2020 The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Year For The Prophets
January 2020 to January 2021 has been devastating for the charismatic prophets. This video documents the complete failure and utter theological and moral bankruptcy of the movement. We will also engage Dr. Michael Brown's arguments that one who falsely prophesies is not necessarily a false prophet. There is tons of material in this video. I know it is long, but I think it will be a great resource for you. I wanted to keep it all in one place.
- 00:00
- Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters. I hope that you and your family are doing well today. I want to thank you very much for watching this video.
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- This video is entitled 2020, the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year for the prophets.
- 00:16
- Indeed, dear ones, the last 12 months from January 2020,
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- I'm recording this January the 29th of 2021. I'm actually recording the introduction to this video as the last thing, but this has the last 12 months have been an absolute wrecking ball to the charismatic prophetic movement.
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- It has been the kryptonite to the charismatic Superman, whatever metaphor you would like to use.
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- It has utterly exposed the prophetic movement for the complete farce that it is.
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- It has exposed it on every conceivable level, the prophetic level, the theological level, the integrity level.
- 01:00
- It's just been devastating. In this video, I'm going to detail just a few of these false prophecies and the incredible face plant that all of these prophets have done.
- 01:12
- I think if you will watch the whole video, you'll have to come away realizing that, you know what, these people aren't hearing from God like they claim.
- 01:23
- Everything here will be documented. Also, in this video, I'm going to do about an hour -long interview with Dr.
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- Nathan Buznitz. Dr. Buznitz is the academic provost at the Master's Seminary.
- 01:38
- I interviewed him specifically because I wanted to explore some questions. For those of you who are familiar with Dr.
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- Michael Brown, he's the leading apologist in the charismatic movement. Dr. Brown, to his credit, has said that these are clearly false prophecies and there's no way around it, but he still says that you can prophesy falsely and not be a false prophet.
- 02:03
- I'm going to ask Dr. Buznitz about this. Is there a difference between the Old Testament prophets and the
- 02:08
- New Testament prophets? Are they held to a different standard? Can New Testament prophecy be fallible, as many claim?
- 02:16
- What about Agabus? He is often raised as an example of a true prophet who is still fallible.
- 02:23
- We're going to engage all of those arguments. I believe that this will be a very fair video.
- 02:29
- It will be fair to Dr. Brown, but it's also going to be very sobering as well.
- 02:36
- Please do watch the whole thing. I know it's long. It's four and a half hours or so long. I know that goes against every rule of YouTube.
- 02:44
- You're supposed to make short videos nowadays because people's attention spans are so short. Well, I have a little bit more confidence in the people who follow my channel, at least who follow it for the right reasons.
- 02:57
- I think you can stick with it. I know you probably won't be able to watch it all in one sitting. That's fine.
- 03:03
- Watch as much as you can. Push pause. Come back later. There's a lot here.
- 03:08
- I would ask this before you go into the comment section and start saying, well, what about this?
- 03:13
- What about this? Well, you didn't say that. Watch the whole thing before you make a decision, before you evaluate this video one way or the other.
- 03:21
- Watch the whole thing. I really think if you will do that and you'll watch with an open mind that at the end, the evidence will be so incontrovertible, so overwhelming.
- 03:33
- Friends, these folks are not hearing from God. God is not speaking to them. I want you to come away with a renewed confidence in the sufficiency of God's word.
- 03:44
- There's going to be some comic relief throughout the video. There'll be some funny parts, but there will be many, many serious parts.
- 03:51
- There'll be some parts, honestly, when I get a bit worked up, at least for me, I get a bit worked up because of the seriousness of the issues with which we will be dealing.
- 04:03
- Putting words in God's mouth that He did not say is a very, very serious thing.
- 04:10
- Also, I want to bring your attention to the description down below. I have several resources that are linked there, some things that'll help you, and also some of the breakdown of the minute marks, the different sections in this video.
- 04:25
- I'll have the approximate minute marks, so if you want to come back later and jump to a particular section or something like that, that might help you to navigate this very long video a little bit.
- 04:38
- Well, dear ones, thank you very much. Thank you for joining me on this journey.
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- I hope it'll be helpful for you. Lord willing, I think it will be. Without any further delay, let us begin.
- 05:01
- Sid Roth is the host of a program entitled It's Supernatural. It's carried on a number of different Christian outlets.
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- He's got his own YouTube channel and an enormous following.
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- Back in January of 2020, Sid Roth had 20 of the more well -known names in the prophetic movement to record short videos and tell everyone in his audience what
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- God has been showing them about the then -upcoming year of 2020.
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- These names include Hank Kuhneman, Perry Stone, Patricia King.
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- These are very well -known names. Kenan Bridge's Dr. Clarice Fluitt.
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- Now, I say that doctor with a real doctor's.
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- She does not have an earned doctorate degree. That is one of the things that you'll notice almost without exception in the charismatic movement, the prophetic movement.
- 06:06
- Now, Dr. Michael Brown would be an exception, but almost without exception, with a very rare exception.
- 06:13
- When you see one of these televangelists or well -known charismatic preachers and they use doctor in their name, they're not earned doctorates.
- 06:22
- They are not earned doctorates from an accredited institution. They are practically always honorary doctorates that are given out by ORU or REMA or some other institution.
- 06:36
- The way this works is that if you're in the charismatic movement and you gain a big following and you have a big ministry, a large public platform, then one of these schools will just give you an honorary doctorate.
- 06:50
- So whether it's ORU or REMA or some other Asian Bible college of some sort, they give out a lot of those to it as well.
- 07:00
- But just know, when you see Dr. John Hagee or Dr. Jesse Duplantis or Dr.
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- Creflo Dollar, they don't have earned doctorate degrees. So anyway, Dr. Clarice Fluitt.
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- David Herzog, Anna Warner, Jeremiah Johnson. We're going to talk quite a bit about him.
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- Joan Hunter, Hakeem Collins, Glenda Jackson, Kevin Zadai.
- 07:25
- Now, Kevin Zadai has really kind of come on the scene a lot in the last year or so.
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- He's become a very frequent guest of Sid Roth on his program. And Kevin Zadai has some of the most bizarre tales that you could possibly imagine.
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- He shuttles back and forth between heaven and earth with the regularity that you and I would go to the gas station, if not more so.
- 07:52
- I mean, you get the sense that it's an unusual day when he doesn't go to heaven.
- 07:58
- Kat Kerr is the same way, but I'm getting ahead of myself. But Kevin Zadai claims that on one of his trips to heaven, he was taught by Jesus himself how to play the clarinet and the saxophone and the flute and a number of other instruments.
- 08:12
- And so Jesus gave him music lessons. And he claims one time in heaven, he walked into Jesus's eyeballs.
- 08:23
- I'm not making this up. I mean, truth is stranger than fiction in this case, even though it's not truth.
- 08:30
- But what they claim to be is true. It's just utterly bizarre. Just recently, a video went up on Sid Roth's program
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- YouTube channel when he was interviewing Kevin Zadai and Kevin Zadai says that he was on an elevator with Jesus.
- 08:44
- Who hasn't been on an elevator with Jesus, right? So just utterly bizarre.
- 08:49
- But Tracy Cook, and just parenthetically here, dear friends, let me interrupt myself.
- 08:55
- You see the yellow arrow pointing down to this other video on Sid Roth's YouTube channel, this particular one featuring
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- Tracy Cook entitled God Tells Me His Secrets. Do you know what this stuff is?
- 09:09
- This is a modern version of the ancient heresy known as Gnosticism. Gnosticism derived its name from the
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- Greek word gnosis, which means knowledge. And it's a broad topic. But for our purposes here, basically, the
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- Gnostics believed that there was this secret divine revelation knowledge separate from sensory knowledge through which you could obtain salvation.
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- But to get this knowledge, you kind of had to disengage your mind, disengage your intellect, rational thought, then and only then could you enter into this higher realm and get this secret divine revelation knowledge through which you could obtain salvation.
- 09:48
- Well, what we're seeing in the charismatic movement today is a modern version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism.
- 09:56
- So God is telling these select few people his secrets.
- 10:02
- You see, the prophets are getting the secrets from God. So you're probably not riding on elevators with Jesus.
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- And so if you're not, you see, Kevin Zadai has a closer relationship with Christ than do you.
- 10:17
- And if God's not telling you secrets, if you're not walking into Jesus's eyeballs, you know that this is a modern version of Gnosticism.
- 10:26
- And Beth Moore, by the way, does this as well, just not quite as bizarre as some of these.
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- While I say that, she does claim that Jesus invited her to go out and make snowmen with her.
- 10:38
- So I guess that's pretty weird. But anyway, that's what this is. So this secret divine revelation knowledge, these people, these self -appointed prophets,
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- God is telling them secrets. God is doing things for them that he's not doing for you.
- 10:54
- He's giving them secrets that he's not giving you. This is a modern day version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism.
- 11:01
- Lana Vosser, Catherine Ruanala, David Hernandez, Dr. Cindy Jacobs, who's not a doctor either,
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- Larry Sparks, and then James Gall and Mario Murillo. Real briefly,
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- James Gall, all of these individuals gave prophecies about what was going to happen in 2020, back in January of 2020.
- 11:24
- And James Gall, laughably and comically now, prophesied that in 2020, stadiums would be filled.
- 11:35
- Stadiums would be filled. It was like the year of the filled stadium. Well, we all know how that turned out, don't we?
- 11:44
- We've all seen the videos of whether it's MLB, baseball, or college football, or NFL, or whatever big sporting event, and the stadiums are empty.
- 11:57
- They've got those ridiculous cardboard cutouts of people that they scattered throughout the stadium to,
- 12:04
- I guess, give some semblance of normalcy. But I mean, how wrong can you be? 2020 is going to be the year of the filled stadiums.
- 12:12
- Not so much. So anyway, all of this to say, and I've done a video on this already, and so you can go back to my
- 12:23
- YouTube channel. See here, I've got a little screenshot of the icon or whatever it's called.
- 12:29
- And you can watch this. All of this is detailed exhaustively in that video.
- 12:35
- So feel free, please, to go back and watch it. But none of them, not one of them prophesied
- 12:42
- COVID -19 coming. Not one of them. Now, think about this.
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- This is one of the most impactful, globally impactful events in any of our lifetimes.
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- It has shaken the entire world. It has affected each and every one of us to one degree or another.
