Racial Reconciliation is Over!

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All right, everybody, welcome back to the channel. It is January 23rd, year of our Lord, 2025, and you may have noticed a distinct lack of videos on the 80
Robles YouTube channel, and there's a very good reason for that, you know, this channel I do mostly as a hobby, um, and you know,
I do obviously have, uh, the 80 Robles media company as well, but it's a very, very small percentage of what
I do professionally. Uh, what I do professionally for most of my income is
I have a recruiting business that I own and operate, and I've been hard at work, uh, developing and creating a brand new service offering for my company, um, because, you know,
I've been a recruiter for a long time and I've noticed, um, obviously there are really bad recruiters out there.
You know, the recruitment industry has a terrible reputation. Um, and some of it is completely earned, you know what
I mean? There's some bad, like used car salesman types out there and they make it, they make it harder for all of us, you know, and obviously
I've never been that kind of recruiter, or maybe I, maybe I used to be when I was a brand new recruiter.
I don't even remember, but I've always been really good at it. And, uh, I've, I've tried to do things differently, but I've, I've come to realize that there are some things that are inherent in the standard recruiting model that make it difficult to work with recruiters.
And so I'm, uh, pinpointing some of those problems and changing things up a little bit as far as what
I, as a recruiter deliver to my customers. And I've been doing a lot of this for a very long time, but I've never really packaged it as a unique or special thing.
Um, and I'm going to do that. And I think that I've created a, a model that, um, is going to, it's, it's going to solve a ton of the problems that many companies and business owners have when they're dealing with third -party recruiters.
I'm really excited about that. That's what I've been up to. And, uh, you know, looking forward to sharing it with everybody once it's, uh, once it's ready to go.
But in any case, um, here's the video. All right.
All right. Well, there's two topics today. And, uh, the first topic has to do with, uh, a really, uh, funny comparison that I commented on.
And, um, you know, I, I've seen a few people comment on this as well. Uh, but it's pretty good, but if you haven't, if you haven't heard, uh,
ReformCon is, is happening at the end of April and, uh, they've got a really good lineup of speakers that are coming.
And you can see in the meme in front of you, uh, the comparison between the two evangelical dark web, who is no stranger to controversy says, which way reform man, and on the left -hand side, he's got the, uh, the
Christ is King. How to defeat trash world conference, which I will be at, which is at the beginning of April. And then on the right -hand side, he's got the marketing material for the
ReformCon conference, which features none other than Jeff Durbin, Joe Boot, Doug Wilson, James White, Andrew Sandlin, Toby Sumter, David Bonson, and Virgil Walker.
And, uh, you know, I, I, I, here's my take on, on this. I, I think
I would go to that conference if I lived closer. You know what I mean? I'm not going to fly out to, uh, to Arizona for this conference or wherever it is,
I'm assuming it's in Arizona. Um, but I'm not going to fly out to a conference. It's very rare for me to fly out, out to a conference, unless I'm going to be at the, like speaking at it.
Um, I would, I probably wouldn't do that, but if I was closer and I could drive, I would definitely go to this conference, it seems like a pretty good lineup.
Um, the other kind of caveat to that is I'd only go if I had, uh, the organizers word that I wouldn't be turned away at the door.
And I don't think that I would, cause I don't think these are those kinds of guys, but crazier things have definitely happened.
So if I was going to go to this conference, I would definitely check beforehand that I'm not going to be, you know,
I'm not going to be banned when I try to get in kind of thing. Um, but in any case, uh, but, but I would go to this conference.
You know, it seems like a good lineup. A lot of people, of course, the obvious thing is that, um, a handful of the collaborators that Tobias Reimerschnack talked about are speaking at this conference.
