An Unplanned, Early Morning Dividing Line


We messed up planning the timing on recording a new Sweater Vest Dialogue with Doug Wilson, so, instead of pushing the day back an hour, we jumped on it and snuck in a quick Dividing Line before recording the SVD (which will be on the topic of Christian Nationalism). Rambled a good bit looking at the "election" in Maricopa County (sad I have to start referring to that once sacred activity the way we looked at "elections" in communist nations in decades past, but that is the reality), worldview issues, and then, right toward the end, the "flow" of theology from, or into, Scripture.

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Well, greetings to an early morning dividing line just so, you know, because we're not professionals
We're recording a sweater vest dialogue notice the sweater vest and I just figured that Idaho was in the mountain time zone.
That's not it's in Pacific Well, I don't know if it divide does it divide Idaho? I imagine I I think it runs down the middle
Yeah, and they're way over at Moscow's way over on the border. So they're in the
Pacific time zone. So Rich and I are sitting here twiddling our thumbs
It's like well, we got an extra hour we were gonna do the dividing line afterwards, so let's let's do it now
I'm ready to go and and and and Let's do it letting friend of mine know that we are live on the air right now
Ah Disclosed TV just posted that the
They've redesigned the USA soccer uniform for the
World Cup in Qatar and They have put the
LGBTQ rainbow stripes they replaced the red white and blue with red with blue white and The LGBT colors for the
USA We're done it's over I Live in the center of the
You know some people in the olden days who have said we live in the in the center of incompetency
Incapacity inability stupidity, it's none of those things. I live in Maricopa County and We're sitting here watching it right in front of right we know exactly what's going on We can see it when you have when you have districts where only 20 % of the
Democrats showed up and they're still voting for Katie Hobbs who is Katie Hobbs is the female equivalent of Fetterman and Biden.
Okay, she would not debate She she hid out
She was doing we've we saw this before we watched this before One side is having big rallies and lots and lots of people and the other side is sitting in classrooms with a dozen people and It's the people in the classrooms those people that win.
It's real simple until you have Until and and you notice more and more of these states are doing this
And until you have in -person voting not Not ballot harvesting but in -person voting it's done.
Look at California. What is California? Is California a two -party state? No, of course not.
It's a one -party state. It's a totalitarian regime and as long as you
Print print print and print print print print print print print print. You can print all you need what?
Yeah, yeah, I know I know that as long as you print ballots and You know what?
There's there's no amazingly enough despite the hatred of fossil fuels. There is no hatred of ink and so there's no ink shortage and as long as you can print you can harvest and You can win any election you want and you can make it all look fine and dandy, but it's not and It's over I mean, that's just That's why you know part of me sits here and goes
I want to Just lash out at the stupidity of a nation that watches it sees itself being driven into the ground militarily economically
Just just everything inflation going through the roof once the petrodollar is done
Our money will become worthless you'll you'll be spending 35 bucks for a loaf of bread and 40 for a gallon of milk.
That's all you'll be able to do is subsistence and we Allegedly are voting ourselves in this.
I don't think we are. I don't think we are I have zero confidence zero confidence any longer in the election system
United States We're sitting here It'd be a week tomorrow
Since since Election Day and there are still lots and lots of ballots to be quote -unquote counted
Florida can do it in one night Maricopa County can't do it in a week. Oh, it's because of all the light what the legislature has done
And here's the problem. You're not gonna change any of it. There's lots and lots of people I see in social media people get it.
They see it. They understand it. They've documented it But they're all going and there's nothing we can do about it because Who's who can make those changes the people who already control the system?
so I am one person that You know part of me honestly just wants to go
I'm just not gonna bother anymore because it obviously does not make any difference I I do not believe that my vote counts any longer at all
So why would I continue to do it protest? Just a it's it's it's a testimony that we're still out here.
