They Told Me to Do My Research - You Sure About That?

AD Robles iconAD Robles



I gotta go out there and install some chicken wire just a minute so I got my camo hat on you know just to just to play just to look the part as much as possible my
Walmart glasses all that kind of stuff but there's a there's a person in my head this is a woman so if you're not a woman
I'm sorry but in my head you're a woman she comments on my YouTube channel very regularly just to browbeat me because I don't uphold some kind of journalistic standards or something these are things of which
I have no knowledge I the journalistic standards of which she's referring to are just things that are just too wonderful for me but anyway so I've just kind of been rebuffing her attacks on that kind of stuff but then
I had a moment of panic because I you know I have researched this topic on the McLean Bible Church a lot
I've talked to some people you know firsthand sources and stuff like that but there is one thing
I haven't done personally I have trusted someone on this one so I'm gonna do it personally live we're gonna see how this goes does
McLean Bible Church which supposedly is not in the SBC according to David Platt the lying pastor who lies about many things from the pulpit does the
SBC consider McLean Bible Church a member of its ranks let's find out here
I am on DuckDuckGo we will look up the SBC church directory
SBC church directory let's uh this looks official churches .sbc
.net let's go ahead and click that find a church there are more than 50 ,000 churches and congregations committed to taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to every town city state and every nation find a church an
SBC church directory here we go let's check it check it let's check it out
McLean Bible that's not how you spell Bible hard to see in these glasses they're not very quality
McLean Bible Church this is the SBC directory let's go ahead and click enter and let's find here's the search results
McLean Bible Church in Vienna Virginia now I sent David Platt a book and I happen to know that this is in fact the address of the church because I sent him a copy of Social Justice Pharisees Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Him get your copy by the way at adroblez .com
that is adroblez .com anyway let's just click it just to be sure maybe there's two McLean Bible Churches at 889 25
Leesburg Pike in Vienna Virginia era zip code 22182 -1742 check it out
McLean Bible Church org as you can see this is the official
SBC site McLean Bible Church org and let's see choose a location let's choose
Tyson's Corner this is the one that he preaches at and what are you there's is
I don't I mean I guess it could not be I can only see the side of him so you know I couldn't necessarily make a positive
ID if a police officer stopped me and asked me to but that looks an awful lot like David Platt and just so you see this came from the churches .sbc
.net directory from the Southern Baptist Convention this is
I mean it's definitely a piece of evidence I suppose that the
SBC could be mistaken that maybe they think McLean Bible Church is a member of the SBC but McLean isn't a member of the
SBC even though they definitely are in every way oh it's just too easy when the truth is on your side it's just too easy and we love to have a good time with it and all that kind of thing
I hope you found this video enlightening and helpful and E Fitzgerald please stop telling me that I have to use these standards of which
I have no knowledge if I just I just I refuse to do it I do not consent to any standards except for the one set in the scriptures
I hope you found this video helpful God bless by the way just so you know
I just double -checked I just called the SBC and I spoke to a nice woman who she seemed very friendly very
Southern do anyway so I asked her I said hey you know if I were to be traveling this summer and I wanted to visit an
SBC church while I was traveling where would I go to find one like not in my my normal area and she said oh that's easy sugar well she didn't really say that she said that's easy just go to SBC net and so I said okay can you hang on the phone with me just for a minute just to make sure
I got the right thing she said sure and I said okay cool so I scrolled down and just go to the info tab and I said okay do
I just click where it says churches and she said yeah that's exactly where you click so I clicked it and what do you know it pulls up the site that I just searched and found that McLean Bible Church is most definitively an
SBC Church at least according to the SBC so I guess you know we got we got they pay the
SBC money they're listed on the SBC directory they're participating in the
SBC functions David Platt is from the SBC his documents and books are spread by the
SBC and he was on the International Mission Board for the SBC but somehow we're supposed to believe that they are not part of the
SBC so there's a feather in your cap I don't know what that's supposed to mean a feather in your cap