaven of the Sadducees. Now why did God say in Leviticus to celebrate a certain day 50 days after the feast of the firstfruits and on the morrow after the
Sabbath and why celebrate it with loaves of bread baked with leaven? Baked with leaven.
Why would he say that? Take it and bake it with leaven. That seems to be contradictory because God was looking ahead to what was going to happen on Easter Sunday when the
Lord Jesus was going to rise from the dead and he was also showing his church which was going to be born 50 days after Easter but leaven the sign of evil yes because he knew the church would have evil in it from the beginning to the end.
He knew it was going to be that way and if you don't think so just be in here on Sunday. Be in any church on Sunday.
Satan works harder in church than anywhere else that I know of. This is where he works. He's already got everybody else.
They belong to him so he's got to come and try to disrupt the worship of the Lord. Well what are the remaining feasts quickly?
The feast of trumpets in Leviticus 23 -24. Leviticus 23 -24 speak unto the children of Israel saying in the seventh month and the first day of the month shall you have a sabbath a memorial of blowing of trumpets and holy convocation.
So they had the feast of the trumpets. All right what's the next one quickly verse 27 and also on the tenth day of the seventh month there shall be a day of atonement it shall be in a holy convocation unto you and you shall afflict your souls and offer an offering made by fire unto the
Lord. So we have the day of atonement. It actually should read day of atonements. It ought to be plural.
It ought to be plural. When the high priest entered the holy of holies with the blood of atonements which looked forward to our high priest who entered heaven for us with his precious blood.
All right what's the last feast? The last feast of course ends in verse 33. It's the feast of the tabernacles.
What's it looking forward to? And the Lord spoke unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel saying the fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the
Lord and on the first day shall be a holy convocation you shall do no servile work therein. Seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the
Lord on the eighth day. Eighth being the number of new beginning in the Bible shall be an holy convocation unto you and you shall offer an offering and then he goes on these are the feasts of the
Lord. The feast of the tabernacles. It looks forward to the arrival of the church at his final dwelling place in heaven with the
Lord. Now I've made several statements to you about the tabernacle proving the Bible. Friends if you just got a good grasp of the tabernacle you can prove anything you want in the
Bible. I mean you can prove it's true all good things. It is very plain that in the
Old Testament the New Testament lies enfolded. In the
Old Testament the New Testament lies enfolded and in the New Testament the
Old Testament is unfolded. Unfolded. Now this being true then as far as I'm concerned the case for the authenticity and the genuineness of Scripture is closed.
There needs be no more argument but the Communist Party of the world stemming from Russia has boldly stated that they are going to control the world and in order to do it they plainly state for you and me to read and in their verbal statements that they must control not only their bodies but they must control the minds and the very souls of men and so they say quote
God must be banished from the skies as well as capitalism from the earth and this is what they're setting out to do.
Now in order to blast God from the skies and the minds of people it is necessary to blast his book and my friends that is the core and thrust of that theological thing called higher criticism that is taught in every seminary and every college of America except of just about three that I'm aware of maybe four.
Our Southern Baptist seminaries are corrupted with higher critical thought and yet it is attacking and it is the one school that attacks the veracity the infallibility the pureness the genuineness and the authenticity of the holy bible the holy scriptures and the greatest book on higher criticism is
Brett Schneider's Probabilia and this book is a scholarly discussion attacking the authenticity and the genuineness of the fourth gospel
John. It says it is in history as myth Jewish legends etc. However in later volumes on John Brett Schneider plainly admitted that he wrote
Probabilia for academic reasons and to provide thought and that he never doubted for a single moment the authenticity and genuineness of the gospel of John and yet I've had professors stand in front of me and said
John is not true history and you can't find a dime's worth of them that believe that the gospel of John is true word for word my friends they are at a minimum but yet why they use this man but you see they don't read what else he wrote they don't read what else he wrote now how does the bible prove itself if it is every color every position every object every dimension every sacrifice every ceremony and the tabernacle points forward to Jesus Christ he is the tabernacle he is the lamb he's the high priest he's the door he's the bread of life he's the light of the world even the things
God left out of the tabernacle pointed to Christ we saw a beautiful reason the other evening why a floor was omitted let me ask you another question why was there no chair we know why there wasn't any floor now there was no chair in there either why wasn't there a chair because under the old testament the work of a priest was never done he could never sit down and rest his work was continual but my friends that fact spoke of our great high priest the lord
Jesus who on the cross said it is finished it's done it's over and he sat down at the right hand of God the father you don't find chair in that tabernacle not in the old testament system why were there's no green there was no brown and there was no gray among the colors in the tabernacle because they are earth colors and not heavenly colors and the wilderness tabernacle looked forward to and symbolized the heavenly tabernacle
