Don't Miss This Classic AD Rant - Fear God, No Despair

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#NoDespair2020. Join the No Despair army:


Hello there, this is A .D. Robles, and you're listening to A .D. on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
All right, all right, well, today's podcast is going to also serve as my video for today on my
YouTube channel. Before we begin, it would be greatly appreciated, especially in these uncertain times for business and for the economy, if you enjoy my content, please consider supporting this channel either through Patreon or by picking up a
No Despair t -shirt. We've got the No Despair t -shirt, we've got the No Despair 2020 t -shirt.
I don't think I could have picked a better year to sell a t -shirt that says, No Despair.
I really don't think I could have. This has been quite a year, has it not? Let's talk a little bit about this because I think
I've got some things to say that a lot of you, I think, probably should hear, and so listen,
I'm not the smartest guy in the world, and I'm not the perfect fearless leader type, but I do think
I have some things to offer for you out there who's maybe struggling with some anxiety right now, worried, getting all jazzed up with fear and all this kind of stuff because listen, let's just face it, take a look at Drudge Report right now.
This is the front page of Drudge Report. First of all, we've got an advertisement here for 70 % alcohol hand sanitizer.
People trying to cash in on the pandemic panic. I can't blame them. I don't blame them at all.
We've got here all kinds of headlines. Outbreaks in nursing homes, virus plan is going to last 18 months,
ER doctors saying that we have to supply rations, the governor of California saying all these homeless people can get the virus.
Everything is out of our control. Everything is out of our control. We've got the pot sales jumping.
We've got cases doubling overnight in New York. Chaos continues, and I just want you to understand this is all designed to ratchet up the fear.
And the reality is that a lot of people have noticed this. A lot of people are saying this online, and they're getting roundly condemned.
Look at you. You're just a conspiracy theorist and all this kind of stuff. And here's the reality.
I don't care if it's a conspiracy or not. I don't care if people are doing this intentionally or they're just doing it because that's how they've been programmed to react.
It doesn't matter to me because the result is the same. When you are desperate, when you're fearful, when you're drunk, when you're not sober thinking, when you're full of anxiety and despair, you do not make good decisions.
You simply don't. And this is why for a Christian, we need to decide what we believe and what we're going to do, ideally before this kind of stuff happens so that we're ready to go.
But there's no day to start planning like today. I've been saying this the last week.
It is the Chinese proverb that I think is extremely smart. The best day to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best day is right now, today. Today is a good day for that. And then you see this stuff, right?
And this is the map here. You probably have seen this map again and again, big red numbers, very scary.
They've got these big red circles here that you want you to be really worried.
They want you to constantly be doing this, checking where you live. I live in Vermont, 19 confirmed cases. I'm moving to New Hampshire, 39 confirmed cases.
They want you here. This is where they want you because when they have you here, they're controlling this narrative of fear.
And this is not the place to be, guys. This is not the place to be. I want you to think about something. I want you to put your mind back a few months.
Last year, I don't remember exactly when. Maybe I should have planned a little bit more for this show, but I want to just put you back a few months with the
Jeffrey Epstein stuff, right? And no, I'm not going to say that the Jeffrey Epstein stuff is connected to the coronavirus, but I want you to remember what the media was like back then.
Nobody believes the media. Because nobody, well, let me rephrase that. Nobody believed the media because it came out that Jeffrey Epstein was this super pedophile.
People have been talking about this for years, but it came out and they caught him and they're going to arrest him and they put him in jail and all this stuff.
And then it came out that he had committed suicide and nobody in their right mind believed that.
Of course, there are some people out there that will just swallow any lie that they're told that said, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, he must've killed himself.
And in fact, it'd be a sin to question that story. There were some idiots like that. But here's the reality. Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself and every media organization told you that he did, everyone.
And nobody believed it. I mean, there were memes. You remember the memes? People were, people were just killing it with the memes about how obviously he didn't kill himself and there were just endless memes.
You know, they got, they got, we got tired of them after a while and then it came out that, oh yeah, you know, the, the, the, the, the cameras weren't working and there was like a replacement guard and this and that, and he had, you know, he had previously tried to kill himself before and this, and it's just nobody, nobody ever believed it.
And then it came out that this story about him being a super pedo was in their hands years ago and they squashed it.
Disney owned ABC, I believe, squashed the story and, and, and it came out. So, so we all know deep down inside that the media does not have people's best interest in mind.
