Class Workbook Discussion

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Now on the board is a passage and what my goal was
I got a little I got a little slowed down there in the last last section my goal was to read this and make practice our observation skills but before I do that I I would be remiss if I didn't ask how many of you did the workbook good well then
I don't want to miss that I want to I want to go over that so we'll come back to this if we have time let's go to let's go to the workbook well you had options you could have done 28 30 32 34 36 or 38 in the workbook
I'm going to turn to 28 28 was on looking for things that are emphasized and did anybody do 28
Ross did 28 okay no he's what about 30 okay you did 30
Cory okay what you did 30 as well all right well let's look at 30 since we got two of you that did it everybody turn to your books page 73 this is exercise 30 says there's probably no tool in teaching more powerful than repetition if I want to make sure that you catch on to what
I say I'll repeat it over and over and again and again time and time time after time repetition reinforces and I say this a lot
I say the key to learning is repetition and repetition is the key to learning so I definitely agree with the good doctor here so it says suppose you've been chosen to replace a beloved leader who served faithfully for decades you're a good person but you've got some big shoes to fill your own record is a little sparse and you might have a few doubts about yourself will the people accept me can
I take over a huge responsibility without wrecking the organization will I become as popular as my predecessor would you have any other concerns this is based upon Joshua one did you guys write anything what did y 'all write okay very good and it says what kinds of affirmation would you desire if you found yourself in this situation
Cory did you write anything on that okay it says read
Joshua one this passage records what God told Joshua when he called him to replace Moses ahead of him laid
Jericho and numerous other fortified cities that the Israelites had to get through to possess the promised land many of us would be shaking in our sandals what phrase can you find that is repeated in this chapter anything be strong and courageous or a good four times is that the same one you found the
Lord your God okay all right very good why do you think such repetition was yeah there's words of encouragement right absolutely and from whom did
Joshua hear this phrase you should find two answers yeah good all right let's that's good that's good it says can you find a repeated emphasis on anything else did y 'all find anything else be strong courageous and okay
God was keeping his promise all right moving on to well actually
I'm gonna go backwards because I heard tail Ross did 28 so yeah 10 to 31 which is about what okay it says read
Proverbs 31 how would you feel if this were a speech delivered about you at a testimonial dinner that's an interesting question feel pretty good huh yeah since much of the book of Proverbs consists of bite -sized bits of wisdom how does this passage emphasize its content based on the amount of space it gets find you find you a godly woman okay well that's that's that's what you should want as a single man if you are interested in being in a relationship you should certainly want a godly woman but what is the amount of space emphasized that's important right because think about it how many
Proverbs stand on their own it's just one it's just yeah it's just brother
Andy's talking about that right now he just started teaching through Proverbs on Wednesday night and it's you know a lot of Proverbs are simply standalone statements of wisdom but the
Proverbs 31 woman is several passages long yeah emphasize 22 yeah emphasizes the the importance of that particular reality that a woman and a noble woman is like a ruby all right moving on to 30 well you may do 34 oh did
I skip 32 it may do 32 okay that's fine this is about things that are related again each one of these was about what we talked about tonight the six things so in numbers 31 4 to 9 list all the things you see where one action led to another action what did you see isn't that just the worst
I mean about when the people complain and God sent venomous venomous snakes
I tell you what just the worst story in the Old Testament to me yeah that was something to cry about yeah but there's but again
I know just remember observation the the snake is a type of Christ we learned this in John 3
John 3 says Jesus said as Moses lifted up the serpent on the pole so too must the
Son of Man be lifted up why then would Moses choose or why would God choose that Moses make a serpent because the serpent is identifying with the with the curse
Christ becomes the curse for us so we don't we have to see it from that perspective this is
Christ is becoming the curse and that's a Christ okay all right so moving on to number 34 who did 34 huh on a tree absolutely oh yeah hung on a tree just yeah yeah he made him a new no sin to become sin for us all right 36 did
I skip there's everybody 38 okay
I know you did we already did you okay who did
I leave out you did 38 okay did 38 all right well let's look at 38 first Kings 11 and the question is how could someone as wise as Solomon make the mistakes he did
I want to hear your answer that's right in fact yeah yeah
Ecclesiastes gives his you know view of this this this man who has everything and yet you know it is in one sense it is vanity yeah so why do you think
Solomon got involved with so many women because he could I heard lust
I heard because he could well