Jesus Christ when you detail your study you will find that there are 70 definite features 70 definite features in the tabernacle that harmonize with the
Lord Jesus Christ and his wondrous salvation 70 definite features now what is the mathematical probability of these 70 features of the tabernacle bringing bringing us our before us into a good look at Christ what do you think the mathematical probability is well that takes us to a very basic science doesn't it mathematics that is a solid realm mathematical law doesn't change math is considered to be the only perfect science all right let's look at it the laws of mathematical probability are as reliable as the laws of gravity and motion by applying it one can produce a mighty argument for the truth of the
Word of God now many of you have my little book on the number sevens and how we deal with this this would be a little different lest you doze off and saying
I already got the book so many features of the tabernacle coincide so perfectly with the characteristics of Jesus Christ that the law of mathematical probability would forbid that they could happen just by chance there are hundreds of direct prophecies and all the prophets telling how when and of what ancestry and from what family the
Lord Jesus Christ would come and how he would die and how he would rise again and all of these produce a tremendously large figure when you place them beside the
Old Testament predictions the actual history of Christ you put them side by side you find a perfect and amazing harmony this presents a mathematical and historical argument that is overwhelming and you can present it to people could
Jesus even if he had wanted to arranged as a mere human being to have himself born in Bethlehem how do you work it out how could he finagle that around to make sure he was born in Bethlehem where prophet
Michael declared that the Messiah would be born but thou Bethlehem Ephratah you a little among Judah how could he do that how could he could he have arranged to appear as the
Messiah at the exact time when the prophet Daniel declared that he would appear could he have arranged to have himself born into the nation and the very tribe and the very family that the prophet predicted could
Christ possibly have fashioned his life and work and nature so as to fit perfectly into the more than 70 features of the tabernacle and its services could he make
John the Baptist point him out and say behold the Lamb of God friends no human being could control
John the Baptist Herod tried it and couldn't do it so he had to kill him you gonna tell me a little carpenter could talk him into it you face the inevitable answer our faith rests on solid ground these 70 pieces of a jigsaw puzzle when you put them together they form a perfect picture of Christ and you have to come to the conclusion someone intended it to be just that way now what does history tell us the claims of Christianity rest upon history friends it rests upon historical fact history is also a science the definition is this science is the classification of exact knowledge tradition is a record of more or less imperfect knowledge but history is a record of what actually happened and can be proved to have happened and it is on that basis the claims of Christianity rest
Jesus Christ was a public figure he lived he labored and he died in a blaze of publicity
Paul the Apostle told King Agrippa of the land this thing that what
Jesus did he said this thing was not done in a corner it was done before everyone and everybody could see it he wasn't a secret thing it wasn't hidden off and by proving that the
Old Testament existed before Christ and then that the main public events in the life of Christ actually occurred you can establish the claims of Christianity very easily and very readily now let me give you some startling statistics let's use the law of probability let your mind wonder what chance would there be for all the features the lamb the tabernacle and the hundreds of direct prophecies about Christ what chance would there be for all of these to coincide by accident with the perfect characteristics of the
Jesus Christ who would be born some two or three thousand years later what would be the mathematical probability let me suppose you took ten books think with me you took ten books in a row on a shelf in a certain order and then the were shuffled around what would be the chance of putting them back again in the same order if you had not memorized and did not know the first order he would have one chance in three million six hundred and twenty eight thousand and eight hundred of hitting it right let me give you another one you can grasp this fact when you can find how many different words you can spell and how many letter combinations you can obtain by just rearranging ten letters in the alphabet now
I could ask your minister music stay away I could ask him how many melodies can you form from seven whole notes and music
I'll turn ask you I wouldn't want to put him on the spot how many melodies can you form from seven whole notes and music five thousand two hundred and fifty five thousand two hundred fifty melodies just from seven whole notes now friends we were talking mathematical probably let me give you another illustration this just shows why certain things cannot happen by chance people say give enough time it can happen no you give it all the time you want it can't happen suppose your child was playing on the floor with just five
ABC blocks that's all let's get it simple five ABC blocks not that you're simple
I need the simple so I can tell you each of these five blocks has six letters making a total of just 30 letters suppose you arrange these blocks on the floor so that J is on one is on another s on another you on another and s on the fifth in other words the five blocks are in such order as to spell the name
Jesus then you shuffle the blocks around turn up other letters at random change the order completely let a stranger come from next door who does not know the original order arrangement of blocks and let him arrange those blocks by chance what possibility would he have on the basis of mere chance to arrange these blocks so as to spell the word
