Canadian Government


Started off light today, discussing my new Kindle and what books I have on it. But then we get rolling, looking at the attack upon the Christian faith by the secularists in the judicial branch of the Canadian government. Those who wish to end freedom of speech and expression are many, and their primary target comprises you and me.

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Webcasting around the world from the desert metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona. This is the dividing line
The Apostle Peter commanded Christians to be ready to give a defense for the hope that is within us Yet to give that answer with gentleness and reverence
Our host is dr. James White director of Alpha Omega ministries and an elder at the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church This is a live program and we invite your participation.
If you'd like to talk with dr. White call now. It's 602 973 460 to or toll -free across the
United States. It's 1 877 7 5 3 3 3 4 1 And now with today's topic here is
James white Well, that is if the microphone turns Hey, you know we do these weird times
I have to trick the computer and sometimes it's just not happy with me about that You know, that's because the computer was made sometime in the late 1990s or early this century
It's it's old Thank you, thank you very much mr.
Pierce for your participation in the program you can turn the microphone You can turn the microphone off now.
Thank you very much Yeah, welcome to a sort of special edition of dividing line an hour late
But hey, it's better to be an hour late than to not do it at all Then again, some of you would wish that we wouldn't do that at all
Anyway, so it doesn't really matter too much eight seven seven seven five three three three four one.
I Thought I before I forget it give a shout out to probably our only listener in Homer Alaska yes
Homer Alaska we have Dennis McCoolin McCoolin It's MAC K UL in it could be maculine.
It could be maculine. It could be McCoolin There's lots of ways we could we could pronounce that one
But anyways, he and his wife feel like the only Reformed Baptist on the
Kenai Peninsula Well, that's okay it's good to be a
Reformed Baptist wherever you are and So he's he's up there and Actually, he started a podcast himself with 1689
London Baptist Confession, which probably has the main listeners in the Kenai Peninsula But Dan wrote and and said he listens and so we thought we'd give a shout out to Dan and Sitting next to me for some of you who
Don't like it and some of you who do is a my my brand new
Amazon Kindle yes, I I bit the bullet and I gotta admit
Especially for someone like me. I mean who lives next the bulkhead in row 10 on the
A319 at least I can get row 10 and the a319 If you're wondering
I shouldn't tell people this but 10 a and 10 f Are the seats on the a319 the
Airbus that do not have an extra row seat in front of them? There's no nine there.
So you've got all the room in the world, but you can still put your stuff in the seat back Two rows ahead you just have to you know, get on your knees to get up there and get it that's all but it's about the best you're gonna do outside of first class and Anyways for people like me who sit there that's where I was as I came back from Georgia and as I went to Georgia in fact
That's that's the place where you can do lots of reading and so on so forth and I gotta admit
This Kindle for those who have not seen it. It is electronic reading device and It is in my opinion very well designed.
It fits in the hand very nicely The main thing for me is it is extremely readable. There's this new
What's it called electronic ink or? Electronic paper or something. There's some it's not the only one that has it.
There are others that have it too, I think but It is very easy on the eye.
No, no two ways about and I'm talking about reading here Not just the way it looks but it's not overly stylish as far as that goes, but it's very very easy to read
And I gotta admit there is the the geek in me. I saw a book I wanted to pick up and it looked really really interesting and I'm online
I've got my Kindle sitting next to me and I'm on my regular computer at home actually and I look at it.
And yes, it's available in Kindle and it's a matter of one click and Within one minute you're reading the introduction and you're reading the book.
I mean, it's just that fast and You're like, oh That is really wild.
So you go what would be on James White's Kindle after Having it for about 27 hours
What is on James White's Kindle after 27 hours, well, first of all, I put a 2 gig SD card in it which I found in here and So it's it's got plenty of room now
But one of the first things that I found fascinating is Raymond Ibrahim's the
Al -Qaeda reader yeah, the Al -Qaeda reader, these are documents from Al -Qaeda and I'm in the chapter on the theology of Al -Qaeda and that's something people don't and I talked about this in my presentation
So now I'll be able to give even better quotes than I could before but the Al -Qaeda reader What What's only here would of course?
Why do you think people would listen to this crazy thing? It's got to be as weird as possible Look at look at the people who listen.
