F4F| Expect God-Given Greatness


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. Today we're gonna be heading over to the YouTube channel of Dr.
Michelle Corral. Yeah, this is a woman who receives direct revelations from God and teaches and preaches and stuff in her church, despite the fact that God's Word doesn't allow that to happen.
At least women are not permitted to do that. But we're gonna be listening to a portion of her message titled,
Breaking Out of Lodebar. And apparently this is all about, well, experiencing the promise of receiving
God -given greatness. Now we'll note along the way that what she's really doing is scratching itching ears and twisting
God's Word, which is kind of how people prefer to have their Bible given to them nowadays.
They don't really want to hear what it really says, you know, regarding, you know, repentance, forgiveness of sins, you know, stuff like that.
No, no, no, no. They want to hear about how God's gonna give them a platform, how God's gonna make them great.
God's gonna give them money and fame and this God -given greatness, of course. They're gonna use it for good and not selfish evil.
They'll use it for advancing the kingdom, but they may go on the occasional, you know, vacation to the five -star, five -diamond resort out in the
Terranian. But the rest of it, you know, it'll be used for good and not evil. Uh -huh. So I think you kind of get the idea.
Let's whirl up our web browser and let's get to it. Here is
Michelle Corral and Breaking Out of Lodebar, otherwise known as the gift of God -given greatness.
Here we go. What we're talking about is when we are gonna show kindness to someone, it means that we are looking for someone that is in need, that we want to help that person in need.
And the Bible is telling us right now that David actually went looking for people in need. He went to look for someone who needed his extension of his influence, an extension of his position, an extension of his throne to be extended to that person.
What we need to understand is what we really see here in David is someone who's been given a position, someone who's been given a platform, but a person that has a proper perception of power in their life.
Right, yeah. So kind of the subtext of all of this is that, well, you know,
David was given a platform and power and stuff, and you will be too.
That's what God wants for you as well. And when that happens, be sure to go and look for ways to bless people and do good for them, you know, when that happens to you.
Power was not given to individuals and is not given to individuals so that they can say how great they are.
All right, we need to understand that God said to Abraham, he said to Abraham, I'm gonna bless you, but I'm gonna make you a blessing.
So we need to understand that. The blessing of Abraham happens to be the seed of Abraham. That would be
Jesus Christ, the descendant of Abraham. Yeah, the whole world blessed through Abraham in Jesus.
God -given greatness, it's not about us. Now, I'm gonna back that up because I want you to hear it in context.
But I'm gonna make you a blessing. So we need to understand that when we're talking about the gift of God -given greatness, it's not about us.
No, no, yeah, see, because, you know, David and Abraham, they experienced
God -given greatness. You are gonna experience God -given greatness too.
Yeah, see, I can't wait until I experience my God -given greatness. I promise to use it only to help others, and it's not gonna be about me at all.
Yeah, this is a classic example of what the Apostle Paul prophesied would happen in the last days.
2nd Timothy chapter 4, I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who's to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing in his kingdom, preach the word.
Be ready in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching.
Now, the Greek word here for teaching, didache, that could also be doctrine.
You know, that's another way you can talk about it. But in complete patience and teaching, for the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.
And I would argue that anybody standing up in a church, male or female, although the female should not be doing that, and claiming, oh, when we experience the gift of God -given greatness, you know, that what they're doing is they're scratching itching ears, you know.
The narcissists in the audience are sitting there going, well, of course, of course. I deserve the gift of God -given greatness, because after all, mwah!
You know, it's me! And this just feeds people's egos, and what isn't happening is what
Christ has commanded the Church to do. Let me explain what I mean by that. In Luke chapter 24,
Luke chapter 24, in Luke's version of the Great Commission, it actually,
Jesus explains what it is that we are to preach as the message, and here's what it says.
Verse 45, Luke 24, 45, Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures and said to them, thus it is written that the
Christ, or the Messiah, should suffer on the third day and rise from the dead, and that, listen to this, repentance and the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
So the Christians are to proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins. The problem that Christ was sent to solve was the problem of our separation from God caused by our sin and rebellion against God, into which we've all participated.
And so that's the problem, and so the problem that you're experiencing is not that you haven't experienced your
God -given greatness. No, the problem you're experiencing is you are a sinner and you have fallen woefully short of the glory of God, and you've earned his wrath.
And so the solution for this is Christ, the God in human flesh, born of the
Virgin Mary, sent to bleed and to die for your sins and mine, and we are called to repent of our wickedness, trust in him for the forgiveness of our sins, bear fruit in keeping with repentance, which then are our good works, which are done for our neighbor in love for his sake, or her sake, not ours, and that's the idea.
And so the life of Christianity, the Christian life, is lived as one of daily repentance.
But teachers like Michelle Corral, who, number one, shouldn't even be preaching because God's Word forbids her from doing this, she is, well, making a little kingdom for herself by scratching itching ears, telling people what they want to hear, and she ain't preaching repentance and the forgiveness of sins.
