9 - Lesson 4: Baptism, Part 1

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Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Discipleship This class is the Introduction to Discipleship. This lesson covered the topic of Baptism; what Baptism is and why it is important in the Scriptures. If you are going to start to disciple someone then this introduction will help to provide a framework in which to function.


10 - Lesson 4: Baptism, Part 2

10 - Lesson 4: Baptism, Part 2

Welcome to the Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Discipleship.
Now I would love to welcome you to join with us each week as we go through lessons on how to disciple.
This is our School of Discipleship and we are in a lesson that is an introduction to discipling.
That is the class that we're doing right now. We're going through these classes in teaching you how to disciple others and therefore we are trying to teach you.
We're made available called Growing in Grace that you can pick up at our store.
If you don't have a copy, if you're an enrolled student you have a copy. I hope. You can enroll and pick up a copy at going to that website down there.
Is it lower? It's right there, right about there. You can pick up a copy of the
Growing in Grace book. What is Growing in Grace? It's basically a book that you can use to disciple other people.
If you have copies you can use it at homeschooling.
We have many homeschoolers that actually go through it with their kids. I did with my children. You can use it with not only homeschoolers but Sunday school classes.
We've used it. It's actually a book that was developed from Gospel Light Baptist Church which doesn't exist anymore but it was something that we had developed as a leadership that every new person of the church when they came in to the church we invited them if they wanted to be part of a
Bible study, a one -on -one discipleship. If they said yes we paired them up with somebody and started discipleship immediately.
That is why we have the lessons laid out like we do in the book. The lessons that you see there, it starts with salvation.
That's why it starts with salvation. We wanted to make sure they're saved. But these are lessons we finished up in our class here.
The first three lessons, I know it only took us like eight or nine lessons to get through three lessons but we're going through, we're on lesson four now, baptism.
But we're going through this at a little bit of a different pace than you may teach it when you're discipling somebody because when you're discipling somebody you're going to want to make sure that you're going through the lesson.
I'm trying to provide things as a disciple -er that you want to be thinking about, aware of as you disciple someone else, a disciple -ee.
All right so as we begin I've said this before and if you watch live you understand the humor of me saying that I said this before and if you're not watching live you should consider it because if you watch us live
Monday nights at eight o 'clock you get to see what goes on in the chat room which is where everyone's not paying attention to class and all the antics that go on and you would have known what happened 10 minutes ago when we first tried to do this.
So in the sake of being redundant, repetitively redundant or repetitively redundantly uh redundant.
So uh no we are not in the twilight zone if anyone's thinking that by the way. Uh that probably just dated myself didn't it?
Yeah okay do they do the twilight zone on tv only on like Nick at night or something? Is that it?
Oh okay they do have a show okay. Anyway that aside um so what do we got?
We're we want to the first thing you want to do with a student is go back and review the last lesson that you did the previous week.
Why? Because we learn through repetition. That means to repeat ourselves.
That means the more redundant we can be in explaining things using different terminology the more someone's going to remember it.
So you want to as much as you can repeat what you say in a redundant manner repetitively.
All right basically that is what you're going to want to try and do.
The more you can say it in different ways the more they're going to remember. So we start with what?
Homework from last week. What was the homework? Well your homework was 1. Memorize 2
Timothy 3 16 and 17. Those of you who are watching live I hope that you already did it once 10 minutes ago but we're going to give you a chance to do it again in case you got it wrong.
Second was to set up a daily time and schedule and study for your bible study.
One of the things that we have that you can email us if you want just email us and we can send you a little sheet.
Basically it's just a one -page sheet that says who what when where why how one of those and it basically just is something you can fill in that while you are doing your your study you want to use this to be able to kind of fill in and and just further study the scriptures.
It is something that what by doing it it's just helping with setting up a way of structuring your study.
Okay so it has bible verse I think it may have date and it just has a couple of those questions that you fill in.
Now we have that being said we do have that available but let us review aka recite 2
Timothy 3 16. All scripture is given by God and by the way let me back up and just says do it based on translation.
Don't worry if it's word for word it's more that the main thing you may have different translations so it may come out differently.
All right so 2 Timothy 3 16 and 17 let's do it together. Class ready? All scripture is inspired by God or breathed out by God depending on your translation and profitable for correction for teaching for reproof for correction for and for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
I hope you all got that right. One of the other things that I would make that we'll make available to you if you would if you're an enrolled student we should be sending this out if we have not already
I'll try to do that this week but is we're going to send you some sheets that you can use that are review sheets put together by a friend of mine he's an engineer and you'll figure that out by the looking at the sheet and so what we have here is just a review of the basically of last week and what the review is is going to provide for you there we go so I'm just trying to get this set in my
I have the hard copy so that's what I have to look at all right so because I can't read it from the little tiny screen that I have here so as a review from last week to be repetitive we looked at the bible and you see on the top left it says the mechanics of the bible is that it is inspired by God that's the verse we just quoted and we have a little bit of an explanation here that the greek word for inspiration okay and you have your greek there it's okay the theonutas is going to have it comes from two it's a compound word theos being
God divine and to breathe out okay literally means
God breathed right we have a little bit of from Ryrie's basic theology a little bit of a definition of inspiration is that God carried men along so that they wrote his message in the bible uh in strongs and stronger words