F4F | Asher Intrater Claims Our Words Change Our World


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that because we are created in the image of God, by the way human beings were created in the image of God, the problem is is that that image has been blown out by sin.
But if you've ever been told because, well, God created us in his image, and since God used words to create the world, you got to use your words to create your reality, go ahead and hit the subscribe button below.
You've been taught false doctrine. Now we're heading down to Israel, to an organization called
Revive Israel, and we're going to be listening to Asher Entrater, and probably mispronounced his last name, but oh well.
And Asher is one of these guys that is part of the New Apostolic Reformation down in Israel.
He is an extremely dangerous false teacher, and we found video of him claiming that our words change our world.
In fact, let me go ahead and pull the screen up, and you're going to note the the name of the video below is
Our Words Change Our World, and we're going to note that this is now becoming a prominent feature within major leaders within the
NAR, the word of faith heresy. Important to note, the New Apostolic Reformation does not have a central headquarters, it is a loose network of people, and they do not demand doctrinal uniformity.
So the idea then is that what we're hearing from Asher, we would also hear from other people within the
NAR, but it's not a requirement. So we'll check in with Catherine Runalla, who clearly is in the
NAR, and note how Runalla's theology sounds eerily like, well, Asher and Trouters, but you kind of get the idea.
But important to note that, you know, the NAR, the people in the
NAR believe in the five -fold ministry, that somehow God has restored apostles and prophets here on the earth, and that some of them even require and are calling for other churches to align themselves under modern -day apostles.
So let's check in with then with Asher as he tries to explain to us how our words change our world.
Here we go. We've been talking about how to use your tongue as a believer in Jesus.
One of the things we note when we begin to understand the Bible and begin to understand God, that our words have much more importance than we ever thought.
Now, it is important to note that, for instance, in the epistle of James, we are instructed as Christians to tame our tongues.
The idea that from the same lips, from the same tongue where praises ascend to God, you then tear down or abuse and lie about your brother or sister in Christ.
This is a terrible thing. The tongue is a very difficult thing to tame. But what
James writes in his epistle regarding the importance of taming the tongue isn't what
Asher is referring to here, and we need to make that point up up up front so you don't think that we've kind of missed the point, because we haven't.
We don't live in a world of evolution where matter created more matter. We live in a world...
Agreed. Absolutely agreed here. Yeah, the universe, everything you can see, taste, smell, touch, all of this was created by God.
He's spoken into existence in six literal days. I would agree with Asher on that part.
God created, and how did he create it? He created it by words. So we live in a world that's not just matter -to -matter.
We live in a world that is words over nature. You see, that happened so quick that if you didn't know what you were looking for, you wouldn't have missed the transition.
Let me back this up so you can hear what happened, and I'll point it out ahead of time so you can see it. Making reference to the fact that the
Lord, God, Yahweh, created the world in six literal days, spoke it into existence.
God said, let there be light, and there was light. God said, let there be stars in the heavens. He created the
Rakhia, expanded out the heavens, and filled it with the stars and the galaxies and all this kind of stuff.
And then, you know, God said, let the seas team with different creatures, you know, stuff like that.
God caused these things to happen, and He did so through His Word. God spoke the world into existence.
This is true. But what happened is that, and here's kind of the missing part in the
Word of Faith heresy, is this tacit, unstated premise that we are little gods.
Now, a lot of guys, they don't even realize that this is part of their theology, but in the earliest manifestations of the
Word of Faith heresy, Kenneth Hagen, Kenneth Copeland, and others had no problem saying, we're little gods, and they got pummeled for it, and rightly so.
And so this is like the unstated premise that it's part of this theology. So here's the thing, is that biblical
Christianity teaches not monism, but, you know, a dualistic universe.
There's a difference between the Creator and creatures. And so, you know, what, you know,
God is in a different category than we are, and it's a ginormously different category.
His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. We are creatures dependent upon our
God. He is the self -existing One, and needs nothing from us, kind of thing.
So we are totally dependent upon Him, and so although we are created in His image, that doesn't mean that we're little gods and that we, that, you know, that in the original creation, that somehow we manage the earth through our words, like God did by, you know, speaking the universe into existence.
So he makes the transition very quickly. I'm gonna back it up just a smudge, and watch the transition.
He goes from talking about the image of God to talking about us so quickly that you miss the transition, and you know, had he, you know, kind of pointed out where the transition was, you probably, his listeners may not have believed him, but see, this is how quickly error can happen.
So we live in a world that's not just matter -to -matter. We live in a world that is words over nature.
No, we don't live in a world that is words over nature.
Yeah, see, that does not logically follow, nor biblically follow, and there's no biblical text that says that we steward the earth, the adverts, via our words.
No text says that. That is a totally opposite way of looking at the world.
In a certain sense, an evolutionist worldview means you are captive to the nature that you were evolutionized from, you evolved from.
But the biblical worldview says you're made in the image of God, that you speak over the creation that he created by words, you rule it with your words.
No, no text says that. And by the way, we've got to take a Hebrew text into consideration here.
And it's found in Genesis, I believe Genesis chapter 5, the book of the generations of Adam. And here's what it says.
This is the book of the generations of Adam. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.
Male and female, he created them, and he blessed them and named them man, Adam.
And when they were created, when Adam lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness.
And so we've got to understand something of the devastating effect of sin. And that is, for instance, in Ephesians chapter 2, opening verses, it says this, and you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at the work and in the sons of disobedience, among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and we were by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind.
And so, you know, what Asher is doing here, not only is he somehow putting us in the category of God, and by the way, denying evolution doesn't require you to believe that you have the powers of deity to control the universe with your words, no text says that.
