Book of Hebrews - Ch. 1 & 2


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


All right, let's pray together father as we look into this wonderful majestic book The book that talks about the majesty and the splendor of the
Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Messiah of Israel the Savior world the Son of the Living God in whom dwells the fullness of the
Godhead bodily? And father, I don't have the mentality nor the vocabulary nor the ability to communicate the truths of this book in the smallest way to these dear people
They have taken time from their lives to come and look for something from thee and father anything
That's going to be of any value to their hearts and lives and families That is going to have any value at all has to come from thee to them
So father, I pray that as I speak and as their eyes see the scripture that father
I thank you that the Holy Spirit will communicate to each individual personality Just exactly that thought that truth that sentence that principle that phrase that clause
Lord that which will penetrate their being and permeate their souls and encourage them and edify them and their walk as a
Christian And father, we just ask that all that said and done would be that which would please you and that would glorify thee magnify
Thy son enrich in the life of this church Strengthen its foundation as it continues to minister and to become that which you want it to be until Jesus comes in whose name we pray
Amen The book of Hebrews is an interesting book, of course, obviously in the
King James It says the epistle to the Hebrews so you and I can understand It's my belief that the
Bible was written to believers The Bible was written primarily to believers now it has information for unbelievers.
It has information for believers it has applications to many things but primarily was written to encourage and to exhort or Challenge or to rebuke or reprove to bring conviction to believers
People who are the people of God either in the Old Testament portions of the scripture or the New Testament portions are the scripture
Now when we come to the book of Hebrews Primarily we have this book that is written for two or three reasons
First of all the writer wrote to confirm to these Jewish Christians. I made a statement
Sunday school You do remember that the first Christian movement was Jewish. The first church was
Jewish You had a couple of Gentiles who've been saved from sort of a distance But the Gentiles did not get the gospel as an ethnic group of people until Acts chapter 10 when
Cornelius the first Gentile Family came to know Jesus and then from that moment on it's been going worldwide and now it's mostly
Gentiles who are a part of the body of Christ made up of people all over the world of Varying races and creeds, but these were
Jewish Christians Now we have a lot of literature sometime if you want some literature Please write me or give me your name and address or communicate your pastor
I can send you all kinds of literature on what how to understand a Jewish Christian There are messianic synagogues and I am personally opposed to messianic synagogues that's going back under the law
That's what Paul wrote about We don't but a messianic Congregation a congregation that a Jew or Gentile could worship in that has more
Jewish flavor that I'm for Because I believe that Christianity is distinctly Jewish It's distinctly
Jewish and so it has that uniqueness But Paul was trying to confirm to these Jewish Christians by showing them that Judaism Had basically come to an end within itself in the fulfillment of the
Messiah who was Jesus that he is the fulfillment That's what it was moving towards and that's what it was looking for.
And that's one thing also To warn some of these people who are calling themselves
Christians. They were going back Into the Old Testament ritual now, there's nothing wrong with doing a
Passover. I do Passover But I don't do Passover to get right with God It is a memorial of physical salvation from Egypt.
It's just like your 4th of July but it also reminds me of spiritual salvation that my
Lord gained on Calvary and So as a Jew I could do Passover as long as I don't do it to be right with God You see and yet there were those who felt like they had to keep on doing those things
Circumcision. Oh, you got to do all these things in order to be right with God And so he likes to warn these people and he also
Cautions them about getting in a trap and not going on and putting true faith in Jesus. I Believe that Jesus is the way of salvation, but I believe you also got to get baptized.
I Believe it's by grace, but you also got to join the church Now it is Jesus and Jesus alone
By the shed blood on Calvary and anybody that adds anything else is doing exactly what the
Judaizers were doing in the New Testament days Trying to bring them back under some legalistic aspect
Of what God had done and Paul said don't do that That's not what it's about and then also he uses this wonderful book to bring to Christians everywhere the preeminent of the person of Jesus Christ That he is superior to everything and everyone that has ever existed or ever will exist
He is number one if you want to say that he is preeminent the preeminent preexistent
Jesus was never born in Bethlehem He is the preexistent eternal son of the
Living God He always was he always is and always will be what happened in Bethlehem was
God gave him a body So he could come in human flesh to die on the cross, but he wasn't born in Bethlehem.
He always was Now if you say what difference does it make you go talk to a
Jew then make all difference in the world because he believes There's just one You see it makes a difference and there are reasons why this is in the scripture now the key word
Always in this book is you know as well as I it is what it is word better Better the
ETT are better something is better than something else. Something is better than something else Now the book breaks down logically into three sections
Three sections in this particular book you'll find it talks about the superiority of the person of Christ in relation to certain other people
Now when you talk to a Jewish person, who's the first person to come to Abraham number one and After Abraham, who's the next greatest person in the
Jewish mind? Moshe Rebbeinu Moses the great rabbi the great teacher
Moses He is it well Jesus when you compare him to Abraham comparing to Moses comparing to Aaron the first high priest of Israel What shall we say to these things and Paul or the
Apollos or whoever wrote his book? We'll look at that in a moment talk about that particular issue. You'll find that in in chapter 1 through 6
Now along about Tuesday night or Wednesday, we're going to get into chapter 6. So hold your questions about chapter 6
That's the sticky one in it and Christians lose their salvation. Oh I'm told everywhere that you can then you'll find in chapter 7 through 10 the superiority of the priesthood of Jesus as it compares to the
Aaronic priesthood Aaron being the first high priest of Israel Aaron was right with the Lord and What he did
God ordered him to do but where does Jesus fit into that he is superior to that and this is what the
Writer talks about and in chapter 11 to 13 He talks about a superior way a superior lifestyle or a superior principle of living which is what faith?
No longer is it worse. Oh, listen, if you don't hear anything else this week, would you please listen? Let me encourage you tonight Jesus and God love you whether you ever do anything or don't
Whether you ever teach Sunday school or don't he loves you if you don't ever lift your Bible and you don't have a prayer again
His love is not conditional on that God's love is just conditional on whether or not you belong to Jesus or not.
If you've been saved he loves you He doesn't change today and change or his love is there now
You can be obedient or disobedient But he loves you the same when you are obedient you do not get God to love you any more than when you're disobedient
His love is the same but he gets pleasure out of obedience and you get blessed by being obedient But God's love is not like human love
If you mess around with me, I'm not gonna stand and tell you that I love you anyway I'd like to I want to and I hope to but I probably won't
And if you love everybody you meet I don't believe you either Some Christians drive me nuts
Some of them drive me up the wall. I want to love them and I'm trying But that old human personality is there isn't it now
I don't condone that and I'm not rationalize it I'm working at it But these people run around like angry like they love everybody why they don't even know what psychologically it's impossible
It's a psychological impossibility to love everybody you meet Could you throw your arms around Joseph?
Could you throw your arms around Adolf Hitler and said I love you? What about Gaddafi? Could you throw your arms around and say thank God for you? But he can't do anything that God is not allowing
And it's marvelous will so what are we talking about here? We're talking about a superior lifestyle a life of faith a life of faith now
Who is the writer to this book now? This is interesting to me This book is so strange.
It doesn't tell you that who it's going to very doesn't give you a destination Doesn't say I'm sending this book to Rome.
I'm sending this book. It's just written to Hebrews and It doesn't tell you who wrote it.
I'm gonna tell you who I think wrote it In fact, I'm sure he did Some people say
Apollos wrote it one great pastor a personal friend of mine a great church Large church, he believes
Apollos wrote this book. There are some people believe Luke wrote it Some believe that Philip wrote it.
Some believe that Priscilla Nicola. They got together and wrote it. I Mean, you know, there's evidence for all of these
But as I look at this book, there's several things. I know first of all, the writer is obviously a Jew Now that's obvious to us right off.
We know the writer is a Jew So when I start saying well, I could open up the Bible in Michaels most of them were Jews, too So that still doesn't help me a lot.
