Bible Sayings (Part 2)


Pastor Mike and Pastor Steve continue talking about popular sayings. Which are in the Bible and which do people incorrectly think come from the Bible? Some examples are "blind leading the blind", "God works in mysterious ways", and "thorn in the flesh". Do you know which are Biblical? Tune in to find out!


Pet Peeves (Part 3) (rerun)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise, inspiring radio.
I feel so inspired. I'm so inspired I'm perspiring. Boy, that was a pretty inspired sermon you gave the other day.
I saw that the anointing was on you, Pastor, didn't you? Oh, it was on me, all right, like a heavy dose of motor oil, used motor oil, really grimy motor oil.
Sitting here in the No Compromise radio studios, we do have, on our actual table, we have some olive oil from the
Sea of Galilee. I didn't know the sea was full of oil. I knew the Dead Sea was full of minerals, but I didn't know—
It doesn't say Sea of Galilee. It says— It says from Galilee. When you see capital G, Galilee, do you think of the region or do you think of the sea?
I think of the region, but, you know, that's because I'm holier than— So when it says holy soil from Jerusalem, do you think of the
Jerusalem area? Or the Sea of Jerusalem. Yeah, that's what I think of. Holy water from Jordan River area.
See how these things have a theme. See, I'd just take it from, you know, holy water from Jordan, I'd take it from the country of Jordan.
Well, this does have a certificate of authenticity. We hereby certify that the authenticity of the products in this
No Compromise radio show are pure and true. Is it signed by Bob Jones III?
If not, I'm not— No. Who's the crazy guy in Indiana? Jack Hyles?
Hyles, yeah. Jack Hyles. Hyles. It's by him. I never know what his last name is. It's kind of like the Stones guitarist
Keith Richard or Keith Richards. Jack Hyle. Hyle. In the— Oh, that's wrong. Uh -oh.
We did a show last week on sayings that were in the Bible that have become modern -day nomenclature.
I like that word, nomenclature. Do you? Yes. Nom from name. Jean from genre.
Jean. Jean from genre. What do they call it when you write a book underneath a false name?
A plume something? Nom de plume. Yes, that's right. I don't think that Ted would know. Yeah. Or, you know, it could be kind of a pseudonym, too.
Well, that's true. Kind of what's an anonymous name. See with what large letters I write this.
Oh. Okay. Well, there's a few sayings that are out there that people think incorrectly have come from the
Bible. Incorrectly. Yes, incorrectly. So we're going to do those before we do some of the other ones. And this just gives us a reason to talk because we're out of show ideas, so please write to noco .com.
Stitch in time saves nine. Is that from the Bible? That actually was. They're trying to stitch in the old wineskins into the new ones, and if you do it rightly, it'll save a lot of time.
What are some of the Benjamin Franklin things that he used to say and now people think it's like from the
Farmer's Almanac, didn't he? Yeah, God helps those who help themselves. Oh, yeah. Okay. There you go. Yeah. It's not in the
Bible, but it really seems like it. Well, Sinclair Ferguson in his book Christ Alone did a deal on Santa Claus, and there's the
Pelagian Santa Claus version of Christ, the semi -Pelagian. I think he's fatter.
I think he's got more weight, the semi -Pelagian. And then the biblical view of Santa Claus, which is probably...
Skinny as a rail. Skinny as a rail. Because according to the Message Bible in 1
Timothy chapter 4, you don't want any flabbification because that's next to godliness.
Nope. You've got to keep it tight. Yeah. How about this? Is this from the Bible, Steve? Cleanliness is next to godliness.
See, people think that's biblical. Cleanliness is next to godliness. See, and I thought that was from Get Smart.
I don't know. No, that's the cone of silence. Oh, okay. Silence is next to godliness.
Yes. It could be. My little report here says that cleanliness is next to godliness is of apparent
Hebrew origin, possibly also John Wesley. I didn't know that he was in the same time frame, 586
BC and 722 BC. Yeah. Well, at that point in time, he was up in the
Andes Mountains on a spiritual retreat, just kind of trying to stay isolated and be quiet.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. Now that is pretty much a biblical concept,
I think. But it is a Bible quote. All right, let's see. What we're going to do now is we're going to go to—
Well, the rod drives foolishness out of the child, right? Yeah, there you go. So I think that's the idea. Popular sayings that come from the
Bible, eat, drink, and be merry. For tomorrow we die. Yeah. Why do people say that today?