I mean Carla in Canada listens I mean, you know wonky listens. He doesn't admit it. But but even he listens
Don't mention Carla. Oh, that's right. I'm sorry. Oh, man The secret police are on their way now
Yes, we will be talking about The gulag to the north Canada a little bit later on.
Sorry about that Carla Maybe they'll not find you hide in the woods for a while or something. So anyway, he's got the
Al -Qaeda raider and then we have Church history in plain language by Bruce Shelley the complete works of Josephus.
That's on my SD card, by the way We have Berlinski's the devil's delusion We have
Bettinson's documents of the Christian Church We have be he's the edge of evolution
Fox's Book of Martyrs the New American Standard Bible Which was all of five dollars and forty nine cents as I recall
We have a A non -religious book that done done
Everyone's well, it's nice to read something about what's going on. That's when I was talking about lone survivor. See I do read
Charlie's blog Then we have as whammers the Muslim Christ Which comes from a
Muslim perspective we have Pilgrim's Progress and then we have three different Quranic translations
Which you can put in parallel with one another and the three grand total four dollars and seventy nine cents to put those on my
Kindle, so that's what's currently on on my Kindle And yes, you can put all sorts of other stuff and I know there's all sorts of neat websites you can go to it's nice and small and it's easy to carry and There's all sorts of other stuff you can do with it too
I did download that book about the stuff that you can do with it and How do you use the
Amazon Kindle? So I gotta admit. It's uh, it's it's it's really cool.
There's there's no two ways about it and If you are a gadget geek or someone like me who actually has to do a lot of reading and this is easy on the eyes
Unlike backlit screens and things like that. Mm -hmm. Then this will this will be Useful to you.
There are others I saw I saw as I was setting stuff up and downloading stuff There was
I don't know is about six or seven in a list once and they all looked somewhat similar to one another But rich thinks it looks like Star Trek has finally arrived
Because you know the things they'd they'd read their stuff on that's what is what it looks like You know, it's about that thick and and you know,
I don't know if you saw this in the back. They were smart. That's rubber So not only does it not slide but that's what you're holding instead of something yet the sweat and stuff like that.
Yeah, it's that's Very very well designed on those. I do however bump the previous page next page things all the time
That that happens a lot but I'm just clumsy I guess so anyways, that's what's on my kindle
I'll go ahead and turn it off here, even though the thing they say is once it draws the screen. It's no longer drawing power
It's not taking power to keep the screen in the form that it's in which I find fascinating I would like to maybe find a tech paper on how they do that.
So it's kind of like an electronic exit sketch Yeah, it's exactly what it in fact when you when you when you hit the next page thing it that's exactly what it looks like there's a blackout and So that's exactly what it looks like is an electronic etch -a -sketch and some people are going just How old are you?
Anyway, so Yeah, that's what's there um, man,
I'll tell you I I Have something want to play for you and to talk a little bit about the what is going on up in in Canada What has been going on?
We've all known this. It's not this The one that I posted about yesterday
Where on last Friday the Alberta Human Rights Commission. Yeah, that's that's exactly right
They are definitely drawing their entire foundation from humans rather from God.