He identifies himself with Jewish readers You'll find that in chapter 1 verse 2 chapter 2 verse 1 chapter 3 verse 3 chapter 3 verse 1 and chapter 4 verse 1 that's chapter 2 3 4 verse 1
He identifies himself with his Jewish readers and then he identifies himself in chapter 13 that we'll look at later on in the week verse 23 with Timothy He immediately identifies a close relationship with Timothy now there is one person in all the
New Testament that had the closest relationship with Timothy and Actually talks about Timothy and was
Timothy's spiritual father Then you'll notice also that when you go to the last of the book and read the closing benediction
There is one person that it sounds exactly exactly like whenever you read it
And he closes that thing off. He says verse 23 know ye that our brother Timothy is set at Liberty I'm looking at chapter 13 with whom if he comes shortly,
I will see you Greet all them that have the rule over you and all the Saints they have Italy greet you grace be on you
That sounds exactly like the Apostle Paul The Apostle Paul and I am convinced in my mind that Paul is the writer of the book of Hebrews Now I'm not dogmatic about it and I don't hate you if you think somebody else wrote it and that's alright
But I believe that Paul did write this book furthermore When I go and look at what
Peter said in 1st Peter and you go check out 1st Peter chapter 1 as you read that Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to the sojourners scattered throughout
Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia and he goes on and begins writing to a group of people in the dispersion and Then I go look at chapter 3 of 2nd
Peter Chapter 3 verse 1 This second epistle beloved.
I now write unto you and he goes on and he talks and then he goes on and says as I Beloved Paul wrote you
Peter is writing to Jews and he says that Paul wrote to the
Jews and he calls it scripture But there is no other book that that says that occurs
He wrote the book of Romans to the Romans and they were basically Gentile Christians He wrote to the Thessalonians to the
Colossians he wrote to the Philippians The only book in here that's written specifically to the
Hebrews is the epistle to the Hebrew Now if Paul wrote a letter to the Hebrews and it was lost and we have some of the
Bible that's gone And I believe that's why Hebrews is in there and I believe Paul wrote that letter to the
Jewish people To prove to them that Jesus is who he says he is and I some people say well
It doesn't seem Exactly like Paul, but you know, the writers of the Bible had the freedom under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit to use Terminology that would reach the people of their day When you read the book of Luke and read the book of Acts, they aren't exactly alike
Although the same man wrote them both you read Thessalonians and then read Colossians You read
Galatians and read Philippians Paul wrote them all but yes They the language isn't always exactly the same but the introduction and the benediction will be almost in line
Grace be unto y 'all peace be unto you and and I only go so I just believe this is what occurred here
But I wouldn't be dogmatic about it Now I just want to say this you have to be careful the book of Hebrews and remember
That you don't take one book of the Bible and interpret it without looking at all the scriptures That's why
I'll mention many other scriptures to you in these few days We have we must interpret the book of Hebrews in the light of the rest of the
Word of God It all fits together as a unity as one book So we don't take one verse here and one verse there neither
Do we take one chapter here and one chapter there nor will we take one book here and one book there? We want to make sure that it is in its right place
Chronologically divided in its sequence as God would put it in the Bible and sometimes, you know
You can't you've got to be careful. You can't go by well This was written first and this appears Matthew Mark Luke and John.
What was the first book written in the New Testament you recall? First Thessalonians First Thessalonians But now wait a minute.
We got Matthew Mark Luke and John the book of Acts and first Corinthians Do you know that first Corinthians was written six years before the book of Acts?
So they aren't lined up just right for us why did why didn't God put him in order I believe to make a study
He's not gonna spoon -feed us. Now, you do know we take a test after each session
We are gonna take a test I see that's right get your pencil paper We are gonna take a test if you fail it you pay me $5 and the test will be in Hebrew and Aramaic There are five exhortations in this particular book five
Encouraging things that Paul the writer are to say the writer to the Hebrews gives there are five things
That he challenges the people we have that think they just kind of interwoven all the way through the book and I want to give
Them to you now so that you'll be aware of them when we come to them So he's going to talk about in the first six chapters how
Christ is a superior person Then he's going to talk in chapters 7 through 10 about how Christ as our high priest his priesthood is superior to every other kind And then he's going to talk about faith the lifestyle the proper way of living of the believer in chapters 11 through 13
Now he warns all the way through this about certain dangers and there are five of them and each one is related to the other one
He talks about the first one in chapter 2 1 through 4 that we'll look at momentarily about getting away from the
Word of God Sliding away drifting we call it backslide, but drifting away from the
Word of God. That's the first exhortation He said be careful of that Be careful of drifting away from the
Word of the Lord You studied it keep on if you used to and don't go back He said be careful and then why because you drift for the word how by neglect
We do it by neglect so he says don't drift from God's Word by neglect
Then he says if you do chapter 3 verse 7 all the way to chapter 4 verse 13
He says you'll wind up doubting the Word of God and you get a hard heart Drift from it through neglect and before long you begin to doubt it and that comes from a hard heart and your heart will get
Harder and harder. Have you not heard pastor? Have you not both of us all of us have said it Have we not when we tell someone look the more you say no to Jesus easier
Yeah, you ever say that someone your heart just gets harder gets colder as you continue to go on through the day
So we caution them That's what is the third exhortation is in chapter 5 verse 11 all the way to chapter 6 verse 20
And he says what occurs is you will get a dullness of mind and you won't be able to remember the word
You won't be able to retain the word. It won't have that aliveness and excitement to you Why because you become sluggish you become slothful
Doubting it through drifting from through neglect doubting it through a hard heart heart gets harder and then before long we begin to get a dullness
Toward it and then what happens we begin to despise Willfully chapter 10 verse 26 to 39 just despise the
Word of Lord now you and I won't despise it But when you're back I Don't come to let the pastor preach to me
People come to their backs in like an unconvention. That's miserable That's why they don't come they're gonna straighten out.
Well, I'm gonna come church and I get it all worked out I'll come church and I get it got to get my life straightened out and then I'll come to church
Why that's the worst thing in the world because you won't ever come church You're waiting to get your life straightened out would never come and so he says be careful of that and in chapter 12
Verses 14 to 29. He says what you wind up doing is disobeying the word. You just refuse to hear it
You just refuse to listen to the Word of God Now, isn't that the way it works in our lives? The first thing we do is stop reading the
Bible Now, you know why people don't stop praying you listen if they don't do anything else, they'll pray at mealtime
You know why because they always pray and they won't something to get in trouble and we like to talk So with praise most people's talking
Well, let me ask you a question Is God more concerned about you and me hearing what he's got to say or is he more concerned about hearing what we got? He wants us to hear what he's got to say.
That's his word Now you and I began to neglect the word and for long our hearts become hard.
And so we have to understand that this is what? the writer is the warning against now in Chapter 1 notice the first verse
God who at sundry times and Diverse manners spoke in times past unto the fathers by the prophets
Simply God has spoken God doesn't speak today like he'd once spoke a lot of people tell me that and the television preachers tell me that but God spoke in Many ways in the
Old Testament days, but it says what in these last days He spoke of dust in his son God who at sundry times and in diverse manners
Spoken times past to the fathers by the prophets. He used them and he talked in many many different ways
God has spoken. So you and I are supposed to pay attention if God speaks. We are supposed to listen
That's the whole lesson of Hebrews God spoken. Why don't you hear that's what he's telling these Jewish believers God's spoken
Won't you pay attention what he's saying to you? Why don't you listen to what he's got God spoken? So you have to listen pay attention and respond and this is what he's trying to say to them and the way you and I Respond now listen carefully the way you respond to the
Bible is the way you respond to Jesus Christ Because the Word of God reveals the living word.
No man can love Jesus and walk with Jesus and not love the Bible and read It's impossible You say
I do know, you know Jesus said if you love me keep my commandment and through the
Apostle Paul, he says feed on the word Well, I love Jesus not to read my Bible. You can't convince him
You can't convince yourself of that But some try you're looking at me strange
I must be close to a nerve or something here we'll move along But this is what we have to do well look with me, please at the first three verses
It talks about Jesus being superior to the Prophet. It talks about the Prophet And it just simply says having these last days spoken up by his son
He spoke in a lot of ways the Old Testament, but what is the fullest revelation of God it is in Jesus Christ Now, let me ask you a question.