We know what you're doing And we know you're our enemies and we know that you eventually you know if you can get away with it, you're gonna check us in the gulags, but we're gonna we're gonna keep testifying and the fact the matter is look
Christians have lived in as minority persecuted minorities before But here in the
United States and this is partly what Doug and I are gonna be talking about next hour I don't know when it'll drop but normally it normally drops in a week.
So anyway What we're what we're dealing with here is
We've had a righteous and true way of Doing things there was there was so much
Christian truth represented in the Constitution United States now, I would argue
That it's fatal flaw Was when it didn't represent a full -orbed biblical
Methodology, that's where the holes were and those the holes that have been Utilized by our enemies to to destroy it to kill it had a good run longer than I'm sure
Longer than anybody expected it to To be honest with you when they when they wrote it And much longer than anything in Europe, that's for sure but When you when when you talk about and I don't want to I don't want to step on what
Doug and I are gonna be doing But the reality is Our nation is so We we had a strong foundation we had a great run so we're in the collapse stage the takeover stage
The transition into something with much less liberty and freedom which with much less
Opportunities in the future and we want our stuff. I It's not a big house, it's not in a really great neighborhood anymore
I hear gunshots a whole lot more than I used to that's for sure. I don't think I told you just a couple nights ago
Five rounds just bang bang bang bang bang bang just just that fast and every time I've heard that the next morning
There's a report of you know, dead bodies someplace, you know gang hits whatever, you know You know those apartments down at the corner.
Those are bad bad bad places but hey I've I can
I can travel I've got my house and I want all that. I want to keep all that and That's if you live in a city
If you live in a city they have you over barrel And I know that I've we've got a friend that keeps telling us gotta get out of the cities well problem is that's where my
My kids are and my grandchildren are and and that's where the church I serve in is and so it's you know
How do you how do you balance all that stuff and I'm not gonna tell anybody I know exactly how to balance all these things
Because I've never none of us have ever lived through an internal takeover of Of a nation and Even when you look at history
When when Rome fell everybody knows it was it had been falling for quite some time and There's sort of a cultural momentum, you know, it sort of keeps going on What it had in the past and that's what's been keeping us going
But when you have people taking over and they have taken over and I believe illegitimately as far as The legal system was concerned
Who will not allow us to provide for our own energy needs which we could do easily and Who are sold out.
I mean look at the Religious cult going on with the UN's climate conference right now.
Oh my goodness Did you see what Biden and Trudeau were wearing when they went waltzing into that thing yesterday
I Mean again, we're looking at James Bond villains here. It's it's look at what he's wearing.
It's anyway The the promulgation of Just bold -faced lies and I'm look folks.
I I don't know we've talked about this in the past and it has become so Accepted The lie has been repeated so many times that many of my fellow
Christians just buy it and they go. Well, you know, well, maybe Maybe there's something to this carbon stuff.
No, there's not The facts are so clear when was the last time you saw a debate an honest full -on scholarly debate over the role of carbon emissions and the climate
Do you ever see any of that? Does the current does media ever give both sides of an argument?
Nope You look at where all the money is going look at where the money's going and Then you can figure out, you know, what what stories will will the media be covering?
Well, they will they cover the largest Ponzi Money Money laundering
Scandal in the history of the world that is breaking right now the FTX story
Will they I? Mean here you've got literally you've got money going voted by the
Congress the United States Goes to Ukraine goes into FTX and comes back
United States into Democratic coffers Huh Wow You would think that would be enough to put people in prison, huh?
Will anybody talk about it? Only in that Strange media over there type stuff, you know follow the money man follow the money.
Where's the money been going the money's been we are trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt and It shot up like anything only over the past couple of years.
Where did it all go? Somebody's got it. It's gone into somebody's pockets and That buys
Man if you can spend ten thousand dollars and get some hitman to take somebody else out What can you get with ten trillion?