Jesus he would have one chance in 6 to 0 comma 4 4 8 comma 4 0 1 comma 7 3 5 comma 2 5 9 comma 4 9 3 comma 3 6 9 comma 0 0 0 that is 1 in 6 sextillion and we're just playing with five
ABC blocks we're not playing with 70 features in the tabernacle well what do you think the tabernacle spell
Jesus the lamb spell Jesus the high priest spell Jesus all the sacrifices spell
Jesus and if you carry this out mathematically you know where it'll take you it'll take you right into infinity and what do you find in infinity
God God that's what you find in infinity now
Paul said in first Corinthians 10 11 all these things happened unto the
Israelites for examples types and they are for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come now you remember that guy arranging those blocks five
ABC blocks let's just suppose that he made one transposition per second he can make one transposition per second it would take one man one quadrillion nine hundred sixty seven trillion four hundred twenty eight billion nine hundred and seventy five million eight hundred and seventy nine thousand one hundred and twenty years to make all the transpositions with the blocks of just 30 letters you gonna tell me just happened accidentally the
Bible with 70 features we only give him five blocks with 30 we got three times that many over here and Moses didn't live that long friends
Moses didn't live a trillion years he didn't live a thousand and yet he sat down and perfectly wrote all about that and here comes a little carpenter from Nazareth and he perfectly listen to me a study of permutations probability and compound probability will make it plain why we say that certain things cannot happen by chance
I don't care what people say that is a dark world in which they hide it cannot and mathematics refutes them they just don't deal with mathematics they deal with philosophy and religion that they live by faith they live by faith that they hope and they write but friends the
Bible is very clear who planned those leaven specifications regarding the Passover I wonder who ordained listen to me carefully a little different lesson tonight
I understand I wonder who figured out that on the shell of every chicken egg there should be one little spot softer than the rest and it is located precisely where every little chickens beak is going to be did somebody know that little fellow would need some help as he cracked his way through there into the world every chicken egg has a soft spot in exactly the same spot wherever that little chickens beak is there'll be a soft spot right there oh is that it no near that chickens beak is a pocket full of air which is nowhere else in that egg did that just happen by chance well we could think about it why does chance then if I say okay but why does it make an arbitrary exception in the contraction expansion of water friends everything under the
Sun liquids solids gases everything under the Sun contracts on cooling and expands on heating and it continues to contract with more cooling or it continues to expand with more heating everything under the
Sun does that water does the same thing it expands exactly upon heating and it contracts upon cooling but when it gets to a certain point water refuses to contract nothing else in all the universe behaves like that but at 32 degrees
Fahrenheit water simply will not contract in fact the more you cool it the more it expands could it be that someone knew that the flesh the and the vegetation in the water would die if the water continued to contract you'll remember that there is someone who makes note every time a sparrow hits the ground the
Bible says he's aware of everything even the hair on your head is numbered for some that isn't a big task but for others it is a little more difficult perhaps enormous totals are reached in simple permutations mathematically you know the story let me give it to you a little boy hired himself out for one cent for the first day you've heard it two cents for the second day three cents for the third day and he did that every day for 30 days just hired himself out to work and on the last day that little boy's payday was five million three hundred sixty eight thousand seven or nine dollars and twelve cents and for that month he made ten million seven hundred thirty three seven hundred thirty seven thousand four hundred eighteen dollars and twenty five cents just a simple permutation well we've got a great mind to help us sir
Isaac Newton a great mathematical mind now friends you have supporting you as a
Christian perhaps one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived sir Isaac Newton the
French Academy of Science voted this man five times to be the greatest brain the human race has ever produced sir
Isaac Newton was a devout worshiper of the Lord Jesus Christ and reputed to be the greatest mathematician this world has ever known he had many debates on religion and many of them were with that famous or infamous agnostic philosopher
Voltaire Voltaire now he ridiculed dr. Newton constantly you know you take most liberals they can't argue with scripture they can't argue with facts they've got to use innuendo snark sarcasm sneering and scorn to try to ridicule a person they don't have any arguments let us talk about it but he used to do this with him and he said you see
I mean they'd have thousands people this auditorium Voltaire would say I quote see how the brain of a real scientist gets soft when he leaves his own field and goes into the field of religion
I hear that everywhere I go anytime I give any kind of a mathematical probability I even got stuck with in your church when
I was here a year ago and I immediately zipped a letter off to a bunch of scientists to a Christians and they roll back saying your statement was true well
I knew it was because I got it from them you know but I had a young man said
I'm tired of preachers using these particular things and I thought to myself bless your heart you're tired of it who are you to refute
God's Word oh but after a while they sweetened up when they see the danger of their position
I don't care about me on where you know blew the tape well listen to me see how the brain of a real scientist softens when he leaves his own field and on one occasion when dr.
