Another Response to Lack of Belief of Atheists



Atheists complain about my video on Lack of Belief in God. Well, I hope they would just stick to what the videos actually say instead of being so off topic.


oh hey how you doing hey you know I just thought
I'd talk about this thing with the the video on the on the atheists that I put out hold on I put on the web a few days ago you know
I was talking about why the atheists they lack belief in God I thought it's kind of whacked you know because they identify themselves by what they don't believe in instead of really what they do believe in and then you know they they will attack you completely if you try and defend
God well I put this thing up on YouTube and I got all these kind of responses I got people saying all kind of stuff and here's some of the things they said
I want to comment a little bit here one of them said and you don't need religion to be good I wasn't what
I was talking about or how about atheism has no inherent beliefs well it is what I was talking about but but so what that's the whole thing guys are defending yourselves based on what you don't believe in we don't have any inherent beliefs so we're gonna tell you all we don't have an inherent belief so we're gonna hold that position and talk to you about it and argue with you about it another one said well not all atheists define atheism as a lack of belief that's pretty cool you know you know he says more intellectual atheists will define it as a belief that well you really can't know if God does or doesn't exist and they just kind of talk about things like that well that's just ignorance and you know
I get tired of these these atheists I'll put up a video I'll say something and you know what they ignore what
I'm saying in there they just ignore what I say what they do do is complain they whine they'll say hey look you don't you're talking about well tell you what atheists tell you what if I put up a video like this one or any other ones you guys want to talk about it that's cool it's all good all you got to do hold on get some stuff here all you got to do all you got to do is respond to what
I'm actually saying in the video try that for a change so we talk about the lack of belief issue focus on that but talk about something else focus on that instead of just attacking saying rude things come on you guys you do better than that okay