Brannon Howse Falsehoods Exposed and Refuted


Brannon Howse of World View Weekend has posted a 36 second clip of a video I made in 2015 and used it as evidence of my ignorance and error---problem is, he had to obviously remove it from its original context to do so. Exposed and refuted here.


Gonna try to keep this as brief as I can I already record it once and messed up the audio is 22 minutes long
We try to get it a little bit smaller than that so I'll speak a little bit faster maybe not address all the things I did in the in the first run, but as Some of you know this week
Brandon house and worldview weekend Decided to launch an attack upon myself and upon the ministry
Together with a couple of other gentlemen, and I'm fully aware of the fact that Mr..
House is being used by other people There are people in our society today that are very intent upon building huge walls between Christians and Muslims making sure that we do not have any conversation
Well, I know that that of course ends any meaningful evangelism, which is my objection to it As Christians we should be people who are laying down our lives to reach the lost including those in false religious systems but these people have their own motivations primarily political and financial and They write books they do seminars
About all the dangers of Islam and there are dangers in Islam. You just need to be truthful about what they are and Make proper distinctions if you're gonna be a
Christian and do this you just want to do it for other reasons Yeah, anyways these this is a powerful group, and they're pretty much behind this.
It's interesting Mr.. House refers to me as a useful idiot. It's terminology has been provided to him by others it's talking points have been provided to him by others, but we know who provided but The reality is he's what's being used here and his ignorance is being used he posted a video on Facebook and It's just amazing to me because we live in a day where The internet never forgets.
I suppose of the big EMP hit someday it might but but right now the internet never forgets and This is a can this is a he took a 36 second clip
From one of my own videos that I posted in November of 2015. It's still on my page it's still out there for people to look at and It's just shocking that he would think you get away with this because he has
Isolated it and turned it exactly backwards when you listen to exactly what I said right afterwards very next sentence
And you you listen to what I had said beforehand It's the exact opposite of What he's intending
To try to say In fact, I had to bring it up there real quick.
Sorry about that. Um Here's what he says. He says James White says Isis is not as Islam as a whole
James doesn't understand either Islam or Isis sounds like Barack Hussein Obama to me
Wonder who he's trying to appeal to there sad. Apparently this guy is not the expert in Islam. He thinks he is
Okay, so there's Brandon house now When you post something
Where the context is easily obtainable Honest people will expose you for your deception
Sadly, I don't think he cares about the honest people. I think he cares about a constituency It's simply gonna believe whatever he has to say.
That's the shame. That's really shame So let me play the 36 second clip that he posted with that description and Then we'll look at what was actually said the fact the matter is that when someone asks the question is
Isis Islamic if Anyone answers either yes or no without making necessary distinctions both are not telling the truth the
Conservative militaristic Christian who says yes, that is Islam as a whole is lying
They're lying That's not true Anybody can see that's not true.
So there you go. There's there's the the section that was posted. That's it That that shows that I'm I don't know anything about Islam.
I don't have Isis. I'm Ignorant, you know all the rest of stuff Here is the sentence
Immediately after where the video stopped remember folks this editing is purposeful you
Whoever made this, you know, it could have been given to Brandon Brandon. He may just he's made out of He just may be again being the useful
Ignorant person and just going to play has been given or if he did it himself, then he's directly responsible for the misrepresentation
Either way, he's responsible. He's what's putting it out But this is the next sentence somebody had to know they had to know what came before this
They had to know what comes after So here's the next sentence
But the Muslim at the same time who says no, no, no, there's nothing You're not being truthful either
Because you know, not only the depth of the support they have Especially amongst amongst the
Salafi the Wahhabi But you know The nature of the
Hadith and how you can find things in the Hadith That are supportive of what they're doing by providing a particular context and The problem is and this has been my argument for a long time.
The problem is your sources are Insufficiently consistent and coherent
To end this debate So there you go, and that's what
I have been saying for a long long time The problem here is the sources the Quran the Hadith are not
Consistent enough with themselves to end this debate so you can have different groups that pull different things from that material
I've been saying this for years I'm only recently being attacked for it, but I've been saying it for years and I stand by it and Everybody's good.