There is no transcendent basis for law anymore The Alberta Human Rights Commission ordered
Alberta pastor Stephen. I believe it's boy swan I'm assuming it's
French and if it's French, it would be boy swan To desist from expressing his views on homosexuality in any sort of public forum
He was also commanded to pay damages equivalent to seven thousand dollars as a result of tribunals November decision
To side with complainants and homosexual activists. Dr. Darren Lund The tribunal has also called for boy swan to personally apologize to Lund via a public statement in the local newspaper
Now I remember reading about a pastor who had been told that He was going to have to take sensitivity training
In regards to Islam for having had a conference on Islam in his church
I can guarantee you that if Sharia law takes over all these Secularists who are trying to persecute
Christianity right now in the guise of the law Will not be offered the option of sensitivity training
By the newly established Islamic government. This will not happen. I assure you
They Will not find dimmitude of an overly good thing because the two protected dimmy classes are both people of the book and They are not people of anything the secularists anyways, and when
I posted that I Got a note and I'm not going to mention any names here though I thank you for the note and the person who sent this will recognize that but I just don't want to get anybody in trouble
Who isn't already in trouble? but from the brother of someone who's not in Canada, but who themselves might be
How's that for being? obscure enough this person's employer
Is a faith -based company which asks employees to sign a statement of conduct a statement of conduct
You mean like you know? Pretty much Christian companies have done for a long long time
You know that basically says if you Act like something other than a Christian and bring dishonor to Christ's name, then we probably don't want you working for us
Yes, they asked employees to sign a statement of conduct an employee was found to have violated this when she openly declared her newfound lesbianism she then took the company to court and we are in Canada and So obviously in Canada The Christian is automatically wrong and whoever is complaining and hating
God's law is adamantly, right? That's the new Canadian motto according to the Human Rights Commission Finding was in her favor and I noticed that isn't that is spelled only as an
English person or maybe a Canadian would spell favor So that's that's a bad thing right there, but with the result that the company has been ordered among other things to give their employees
Sensitivity training Teaching them the merits of the homosexual lifestyle
So we go from expecting standard Christian behavior to having to actively teach the opposite of standard
Christian behavior so they're gonna try to find some way around that obviously, but It's Canada.
It is the secular West it is this it is the The people who hate
God's law and they hate those who would dare to submit themselves to God's law and So under the lie of law they now wish to promote lawlessness
Is there is there any doubt in any rational person's mind who just hasn't already been been
So desensitized Made to go watch this could never happen. That's good.
It never happened. It's Happening and unless God brings repentance
To the West as a whole Someday you're gonna fire up that URL and there ain't gonna be nothing here.
It's gonna happen So Enjoy it while you can we all need to take all every advantage we can
But the fact the matter is these folks know that they're wrong They know that they are suppressing the knowledge of God They know they're doing these things and so they don't want to debate listen look at the debates
I've done homosexuality was either one of them even close. I mean seriously on any rational
Intellectual level was either one of them even close. I mean in one of them the guy was admitting He lost before the thing was even over They can't win in that in that context and they know it and So the only way that they can deal with the issue
Of course is to simply suppress The freedom of speech of those with whom they disagree
That's how you do it you just shut them up be silent do not speak any longer That's that's what they do, and that's what they are busily doing and I cannot help but remember once again the the very insightful words of One Apostle Paul who clearly
Clearly if there is consistency if this if this decision Up in Canada is is appealed and And goes to the highest level and I was reading something today, and I cannot document this
I'm giving you this is hearsay right now. Let me tell you that right now. I'd love to track this down Maybe I'll take the time to do so but as I was following some some leads and some you know
URLs and you click here you click there And you go over here, and you check that out and blah blah blah I Noticed just in passing a statement where one of the
Supreme Court justices in Canada had mentioned in a speech she had mentioned in a speech that the
Supreme Court in Canada now Functioned for Canada the way the church once did now think about that for just a second and You'll realize that in essence what you've got is you've got the
Inquisition. It's just secularists doing it instead of Roman Catholics doing it same thing and Just as the the
Roman Catholic Inquisitor stood there while people were being tortured on the rack and Smiled in benevolence
Because of course This is for your good You know this pain is for your good.
It is to save your soul In the same way the secularist looks at us and goes.
Oh you poor benighted people You you are you are trapped in your myths you need to listen to Richard Dawkins and to Christopher Hitchens But we cannot allow your deception the fact that you can't see the reality of the great glories of human science and accomplishment
To keep us from the forward movement of our evolution and They'll stand there and benignly smile as They Silence you oh
They'll talk about how wonderful it is to have freedom of thought as long as that thought is our thought
And I don't know how many of you read 1984, but he was only 24 years off. He was pretty close you know
I read 1984 before 1984 came along and In fact when
I read it was sort of like well, it's still down the road, but I and we're not gonna get there Well, that's right. We didn't quite
As quickly as he thought but we're getting there and Man now with the technology we have to be able to track people and observe people whoa
You know some of those movies out there. That's uh You know speak to these things are starting to become really scary in in their their fulfillment it
Truly is and you think about these people think about that statement about the
Supreme Court justice if that's in fact what she said You know these these folks have no foundation for morality
They have no transcendent values to look at Didn't Europe already learn what happens when you allow this to happen?
