Some Men Are Slaves by Nature

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, well, I hope you had a good weekend. I sure did. I hope you had a good Lord's Day. My pastor had a great sermon, and we had a good time at Sunday school.
We were singing songs to God, and all that kind of stuff. It was fantastic. But let's jump right into it today, because it's 9 .20ish,
and the stock market's about to open up, and I've got to tell you, this Reddit board is turning me into a day trader.
Nah, not really, not really. But I do happen to own some silver mining stocks that apparently these guys are targeting for the next rally.
So I could reap some of the benefits of this, because I already own the stock. I'm not involved in any of the shenanigans, so if it pops up,
I'm going to probably sell and just take the profits. So I have to keep an eye on it more than I normally would.
But anyway, I just wanted to chat about a few different things today. You know, let me just say this.
I've been reconsidering. Yeah, that's right. I've been reconsidering my tone, and just sort of some of the things that I said in 2020, and just trying to re -evaluate if I really had to go that hardcore.
You know what I mean? I was thinking about those videos that I did about Jonathan Lehman, Jonathan Lehman of Nine Marks, and it was really these guys that made me start to think about it.
This is the Defend and Confirm podcast, and it's two guys.
It's the guys that did the American Gospel movie, and they seem like nice fellows. You know what I mean? They seem like good guys, and they like Jonathan Lehman.
And one of the big things that they said about my videos was that it seemed like friendly fire, like I had the wrong target.
If you remember, I called Jonathan Lehman a snake probably like, I don't know, maybe 50 times in the videos that I was doing about him.
And so I just was thinking about that. I was like, you know what, did he really deserve that? I mean, I know he's kind of weaselly and all this and that, but did he really deserve being called a snake just because he said that we needed to, you know what
I mean? I don't know. I don't know. But anyway,
I went back and I watched some of the content about voting Democrat and how it's a sin, and it's one of the most obvious sins of all time.
I mean, let's just face it. Like, you know, of course they have the abortion thing, like, you know, just baby killing.
I mean, it's no big deal. They kill babies. They want you to kill babies. They want you to pay for killing babies, stuff like that.
Just a small little thing. But then, of course, there's there's no redeeming quality to any of their positions.
It's like every single one of the things that they support, everything is like worse than the last thing. It's like there's no redeeming quality whatsoever.
And so it's a very easy case to make. Of course, voting Democrat is a sin. And then, of course, there was the
Lehman article where he didn't want you to go to church. Like he was very worried that John MacArthur would would encourage you to go to church during a pandemic.
And he was like, stop, don't don't wait. Think about this. And, you know, he just wanted you to consider the fact that you might die if you go to church or if you sing, you might die.
And so maybe it's not worth it to go to church. And I called him a snake. I called him a wolf.
I called him a variety of different things and, you know, just reconsidering. And then
I saw this meme from the Jolly Brawler and it was a
Doug Wilson quote. And let me just read this quote, because I think once I read this, I was like, no, no,
I was right about Jonathan. I was definitely right. By the way, Doug Wilson apparently is on Gab now.
So there you go. Come join Gab. It's you don't need Twitter for anything. Let's just face it. Like Twitter is essentially worthless.
Facebook, you don't need it. Just join Gab, man. Gab is where it's at. I, for one, can tell you that that I've been a lot more jolly since I've been on Gab.
I think so. Anyway, so here's the quote. I think that this is a very, very well said quote from Doug Wilson, like many things that he says.
And it really gives you a it helps you really see what you know, kind of where we've been.
But you don't want to just look back at where we've been. You got to plan for the future. And so I have some words after I read this quote to you.
But here's what Doug Wilson says. He says, in these times, let us remember the stages that our evangelical leaders have brought us through.
Stage one, there will not be any need to fight. Stage two, there may come a time when it's necessary to fight.
Stage three, it's too early to fight. And stage four, it's too late to fight.
This is a post Christian era. And I have to say, this is well said.