And we've known this for a long time. Everybody understands this, but all it takes, let's listen,
I want, I want you to understand this. All it takes is a, is a, is a, is a, is a supposed pandemic that's going to kill us all and all of us are just sucking at the teat of whatever they want to feed us.
That we're just looking at this map and we're just like, oh no, oh my goodness, what is going to happen?
And we're just, we're eating this stuff up where we're reading every link and we're just, we're just, we're just going after it.
I mean, everyone is doing this. I'm doing this, but why? But why?
How, how are you going to discern? I want to know, how are you going to discern the truth from the reality here?
How are you going to, I mean, the truth from the lie? I mean, let's say there's a hundred links on here.
How many of them are true? How many of them are fake? How are you going to decide? Because how most of us do it is we go in and we go in already believing something.
And so we believe the stuff that we already believe. And then the stuff that we, we kind of go in already not believing, we don't believe.
And that's not a good way to do it, guys. This is not a good way to do it. You see, listen, listen, we need to, we need to take a real step back here and, and see what this fear is driving us to do.
This fear is driving us to accept all kinds of insanity.
And God, this is, let me, let me just, let me just lay it all out here. What's happening right now is definitively an act of God.
What's happening right now is an act of God and things are being reset here. This is a big reset.
I don't know if we're going to come out of this and we're going to have, we're going to have chains of socialism on us.
I don't know if we're going to have a police state when we come out of this. I don't know if we're going to have constant surveillance when we come out of this.
I don't know if we're going to have more freedom. It's possible we could have more freedom when we come out of this. But I do know that this is a reset here.
God is pumping the brakes and saying no more of this, no more of this. And so as Christians, we need to know how to respond to this.
It's just that simple. We need to know how to respond to God bringing the economy to its knees.
We need to know how to respond. And by the way, guys, not like the economy that really matters,
I'm talking about the phony baloney stuff that we've invented ourselves with all of this paper money and the Federal Reserve pumping money into the stock market, inflating prices and things like that to make us feel super rich when it's a race in a couple of days.
It's fantasy. The value of companies doesn't get erased in a couple of days in general.
And for some reason, we're accepting that the stock market is showing us the true value of these companies right now.
It's just insane. It's absolutely insane. God is pushing the reset button here. And Christians need to know how to figure this out because God isn't mocked, right?
God isn't mocked. He's given you, if you're a Christian man and you have a family and you have kids and you have a wife, he's given you a certain amount of responsibility.
He expects you to give a return on that responsibility. He expects you to protect your family.
He expects you to protect your family physically so that they're as safe as they possibly can be. Safe from intruders, safe from economic conditions, safe from all kinds of things, even disease to a certain degree.
You're responsible for keeping your family safe. You're responsible for feeding your family. You're responsible for all of these things.
And what have we done in this country, right? We think we can get away with changing God's design. We can't get away with changing
God's design. And we're gonna learn today. We're gonna learn today.
What do we do? We outsource keeping ourselves safe. We outsource it. And so we say, well, you know what?
The government can keep us safe. The government, what we'll do is we'll pay these other people and we'll have the government take from our neighbors, we'll steal from our neighbors and set up these security systems that'll keep us safe.
So that way, I don't have to have a gun because I'm scared of guns. I mean, ew. But God's not mocked.
You can't change God's design. You know, you're still responsible for that. And he's showing us. He's showing us. Here's an article from Fox 29 in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia police to delay arrests for certain nonviolent crimes. In response to the COVID -19 outbreak,
Philadelphia police officers have instructed cops to stop making arrests for certain nonviolent crimes.
And what's the list of the nonviolent crimes? Let's check it out here. Let's check it out here.
I should have probably pulled this up. Hold on. Listen to this one. The decisions will be made on a case -by -case basis,
Outlaw said. His name is
Outlaw. It's not even, it's Danielle. It's a woman. Danielle Outlaw is now saying that the
Philadelphia police are not going to arrest people case -by -case basis.
We'll decide how severe the offense is, and we'll see if they're a danger to the community. Then we'll decide whether or not to arrest them.
Danielle Outlaw said that. And these are the people that want you to expect, you know, you don't need a gun.
The government will protect you. Let's get this straight. So I'm sure the restaurants in Philadelphia are closed.
You can't eat in the restaurant because, you know, that's too dangerous. So you can't go to the restaurant to eat because that's too dangerous.
You've got the corona black death that's going to get you. You can't do that.
But you could rob it, and, you know, we'll decide whether or not to respond to that call. Yeah. So God's showing us.