- 13:08
- Even if we haven't had it ourselves, we know people now who have. I mean, it wrecked the economy.
- 13:16
- This is a truly globally impacting, I would say more globally impacting than probably anything in our lives, maybe since World War II.
- 13:27
- And yet none of the prophets saw it coming. None of them. The only prophet that claims that he prophesied it coming is
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- Chuck Pierce. And Chuck Pierce made this claim in the spring of 2020, that back in the fall of 2019, he prophesied that there would be a, quote, massive plague -like invasion.
- 13:55
- And this made big news. And Charisma magazine did articles on this.
- 14:01
- Chuck Pierce saw the COVID -19 coming. And he was interviewed by Stephen String, who's the
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- CEO of Charisma Media. And I watched that, and I listened to the interview, and I saw the claim that Chuck Pierce was making, and it dawned on me, you know, funny thing is,
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- I haven't actually seen the video of this supposed prophecy. And when you go to Chuck Pierce's website, his staff members have actually made a video of prophetic highlights of 2019, you know, the best of Chuck Pierce, right, of his prophecies in 2019.
- 14:40
- And nowhere in that highlight video did they bother to include the prophecy of a massive plague -like invasion.
- 14:47
- And you would think they would put that on a loop, right? I mean, I would if I prophesied something like that, which
- 14:54
- I don't believe in that anyway, but you know what I mean. I mean, if I was trying to establish some prophetic cred here, man,
- 15:01
- I'd have that on a loop. And so I got to digging and digging and digging, and I did all kinds of research, and I even called his ministry.
- 15:07
- And you know what? He lied about it. He never made that prophecy. He flat out lied about it.
- 15:17
- So none, zero of the most well -known names in the prophetic movement saw, arguably, with little argue, that none of them saw the biggest, most impactful event to happen in any of our lifetimes.
- 15:37
- How does that work? Not one? I mean, friends, not one.
- 15:44
- Think about this. They all claim that God speaks to them in dreams and visions and still small voices, which is taking 1
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- Kings 19 completely out of context. And yet God did not bother to give any of them a heads up about COVID -19.
- 16:03
- Well, then after COVID -19 started to make some news in February of 2020, then they started coming out with some more prophecies.
- 16:13
- And Sean Bolz, B -O -L -Z, Sean Bolz at Bethel Church, or out of Bethel Church, which is pastored by Bill Johnson.
- 16:23
- Bethel music comes out of Bethel Church. But Sean Bolz made a prophecy about COVID -19 after it was already making a lot of news, and he prophesied that the
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- Lord had shown him that it would not become the pandemic that many people feared.
- 16:39
- In fact, Fox News even did a full article on their website about Sean Bolz's prophecy about COVID -19.
- 16:49
- Well, it did become a pandemic now, didn't it? And from the time of Sean Bolz's prophecy,
- 16:57
- I mean, the number of people now that have been infected since the time he made that prophecy have just exponentially gone up.
- 17:06
- And so he completely missed that. Even after he knew about the pandemic, he still missed it.
- 17:12
- Well, false prophets have never been accused of learning from their mistakes. And so just a few weeks after his prophetic faceplant on Fox News, Sean Bolz decided to join some other self -appointed prophets and apostles.
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- Ed Savoso from Brazil, Chris Vallotton of Bethel Church, Bill Johnson, the pastor of Bethel Church, and Bethel music, by the way, comes out of Bethel Church, and then
- 17:40
- Che Ahn. They all got together on March the 20th of 2020 for a
- 17:45
- Facebook Live event, and then each and every one of them proceeded to banish
- 17:52
- COVID -19 from the face of the earth. They all decreed it to be gone, banished, gone, done, see you later.
- 18:01
- Thank you for doing that. We're all free from COVID globally. Yeah, except that they didn't banish it, obviously.
- 18:10
- And so just about a week and a half later, Kenneth Copeland decided he would give it a good college try and banish
- 18:18
- COVID -19 as well. And Kenneth Copeland undoubtedly has made the most news for this because he made such a spectacle of himself.
- 18:28
- But on March the 29th, 2020, Kenneth Copeland, along with George Pearsons, one of his staff members there, son -in -law, they were having a service, and Kenneth Copeland didn't just banish it or decree it to be gone.
- 18:45
- No, he executed judgment on COVID -19 and got very,
- 18:51
- I mean, just angry, and boy, he took authority over that thing. And he decreed it to be gone and executed judgment on COVID -19 and even gave us the specific time.
- 19:02
- You can see this when you watch the video, and I've got everything documented in the video that I did last year.
- 19:09
- It's linked in the description down below if you would like to see this for yourself. But he even looked at his watch, and you can see him do that, and he said, today,
- 19:19
- March 29th, 2020, he looks at his watch, at 12 noon, he decreed and banished and executed judgment on COVID -19.
- 19:31
- That would be 12 noon Central Standard Time since he was in Texas, so just in case you were wondering.
- 19:39
- But, well, that didn't work out so well either, now, did it?
- 19:44
- Well, undaunted, Kenneth Copeland, just a few days later, on April the,
- 19:51
- I believe it was April the 2nd, you can go watch the video, but April 2nd, April 3rd, just a few days after that, the very next week, having another service.
- 19:59
- And by this time, everybody, they were having to do virtual services. There was really nobody but just a few scattered staff members in the auditorium there.
- 20:10
- But Kenneth Copeland banished it again and decreed it to be gone again, but this time he blew it away.
- 20:18
- He literally blew it away. COVID -19!
- 20:25
- COVID -19! And he made an absolute fool out of himself.
- 20:37
- People have taken clips from that service there and they have, you know, made it into whatever memes and just mocked it, mercilessly mocked it.
- 20:50
- And some of these videos mocking Kenneth Copeland blowing away COVID -19 have garnered millions of views now.
- 21:00
- Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the
- 21:07
- Lord. COVID -19! COVID -19!
- 21:14
- COVID -19! COVID -19! I blew the wind of God from the state of Washington to the state of Maine, to Brownsville, Texas, and the tip of Florida.
- 21:30
- Today, we speak to this atmosphere. Today, burn this thing.
- 21:36
- This virus hates heat. You just burn this thing. Burn! Burn! I call for a supernatural heat wave straight out of hell.
- 21:48
- Burn! Burn! COVID -19! COVID -19! COVID -19!
- 21:54
- COVID -19! I blew the wind of God. It is quite the spectacle.
- 22:03
- Kenneth Copeland absolutely beclowned himself in front of a watching world.
- 22:09
- So all of this to say that none of the prophets saw
- 22:14
- COVID -19 coming, even after it came. And they attempted to take their authority over COVID -19, which they fancy themselves as having, and they decreed it to be gone.
- 22:27
- That didn't work. Kenneth Copeland even mustered up. He called forth a heat wave.
- 22:36
- And the thinking at that time, back in April of 2020, was that COVID -19 would probably just die out once summer came.
- 22:46
- And because a lot of people were thinking the virus can't live in heat. And so, hey, once summer gets here and it really gets hot,
- 22:53
- COVID's just kind of going to go away anyway. Well, this was in early April and Kenneth Copeland just couldn't wait for summer.
- 23:00
- So he declared a supernatural heat wave to come up. And then comically,
- 23:05
- I've got all this documented. Comically, the very next day, literally the very next day, the high temperature in North Fort Worth, Texas, Newark, Texas, where he was, was a full 31 degrees below average.
- 23:22
- I mean, in every way that you could possibly think of for the prophets to be wrong, they were.
- 23:32
- But it only got worse from there because the very next month,
- 23:38
- May, well, that's when the riots started. And guess what?
- 23:45
- None of the prophets saw that coming either. These riots led by Antifa and BLM, Black Lives Matter, in the wake of George Floyd's death, of course, raged all across this country in dozens and dozens and dozens of cities.
- 24:06
- The major cities, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, D .C.,
- 24:13
- Dallas, Denver, all the major cities and hundreds of smaller cities all across the
- 24:23
- United States for months. I mean, it was the longest period of civil unrest in this country that I would say we have ever had, ever had.
- 24:38
- And of course, the war between the states, that was a whole, that was a military engagement. So that can't really include that different genre of disturbance there.
- 24:50
- But businesses were burned, police cars and police stations were set on fire, and federal buildings, and I mean, people were killed.
- 25:04
- And just riots, just mayhem, night after night after night after night. And we saw it on the news, and after a while, it just became so discouraging and disturbing.
- 25:14
- And I don't know about you, but after a while, I just couldn't watch it anymore. But night after night, for months, the longest period of civil unrest this country has ever seen, and not one of the prophets saw it coming, not one.
- 25:30
- And then something else they did not see coming was the President of the United States contracting
- 25:36
- COVID -19. Now think about this. COVID -19, one of the most globally impacting events in any of our lifetimes, contracted this virus, contracted by the
- 25:48
- President of the United States of America, the leader of the free world, arguably the man with the most power in a human way of speaking on the planet.
- 25:58
- And you have these two events in these two spheres combining the President of the
- 26:03
- United States contracting COVID -19, and none of the prophets saw that coming either.
- 26:09
- Think about that, dear friends. All of these prophets, each and every one of whom claim
- 26:18
- God speaks to them regularly. I mean, regularly. God talks to these people.
- 26:24
- God is like this celestial Chatty Cathy doll, and He is talking to these prophets all the time, just like you and I would talk to one another, just like we would have a conversation.
- 26:36
- God talks to them all the time. And yet God did not bother to give a single one of them a heads up about COVID -19.
- 26:47
- None of them could decree it to be gone. And then the riots that raged for months,
- 26:54
- God didn't bother to give any of them a heads up about that either. Nor did God tell them about Donald Trump contracting
- 27:01
- COVID -19, nor did God tell them about the second impeachment of Donald Trump, the only
- 27:07
- President of the United States to be impeached twice. Nor did God tell them anything about the riots at the
- 27:15
- Capitol on January 6th. So literally some of the biggest events in any of our lives, all coming together in the year 2020, and none of them saw any of these things coming.
- 27:31
- But we're not done yet. Because one event that all of us knew, prophet or no prophet, knew was coming was the presidential election, right?