Because the Mayan calendar's already come and gone on No Compromise Radio? No, it's not. That's two days from recording now.
If you're hearing this and you're in a bunker— We have good news for you. Yes. You can come out.
Yes, you can. Please, and share your Girl Scout cookies. You don't have to be like the
Japanese guys after World War II, you know, for years and years hiding out in caves in Okinawa.
See, Steve, I always think as a pastor that if there is some huge tragedy that happens that's of worldwide proportion, and then
I have to have some food and guard the food with any weapon I might have, or homemade weapon or potential weapon, and people come and they want some food for their family,
I can't shoot them, I can't stab them, I can't protect myself because I'm a Christian, I have to share with them, so why bother having any food at all?
Because I'll have to share it anyway. I thought you were going to say, why bother having any kind of weapons at all? Because I'm just going to have to—
I will say to my soul, soul, thou hast much good laid up for many years.
Eat, drink, and be merry, Luke 12. Yeah. You fool this very night.
That's right. How about the blind leading the blind? We say that a lot in our society today, don't we?
Yes, we do. Uh -huh. Yeah, that's a little bit like the blind leading the blind, don't you think? Who is that?
Who are you just trying to imitate? I don't know, some political figure, I'm sure. Actually, I think
I was going for an MSNBC host. Ooh, okay. I didn't know you watched MSNBC.
Constantly. Okay. Matthew 15, let them alone, they be blind leaders of the blind.
I think we have a typo here. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into— A pit.
A snare. The ditch. Okay. Okay, well, Steve, you better stay on the straight and narrow as far as I'm concerned.
That's kind of our no -compromise slogan, stay on the straight and narrow. It's nice to be straight, and it's good to be narrow.
Always straight, always narrow, always in that order. That sounds like broad gate and narrow gate and—
Totally, Matthew 7, because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life.
But I think we're going to have to figure out on another show what's the difference between straight with S -T -R -A -I -T and straight with S -T -R -I -G -H -T.
Yeah, that'll be a whole show there. I can hardly wait for that. It'll be, you know, maybe our most scintillating show of all week.
I think I'm going to have to go above my pay grade to someone like Jeff Waddington or somebody for that. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.
That is absolutely biblical, yeah. And so— Than for a rich man to get to heaven. Who was it?
Was it Whitfield or Edwards that talked about the literal nature that if you really had to pull a camel through a little sewing needle, how gross and bloody that actually would be?
It would be pretty ugly. I mean, that seems like something that they might try on Star Trek, but—
Well, I saw a device the other day that our neighbors received from Amazon, shipping before the tax, of course.
Well, that doesn't happen for another year, I'll have you know. Okay. And she put a zucchini squash up to this thing and started spinning this plastic wheel.
And they had a zucchini spaghetti -like noodle thing that seemed like it was about nine miles long that came out of that thing.
Think how long that dental floss -like camel would end up being. Zucchini in the wheel, way up in the middle of the air.
No! Please tell me you just didn't do that. That was Ezekiel 1.
See, that's a common saying from the Bible. Zucchini in the wheel? Yeah, but see, we just didn't know the origin of it. We didn't know etymologically, epistemologically.
Well, you know, I just felt inspired, so there you go. I think that was a term coined in the island of Fair Havens.
Yeah? Yes. Okay, next, popular sayings that come from the Bible. It's a head on a platter.
Ugh. See, I really don't like this because I've been studying John the Baptist, and I'm head on a platter.
See, I don't really talk like head on a platter. They wanted my head on a platter. Now, I might say that.
I went into the elders— They wanted that pastor's head on a platter. I went into the elders' meeting, and they wanted my head on a platter. Yeah, straight from Mark 6.
Just think about, I mean, we sanitize this, and maybe we have the children's rhyme Bible for this or something, but talk about the wickedness and the depravity and the sin of sin, the insanity of sin, the evil of sin.
Who wrote the book, The Sinfulness of Sin? Who wrote that? Ralph Venning. Did he?
