CBS News Reports REAL reason for War between Israel & Hamas / Red Heifer prep for rebuilding Temple?

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According to CBS News a Hamas spokesmen claims the war in Israel was started because the Jews flew in some red heifers from Texas, an indicator they were preparing to rebuild the Jerusalem temple. Both Christians and Jews believe this will hasten the coming of messiah / return of Jesus Christ but what many fail to understand and find out!


So by now, we're all aware of the war that has broken out in the Middle East between Hamas and Israel But most of you probably don't know the real reason the war broke out well
CBS News has reported that the actual reason or one of the major reasons is because Hamas thinks that the
Jews are about to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. And of course if that's true that has and times
Implications for Bible prophecy. So let's look at this article from CBS News It says what did these red cows from Texas have to do with war and peace in the
Middle East? Says when Hamas spokesman Abu Abadai began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza one confounding yet eye -opening proclamation
Escaped the headlines. We haven't heard about this. I've never heard about this the first time
Anyone mentioned this as a possibility or as one of the motives why the war started
Was Spencer Smith and his live stream from this past Monday. So this today is
March 27th his Monday live stream I heard this story. I checked it out. It's true. It's from CBS News, although obviously we don't trust the mainstream media, but they don't
Typically make stuff up that would line up with Bible prophecy. So I do believe this is
An accurate story because it's coming from a Hamas spokesman So I don't think the mainstream media would have any
Secret agenda here But the cows that he was talking about are red heifers the article says which now graze at a secure undisclosed location in the
Israeli occupied West Bank Some Jews and Christians believe they're key to rebuilding the
Jewish temple that once stood in Jerusalem and to beckon the Messiah So Christians believe that once the temple gets rebuilt the coming of Christ is near which is true.
Of course the Jews Currently the Jews don't believe in Jesus, but the Jews who want the temple rebuilt.
They think this will actually Cause the Messiah to come but they're going to be in for a surprise, but I'll get into that more in a moment
The article continues to understand this you have to look back Almost 2 ,000 years in the tumultuous history of the
Middle East when the ancient Romans destroyed the last temple in Jerusalem And of course that happened in the year 70
AD To rebuild it fervent believers point to the book of Numbers in the
Bible Which commands the Israelites to offer a red heifer without defect or blemish that has never been under a yoke
Only with that offering they insist can the temple rise?
Again so apparently Hamas found out that Israel was shipping in these red heifers from Texas apparently they found a couple or at least one red heifer that fits the
Description that we can sacrifice this and the altar apparently is being prepared or it's already
Completed and once they sacrifice this red heifer, then the people are Apparently, you know spiritually cleansed or whatever and and this is necessary in order to rebuild the temple
So Hamas long story short Hamas Understands all this and what the
Jews are doing and of course that doesn't mean that the Israeli government is behind it It might be one group of religious
Jews Obviously a lot of the Jews in Israel are very secular very liberal
They wouldn't even support the rebuilding of the temple so I'm not saying that this is going to happen, but When something like this is reported in the news
We want to pay attention at least be aware of it because it very well could have end time
And times implications and this is going to happen one day So it could be right around the corner, but basically yeah
Hamas believes that they could be rebuilding the temple very soon, of course, the problem is there's a
Muslim or isn't an Islamic mosque on that site so Sometimes it's referred to as the dome of the rock
But it's this mosque. I think it's the second holiest site in Islam this mosque is on the temple mount so you can't
Rebuild the temple as long as that mosque is there but Hamas is putting you know they're adding two and two and they're thinking that the
Israelis are going to bulldoze the mosque or something and Because the mosque would have to go for the temple to be rebuilt
The article says Jewish activists have not been deterred by Hamas's October 7th
Massacre or the ongoing war in Gaza some have been using the conflict as a backdrop
To promote their cause in the United States at a recent national gathering for prayer and repentance in Washington DC Mamo, who is
I guess this is one of the guys who is involved in shipping the red heifers from Texas to Israel Mamo spoke of his heifers and his hopes for a third
Jewish temple The gathering was convened by the US House speaker
Mike Johnson so this is the speaker of the House of Representatives the third man or the you know the man second man after the
Vice president in line for the presidency. So if something happened to Joe Biden Kamala Harris would become president if something happened to her
Mike Johnson He's third in line. So a lot of important figures are kind of mixed up in all of this.