- 27:44
- The United States presidential election. We all knew that was coming. And well,
- 27:49
- God, even though God did not bother to give any of them a heads up about COVID or the riots or anything like that, but God did apparently give all of these prophets a very clear word about who would win the
- 28:04
- United States presidential election on November 3rd of 2020. And each and every single one of these prophets, 100 % of them prophesied that Donald Trump would win the presidential election.
- 28:18
- Just a small example, a small smattering of examples of this. I want to start actually, we're going to go back in time.
- 28:26
- We're going to go back in time to the year 2012, October of 2012, when
- 28:31
- God spoke to Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson is the head of the 700 Club.
- 28:37
- You know Pat Robertson, right? Well, God gave him a prophetic word of knowledge about who would win the 2012
- 28:45
- United States presidential election. Let's watch. I mean, that's the way he thinks.
- 28:51
- And he will be tremendous on the economy. He's uncomfortable with foreign policy, I feel.
- 28:57
- But nevertheless, he'll be a strong, strong man. But if he comes in, he's going to have a second term.
- 29:06
- He's going to win. Romney will win the election. You believe that? I absolutely believe that.
- 29:11
- What makes you believe that? Because the Lord told me. I'm glad to know. I wasn't sure how you knew.
- 29:19
- Really, the Lord said that to you? Absolutely. I told Mitt a long time ago. I called him. I said, listen, I've been in prayer.
- 29:26
- Number one, you're going to win the nomination. Number two, you're going to win the general election. He said, well, what can
- 29:31
- I do for you? I said, well, get me a seat on the platform. So God not only told Pat Robertson that Mitt Romney would beat
- 29:38
- Barack Obama in 2012, but also that Mitt Romney would have a second term, would win re -election in 2016.
- 29:47
- Missed it by that much. And remember how I said that false prophets never learn from their own false prophecies.
- 29:55
- They just keep digging their holes deeper. Well, here we are in 2020 and Pat Robertson believed that God spoke to him yet again about the
- 30:05
- United States presidential election. First of all,
- 30:12
- I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election. And that doesn't mean you sit home and don't vote.
- 30:19
- That means you get out and do everything you can to work. But he's going to win. That's, I think, a given.
- 30:25
- According to what I believe the Lord told me, the president is going to be re -elected. I'm saying by all means, get up and vote.
- 30:33
- I think it's time to pray. But ladies and gentlemen, that's the word. You ask what's going to happen next?
- 30:38
- That's what's going to happen next. So Pat Robertson said that God told him that Mitt Romney would win the
- 30:44
- United States presidential election in 2012, beating Barack Obama. That didn't happen.
- 30:49
- He also said that God told him that Mitt Romney would win re -election in 2016. Obviously that did not happen.
- 30:56
- Donald Trump won the 2016 election. And so this go around, Pat Robertson says that God told him that Donald Trump would win re -election in 2020.
- 31:08
- Missed it again. And so here is something again, as monumental as the
- 31:14
- United States presidential election, an event for which he has literally years to prepare for, to make sure he is hearing
- 31:23
- God rightly, and he misses it time after time after time.
- 31:29
- How does that work? And also, if you've ever watched Pat Robertson on The 700 Club, every program, at some point in the program, usually kind of towards the end, he'll get words of knowledge and he'll hold the hand of his guest host,
- 31:44
- Terry Meeusen, and hold her hand and they'll begin to pray. And they'll both be getting words of knowledge in real time from Yahweh about people out there watching on TV land who have, you've seen
- 31:58
- Pat Robertson do this, you know, the Lord's showing me somebody right now, you're watching and you've got bursitis on your left foot.
- 32:07
- And God's healing that right now. And someone else, you've got something going on with your neck and the neck area, and there's some inflammation there and some stiffness.
- 32:18
- God's healing that right now. So you've seen this probably. I mean, he does it all the time.
- 32:25
- Gets words of knowledge in real time about people all over the country and around the world.
- 32:33
- So he can hear God on those things, but he cannot hear God on the
- 32:38
- United States presidential election, an event for which he has years to prepare.
- 32:45
- Folks, they're liars. They're charlatans. They are either flat out lying or they are so severely deceived that you have no business listening to these people at all.
- 32:58
- We'll talk more about that as the video goes on. Also, Jeremiah Johnson also got into the presidential prophetic endeavors.
- 33:08
- Watch this from Jeremiah Johnson. But the
- 33:15
- Lord told me to watch the LA Dodgers. Watch the LA Dodgers.
- 33:21
- You seriously think God is telling you to watch the LA Dodgers as some prophetic significance?
- 33:27
- Seriously? To watch Amy Coney Barrett and watch the re -election of Donald Trump.
- 33:34
- I'm doing great. So here's the first question. Do you really believe President Trump is going to be re -elected?
- 33:43
- If you are caught up to the throne of God and he face -to -face tells you he is winning, there's no doubt whatsoever.
- 33:52
- He will win because that's God's plan. That is Kat Kerr. Kat Kerr calls herself a prophet, prophetess, or a seer.
- 34:03
- If you've never come across this lady, she is truly one of the most bizarre women you'll ever come across.
- 34:11
- She claims that she goes to heaven almost every day. I kid you not. Almost every day she goes to heaven.
- 34:18
- She is a weather warrior. She lives down in Florida. Any time a hurricane is coming in, she makes videos of herself.
- 34:26
- She'll go down on the beach or somewhere on the coast there with a hurricane looming.
- 34:32
- She gets out her Gandalf magic staff and commands the hurricane to go back out into the ocean.
- 34:39
- She commands the millibars to rise. She says, I command millibars to rise. She starts swinging her
- 34:45
- Gandalf magic staff around like a wild woman. And interestingly, the hurricanes never seem to pay her any attention.
- 34:55
- They just barrel on in anyway. She calls herself a seer. She sees things in the spirit realm that you and I just don't see.
- 35:06
- Again, this is a modern -day version of Gnosticism. On October 2, 2020,
- 35:13
- Sid Roth puts up a video on his YouTube channel entitled Top 10
- 35:18
- Trump Prophecies. We're not going to go through all 10 of them, but just a small sampling. Watch this.
- 35:24
- Again, posted October 2, 2020. You have to admit, 2020 has been a real meshuggan of a year.
- 35:38
- That's a Hebrew word for a crazy year. It seems everywhere there's a new crisis, but God is never caught off guard.
- 35:47
- That's true. God is never caught off guard, but boy, all the false prophets sure were.
- 35:56
- Kenan just told me about a dream, and it hasn't been the right time to release it, but he says now is the time.
- 36:07
- And you'll understand why he said this dream about President Trump was shocking.
- 36:16
- Kenan, tell me about the dream and more important, the interpretation.
- 36:23
- When the Lord gave me this dream, it was very detailed. And I'll talk about the last two parts of the dream.
- 36:33
- So the last two parts, I was in a cafeteria, and the cafeteria, everyone was wearing all white, and people were going through this cafeteria line.
- 36:43
- And as they were going through the line, the servants, who were very tall, they were wearing all white. And Kenan Bridges goes on to give a full exegesis of his dream.
- 36:53
- Tracy Cook also got a dream from God. Briefly tell me this vision of the wounded eagle.
- 37:03
- Well, Sid, I was in a season of fasting, and during that time of fasting, he took me to the heavenlies, and I saw this eagle.
- 37:12
- And the left side of this eagle... The eagle represents what? United States of America.
- 37:18
- Okay. And I saw where this left wing had dropped and was battered and bruised and wounded deeply, but it had
- 37:25
- American flag wrapped around it like a banner. You take a normal banner on your wounds. And Jeremiah Johnson also had some prophetic dreams.
- 37:34
- Let's listen to his. Jeremiah, welcome to the program today.
- 37:41
- Tell us a little bit about the two angels that visited you in the dream that night. Thank you so much for having me on the show.
- 37:50
- In this encounter, an angel of glory that was just pure gold wearing a white sash entered into my room.
- 37:58
- And then there was an angel of cleansing. There is no such thing as an angel of cleansing.
- 38:04
- The Bible says nothing about an angel of cleansing. That had a large broom in its hands.
- 38:11
- And I began to interact with these two angels at night, and they began to tell me that there is a boom that is coming to the upper room.
- 38:20
- No more rhymes now. I mean it. Anybody want a peanut? I believe that they were saying to me that there's a mighty outpouring of the
- 38:29
- Holy Spirit that is coming to the global church. If I showed you all of the dreams and visions, this video would be weeks long.
- 38:39
- But all of these people, Tracy Cook, Kenan Bridges, Kevin Zadai, Hank Kuenemann, Kat Kerr, on and on and on,
- 38:48
- Kenneth Copeland, on and on and on, they all talk about their dreams and visions. If they spent one percent as much time exegeting
- 38:58
- Scripture as they do exegeting their dreams and visions, they would probably do themselves a great service in moving away from this nonsense.
- 39:09
- But this is one of the hallmarks of the charismatic movement. They don't exegete
- 39:15
- Scripture. And I have a question. Where are the charismatic expositors?
- 39:22
- Where are they? I mean, they're practically non -existent. I won't say completely non -existent, but for all intents and purposes, there are no charismatic expositors of Scripture.
- 39:36
- They spend far more time expositing their dreams and their visions and giving you full exegesis of dreams and visions, which are just the products of their own vain imaginations.
- 39:48
- They spend way more time doing that than ever dealing with Scripture. And even when they do deal with Scripture, again, almost without exception, what they do is they will begin with their dream and their vision, and then they will reference some
- 40:05
- Scripture and then import that into their dream and vision. So their dreams and visions is the foundation for everything they teach, everything they preach.
- 40:15
- And they use Scripture and they exegete Scripture into their dreams and visions.
- 40:21
- So my question is, where are the charismatic expositors? It's almost like Bigfoot.
- 40:28
- There's lots of rumors about them and a few grainy photos, but there's no actual proof that they really exist.
- 40:36
- And not to say that there aren't some, there's a few, there are very few people who would be continuous charismatic, believe in the continuance of the restoration, rather, really more accurately said, of the apostolic gifts.
- 40:54
- You know, guys like Wayne Grudem and Sam Storms that would be more careful, but those guys,
- 41:01
- Wayne Grudem and Sam Storms, that's the fringe of the charismatic movement. That's not the mainstream, that's the fringe.
- 41:09
- The mainstream of the charismatic movement is this garbage. That's the mainstream of the charismatic movement.
