She Was In Tears After Hearing This...

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Every year in Spanish Fork, Utah there is a festival where the Hare Krishna's celebrate Krishna. Thousands of Utahns travel to go to this festival. So every year by God's grace we go to the event to pass out tracts and get into conversations pleading with people not to go in there and to repent and turn to Christ. This year something amazing happened. Watch how she was in teras after this truth, the reality of the false worship that was occurring inside the temple grounds.


Gonna go in there. Yeah, and he said no. Yeah, you want to know why? Yeah Yeah Oh I'm gonna give you just a scenario
They're all wearing the same thing Each song they go Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.
It's repetitive. It's demonic You're supposed to be brought into their consciousness.
They're trying to bring you into this chance To make you a part of their it's a part of their worship
You are a part of the sacrifice of color dust being offered in a sense to Hare Krishna You're being baptized with the color dust
So you're going here. You're celebrating in a pagan worship and you're paying them to do it
Yeah I get your friend. She said that she believed in Jesus Yeah, I'm from Manta and I'm not going in there and she is okay, what am
I gonna do all day hang out? Oh, man, so we're hanging out. Where's Manta? Wow, oh my goodness, she went way up there because she got uncomfortable when
I started asking her about Jesus was She needs to know who Jesus is. Do you know? Who's your best friend
Well, I mean he senses So for example For example, ma 'am
Jesus does this to his disciples, right? He says Right, who do you say that Jesus is do you believe he's the eternal
God? I heard going into a religious thing The one that was uncreated from everlasting into everlasting I believe this place ma 'am
You don't need to be here, stay with us Okay Yeah Is she from there as well?
She's my neighbor She's your neighbor They're trying to get people away from worshiping over here
And worshiping a false god Do Ubers go a hundred miles? Everything that they do
Everything that they're doing here is worship And you're paying to get in to worship with their God Literally Um Maybe there's like a
A Mall or something I don't know somewhere else she could even go and wait for her friend
Your friend intends to be here All day or You guys can keep going Oh really till like 5pm or something
Hmm It's cute Is there anyone who could come pick you up? We have a phone
Someone Your husband, your son, daughter Who could come and get you
And love on you No No This is my pastor
So we care for you And I'm a deacon at our church too The last thing we want is for you to go and proceed in false worship
Just one person in here If your pastor stops going in here It's the perfect reason why I'm here You're the reason why