So this Gathering was convened by Mike Johnson speaker of the house who gave a keynote prayer before a who's who of?
evangelical leaders and congressmen many American evangelicals believe that these red heifers will usher in the second coming of Christ now, here's the problem.
I think a lot of these So -called evangelicals listen when the president or the speaker of the house.
I mean when Donald Trump Brought a bunch of evangelicals together. Who did he bring together like Paula white, you know people from the new apostolic
Reformation He brought in a bunch of false teachers. So The these people long story short,
I'm just going to get to the punchline here This is being set up for the acceptance of the
Antichrist if anything So I'll explain that in a moment But this this perfectly lines up with second
Thessalonians Chapter 2 the idea if we just rebuild the temple then the Messiah will come know the
Antichrist will come first So you have to have your eschatology this is why it's important folks to study the book of Revelation and for Pastors to be preaching about Bible prophecy because if you don't get this, right
You're setting people up to accept the Antichrist now a true believer is not going to accept the
Antichrist But Paula white and people who tend to hobnob with these politicians are not are not reliable Bible teachers obviously, but It says here's a quote from the article
We're going to accept the Messiah and we need the
Messiah to come Says this man who I won't mention it's nobody notable But he's a
Texan who helped to bring the cows to Israel He said this at this gathering with the speaker of the house
He says for me the red heifer is red for the blood of Jesus. That's why it's red
Okay. Well either way if people believe and I don't know if the mosque is going to be torn down I don't know if Israel is going to do that I don't know if the sacrificing of these red heifers is really going to lead to the rebuilding of the
Jerusalem temple I don't know if that's going to happen in the next six months or the next year Maybe maybe not but here's what
I know it's going to happen at some point and when it does once the temple is rebuilt
Jesus isn't coming back Who's coming before Christ? The Antichrist is coming
Let's read 2nd Thessalonians 2 1 through 4 the Apostle Paul Says now brethren concerning the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Let's let's talk about the coming of Jesus Paul says and our gathering together to him
We ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as Though the day of Christ had come because apparently somebody somebody wrote a letter
Pretending to be the Apostle Paul. It was a forgery. It looks like and this person had convinced the
Thessalonians that they had missed the return of Jesus and that they were living in the tribulation and Paul is saying
That's not true He says in verse 3 let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come that is the the coming of Christ Jesus is return will not come
Unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition
Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he and here's the part to?
Hone in on so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is
God So according to the Apostle Paul Jesus isn't coming back
Until the Antichrist comes first and what's the Antichrist in the
Antichrist has many names He's called the beast or the man of lawlessness the man of sin the little horn the son of perdition all sorts of different names
But basically before Jesus returns to this earth The Antichrist is going to enter into the
Jerusalem temple And he is going to declare himself to be God of course the Jerusalem temple
Isn't there it needs to be rebuilt so as soon as the temple is rebuilt
Within you know depending on when it gets rebuilt Let's say the temple is rebuilt at the beginning of the tribulation
Than three and a half years later at the midpoint of the seven -year tribulation And that's where do you get seven -year tribulation?