Newton was lecturing on Daniel 12 forward says many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased and he was saying you think we know things now dr.
Voltaire he said there's coming a time when knowledge will be so increased he said that we will seem simple compared to what the people know here's what
Voltaire said you see mr. Newton declares that there will even come a time when mankind will travel over the earth at 60 miles an hour anybody knows that a man couldn't even breathe if he traveled at that rate of speed and he laughed and the people applauded now what do you do well my soul you jog 40 well
I sure get on a bicycle get on a motorcycle and sail down the road 100 120 bar sure racecar drivers hit 200 miles now they know
I have any oxygen and breathing away well Voltaire had the answers in his day but he doesn't have now well quickly let me give you another night time is way gone and I'm just getting started
Daniel's prediction oh listen to me turn with me to Daniel people this is crucial this is the crux of the matter in theological thought today and I'm hesitant to go into it with you but in is
Daniel chapter 9 this is where the crux of the matter is theologically this is where you get to the nitty gritty of theology this is where the line of the liberals and the conservatives is being drawn right here
Daniel predicted the very year for the revealing of the
Messiah the date set for the manifestation of the Messiah the Christ was predicted to the very month he predicted that it would be in the month of April 32 a .d.
Daniel 925 no therefore I will give you Moffat's translation which is a very excellent translation no therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to rebuild
Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks of years and three score and two weeks of years you notice
I say weeks of years as do almost all lexicons the Hebrew word is heptodes it means seven and it indicates a week of seven days or years according to the context in whichever it is found it here indicates a week of years that shouldn't be strange to us because in Genesis chapter 29 it has a similar function
Jacob worked seven years to earn Rachel so he agreed to work another week
Rachel's father said finish thy week and take Rachel also and the passage conclude so Jacob served him yet seven other years for Rachel so you have to look at the context a week can mean seven weeks or seven weeks of years and that's what it is here
Daniel 9 says simply that the Messiah would appear on the scene 69 weeks weeks of years or that comes out to be 483 years after he says the going forth of the commandment to restore and build
Jerusalem that commandment was given by our desert seized the king in the 20th year of his reign and the month of Nisan which is a part of our month
March April Nehemiah chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 describes the command and gives the date and it came to pass in the month of Nisan in the 20th year of our desert seized the king that wine was before him and I took up the wine and gave it to the king now
I had not been before time sad in his presence wherefore the king said unto me why is thy countenance sad now
Nehemiah was a captive Jew and he was employed as a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes Nisan was
Passover season Artaxerxes wanted to grant his servant a favor and he issued a formal decree to allow
Nehemiah to go and build again the city of Jerusalem the Holy City and to make it official in Nehemiah 2 verse 6 it says that the
Queen was sitting by the king now friends we've got historical matter before us and we've got secular history that backs us up to the hilt here at that time
Artaxerxes was the most powerful monarch in the world the Bible is a remarkable book and when it goes into detail as to dates it is always a reason for it the important reason here is that Daniel had said in Daniel 9 25 that in exactly 483 years after the decree that went forth to restore and build
Jerusalem the Messiah would appear now we have the exact date for the going forth of that commandment and is a date that is established by secular history as well as sacred history it was the 20th year of Artaxerxes in the month of Nisan the
New International Encyclopedia states that Artaxerxes began to reign in 465
BC and the 20th year of his reign was therefore 445 BC the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ and the date for his formal entrance in Jerusalem on what is called
Palm Sunday you can establish from Luke chapters 2 & 3 in Luke 2 1 & 2 it says that we can see we observe the exactness of the dates and the names of the men were known
Caesar Augustus was there we know exactly the history professors in every college can tell us
Caesar Augustus who ordered a universal tax when Cyrenius was governor of Syria Luke 2 1 & 2 in Luke 3 1 & 2 we have another fixed date for us the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar in which year
Pontius Pilate was governor Judea and Herod Tetrarch of Galilee and Herod's brother
Philip Tetrarch of Arturia which coincided with that time when Licinius was
Tetrarch of Abilene and which also coincided with the time when Annas and Caiaphas were high priest and John the
Baptist was preaching in the wilderness now friends we've got all kinds of historical figures that secular history backs us right up on saying yes this happened they and yes this happened and it just confirms what the
Bible says and the Bible is marvelously accurate all right now there was another decree issued other than the one to build