A lot of people have also, of course, noticed that, you know, Dr. James White has been attacking the
Christ is King conference. And then all of a sudden he's speaking at this conference. So there's a little bit of a competition there and stuff like that, but I don't see it,
I don't see it as competition. I think this looks like a really good conference, but one thing I did want to comment on, and I did comment on evangelical dark, dark webs meme here is the aesthetic difference here is, is really, it's stark.
The aesthetics of these two conference really could not be, uh, more pronounced.
And, uh, and Doug, you know, Doug had a funny comment. He said he didn't know it was a pageant, you know what I mean?
But, but, but yeah, I understand it's a nice zinger or whatever, but, but really though though marketing material, the aesthetics of the marketing material does communicate something.
And that's why you hire marketing people because, you know, even fonts, you know what I mean? You don't really think too much about fonts, but when you do think about fonts, you don't have to think too hard to realize fonts actually communicate something, you know what
I mean? You can't, you can't send your resume in comic sans to a company you really want to work for, you know what
I mean? Unless it's like a, like a goofball company, like, I don't know, like a party company or something. I, and even then
I still wouldn't recommend doing that, but I get, it could work in certain circumstances, but you see what I mean, like comic sans, the font communicates like a goofiness.
Right. And I'm not a marketing expert. I don't know all of what colors communicate what thing and all this kind of stuff, but, but just the thing about marketing that's so cool is you really don't have to know unless you're a marketing professional, you don't really have to know, um, but you just feel it.
You know what I mean? You, you look at the marketing materials and you feel what they want you to feel.
Basically. Um, it's very interesting how this works, but, but my comment is, is really, this is a stark difference.
You know what I mean? There's a few different things going on here. If you look at the Christ is King, how to defeat trash world conference.
And there's an exclamation point in how to defeat trash world. And it's kind of cockeyed and stuff like that.
And the, the, the, the, the, the image itself is bright. There's a lot of brightness to it.
Um, and then the pictures of the, of the people, um, they're, they're, they're in color, you know what
I mean? And the people in general look pretty happy. I mean, maybe with the exception of Steve Dace here and John Harris and, and stuff like that.
Everyone is, is kind of there. If they're not smiling, they, they still do look like there's like a good amount of vitality there.
You know what I mean? There's, there's an energy to this Christ is King, how to defeat trash world conference. And I've got to be honest with you.
The marketing material in that regard is probably very close to how it's really going to be.
There's going to be an energy at the Christ is King conference. Um, that is going to be palpable.
You know what I mean? You're going to be pumped up at this conference. This is not a, it's a serious conference in many ways.
We're going to talk about serious issues, but there's going to be an energy. There's going to be an optimism.
There's going to be like a, almost like a rallying cry at this kind of a conference.
This is not the conference for people that are looking for black pills and to worry about how bad things are and this and that.
I mean, sure. We'll talk about problems obviously, but, um, but that's not the focus. You know what
I mean? When you look at the marketing materials, you can see that the focus is not the problems themselves.
The focus is not trash world itself. We all get it. We know about trash world.
We've lived it for years and years and years. We're going to talk about it, but we're going to talk about it in a way that talks about the, the inevitable victory that we have to negotiate in the coming years, and it's not going to be from a place of, you know, dire warnings, and we're not going to be able to do it.
No, we're going to make it. We are going to win. There's a great CEO on, uh, on X of a, of a, of a company that does like, uh, operation security, uh, technical security.
Um, and, uh, he, every single morning, I mean, he, he's a hilarious, uh, person on X and no question about it.
The company he works, uh, he, he, he runs is called Galvinic. Um, he's hilarious.
He's very funny. But every morning he starts with the same post.
Good morning. We are going to win. Good morning. We're going to win, man.
That's the kind of leader that you want to get behind someone who's got optimism, but more than optimism, he's got a plan and it's a plan that involves everybody.
Everybody has a role. It's not just about ministry. It's about every area of your life and the
PR to prove it and to prove it. The people that are speaking at this conference, not all of them are in ministry, you know what
I mean? Some of them are in ministry, but not all of them. And, and all, and, and all of them have interests outside of ministry and areas of competence outside of ministry and all of that kind of thing.