- 41:19
- And for proof of that, all you need to do is look at Christian television, turn on TBN, turn on Daystar, turn on La Silla Broadcasting, turn on the
- 41:29
- Inspiration Network, any other of these Christian outlets, they're all charismatic, 100 % are charismatic.
- 41:39
- And when you turn on Christian television, you don't see exposition going on. You don't see true expositors.
- 41:45
- You don't see men like John MacArthur or Steve Lawson or Paul Washer or Vodie Balcom.
- 41:51
- You don't see expositors. You see Andrew Womack and Bill Johnson of Bethel Church and Christine Cain and Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Ed Young Jr.,
- 42:03
- Stephen Furtick, Joel Osteen, Beth Moore, Robert Morris, Rick Warren, none of these people are expositors.
- 42:12
- All Christian television is, is a function of supply and demand. That's all it is. That's all it is.
- 42:18
- Whatever the demand is, that's what they're going to supply. And so if you want to see where Christianity is, just the broad visible spectrum of evangelicalism as a whole, just turn on TVN, turn on Christian television, that's it.
- 42:35
- Because that's what the demand is. If there was a demand for exposition, if there was a demand for sound teaching, you would see men like John MacArthur and Steve Lawson and all these other true expositors.
- 42:51
- But that's not what you see. Sid Roth has some of the, I mean, the, the looniest, looniest stuff that you could possibly imagine on a weekly basis on his television program.
- 43:05
- I mean, he, he had a lady named, her name escapes me right now, but he had a lady on a couple of years ago who claims that her, when she plays her violin, it's so anointed that people actually age in reverse.
- 43:16
- He had Joshua Mills on several years ago, who claims that a lady was fishing in the
- 43:22
- Arctic. She lost her sunglasses and God brought up a fish to her wearing a brand, not the pair that she lost, mind you, but a brand new pair of sunglasses, a fish wearing sunglasses.
- 43:34
- I mean, the looniest stuff, throwing babies against walls. I'm actually going to do a video on that.
- 43:40
- But yeah, reenacting something out of the life of Smith Wigglesworth that supposedly happened when
- 43:46
- God apparently told him to throw a baby against a wall and then kick it.
- 43:53
- I mean, honestly, it is so bizarre and disturbing and just lunacy, absolute lunacy.
- 44:04
- If somebody came up to me and said, and they held a gun to my head and said,
- 44:09
- Justin, I want you to come up with something, with, with something crazier than the previous guest on Sid Roth's program.
- 44:20
- I'd say, pull the trigger. I got nothing. Literally. I mean, I could not do it.
- 44:26
- It is, it is, it is, it is, it is disturbing. It is disgusting.
- 44:32
- The world is laughing at it. And again, where are the charismatic expositors?
- 44:40
- On Sunday, October the 18th, Donald Trump attended a service at the
- 44:45
- International Church of Las Vegas. This is a wildly charismatic church that is pastored by Paul and Denise Goulet.
- 44:54
- Now, they're right off the bat. Anytime you see a church that has a woman as a pastor or co -pastor, you automatically know this is not a real church.
- 45:05
- This is not a church that meets the biblical definition of a church. Elders are to be men.
- 45:11
- But that is rampant in the charismatic movement. The women preach just as much, if not more so than the men do, but that's a whole other issue.
- 45:21
- But the co -pastor or co -pastrix or whatever you want to call her, Denise Goulet, shared with the
- 45:29
- President of the United States and the entire world watching a prophecy, a word of knowledge that she got from God.
- 45:40
- The Lord said to me, I am going to give your president a second win. This has three meanings.
- 45:52
- Three meanings. A win and you will be the president again.
- 45:58
- So God told Denise Goulet that he was going to give President Trump a second win, which interpreted means a second term.
- 46:08
- You know, there have been some reports, I don't know if you've seen it, but some reports that Donald Trump has actually mocked some of the evangelicals that have supported him.
- 46:18
- Who can blame him? I mean, honestly, who can blame him?
- 46:25
- It is a tragedy that the President, Mr. Trump, has had as his spiritual advisors these kind of loony tune false prophets that call themselves
- 46:42
- Christians. And that is his idea of Christianity. His closest spiritual advisor is
- 46:47
- Paula White. It is a tragedy. It's also a tragedy, by the way, that Jack Graham and Robert Jeffress, who are two of the leading pastors in the
- 46:59
- Southern Baptist Convention, endorsed Paula White. Shame on them. It is just unbelievable.
- 47:06
- It really is. I feel badly for the President. I feel badly for him that his idea of Christianity has been shaped by these kinds of false prophets.
- 47:18
- And some of you may have heard of a man named Mark Taylor. Mark Taylor is a fireman by trade.
- 47:24
- But he made big news a few years ago when he supposedly prophesied that Trump would win his first election in 2016.
- 47:32
- And now, four years later, God has spoken to him again that, of course, Trump would win re -election in 2020.
- 47:43
- So Mark Taylor got all kinds of charismatic accolades and creds a few years ago when he supposedly prophesied that Donald Trump would win in 2016.
- 47:56
- And now, four years later, even after four years of more experience and four more years to really fine -tune the skills of hearing the voice of God, he did a faceplant with all of the others.
- 48:12
- So let me show you this video. This is a video from a man named John Hemons, I believe is how you pronounce his last name.
- 48:18
- He is the pastor of, along with his wife, of course, they're co -pastors of a church in Australia entitled the
- 48:26
- Open Heavens Church. Open Heavens, there's some charismatic lingo for you. Open Heavens that God is just dispensing all this new revelation knowledge and all that kind of stuff.
- 48:36
- Open Heavens, Open Visions, that kind of thing. So watch this. This is a prophecy that he gave shortly before the election.
- 48:43
- So I was initially reluctant to release this prophetic word because I'm not comfortable with being seen as some sort of political pundit or political prophet.
- 48:57
- My whole focus is the Kingdom of God and how the
- 49:02
- Kingdom of God is expanded across the face of the earth. But I'll just, I'll share with you what I felt the
- 49:08
- Lord say to me this morning. And let me interrupt this false prophecy just for a moment.
- 49:14
- But did you catch how he said what I feel like the Lord? Dear friends, charismatics say this all the time and even some non -charismatics, many non -charismatics do, but you hear this all the time.
- 49:25
- I just really feel like the Lord, I feel like the Lord is telling us such and such. I feel like the Lord wants us to, you know, is trying to tell us to do this or to do that.
- 49:33
- I feel like the Lord might be trying to tell us that nobody in the Bible ever, ever.
- 49:40
- Okay. So if you have to wonder whether or not God spoke to you, he didn't.
- 49:47
- If you have to wonder whether or not God spoke to you, he didn't.
- 49:53
- When God speaks, he doesn't stutter and God doesn't whisper.
- 50:00
- Let me take this opportunity to commend to you an excellent book on how God does and does not speak to people today.
- 50:07
- I've done some other videos. Author of this book is Jim Osmond. I highly, highly commend it to you.
- 50:13
- But this is a dead giveaway. Anytime someone says, I really feel like the
- 50:19
- Lord. No, no, God doesn't talk like that. I felt the Lord say this, that there is a blue wave threatening to engulf the
- 50:27
- United States of America. And that blue wave obviously represents the Democrat side of politics.
- 50:35
- But I heard the Lord say, for the sake of my remnant and for the sake of the gospel, I am releasing a red wave.
- 50:43
- That red wave is the blood of my son, Jesus. Dear ones, what you just heard there is complete blasphemy.
- 50:53
- Now, I take a back seat to no one in my conservative political beliefs. Politically speaking,
- 50:59
- I'm about as conservative as you can possibly get. But to say that the red wave that is going to wash over the
- 51:08
- United States is the blood of Jesus Christ, and you tie that to the reelection of Donald Trump or anyone for that matter, tie that to a political event, sometimes blasphemy is not strong enough a word.
- 51:26
- That is absolutely incomprehensible to me. And it's not just that he taught this, but he is ascribing this to God himself.
- 51:38
- He is saying that God is the source of this kind of blasphemy.
- 51:43
- Dear friends, these people are not hearing from God. And some of you have heard me say this before, one of the great ironies in this whole issue between the charismatic movement and the cessationist position to which
- 51:58
- I hold, the belief that not all of the spiritual gifts have ceased, but only the apostolic gifts, the signed gifts have ceased, no longer in operation in the church.
- 52:10
- The great irony is that the charismatics, Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation, they would look at people like me, or Steve Lawson, or John MacArthur, or people that hold to a cessationist viewpoint,
- 52:23
- Paul Washer, and Jim Osmond, a pastor friend of mine. But anyway, everyone who holds to a cessationist position, they would look at us and say, oh, you don't believe in the
- 52:33
- Holy Spirit. You don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. Au contraire.
- 52:40
- I am so confident in the power of the person of the Holy Spirit of God, the third person of the triune
- 52:48
- Godhead who indwells every believer, that I do not believe that someone can teach the kind of heresies and blasphemies that these people routinely teach and be indwelt by the
- 53:02
- Holy Spirit of God and have no prick of conscience about it. It's just not possible.
- 53:10
- The Holy Spirit of God is not a weakling. He is strong. If He is strong enough to save us,
- 53:17
- He is strong enough to deliver us out of deception. And so the great irony is that it is actually all of these false prophets and Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation folks.
- 53:28
- It is they who have a very small, very diminished view of the
- 53:33
- Holy Spirit. And I want to show you this clip too. Apparently Mr. Trump went to this international church of Las Vegas on at least two separate occasions.
- 53:42
- Watch this. What I was hearing the
- 54:04
- Lord say. Okay, so this is Pastor Denise Goulet again that we talked about a little bit earlier.
- 54:10
- Notice that she says she is hearing the Lord say the following to her.
- 54:17
- This is not out of her own imagination or her own opinion. This is what
- 54:22
- Yahweh is telling her. This is my son with whom
- 54:31
- I'm well pleased. Yes. Friends, that is utter blasphemy.
- 54:38
- That is undiluted heresy and blasphemy. She is putting words in God's mouth spoken over Donald Trump.
- 54:48
- This is my son in whom I am well pleased. Are you kidding me?
- 54:54
- These are the words that the father spoke over his son Jesus Christ at his baptism and transfiguration.
- 55:04
- And she's putting those words that God spoke of Christ in God's mouth to speak over Donald Trump or anybody.