Whoa, you can take anybody out with that So it's just it really does amaze me how many
Christians can sit there and theologically go I believe in total depravity I just happen to believe the politicians are above total depravity
Really okay. All right. So anyways We absolutely sitting here
Maricopa County Just just keep delaying it keep delaying it so that it takes time to print the ballots, you know
You got to know exactly how many you need in each area and and that's and you go you can't prove that and I'm like well
Here's here's Just just watch the results. Just watch as the mono party absolutely takes takes complete control and then
Silences any opposition has that ever happened before? Yeah Have we ever been in a situation where it can happen faster?
Thanks to the digital world and to the inevitable
Unstoppable introduction of digital currency utter Complete and total enslavement of a population.
Yeah, that's that's what's coming now. Don't get me wrong. It can't last It has no foundation
Totalitarian power can only last so long people will turn on each other. I I get it, but the results will be
Amazing and You know, you have to try to make decisions based upon where you're gonna have semblances of freedom and You know,
I When I moved into my current house, I said we're gonna bury me in the backyard. I hate moving
I hate even contemplating it, but I I can't live in, California And if Arizona becomes,
California, we're gonna have to find other ways of doing things Staller is to it. I That's just that's just the way it is so anyways, just it there is a tremendous feeling of frustration to be in this county to watch it happening and There's nothing you can do about it you just there's there's nothing you do about it and Partly, you know part of that is you you also recognize this the same
Nation is this is this is God's judgment upon a people who have had tremendous light and Have sinned against that light and continue to do so in a massive way in a massive massive way.
I Don't see any I don't see any repentance any sign of repentance whatsoever And so there you go a couple things since we've already
Probably made it impossible to put this on YouTube. Anyways I'm just about to I want to point out a
Major Study and there are a couple of them coming out but Major studies are coming out.
I think this one was from Let me see here where to go.
I think it's from Israel Yeah, yeah here it is Did the did the did the did was that?
large population base study and And Come on where's this?
Where's it at over half a million adults in the study and Anyway, basically basically long long story short
One of the talking points that has been Floating around if you've been following any of this
I to be honest with you I'm getting the feeling most people have burned out on it. They don't care But one of the talking points about the heart damage
Produced by the mRNA vaccines is That well, kovat 19 causes it.
It's the spike protein So whether you whether you have the vaccine or you get kovat 19
It's all the same thing. It's not This oh, yeah, it is there's
Israel good. All right Retrospective cohort study of 196 ,000 992 adults after kovat 19 infection in Qalat Health Services members in Israel between March 2020 and January 2021 inpatient myocarditis and pericarditis diagnoses retrieved from day 10 after positive
PCR Follow -up was censored on 28 February 2020 21 with minimum observation of 18 days the control cohort of 590 ,000 976 adults with at least one negative
PCR no positive PCR were age and sex match. So this is That's a what?
What are you looking at? They're just 700 about 800 ,000. That's a that's a big study. It's a very big study and what
I found was The myocarditis pericarditis
Was associated with the vaccines not with getting kovat 19 Because that had been the talking point.
It doesn't matter. Hey, you know It's just a spike protein thing. And that's what we got to do. No, it's not what it's saying.
It's not the only study and Again follow the money who?
Who's on the boards of the CDC and the FDA and Pfizer and Moderna it is one big monetary
Incestuous relationship all it is and just think of the money that has gone into that field your money
Well the treasure of this nation, which is being plundered By the enemies that have taken over the nation.
It's Truly astonishing people are living the high life Like you would not believe and so there's there's nobody
There's nobody mine in the store and You can you can get all these studies you want but the fact is the mind numbs on bees and MSNBC and Let's make sure this doesn't go on YouTube the mind numbs on bees at YouTube Google They're not gonna allow any open discussion of any of this
It's just it's just not possible you're not allowed to do it It doesn't matter that they are peer -reviewed studies and everything else.
They don't care Because when you've got hundreds of millions or billions of dollars coming, but you don't have to care as Long as you protect your revenue stream.