Jerusalem it was issued by Cyrus to build the temple but the decree of Artaxerxes is the only one on record to build the city and it concerned the building of that holy city that Daniel 9 speaks now we know the exact date of the first Palm Sunday when
Jesus Christ offered himself Jesus Christ went to Jerusalem on the 10th day of the month of Nisan 483 years from the date that that thing went out it was the fourth
Passover of his ministry it was on April the 6th 32 AD according to the
Julian calendar and that's the calendar that you and I use today now calculating from the Nehemiah date
Nisan 445 BC to Nisan 32 AD how many years you come up with exactly 483 years now you remember that the
Jewish year was 360 days and there were 30 to 12 30 day months the months were 30 days and the year was 360 days now the rest of Daniel 9 gives a description of what was going to happen to the
Messiah he would be cut off he would be killed and then it states that after the crucifixion the city would be destroyed by the people of the prince of whom
Daniel and other pastors speaks as coming on the stage the Antichrist in the end time known as Daniel's 70th week and you find it in Daniel 9 25 to 26 now know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build
Jerusalem Daniel 9 25 unto the Messiah the prince shall be seven year weeks and three score and two year weeks the streets shall be built again and the wall even in trouble as times and after three score and two year weeks shall the
Messiah be cut off now Christ was crucified five days after his formal offer of himself as Messiah I'll show you how specific the
Bible is you'll note that this prophecy says that it says and after three score and two week years shall the
Messiah be cut off it does not say that it would take place within that 69 year week or 483 years but it plainly sets afterwards because he went in on the 483 year five days later my friends he went in to die on five days after he presented himself well what else it say and we'll have nothing and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary
Jerusalem was destroyed 40 years later by the Roman people and unto the end wars and desolations are determined so wars and desolations have been the order ever since and they still
Daniel writing about it and everything you had well let me close by giving you one further calculation
Daniel's prophecy is not only close my friends but it is exact to the month and to the day from 1
BC to 1 AD is only one year not two 1 BC to 1
AD is one year not two years and also we remember that the Jewish year was the conventional 360 days now if we just dare assume that the decree recorded by Nehemiah went forth on the first day of a
Passover week that would set the date for the going forth of the commandment to be March the 14th 445
BC the calculations then are correct to the exact day because we know the decree was issued to build the temple in Jerusalem in Nisan or to build
Jerusalem in Nisan 445 BC now the only thing that we are assuming is that Nehemiah was sad in the presence of the king because it was
Passover week and he was an exile far from his beloved Jerusalem with due consideration of the changes that have taken place in the calendar during the last 2 ,500 years and with consideration also of the care with which the have always celebrated the
Passover and the Sabbath no matter where they were you find the Passover week was 445
BC and it was March the 14th and the Jews have never changed that so from 445
BC to 32 AD is 476 years now turn two days by multiplying 476 by 365 days in a year you will have 173 ,740 days to these 173 ,740 days you add 116 days for leap years because there were that many leap years in that period of time 24 days has to be added to cover the time elapsing between March 14 to April 6 then you total 173 ,880 days and if the 173 ,880 days are divided by 360 days the answer is exactly 483 years which is the same as 69
Jewish year weeks and you'll note that these facts of Daniel 9 and Nehemiah 2 like 1 and 2 have been stretched or have not been stretched or forced into this at all they're just like 2 and 2 is 4 now friends people tell you that the
Bible isn't specific and the Bible speaks generally and the Bible is extremely specific the only thing is you and I've got to catch ourselves out of our lethargy and our laziness to get in there and find it but it's there it's there you can put your faith on it you can trust it when your pastor preaches you from it my friends it is divinely energized here it is that wonderful marvelous miraculous book people laugh at it criticize it scorn it criticize you for following it laugh at those who believe in it make fun of deride put pressure on you yay even social persecution because you stand on that book but I know that you do and I have found it to be true right along with you friends that by standing on that book is the only way
God will bless your life standing on the truths of that book and if you and I can't believe that book then friends all you've got is subjectivism you can do whatever you want and eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die because that's the only objective truth you've got in this world and it was written by holy men of God who wrote as they were controlled by the
Holy Spirit and it all speaks about the wonderful Lord Jesus Christ that wonderful tabernacle way back there can you imagine
Daniel would sit down and talk about the Lord Jesus and the day that he'd come into Jerusalem to die can you imagine that Nehemiah would be interested in celebrating a