We're going to learn today. We're going to learn today. And to be honest, this woman's last name is just so perfect.
Danielle Outlaw. God does this a lot, does he not? God does this a lot. But here's the reality.
So the fantasy land that so many of us lived in where the government has the responsibility to protect our family, that fantasy land that we've been living in for a long time where we think we can change
God's design, we can give different authority to different organizations against what God has already set up, that fantasy land is being revealed right now.
It's being revealed for what it is. It's a fantasy. If you're in Philadelphia and you've been relying on the government to protect you and you're like, well,
I don't need a gun. I don't need a gun. Maybe even you've outlawed guns. You know, there's some cities that have outlawed guns, essentially.
Well, God's showing you. You're going to learn today. You're going to learn today. You're responsible for taking care of your family.
And if someone comes into your home, police may or may not come. It's a case -by -case decision.
You better be ready to throw some hands. You know what I mean? I'll be there with my AR -15 though.
Here's another one. This is Baltimore. Baltimore mayor begs residents to stop shooting each other so that hospital beds can be used for coronavirus patients.
This is what many of you have said, you know what? I'm going to shift the responsibility.
I know God gave me the responsibility, but I think it's actually better to have the government have that responsibility.
So I'm going to shift that, and that's going to be just fine. You're living in a fantasy world.
It's the upside down. You can't do that. God will only put up with that for so long, and we're going to learn today.
Because this is your protection here, the Baltimore mayor, and now he's begging.
He's begging. Don't shoot each other, guys. We need the hospital beds. This guy's clueless.
This guy's clueless, and so many of you, you don't have a gun. You may be even outlawed guns.
I don't know if Baltimore allows you to have a gun or not. Who cares? I don't live there. I can just see it now.
I can just see the gangbangers like, yeah, man, we're going to get him. We're going to get him, man. He came after my family. We're going to get him.
Then they see the Baltimore mayor on TV saying, guys, we need those coronavirus beds. Please don't kill each other tonight.
They're like, oh, you know what? Let's squash it, dog. Let's squash it. Yeah. Yeah, right. You're going to learn today.
It's just that simple. You're going to learn today. You guys think that you can just go against God's designs, right?
You can just go against God's designs and everything's going to be just fine. You can participate in the insanity.
I was doing this, participating in the insanity of an inflated currency, a currency that God is actively cursing.
And I'm not meaning like in the past few days, like I'm talking about over our history. I mean, what is it?
The dollar is worth 3 % of what it used to be in the beginning of the century, something like that. My numbers could be off.
But it's just ridiculous how much value our dollar has lost. That's a currency that God is cursing.
He's cursing that currency. How many times in the Bible does it talk about God cursing a country's currency, a country's economic system?
God is cursing it because it's a fantasy land. We think we could outsmart
God's system. We can outsmart God's system, guys. We just can't. And so what
I want you to do is to pay attention right now. Because I want you to notice the voices in Christian circles, but really in any circle.
I'm concerned with the Christian church. That's what I focus on. But this applies everywhere. I want you to hear the voices right now that are panicking, that are in fear, that are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
That they're promoting bogus studies. I've seen so many social justice warrior
Christians putting out these tweets of these studies about how Corona is going to kill us all. And it's even killing the young.
And it's all this stuff. And to stop it, you must shut down your church.
It's the only way to love your neighbor as yourself. You must shut down your church. And I'm just thinking to myself, you know, there might be a situation.
My church closed worship. You know why my church closed worship? Because we have a small community.
We have a small community in a ski resort town where lots of New Yorkers come up every weekend.
And my church is primarily elderly. And so they decided not to meet. But the reality is that there is no command that you can find in the
Bible that says if you're not sick, if you don't have pestilence, if you have no symptoms whatsoever, nothing like that.
That the actual way to love your neighbor is to stop meeting when the government tells you to stop meeting.
We've lost our minds. We've lost our minds. Because that goes beyond making the call.
Like I trust my elders to make the call. I'm not mad at my elders for closing church. In fact, my pastor called me and said what we were doing.
And I said, you know, I support you, man. I support you. What do you need from me? What do you need from me? Do I need to go to the grocery store for any of these people?
I'll go to the grocery store for them. I'll do what I have to do, you know what I mean? But you go beyond that when you go on Twitter like an idiot.
And you say, well, you know, the loving thing to do is just to cancel church until the government says we can meet again.