Didn't didn't we already see this once twice few times more than that Yeah, we don't we don't remember things like that so as I was looking around I Ran across and by the way eight seven seven seven five three three three four ones the phone number
I ran across remember last week I Read you a bit of an article
From that mentioned Pete very And we thought was for a you know, we're we're all singing, you know, people are fancy, you know, he was a canon lawyer
So maybe it's French. It's very Reason I know that is because I'm gonna play you some audio from a
YouTube audio clip I'd have no idea what the background of this thing is.
It's a goofy looking thing. But anyways, it's just audio. So there's no video anyways and This is
Pete very interviewing a fellow by the name of Van Dusen and Van Dusen introduces himself.
So we'll listen to it Van Dusen is a counselor to this tribunal this
Commission this Human Rights Commission tribunal that is going after this Roman Catholic priest for daring to quote the
Bible in a gay marriage debate and Same people have gone after You know same kind of people have gone after bus one and they're doing all the rest of stuff
It's the it's the the thought police. It's the thought police of Canada And they need to be seen for what they are.
They are a thought police They are this is this is a form of fascism state totalitarianism and It's right north of our border and believe you me.
There are many people in the United States who want it here They want it here and they are going to be working very very hard to establish it.
It'll appear first in, Massachusetts, California guarantee you that but there are lots of people who want on the national level as well and Certainly the mechanisms are in place to to bring it to pass no questions about it.
No two questions about no two ways about anyway, I Want you to listen to this guy? Because you know, he's a representative
You know, he's a counselor to these people Standard attorney talk But but listen to what listen to how he talks and and listen to what he
SL pry break in was twice Not very long. This is not that long clip. Listen listen to this conversation
We are interviewing Mark Van Dusen and I had thought you were spokesperson with the
Commission But you said your media coordinator to the chief commissioner. Ah, okay Manager of media relations,
I guess and you're where I am recording it and I may Likely will podcast this
Okay well, let's start off with One of the one accusation that several critics have made is that the
Commission operates on the basis that one is guilty until proven innocent Do you agree or do you rebuke that statement?
We rebuke that statement. Absolutely false the Commission Operates according to set procedures and it treats every
Canadian Canadian who? files a complaint with us
On an equal basis. Oh, I wonder if if Canadians if Christian Canadians began filing
Complaints based upon the constant outrageous offense of Christians I wonder if they get treated fairly.
I wonder if they if they'd have the same shot at Winning these things. I mean seriously, we have lots of reasons to be offended
The Canadian government would would be the first person to complain against for offending Christians But there's all sorts of things in the media and things like that You know all these places that have art displays showing
Jesus and I read about one yesterday In fact, I read it on a
Muslim website where one Horrible display of Jesus have been taken down, but then it described the other displays of Jesus in this thing.
I Couldn't even believe I'd never even heard of anything like this. It was disgusting and It was a
Muslim complaining about it because the Muslim was saying hey, we believe he was a great prophet. What is this? We're offended.
Oh great But I mean in other words, there's all sorts of reasons why we could complain about all sorts of things
But would we have? would we get the same kind of response the same kind of Ongoing prosecution that we see being aimed against Christians.
I Personally don't think so. No, is it true that any Section 13 complaint pursued by the
Commission to the tribunal has Never been ruled in favor of the respondent that's sort of clumsily asked but I think you get the sense of the question
That every complaint dealing with hate that Goes to tribunal rules in favor of the response of the of the complainant.
Yes when brought forth by no, it's not true Can you name any specific cases where the
Commission has brought a case to the tribunal based on section 13 and the
Tribunal has ruled in favor of the respondent. There was one the case off the top of my head,
I don't remember but You know to be clear the certainly the majority of Cases hate cases that go to the tribunal are ruled in favor of the complainant.
That's because The Commission only refers cases that it considers are of such a vilifying nature that That you know that they are
Likely to be upheld at tribunal. We don't know think about that just about vilifying
Nature, what did pastor bus one do? He said quote
Children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro -homosexual
Literature and guidance in the public school system all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights That's vilifying oh that's vilifying
Pure thought police pure thought police Unbelievable, I mean this this is the stuff that Hollywood has been putting out there
But this person you know, that's vilifying. That's you vilified homosexuals
You say it their lifestyles damaging. Well, hello They live 21 years less on average than non -homosexuals.