I want to hear he did you do this one to it okay is that what you wrote okay
I just want to hear if you wrote it okay you did it to what you have 700 wives and 300 concubines
I imagine you were I mean I'm just peer pressure now
I want to I want to throw out a thought but I want to hear your thoughts first you have something there okay we often we often and everybody sort of did we often assume
Solomon's sin was was that of fleshly lust and I don't I don't deny that that is within the realm of possibility but also within the historical context that he lived a ruler is was often judged by his military might and the size of his entourage and so his harem his women his wives were an indication of his of his pride but also his power in the world he was
I think a lot of these marriages were politically motivated receiving wives from other areas
I'm I can say this without knowing for certain but I have a feeling he did not have a relationship of intercourse with all of these women and I say that because in the book of Song of Solomon he is in love with the
Shulamite he has a woman he has loved and that he has this affection for but he has these wives who are his who are his political wives and so we think it's lust but do we know that I think we have to again we're we're jumping to some conclusions not necessarily wrong
I'm just saying we're assuming some things where we step back into the cultural context and we say maybe that may not be actually what the reasoning is well peer pressure okay yeah and again
I'm not I'm not saying you're wrong I'm giving you other thoughts or I'm giving another way of looking at it yes sir yeah as wise as he was he made some bad decisions for sure yeah oh yeah so like I said there's when we get into the the history of these texts and we get into what was happening politically socially the different motivations it's interesting we tend to we tend to look at things through our lens rather than looking through the lens of history or the lens of culture when we get to interpretation next week and the week after we're going to spend a lot with context and talking about how do you how do you read within the parameters of the text
I want you guys to do this I want to I want you to add something to your to your week if you have time certainly not well it won't affect your grade but if you have time
I would like for you to listen to my podcast that I did yesterday the title of it is the text cannot mean what it doesn't say that's the title of the podcast the text cannot mean what it doesn't say and that is the heart of interpretation you have to read what it says before you can know what it means and you know that it can't mean what it doesn't say so listen to it's me and another pastor we spent we spent an hour talking about hermeneutics and it's going back and forth about bad interpretations so do that for me if you would anybody else want to go over their workbook with me anybody else almost out of time but I certainly don't want to leave anybody out
I'm not
I had to look at I'm not okay
I'm a little confused I'll have to yeah I don't remember that it could be but it just might just be something
I'm not oh I got you
I got you yeah I have to look it up I I'm drawing a blank right now so I'm not
I'm not I'm not certain as to but like he said it you know I have to look that up okay um we don't have time to go over the passage
I was going to go over we're out of time but just to just to mention what I was going to do I wanted to show you in Matthew chapter 16 verse 13 to 20 how to draw out some observations from this so if you want to if you want to add to your work this week and I'm sure you do
I say sarcastically if you want to add something write down Matthew 16 13 to 20 and look for look for a few things look for I'm sorry good let me go back to look for what is emphasized what is related what is repeated what is alike what is unlike and then start looking at the grammar and the you know look at it from various translations this is one of the most important passages in the
New Testament this is what we call the good the good confession where Peter is asked or the disciples are asked who do the who do who do the people say that I am and they say
John the Baptist Elijah Jeremiah one of the prophets and Jesus says but who do you say that I am and Peter says you are the
Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus said blessed are you Simon Barjona for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven and I tell you you are
Peter and on this rock I will build my church that one passage has been used by the
Roman Catholic Church to build the entire papacy the entire argument for the papacy is built on Matthew chapter 16 verse 18 that when
Jesus called Peter the rock upon which he would build his church that that was promising that there would always be a
Pope a rock upon which the church would be built and I the time does not allow me to express how bad how bad of theology it is but they find they use this passage to argue that this is where Jesus told
Peter he's going to build his church on him and I certainly would not agree with that interpretation but this is what
I was this is the part we didn't get to do tonight so if you want to do it this week make some observations look at the who what where's wise and wins see what you come up with as far as observation
I'd love to hear that at the beginning of next week's class all right let's pray father thank you for your word thank you for your your truth help us to be good students of it help us to desire your word help us to as we read earlier be ones who go to it like we would dig for gold