It's important to note that Adam and Eve's children were in the likeness of Adam, not in the likeness of God, and they had already fallen into sin.
And so this talks about, you know, really the doctrine of original sin. And so he's tacitly, in a way, kind of denying and undermining that.
This is a duplicitous error on his part, but we continue. And therefore, we've studied in the book of James, chapter 3, and he said the
Bible, the tongue is very important. And he said if you can perfect how you speak, you can perfect yourself, because the tongue takes control over your body.
The tongue takes control over your emotions. Your tongue takes control over your thoughts.
If you struggle with sickness... Now, we're gonna take a look at what
James is saying real quick here. James chapter 3 is the text that he was referencing.
Here's what it says, 3 1, Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness, for we all stumble in many ways.
And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle his own body, or his whole body.
Yeah, it doesn't say that if you perfect the tongue, you'll perfect yourself. That's not what James said. If we put bits into the mouth of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well.
Look at the ships also, though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.
So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire.
The tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.
For every kind of beast and bird of reptile and sea creature can be tamed, and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue.
It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and our
Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing.
My brothers, these things ought not to be. Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?
Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water."
Yeah, I think you kind of get the idea. This is a call for repentance and how we use our tongues, and it's not saying that we create reality based upon on our words.
Far from it. Yeah, what Asher is saying here is literally not what the text says at all, but back it up a little bit.
Listen again. "...over your emotions. Your tongue takes control over your thoughts.
If you struggle with sickness, change the way you talk."
Yeah, word of faith right there. That's straight -up word of faith heresy. "...struggle with financial problems, change the way you talk."
Yeah, you can make yourself wealthy just by talking better or gooder about your finances.
"...if you struggle with negative emotions, change the way you talk. If you struggle with negative thoughts, change the way you talk."
That's not what James was teaching, Asher. "...if you struggle with negative habits, change the way you talk.
Words come first, and then you act upon them. God spoke, and it became."
Wow. Back to this again, are we? Yeah, that would make us little gods. "...we walk in His image.
We read His word to understand what kind of words we should say."
No, that's not correct either. "...we change our vocabulary according to the honesty and love and holiness that we see in this book, and we begin to speak, and then we begin to act that way, and we begin to line up our speech and our actions according to the thoughts of God in this book, and that's how we live our life."
It's true that we do line up our speech and our actions according to God's Word as far as speaking truth and living our lives in accordance with what
God wills for us, which we find in His law, but what he's saying is not that.
He's talking about our words having creative power, as if we're little deities.
Isn't that strange? Very exactly, like a surgeon with a scalpel.
We don't stab people, we cut exactly. We use our words on purpose to paint, to cut, to create, to build.
The words are tools of the kingdom, not in hypocrisy, which means you just say something and don't act on it.
We are people of heart and word and integrity.
You believe God in your heart. You speak it with your mouth, and you act and obey by faith, doing what he says, and you begin to straighten your life out.
You begin to put it going in the right direction because God created it. This understanding that your words are stronger than nature...
My words are stronger than nature. Which biblical text says that? James 3 doesn't say it.
It will put you in a position that you are not a slave to the circumstances of your life, but that you are over the circumstances of your life.
Spoken like a true word -of -faith heretic. Wow. Every time I want to say this, this one understanding that God created the world by words, and therefore your words affect your situation, changes your life so that you are no longer a slave under your situation, but you are moving your situation on purpose in the right direction.
Understanding the biblical place of words actually sets you free from being a slave to being a child of God.
Yeah, sadly though, he didn't actually teach us what Scripture correctly says or rightly says regarding words, and nowhere in Scripture we're told, well, because God created the universe in six days, spoke it into existence, that we manage the creation then, you know, because of the power in our words.
Now, to kind of note how this is a now a regular feature in many
NAR churches and among many NAR leaders, we head down to Glory City Church in Australia as we listen to Catherine Manala kind of say the same doctrine, and this is a woman who is apostolically aligned under Shea on, but listen in as she kind of says the same thing here.
This is a becoming prominent feature within the New Apostolic Reformation.
Well, I've been speaking for a little while these last week. I've been speaking about speaking life and what it looks like to speak life, because the
Father longs for us to recognize the authority and the power that we have. Right, apparently we have the authority to speak life.
Okay. In intimacy before the Lord and we begin to just allow Him to hold us, to love us, to reassure us.
He comes to remind us of the reality that we are to receive from Him a reassurance that we are not orphans, that we're not on our own, that we're not seeking to come some way into connection with Him, but we are already connected, that we are loved, that we are cherished, that we are held by Him, and in that place
He wants us to remember that it's no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us, that we have been crucified with Christ.
Nevertheless we live yet, not I, but Christ who lives in me. Hallelujah! That His name is upon me,
His breath is within me, the Spirit of the Living God is inside of us, and then when we go to ask, when we go to minister, we don't do it in our own strength, but in the strength of the
Lord. Hallelujah. And in His strength He wants us to learn what it looks like to speak life, to speak hope, to be as He is.
That is, God who created the world with His words wants
His children to be speaking creatively, very deliberately with our tongues.
Proverbs 18. Yeah, yeah. Very interesting. Same doctrine, different woman, both part of the
NAR. Asher's part of the NAR, and Rinala's part of the NAR. I think you kind of get the idea.
And no, you're not a little deity, sorry, and nowhere in Scripture we told that your words or my words create reality, that we're supposed to somehow take control or authority over the universe by speaking, you know, with our words and stuff.
Yeah, that's a false doctrine extraordinaire, if you know what I mean. Now, if you found this helpful, please like our video, and of course you can subscribe down below, and if you'd like information on how you could support us financially, all that information is down there below as well.
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And of course, please share these videos if you find them helpful. And so, yeah, I think you get the idea.
But until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.