So this is, this is, this is absolutely communicating a great message. Now go to the
ReformCon side and it's called out of the ashes and see re rebuilding with hope and purpose, rebuilding with hope and purpose.
So you kind of get this. It's, it's the same, you know, I don't hate the aesthetic, you know what I mean? I'm not saying
I hate the aesthetic, but it's very different. And it's interesting that the conference is really about the same topic, right?
We're talking about how to defeat trash world. They're talking about out of the ashes. We need to rebuild with hope and purpose rebuild from what?
Well, rebuild from trash world. You know what I mean? That's, that's what they're there. It's the same topic, right?
It's very interesting that they've chosen such a similar topic, but the aesthetic is very different.
It's very different rebuilding with hope and purpose. And then they've got these drab, dark, muted colors.
It's almost, it reminds me of the Han Solo movie. That whole movie was just Brown. It was just brown.
Everything was Brown in the Han Solo movie. I kind of liked that movie, but the aesthetic was very strange.
It was just, I couldn't, it was like, there was no other color in the palette. Everything was Brown. And then you look at the speakers.
And again, these are good speakers. You know what I mean? And two of them are smiling. Two of them.
We've got Virgil Walker here who's smiling and you know, that's very common for him. And Virgil's a great speaker and he's got great things to say.
Um, so much of the time and he's having a good time. You know what I mean? That's great. And of course we've got
Doug here who's also quite a jolly fellow. And you know, maybe Jeff Durbin smiling.
I can't tell. The image is a little small on this thing. He's smiling, but everyone else looks very, very serious, very serious.
And they're not in color. This is an aesthetic choice, right? This is a muted sort of black and white, that kind of thing.
We've got Brown, we've got black and white. And it's just, it almost looks like we're all headed to a funeral.
You know what I mean? But the message is rebuilding with hope and purpose. It's the same message as the
Trash World Conference, but the aesthetic difference tells you that there's a different energy that is going to be at this conference.
Now that doesn't mean that the conference is going to be like that. It could be very lively conference. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying the marketing material could not be different.
And there's also sort of like, um, it's weird to say this because we're talking about Trash World, which is definitely negative, right?
But, but out of the ashes, you know what I mean? We've got a soldier. It looks like that. I don't know what exactly he's doing.
Is he, is he planting a flag? Is he setting a mine? I'm not really sure, but there's definitely more and a more ominous, a more, um, a less positive, a less optimistic feeling that you get from this marketing material.
So it's very interesting how the marketing material, uh, plays itself out. The other thing is
I've been seeing a lot of criticisms of the two conferences and stuff like that. And this, I don't know who Brad large is.
So I don't know if he's involved in the conference or not, but it really doesn't matter because I would say the same thing, whether he was involved in the conference or not.
But it's so interesting too. He, this is what he says. And I love this criticism. I really do. The guys on the left, which is my conference combined, haven't written as many books as Doug Wilson.
And couldn't defend themselves in a debate with anyone on the right. Barring Steven Wolf, I would have to go out of my way to see if they're even doctrinally sound or theologically.
And half of them wouldn't be published and as successful if Doug hadn't published them. So, and then he puts the, why are you gay thing, which is a terrible use of that meme.
It may, it makes absolutely no sense. I'm not going to comment on that, but I think this is interesting because what this is saying is that really we need to have conferences from ministers and we need to have successful ministers and the mark of a successful minister is how many books they've written, how many books they've written, how many debates have they done, that's the mark of a successful minister, which is not true.
Obviously that's not the mark of a successful minister, but it's interesting that he thinks it is.
It's also interesting that ministry is again, it's, it's centering ministry as the thing.
That's the, the thing Christians need to be involved in is there is ministry. That's the pinnacle of Christian maturity is ministry.