If you saw a miracle, how would you know it was from God? You have no way
You would assume it was from God because you're Christian, but you can't prove it was You remember story of Job God let
Satan do certain things and the Bible says that Satan caused fire to fall from heaven Everything was lightning and killed a bunch of people.
What did Job say? And the people say they say the fire of the Lord fell the Bible says Satan did it Because they had no way of knowing who did it and you don't either
And yet this world will follow anybody to do a miracle just about But there are other sources for miracles other than God Satan and demons in miracles that's how the
Antichrist is going to see the world by miracles and wonders and signs revelation chapter 13 and 17 and Yet what he's saying
God spoke that way through the prophets But in these last days has spoken to us in his son
Jesus Christ is the fullest and final revelation of God anything you won't know about God. Look at Jesus Anything you won't know about God's Word.
Look what he said He is it he is the final revelation of God and God's revelation was in portions
No prophet of the Old Testament had the whole picture Isaiah gave part of the puzzle Jeremiah gave part of the puzzle but now you and I have the
Bible together it is complete and the final book is the book of the Revelation the revealing of the unfolding of the wonders of the
Lord Jesus Christ when he shall come in the heavenly realm and he shall rule and reign with Righteousness as the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords You ought to have a back cover in your Bible just like you got up a front cover in your
Bible So this is what he's talking about here now notice with me verse 2 It's quite interesting
Happened these last days spoken to us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world
Now he hath appointed he has given certainty to means he has a valid title to it
What's the meaning of the Greek word here? He has given him a valid title He controls the title deed to this thing and notice it says he's appoint him heir
The word heir is always related to dignity dominion, you know, you talk about he's an heir of this
King He's the King's heir He's that rulers heir and it means glory and honor
Dominion dignity that comes with that and the word world is Ionia It's a world here.
It just means universe don't tell me about the earth. It means the universe the world Everything that's out there the scientists tell us there are trillions of galaxies larger than our own
He is heir of all of it, it's his It all belongs to him.
He is heir apparent to all the creations of God the Father This is what he's saying here
Notice verse 3 who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person
King James It shows us the effulgence express image. It means the imprint God took a body in Bethlehem and imprinted himself in that in that body lives
God They said show us God and Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father
They said well what you were here. You remember John chapter 3 before you ever get to verse 16 We need to read verse 12 13 14 15
Jesus said who is he that ascended but he that first descended and Jesus said
I and the father are one and yet he said they're praying to the father At the tomb of Lazarus. He said father
I'm not praying because I need to I'm just praying so these people know what I'm talking about him because you always answer me
And he said yet. He talks to the father and yet he said I am the father Now no human mind is gonna grasp that but we can't grasp a lot of things
Why should we get all in a tizzy? What are you sitting on? You're sitting on a pew a bench made out of cloth and made out of wood, right?
Yes nod your head. Yes. No You're sitting on protons neutrons electrons that are whirling around and they just have the form of matter
Flip a switch on and electricity, you know, it's the electrician running out flip switch lights. Come on Turn a thermostat and they come on who can understand all that stuff.
Anybody on scientists don't understand it. They just use it Well, I don't understand how
God is in Jesus Christ, but I know it's true. I know it's true And so this is what he's talking about here
Now notice in verse 3 and upholding all things by the word of his power that word upholding means to carry to support
To energize and impel it has all that in the root He not only supports it, but he also energizes it and impels it to do exactly what he's ordered to do
Everything functions in order. Do you know the only thing out of order in the world? human being
Birds birds function naturally, excuse me Animals function naturally if man left them alone snake serpent lizard frogs crawfish
Shad bass purse they all function naturally Human beings are the only creation of God that rebel against God in the created world
Isn't that amazing the dearest creation of God is the very one that shakes his fist But he impels he energizes all of these things and it says as he had by himself purged our sins
Sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high and so in these first three verses
We have God's revelation that was given us by the prophets in the old time We find the final revelation is in Jesus Christ Now I keep saying that he is
God in chapter 1 before we go any further. I want to give you 10 facts As to why he is
God in this scripture There are 10 facts in chapter 1 that indicate to us that the
Messiah the Savior Jesus is God and I'll give those to you First of all, and they're all presented here and they're really they're in the first six verses
There are 10 facts and they're actually in the first six verses of these All right in verses 1 & 2
He is called God's Son in contrast to the prophets who were inspired men yet They were only men he is called
God's Son Now if he's God's Son, he has God's life and that is deity
Because God is this that's divine he has divine life that makes him God anything has divine life is
God You and I are adopted children of God, but one day we will share the pure glory of God And God lives within us by the
Holy Spirit at the present time notice verse 2 He is the heir of all things.
He is the Son therefore he's heir if he wasn't the Son He couldn't be the heir that is a point of deity again about the
Son Also, it says the world were made through him in verse 2
Verse 2 whom also he made the world by the Son We find the same thing over in the book of Colossians all things consist all things cohead together
We find the scripture says nothing was made that was not made by him and for him That is
God deity because in the beginning God created the heavens on the earth Is it any wonder God said in Genesis 1 26 let us make man in our image
Well the Mormons say well Elohim was the chief God and a bunch of other gods up there and Lucifer was up there, too
So evidently that's what it was could have been any number of them God the Father God the Son and God the
Spirit and saw they are If you believe in anything else that makes you not a monotheist full of politics and God can be anything
So we pass that by You think I hate the Mormons. I don't he is identified with the glory of God in verse 3
Verse 3 who being the brightness of his glory. He shines forth the brightness of the glory of God and So we have that he's also identified with the character of God in verse 3.
He's the very image of his person. That's deity and Then also in verse 3 he the
Messiah Jesus is the one who upholds this vast universe It's the infinite universe and that is the work of an omnipotent
God to uphold the creation So he's God there. You might want to look at Colossians 1 16 and 17 at your leisure
Then also in verse 3 he accomplished the redemption of the race alone Notice alone.
He did it by himself He accomplished it he made it up look in verse 3 he had by himself purged our sins
He did it himself and only God can forgive sins So he has to be
God at that point and then also we'll find in Verse 3 that he now occupies the highest position universe
He sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high only God you don't find angels doing that Don't find anybody else doing that But he alone sits at the right hand of the father who sits at the right hand only the heir apparent to the throne
Sits at the right hand on the one who's going to inherit it gets to sit at that place Everybody else would be seated on the left if they were seated at all
And then we find him doing that also in verse 4 we find that he's better than the angels having become by so much
Better than angels in verse 4 being made so much better than the angels as he asked by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they
More than Michael more than Gabriel more than Lucifer He is supreme over and above them
That has to be a deity because they are higher than man in creation as such as the original creation was and then verse 5
The father and son relationship of the Lord for unto which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son this day
Have I begotten thee and if God the father has a begotten son, then that son has to be deity because God is deity
So we have that again, and then we also have According verse 5 look what it says that towards the latter part and again
I will beat him a father and he shall be to me a son and again when he brings in the first begotten into the world He said that let all the angels of God worship him only
God can be worship Ten things in those first six verses that tell me that Jesus is
God Jesus is God. And so we have that now. Let me give you a couple of other things as we move into this
There are some things that are better The whole book of Hebrews talks about better and I want to give you some of those first of all in chapter 1 verse 4
He's better than angels Chapter 7 verse 19. He offers a better hope
In chapter 7 verse 22, he has a better Testament a better covenant In chapter 8 verse 6,
I'll give you the chapter 1 verse 4. He's better than angels 719 a better hope 722 better covenant better Testament chapter 8 verse 6 better promises.
