Corporations Replacing the Home? #Workwife

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Cringe time.


So I want to do a little bit of a different video today It's still related to the topics that I care a lot about but it's a it's not related to racism and all that very serious
Stuff that I've been doing lately if you watch the latest reform Jellicle show We had Michael Foster on from it's good to be a man and he was talking all about sexuality gender roles
You know patriarchy things like that. It was a really good episode. You should check it out A lot of people were saying by the way that they they haven't heard me so quiet in an episode before ever before I usually talk a lot
I guess And honestly, I was just learning Michael is is a wealth of knowledge in those particular areas and one of the things he said was that the office place like corporations like working and things like that has become a
Replacement for the home for women. So instead of a woman the Bible says that a woman
The woman was made for the man Not the other way around so the man wasn't made for the woman
The woman was made for the man to help the man build a household, you know Whether that's through child rearing whether that's through making the household a productive place like in Proverbs 31
The woman that is that is described in Proverbs 31. She's a productive woman
There's no question about it. And so But but but Michael made the point that the office is sort of replacing the home
And so everything that we do everything that we build it's for somebody else's Kingdom so to speak as opposed to your own kingdom your own household your own, you know area of Authority and I thought that was such an interesting point and we'll probably have to talk more about this in general
But but man, this is actually very so let me I'm gonna show you this video from a guy named
Joshua fluke on YouTube I highly recommend you check this guy out. His content is super hilarious
I don't agree with everything he says, but he does give some good advice He hates corporate culture and the videos that he does are so funny
But take a look at this video just just for a second here Here's a corporate office your standard meeting room with your really modern looking table and chairs
And then some wall art in the back. Here's a fourth grade classroom I've been saying it for a while But I just don't think people really get it or they don't want to accept it or they don't understand schools
Don't make Employers they make employees colleges don't make employers they make employees and so what
I've done is I've gone through a bunch of companies and I've compared and contrasted pictures from kindergarten and compared them to corporate life and When I started to do this, it freaked me out.
Go ahead. Grab your tinfoil hats with me for a second I didn't have enough tinfoil for a complete hat. So I have a tinfoil bonnet instead
I'm pretty sure companies do this to trigger something in your subconscious. So I'm not gonna play the whole video
It's a 12 -minute video. You should definitely check it out. It's called corporate versus kindergarten. You're being conditioned and this is super freaky when you see how he compares what you remember from what the what the
Kindergarten classroom used to look like and what modern offices like millennial offices look like now it's strikingly similar and There's a reason why corporations do this because corporations are not stupid
So, I don't know what that reason is, but something about this works In in for people today and and it's it's super creepy
But anyway, it's this idea that that the workplace should be your home in fact lots of people talk about your work family and things like that and and there are methods and and and ways to sort of keep you
Dedicated to the corporation that that are employed all the time You ever I mean and honestly nobody wants to do these things like like you ever ever get one of those icebreaker things
Where you know you have to like when you when you meet someone you're in a meeting you do these like really corny icebreaker things where you have to you know
Have a conversation a very forced Conversation or you have like a like some kind of a childish goal like building a
Lego bridge or something like that And that I mean again, they did this kind of stuff in kindergarten and they're doing it here for grown adults
Why is that why is that? you know people have people have a especially men have a natural desire to sort of be an entrepreneur lots of men have this and It's a really natural thing for someone to fantasize about owning their own company
I I have my own company and it's a small company and I really enjoy it even though I don't have tons of revenues
I have enough to get by and I fantasize about having That for the rest of my life as opposed to going back into a corporate office and there's everything right about that That's a natural thing for a man to want to run his own show as opposed to you know
Going to somebody else's house so to speak and having a work family and all this kind of stuff now this kindergarten stuff
You know, it's creepy. This is definitely creepy again. Watch this video. You will be creeped out for sure
But it actually gets even more creepy and actually more serious have you ever heard of a work wife or a work husband or a work spouse
This is a real thing going to LinkedIn and I I searched the hashtag the different content people have produced about work wives
And here's an article why you need a work wife the six benefits of women supporting women now this
Concept if you've never heard of it It's about having someone at work whether you're a man or a woman someone of the opposite sex that essentially
Takes the place of your wife at work for the 40 hours a week or however long you're at work, you know
She's your confidant. She's the person that you speak to More directly and she's got your back and you and you can have inappropriate conversations, you know with and things like that It's and it's really really creepy.
