How Critical Race Theory May Be Infiltrating Your Church
Clip from Season 2 Episode 36 "Be the Bridge: Training Christians to Decenter Whiteness". Addressing how Jennie Allen's IF: Ministry and Latasha Morrison's Be the Bridge Ministry are helping CRT ideology enter the church.
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The Thoroughly Equipped Woman
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- 00:00
- I've taken this season to dive into Jenny Ellen's IF ministry, looking at the highly popular
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- IF Gathering Conference, their leadership conferences, the small group study guides, and the connected ministries promoted within this ministry.
- 00:17
- We've been diving into one of the more popular ministries promoted at IF from the very beginning, and that is
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- LaTosha Morrison's racial reconciliation ministry, Be the Bridge.
- 00:30
- In the last couple of episodes, we tackled the connection between what Be the Bridge teaches and what
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- Critical Race Theory teaches. These next episodes, I want to expose what
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- LaTosha Morrison is teaching white people in her Be the Bridge 101 small group discussion guide.
- 00:48
- Before I do, I want to talk a little about how this has even gotten into the evangelical church.
- 00:57
- So from the very beginning, Jenny Ellen has had LaTosha Morrison as a speaker at the IF Gathering.
- 01:03
- We'll dive into IF's popularity and influence in the church in another episode. It'll actually be my conclusion episode around the
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- IF ministry, but I want you ladies to understand that Jenny not only had a hand in the spreading of the
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- Be the Bridge ministry, but also had a hand in starting the ministry. As IF Gathering grew and our culture dealt with the ever -growing racial tension,
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- Be the Bridge launched off as a small group discussion group of which not only
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- Jenny Ellen, but other so -called powerhouses—these are Ellen's words, not mine—powerhouses within the evangelical women's ministry sphere attended this group for racial reconciliation.
- 01:49
- Eventually, and with the guidance of Jenny Ellen, Be the Bridge became not only a small group study for churches, but actual
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- DEI training for church leadership, businesses, universities, and other community and non -profit organizations.
- 02:03
- At the ground level, it's a small group discussion group that can be started by anyone and is the gateway or doorway into the more structured community groups like church leadership, organizations, high schools, universities, and large and small businesses.
- 02:22
- I think most people don't know this. Most people think Be the Bridge is simply a book LaTosha Morrison wrote on racial reconciliation within the church and don't really know the tendrils that it has unless you actually dive into the ministry.
- 02:39
- And the IF Gathering has, and had, a hand in the growth of this non -profit ministry.
- 02:46
- As a woman who attends the conference, whether in person or online through an IF Local, we'll hear
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- LaTosha Morrison and some of her Be the Bridge leaders give talks and promote the
- 02:59
- Be the Bridge book. From there, a woman can be encouraged to start a small discussion group, hoping to equip her attendees for racial reconciliation.
- 03:11
- And with a heart to bring peace and a desire for justice, but a lack of discernment, women end up being taught to adopt the
- 03:19
- Marxist critical race theory worldview of oppressor -oppressed blends to earn racial righteousness.