And the reality is that there are people, there are evangelical leaders that we followed, you know, we've read their books, we've gone to their conferences, we've gotten a lot of value from some of the basic things that they've said.
But they've shown themselves in 2020. And you know, around this time period and give or take a year kind of thing.
They've shown themselves to be unworthy of being followed. They've shown themselves to be cowardly.
They've shown themselves to be essentially agents for the zeitgeist, the spirit of the age, the spirit of the world.
And this has happened in a variety of different ways, the whole social justice woke church thing, where every white person's racist, and every black person's a saint kind of thing.
Like, like, that's one way that they've done this. Anyone who's gone along with the social justice narrative is a coward is a spirit of the age kind of guy, every one of them.
I'm not I'm not giving any exceptions at this point. If you were the guy that that saw CNN and said, that white cop was racist, and you you repeated what
CNN said, even without having any evidence that that person was racist, then you have to reevaluate your your your sanity at this point, you just basically parroting anything
CNN if you do that, if you pair anything CNN says without even really critically thinking about it,
I'm sorry, but you're not a prophet. For the right God, you've got a
God, but it's not the Lord of Glory. So there's that. And then there's the
Coronavirus pandemic thing. And again, I give a lot of leeway for the first few weeks of the pandemic.
But if you're one of these guys that still, you know, let's not sing during church, even though God commands to sing, let's not do communion, because the community is too risky.
Let's do contact tracing for everyone that comes to our, you know, let's make sure we we don't we don't, we don't we have ticketing for our services.
So we don't get too many people and stuff like that. Like if that's you, or God forbid, you're still closed. You're a spirit of the age guy, you're serving a
God, but it's not the Lord, right? The Lord never told you to do those things. And yet you're doing them. Why are you doing them?
Well, because your God told you to do them, right? And if you're one of these guys, it's like, well, we can't really fight the state right now, because it's coronavirus pandemic.
I mean, we don't have the cultural capital, you fall into one of these things, basically, what you are, is you're the kind of guy that's like, well, anything you say,
Daddy, anything you say, Papa, there's never, never a time to fight. Like if you won't fight. And what
I mean is, when I say fight, I don't mean like pick up arms and like, you know, start shooting. I don't support armed rebellions or anything like that.
No, I don't support that at all. I'm not going to be one of those guys that picks up a rifle. You know what I mean? That's just not me in any way.
But what I do mean by fight is do what you have to do, regardless of what the government says. So in other words, if you don't think it's worth going to church when the government says not to go to church, if you don't think it's even worth it, like church is worth it to just do it anyway, because God told you to do it, you've got a serious problem.
Like you'll never fight. You're a slave by nature. You see,
I remember one time Rush Dooney, RJ Rush Dooney got in trouble for saying that some people are slaves by nature.
But it's true. Some people are slaves by nature. And I think that that a guy like Jonathan Lehman, you know, we have to build a cultural capital and then maybe one day we'll fight.
At the time I'm commented in the guy like Jonathan Lehman, it'll never be time to fight. He fits very nicely into this four step paradigm.
It'll never be time to fight for Jonathan Lehman because Jonathan Lehman and those who follow someone like Jonathan Lehman are slaves by nature.
You see, Christ sets his people free so we can go worship God, whether or not the state allows us or wants us to worship
God. And because we're free men, we can just do it. We can just obey God. We don't have to build up cultural capital.
We don't have to, you know, maybe like give a little ground here in order to take a little ground here. No, we take it all because it all belongs to our
God, to our King, right? God owns everything. Every square inch of this land is
God's. He created all of it and he's giving it to his people. It's all ours, right?
And so we don't have to like give up a little bit to get a little bit. We don't have to negotiate with the state, right?
We don't have to do any of those things because it's all Christ. We can just obey
Christ because Christ has set us free. Do you see what I'm saying? So we don't have to negotiate cultural capital or any of those things.
We don't have to be slaves anymore. In fact, God commands us to never submit ourselves to a yoke of slavery again, so we shouldn't do it.