Passover the Lord's Supper is what we'll talk about it's nothing but a condensed Passover it's unamplified
Passover it's all it is it's exactly what Jesus celebrated on that night in an instant well
I know it's dear to you and I know it is to me friends I challenge you to rethink and to reevaluate and to reconsider the flippancy if it be any or the attitude that you might have when we go to the
Bible we get so used to having it that it just doesn't mean much to us anymore we take it and we'll throw it over into a corner when that people that give their lives to just have one we take it and the desk gets over it we bring it on Sunday morning when the pastor says open to serve we open it and no study of it and I'm amazed and I am alarmed and I am appalled at the very nebulous understanding of the
Word of God that is in the churches of America Christian people just do not know their
Bibles and that is why they are tossed about by every wind of doctrine like a ship on a troubled sea they just can't make it to home port there's no rest and there's no peace depression anxieties frustrations ulcers everything the life of one who says
I trust in Christ and Christ says he will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee where is your peace do you have it is it in your life is it in your home do you have peace on the job
I mean you have peace today well you can't have peace all the time yes you can oh yes you can friends the storms may howl and the waves may beat against your life but God gives a peace in the middle of the storm he just does but the only way you're gonna get it is to feed on that book feed on the word feed on the word there it is
I trust that you'll make a vital part of your daily living you know
I used not like to study the Bible it will destroy your ego it is like a great sword and I'm convinced that the one thing we need in our churches and in our own lives is something we have so little of and that is brokenness brokenness
I don't recommend a lot of books but I wish every
Christian would read the Calvary Road by Roy Hessian and just stay and think of that first chapter brokenness brokenness brokenness as long as their self in the cup you can sing and preach and pray and we can talk about fill my cup
Lord from now the day you die but God will never fill it as long as self is in it it must be emptied for him to fill it and if he fills it you'll have the anointing power of God on your life and you don't have to go to the bookstores to get things my friends
God will make that book live for you but there's a price to be paid isn't it let's pray together father if we know our hearts we want to be in the place of your blessing we love you we adore you
Lord this church stands for you this godly lovely pastor in his family preach and teach
God's Word faithfully they love it they cherish it the deacons Sunday school teachers of this church love the
Bible father the people want the Bible father there are people in this community and all around this world that do not know peace they don't have peace within themselves they don't have peace in their heart in their life and Lord this country doesn't have peace nor does this world have it but how can we have peace when they reject the
Prince of Peace God would you use us somehow or other that even as we think about tomorrow morning
Bible study time in the Sunday school hour Lord give us a wonderful time we trust you for it and then in the morning worship hour may we worship truly thee and Lord may we understand that we are going to worship the
Creator of the heavens and the earth God may we approach you with a ready heart and a clear mind
God may we have receptive hearts that we might receive the truths you have for us and then may we determine that Lord we're going to use our lives in your service that we will release control turn loose and Lord turn ourselves completely over to the
Lordship of Christ that you might anoint our lives that you might purge out the sin and the dross and the cares of the world and father that you might fill us with thy spirit anoint our lives with your power and then
Lord enlighten us with your truth that we might share it and as we share it we know that it'll be shared in power and the
Holy Spirit will take it and plunge it deep within the heart of the person who's listening so that he will have that by which to draw them to the
Blessed Savior God use us to touch people and win souls so that we stand before the
Savior we will not stand empty -handed but we'll have fruit for the labors of life we praise you we thank you we love you and we just thank you that we're
Christians we thank you for the privilege and Lord we thank you and I personally thank you for the privilege of being in this church this week
I thank you for their graciousness and their patience with me I thank you for their long -suffering and their understanding with me
I thank you father for the warmth and the encouragement that I received from this church
I thank you for the renewal that it is in my own heart to come and be amongst them as I see their faithfulness and as I sense their love for you and as I see their dedication to your word and as I see their love for one another and the fellowship that they experience
Lord I thank you for what it does for my inner man for my own inner life and for the strength that I gleaned from that that enables me in so many ways to continue on Lord out in a world that loves you not and Lord in places that many dare not go father