- 55:14
- Unbelievable. Unbelievable. The fact that that entire building didn't collapse on them like the building collapsed over the
- 55:26
- Philistines and killed everyone in there. The fact that that building did not collapse at the moment she spoke that kind of heresy is a testimony to the patience and forbearance of God.
- 55:41
- That is utter blasphemy. And this is the irony. This is the irony is that these charismatics and word faith would look at someone like me or John MacArthur or Paul Washer or Steve Lawson or Jim Osmond, those of us who are cessationists and not just preachers of course, but all of us who are cessationists, they would look at us and say, you don't believe in the
- 56:07
- Holy Spirit. You don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. Dear friends, my view of the
- 56:13
- Holy Spirit of God is far too high to allow for something like that. How is it that this movement that claims to have such a high view of the
- 56:21
- Holy Spirit is home to the most jaw -dropping blasphemies and heresies that you could possibly imagine?
- 56:34
- How is it that this is the home of someone like Todd White or Kenneth Copeland who says that God is the biggest failure in the
- 56:44
- Bible? Or he says, when I read in the Bible where he says, I just smile and I say, I am too.
- 56:50
- It is the home of people who think God is instructing them to throw babies against walls.
- 56:56
- How is it that the charismatic word faith movement is the home, the welcoming home to the most shocking blasphemies, heresies, false prophecies, and out and out charlatanism, fake signs and wonders, utter deception, exploiting the poor, the sick, the desperate, and the widows for personal financial gain?
- 57:26
- Every horrific thing you could possibly imagine to put under the guise of Christianity finds a welcome home in the word faith,
- 57:38
- New Apostolic Reformation movement, and not all, but the vast majority of the charismatic movement finds a welcome home.
- 57:47
- These people claim to have such a high view of the Holy Spirit of God. My view of the Holy Spirit is too high for that.
- 57:54
- The Holy Spirit of God is not a weakling. If He is strong enough to save us,
- 57:59
- He is strong enough to deliver us out of deception. Anyone in that building who heard her say that with a theological
- 58:08
- IQ above freezing would have shrieked in horror. If she was truly indwelt by the
- 58:16
- Holy Spirit of God, the moment that those words crossed her lips or even the thought entered her mind, the
- 58:26
- Holy Spirit of God would drop her to her knees under such heavy conviction.
- 58:32
- Same with Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis and all the others. And so it is actually these folks who have a very small, very diminished, very low view of the
- 58:47
- Holy Spirit. Okay, so now let us move to post -election.
- 58:53
- I want to show you some video clips, give you just a small smattering of examples of what the prophets were saying after the election.
- 59:01
- And many of these clips were compiled by my friend Stephen Kozar, who has his own
- 59:06
- YouTube channel entitled The Messed Up Church, and I will provide a link down there below in the description.
- 59:12
- And so he has got a lot of good stuff there. So thank you very much to Stephen Kozar for compiling some of this.
- 59:20
- So here is what the prophets were saying post -election. Here are the prophets speaking just after the election.
- 59:29
- President Trump is going to win. I knew that we were going to be victorious and I knew that Trump was going to be president and he is going to win.
- 59:39
- And now is the time not to waver, but to stand on the Word of God. And God very clearly has spoken that Trump is going to be president.
- 59:50
- You know, I say to leaders, I always say to the leaders that are hedging your bets, well, you know, I believe there's probably been a little fraud and, you know, maybe
- 59:59
- God's going to work in this. But if he doesn't, you know, then we just get behind Biden and pray for him.
- 01:00:04
- Make a stand, okay? Make a stand. And quit hedging it with, but, but, but, but.
- 01:00:11
- Just say what the truth is and motivate your people to pray.
- 01:00:16
- Don't give them a little out. Well, you know, but, you know, whatever God does. What kind of stand is that?
- 01:00:24
- So, you know, I have just zero tolerance and respect for this mamby -pamby, uh, you know, oh, you know,
- 01:00:33
- I think this, but what are, you know, what are, no, not whatever. I have zero tolerance and respect for false prophets.
- 01:00:40
- Get, get before God long enough to you believe, to you know what you really believe, and then tell us what you really believe.
- 01:00:47
- Well, Dutch, I hate to point out the obvious, but perhaps you didn't get before the Lord long enough to at least hear him rightly.
- 01:00:55
- And I do know what I believe. I believe you're a false prophet. So make a stand.
- 01:01:03
- Tell us what you really believe. Get on one side or the other. Definitely. So everybody knows what you believe and do it.
- 01:01:11
- Yeah, I still believe you're a false prophet. And if you don't have backbone enough to do that, then go get a job doing something other than preaching the gospel or being a voice for God in the earth.
- 01:01:23
- I'm sorry, but that's just what I believe. He actually says, if you have doubt regarding what the prophets prophesied about Donald Trump's reelection, then stop preaching the gospel.
- 01:01:34
- Well, A, most of these folks really aren't preaching the gospel in the first place. And I would say, if you want to get out of the ministry, the person who needs to get out of the ministry are all these people who continue to put words in God's mouth that he did not say.
- 01:01:52
- Do you have any idea how much reproach is being brought on the gospel by all of these false prophets?
- 01:01:59
- More on that in just a minute. As someone who is in touch with all the prophets in America who have prophesied that Donald Trump would win a second term, they're not giving an inch.
- 01:02:13
- They're not willing to budge. They're not willing to repent. All of us are unanimous, believing the word that God spoke to us that Trump indeed would win a reelection.
- 01:02:27
- Okay, so don't miss what he just said there. This is November the 11th. This is a week or so after the election.
- 01:02:35
- And Jeremiah Johnson, who prophesied Donald Trump's reelection, said that he is in touch with all of the prophets, and they are all unanimous that God has told them that Donald Trump will win, even after the election.
- 01:02:50
- Granted, there were legal maneuverings and all these kinds of things, and in my estimation, some very credible charges of voter fraud and all that notwithstanding.
- 01:03:03
- But they still say that God told them that Donald Trump would have a second term.
- 01:03:08
- And the prophets were unanimous. Those who are sensing what the Lord was saying, no one, not one, prophesied that Joe Biden would win.
- 01:03:19
- Every single prophet has said that Donald Trump is going to win. Unanimous.
- 01:03:24
- Now, riddle me this, Batman. How is it that all of the prophets, all of them, were completely unanimous that God had spoken to them and told them that Donald Trump's going to win reelection?
- 01:03:42
- How is it that they were all wrong? How is it that they could be wrong on something so huge, an event for which they had years in advance to prepare?
- 01:03:56
- If they were all wrong on something this size, and they remained wrong even after the election occurred, then why in the blue -eyed world would you have any reason to believe that these folks are hearing from God on any level?
- 01:04:19
- If they can't get this right, why in the world would you trust them to get anything else right?
- 01:04:25
- And as I said a little bit ago, if you were to listen to these prophets, God is talking to them all the time.
- 01:04:32
- He is this divine, celestial, Chatty Cathy doll who talks to them constantly, and they constantly hear his voice and are constantly telling you everything
- 01:04:42
- God has to say. And yet, they couldn't seem to hear him right on this. Why?
- 01:04:48
- Why? I mean, use a little, aside from the theology, just a little common sense.
- 01:04:54
- A little common sense. Why would you believe that any of these people are hearing from God?
- 01:05:00
- Answer, there is no reason. They're not hearing from God.
- 01:05:06
- They just aren't. And that what's happening right now is the false prophets of the media are literally cutting themselves.
- 01:05:20
- They're dancing in the street, and they're shouting. Okay, I've got to point out just a bit of irony here.
- 01:05:27
- Jeremiah Johnson, rather than admitting that he is a false prophet, he says that the people in the media are the false prophets.
- 01:05:37
- Not him. The media are the false prophets. These media people, most of whom don't even claim to be
- 01:05:46
- Christian, and they're completely opposed to a biblical worldview, they certainly do not claim that God is speaking to them, yet they are the false prophets.
- 01:05:58
- Not the man of God who claims that God speaks to him, and yet he prophesies wrongly, says things that God never said.
- 01:06:06
- No, he's not the false prophet. It's these secular media people, you see, who are the false prophets.
- 01:06:12
- That is, the lack of self -awareness is just absolutely stunning.
- 01:06:19
- Meanwhile, there are much larger issues on our hands than just a presidency.
- 01:06:27
- I've told people this, listen, if he doesn't end up getting reelected, I will openly repent to the body of Christ.
- 01:06:35
- I don't believe just because you miss a prophecy makes you a false prophet.
- 01:06:41
- Okay, so Jeremiah Johnson says that just because you make a false prophecy, that doesn't make you a false prophet.
- 01:06:48
- Dr. Michael Brown uses this same argument, and we'll deal with that later on in this video, but let me just say up here real quickly, yes, it does make you a false prophet.
- 01:06:59
- Just like when you commit adultery, that makes you an adulterer. When you lie, that makes you a liar.
- 01:07:08
- When you steal something, that makes you a thief. When you make a false prophecy, it means you are a false prophet.
- 01:07:16
- So what would you say, Sid, now that we're on the other side of the election, things didn't quite turn out the way many people anticipated, what does that mean for the prophets and the prophetic?
- 01:07:28
- Were those words fake, or what's your take on that? I believe the word of God.
- 01:07:35
- I believe the prophets. Now, having said that,
- 01:07:40
- I'm going to take the other side of the coin. If they are all wrong, it doesn't destroy my faith in God.
- 01:07:50
- It destroys my faith in the accuracy of the prophets.
- 01:07:58
- But I still have faith in the prophets because my faith is in the word of God. You just heard
- 01:08:03
- Sid Roth say that if all the prophets end up being wrong, he recorded that on November the 26th of 2020, if they all end up being wrong, it doesn't destroy his faith in God, but it does destroy his faith in the accuracy of the prophets.
- 01:08:18
- We'll see later on in this video that unfortunately, that is not true. Anything about American politics, but I know one thing.
- 01:08:28
- What is written in the scroll in heaven about the destiny of the U .S.
- 01:08:34
- And in that destiny, God's will is,
- 01:08:40
- Mr. Trump should serve another term. Between November 3 and January 20, anything can happen to overturn, right?
- 01:08:53
- Right? Am I right? Anything can happen to overturn. So you want to don't stop praying till November 3.
- 01:09:03
- You want to continue till Mr. Trump is safely installed, inaugurated on January 20th.