You think maybe you might want to consider that man, oh
Yeah, and Well, yeah, but that's nobody can't know it was just just equal rights and Cases frivolous or weak cases ahead to the tribunal.
We have a screening process that looks very carefully at all cases and Will only advance those where we think that there is very strong Evidence that the alleged
Complaint well a complaint of hate will prove true. Okay another complaint
And usually the examples cited are Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary though the case against him was withdrawn so I probably not a good one, but is that the but with the bless and old case and Was that a was that a federal or was that the
Alberta Human Rights Commission? I can't tell you off the top of my head. Are you saying that you're talking about a case that yeah
Well, let's look at two cases that are that we know for certain Are being looked into by the
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal? That's father Alphonse the Volcker respected Brazilian priest and The Christian Heritage Party, but if they're before tribunal, we can't comment until the tribunal issues a decision
Now notice that if it's for a tribunal we can't come in up. Yeah, okay, that's not unusual later on He's going to be asked once the decision has been made.
Does this stuff become public? No So this is all behind the doors Can't be reviewed can't be criticized
Trust us We are the government We love you.
We have your best in in our interest We are the all -wise
Follow us my numb zombies. That's what you've got going on here.
Oh My goodness to hear this kind of stuff. It is unbelievable Why but why would the
Commission? Investigate a case where Christians are simply holding on to positions that Chris Christians have always held on We look at every case and I can't comment on specific cases, but I can tell you we look at every case
You know based now listen this here's here's there's a good. How can you prosecute?
Christians for believing what Christians have always believed Okay, I mean clearly just on any logical or rational basis
Is it not true that? Canada has had a long religious tradition of course it has
So if the government has not for generations from the beginning
Persecuted Christians and prosecuted Christians for believing what Christians believe him Does it not follow of logical necessity that to start doing so now is?
to reject the historical legal standing of the entirety of the history of the
Canadian government and hence Engage in in essence an act of revolution Does that make sense?
Now listen to the response on the circumstances or the details filed in the in the complaint, okay?
It's the stating moral opposition to same -sex marriage. It's not a hate crime It's um.
Oh I as I said I I can't tell you that you're you're you're referring to a specific complaint
I'm saying in general If one because of one sincerely held
Moral beliefs whether it be Jew Muslim Christian Catholic opposes the idea of same -sex marriage in Canada Is that considered hate?
You know they don't advocate violence. We investigate we investigate complaints, Mr.. Very we don't set a
Public policy or or moral standards we investigate complaints based on the circumstances and the details outlined in the complaint
Now think about that think about what that man just said This is what is so dangerous and wrong
About the entirety of quote -unquote hate crimes legislation and hate crimes law
You can't determine what fills the hearts of men You can only act upon their actions not upon what you think is in their heart
But you just heard a man say well We just invest the facts in light of what's been defined by the law we don't set moral standards
How do you define? What is hate without moral standards? What an absurdity?
talk about double speak and Yet, I don't sense anything that the guy knows this just does just just sort of what it's like you know to be a secularist to have had
Your conscience seared to the last inch of it by your constant suppression of the knowledge of God and just be a grand old secularist and Think this is just fine.
This is well. You know we just you know we're just doing our best here You know you people are so mean you know oh my goodness you know if if You know if we upon investigation deem that There is sufficient
Evidence then we may forward the complaint to the tribunal, but they say sufficient evidence based on what?
So so in other words if the government tells us That this action is immoral
There's no transcendent values anymore Upon what basis could someone who consistently holds this worldview in any way shape or form?
Condemn now start down the line of the great criminal Governments of history how could you condemn
Stalin? How could you condemn Hitler? How could you condemn Mussolini? How could you condemn these?
Governments that were simply doing what the government said to do When we judge the
German war criminals after World War two it was based upon the idea that there was law
That isn't just simply the result of a bunch of people getting together and going. Oh, well. I think we'll do it this way and yet Here we go again
They don't get it. They don't you know why why can't people learn from the past. I don't know it is defined in the
In in the Human Rights Act under section 13 1 so there you go That's how hates defined
Hates defined by section 13 1 huh, that's how you define hate oh
My What is there anything to be done about this? I don't know I Don't know.