It's what it says when you go look at them chapter 9 verse 23 better sacrifices chapter 10 verse 34 better substance chapter 11 verse 16 better country
Chapter 11 verse 34 better resurrection and chapter 11 verse 40 a better thing a
Better thing so it has all of those things that are nine of them that it says in Hebrews are better Than anything else that has ever occurred in the realm of what
God was doing with people Although God was doing and then I want to give you seven great things.
Now, this will be on the test You want to write this down? There are seven things that are great in the book of Hebrews First of all in chapter 2 verse 3 it talks about great salvation
Chapter 2 verse 3 great salvation chapter 4 verse 14 great high priest.
It'll talk about a great high priest and then chapter 9 verse 11 a great tabernacle talks about a greater tabernacle and then in chapter 10 verse 32, it talks about a great fight of affliction a
Great fight of affliction and then in chapter 10 verse 35, it talks about a great recompense great recompense
Chapter 12 verse 1. We know that well about a great cloud of witnesses and In chapter 13 verse 20, it talks about the great shepherd of the sheep
The great shepherd of the sheep in the last chapter now We've said in the first Three or four verses
He is better than the prophets then immediately the writer and I may say Paul or I may say the writer and you'll forgive me
If I happen to say Paul, but then he moves in chapter 1 verses 4 all the way down to 14
He talks about Christ being better than angels Now that is interesting to me that some people spend more time in their churches praying to angels than they do
Jesus They spend more time praying to Mary than they do Jesus they pray to Mary to go get
Jesus to do it Now dear people you can't find anybody's gonna talk Jesus and doing anything he doesn't already want to do
If you pray to Mary, excuse me, you know, that's blasphemy You know that it's blasphemy.
You know that there are churches that teach us. I'm just talking about what scripture says here There are people who actually teach and believe that Mary went into heaven body and soul spirit just like Jesus did
Now I don't I'm not critical of people I am critical of systems of belief and religion We love people but we hate systems of belief
You doubt what I'm saying? Just go to any Lutheran catechism Go to any
Roman Catholic catechism get the catechism and you will find that the second commandment has been removed and The tenth one is split into two to make teens
Yes, you go get any Bible used by any Catholic you want to go to excess 20 and it reads just like yours there
Why is the second commandment taken in? Thou shall not make unto thee any Likeness of anything that is in the heavens above on the earth beneath all the waters under the earth
Nor bow down to them nor worship them for I am the Lord by God Now the priest didn't take it out
The Pope over there he didn't take it out, but the first one who did it knew what he was doing The first one that did it knew what he was doing
You look at me strange It's true. It's true. Well, I know a lot.
I mean, I believe they're off. I mean they love Jesus. No You don't get grace through the church you get grace from God by the
Holy Spirit through Jesus through his shed blood Yeah, I'm saying they're not being critical of people
I do know that father McGuire's New Baltimore Catechism says under the section on the concession that the priest is to be considered another
Christ You read it for yourself. It's there That's false There's false.
There is one mediator between God and man the man in Christ Jesus sweet people hungry hearts
Thirsting souls caught up in that which they know not kept in it by magic and the spirit mystery and secret and pressure and power
Fear and darkness and superstition and don't understand But through the love of the
Lord and the love of your hearts You can help them come out of that and see the truth See the truth and they need to know that what better than angels better than angels
Well angels have always played a vital role in the Jewish religion angels are all through the Old Testament Go all through there
You find angelic beings doing certain things and and more so than in the New Testament Although there are some instance in the
New Testament now in chapter 1 verses 4 to 14 What the writer does is he quotes in here 6 or 7 passages of Scripture from the
Old Testament and he makes a point with it So let me give you those and the first one is in verses 4 and 5 together
He quotes 2nd Samuel chapter 7 verse 14 now ladies and gentlemen and young people
There is no passage of Scripture in the Old Testament or in the Word of God The 66 books of the
Bible that to help you understand Bible prophecy than 2nd Samuel chapter 7 It is the foundation of all
Bible prophecy 2nd Samuel chapter 7 12 through 16
Talked about God's promise to King David that he would have a son who would sit on his throne and would rule forever verse 16
Now you and I know that when we go to the Scripture and we find here that he quotes 2nd
Samuel 7 14 But he also throws in Psalm 2 verse 7 When he talks about the son and I've forgotten thee be a father himself
So he ties these two passages together and in Psalm 2 verse 7 God called the
Messiah my son Now we're talking about a thousand years before Jesus was born God wrote by the psalmist
David that his son Now all the Jewish writers of old say that refers to the
King Messiah It is the modern Jewish writers who say it doesn't But the old
Jewish writers don't say the Jews didn't accept Jesus. They don't accept Jesus, but they believe that passage referred to the
Messiah and So the modern ones come along and say no that doesn't really mean that it means something else now
He goes on and quotes that and then he ties in 2nd Samuel 4 7 14, which speaks primarily about Solomon That God was going to raise up Solomon.
Why wouldn't God let David build that temple you recall? Why couldn't David build the temple? Do you remember? Somebody tell me why couldn't
David build the temple? Why wouldn't God let him? Yes. Thank you. He was a man of war He had blood on his hands, didn't he and God said but I'll raise up a son and he raised up a son
Who became the wisest man who ever lived you ever thought about that? Solomon the wisest man who ever lived and yet he had 300 why
You think he's smarter than that brother wouldn't you I believe he would have and that would know if he wouldn't get in some concubine
Misery upon misery upon misery. Did he know? Well, he wrote 3 ,000 Proverbs.
He wrote many Psalms and he brought everything and his fame went far and wide
Far and wide but in check 2nd Samuel 7 you'll find that that God changes his language and then he begins to talk about giving him a house of David giving
David a house a Family lineage and out of that family lineage would come who what did they say in Mark chapter 11 verse 10?
When Jesus rode that donkey in Jerusalem, you remember Hosanna Blessed art thou it comes in the name of the
Lord and of our father David that's sermon on the day of Pentecost What did Peter preach in chapter 2 of the book of Acts verses 28 and 29 men and brethren?
Listen to me our father David being a prophet knew that God swore to him that he would give him a son to sit upon his throne
He's raised up Jesus to do that Peter said according to the flesh Jesus is called the son of Dave Dave and So this is what he talked about in this and he says that has to be greater than an angel
Why should it look at verse 6? He is the first forgotten into the world and let all the angels of God Worship him the angels are to fall at the feet of this individual that he's speaking of here
And then we have another quote verse 7 verse 7 quotes psalm 104 verse 4 and The angels he said who maketh his angel spirit and his ministers a flame of fire now
The angels are spirits. They are created by God and they are servants. They are ministers of the heirs of salvation
That's what the scripture tells us. They do the servant bidding of the Lord And so this is what he's talking about here
And then he moves right into the next one in verse 8 and he quotes psalm 45
Verses 6 and 7 which is a psalm about marriage It's a psalm about marriage and it pictures the
Messiah and Israel but under the Sun he saith thy throne Oh God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy
Kingdom now, there are three names of deity that you're dealing with There's when you talk about the name
God when it appears You have the Greek word say off Which means
God? The Old Testament you have the word Elohim say off that means things Elohim Although in the
King James it comes out that way and it's okay. That's the best we can do Say off is a base word for God.
It's just a very basic word for God means God Elohim is plural
It is a Hebrew grammatical monstrosity in the English language. You can say I created a we created
I Created we created you can use a singular or a plural noun with a singular verb created
You can say I are we and it doesn't make any difference But in Hebrew, you can't do that in the Hebrew the noun and the verb must always agree and it makes no difference
What poem you read what book you read what song you hear if it's written by a Jew the noun and verb always agree with One exception when you come to the
Old Testament, it doesn't In the Old Testament, you have a plural noun and a singular verb
That's why it's translated let us make man in our image But it's the still same
Hebrew word Elohim, which means a plurality that has a singularity. It's a oneness that is plural
Three in one one in three could that be it? So why would that amaze you and me? Everything is height width and depth future present and past Everything body soul and spirit mind will and emotion
Everything is three in one one in three Why because the Creator is three in one and one in three and this is what he's bringing in here
He shows distinction in this and then you have the word Lord in verse 10 and our
Lord You have a different word. You have the Greek word. Curio Different meaning all together here.