- 01:09:14
- Amen. One of the greatest tragedies in all of this is the incalculable reproach that it has brought upon the name of Christ and the gospel.
- 01:09:25
- There are a number of atheistic YouTube channels out there, and I kind of raised my eyebrows at that atheistic term because theologically there is no such thing as an atheist.
- 01:09:37
- But there are people who call themselves atheists. But there's a number of atheistic YouTube channels out there that have seen this, and they have taken clip after clip after clip after clip of all these charismatic prophets claiming that God told them that Trump would be reelected, and they are using it to mock
- 01:09:58
- Christians. Here's just a small sampling. I said, Lord, Joe Biden don't need to be president.
- 01:10:07
- And just like this, just like if you'd answered me, he said he won't.
- 01:10:12
- Last month, I showed you how some of the most famous pastors on earth falsely prophesied that Trump would win the 2020
- 01:10:17
- U .S. presidential election. I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election.
- 01:10:23
- Trump is going to get in the White House. I believe that 1 ,000 percent. I don't have one bit of a doubt.
- 01:10:28
- I don't have basketball -sized ulcers. I'm not chewing my fingernails to the quick. I'm not going to go to bed tonight and lose one ounce or wink of sleep.
- 01:10:36
- President Trump won. He will be reelected and inaugurated for a second term, 100 percent.
- 01:10:42
- Joe Biden did not win. Donald Trump single -handedly won the largest margin victory in the
- 01:10:47
- United States of America. Are you saying that all of this is culminating, and I'm going to press you on this,
- 01:10:56
- Chris, in Donald Trump getting his second term of presidency?
- 01:11:02
- It has to, yes. That's what I hear. Yes. I'm not going to trust in what I see and what
- 01:11:07
- I hear. I'm going to trust in what God said. Okay, I want to interrupt here real quickly. That is a word -faith false teacher by the name of Kurt Landry, and you heard him say that I'm not going to believe what
- 01:11:18
- I see with my eyes. I'm not going to believe what I hear with my ears. I'm just going to believe what God says. This is typical word -faith doctrine, that you deny sensory knowledge.
- 01:11:30
- You deny what you see. You deny what you can observe. You deny your intellect. In other words, to really go deep with God, you've got to disengage your mind, disengage rational thought.
- 01:11:43
- Then and only then can you get to the deep, secret, hidden things of God. And again, this is a modern -day version, warmed -over version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism.
- 01:11:54
- They take it even to the extreme, like when you're sick. If you have cancer or maybe even something not so serious like the flu or whatever your symptoms are, you deny those symptoms.
- 01:12:07
- You deny that you're sick, and then and only then can you receive your healing. Classic word -faith teaching.
- 01:12:14
- Anyway, back to the atheistic mocking of all of us.
- 01:12:20
- There's got to be a restoration of trusting God and his prophets. And so I see a lot of prophets are peeling off left and right, saying,
- 01:12:26
- OK, we've lost it. I apologize. I am not apologizing. Donald J. Trump will serve a second term.
- 01:12:33
- I dream that Donald Trump got reelected. There's no guessing games. He is the one that God's going to put his hands on.
- 01:12:40
- I get letters all the time about, you know, you've missed your prediction on Trump.
- 01:12:48
- He didn't win. Where is your faith? Where are the people believing the prophets?
- 01:12:55
- Well, I believe the prophets. I am looking with great anticipation for President Trump to get serve a second term and go down as one of the greatest presidents in history.
- 01:13:09
- Oh, my God. As each milestone in the electoral process came and went with Biden still being the very clear winner, they kept pushing back the dates that the prophecy would come to pass.
- 01:13:22
- Mark your calendar for December 12th, 2020. Something remarkable is going to happen.
- 01:13:29
- God is going to bring a thick red on circling the December 12th.
- 01:13:34
- A red wave is going to come because God wants to bring an amazing victory for President Donald J.
- 01:13:40
- Trump. The Lord is going to do amazing things. He's going to bring the red wave and he's on the move.
- 01:13:47
- God is never late. He's on time. Well, that aged like milk. President Donald J.
- 01:13:53
- Trump is going to win in Jesus name. Hallelujah. God will bring victory for President Trump and for this nation as we the church continue to pray.
- 01:14:05
- Brother Sid Roth said there is a miracle that is in the making and the waiting.
- 01:14:13
- But watch these next two weeks. It shall be shocking and awe.
- 01:14:20
- So Hank Kuhneman channeling God quotes him as saying it shall be shocking and awe.
- 01:14:28
- Yikes. God really has some bad grammar. Maybe in all of his busy activity of upholding all things by the word of his power, he neglected to brush up on his hooked on phonics.
- 01:14:41
- That I may bring a December that you will remember. Stop clapping.
- 01:14:49
- It just came in the spirit and it was a vision. And I saw Trump and numbers going up.
- 01:14:56
- Then I saw numbers the same way below it about half the size, half the length going down.
- 01:15:04
- And it said Biden. I heard now is the time for my people to sing the song of victory.
- 01:15:11
- Sing it boldly and let all the spirit world know that you are not going to you're not going to take no for an answer.
- 01:15:20
- This is the words of the Lord for you do not think I can make things right by Christmas.
- 01:15:27
- I can too. I'd like to wish everyone a
- 01:15:34
- Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. It takes a seasoned prophet to really understand it.
- 01:15:41
- And I know a few that are absolutely accurate. I would be shocked if they ever made a mistake.
- 01:15:50
- And all of them are saying President Trump has won. I know that President Trump will have two terms as president of the
- 01:16:01
- United States. The corruption and the evil that has worked its way into the government of America is far worse than we imagined.
- 01:16:09
- But God says, I'm going to flip this thing. And it's all going to come to the top and float.
- 01:16:15
- You're going to smell how how bad it is and how ugly it is. And we haven't seen anything yet, but it's coming.
- 01:16:21
- God is flipping this thing. Now we're realizing we're not crazy. They're crazy. And the
- 01:16:26
- Lord gave it to me like this. Behold, the ballots of the laborers who have voted in this election have been kept back by fraud.
- 01:16:35
- Cry out. And we're not only seeing the people cry out, but Gene, we're seeing the ballots cry out.
- 01:16:41
- The reason I'm in Dallas Fort Worth is there was a prophetic words given that as Dallas Fort Worth goes, so will go the nation.
- 01:16:49
- It would take five Supreme Court justices to have courage. And that's what everybody's crying out for is courage.
- 01:16:54
- What the state of Texas is doing in this moment, I believe, is indeed prophetic. And I think everyone needs to understand the power of their individual act.
- 01:17:04
- It could be that Texas will be the catalyst to wake up the rest of the American church.
- 01:17:10
- Other self -proclaimed prophets continued to double down, saying that God was about to work in the final hour.
- 01:17:15
- Just wait. You'll see. And I gave you a prophetic word. And the prophetic word was this. Buckle your seat belts, because it's going to be 11 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
- 01:17:26
- So I think this thing is going to go out to the end. But I will bring justice this January. And I will bring the sound of celebration and freedom.
- 01:17:35
- March of this year. You will see 2021 shall be the year of your victory and of your celebration, says the living
- 01:17:44
- God. And even push the date of the prophecy back all the way to Inauguration Day. The end of this is on January the 20th.
- 01:17:51
- I don't care if everybody stones me false prophet. I'm not flinching. Because see, Christy and I are going to be in Washington, D .C.
- 01:17:58
- at the Inauguration on January the 20th, standing there like we did in 2016, celebrating with the
- 01:18:06
- Lord that Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States. So we're going to be there. We're already making arrangements to go.
- 01:18:14
- Why? Because that's our reality. Well, his reality and actual reality are obviously two very different things.
- 01:18:21
- But this is typical amongst WordFaith NAR proponents. Friends, walking by faith, not by sight, does not mean that we are to deny what is obvious reality around us.
- 01:18:34
- It doesn't mean that we are to deny that we are sick when we are, in fact, actually sick.
- 01:18:40
- And it doesn't mean that we deny that Joe Biden is the President of the United States when he, in fact, is actually the
- 01:18:47
- President of the United States. All of you that are watching, I want you to stretch your hands this way and we're going to stretch this staff toward the
- 01:18:56
- Capitol. And we're going to part that seat. It's going to be symbolic of moments. And yet still nothing seemed to change.
- 01:19:10
- Even as Republicans began turning on Trump, who now faced a second impeachment, these pastors kept doubling down.
- 01:19:17
- I refuse to let it get on me. I refuse to quit. I don't quit. Bless God, I don't quit.
- 01:19:23
- Just don't quit. I'm a covenant man. I don't ever quit. I don't ever quit.
- 01:19:30
- I don't quit this election. And you know, I'm a true prophet. I only say what
- 01:19:35
- God tells me to say. The Lord, again, spoke to me and said, this will not be fully settled until January the 18th.
- 01:19:45
- Joe Biden and Kamala, Kamala, whatever her name is, Harris, will never be President and Vice President.
- 01:19:51
- Stop calling them elect. Joe Biden didn't win. He's not the President. He will never be the
- 01:19:57
- President. And come January the 20th, I'm telling you, I'll be bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, winner, winner, chicken dinner, referring back to this video.
- 01:20:03
- Reckon how often Greg Locke will be wanting to refer back to this video now. Today, the
- 01:20:09
- Twitter sphere has been crazy. YouTube has been nuts. My phone has blown up. I mean, I got full grown pastors, okay?
- 01:20:17
- Full grown adult men sending me text messages, sending me inbox messages, asking me when
- 01:20:24
- I'm going to repent and resign my church because I said Trump was going to win the election and Trump didn't win.
- 01:20:29
- Let me tell you something. Trump won by landslide, ladies and gentlemen. So we don't have one thing to apologize for.
- 01:20:37
- You didn't just say Biden would never be President. You said Trump would be re -inaugurated and never leave the
- 01:20:43
- White House. Trump is getting back in that White House. Matter of fact, he is never going to leave. He will be re -elected and inaugurated for a second term, 100%.
- 01:20:52
- I'm telling you, I'll be bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, winner, winner, chicken dinner, referring back to this video. I'll ask it again. Do you think people in the prophetic got it wrong?
- 01:21:01
- And if it wasn't God speaking in them, who was speaking to them? So if we go to the, I don't know why we're so interested in if the people in prophetic got it wrong.