You need to debate this person. What are we supposed to debate? Seriously, what are we supposed to debate?
What what Christian apologists is gonna stand to base it I wish to defend the idea that the
Quran is a perfectly consistent Document and there's only one way to interpret it. I wish to defend that the
Hadith are a consistent body of Literature and there's only one way to interpret it.
I Wish to defend the idea that Muslims have always interpreted the Quran the Hadith in the exact same way.
What's there to debate? These are these are not debatable things But they are things that have to be suppressed if you want to create the narrative that Everybody out there every
Muslim out there has an ak -47 behind their back and wants to wants to shoot you. So What's even worse here is?
the That section that I that I just played for you was in the midst of a lengthy
Criticism to my Muslim friends. I think that's one of the part where you shouldn't call them friends to Muslims exhorting them to deal with this issue in a better way and To realize what what the issues really are and So to take that section out of that and turn it to the it's exact opposite intention and meaning that's just Massively deceptive
It's just dishonest on a level that's shocking for someone who calls himself a Christian. So here is the
Section it's a play a section of it here. But here's here's what came before The snippet that was placed on Brennan houses
Facebook page One of the primary questions was is
Isis Islamic well, I Think the
Muslims first of all need to stop answering that with a simplistic
Oh, no, of course not. I've got talk. I'm getting right. Anybody knows that's not because it's not washing with people outside You know when you when you're willing to die
By blowing yourself up while yelling Allah walk bar There's something
Islamic about that they ain't yelling hallelujah Jesus There's there's these people think they're
Muslims now, I'm well aware of the fact That they're all sorts of I'm so thankful for the hundred and forty some -odd
Scholars that signed the document against Isis a couple years ago. They're taking their lives in their hands
But the very fact they're taking their lives in their hand says something and these documents are all being written outside the Middle East Which is interesting in and of itself, but I know you exist
I am thankful you exist. I know why you exist. I recognize that I make the proper distinctions, but I Have to fault a lot of my
Muslim friends Who while opposing Isis? Join that opposition immediately with some type of anti Israel rhetoric some wild -eyed political rhetoric and I'm sorry if if you want to attack
Israel and You are not the exact same time even more loudly
Condemning the brainwashing of Palestinian children to stab Jews in the back or The the cartoons they have and the songs they sing.
I don't I don't care what you have to say. I Don't care what you have to say Because the the the pred the anti -jewish
Insanity that I see amongst many Muslims and I certainly see bread By the
Palestinians is just so absurd. It's beyond any any level of rational discourse or comment You you can't have a meaningful discussion when people are behaving that way.
It's just it's just it's just unreal but back to the point if We're if we don't hear a recognition on the part of Non radicalized
Muslims, whatever we're struggling to find terms Muslims who do not believe that there is a caliphate do not believe that that the jihad is in the sense of military actions are
Appropriate in this context on so you have to recognize That the members of Isis some of whom are simply there because they are evil men who love to do evil
They love raping women They love beheading people their their their consciences are seared
I mean to be her mother. I don't think some of you Muslims even have proper theological categories to understand the depth of evil of these men
I Don't I don't You you don't since you don't believe in total probably I believe original sin.
You know, you don't have a meaningful harm our martiology Doctrine of sin,
I don't know how you understand how these people do the things they do But what you must understand is they that there are others in Isis Who not only say the prayers but are
Absolutely convinced that what they are doing is firmly founded in the
Quran and in the hadith They believe that you may say they're wrong fine,
I Wish y 'all would be maybe arranging some debates with people and Then letting the rest of us know and watch this
I I've said to a number of my good Muslim friends. You all need to be producing clear mass -producing
Books and pamphlets not just simply saying Isis is wrong, but showing how
Isis is wrong Specifically strong argumentation multiple lines shouldn't be that difficult to do
But see here's the problem you and I both know That they are depending upon particular strata particular elements of The hadith that the
Sunnah and saying this is what is applicable debate and you gotta understand something. I Have a book here in my hand and This is
This entire book expensive 250 bucks
Expensive This is Al -waqidi's
Campaigns of Muhammad is funny. They they decide very interesting the English the life of Muhammad. That's not what it says
That's not that's not the Arabic title Almagad see is campaigns the entire book from beginning to end
The raid of the Banu Nadir the raid of the al -huda via the raid of Al -fatah the raid of a raid raid raid
Here's the Battle of butter right at the beginning the battle of the raid of Uhud All it is the whole book how many how many pages is this is this book 580 pages
Nothing, but the military campaigns of Muhammad now
It simply has to be recognized that there is a fundamental difference between the character and role of Muhammad and that of Jesus you know when
I during the during the discussion on Unbelievable just pointed out.