We're talking about a relationship It's almost like saying Jehovah. Jehovah is not a name of God Jehovah is a characteristic of God.
It's something God does in a relationship He said well, what are we gonna call him to really be the best correct that we could be you just say
I am that I am He always was is and will be he is the ever -present
He is the ever -present, but we call him God because that's what the Greeks give us and that's what we say We just do what they tell us don't
We don't know much about it do We go by their calendar we go by everything else and we just don't you know, we don't check that out, but that's all right
It's okay. And so what I'm saying is those who deny that Christ is God They will take these scriptures and just turn them all around completely you deal with a new world translation of Jehovah's Witnesses They just crucify mutilate these scriptures.
Excuse me. They do so but then I want you to know that down in verse 10 and Through 12 he quotes another song
Don't you begin to notice something very quickly? That the person writing this is really familiar with the new with the
Old Testament Do you know that the New Testament is almost two -thirds quoted Old Testament scriptures? So to understand the new we have to read the old wouldn't
I would think so Psalm 102 verses 25 to 27 verses 10 to 12 and Thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands
They shall perish but thou remainest They all become old as death of garment and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed
But thou art the same and thy years shall not fail Jesus is called
Lord. He's from the beginning He's the creator of the universe and it says the creations like an old garment it it deteriorates and it falls in pieces
But he remains on Everything is in us, you know in a process of deterioration the
Sun's burning out The earth is decaying everything's in a system of decay and corrosion and it's all deteriorating down But he is the eternal
Sun is what it's saying here and then in verse 13, of course one of my favorite verses of Scripture I use this with every
Jewish person that I meet psalm 110 verse 1 Psalm 110 verse 1 but to which of the angels
Said he said if you think angels are great to which one I'm at any time Did he say sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool indicating an eternal victory you stay
We're here with me son until I give you the eternal victory You stay here with me and all your enemies will bow at your feet one of these days
Isn't that what Philippians 2 says? And every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of God the Father You and I have done it by love and faith today those who haven't done it will be forced to do it
Even though their destiny will still be lost in it, but everybody's gonna have to say yes. He is Lord one of these days
You and I have already done it we thank the Lord for that So psalm 110 verse 1 is probably the key song
Psalm 110 would be the key factor in the whole book of Hebrews if I took one psalm and said which psalm would relate to Hebrews it would be psalm 110
In psalm 110 verse 4 it talks and we'll talk about it later. It talks about the priesthood of Jesus Let me ask you a question not
I'm not trying to be critical I'm trying to challenge all of us if I were to ask you could you stand where you are?
You've been in church for quite a while now if you're a young Christian Then you couldn't do it obviously some can but if you've been around church for a pretty good while Could you stand and discuss for us tonight?
Jesus priesthood in relation to the order of Melchizedek If you can't then you have no understanding of the priesthood of Jesus, it's impossible
You can call him your high priest But you have no understanding of it because you will be relating him to the priesthood of Aaron without realizing
But his is after the order of Melchizedek Now that's not a criticism. I'm just saying you and I you might want to get my tape on Melchizedek and it'll be alright
We'll we'll solve a problem for you Peter in Acts chapter 2 verse 34 quotes from that same verse of Scripture psalm 110
Verse 4 that Jesus does not come after Aaron His priesthood is not like Aaron and the high priest lineage of Israel his comes after the order of Melchizedek Which is a completely different thing that is there now
We'll just shift move right on in to chapter 2 To chapter 2 it just continues the identical same argument that Jesus Christ is better than any angels
Now he's going to interrupt it and he's going to give you that first meal I gave you five exhortations and the first one is right here
There are five of them into woven in the book So he pauses here in his argument and he gives you that one in verse 1
Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things that we have heard which we have heard lest at any time
We should let them slip now that word slip Literally means that we would slide on by them that we would drift past them
That we would just kind of see them but as a ship we get caught in a current and we're pushed away from that which
We see over here that we need to go to he says we have to be careful that we don't just slide past these for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast and Every transgression and disobedience received a just compensate reward.
How shall we escape? that word disobedience The root meaning there means an unwillingness to hear
If we're just unwilling to hear Then he says how shall we escape if we neglect?
Now that's interesting because you take that Greek word that is translated neglect in chapter 3 of I mean the verse 3 of chapter 2
Hebrews in Matthew chapter 22 verse 5, you know, that's translated made light of made light of If we make light of the things of salvation
One of the things that bothers me tremendously is when I go to pastors conferences or I'm around meetings with pastors and hear pastors and Evangelists and preachers like sit around joking about the things
Jesus died to give us Baptism to me personally is a holy thing It's not a time to play games and talk in church.
It's holy The Lord's Supper is the holiest thing you will ever do other than be saved
It ought to be a holy all in a service now We'd say what we want to about the Catholics and the Lutherans, but brother they reverence
Holy Communion and we can learn from that He was reverenced in the early days But it's sort of time when the children are taken out to use the bathroom and everybody whispers and talks and you know
But not so hopefully it isn't true in your life But I see so much of that as I move about and so he begins to move and give this exhortation
Don't neglect the things of salvation and don't begin to drift away from the
Word of God by neglect You and I know as I said this morning that we're supposed to read the
Bible every day This pastor doesn't have to tell me my pastor didn't have to preach that to me. I know it You see
I basically know everything I need to do to be a successful Christian. I know it already Doing it is something else
But to not do it out of neglect. Well, I'll read it when I get to the office I'll read it after school
I'll read it after work. Well, you know what happened so many things going on around us Listen, if there isn't anything going on around you
Satan, I'll give some things around you to keep you out of the Bible He just will he'll create some things for us So we do it on neglect.
We don't mean to but we just neglect It's sort of like you women know this better I guess women know this more than anything else, you know, how you you know, your husband here promise you
Well, I'm gonna put some poles out there in the yard for those rose bushes. I'm gonna do it About two weeks later, you're gonna put those poles out there.
I'm gonna he really is he means it with all of his heart. I Did that for three years? I'm gonna put him up I'm gonna put him up and then once while I just nobody say anything to me about two or three weeks later
I come out and say, you know, I've been thinking about maybe this weekend. I'm gonna put those poles up out there for those bushes Even my dog
You know In my heart I meant to I just got busy doing the other thing
Just neglect it just neglect And that's that's what he's talking about the word.
It's not that you and I don't want to read the Bible It's not that we don't know the importance of it We just get busy doing other things that have to be done and we neglect we neglect it and that creates a circumstance
Now this is his exhortation in verses 1 through 4 He said since the word spoken by angels is steadfast
Then certainly the word spoken by God's Son is going to be steadfast He says and if the prophets followed what the angels told him you and I better follow what the
Sun tells us We better be in tune to what he's saying here and the danger is drifting through neglect
Lest at any time we should drift past them now It doesn't say how should we sinners escape if we reject it just says how are we going to escape if we neglect?
So great a salvation we aren't rejecting anything, but that is where the Christian life begins to crumble
If you and I have a problem in our Christian life, I'm gonna tell you what is it's because we have gotten out of the Word of God there are no exceptions to that When you and I are in the
Bible and reading it faithfully, we'll have problems, but isn't it true? We just sort of fail right on with it
We just fail right on with it. Sure. It's a problem We got to deal with it, but we go on but it's when we aren't in the word
We don't have that spiritual strength the problem comes and we just collapse. I can't go home. I Just can't make it
I've heard it said in all these conventions and I heard about talk something said the great hymn of Baptist faith is
Amazing grace. I don't believe that You know what? I think the national anthem of Baptist is
Nobody All of our problems nobody's ever had a problem like yours and mine
Well, they're important to you and mine are important to me But let me tell you something any problem you and I ever face some
Christian man woman or boy or girl Has already faced that problem and walk with God through it and got some victory over it and left us an example
It has nothing's gonna be unique. There's nothing new under the Sun. It just shows up under different circumstances and personalities
My problem is I don't want to look at how they did it because I'd rather sit around and gripe I'd rather sit around complain get some sympathy.