Yes. Good old Ralph. Yes. Yeah, Ralph Venning. MacArthur said he read that book every year, so I had to track it down.
I used to think it was Ralph Fenning, but then I remembered I wasn't in Germany. It was Ralph Venning, Fenning Venning.
So anyway, how sinful is that where you take this prophet, and pretty much from the rich to the poor to the educated to the naive, people admired
John the Baptist, and he was faithful guy, and then he came as the forerunner, and it was a head on the platter.
How gross must that have been? Very gross. Very gross. I mean, just studying it. Well, I don't want to talk about John the
Baptist, but just kind of interesting what his disciples thought of Jesus at one point in John chapter 3, because they're just like, hey, you better do something, dude, because this
Jesus guy, he's about to overtake you. Now that's my message interpretation of it, but they're like, we need to do some marketing, maybe
Johnthebaptist .com or something like that. But anyway, I digress. John the Baptist, what was
I going to say about him? We were talking about something with the head on the platter and John the Baptist. Steve, I can't think now.
Well, I don't know, but I was going to say, you know, what does it say about churches, their willingness to, you know, get rid of pastors and stuff like that?
I mean, it really does remind you of that kind of mindset of Herod and the woman who actually wanted that,
I mean, was his niece, right? Steve, those kind of stories make me want to tear my hair out.
Yeah. Well, that'd be really easy for you. No, you know how hard it is for me because it's so short,
I can't even really get some tweezers to grab it. Ezra 9 .3, this one might be taken out of context a little bit, but it says, this news made me so angry that I ripped my clothes and tore hair from my head and beard, then
I sat in shock. Ezra 9 .3, tearing your hair out. Seems viable, doesn't it? Yeah. I mean,
I think I'm more likely to understand, though, what somebody means when they say they tore their garments, but maybe that's just because—
Well, maybe that's because you sold your birthright for a mess of pottage. Yeah, and so that would cause me to—now, that's something people say, right?
They do. They don't know what pottage is, but they sell. They sell—pottage goes for a lot of money these days.
So they say, like, a bowl of soup or something, you know, sold it cheap. Pride comes before a fall.
People say that a lot. That's indicative of our culture. And it's a truism, and I know a lot of people that are in for a big fall.
How about this saying that people use all the time that comes straight from the Bible, but it's taken out of context? And since you're preaching through the gospel of Jesus, according to John, the truth shall make you free.
Oh, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Isn't that John 10?
What's Jesus actually talking about? John 8. Is it John 8? Okay. Sorry. You're only in John 3 right now.
Yeah, I'm just thinking through the pages, and I can see where it is on the page, but—well, what he's talking about is spiritual freedom and not really—you know, people use that to—it's some kind of liberation, you know.
Yeah, I think that that was originally used, I think, in a hotel in Tennessee when Flip Wilson said that.
That would make me do it. When you're a slave to sin, the truth about Jesus, the sin bearer, the good news will set you free.
And so, it has a context. How about filthy lucre? That's used today still?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm—and some of my lucre is more filthy than others. I mean,
I had some dollar bills the other day that were absolutely disgusting. I think some—there's a certain percentage, and it's a high percentage of $20 bills that have cocaine residue on them.
I'm sure that's right. 1 Timothy 3, not greedy of filthy lucre. How about east of Eden?
Well, that's where they get cast out, and they put the—God puts an angel there to keep them out of the garden, you know, make sure they can't go back.
Genesis 4, you are, sir, correct. Seek and ye shall find.
You know, I can see how that's misapplied all the time, right? Seek and ye shall find it. Ask and it will be given to you and all that.
Yeah, but, I mean, in context, I don't think he was talking about just generally looking for something and with a promise that you'll find it.
I think some of the gold diggers of the gold rush era and the Eureka and the Californians, I think they thought that—
That'd be a great motto, wouldn't it? Yes. Seek and ye shall find. But then they didn't find anything, and then they were at their wits' end.
See, I mean, what they should have been doing was using some Neil Young songs after the gold rush.
That would have been a great thing. I tried listening to that new Neil Young song about America stuff, and I just couldn't get myself to like it.
I probably couldn't either. No. At my wits' end, they reeled and staggered like drunken men. They were at their wits' end,
Psalm 107. How about that? How about—I see his knees knocking together.