Well, she just did this this this is What?
Five times minimally the length of the entire Gospels all four put together and every page of it is
Filled with violence filled with warfare. He was a warlord. I mean once Once he goes to Yathrib once he goes to Medina.
He's thrust into that position of being a governmental and military leader and That's what he did you have to recognize that material is there and What I have said all along and what
I have to keep saying no matter how unpopular it is even in my own community is that Those Muslims who do not want to rape and pillage and behead and kill
Those Muslims are drawing from the same body of material
With their selective lens on as Isis's now
Isis is coming from a more conservative perspective as far as the Authority of the
Hadith which Hadith to prioritize over other Hadith no question about that but the fact the matter is that when someone asks the question is
Isis Islamic if Anyone answers either yes or no without making necessary distinctions both are not telling the truth the
Conservative militaristic Christian who says yes, that is Islam as a whole is lying
They're lying That's not true Anybody can see that's not true, but the
Muslim at the same time who says no no no there's nothing You're not being truthful either Because you know not only the depth of the support they have
Especially amongst amongst The Salafi the Wahhabi But you know
The nature of the Hadith and how you can find things in the Hadith That are supportive of what they're doing by providing a particular context and Okay apologize to the messengers coming through there
Anyway, there you go. There's there's the context that's I Don't even know how you can
Dispute this this is straightforward It's factual Obviously this asks of the person
Watching this and listening to this To think about things fairly. It doesn't you know, it doesn't lend itself to bigotry and I think that's why it has so many people scared that we would dare do something like this
And by the way, let me point out that was posted in November of 2015 That was posted a year before Sam Schmooze started attacking me never said a word about it for all that time
I've been saying the same thing for a long time. It's somebody else's change not me I've been very consistent about this.
So there's the documentation now What do you do about something like this what do you do about a man who claims to be a
Christian who will Take a 36 second snippet Completely isolated from everything around it, which gives its meaning
Reverse its meaning and then use it as a means of attacking a person involved in doing
Christian apologetics and ministry I think the people around Brennan house need to Sit him down and say what are you doing?
And why are you doing it? We know why others are doing it But why are you doing it?
You don't know anything about Islam This isn't you're not you're not doing debates In this area.
Why are you doing this? What's your motivation? That's really the question. That's where the question
My motivation I leave that to the Lord. I leave that I leave that to The body of work we've produced the consistency of that work over decades now and Just hope and pray we don't have to do too many more videos like this
Because it's it's it's discouraging on one end on the other end. Hey If if we can utilize this to once again get the message out that we need to be putting ourselves out there
In love to the Muslim people. We don't need to be naive There there there's tremendous evil being done in the name of Islam That doesn't mean that you can attribute that to everyone you know it
Brand house has been saying well, you say yes, you're caught. He's a moderate and he's functioning on the
Moderate radical and that's it. There's there's there's there's nothing else a little bit of a problem with that.
Would he allow? Someone to say you're either Catholic or Protestant Well, will he?
Take responsibility for what all Protestants do know he will immediately demand a very narrow spectrum of self -definition
Even down to eschatology and everything else, but then he won't extend that to the
Muslims. That's called hypocrisy It's unfortunately extremely common amongst Christians Really is
Shouldn't be Shouldn't be So there you go Hopefully like I said, we don't have to do too many more of these