And you know, you've got to be a minister for a long time so that they know that you're theologically and doctrinally sound and all of that.
And I love this criticism because it shows you why we have this difference.
I love these reform con guys. I would go to this conference, but this is a conference that is very different than this conference, very different than this conference.
This conference is for regular people. You know what I mean? This is a conference for regular people, regular people who have regular problems and have regular actions that they need to do in order to confront those regular problems.
And we, what we need is we need optimism. We need energy. We need, we need people that know what they're talking about.
Yes, but we don't necessarily need them to be theologians, right? Theologians are great.
And I, and I love theologians and I'm not against it. I'm not throwing shade at theologians, but we need a lot more than theologians.
We need a lot more than theologians. We need a lot more than theologians a lot.
And this is interesting because David Bonson isn't a theologian, at least as far as I know, I don't think he considers himself one.
And so they kind of get it too. I'm not saying that these guys don't get it again. Okay. I'm saying this guy doesn't get it.
This guy, he doesn't get it. He just simply doesn't get it. But anyway,
I just wanted to mention that. I think that's very interesting. I like that reform cons happening.
And like I said, I would go to it if I was closer and had some kind of assurance that I wouldn't be blackballed from it, but Hey, that's what it is.
That's what it is. Let's shift gears here. This is a great article, man. I think like, listen, listen, listen, listen.
Wokeness is not over obviously, but they know that the vibe has totally shifted.
They know that we've all moved on. They know that, that, that their future does not look very bright.
They know that everything has changed and they're putting out articles to this effect all the time, sounding the alarm about their impending defeat.
And there is nothing they can do to stop it. We've all seen too much.
This is an article on Christianity today by the shyster himself, Justin Giboney. And his titled racial unity is out of style.
You got that right. You got that right. Let's read a little bit of this. I don't know if I'll read the whole thing, but.
He's right about this. Of course, he doesn't know why he's right. He just, he,
I mean, of course his answer is just racism. This is racism. It's grown. And we know it's out of style. That's not why, but it is, it is, uh, it is out of style.
That's true. Here we go. Cultural sentiments can change in unexpected ways.
People are complicated and the direction of our discourse is often unpredictable. After losing the presidential election,
Democratic party leaders are learning or should be learning this the hard way. It turns out demographics aren't destiny after all.
Some have called this change in the spirit of the day of vibe shift. That's what I call it. It's a vibe shift, baby.
That's right. The vibes of all change, Justin. But whatever we call it for better or worse, it's clear that many in our society began to feel differently over the last four or eight years about what's valuable and prudent.
That's true. He's right about this too. A lot of people have started to think, yeah, you know, maybe, uh, maybe
Matt Chandler doesn't know the heck he's talking about. Maybe, I don't know. In the flash of an eye, old terms, narratives and frameworks lost their power.
Well, good. And it was very, it's commensurate to how they got their power, right? They got them in a flash of an eye and they're losing them in the flash of an eye and you know, when you're lying, sometimes that happens, he says with that context, it's time to consider how race relations in the
American church have actually worsened over the past decade or so the sentiment seems to have shifted in such a significant way that the once popular racial reconciliation project has passed say in many spaces, even the term racial reconciliation feels corny and cringe worthy to some.
This is, this is so good guys. It's victory. This is, this is, this is, you don't want to know what victory smells like.
We'll just, just smell the air right now because that's victory. You know what I mean? Then he's right. It's, it's cringe.
Racial reconciliation is corny. It's cringe. It's stupid. It's brain dead. It's silly. It's, it's a joke.
We all, we all think so. It's he's right. He's so right. But of course he doesn't get why. But the problem is much bigger than semantics.
I see the church's racial and partisan divide growing at a moment when society most needs an example of a Christian ethic that destroys racial barriers and the dividing walls of partisan hostility.