- 01:21:08
- It's kind of like, yeah. Why wouldn't we be? Why wouldn't we be? Well, because Hitler is on his way to Poland and right now they're having a debate in England.
- 01:21:17
- Get Churchill. And now that the war cabinet's assembled, everyone that was seeing this scenario wants the scalp of those who were not on the same page.
- 01:21:25
- Churchill goes, put that behind you right now. We've got bigger fish to fry. Let's just say we've all made mistakes.
- 01:21:32
- We're in the middle of the war for our survival. Let's unify to not make the same mistake that Israel did throughout their history.
- 01:21:39
- They stoned true prophets who in fact turned out that it was right. They needed to afford the prophecy to breathe and they needed to allow
- 01:21:47
- God to do what he said. Come back and talk to me in four years. I'm going to start in tongues.
- 01:21:55
- And I believe that I am going to laugh about all of these problems.
- 01:22:01
- And I want all the musicians, Robin and Robin, and their family to enter in.
- 01:22:08
- I want everyone viewing us right now to enter in because we are at our
- 01:22:15
- Red Sea and but God. I want you to know
- 01:22:29
- I'm not making that laughter up. Sounds like a perfectly authentic laugh to me.
- 01:22:44
- Well, that was painfully awkward. I have chosen my act and you will see it says the
- 01:22:52
- Lord and it will be in my perfect timing and you will hear the movement of my feet as I shake, shake, shake.
- 01:22:59
- Shake, shake, shake. Ain't over till the fat lady sings.
- 01:23:08
- And the truth of the matter is it's not over till God says it's over.
- 01:23:15
- Checkmate atheists. So that was just a brief couple little excerpts from this atheistic
- 01:23:22
- YouTube channel. It's actually run by a young man who was raised in an evangelical home.
- 01:23:30
- But in listening to him, I'm almost certain it was of the word of faith variety. All of this nonsense and he's turned away from it.
- 01:23:38
- Kind of hard to blame him. And so this is the danger. And what the world believes about Christianity is what it sees on Christian television.
- 01:23:49
- We all get painted with this broad brush. So let's go to another couple of clips from a different atheistic
- 01:23:58
- YouTube channel. It appears obvious he will be at 290, which is an easy victory in the
- 01:24:05
- Electoral College. He will be the next president of the United States. And these evangelicals are losing their minds.
- 01:24:15
- The media said Joe Biden's president. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h аааауууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууу or making fun of these people, right?
- 01:25:19
- I mean, Kenneth Copeland, he was not satisfied to utterly be clown himself over COVID.
- 01:25:28
- He had to do it here too. I mean, just that demonic kind of laugh, and I've said it before. I truly believe that Kenneth Copeland is demon -possessed.
- 01:25:37
- There's a couple of these people that I genuinely, honestly believe are demon -possessed, actually bonafide demon -possessed.
- 01:25:48
- One is Todd Bentley, and the other is Kenneth Copeland. No doubt in my mind.
- 01:25:55
- This is Paula White. We've talked a lot about her. She, of course, has a hall pass to the
- 01:26:00
- White House, which is weird in a state church -separated government. Another millionaire scam evangelist who is on Donald Trump's evangelical advisory board and is, get this,
- 01:26:13
- Donald Trump's personal spiritual advisor. She has direct access to the president.
- 01:26:20
- The election is not going her way, so she held a sermon where she called down, or called over, angels from Africa.
- 01:26:31
- Strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike until you have victory.
- 01:26:38
- For every enemy that is aligned against you, let there be that we would strike the ground for you will give us victory,
- 01:26:45
- God. I hear a sound of abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory. I hear a sound of shouting and singing.
- 01:26:52
- I hear a sound of victory. I hear a sound of an abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory.
- 01:26:58
- I hear a sound of an abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory. The Lord says it is done.
- 01:27:05
- The Lord says it is done. The Lord says it is done. For I hear victory, victory, victory, victory in the quarters of heaven, in the quarters of heaven.
- 01:27:15
- Victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, for angels are being released right now.
- 01:27:21
- Angels are being dispatched right now. Hamanda, Aka, Ata, Raka, Dede, Baka, Sanda, Ata, Ambo, Osa, Tata, Rite, Eke, Banda, Ata, Rite, Dide, Asha, Ta.
- 01:27:32
- For angels have even been dispatched from Africa right now. Africa right now, Africa right now, from Africa right now.
- 01:27:38
- My favorite part of this clip is not Paula White. It's watching the guy who kept pacing behind her.
- 01:27:46
- Who is that guy? The guy with the open Bible and he's wearing shorts and he's not saying a word.
- 01:27:51
- He's just kind of walking back and forth and back and forth. What is his role? What is he doing back there?
- 01:27:58
- Is he somehow amplifying the message or is the Bible serving as a conduit? You know the open pages are a conduit for God's power or perhaps the power of the angels from Africa.
- 01:28:08
- I have questions. Well it's hard to blame you Seth. I have questions about it too.
- 01:28:14
- Though undoubtedly for very different reasons. Seth Andrews then goes on to talk about Chris Vallotton and Chris Vallotton is on staff there at Bethel Church and he made of course prophecies that Donald Trump would be reelected and then shortly after the election, just a couple of days afterward, he realized that Trump did not win the election or like so it appeared and so he made an apology and listen to what
- 01:28:40
- Seth Andrews has to say about this. Let me share with you a clip from a real -life prophet.
- 01:28:47
- This guy hears the voice of God and then gives prophecy from God to the country, to the world, to the ages.
- 01:28:55
- His name is Chris Vallotton. He is from Bethel Church in California. He predicted, he prophesied that Donald Trump would win the election.
- 01:29:04
- He would win a second term. It is guaranteed. I actually made a note of his quote.
- 01:29:10
- He said, the Lord wants it. So this was the prophecy. Well of course that prophecy did not come true and this prophet of God went online to apologize.
- 01:29:22
- I really want to apologize, sincerely apologize for missing the prophecy about Donald Trump.
- 01:29:30
- I prophesied that Donald Trump would be president four days after he, four days after he took the nomination.
- 01:29:41
- The first time four days after he declared himself a candidate I should say the first time and I that was obviously right and then later on I prophesied that he would not be impeached and in fact that he would win another term and I was completely wrong.
- 01:30:00
- I take full responsibility for being wrong. There's no excuse for it. I think it it doesn't make me a false prophet but it does actually create a credibility gap.
- 01:30:12
- I would encourage members of Bethel Church and all of his viewers and listeners around the world to perhaps take a step backward and ask yourself how someone who is divinely appointed receiving
- 01:30:25
- God's perfect instruction can make such a major m -a -j -o -r major mistake.
- 01:30:33
- See he gets it a professing atheist gets it that a true prophet someone who is really hearing from God could not possibly be wrong about something this m -a -j -o -r major and again dear ones it's not just one or two it's not just a few of them that got it wrong every single one of them got it wrong.
- 01:31:02
- Something this huge as monumental as a United States presidential election an event for which they had years to prepare to make sure that they were hearing
- 01:31:12
- God rightly and exactly zero of them did.
- 01:31:18
- None. They are not hearing from God because God is not speaking today in that way.
- 01:31:25
- He speaks to us through his word no longer through dreams and visions and prophecies and again dear ones the great tragedy in all of this is the incalculable reproach that this has brought upon the gospel in the name of Jesus Christ.
- 01:31:43
- These charlatans, false prophets, liars, deceivers, they have made a mockery out of the gospel.
- 01:31:52
- They have made a mockery out of Christianity. The world is laughing at it. They are mocking us and we all get painted with that same broad brush.
- 01:32:02
- In fact I want to show you something interesting that this YouTube channel is entitled The Thinking Atheist and his name is
- 01:32:10
- Seth Andrews and I was just looking at some of his videos on his YouTube channel.
- 01:32:15
- I'm going to put a screenshot up of this. So look at this. This is a screenshot that I took just the other day.
- 01:32:23
- Today's January 24th I think so I probably took it on the 22nd or so. Alright so the the thumbnail for this particular video is on the third row.
- 01:32:33
- So look down count down one two three rows and go over till you see the evangelical meltdown.
- 01:32:42
- You see that thumbnail? So it's the one two three four fifth thumbnail there. The evangelical election meltdown.
- 01:32:50
- Look at the number of views. 645 ,000 views.
- 01:32:57
- Now this channel has a lot of subscribers. 321 ,000 subscribers. But if you look at the number of views on most of his other videos,
- 01:33:06
- I mean no slight to him, but not really all that impressive numbers. 5 ,000, 14 ,000, 5 ,000 again, 5 ,500, 9 ,400, 23 ,000.
- 01:33:19
- Just you know between 5 ,000 and 20 ,000 or so views.
- 01:33:26
- But not this one. The evangelical election meltdown. In fact
- 01:33:32
- I just went and took another little screenshot and it is now up to 666 ,000 views and that is not intentional on my part.
- 01:33:42
- It's just where it landed just a couple of days later from the first screenshot. So now we're at 666 ,000. 666 ,000 views.
- 01:33:49
- Let's say his videos appear to get about an average of maybe 15 ,000 views or so.
- 01:33:56
- That is 40 times the number of views that most of his videos get.
- 01:34:04
- 40 times. Does that give you an idea of the interest, the attention that is being paid to this complete debacle that the
- 01:34:17
- Charismatics have have put on this this absolute prophetic faceplant?
- 01:34:23
- The world's watching and they're mocking us but what's worse is they are mocking
- 01:34:30
- Christ. Shame on these false prophets.
- 01:34:37
- Shame on them. If they had any integrity whatsoever they would realize the magnitude of what they have done and they would shut their ministries down.
- 01:34:47
- That's what repentance would look like. Okay dear ones, now I want to show you some clips from Kat Kerr.
- 01:34:54
- Kat Kerr, I've mentioned her already, but she's a weather warrior and she shuttles back and forth between heaven and earth.
- 01:35:03
- Literally according to her she goes to heaven almost every day. She's had the grand tour of heaven.
- 01:35:09
- There are dinosaurs in heaven, you'll be happy to know, and you can ride them. So if you've ever wanted to ride a
- 01:35:16
- Brontosaurus or a Triceratops, you're in luck. You're really gonna like heaven.
- 01:35:22
- So this video was... okay you can't make this stuff up, all right? This was airing livestream on January the 6th.