How about that one? What would that mean in modern day—? Well, obviously, it still has to do with fear.
I mean, that would be when your knees are knocking, that's just fear. Absolutely. That is, from Daniel 5, his hip joints went slack.
That never made it in modern parlance. My hip joints went slack. Dude, my hip joints went slack. Some censors were hoping that would happen to Elvis.
Elvis, right. Yes, at the Ed Costello show. Right, Abbott and Ed Costello.
Remember? He sang, My Aim is True. His knees were joint—his hip joints went slack, and his knees began to knead together.
Ed Costello. Yeah, that's actually—Ed Sullivan's real name was Costello. He had a son.
He moved to Britain, and his name was Elvis Costello. That is— He's actually a brother of Abbott and Costello.
That is false, because as we all know, Elvis Costello's real name is Declan McManus. So that's—you just made that whole thing up.
I know, but Steve, there's nothing new under the sun. Well, now there's one. See? Right?
Ecclesiastes again. Ecclesiastes 1 .9. There's nothing new under the sun. How about this one,
Steve? You don't know half of it. You don't know the half of it. Well, I think that's true, right?
Because we want to hear both sides of the story. So— Solomon, 1
Kings 10, Indeed, not even the half was told me, she said, in wisdom and wealth.
You have far exceeded the report I heard. 1 Kings 10. See, I—well, I think that could come out of Proverbs, too.
You know, when—what is that? One story seems right, and then you hear the other side of it, or however that goes.
I'm mangling that whole proverb up, but— Well, since I was thinking about what to say next that would make me really look good,
I don't really know what you were saying. Well, you just need to know both sides of the story. I mean, it's wrong to jump to conclusions.
Steve, you know, if you haven't learned this life lesson, you should probably learn it now.
Okay. You reap what you sow. Well, it's true, right? That's a basic principle.
When—if you give to get, right? I think that was from my TBN newsletter.
What's the difference between TBN and TBS? I don't really think anything. I think they're both owned by the same person.
TBS has better movies. Yeah. What was that movie that actually TBN put out about the sovereignty of God, and it had
Gavin McLeod or somebody from the love boat on it, and it was talking about how God controls all the future?
It was the sovereignty of God. Some time changer. Mr. Sperry's—Sperry's something or other. Sperry— No, no.
It's a time changer, time forecaster, time something, and I actually—I watched it. Maybe you even bought it for me.
Was it called—I didn't buy it for you. I think you did. No, I did not. I think you did that along with Lewis Sperry Chaffer, eight volumes,
Systematic Theology. No, but I want to say the guy's name was in the movie, because I remember the
TBN—by the way, I'm still on the TBN mailer, and if any of my TBN friends are listening right now, take me off your mailing list.
You know, you move around and that thing just follows you around. No, but I remember—I'll have to look it up, because I can just remember seeing the
TBN flyer, and there was Gavin McLeod, and I want to say he was playing some character named
Mr. Something or Something Sperry—anyway, Sperry is in there somewhere.
I just don't remember. Okay, Mr .—I think it was called Mr. Tibbs. They call me
Mr. Tibbs. Is that from the Bible? No. I think that's what Elijah said as he ordained
Elisha, when Elisha asked for the double anointing. They call me Mr. Tibbs. They call me
Mr. Tibbs, and then up in the chariot he went. But you have to say it, they call me
Mr. Tibbs. Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked, a man reaps what he sows, Galatians 6 -7.
All right, this one is a very popular saying in English, straight from the
Bible, God works in mysterious ways. Well, yes, and then he works in non -mysterious ways, too, but—see, when you said mysterious—
That's cool, doesn't it? When you said mysterious ways, all I was thinking about was the U2 song. Mystery, mystery, where art thou, mystery?
That one? No. That was on a bootleg, I think, 1984. That was a U2 from Ak -Tung, baby.
Oh, see, I didn't know that. You didn't? No, I didn't know that. Well, maybe you were saved before that.
Maybe. God does work in mysterious ways, but that is not from the Bible, that is William Cowper, or pronounced better,
I've been told, Cooper, C -O -W -P -E -R, right? He was a friend of John Newton—Jonathan Newton, not to be confused with our own
Jonathan Newton, who is on staff at No Compromise Radio doing some of the web work. Wow. Yes.