You don't have to care It's what we're what we're facing and at the same time
I didn't mention this one. I'm just doing stuff real quick before we get to anything else I Didn't cover this this was actually well, it's only ten days ago, but a
Football a former Vassilis Tsiartas, I think that's how you pronounce it the former football player of AEK and the
Greek national team Was sentenced by the single -member misdemeanor court of Athens to ten months in prison and a five thousand euro suspended fine for his transphobic post on social media in 2017
Now just think about that for a second five years ago He posted a transphobic post anybody in this audience ever posted a
Transphobic post since transphobic is a make -believe word that refers to any human being
It refers to any little boy or girl that knows the difference between a boy and a girl, okay
So if you speak the truth about gender The scientific historical moral ethical truth about gender that has been known by mankind from the beginning that that every chiseled
Egyptian hieroglyph recognizes If you speak that truth
These these folks will call it transphobic and once you make that quote -unquote illegal Realize something once you make that illegal you are making your law immoral, which means your law
No longer has not no longer has positive Ethical value to it and in fact because it now has negative ethical value the ethical and moral thing is to resist your law and That's why in tyranny in a tyrannical regime
The only foundation is not morality or ethics but sheer power
Sheer power the barrel of the gun is all you've got Because you don't have morality and ethics on your side when you're a totalitarian
The legendary footballer became the first to be convicted of the anti -racism law as Amended in 2014.
It is know that the intersex support the intersex support Association Through its president mar marinas galanos had filed a lawsuit against him
Who had also denounced those who had issue issued threats against her lately? I don't the point is
Here. Okay more specifically he had posted on his Facebook account that he wished quote The first gender changes will be made by the children of those who voted for this disgrace
Let's see with what pride they will have Please legalize PS legalize the pedophiles and complete the crimes.
Oh, okay. I see in other words. He was saying this is part of a whole A Sexual revolution, which we've been talking about for a long long time
Yeah, and then then then he really here. This is this guy needs to go to jail in a second post a few hours later
He had commented God created Adam and Eve What horrific hate speech
God created Adam and Eve? Oh my goodness Ah, there's there's
Greece for you now, hey, you know Greece doesn't have a whole lot of you know, that's Greek history
Not overly moral in and of itself is it but now we now we have now we have that.
Yeah, it's it's great It's it's amazing so anyhow, I Did want to mention also
I'm just looking over here Um Eli Allah has posted the sign up for the
January 21st epic online Calvinism conference and so you can track that down and I will
I will be one of the folks that will
Be taking part with that together with Scott Christensen who? I was
When we we got the new pull vehicle for the RV I had to fly to go get his first time
I've flown since one quick trip in 2020 And I think I mentioned it was a horrible experience even though my flights actually got there pretty much close on time
Like I said, the airport was dirty and the look on everybody's faces was the same look
It was I'm flying standby because my flight was canceled and I'm going from gate to gate and this is not a fun experience
That's it was just how everybody Is a massive change from when
I had been flying like I said in 2019 165 ,000 miles I logged in in 2019 and I'm walking toward my gate having muddled my way through Security in a very slow fashion because I don't have all the neat fun stuff that I used to have and I Hear someone say dr.
White and I that always scares me in airports and It happens a lot, but it still scares me in airports and I look over and it was
Scott Christensen and He and his family We're doing the our flights been canceled
They can't get us home till tomorrow afternoon thing but we're going from gate to gate to try to find a standby flight that we can all get on to get home type situation and He will be joining his books on the
Odyssey really really excellent and So anyway, just check out
Revealed apologetics calm Look, I think there's an events tab and that'll be
January 21st I'm not sure exactly how all that works out because it's like for hours and hours and hours on end and and I'm not gonna be doing hours and hours and hours, but There there you go
You'll you'll have that coming up all right, um
So we covered that And do we go ahead and go with that? I suppose so that would bite be the way to do that Do we have two of them?
Yeah, okay Ah Let me just think here cuz I was I was out of town over the weekend we we had a leadership retreat type thing where it's just a
You know, sometimes just there's so many kids. Oh my goodness Apology has has the children and So we went up way up out in that.
What's that place called? Pinetop Lakeside It's about 6 ,700 feet or so.