No, she's talking about, oh, when you experience God -given greatness, you need to make sure that you use it for other people, not yourself, you know, because wink -wink, nudge -nudge,
God really wants to give you that God -given greatness. I mean, after all, Abraham, and Daniel, and others, they didn't experience, and David, they all experienced
God -given greatness, so you are, too. God doesn't promise you God -given greatness.
Not at all. In fact, our good works can even be done even if we're slaves. You know, what does Paul say?
Slaves, obey your masters, and that Christ will reward those who do that. We're not called to greatness, we're called to, well, deny ourselves, take up our cross, follow
Christ, you know, stuff like that. But people like Michelle Corral wouldn't preach that because then they'd lose their whole kingdom and empire.
Somebody ought to say it's not about us. All right, it's about using influence, it's about using one's position, it's about using one's platform to help somebody else who cannot help themselves.
Can I get a witness somewhere? Yeah, you're scratching my ears. Oh, yeah, yeah,
I can feel my ego just going, you know, uh -huh.
All right, the Bible tells us, the Bible tells us that David understood that the
Lord had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel's sake.
So he didn't have the perception, it's all about me. He didn't have the perception, well,
God has given me this place, God has given me this position because I'm such a gift to humanity.
Yeah, she's adding things to the biblical text here that aren't there. This is a false humility narrative being thrown on to the biblical texts.
What we really need to understand is that God wants to give us a place, God wants to give us a platform,
God wants to give us influence in the earth, but we need to have... God wants to give me influence in a platform.
Which biblical text says that? You see, there it is. This is just scratching ears like you wouldn't believe.
Oh, I can hardly wait till I get my God -given platform. I wonder if I'll be a finalist on America's Got Talent.
I wonder if I'll be a mover and a shaker, if like presidents and movie stars will come to my house and stuff.
Yeah, oh man. She is feeding people's sinful egos rather than calling them to repent.
A proper perception of power. We need to know why God has given us a platform.
We need to know why God has given us a place. I think one of the greatest examples of...
And of course, you know, people buying into this who are attending her church, you know. Months later, or maybe weeks or years, they'll be sitting there going, you know, she told me that God wanted to give me a platform.
And here I am just languishing in obscurity and nobody's paying attention to me.
I've only got four friends on Facebook and two on Twitter. How come I haven't received my
God -given platform yet? Right, and so that person goes to talk to Michelle Corral.
Hey, Dr. Corral, you told me that God wanted to give me a platform. Well, there's clearly...
You don't have enough faith. Have you activated your God -given platform faith yet? You know, and it'll always...
They'll throw it right back on the person. But the thing is, is that she's flat -out making promises for God, God never made.
Someone who was given a platform, because a platform is always for a purpose, was
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He didn't say I'm in this place so everybody could know who
I am. He was in this place... I'm gonna be as great as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? No way!
Oh man, you won't be able to stand being in the same room with me and my ego, but hey, you know, yeah, this is just narcissism.
To bring liberation of people out of degradation, can I get a witness somewhere?
So that we need to understand, with position and with platform comes a responsibility.
Yeah, yeah, see, we need to have you de -platform because you are not doing what people are called to do responsibly, and that's actually rightly handled
God's Word. Help our neighbor. That means that the more that is given to us, the more is required of us.
The Bible says, to whom much is given, of him much is required.
Right, so you're gonna be given much platformage, because, you know, she said that God wants to do that.
No, He doesn't. Nowhere in Scripture does it promise you that. I think you get the idea, but I mean, this is standard, standard scratching of itching ears rather than preaching the
Word. But what does the Apostle Paul say? You know, I think what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1 and 2 is actually quite helpful in this regard, and that is that, well, it's the power of the cross.
Listen to this. 1 Corinthians 1 26. Now consider your calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise according to worldly standards.
Not many were powerful. Not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise.
God chose what's weak in the world to shame the strong. God chose what's low and despised in the world, even the things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.
And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that as it is written, let the one who boasts boast in the
Lord. And I, when I came to you, brothers, I did not come to you proclaiming the testimony of God with lofty speech or with wisdom, for I decided to know nothing among you except for Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Yeah, see, biblical Christianity is the opposite pursuit of what it is that Michelle Corral is preaching, but Michelle Corral is a gifted scratcher of itching ears, somebody who is fulfilling the prophecy that we saw in 2nd
Timothy chapter 4. And let me read it again. I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who's the judge living in the dead and by His appearing in kingdom.
Preach the word. Be ready in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and they will turn away from listening to the truth, and they will wander off into myths.
Yeah, what Michelle Corral is preaching, total myth. God doesn't, hasn't promised to give you a platform or power or prestige.
Deny yourself. Take up your cross. Follow Christ. Repent of your sins. Be forgiven. This is what we are called to do as Christians.
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