I just don't think enough people are even you know. I've said it many times. What is amusement? Amused means to think ponder to consider amusement means to not think ponder or consider and We are so so busy amusing ourselves that the vast majority of people don't even know about this kind of stuff they aren't even aware that it's happening and Honestly, who cares?
It's the old hey you start with them, and I didn't say anything about it, then you went to these guys I didn't say anything about it finally when it came for me.
There wasn't anybody to complain because I was last one left you know It's saying type of stuff going on it just goes happens over and over and over again it is the sign of a decaying culture and we live smackdown middle of it and our job is to look at it compare it to to the act to Accumulated case law tribunal and court decisions that have reflected on on hate and and and decide
What what whether to advance the complaint? Dismiss it or whether there's a room for us for a settlement between parties
Okay, in the case of a room of the settlement does the Commission. Oh here.
Yeah, here's here's the part where he talks about Okay Do we get to find out you know about this stuff?
You know what's what's the story there make these details public? No, we don't the the process is is guided by privacy laws and we don't
First of all disclose the nature of a complaint that come comes before us or the details of it nor obviously names of parties involved okay, uh
How to do so would compromise the the whole system so?
Here you have To see this is what happens when you no longer have a system of laws this is not law
These tribunal members tribunal man scares me these tribunal members
Get to make law That's what's so dangerous You know when our when our governmental system was set up The Supreme Court justices and all those appellate court justices thing people who have to rule on higher -level orders of law
There was a standard by which they were to be held they were to interpret in light of the intention of the law itself
They were there was the idea of coming up with new law just because you decide you're gonna come up with new law
Was reprehensible and everyone recognized that was the path to anarchy and That's what's happening in our nation and in all the
Western nations. That's how the will the people has been usurped in all of these what you do is take over the educational systems and Then you you basically
Try to numb the conscience by constant exposure to that which is vile
To that which is against God's law and Over time people the shock value is gone
When you keep seeing it and seeing it you might see just a little bit at first It might be very shocking, but the second time you see it.
It's not as shocking the third time. It's less shocking and that's what we've seen going on this culture and So then you have the room for these people to get away with what they're getting away with they make law
They sit as it's it's now an oligarchy a rule by a few and there's no law that circumscribes them
They can make law as they go along if they run across a law that's that's standing in their way, then they can just reinterpret it because the original intention is irrelevant and Isn't it fascinating that the very things they want to promote the very things are the most opposed to God's truth and to God's law
That's how they express their detestation For God's law through the establishment of their own
Alleged law and it just reminds me of what Paul said Finally getting around to it here After this long list of the of the sinful actions of mankind
God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper Being filled with all unrighteousness wickedness greed evil full of envy murder strife deceit malice their gossips
Slanderers haters of God and by the way, that phrase could be translated hated by God insolent arrogant boastful inventors of evil disobedient to parents without understanding untrustworthy unloving unmerciful and then listen to this verse 32 and Although they know the ordinance of God That those who practice such things are worthy of death
They not only do the same But also give hearty approval to those who practice them the final elements of the perversion of The thinking of the reprobate is
To applaud fellow sinners Encourage fellow sinners sin loves company
When you have other sinners along with you to do your sin that helps to drown out what's left if there is anything left of the voice of the conscience and so Though they know
Not that they speculate. They have a feeling they know the ordinance of God that those who practice those things are worthy of death they not only do those things but also give hearty approval to those who practice them and so so many
How often do you hear politicians on both sides of the border? well, I Personally don't approve of behavior acts, but it would never cross my mind
That someone should be precluded from doing say They heartily approve of those who practice them and as long as they'll donate and They'll vote.
I will pervert the law To give them what they want now see in this
I download I forgot to transfer it over to my system here Sorry about that but I download the
PDF of the decision in the bus one case and In essence at one point the
PDF lists what this homosexual activist Lund Asked for and then what the
Commission gave and they were almost word -for -word The Commission gave to Lund exactly what he wanted and imagine
Imagine if you will for a moment that the nation once I Mean, you know, what's what is the relationship between Canada and the
Royals these days? I mean, I realize that the monarchy is just a symbol anyway but Canada once had such a you know, at least officially a
Clear relationship to what was called Christianity may not have been overly useful, but at it and now you have this nation
Telling a Christian pastor That he is not to and and did you note on I suppose
I could just bring it up on my blog because it's there Did you note the quotations?