So it was Pretty nippy at night. Let me tell you there was there was a little snow and my my granddaughters we took two of my grandkids with us and they were
I mean Those who live back east or north or something.
You've got a picture this there was like You know, you know how days after a snow has melted there's still gonna be a few places that were in the in the shade where you can get just a just a little bit they
Were so excited. They found just enough a little bit of snow to throw at each other
I mean that was that was that was truly exciting for them because you know You live when you live in Phoenix, you don't you don't see stuff like that.
So anyway Been sort of busy this this past weekend as far as driving and traveling and stuff like that So I'm sure that there are some stuff that I am
I'm skipping and missing here along the way Just oh, by the way, one other thing real quick before I get to this article
We've added one more church We added After I'm in Lubbock on Friday I'll be at in Amarillo on Sunday on my way home after the st.
Charles trip and So I think that's gonna add up to I think five churches total on a two and a half week trip, which is fairly
Fairly busy given how far I'm going and things like that again all depending on whether there's still diesel fuel
And believe me folks if there's no diesel fuel, there's no fuel there's no food
Because you might go well my car runs on gas How did your how did the gas get to your gas station in a tanker truck pulled by a diesel engine?
We can fly. How did the gas get to the airport? How the the aviation fuel get to the airport a diesel powered truck so You you control diesel and you get at that down to where you can't do deliveries of food medicines fuel and The place completely falls apart.
You've got riots. You've got you know, the cops can't can't patrol anymore Societal collapse and I Used to think but they'd never allow that to happen.
I don't believe that anymore if the if the if the the Biden regime
Wanted that to happen they would do it because That their worldview doesn't care
It has no ground for them to care as long as they're protected if they think that their power
Can be advanced and and it would think about it You live in a city the grocery store has been ransacked there's nothing left you only have a few days worth of stuff left and They come along and say hey
For the title to your house and No more elections
Will provide you with basic sustenance What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do in fact
I had the thought a couple times over the weekend if we had really if the if people had really wanted to win this last election what they should have done
Is they should have said if you vote for the Democrats your kitties and your doggies will starve
Because it's true they will If you because you can't get food delivery They're not gonna be delivering kittles skittles or kittles or kibbles and bits or whatever it is
You're feeding your animals And so your your pets will be suffering right along with since most young people don't have children anymore
Because they are children Is that amazing think about it children love pets right and so now we have 30 year old people
Who Won't get married they won't have children Because they know that's too much responsibility
But they but they do have their pets and that's how they're replacing that it's just All I know they treat them like like children it's astonishing it just it's it's institutionalized
Infancy institutionalized infancy is what we're seeing all around us But infants are easily controlled and they're easily frightened but the point is they they control all this stuff now and We are sitting on top of more
Fossil fuels and the earth keeps producing them. It's amazing We are sitting on more fossil fuels we burn them far more cleanly than they do in Asia for example
So it doesn't matter how much we cut back our co2 emissions Asia's not gonna do it and they're gonna more than make up for anything we do so it's it's completely irrelevant
But we will crush ourselves for a fantasy We will we will kill
Ourselves for a fantasy because it is a fantasy Eventually, I'm just gonna have to go back and I'm gonna
I'm gonna pull up because I've saved a number of copies of it The chart on co2 and the fact that as far as it functioning as a
Radiation heat radiation Absorber so as to create warmth
It passed its maximum capacity long time ago We could double the co2 in the atmosphere.
The only thing that would happen is plants would really like it Plants would be greener and grow faster than ever that wouldn't change temperature at all
The the third you want the thermostat for the earth. It's 150 million kilometers that way
So it is that's why During the medieval period the earth was considerably warmer than it is now considerably warmer than it is now and That wasn't because of the
Romans having campfires at night Okay, that's not what it was.
