The "Girl Bosses" Are Waking Up...

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Hey, guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we need to talk about the great tragedy of modern feminism.
Recently, Brett Cooper made a video about the feminist girl boss phenomenon. I think most of you know what
I'm referring to. In the past, it was almost universally accepted that the most honorable and valuable and frankly joyful thing a woman could do with her life was focus on building a household and raising a family.
In recent decades, though, we have almost completely flipped this idea on its head. As a result, being a stay at home mom is generally seen as something less complete or less fulfilling than the alternative than joining the workforce full time.
After all, if men can be high powered lawyers and brokers and doctors, et cetera, then certainly women can be too.
And the idea quickly changed from they can do these things if they choose to, to they should do these things.
This gave rise to a completely new subculture in our modern society. The world of the girl boss was born.
And unfortunately, more and more women drank the Kool -Aid and accepted that this was the path to fulfillment.
And the results have been largely terrible. Watch this. Man, I feel lied to, lied to by the culture.
But I'm going to take full responsibility there, man. I fell for it. I fell for the boss, the like,
I could do everything by myself, the hyper independent. And I'm.
Thirty one now and I still don't have kids, I still don't have a family. I was focused on trying to get after the bag and all this.
First, she says that she feels lied to by the culture. And this is 100 percent true.
The consensus from our modern culture is that a world in which women are primarily focused on their household would be dark, evil, backwards.
Even it's as if no woman born before the 1960s was ever actually happy to these people.
This idea is absurd. It's ridiculous. From a Christian perspective, we know that the joy of the
Lord is a fruit of the spirit. Galatians 522. There were many joyful women all throughout history.
That's just a known fact. We also know that having children and raising a family is a blessing from God that most women deeply wanted in their soul.
I mean, really look at all the stories of women in the Old Testament who couldn't bear children and how tragic that was to them.
And look at the joy that came about in their life when they were finally able to conceive. You see, the priorities of the modern girl boss are completely different from the priorities of virtually every woman of the past that came before, at least the grand majority of them.
In short, if your view is that everyone who lived before you in history was crazy, stupid, or hated their life,
I think you need to consider the fact that you are actually the weird one. You are the one who doesn't get it.
Our culture has programmed an entire generation of women into denying their biological, psychological, and most importantly, spiritual nature.
And here is the ultimate outcome. Watch this. Now, this point is really interesting.
What she actually wants in her life, according to her, is a family. In fact, it's really what she's wanted all along.
Again, this is part of the nature that God gave to women. You can deny and suppress it all you want, but history, biology, and the truth of God's word will always win.
And it's going to prove feminism wrong time and time again, because women have been sold a terrible bill of goods.
They've been sold the idea that a life spent serving their boss as a faceless, nameless cog in the corporate machine is more fulfilling and joyful somehow than serving your husband and your children, the people who will ultimately love and appreciate you the most and remember you after you're gone.
Feminism says, don't submit to your husband's leadership. That's bad. You don't need to follow any man.
While at the same time, they say, go into the workforce where you inevitably have to submit to your boss's leadership.
A boss who, statistically speaking, will most likely be a man, just one who doesn't care about you as much.
And this girl in the video makes an incredibly good point. She says that family is the future.
And by the way, this is literally true, not figuratively, literally. Your children will carry on your legacy after you die.
Most importantly, you should pray that they too would believe in God and build his kingdom after you die.
If this happens and your children teach their children about the values that you gave them, this means that your family is literally the future.
Contrast this with building your corporation or your organization. You may have people at the water cooler who really like to talk to you.
In fact, you may even have some really deep friendships that have lasted a long time. But the effect that you have on these people at your work is not even 1 % of the effect that you would have on your child and the legacy that you can provide them.
And by the way, this girl isn't the only example. We're not cherry picking here. This is happening to thousands of women right now because this is only the first or second generation of women who grew up completely surrounded by the radical feminist propaganda.
And we're starting to see the terrible results. Here's yet another woman who said she wants to have a baby and she feels like she was betrayed by feminism because she's getting older.
Here's another article where a woman laments at the fact that she may have missed her opportunity to have children or a family.
I'm sensing a pattern here. She writes, quote, if I sound desperate, it's because I honestly do feel a little desperate.
At my age, I know that creating life may not be an option for me. And I worry that men who want a family aren't going to be looking for a woman pushing 40.
I get it. I'm no longer the ideal candidate for motherhood. And it's a scary truth. But I still hope to find someone who thinks
I'm ideal partner and wants to create a family together. You can honestly feel the sadness just coming off the page here.
You see, there's an analogy that a mentor of mine gave me years ago, and I've never forgotten it. He said that you can hold a beach ball underwater, but it requires great effort.
And when you do this for years and years and years on end, eventually it's going to come back to the surface and it's going to come back with a vengeance.
You see, many of these women have spent decades suppressing their desire to build a household and focus on it.
But by the time they finally bought their tickets, so to speak, the train had already left the station. There are very real biological limitations involved here.
In other words, you don't have an infinite amount of time to figure this out. So I genuinely want to say to the feminist girl bosses out there, please stop lying to yourself.
You don't have to be lonely and focus primarily on yourself and how much money you can make. You can repent, you can believe in Christ and be forgiven, and you can build a household for God's glory.
And if you do this, you can be like the Proverbs 31 woman, quote, her children rise up and call her blessed her husband also.
And he praises her. Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.
This kind of legacy surpasses any girl bossing or corporate ladder climbing that you could possibly do.
So let's bring back traditional womanhood and let's do it for the glory of God. Please pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video and check out the ministries linked in the description, like, subscribe, hit the bell and subscribe to our
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