Yup. He's going to lean in. He's going to leave. Well, that's all they can do. You know what I mean? When you're lying, the only thing, if you're, unless you're going to apologize, right, if you're going to,
I've watched, I've watched a lot of content about people lying for various different contents and contexts and stuff like that.
And you've always got a choice and, but there's only a couple of choices, right? You can, you can apologize and apologize quickly.
Like you just have to apologize as quickly as possible. That's the best option, right? If you're lying and you found out, apologize, change direction.
Say, you know, I tried to lie. I was scared. I'm sorry for lying.
I'm not going to lie anymore. That's the best option, but it hurts. It really does hurt. But the only other option you have when you're caught in lie is to lean into it.
You know what I mean? You gotta, you gotta lean right into it, you know, and maybe adjust a little bit or maybe change your tone or maybe, maybe, maybe walk a few things back, but then lie a different way.
Like that, that's the only option you have. And that's the worst option. Although it sometimes feels like the best option because maybe you can get away with it in the short term, but in the longterm, it only makes it worse.
Right? So if you're ever lying to someone and you're caught, just admit it. Don't lean into it.
Well, Justin Gibney, the shyster lawyer. I mean, the shyster lawyers really only have one option and that is to lean into those lies, right?
That's what he's going to do. So why does it seem that the American church's racial unity experiment is no longer fashionable?
Why do many of us no longer want to be unified? Yeah, that's the question, right? Why, why don't we all want to be unified anymore?
Like, why, why aren't you giving me my speaker fees, man? I used to get, you know how much I used to get for a speaking slot?
Man, lucky to get half that now. Inter -church race relations have been far from perfect yet events like MLK50.
Oh man, MLK50. That's where, that's where my channel actually took off for the first time. I was commenting on MLK50 in 2018.
Offered hope that we could head in the right direction by bringing together diverse leaders with credibility in their respective communities.
Yeah, that was, there was a lot of hope in MLK50. That was the conference where, if I'm not mistaken, I could be mistaken on this, but it was either this conference or another conference.
So that was the one where Eric Mason, who's, who put out like a big sob story about how his life was been so, he's been so depressed lately and stuff like that, which
I do have sympathy for, I do have sympathy for, but, but the reason why he's so depressed is because he's leaned into his lies so aggressively.
That's another thing about leaning into lies. When you, when you lean into lies, it's very stressful.
Lying is stressful. Even little white lies can be stressful. Mentally, physically, it's all, it's a whole thing.
And a lot of people who lie a lot end up getting very depressed. And of course, Eric Mason is one of those people.
So I have sympathy for him. You know, he talks about very being, you know, I'm not even going to say it because it's just, it's, it's unspeakable, but, but it's,
I have sympathy for him. It's his own, it's his own fault though. He's done it to himself. It doesn't mean I don't have sympathy for him. Like I, I have a lot of sympathy for like alcoholics and stuff.
Like there's just one YouTuber that I follow who's got liver disease because of his alcoholism. And I have a lot of sympathy for him.
And, but he, as he always says himself, he's like, I did this to myself. You know what I mean?
I, I did this to myself. So anyway, but that MLK 50 was where Eric Mason was like,
Oh, you're black on the outside and an angloid on the inside. Yeah.
That was, there's a lot of hope in that, you know, there's all these black guys out there. They're angloids on the inside. Right. A lot of hope.
Seven years later, after right -wing backlash and much of the melanin, much of the melanin leaving these organizations and denominations, assembling a similar group of leaders might prove more difficult.
More broadly, many of the Christian influencers who were on the cutting edge of the national racial restoration effort, it's very cringe, very cringe.
He was right the first time this kind of stuff is cringe, appear to have given up and resolved to focus on their own church communities instead.
Yeah. You know, like what a shame they've decided to stop sticking their beak into politics of everywhere else and focus on their own church.
Imagine that. I sympathize with that response because many of those who stuck their necks out to profess historical, biblical truth about race and pursue racial unity and prefer racial unity were professionally and reputationally punished.