Not what it was at all. And by the way, I saw I saw a chart yesterday You know the renewables
The talking about the percentage of energy being generated by renewables, you know what the vast majority that is would
Would yeah, we're talking less than 2 % worldwide from solar and windmills and Yet that's supposed to charge up your
EV it's just It people are gonna look back 30 years from now
When it's all come tumbling down and America is owned by four different foreign nations including
China and Russia and And they're gonna go. How could we have been that stupid?
It's all right. It was all right there in front of us and it's like it's called public education
You turn people into statists you don't teach them how to think critically you rob them of a worldview that values human life and voila
There you go. Are you how you keep pulling that microphone up in front of you? Like you're like you're feeling a sermon coming on or something
No, I was just saying that I need to remind you you need to remind me. We need to get all those I know stops on the calendar cuz
I get phone calls and they're like you got nothing on the calendar and it's my bad But I need to do that well everybody knows the first weekend in December is always in st.
Charles coming to Grace Church, and they've already got that stuff up on the website I think and stuff like that. It's the
It's on the way back when we'll be doing the road trip at a omen org road trip at a omen org again, if you want
If you want this to be able to happen, maybe when I'm coming by for however long we're still gonna be able to do this
Then You need to send an email to road trip at a omen org with contact information locations of church and Just just understand what that's all about is.
I'll be traveling and I may contact you and say I'll be coming
I've got a fairly short leg on Tuesday. I'll be coming into your area
And you're talking about an evening thing Informal it can be a full -on
Presentation on a topic we can talk about Islam or the New Testament or Mormonism or whatever is relevant in your area
It can be something just with your elders it can be a dinner As long as it's not a
Chinese restaurant Or Indian restaurant Look fact the matter is
Got good chips and salsa. I'll be there Good chips and salsa. That's worth unhooking the truck and and and and going for Good hot chips with excellent salsa.
Ah, yes. Well, we'll sit there and chat all night. But anyway, um Road trip at a omen org is where you need to get to get on that that map and For those of you sending in emails from Canada, that's not gonna happen.
Okay, sorry Yeah, I got one from South Africa, okay remember
I have to drive there and so That makes it a little tough
We're talking we're talking United States and we're talking Non -socialist
United States right now, so Left coast. Nah, not gonna happen
Some Northern northern Midwestern. Nah, probably not gonna happen there and East Coast maybe up, you know,
I've been up as far as Virginia and Pennsylvania really folks
Okay, I live in Maricopa County so I don't have a whole lot of a lot to talk about but Fetterman, huh?
Okay well if we end up with Katie Hobbs and Mark Kelly and and then
Lulu, I mean, that's the only way to describe her is because how do you describe our other senator?
Oh, I know the Democrats are mad at her, but she's She's just how do you describe her?
I mean, she's she's bisexual. She's She's unpredictable
I've been thankful that that she's Basically walked up In the
Senate and just sort of prances up and goes nope Prances off and and I think the
Democrats that they're looking at her too going That's true.
That's true That's true, there's she's she's all for herself and that's all she cares about that's there's no question about it.
Why is her name? Skipping my brain Oh Cinema cinema.
Yes. Yes, but you know Katie Hobbs I've basically said she's
Arizona's version of Kamala Harris. Yeah. Yeah, you know It's no I think
Kamala Harris has more personality. Well, it may be Careful careful
Notice he wisely turned the microphone off at that point and said yeah, no, let's not go there. No No, but it is bad.
It is it's it's horrible and We're gonna have to be doing a lot of praying and a lot of planning because At least during the last lockdown.
We had a semi Republican governor and if we end up with her But again, it's it
In in the past I'd sit here going I just can't believe people would vote and now I'm sitting there going that's not the issue
It's who has the best mechanism for harvesting ballots. It's not voting its ballots
And that's the issue. That's the issue When you've got entire areas where only 20 % of the
Democrats voted that are voting for Katie Hobbs over against Carrie Lake You just know
That not only are the dead voting now but Everybody's voting and they're all voting the same way.
It's it's amazing. Anyhow Let's get to something serious before we need to wrap stuff.
