And This Will Be a Sign Unto You?



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and there were out in the field shepherds keeping watch over their flock by night when suddenly an angel of the
Lord appeared before them and they were greatly afraid but the angel said to them fear not for I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a
Savior who is Christ the Lord and this will be a sign for you you will find the baby wrapped in swaddling claws and lying in a manger now the birth of Christ wasn't the sign a
Savior has been born it is what it is the sign was that they would find the baby wrapped in swaddling claws and lying in a manger why was that significant well first of all the angel was saying you'll know the
Savior when you see him he'll be the only baby lying in an animal's feed trough but this was a sign to the shepherds in another way see a shepherd was a very marginalized occupation people just didn't associate with shepherds they lived with their sheep they were dirty they smelled bad shepherds had a very low standing in society but here was this
Christ child who had been placed in a manger he's sleeping where the animals sleep to a shepherd this would have meant he's one of us we don't have to go tromping through someone's home where we wouldn't be welcome anyway we can go right to the place where the
Savior is sleeping and see the Messiah for ourselves as the Lord said in Isaiah 66 my favor is upon those who are humble and contrite in spirit and who trembles at my word that pretty well identifies a group of meek shepherds to whom the angels appeared doesn't it they went to the