That were put here That that mr. Botswana and the concerned Christian coalition incorporated shall cease publishing in newspapers because that's they did he wrote a letter to the editor
Oh my what vilifying thing that is to express
Your viewpoint in public can't have that anymore. No, no, no
Don't tell me these homosexual activists want equal rights for people. They do not they want super rights
They want the right to never be criticized for what they do That's what they want
Now they want the right to criticize anybody criticize them and they've gotten it and it's pretty much been a quid pro quo it's been hey, you know what we got lots of money because we don't have to raise kids and We'll give you our money and we'll give you our vote
And that's what they've done shall cease publishing in newspapers by email
By email on the radio in public speeches you want to bet that includes sermons or on the
Internet Upon which you can post any kind of pornography, but you can't criticize homosexuality in future disparaging remarks about gays and homosexuals disparaging remarks don't you love the precision of These individuals
Disparaging remarks, what's that? Is that something like I don't know quote in the
Bible Saying it's wrong. Of course, it's anything Further they shall not and are prohibited from making disparaging remarks in the future about dr.
Lund Or dr. Lund's witnesses relating to their involvement in this complaint further all disparaging remarks versus homosexuals are
Directed to be removed from current websites and publications of mr. Boswana and the concern
Christian Coalition Incorporated. Um Does that mean that if they sell a
Bible? That they need to start cutting out passages from the Bible because logically it would wouldn't it if they sold the
Bible if? They published a Bible Wouldn't follow That they'd have to remove
Leviticus 18 and 20 and Romans 1 Genesis 18 and 19 and is that not exactly what the homosexuals want you better believe it's what the homosexuals want
You better believe it this is totalitarianism folks and it's right next door to us and it's coming our direction and It's coming a whole lot faster than I ever thought it would
This when I say totalitarianism when you can tell someone what they have to think and what they cannot think and That in emails or what you say from behind the pulpit of the church can be determined by a small group of secular humanist demagogues
That's totalitarianism and it's back we thought we beat it in World War two it just came back
Because you don't remember the past since you don't know anything about history
And in fact in the West anymore all you're taught in history is that we've just always been terrible people that we've always just done the wrong things and So you're taught to hate your country and to hate the accomplishments of the past Then why should anybody study history in?
Fact if there is no God if there is no creator who cares about history. It's all random anyways I mean we got here by the the random
Movement of molecules so who cares about history history has no meaning someday Our Sun's gonna blow up and this plants gonna disintegrate and History will be irrelevant won't have any meaning so who cares
What does it matter? right Absolutely amazing even an email
I Guess what strikes me so strange about that is is
I have a really short email address and so all the spammers nail it and Every year
I've forgotten what it is But the the current online version that we've got has nailed.
I don't know a hundred and 178 ,000 and then my one on my machines probably gotten another
I don't know 3 ,000 beyond that you know and so we're talking email
Wow I mean these are people who really think very highly of themselves.
They have all power absolutely omnipotent jurists But then as I pointed out in the article
Here's here's what really blew me away Any remedy awarded by this or any tribunal will inevitably serve a number of purposes
Who gets to define purposes prevention and elimination of Discriminatory practices is only one of the outcomes flowing from an order issued as a consequence of these proceedings discriminatory practices
So if you express your opinion That's exposing six -year -olds to pro -homosexual material is wrong
That's discrimination, and you're a bigot There is also a significant symbolic value in the public
Denunciation of the actions that are the subject of this complaint Listen to that this is a government speaking
They want to make a symbolic statement by publicly denouncing what?
simple Christian belief You know I'm looking through a window right now at a map we have up on the wall from voice the martyrs and Voice the martyrs color codes the nation's as to their level of persecution of Christians There's no color coding on Canada.