Well, all this is serious. It's we're all facing these questions and I'm facing them right along with you and There are levels that there are certain like it like I was saying earlier, there's there's a front there's a level of frustration when you're in the downward slide and You you know
Where all your blessings have come from? And let's be honest. We just assumed they'd always be there.
We make you make plans for quote -unquote retirement Based upon the continued blessing of God of peace and prosperity to your nation and yet we did not communicate with clarity
The fact that those blessings were based upon certain realities certain views of man that Most of us in my generation.
We knew that there were people in universities that were teaching just utter insanity
But we just always figured Really the mindset was once people graduate and they get a job then they grow up They realize the foolishness of it.
Uh, then that stopped and they get a job and they're willing to be enslaved by this worldview and to do and say things are just absurd and That's now we're we're living with the result of that so there you go
So Last Last program or program before last
I don't remember what it was we responded to the second of I'm only aware of three and there may be a fourth one
There is a fourth one I haven't downloaded yet, I need to track the down of articles on Baptist dogmatics once again
We have to illustrate the importance of Recognizing a
What sounds like a rather esoteric? Complicated and hence why should anybody worry about it shift in Amongst reformed men this one coming through a
Ironically a push for Theology proper well, you know, there is a reason why
I Why actually it was my editor but agreed to the title the
Forgotten Trinity back in the late 90s Was there really was not much emphasis there wasn't much being published at all on the
Doctrine of the Trinity Very often when I would speak on the subject I'd have people saying man.
I'd never heard anybody talking about these things I I couldn't have told you the difference between monotheism or he no theism or polytheism and and I I You know,
I would always challenge my audiences. So I've always been Outside of this group because I would always challenge my audiences you need to know
How and why the Bible teaches that there's only one true God Because the Doctrine of the
Trinity is a biblical doctrine. It is derived from Scripture it is forced upon us by the the canonical witness the witness of the entire canon of Scripture and It has been my privilege over decades to Talk to people who have been firmly grounded in the confidence that the
Bible teaches the Doctrine of the Trinity that it's not simply a
Tradition of men that developed over time that it's not just simply well, these are the victors
Okay, so you had you had the the the modalists the
Sibelians the patrapassionists in the second century and they got defeated in the
East and then the subordinationists grew out of origin and eventually flourished under Arius and and then you have the
Council of Nicaea, but then you have the Aryan resurgence after the Council of Nicaea and eventually their
Final defeat on that subject at Council of Constantinople in 381 and then you have the inevitable discussions concerning Christology that take place over the next you know, that's started taking place and and take place for about the next what 80 years or so until you get
Chalcedon and all of the Issues the
Chalcedon is representing and Once you start getting into that and and people get the idea.
Okay, what I believe on this is actually the result of a lengthy Series of theological development and it's not
Apostolic It's not It's not forced upon.
It does not flow from the text of Scripture It is a system that seeks
To Put its feet down on the pages of Scripture without having any real concern about the
The direction of flow, okay, and again when you interact
Seriously With other religions somewhat with world religions
Maybe with you know with Islam because Islam know the Quran the
Quran is uninterpretable without a
Knowledge of the Bible the author of the Quran assumes That it's that the readers of the
Quran know what the Bible is Which is really interesting when you think about it since vast majority of Muslims don't know what's in the
Bible So their connection to the actual Narrative of the
Quran is frequently not even there that's why so little of preaching and teaching in the
Mosques is actually we would even recognize it as having any type of exegetical or historical element to it at all
A lot of Christians aren't aware of that but primarily as you deal with Religions under the banner of Christendom including our cults and isms, that's when you really start
Being able to recognize the difference between a theology that flows out of the text and one that is created out here and then seeks to Base itself in the text.
There's a difference between the two Reform people should should get this
Just think about John 6 for a second just think about how many times we have gone over John 6 and we have gone through the text and we've
We've demonstrated the flow of the text and you start up here and here's you know where the the terminology is defined and then you just you follow the flow of the argument and and So many people will look at for example
What Norm Geisler did with John 6 and they'll see he doesn't flow with the argument.