My pastor will come and say well brother rocky Everything going on my you can look a little down. Oh, brother.
Let me talk to you. Oh Pastor gotta talk to you. He doesn't do that. He comes around says what's
God been teaching the other scripture this morning? I think You know, I don't like to hear all that, but you like to hear when you're in the word, aren't you?
Cuz then you can quote him one Quote him a scripture. Well, this is what Paul's talking about here
And the word it just simply says don't be unwilling to hear what God says Listen to what
God is saying to you in these passages of Scripture Don't make light of and then he begins to shift and explain what he's talking about in verses 5 all the way down to 18
There's a lot in these Excuse me, and he begins to explain what he's talking about and you'll notice he quotes psalm again in verse 6 7 & 8
He quotes psalm 8 verses 4 through 6 Now his argument in chapter 1 is that Jesus was better than angels now the people are beginning to say well
I'm gonna wait a minute. How can he be better than angels when he's got a body? He's just a human He's a human being out here.
Now. How is he gonna be better than angels are? Because angels are spirits and they're not limited by time space nor dimensional travel.
They just split about anywhere They go you see, you know, you don't see him. They don't want to see here. He's got a body He's nailed to the cross spit upon beard plucked out.
I mean what we talking about here Well, he begins to explain to them what he's talking about and the first thing that he does is in verses 5 all the way down to 13 and he begins to talk about Jesus in relation to Adam what
Adam did and what Jesus did and and in 1st Corinthians 15 You don't talk about the last Adam Jesus being the last
Adam the first Adam is earthly the last Adam is heavenly each one as a family doesn't
He says but one in a certain place testified saying what is man in verse 6 or the son of man?
Visited him thou madest him a little lower than the angels thou crowned him with glory and honor and did set over him over the
Works of thy hands that was put all things in subjection on his feet. God did tell man have dominion over the earth
For in that he put all in subjection under him He left nothing that is not put on him But now we see not yet all things put under him or man man
It doesn't seem like he has control over everything that he had Well, there's a reason for that when
Paul quotes this Psalm 8 verse 5 to 7 is Actually relating back to what
God did with Adam in Genesis He gave him dominion over the earth and made the animal world and the fish were on the piles of their subject to him now
You know what happened in the Garden of Eden? Adam Turned around and by the right of conquest
Satan came into the Garden of Eden and by the law of conquest Defeated Adam and took the right to rule away from him by the law of conquest.
He did that So that Jesus had to come and went out into the wilderness Jesus wasn't strolling through the wilderness one day
Satan jumped down behind a rock said here I am I've gotten you Jesus went out in the wilderness looking for him Because by the same law of conquest
Jesus defeated Satan and took the right to rule back from him But he only did it in what we call these your
Spiritual principles it will not be de facto In fact until Jesus comes back and Satan is thrown into the lake of fire never again
But right now you and I can experience and be involved in that spiritual victory
And that's what we talk about victory in Jesus. That's what we say. And this is what he is doing here
So he said God made man a little lower than the angels But you see the angels are heirs are ministers of salvation to the heirs we find that over verse 14 of chapter 1
They're ministers to them who are the heirs of salvation One day Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 through 3 says whatever he shall appear
We will appear with him in glory you one day will share
Glory with Christ, which will be far above anything the angels have ever known
Angels cannot be saved You can be redeemed by the blood of the
Lamb That makes you a part of the body of Christ and you become what?
heir to the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ who is heir To all the riches of the father you and I are the same heirs as he is by being adopted into his wonderful family according to Ephesians chapter 1
My so that ought to lift our minds out of the checking account We ought to stop worrying about the grocery store
We ought to start worrying about that little old bank account. We got where we're gonna get a boat this year or not We ought to stop worrying about what we're gonna be able to afford a vacation
I mean go ahead and get them if you can but dear people this isn't all there is to it There is more awaiting you than your mind could ever conceive
Just because you belong to Jesus What a marvelous thing he's done for you, oh you say but I'm not worthy we'll join the club
Who is if you got what you deserve? There'd be a greasy spot left right where you sit That'd be it and same here
Justice means you get what you deserve grace means you get what you don't deserve and we want God's grace and that's what we have
He gives us that which we don't deserve We just get it all through the Lord Jesus and this is what he's saying in this passage of Scripture He says but now we see not yet all things put under him notice that well
What do we see if we don't see all things put under man? What do we see? We see Jesus and He is the last
Adam who through his death and his resurrection has undid undone
Changed and brought about to the right perspective everything Adam and everything Adam did wrong
Jesus undid and made right Now, let me give you an illustration of what I'm trying to say My vocabulary doesn't allow me to express myself the way
I really want to to you But you know if you and I go down He won't mind brother being let's say we come strolling down to your hardware store.
I'll give the hardware store plug We're gonna come tooling down to hardware store and God forbid that we should buy an item in there.
That would be broken But let's say that someone sold him a broken item. He didn't know If you took that item home
And it was in a box brand -new and you took it out in a warranty card was in there and you plugged that appliance in And let's just say it happened to be a toaster and if it didn't work, what would you do?
You take it back and you'd either want a refund or you want a new one Why because you bought it and it was supposed to be new and it was broken.
That's true. And that's right But you know what God did? God bought that which he knew was broken to make it new
God knew he got a bad deal when he got you and me before he ever got you He knew what he was getting when he got us
But he wants to take that which is broken and make it right and to make it something beautiful and put us into the family of his son and That is amazing to me.
He paid the price He paid the penalty. He took the persecution. He just did it all
He just did it all you and I he said well, I had to listen you didn't have any faith to exercise
My Bible says when you are lost you were lost in trespasses and sin you were dead And a dead man can't do anything a dead man has no faith
He even sent his Holy Spirit to create in you quicken you and give you enough faith
So that you can respond to him so that salvation occurs. He just does it all salvation is of God none of man
None of man and he did that because Jesus brought it all about and so Adam had a family and every person
That has ever been born into that family is born a sinner. Oh Brother rocky, you don't understand.
I mean I have you all listen. I go a lot of times the hospitals and see these newborn babies You know and here they are and everybody's so elated.
I read the story of a wise old pastor Years ago one that they call him a circuit rider, you know used to go around from city to city city
And he went in they said old pastor get down off the horse and come on in you got to see what's in this house
And he went in and there's the whole family grandparents. Nobody got this little boy There's the one grandparent says
I think he looks like our side don't you the other says no I believe he looks like our side is that I believe he favors his daddy
I believe he favors his mother and all they went said pastor. What do you think? Everything got quiet And he says
I believe he looks just like his father You don't raise him up in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord. He'll go to live with his father You got to be born again to get a new father
Every human being boy or girl who is born into this world Who comes to that age of accountability?
Has an allegiance to Satan and a child
Yes, we say if a child dies God by his grace and goodness will take that child into his presence
But that child has a sinful nature and you never teach your children to lie. You never teach them to steal they do it naturally a
Four -year -old will steal like an eight -year -old and the most deadly kid in New York City is an eight and nine -year -old kid.
They'll kill you They'll do it in Dallas. They'll do it in Houston and they'll do it in San Antonio seven and eight years old will cut your throat
Why because they don't know Jesus They're just following the natural allegiance they just doing what comes naturally
It's doing what come naturally. You got to be unnatural to be a Christian Christians do that, which is a natural
We don't walk natural. We walk supernatural and this is what Paul is talking about here
Jesus brought in a new family a new family You know, there was a time in my life and I wouldn't give a nickel for any of them.