It's now outdated It needs to be changed These the this government and these these not bureaucrats, but judicial high priests
Need to be identified for what they are They think they have the authority and power
To silence the Christian faith they have decided to persecute
Christianity. It's all there is to it and so they want to make a symbolic statement
Has symbolic value in the public denunciation of the actions that are subject to this complaint similarly there is potential
Educative and ultimately larger preventive benefit That can be achieved by open discussion of the principles enunciated in this or any tribunal discussion discussion
You need to be talking about what we say Not what some
God has said you need to think about what we say See we need to educate you
Oh educate you weren't the gulags Educational Weren't the concentration camps supposed to be educational
We just need to educate you on the glories of homosexuality
Need to re -educate you on the glories of murdering children in the womb and we'll use our jackbooted thugs to do it
That's called totalitarianism I Thought at least well,
I was raised. I thought this nation had fought and in fact had tens of thousands hundreds of thousands had died to defeat this kind of stuff and Now it's waltzing through the front door potential
Educative and ultimately larger preventive benefit that can be achieved by Open discussion of our view after we tell you to shut up After we gag you after we put tape on your mouth, then we'll have an open discussion
This is 1984 what kind of person Can sit here and write this stuff knowing that you are purposefully
Shutting down freedom of speech you are purposely Silencing a position you can't refute.
You don't even interact with it and then have the gall To lie to yourself and to lie to everybody else and talk about open discussion
Isn't that again Romans 1 the perversion of the mind of man and Here it is
There is no question that the whole purpose of Lund's application its complaint is to silence
The opposition I Personally think it's because they have to spend so much energy homosexuals to suppress that conscience because they know what they're doing is wrong and That conscience is constantly there that they will do anything to silence anyone who reminds them of what they're having to do over and over and over again and so they will go to Great lengths and now the government of Canada has joined with them in plainly clearly in arguably saying to Christians You open your mouth and talk about this
You stay consistent to your scriptures and you will be punished
You will be punished You'll be dragged into investigations.
I believe I think somebody in channel Mentioned that this actually initially took place in I think 2002 so six years
We will drag you along for six years We will drain you dry just move on Tell nice stories about Jesus, but don't talk about his law.
Don't talk about repentance Don't talk about sin because if you mention anything,
I mean, I don't see any logical irrational reason why if you preached a sermon, uh
How about preaching a sermon against profanity about the need for having pure communication, you know, maybe you're preaching through James and James talks about bridling the tongue and the perfect man and I see no logical reason why there could not be a person who could not go to the
Canadian government and say look I bleep and didn't like that because I bleep and talk like this all the bleep and time and I've been hurt.
I've been scarred This man has produced hate against me There were people who know that I bleep and talk like this all the bleep and time and so now he has produced hate against Me he needs to be silenced
On what logical basis? Should he not be allowed to proceed with this?
bleepin complaint Huh What logical basis? I mean the thought across your mind is what's stupid?
Yeah, so is this complaint against bus Juan? utterly stupid Without lodge, there's no way to defend this
I'd love to get dr. Lund to come down to the land of the free of the home of the brave We can still debate this
I'd love to debate him, but we all know what would happen as a result of it But he does he's not gonna debate
He's got the he's got free lawyers called the government on his side and that's what we're facing and So once again,
I know I sound like a broken record, but how long are we going to be able to freely?
Proclaim the gospel Apply it to all the situations in our society speak about Islam speak about abortion speak about homosexuality
Speak about the things that the natural man hates how long are we going to have that opportunity and how much time have we?
Wasted on the inanities and the stupidities
That take up so much of what's called Evangelicalism today, how much time we wasted
Maybe that's why this is happening. Lords could take away the freedom because once you abuse it Once you refuse to use it then how in the world
Can you possibly object when God says I'm gonna give this freedom to somebody else
He can't object. So how about you? It's easy for us to sit here and pound our fists and wave our hands in the air
But you know, I am well aware of the fact That someday I'm gonna have to count the cost and so I'm asking myself
How attached am I to the things the world because that's where our weakness is That's where our weakness is if we love the things this world then we will back down when this happens
But if our love for God's truth For the gospel and for Christ is greater than our love the things of this world
Then we can stand tall we can stand firm so that's what's happening in the world today folks got to think about these things
Got to think about them now So we can give a god -honoring response when the time comes
Don't know what's happening the rest this week We're gonna have to play it by ear schedule wise might have something might have not don't know.
We'll see But we'll let you know on the blog. Thanks for listening. God bless The dividing line has been brought to you by Alpha and Omega ministries
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