He goes down here reads this text separate from everything else and then takes that and forces everything else into a
Box based upon reading verse 40 in a certain particular fashion And then ignores stuff that comes afterwards it we we should recognize what it looks like to have your theology flow from the text and Then what it looks like when theology is being forced onto the text.
And so the Arminian John 6 Jumps off to John 12 32 and reads it back in and and we see that it's like oh, yeah, dude, and then we talk to the cults and We see the amazing interpretations that Joseph Smith comes up with or that even modern
Mormon apologists come up with and That's not flowing from the text.
They have not given any consideration whatsoever To what the Apostles intended what the
Apostles were communicating. They have an external theological system They're putting on to the text.
We recognize that there But when it happens in our own camp
When it's when it's our own When It's people who come to pretty much the same conclusions that we do when they're doing it
That's a whole different issue And we don't seem to be able to recognize it as easily and as quickly so in the last on the in the last response, but we did is
We looked at the Exegesis and I put scare quotes on that because there's a meaning for exegesis the goal of exegesis
No, and this is part of the argument. I assert the goal of exegesis is
To recognize the specific intention of the original text itself
That was meant to be communicated to its audience by its words What did
John? Intend to communicate in writing John chapter 6 and In recording the words of Jesus in the way that he does
This has been how there is not a single Church that I've ever been in what when when
I was in Ireland I Spoke in a brethren church, okay, they are not reformed by any stretch the imagination but I simply
Exegeted Romans 9 and they were like, yeah, that's that's what it says. I didn't have to use external terminology
I didn't have to talk about Calvinism. I didn't have to you do any of that. You just let the text speak for itself and It says what it says
Well, we saw that the exegesis that says what we need to have the mind of God that sounds extremely pious but that's a nice way of saying we have our theological understandings and it flows out of our confessions and and out of all this doctrinal development for centuries and centuries and centuries and That needs to be the lens through which we read
Scripture And so we can answer we can literally take a text.
It's just one text It's amazing how this is how this is devolved out of my simple recognition
That there is a single text That is difficult and hard and it's not meant to answer all the questions and That there have been people in our past who've tried to make it answer all sorts of questions
So that one text in Matthew 24 all of a sudden we got an entire discussion about how you can actually answer questions
About a divine person. It's never mentioned in the text itself the Holy Spirit how
By taking your theology as the lens through which you now interpret Scripture the inevitable outcome of that is
That you cannot claim that your system of theology Flows out of the text of Scripture.
That's no longer exegesis. It's theology now we have to do theology, but it's after the exegesis now we have an inversion and The inversion is not only indefensible once we're dealing with the cults and isms
But it fundamentally leads to an acceptance of an authority system outside of the scriptures themselves
Inevitably that does not I'm not saying that the people that are already doing it have already
Figured out the inevitable result of what they're doing But they will Now they may just continue to live with the
Contradiction because a lot of people do But there will be other people who seeing the contradiction don't want to live with the contradiction and therefore will adopt a perspective
Where the contradiction doesn't exist anymore and the only way to do that is to abandon Sola Scriptura and everything that that means and once you
Once you have a vacuum then stuff rushes in there once you start doing the tradition thing then you're off into The the only other options that are that are presented to you
Eastern Orthodoxy Roman Catholicism certain forms of Anglicanism and Some of the other smaller
Groups that we don't know a whole lot about in the United States because they're primarily located elsewhere Church of the East things like that And so We've been warning about that talking about that.
So the third article and I think we really actually have gone an hour haven't we? We got to go.
So we will we will be looking at the Trinity Christology theological concerns number three as we continue our our reviews, so Thanks for listening to program today snuck it in here early because we were gone toward the end of last week
Don't know when we'll get back together But probably at least once or twice more this week and we'll see you then and watch for the sweater vest dialogue
I don't know when it'll drop but I'll be wearing exactly what I'm wearing right now because we're about to record it right now