I Mean I cared less. I Care less about anybody anything But isn't it true there have been times in your life when it was that way before you became a
Christian But now it's different in we struggle with each other, you know, our personalities are different You're not gonna get along with everybody
You're married how many of you married have you make with you? All right, just think with me for a moment. Here's a man
He gets him a wife The husband has to get along with the wife wife has to get along with husband That's two interpersonal relationships put a child in there
Father's got to get along with mother and child mother's got to get along with father and child child got to get along with mom and dad
Put another child in there father's got to get along with mom two children Mom's got to get along with two children and dad and two children got to get along with this child
Got to get along with this child mom and dad this child's got to get along with this child mom and dad I saw your grandparents in there And you look at the interpersonal relationship.
Is it any wonder when you come into a church? That is a spiritual hospital of sinners saved by grace You're gonna have some disagreements and tensions, but it's what you do about them.
That is the most important thing It's how we handle them you and I can disagree But we must love one another in that disagreement and we don't even listen we pray together
We still don't have to agree But we do have to love one another because we are commanded to and that makes a difference
And you're not gonna be right about everything I'm not gonna be right about everything and if we had all the answers in the world What a boring world it'd be and I promise you
I don't know everything. I know most everything, but I don't know everything What I don't know my brother knows
I Can check in with him, but you know this we're a family and that's why the
Bible says when one member hurts all hurts You know and when one member rejoices everyone rejoices
And when a Christian has problems, we all ought to have that same problem We'll meet that need of that life
And this is what the writer is talking about here and Jesus comes along and changes the children of Adam Into the children of God and he says you've been translated out of the kingdom of darkness
Into the kingdom of God's dear Son out of that power of darkness in Ephesians chapter one
What a glorious thing God's done for you and me as Christians. Well quickly, let's move on down He comes to establish a new family to change that which
Adam did and then in verses 14 and 16 He comes to defeat that dreaded enemy that dreaded enemy
Look at verse 12 I want to point out something to you Saying I will declare thy name unto my children in the midst of the church while I sing praise unto thee
That is a quote from Psalm 22 verse 22. Now that's important verse The word praise you'll see that word praise there that word praise is from the
Hebrew word. Hallel Hallel it means to praise the first time that word appears is in Psalm 22 22
Now what about Psalm 22 22 Psalm 22 also begins my God my
God. Why hast thou forsaken me? It is that beautiful song that talks about the crucifixion of Jesus written 1 ,000 years before Jesus was born by King David It says in verse 16.
They pierced my hands and my feet They never did that to David you and I know he's describing a crucifixion and it's also 22 there are 22 letters in the
Hebrew alphabet and So 22 the Hebrew alphabet refers to the
Word of God Because that's the way the Word of God came unto man in the Hebrew alphabet. And so is it amazing that in a chapter?
22nd chapter 22nd Psalm 22nd verse you find the first time praise
To pray to praise the Word of God Which reveals to us the living word of the
Lord and so it's an important passage of Scripture But verse 14 for as much then as children are partakers of flesh and blood
He also himself likewise took part of the same that through death. He might destroy him that had the power of death
This is the word translated not so much authority as might the strength the might to do it He has the strength to do it that is the devil and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime
Subject to bondage for verily he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham Adam had no fear of wild angels.
I mean wild animals before he seen in the Garden of Eden I mean he just went in there. He had no fear.
He had no fear of serpents Before seeing since that time man fears dying more than anything else
There have been times and I thought sure I was gonna die and I mean fear came over Oh in my mind, I know the scriptures.
I mean just fear Yeah, we'll die and Satan uses that on Christian people to keep them in bondage more than any thing
I know and we come in and sing on Jordan stormy banks. I stand and when we all get to heaven
We'll sing it in and go outside and somebody talks about you know, look like you ain't gonna make it through the day Huh?
Huh? What and we camped out down here and the fear now none of us want to die today But dear people you and I know in our mind
That it is a fact that if your heart stops beating and stay stopped one beat you already in the presence of your
Lord Which is far better than being down here Far better than being down here now We know that in our mind, but it's difficult to apply that each day in our lives and so Satan comes along and creates a fear
You're gonna lose out if you die Take care of your body. I mean you're supposed to take care of it use max factor and Revlon I'm not a person opposed to that God knows something more than others, but I mean use all you want
But you can eat health food the peanuts run out your ears And every time you look in the mirror, you're going to see death on the moon
The hair will fall out and the teeth will begin to go we begin to age And death a hundred years now.
We'll all be gone if Jesus doesn't come there won't be anybody left in here And we're fearful of death
And yet you and I both know That it could only be the very best service to us It just takes us out of the hindrances checks and balances of time and decay and puts us into the eternal blessed presence of Him who loved us and gave himself for us to await that day when all of the
Christians will meet there your loved ones They're waiting Dear friend of mine went to be with the
Lord last year One of the greatest Christian men I've ever known in my life. His name is mr. David M Brown He lived over in Bertram.
He's one of the most dedicated Christian men I've ever known that man studied that Bible day in and day out. He was a cowboy
He broke horses for Buffalo Bills Wild West show. He's a part of American history He has had three guns and three
Bibles that were given to the Pony Express when it started in this country that man never had a cigarette never had a drop of coffee never had a drop of liquor in his life in his body and God for some unknown reason at 72 years of age.
He contracted cancer And a very short time he went to be with the Lord before that time his body was wrapped with melanoma
The fastest acting was steady kind of cancer You know what? He took for the pain
Tylenol Because his body was so pure That Tylenol deep and I said and talked to him just a few weeks prior to his death
He's like a grandfather to me that I never had We had such a sweet relationship as he lay there on the floor and I laid on the floor
We just talked and laughed yet. He knew he was gonna be with the Lord. He told us he told his wife said
I'm ready to go I just want God's will whatever it is. I'm ready to go. Don't sorrow for me.
I'm ready to go I've seen that so many times and you have too
Dr. Charles Weigel sweet friend in the Lord who wrote the song. No one ever cared for me like Jesus Oh ladies,
I know you get that in years 93 years old and he was preaching 15 revivals a year. Oh We get so tired 93 preaching 15 revivals a year across the country
At his funeral there were 7 ,000 people. They had 300 cars Not a dry eye in the place, but the songs were songs of heaven
Sure, you can try it's okay dear people. It's a better place to which we go a better place
You've been encouraged about that Don't let Satan use that on you and make you think death as a dread
God always give grace to his people He always gives it to people You've never seen a Christian go out of this world screaming crying and squally who are in their right mind.
God gives grace to his people He'll be there to envelop you with his arms of love
He always does we need not worry about that But there were those and so Paul talks about them
Paul reminds them that Satan is a defeated foe He can only do that which God allows him to do and Satan does not have absolute control of death
He couldn't do anything to Job except the Lord let him do it Now who instigated that problem between God Job and Satan?
God Satan's up there arguing with God and God said why don't you consider Job you have thought about him?
Yeah, let's talk about Job you give him so much Look how he does some of the problems that come into your life. God's doing exactly the same thing.
God's just letting you be tested Letting you be tested. Do you really believe what you said? Do you really believe what you've been teaching do you really believe what you tell the teenagers?
Do you really believe what you told you grandchildren? You say let's test it for a while Let's prove it for a while.
And then when the proving is over, isn't it true? He just kind of lets it back up. He says that's enough Let him and her and all of a sudden you and I say for a breath of fresh air
What happened if we just think about it the test is done Thank God when the testing comes that proves you're a child of God He doesn't test unbelievers in that sense.
And so this is basically what he's talking about here And he said he didn't take an angel's name. No Jesus came and he became a
Jew the tribe of Judah the seed of Abraham the seed of Abraham When he could have taken the name of others and so this is what he talks about here
And then quickly to close our time together. You'll find that in verses 17 and 18 He also tells us that he not only came to bring about a new family relationship and undo that which
Adam did Bring a new family in by being the last Adam the second Adam But he also came in to defeat
Satan the devil He also came in to become a high priest for us a priest
That would understand this It says we don't have a high priest who can't be touched by affirmative
He had always was tested just like you and I the King James is tempted He was tested proven like we why because all sin falls into three categories.