They were kicked out of churches and ministry jobs and had their career sabotaged. I applaud those who stood up for themselves.
This is so, this is so crazy. It's the textbook projection that we always talk about. This is what they do to you.
And now they're crying that you're doing it to them. Maybe it is happening to them. Good. Good. I, if it's happening to you, good.
How do you like that? Therein lies one of the primary reasons I believe
Christian race relations have soured. A bitter reprisal from some on the church's far right.
Those who had an aversion to even talking about racial justice, lashed out, engaging in fear -mongering rather than debate and scaring people away from even the most constructive conversations about race, they seized on the excesses of progressive progressivism to discredit racial restoration efforts altogether.
It's all progressivism though. The whole thing is progressivism. You see, Justin Gibney, he's clever.
He's a clever one. You know what I mean? That's the thing about shyster lawyers. They're often very clever. And you see, he, the way he frames this is always putting it in the context of, oh, it's different.
We're not leftists. We're not progressives. We're just, we're just talking about racial reconciliation, which by the way is traditional, historical, biblical.
It's the whole thing. Well, your boy, Andy Robbins, speaking about writing books, your boy, Andy Robbins wrote a whole book showing that it was all bull.
It's all not biblical. It's not biblical. It's bull. That's what it is. By design, their heavy -handed approach squeezed all the compassion out of their tribe to even mourn for George Floyd or Breonna Taylor in their telling was to be brainwashed by wokeness.
And this wasn't just wild talk on the internet. It shaped major Christian organizations and sent race relations backward in the church.
A second factor aggravating all this was the reaction from some on the far left. The response to bad behavior can also be bad, which is why
Frederick Douglass publicly disagreed with and separate himself from some abolitionists. Though they agreed on the wickedness of slavery,
Douglass knew methods still mattered. That was not both sides -ism. It was an honest, impartial, and comprehensive critique from someone who just wanted justice and order, but not merely any win for his side.
Plenty of racial justice efforts have been sincere and constructive, but inside and outside the church, the cause has also been misused as a vehicle to launder other progressive issues like undermining the nuclear family, a lucrative industry emerged with no intention of actually solving the problem.
Regrettably, instead of confidently responding to our own turn, this is, it reminds me of like, um, it very much reminds me of liberals, like, like Justin Gibney, remind me of liberals, like, like, uh, what's his name?
The atheist guy, the atheist guy with Michael Fallon, man. I haven't thought about him in so long.
James, James Lindsay. Reminds you of James Lindsley. Like they're still totally liberal, but like, oh, you know, the transing kids, that's just too much, right?
It's just a little too much liberal. It's a little too much progressivism for me. So then it becomes a rock star on the right.
Well, that's what Justin Gibney is trying to do. You know, he's trying to become a rock star on the right, but he's really a leftist.
But he's just like, yeah, it's just a little too much though. Like the gay stuff, a little too much. A little too much.
It's all, it's all poison though. That's the problem. That's the problem. Let's see. Regrettably, instead of confidently responding on our own terms as justice conscious
Christians, too many of us simply mimic popular secular thinkers. Christian racial justice efforts became a knockoff or repackaging of projects with no foundation in our faith.
We religiously regurgitated their language without sufficient critique, even self -righteously berating fellow
Christians who had to memorize the vocabulary. This is interesting. Like, honestly, I think I would,
I would, I would have more sympathy for Justin Gibney if he would actually point some of these people out who he's talking about, because I can think of tons of people, including, well, unfortunately, well, fortunately for me,
I don't care. Justin Gibney himself. He's done this. Like as Christian nationals, we were opposing.
We dabbled in the dark arts of identity, idolatry, casting, casting dispersions, just like the
Christian nationalists. See, that's what this is really about. The Christian nationals. See, see, we, we, we were guilty of what the
Christian nationalists are guilty of, but they're still the bad ones. They're the bad ones. The dark arts of identity, identity, idolatry, casting aspersions against entire groups of people while demanding all grace for our own in rituals of self -justification and self -exaltation.