That's based on Daniel chapter 9 his prophecy of 70 weeks There's one week left there weeks of years so seven years in the middle of the seven years
Daniel talks about this Jesus talks about it in Matthew 24 15 through 25
Jesus calls this the abomination of Desolation at the midpoint of the tribulation the
Antichrist is going to go into the Jerusalem temple And he is going to declare himself to be
God So how does this tie into the story? When the
Jerusalem temple is rebuilt the Antichrist will enter into that temple and demand to be worshipped as God again, that's the abomination of desolation
So really the temple the rebuilding of the temple which everyone's getting all excited about Jews get excited about it or at least you know conservative religious
Jews do Liberal Jews don't support this at all, but the Jews are getting excited about it
This is gonna the Messiah is gonna come. It's actually gonna be the Antichrist Christians get excited about the rebuilding of the
Jerusalem temple because it does signal the return of Jesus. It's just The Antichrist comes first Jesus doesn't actually come back to the earth until the end of the seven years
So you can understand why people? Religious people who believe the
Bible are interested in this story if the Jerusalem temple is about ready to be rebuilt
Because this red heifer has to be sacrificed first and now apparently they have the heifer
It's been shipped in from Texas, and that's why war broke out in Israel, and we weren't told about this
I the war has been going on for a long time Nobody was told about this has just come out this past week that this is actually why
Hamas Has gone in so folks all that to say this it's time to wake up and start start reading your
Bible and start listening to Pastors who actually preach about Bible prophecy if you want more on this
We're going through the book of Revelation chapter by chapter verse by verse on Wednesday nights at Morse corner
Church You can just check out the videos that were in chapter 3 as of the making of this video were in Chapter 14 tonight, but you can find those videos posted on my youtube channel, but this is important again
It might not happen In the next six months You know just because they brought they found a red heifer and brought it over even if they sacrifice it
It doesn't mean that they're going to be able to rebuild the temple, but if they do that's a big deal
And again just so you know You know let no one be deceived once the temple gets rebuilt
Jesus doesn't come next the Antichrist comes first Again in Matthew 24
Jesus talks about all this in comparison with Paul's teaching and second Thessalonian second
Thessalonians to Jesus continues on in Matthew 24 to talk about how don't if anyone claims to be
Jesus because The Antichrist probably is going to claim to be
Christ. That's what the term Antichrist means It's a false Christ and imitation Christ Jesus says if anyone says
I am the Christ The Lord says don't believe him Don't believe him and then he goes on to say that when
I return okay when the real Jesus returns It's going to be like lightning flashing from you know the the east to the west
The whole heavens are lit up like you're not going to miss it everyone's going to see it When Jesus actually comes back the book of Revelation chapter 1
Jesus says every eye will see him of course Jesus Gives the
Apostle John the revelation of Jesus Christ so the book of Revelation is all about his return
Long story short when Jesus comes back everyone's going to see it everyone's going to know that it's him
So when the Antichrist people are going to be wondering this man who enters into this rebuilt temple
Is this him is it you see you're not going to have to wonder when it's the real Jesus But unfortunately if you believe the
Bible there's going to be a great falling away. I argue. We're living in that right now We're living in the great falling away
Just take a look around people are falling away from the faith at an alarming rate
The return of Jesus is drawing near and when the temple is rebuilt the
Antichrist is going to Enter into it He is going to deceive many the world the whole world according to Revelation chapter 13 is going to follow him
You see the real Jesus they crucified and this being
So called Holy Week with Easter or Resurrection Sunday being this Sunday See the we as Christians We believe in the true
Christ that he died on the cross for our sins And he rose again the third day that our sins might be forgiven and that all who call upon his name
Believe in him fully trust in Christ will be saved. That's the true Christ. That's the true gospel That's why he came to die for sin, but the world doesn't accept the true
Jesus they will accept the Imposter they will accept the
Antichrist and unfortunately those who are excited about this rebuilt Jerusalem temple once it the red heifer and once it happens course
Hamas is trying to stop this But if it happens and when it happens once the temple is rebuilt
Jesus isn't going to come back Jesus comes back after the
Antichrist enters in declaring himself to be God in the whole world the Bible says in Revelation 13 will follow the beast and They will accept his mark and they will worship him as The true
Christ the true God But make no mistake about it. The true Jesus will not return to this earth until the end of the tribulation and when it happens
Nobody's gonna wonder is this really it? Everyone will know and he will defeat all his enemies and he will set up his kingdom which the
Bible says will last for 1 ,000 years it's all laid out in the book of Revelation very clear
Jesus returns in chapter 19 fights the battle of Armageddon sets up his kingdom for a thousand years and The Antichrist is coming first though, so beware
Thanks for watching till next time if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section But until next time may the