It's a terrible idea, by the way to have a work wife but do you see how it's not like just like a
Hypothetical the workplace is replacing your home. It actually is Definitely replacing your home this idea of a work wife.
This work wife is supposed to be your helper at work Let me read you this article here What is a work wife a work wife is a colleague who has your back at work providing support and encouragement?
Chances are you or someone, you know has a work spouse more than 50 % of female employees and 44 % of male employees
Have one a work wife is a colleague who has your back whether you need to bounce ideas off someone or you just need someone to pump you up before asking for a raise your commitment to each other is such that it's almost like a marriage
This is this is something that corporations push They want you to have a work wife so many people on LinkedIn share content about the value and the glories and the the necessity of having a work spouse
Because it helps you, you know, it helps you in many ways. That's that that's what these arguments are
These these articles are saying it helps you in the ways that our actual life is supposed to help you
Supposed to be sort of like emotional support and it's supposed to be someone who who who you who you you
Say what your ideas are you tell me your desires your hopes your dreams and things like that It's like a real marriage except the articles don't promote having sex with your work wife but This is often what happens.
I mean the reality is when I was Unmarried when I was a non -believer, I had a work wife and guess what happened
It turned into an affair and she was married and that I Completely ruined and obviously it takes two to tango, but I'm taking responsibility for what
I did. I ruined her marriage Because I had a work wife and every time I had an idea I would bounce it off her and every time
I needed Some help or emotional support or I wanted to have a kind of a non
PC non HR conversation I would go to her and things like that. We would talk about our personal lives and all that kind of stuff this is a terrible idea and So Michael Foster is dead on the corporation
The workplace has replaced the family the home in many ways and it cannot do it effectively
It's always gonna be a counterfeit So I'm not saying you shouldn't work for a corporation
I'm not saying that but just make sure that you do not let knowing that they're trying to do this knowing that the corporation
Wants you to be committed to your quote -unquote work family They want to to a certain degree replace what you would normally be doing for yourself normally be building your own thing
With what they're doing. That's something that's intentional. They do it in a variety of different ways
They do it through reminding you of kindergarten and all the things that excuse me the authority figures that you saw in kindergarten and they do it by Promoting this kind of stuff like a work wife a work husband this kind of thing it's it's
Listen, I'm not saying that it's super insidious that they're doing this intentionally to ruin your life but they are doing it to their benefit and I'm here to tell you that what your corporation that your employers benefit is not
Necessarily aligned with what benefits you so keep that in mind if you're gonna work for somebody
I'm not saying it's wrong to work for somebody else But I'm saying keep that in mind that they're everything that they do is for their benefit and that doesn't
Necessarily line up with yours. So make sure that you focus on building your own home as much as you possibly can
Anyway, I hope this video was helpful. Again. I do recommend you watch that video from Joshua Fluke.
It's hilarious God bless So that you feel warm and fuzzy like you did when you were a kid
Do what you're told to play nice be nice, you know I know but just wait until you see the pictures and so without further ado, let's jump in So this is a kindergarten classroom just as you would expect you've got the colorful chairs
You've got the map on the wall. You got all the stuff that you would have in a normal kindergarten classroom This is a corporate office.
You got the colorful chairs. It's unreal. Isn't it walls? You have a teddy bear This is for adults and this is for children if I put them side by side
Kind of weird man kind of weird. Yeah, just so you know, this is legit. Let me show you the I'll say This is kind of weird
Post where I got this off LinkedIn when you discover your new office not only has a Street Fighter arcade machine But also a nice table tennis table plus three new business inquiries our first day back check out
Scott's teddy bear He can't leave the house without it. These are grown adults. What is going on? Here's a and he says that with a piece of tinfoil on his head