Most regrettably, we've lost sight of the importance of holiness, following secular activists into positions that undermine the authority of scripture and the sanctity of life.
The race debate in much of the church increasingly became a battle between those who are blind to the sin of racism. That's just more progressivism.
This is all nonsense. And those who believe racism, sexism were the only sins. I've done it.
Okay. I'll finish it. I'll finish it. Where do we go from here? Our resentments do not glorify a savior who congregated with and died for tax collectors, zealots, prostitutes, and thieves.
Remember, Christian unity is a command, not an option. We can throw up our hands and maintain our contempt for one another.
I don't have any contempt for you. I just wish you would stop talking out of your, you know, what? There you go.
Uh, we can throw up our hands and maintain contempt for one another, but it'll come at a cost. Every time we give a lesson or sermon on Christian love ethic, we'll do so with a measure of hypocrisy.
Every time we tell our children about the necessity of grace and mercy, the stench of insincerity will betray us. Every time we pray thy kingdom come, we'll do so under the shallow shadow of false pretense.
Without deeds of reconciliation to match these words of love, grace, unity, and the wider society will continue to question if we really believe what we say,
I don't care what the wider society believes. This is, this is one of those things that needs to just die a very slow and painful death.
That's what this needs to do with the world is watching the world. They're never going to believe us. It's like, they don't know what they're talking about.
They don't know what left, what left and right is. They don't know what male and female are. They don't know what they're talking about. That's not our standard, whether or not they, they, they go,
Oh yeah. You know, they really do love Christ there. Like that's not, that's not it. Aye, aye, aye.
The thing is, this is the thing, like this, this is the thing that I think is so amazing about this. Like on the one hand, like they do know, but they're never going to admit it is my point.
Like the world knows, you know, uh, if we love each other and stuff like that, like, but they're never going to admit what they see.
They're going to talk about all the upside down morality that they have, you know what I mean? According to them, if you don't, uh, let you know, gaze into the church, well, you don't love the church.
You don't love each other. Like that's anyway, whatever you get it, you get it. Our divisions rob the church of credibility.
This is why we can't give up on racial reconciliation in the church. We must have the moral imagination and determination to find greater unity, working with, and learning from non -believers without being indoctrinated by them.
Even when that work seems impossible, I take inspiration from elders like Barbara Williams, Skinner, Joe and lion and pastor
Bob Roberts and John Jenkins. They're still committed to pursuing racial unity after decades of disappointments. So am
I, we'll need to new approaches and possibly new language, but the end game must remain redemption. Never retribution.
Yeah. They're going to do the same thing. They're just going to change the language and hope they can fool you. Well, sorry to say we're past that point.
At this point, not everyone is ready to move forward constructively, but we need a remnant, a coalition of the faithful who are willing to overcome past slip slights to pick up the cross, those who are willing to lower themselves to help their neighbors, whether in style or out self -sacrificial pursuit of racial unity is a
Christian responsibility. It's a crank kingdom prerequisite. We need to follow the vibe or follow the spirit.
Well, it looks like they're going to be reloading. Um, Oh, and look at this, the end campaign, the gross, the end campaign is one of the worst.
I mean, it's absolutely one of the worst. Like this is the guy, this guy is telling you that like, Oh, those guys over there are bad, but we're like the moderates, man.
We're just going to keep trying. Like he's one of the worst. He's one of the worst. That's why I say, name these people that you say are too wild because you'll never do it.
Obviously leftists don't do that kind of thing, but, uh, it looks like he's going to try to rebrand, you know, he sees that they're stupid terms are out of style.
Nobody cares. Just nobody cares. And so he's going to try to rebrand and try again, but don't worry.
I'll be here to point it all out to you in any case. I hope you found this video helpful.