And I just, I kind of wonder, like, we're going to learn today. And the reality is that God's going to teach you.
God's going to teach you whether you like it or not. And we're going to learn. We're going to learn.
What's a Christian supposed to do, right? What is a Christian supposed to do? Number one thing that a
Christian's supposed to do is to fear God but nothing else.
The number one thing a Christian's supposed to do is to fear God but nothing else.
That doesn't mean that you, you know, you're careless. It doesn't mean that you just go, you know, whatever, you know, willy -nilly, you know, just crazy.
No. No, that doesn't mean that. But it means when it comes down to what you obey and who you obey, it's
God's design that you worry about, not, you know, Chuck Schumer. That's just the first name
I thought of. I don't even know what he's up to these days, right? Not your governor. Not your governor doesn't have authority over whether your church meets or not.
It's just that simple. It does not. And so many people are just willing to say not only does the governor have that authority but actually you're sinning against God if you meet.
That's preposterous. That's absolutely preposterous.
God says this. This is a very popular verse from Jeremiah 29, right?
Jeremiah 29, one of the most popular verses in the Bible. For thus says the Lord, when 70 years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil and to give you a future and hope.
And you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
I was found by you, declares the Lord. And I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the
Lord. I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile. This is a very relevant verse, a very relevant verse to our time.
Because though we're not national Israel, this is a specific prophecy for national Israel.
God operates the same for his people today. And so national
Israel was going to go through some turmoil for decades, but God still wanted to remind them about his promises.
And his promises are to prosper them and to do good for them and stuff like that.
And the Bible tells us this in the New Testament for today. Everything works out for the good of God's people.
That does not mean that there will not be trials and tribulations and difficulties, right? But what it does mean is you can trust
God. And what it does mean is that you should fear God and obey God. And God has done this, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, you need to understand this. God has done this. What's happening right now is
God's doing. And so what do we do? What do we do, Adam? Tell me what to do.
And the reality is, you know, it's simple. It's simple.
This is what you do. You ready? God spoke all these words saying,
I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.
You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous
God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers and the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to the thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a
Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work or your son or your daughter, your male servant or your female servant or your livestock or the sojourner who is within your gates.
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day.
Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the
Lord your God has given you. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's house.
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that is your neighbor's.
That's what you should do. That's what you should do. And, you know, if you haven't thought about the applications and implications of all of these commandments, these are the
Ten Commandments, let me recommend a resource for you. Check out the Westminster Confession, the Westminster Catechism, I should say.
Westminster Catechism has a great section about the Ten Commandments that kind of tries to work out the applications of these laws because this is the ten and this is our summary statement of what
God requires of his people. And you can even summarize it further. You should love the
Lord your God with all your heart, your mind, your soul, your strength, and then love your neighbor as yourself.
And so when somebody says, the way to love your neighbor as yourself is X, you better be able to find that X in the scripture, either in specific verses or in the good and necessary consequence of those verses.
And if you can't, reject that person. Reject those words and say, no,
I will not listen. There are people right now that are saying, you know how you love your neighbor?
Christian Twitter. You know how you love your neighbor? You stand against this president for calling this the
Chinese virus. Those are precious image bearers of Christ. We've lost our minds if we take these people seriously.
The same organizations that were supposed to be taking their word about this virus and how it's going to kill us all and all this stuff, the same people are also putting out edicts about how you can't call it the
Chinese virus because that's racist. And that could cause stigmas, unnecessary stigmas.
It's just fantasy land. If you guys want to continue in fantasy land, I mean, there's nothing I can say to you.
You want to go live in fantasy land where everything the media is telling you is exactly the case and when the media says that you actually are required to close your business.
Because here's the reality. Whether the coronavirus is just as deadly as everyone is saying online or maybe it's not at all.
Maybe it's not even as deadly as the flu. I don't know. I'm not a virus expert. But what
I do know, and you see the conflicting reports. It's just there's disinformation everywhere.
Whichever side of this you fall, there are people right now, credible people with degrees and platforms that are saying the opposite of what you believe.
Whatever it is you believe, there are people saying the opposite of what you believe. So you know there's disinformation out there.
So I don't know. How do you sort through that stuff? How do you sort through the dredge report headlines and decide which one's true, which one's not?
I don't know, and I'm not even going to try. I'm not even going to try. But what I do know is that there are real things that are happening.
For example, a real thing that is happening is tons and tons of people just lost their job because they worked at a restaurant or they worked in the entertainment industry or they worked in one of these places that's just the government just decided we're going to close that part of the economy.