We shouldn't submit ourselves to a yoke of slavery. If there's anything in your life right now that you think is preventing you from following God, you need to just get rid of it.
You need to refuse consent to it. That's how you live like a free man. And so what we need to do—I don't think
I was hard enough on Jonathan Lehman at the time. Look at this guy. He's just a fresh -faced young man.
He's a nice guy, right? But people that thought I was really hardcore back then, I don't even think I was then.
I think I was pretty squish. And the reality is I should have been harder on Jonathan Lehman, because to try to stop people from going to church—like, people were getting too encouraged by John MacArthur to go to church during a pandemic.
Like, that was a big problem for him, so he got out of bed and wrote an article within a couple minutes. Like, that's pretty ridiculous.
Like, that guy is so committed to being a slave. Like, he'll do anything to continue to be a slave and to have people encourage him and promote him for trying to get you to become a slave.
Like, Jonathan Lehman wrote that article about John MacArthur. Jonathan Lehman writes those cultural capital articles.
Jonathan Lehman writes about how it's okay to vote for baby butchers and stuff like that, because, like, he wants to be affirmed.
Like, it's okay that you're a slave by nature, John. Like, he wants people to share it and retweet it, and so he feels good about being a slave, right?
But the thing is, like, any free man, any person that Christ has actually set free can't feel good about being a slave and submitting themselves to a yoke of slavery again.
And so if you write your articles for Time magazine or Washington Post and you get retweeted by all the right people, but you're essentially promoting despair and slavery, that the problem is, like, you are serving your
God, but the problem is your God is not Christ, because Christ sets his people free.
And so when Christ sets his people free, they're free, and they act like they're free, and they are free, and they can obey
Christ even if Massa says they can't obey Christ. You see, that's the thing. And so if you're really worried about getting permission to obey
Christ or, like, building up enough cultural capital and negotiating so that you can find a way to obey
Christ, like, if that's you, I would suggest you take a hard look in the mirror, because there's a very good chance that Christ has not set you free, because you're not free.
See, like, if you think you need to go to Joe Biden to get permission to sing at church or to have communion or something like that, like, you're not free.
You're a slave still. And so you need to repent and turn to Christ. You need the gospel.
It's okay to just obey Christ, because here's the thing. When Christ sets you free, you're free.
You don't have to submit yourself to a yoke of slavery. Now, does that mean that you don't owe people money, like you can't be a bond servant or something like that?
No, no, no. That's not what it means. But what it means is if your bond servitude is now encroaching on your ability to obey
Christ, that's a problem, and you can't be a slave in that way. Absolutely not. Anyway, so I don't think
I was hard enough on Jonathan Lehman. I've been thinking about this. I've watched some of my old content, and yeah,
I had some harsh language. But if you read the Bible, like, the language that I was using wasn't that harsh.
It wasn't harsh enough, in my opinion. I think that a guy like Jonathan Lehman, when he puts out an article that says you should build up cultural capital, he should be so roundly rebuked that he could never show his face in an evangelical situation again.
You'd have to be insane to follow Jonathan Lehman into battle. You'd have to be actually insane to do it.
And so if that's you, and you're following Jonathan Lehman into battle, I'd take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, are you a free man or are you a slave?
Because here's the thing, Christ can change your nature and make you a free man if you're a slave by nature.
Because the thing is, before we all repent, we're all slaves by nature. We're slaves to sin. And so if you're asking the government, your governor or your mayor or whoever, if you're asking them permission to sing psalms in public, and you're asking, and then you're deciding whether or not to do it based on what they say, you're a slave by nature, and you can repent of those sins and follow
Christ because Christ's yoke is easy. He can make you a free man. And so I guess that's all
I'll say about this, but we got to leave people that have taken us through these four stages, and a lot of them take us through these four stages every year, we got to leave those people, those leaders, we got to leave them behind.
Because let them be leaders for the rest of the other slaves, but we're free men.
And so we need to act like free men. So I would suggest that people that are keeping you here in a state of despair, in a state of slavery, that you leave them behind if you're a