Do they not? First John 1 1st John chapter 2 verse 16 says That all that is in the world the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life
Every sin that you can ever name will fit one of those three categories the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life you will find when
Satan came to Jesus and Began to talk to him in the wilderness. You'll find that each one of those fit exactly those temptations
He said why don't you turn that rock into bread lust the flesh Fill the flesh since the all the kingdoms of the world lust the eyes pride of life
Even the garden she saw the tree that it was beautiful Good, and it was desire would eat flesh
And Satan says the reason God doesn't want you to have that because you'd be like God and you will know something pride It wasn't that God didn't want them to know
God didn't want them to know darkness God didn't want them to know dark things And Satan says you can have knowledge and power and that's exactly what the cult offer and that's what a lot of religions say
They say we'll give you some knowledge. You don't have you got the gospel. We got some full of gospel You got the revelation we got some more
Now this is it and the writer of the Hebrew says that is not so and the Bible says that Jesus learned obedience
Look at verse 10 for it became in chapter 2 for it became him as for whom are all things
By whom are all things and bringing many sons unto glory to make him the captain. It means he's the pioneer He's the author the originator.
He's the one that began the faith of their salvation Watch it perfect through suffering and he learned obedience to the things.
He suffered We'll see that through the scriptures as we move along and he was we are made like under his brethren
And this is what it's speaking of in this passage of Scripture and it talks about that Then he goes on down in verse 17.
It talks about right in the middle that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest Jesus will never treat you and me like we treat him
Does not Timothy say if we are when we are faithless he is faithful for he cannot deny himself
You never have to worry about the Lord God is not going to love me today because I've been unfaithful. Yes, he does Because he doesn't treat us the way we treat him and then
Verse 18 for him that he himself had suffered being tempted He is able to sucker them help them that are being tested or tempted and that word sucker is a word that is used for a physician like Luke a doctor
Someone who runs quickly to the help of quick get a doctor runs to the aid of that's what the word sucker means
Run quickly to the aid of he is not only merciful He's not only faithful, but he will move quickly to the aid of one who's walking with him
Who's not grieving or quenching the Holy Spirit? And so we have this display in these scriptures here and the conclusion to me is clear he is superior to the prophets and he is superior to the angels and When I look at this passage of Scripture, you know talks about him being made flesh in Bethlehem What does the word
Bethlehem mean? You recall I know some of you do recall what the word Bethlehem Jesus was born in Bethlehem Which is the city of David about five and a half six miles south of Jerusalem.
You remember what the word Bethlehem means House of bread. Yes, and in the
Hebrew it is a bet lehem bet hyphen le hyphen h e m now when you pronounce bet in English it is
Beth beth you might spell it b e i t bet Beth le hym and it means house of bread, but you know what the
Arabic for that is it is spelled identically the same bet le hym
Spell the same bet le hym bet le hym and you know what bet le hym means spell it in Arabic means flesh house of meat house of flesh well
When you really think about it, isn't that what it is? Take this is my body broken for you.
I am the bread of life Jesus said I have meat that you know not on to do the will of God what the bread of life
Became flesh Bethlehem Bethlehem either way you look at it in the Arabic of the
Hebrew which are the two dominant languages of the entire Middle East Bread and flesh the bread became flesh
So it all fit into what we see in this passage of Scripture So to me the argument that he concludes with He just says that this same one is not one that is distant from you
He is not one that doesn't understand you he is not one that is remote now listen to me carefully sweet people
We make theological mistakes, and I'm not certain you know theology is one thing to understand theology
Understand the Bible, you know a lot of facts about the Bible. It really doesn't make any difference Well, it doesn't make a difference what about the Bible But what difference doesn't make learn a lot of stuff and never do any of it
What good is that? We don't want to be spongy It's not like prophecy. I go to a lot of churches coach conferences a whole week on Bible prophecy and Some I say to people what difference does it mean to learn
Bible prophecy if it has no back today Now you and I can talk about Hebrews listen.
Have you ever said Jesus lives in my heart Jesus lives in here No, he doesn't and you think
Oh But he has the ability to live his terror and life you please through by the third person of the blessed
Godhead Who is the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit lives in you, but Jesus is none of you he is there But he says his
Holy Spirit who has the ability to live that same life of Jesus To every Christian, but now what did
Jesus say in the gospel according John I? and My father will make our boat in you
He's how to do it Live in you the very life of God Question how much more power can you get than that?
How much more can you get than the very life of God may I suggest we don't use that which we got we don't need Any more we got it off.
You don't Why because we don't make ourselves available
We don't make ourselves available We go through the facade of religiosity
We go to church We go through the program. We participate in the activities
But as far as a personal dynamic relationship with a living personality
Jesus Christ we really sometimes don't and that would make the difference Religion do not get it for you and church membership and church activity in a part of your schedule
It is not the total of Christianity It is a place and come to worship worship learn and study to move out and to share that with which we have
And then there goes back in to do the same and it's just a beautiful cycle You get out what you put in get out what?
I think We won't take offering rather often a test and so we won't take the test, but we'll give it a little later on in the week
Tomorrow we'll talk about chapters 3 & 4 chapters 3 & 4 have any questions write it down Give it to me, and I'll do it like I do all the rest of them.
I'll file it somewhere I'm glad you come aren't you glad you're a Christian really
I mean, you know it aren't you just thankful that your hope doesn't depend Upon a jellybean eater who just came in the
White House replacing one of these peanuts who just left Your hope is for that now we pray for our leaders and pray for our presidents and we make them a democratic
Republican We pray for both of them pray for either one of them, but dear people your hope doesn't depend on that Your hope just simply depends upon is
Jesus Christ who he says he is and can he do for you what he says he can do Now look over to one next to you
Just turn to look at somebody sitting around you look at each other. Don't be embarrassed look behind you see anybody that looks perfect See anybody that looks glorified
I Didn't say think they are Any man in here believes he is all of us we men believe that But you know the
Bible does say that you have been glorified As far as God is concerned it has already been done
He is just moving us to the point where it becomes an in fact reality physically for us spiritually our position is in Jesus Christ we
Have been made to be seated in the heavenly in Christ Jesus Don't drag him down and make him try to live the life
We live here let him lift us up that we might live here as if we are there
Don't be discouraged, and if you do get this courage. Let's go to the Lord of this church. Don't act like you are
Just say Lord. I'm discouraged But I want to be encouraged and I just claim your encouragement.
I claim your peace I claim your joy and your confidence today and go read
Ephesians chapter 1 says you are accepted in the belief You are accepted in the beloved if nobody else loves you the one who counts does
He does the father I Just thank you for the preciousness of thy word, and I want to praise you
Thank you for these dear people at this church Thank you for their willingness to come and to listen to me a total stranger to talk about that which
I know so very little about Lord your word is just it is amazing
Lord it's such a marvelous thing and Lord think about how it comes about just boggles the mind
And yet we know that it is divinely energized that we're all different people We have so many different things going on around us different callings and different backgrounds and different heritage and yet father
The same word is able to meet the need of every heart in different ways, and I don't understand how you do that Lord But I thank you by the
Holy Spirit You are able to do that and so I just pray Oh Holy Spirit of God come
Move in our hearts and myth. No you dwell but move in such a way You got a sin in the draw
That you'd encourage those who discourage that your strength and those who've weakened That you didn't lighten those whose minds have become
Darkened in some way any crisis father show them the solution to that crisis give them the strength and the grace and the endurance
Give spiritual stamina and strength as well as physical stamina and strength give opportunity small
Lord may we look at people as people for whom Jesus died and May we understand that they have a destiny and That we may be the only way they have of knowing the truth about Jesus.
May we lovingly Kindly tactfully and yet boldly aggressively spread the good news
That Jesus is like every person in this town Would have at least one opportunity to know that God loves them and that he has a marvelous wonderful plan of redemption
Wrapped up in the person of his son Jesus Christ Who one day shall rule and reign over all as the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Who is worthy of all power and honor praise and glory forever and forever