All right, how about this one? We don't have much time to go. How many ministries can say they have Jonathan Newton on staff? Well, it's kind of like I went to, the time when
I went to India, and so they have a lot of false gods' names for their first name, and so you meet a man named
Ganesh, or you meet another man named something else, I don't know what the other false gods' names were.
There's some monkey god, I can't remember his name, he carries a big mace with him, I know that. And so when they get saved, they don't want to have those pagan names anymore.
You know, you're a girl named Jezebel, and you get saved, you need to be called Jerry or something, right? Well, I'd want to change my name, sure.
Or Jess, or what's a false god, you know, Baal for a god, you want to change your name. So I met a guy, and I said, hi, my name's
Mike Abendroth, he put his hand out to shake my hand, and he said, my name is John Knox.
I thought, I just met John Knox. My name is John Knox, how do you do? So you meet these guys.
Another guy I met, his name was Barnabas. That's a good one. Yeah, and so I thought, you know what, there's only one person more impressive than John Knox, and I'd like to meet
Barnabas. Better than Barabbas, probably. Hi, my name's Barabbas.
All right, how about a thorn in the flesh? Well, obviously, a thorn in the flesh would be something that's painful and probably long -lasting kind of thing.
Yes. And of course, that's from 2 Corinthians 12. Paul, remember, was like that boy who just went to heaven in Nebraska, right?
And he, what's his name again? He's got a funny last name. He has an onomatopoetic last name.
Kipper. Chubbs or something. What's the guy's name? Tubby. Goober.
The boy who went to heaven. Heaven is for real. What's his name? Heaven is for real. Chubbs. Liar.
I was going to say Gordo, but that's not it. What is that guy's name? I don't remember. Chimmy. Chimmy Chunga.
Chimmy. Chimmy, Chimmy. Honestly, I should know his name. His name is, he was right in that city as well.
I can't remember. I can't think of it either, but there's somebody else now who's died and went to heaven.
I was just listening, there was somebody who went there for a week and then came back. A week in heaven, that's not bad.
Be a nice vacation. I wonder if there's a cruise line that, you know, week in heaven kind of thing.
Well, we'd probably get more people going to that than the no compromise Greece trip. Oh, that didn't go so well? Well, so far
I think we've got nine or 10 people, but it would be nice to have more. Hundreds. There's still slots open. No, I think we only have 25 slots.
Every listener to call and get in on this cruise. I do too. Still open.
If we get 25 guys, 25 people, then the Tuesday guy will go. That we could probably do that.
I cannot believe, I can't remember that guy's name who went to heaven. Chum. Chumlee.
Chump. A thorn in the flesh. Paul had seen the third heaven and it says, to keep me from being conceited, these revelations there was given to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me.
And I think if my Greek is right, 87 or 88 times the word thorn is used, a thorn in the flesh.
Every rose has a thorn. You know what I'm mistaken? Messenger is used. It's always used. Yeah, I was going to say that. It's always used of a person.
Now, this might be the exception. Is the word... What's the word? Apostle? Messenger? Probably some
Angelos or something. Yes. Angola. Yeah. Okay. Before we get angel, a messenger. And so,
I think it was probably a person, but maybe it's not. Maybe it was his eyesight. His eyesight must have been bad.
Maybe it was his bad back. Can you imagine when he showed up? What if the same person was always showing up, you know, the heckler in the back of the crowd?
That would be bad, right? That would be bad. It'd also be bad if your ministry was with books and writing and parchments and scrolls.
That's Paul's tool. And then Paul showed up, and he's got some nasty yellow pus coming from his eye, and he can't see it, and he's trying to teach you, and it's all pus -eye.
That would be bad. Oh, yuck. Well, today on No Compromise Radio, we've looked at some more sayings found in the
Bible. Maybe some sayings not found in the Bible. We encourage you to read your Bible, and you'll say Eureka very often.
And you'll say, Gee, I never heard that one before. Why don't Mike and Steve do a whole show about that? Send us your letters.
Mike Abendroth and Steve Cooley today, No Compromise Radio. Please email us at info, nocompromiseradio .com,
or Tuesdayguy at nocompromiseradio .com. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.