They just decided. The government's still trying to live in their fantasy land where they've got power that they don't have.
You know what I mean? And that's real though. See, that's real because that's going to drive lots of people to anxiety, stress.
That kills. That literally kills, right? That literally kills. Anxiety and stress does kill people. Suicide, that kills people.
Isolation, that kills people. Not having income for your family that your family relies on for food and for healthcare and all that, that actually, that's reality.
All because Drudge Report and all of these places are just pumping out the fear constantly.
I've got news for you. It's good to stay informed. It's very good to stay informed about what's going on.
But if you find that it's very difficult to decide what is real here and what is not, because I think that's pretty much impossible at this point, what you should do then is go to what you know is real.
Go to what you know is real and start obeying the Lord because this is a time where God is pushing the reset button here and you've got an opportunity to stop living in la -la land.
You've got an opportunity to focus on what your responsibilities are before God, what
God requires of you to take care of your family. And so the time for planning is right now.
And there is time for fear, but it's just one person you have to fear, and that's
God. I should say three persons. One God you have to fear because the very first commandment, she'll have no other gods before me.
Right now, you know, you find yourself constantly checking that heat map and just going like, oh, just wringing your hand and just fearing these big, scary red circles on your computer.
These big, scary red circles. And these circles are going to make demands of you. Oh, yes, they are.
They're going to make demands and they're going to say you can't have a business anymore. They're going to make demands and they're going to say, well, we're not going to protect your house anymore.
They're going to make demands and they're going to say, well, you know, you're going to take our $1 ,000 payment.
You're going to take it and you're going to like it and all that kind of stuff. And you need to, honestly, this is noise, man.
You've got real commands from a real God who is there, who's really trying to get your attention right now.
And so every minute wasted on garbage like, the president was a racist.
I feared this moment more than anything where he turned and he started making racist statements. And it's just like, you guys are out of your mind.
You guys are sick. You guys are really sick. You know that? You're really sick. And I can just imagine people watching this
TV, these people that are in poor health. I've got grandparents, man, that got super high blood pressure and they're already full of anxiety in general, just with life.
I could just imagine them watching this news. Someone's going to die. Someone's going to die watching this news and just freaking out too much and getting stressed out because all the news is right now is just a huge stress factory.
I wouldn't be surprised if I get the call that one of my grandparents, and God willing, they survived this, but they're dead because they had a heart attack watching
CNN. You know what I mean? Like, let's get our heads together, man.
Let's get our heads together here. Let's get ourselves together and start figuring out what God requires of us.
What are we responsible for and start focusing on that. I don't care. Listen, listen, the globalists are on the move.
They want to track you. I can't control that stuff, man. I can't control that stuff. My eyes are going to hopefully be open to some of that stuff, and I'm ready for it, but I can't control that.
I can control what I'm about, right? What do I do in these situations? Well, I gave you the list.
There's 10 commandments, right? And you should be prepared to take care of your family and to take hold of that responsibility that is becoming exposed now.
You had the illusion that maybe the government had some of this responsibility to protect you and to provide for you like daddy and mommy.
That was an illusion. The responsibility has been yours this entire time, and now
God is showing you that that was an illusion, that that was foolish to rely on the government.
We got the CDC. Oh, yeah, they're going to protect us from the pandemic. Right. It's all being exposed as a sham, which it always was, and now it's being exposed.
And some of us are behind the gateball, some of us are behind the curve, but now is the day to start obeying
God. Now is the day to repent from your sins of complacency and join the fantasy land that you've lived in for all your life, which all of us have.
Let's just be honest. Now is the day to put your faith in Christ, to put your faith that he died for your sins, he took your sins on that cross so that you could have a new life, right?
You died with Christ, and now you're going to walk in a new life. And as part and parcel of that new life is you're going to obey what he says because you acknowledge that he knows better than you do.
I acknowledge that God's way is correct, and the way that seems right to me leads to destruction.
We're all getting a lesson in that today. We're going to learn today. There's no despair here, baby.
No despair at all because God's commands are simple. They're good, they're holy, and they work.
So I hope you found this video podcast helpful. I hope you found it encouraging. I don't want it to be negative.
I don't. I don't. I don't want to wrack you with fear. I want you to trust the
Lord who is good all the time. And so if you have struggles and tribulations and all that stuff ahead, you could still plan for it.
It's not too late. It's not too late. And you can reject despair. Anyway, God bless.
Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.