Dr Paul Maxwell's Trigger Fest

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Original Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUxYAjJiK6o


That is written or composed In majority by white males. Is that a problem?
No, it's not a problem. Why would that be a problem? Okay, when you're talking about theology, you're talking about ideas.
You're not talking about the skin color of the theologian unless you're a racist Read the best theology the authors of that corpus happened primarily to be white men deal with it
Oh Trigger warning start Warnings work. It's I think it's mostly the trigger warning before the triggering statement, but whatever.
Anyway, I was listening to this guy And yeah, this guy's, you know His name is
Paul. Dr. Paul Maxwell, and he has the web the YouTube channel self wire This channel
I think should have a lot more subscribers. It's a really good channel But anyway, so Wanted to talk about something he says in this video and the video is titled why
I mainly read white male Theologians, so obviously this guy is a white supremacist.
But anyway, I wanted to respond to something right around minute 1245 Let's talk about this.
I have a little story to tell you didn't care and as Thomas Sowell writes affirmative action hurts black people because People assume that black employees were hired due to their blackness
Further deepening the rationale for justified prejudice against blacks within the institution once they've gotten in right?
Affirmative action is willing to trade these slowly acquired bonafide respect based on competence for the quickly gained status that competency yields
Now the best means of achieving a quality of opportunity for all races and genders
Which is the best way of achieving equality for all races and genders is to hold the same standard of competence for everyone
So does it really feel good to you? Black authors or minority authors or female authors to to those authors when they win a spot in blogs that are type titles like top five minority books on theology
Top five books that white males aren't reading, right? It's insulting, okay, it's racist and it's sexist and it's actually
It's demeaning to those authors themselves. Okay. Yeah, it is demeaning to those authors themselves
I have a little story to tell about this a couple of different Situations that came up in my life and I I've gone on record as saying is if I found out that I was hired for A position in part but because of my skin color of my ethnicity,
I would quit that position right then in there I would just absolutely Not accept that as as something that that happened
As long as I had control over it anyway, but but but let me tell you a couple stories So someone who will remain anonymous who may or may not have the last name
Robles who may or may not Have grown up with me who may or may not has
We've been in fights as kids and may or may not have been my brother, but someone close to me
Went to a small Christian college and He's remembers that he's told me this story a few times where he remembers, you know
His first year or so something like that He was a slacker a lot of Pete a lot of college kids are slackers in their first year or so And so he wouldn't would stay up late.
He would hang out He would do fun things instead of studying and as a result his grades suffered And he had a few scholarships as well that were he was required to keep a certain sort of Grade point average and he remembers that he wasn't the only one that kind of slacked in this way
It was also some of his friends who slacked in this way and everyone's grades were suffering together and He got an email from this like Special diversity,
I don't know liaison or something about hey, you know, do you need any extra help? Do you need this and that and you know, we notice that your grades are are suffering
We wanted to know what we could do for you Seems nice, right? Um and and so He asked his friends if they got you know his white friends if they got similar emails and they did not and they had not gotten any email like that and Rather than being something like oh, wow
They must really care about that is he was pissed about that and I think rightfully so that is so demeaning
As if well, you know the reason why a minorities grade suffer must mean because we need to help them more, you know
Quite as capable. Maybe they're not quite as capable as these white kids, you know the whole existence of these diversity groups in colleges and Governments and stuff like that is a white supremacist idea
We all we need they need a little extra help in order to make it in this world. That's not true That is not true.
My brother rejected that help and good for him He sent them an email back said do not ever contact me again, and I don't think that they ever did
I don't know that part of the story verbatim, but I know he contacted and said I don't ever want to hear from you guys Yeah, please do not come and because that is so demeaning.
It's not empowering It's belittling and it's white supremacist and it's really pisses me off, too
Second story May or may not be the same person. He was going to a
Presbyterian seminary and Somebody reached out to him at one point and said hey, you know Your seminary is racist and you gotta watch out because they'll say and do racist things and this and that and my brother
I just I don't know if you responded to this one, but but He's like I have not experienced anything like that In fact,
I went to his his his graduation and the majority of the people I think were actually not ethnically white people who graduated even though this would definitely be considered a white seminary by some people and so You know, there's agitators out there
I could easily see someone sending emails like that to other people like oh, yeah, maybe it is racist You know, I don't know like You gotta be keep in mind.
There's a lot of agitators out there and there's a lot of agitators Among the people that I criticize that are agitating and trying to to overturn the power structures and the hierarchies and things like that They are not godly people.
Those are not godly people. That's not something that's godly to be an agitator Here's another story when
I went to school I went to the University of Maryland and I initially was going to the business school and this was a very competitive business school and most
People didn't get into the business school right away They had to actually prove themselves and on the college level before they would get accepted fully and I remember
I got accepted right away into the business school and I Remember, I never confirmed this but I remember thinking
Did I get accepted in this business school because I had the merits to get accepted in this business school? Or did they look at my application say
Latino? Decent qualifications. Let's let them write in and I got to be honest with you.
That was and is Belittling it's white supremacist I know a lot of Latinos agree with that kind of stuff and a lot of blacks agree with that kind of stuff but the reality is that is a mindset of someone who is accepted that they are not as Capable as other people and I reject that I reject that.
I remember my qualifications. I was like, yeah I had a real I had a pretty good SAT score. I had some decent grades in high school
But was it enough to really get into the school or they just let me in because I have the right skin color and that pissed me off and it should piss anyone off because Affirmative action is of at its core a white supremacist idea and it actually hurts the minorities
It's aims to help and actually is insulting to them as well. I completely agree with this guy Anyway, I hope this is helpful.