- 01:35:33
- I think that was Wednesday? Wednesday, January the 6th. January the 6th might be an important date that sticks out in your mind because that is the day that the riots happened at the
- 01:35:46
- United States Capitol building. And I kid you not, this was live -streaming right at the time that the riots were beginning at the
- 01:35:57
- United States Capitol. And Steve Schultz here, he's a head of Elijah List, which is a word -faith charismatic kind of a deal.
- 01:36:08
- Anyway, but Steve Schultz is interviewing Kat Kerr and live on Facebook or whatever it was,
- 01:36:16
- YouTube. Live on YouTube and literally as he's interviewing her, the riots are breaking out at the
- 01:36:22
- United States Capitol. But Kat Kerr is giving yet another prophecy, but I want you to listen to what she says here because this is no ordinary prophecy.
- 01:36:32
- In fact, God took her into the future. Watch this.
- 01:36:38
- Well hello, it's Steve Schultz here with the Elijah List. It's good to hear you or see you.
- 01:36:44
- It's Wednesday. If you're down under it's Thursday. But we're here talking
- 01:36:49
- January 6th. This is that big event day in Washington DC. If you're in the
- 01:36:54
- United States and both houses of the Congress, the Senate and the House, are meeting together to talk about this election.
- 01:37:02
- So we'll talk. Yeah, so he's exactly right. This is the day that the electors were officially declared to go to Joe Biden and Joe Biden became the official president -elect of the
- 01:37:16
- United States of America. And literally as they're doing this, that's when Trump was holding his big rally there in DC, making the speech and write about that right at the time on real time.
- 01:37:28
- Then that's when the riots began. And Steve Schultz and the seer
- 01:37:35
- Kat Kerr were completely unaware of what was transpiring at that exact time.
- 01:37:41
- So without further ado, let's bring Kat online here. And there she is.
- 01:37:49
- Good to see you Kat. People should know we can see you but you cannot see us.
- 01:37:55
- You're just looking into a camera. So if I accidentally interrupt you one time it's because you don't see me opening my mouth.
- 01:38:01
- So here you are on January 6th. I asked Jen about two minutes ago before you came on, has
- 01:38:09
- Kat looked at the things that were going on on TV? And she said no, not really.
- 01:38:16
- So I kind of like that because it means you're not looking at the news and reacting to the news.
- 01:38:23
- Whatever you're going to say is going to be what you say not related to the news. That's for sure.
- 01:38:29
- Is that about right? That is correct. It's only what God says that I respond to.
- 01:38:35
- Sounds good. Well without further ado then let's go ahead and whatever you want to say in relation to the elections and where we are today.
- 01:38:42
- The floor is yours. Okay. That works as good as a ram's horn.
- 01:38:53
- What I'm doing right now, I'm wearing heaven's colors today. These are revelator colors. You see the eyes.
- 01:39:00
- They represent the living creatures around the throne of God. No one up there is in travail. No one up there is in fear.
- 01:39:07
- They already know what the outcome is going to be. This is the outcome. You don't know this.
- 01:39:15
- You don't know this but you said you told me once that heaven's colors was was teal was heaven's favorite color.
- 01:39:20
- Daru picked out a teal shirt for me today and a tie that has teal. We pretty much match and we didn't know this.
- 01:39:28
- That's kind of the way God works with prophetic people. These things are just regular everyday things but they fall into place just like God wants them to.
- 01:39:36
- And he's absolutely right. There is nothing pre -planned except that I come and sit in this stool at my media desk.
- 01:39:45
- If you are hearing from God all the time. If you've been to heaven so many times you lost count.
- 01:39:50
- And so I hear God every day talking about this. Why would I watch the news?
- 01:39:56
- See she's been to heaven so many times she's lost count and God talks to her all day every day.
- 01:40:02
- This celestial Chatty Cathy doll. Why watch the news? Usually God will tell me this is going to happen.
- 01:40:08
- Then he shows me it happening. And I want to see it happening. Why would
- 01:40:14
- I be moved by anything out there? And if you're standing with God. By the way he said I only hear things every now and then if my staff mentions something.
- 01:40:24
- But actually none of them are allowed to even talk to me about anything from any source of news media or anything or any other people out there.
- 01:40:33
- I'm not allowed to listen to it. So Cat doesn't watch the news and she doesn't allow her staff to watch the news.
- 01:40:39
- Or maybe they should watch a little bit of news because as she was speaking this is what was happening at the
- 01:40:46
- Capitol. Now when you say when you say Cat that God shows you and takes you and shows you what happened.
- 01:40:54
- Can you describe what you mean? What did you see in either your natural eyes or your spiritual eyes?
- 01:41:00
- What did he show you specifically? When I say he showed me I don't mean he gave me a vision. I don't mean he gave me a dream.
- 01:41:07
- I mean he took me into the future. Next Saturday night we're sending you back to the future.
- 01:41:17
- That may be word to you why it happened in the Bible. It happened in the Old Testament.
- 01:41:23
- I know that John the Beloved was shown things from the past and he was shown things from the future.
- 01:41:29
- Cat, with all due respect, which is very little, the Apostle John was a true revelator unlike you.
- 01:41:38
- Some of the greatest days of celebration and when I said he showed me he took me forward in time not it wasn't a long time forward in time and he showed me when that announcement is made that Trump is the 46th president of the
- 01:41:53
- United States. Okay brief reality check here. I have heard Cat Kerr say multiple times that Trump would be the 46th president of the
- 01:42:01
- United States when he wins re -election. Well even if he had won re -election and he was serving his second term as we speak he would not be the 46th president.
- 01:42:12
- He would still be 45. Joe Biden is the 46th president of the
- 01:42:17
- United States. You know the guy that they said would never get in but I digress.
- 01:42:23
- I've been taken over a hundred years into the future literally caught up and taken to that time and the tribulation had not happened the perilous times had not come.
- 01:42:37
- Why? We've been living in some of the greatest days the earth has ever seen and that's what is about to happen right now.
- 01:42:45
- God is literally exposing it all so he can clear that platform and set in place the ones he trusts and the ones he's going to use in these days to be great for him.
- 01:42:59
- So kick fear out get your celebration on. Okay so now I want to show you a few clips from the program entitled
- 01:43:07
- Flashpoint and this is on the Victory Channel so this is like the news branch of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.
- 01:43:14
- The show's host is Gene Bailey and he is going to be interviewing Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Kat Kerr, Mario Murillo and Dutch Sheets and this was aired on January the 7th.
- 01:43:28
- It was recorded actually January the 7th the day after the riots at the Capitol.
- 01:43:34
- Kat Kerr so glad Kat that you're here and I want to introduce you to our audience and Kat one of the things
- 01:43:42
- I must say after talking with you several I guess it's been a month or so ago now is that Kat is totally convinced of what
- 01:43:52
- God is going to do. Do you still believe that Kat Kerr? Do you still believe that God is alive?
- 01:44:01
- I do. That is my answer to that question. As a matter of fact I'd like to know how many out there actually think he does exist.
- 01:44:08
- Having known him for almost 70 years when I received Christ at age four
- 01:44:14
- I'm a seer so I saw him step inside of me. Okay I gotta stop right there.
- 01:44:19
- Kat Kerr says she was saved at age four. Now I'm sorry a child at age four there's no way a child that young can wrestle with a godly sorrow over sin genuine repentance taking up the cross the wrath of God there's no that is far too young in fact
- 01:44:39
- I wrote a book on childhood conversion entitled do not hinder them biblical examination of childhood conversion but even at that there was no testimony there at all not even a first grade vacation
- 01:44:54
- Bible school level kind of testimony she says that Jesus walked into her he walked into her body friends that's creepy that that's not a conversion
- 01:45:08
- I don't know what that is that is that is either the product of her vain imagination or that is demonic and it's kind of ironic if you look at the button she's wearing her button says
- 01:45:20
- I don't do demons wouldn't be too sure about that and my relationship only grew with him over all these years and he's shown me a many times thing that would happen and they came to pass now
- 01:45:35
- I can tell you some people can't be chosen by God because they can't believe for anything past a week or two weeks which makes me laugh in a way because there's some things
- 01:45:44
- I waited 40 years for him to do but guess what he did them and he assured me back in 2015 that Trump would sit in the
- 01:45:51
- White House for eight years and I actually got to pray for them during the inaugural prayer breakfast back in 2016 and he made me prophesy that and God has assured me today when he walked into my room and woke me up at noon almost noon 1155 a .m.
- 01:46:10
- let's back that up and God has assured me today when he walked into my room and woke me up at noon almost noon 1155 a .m.
- 01:46:20
- I'm up for like 20 hours a day and sometimes I go to sleep sometimes I don't but I always have my alarm set for noon and it didn't go off God did and he came in and he yelled as loud as he possibly could justice will prevail friends she says that God walked into her room and shouted as loudly as he could friends if that had really happened she would be dead let us remember this is the
- 01:46:50
- Alpha and Omega this is the one who who spoke stars into existence and she thinks he walked into a room and shouted as loudly as he could unbelievable
- 01:47:03
- I will not listen to the stop the the acts because they don't know how to put a show on hell never has put on a good show this is still
- 01:47:12
- God speaking hell has never put on a good show they've always lost the seats they went after they lost whatever they were planning to do he said
- 01:47:21
- I kicked him out of heaven that was the first show lightning was striking they were kicked out unseated and stripped away from power the second show was in hell on the third day mentioned in Colossians when my son stood up and released a fire of God from himself and melted the faces of the hierarchy of hell and made a show of it openly and he said the third show is still in rehearsal right now he said the enemy is fighting so hard he still has not won
- 01:47:48
- I don't count it as a win he said I will win and Trump will still sit in the
- 01:47:54
- White House for four more years if people cannot see beyond their own nose and understand that if they believe
- 01:48:03
- I'm doing something they should keep on trusting he said but I'm about to put a show on nobody expect it because I'm about to fill it
- 01:48:11
- I will expose and wipe clean the platform they're trying to stand on right now and Trump will have to be inaugurated they will have to say it even though they don't want to the time will come when they will have to say
- 01:48:24
- Trump is the 46th president of the United States even if Trump had won he would not be the 40s never mind and he will sit in that office for more years
- 01:48:38
- I have never changed that plan I have never given an exact date to anyone when something would happen because I have my own time whether it agrees with yours or not whether you like it or not this is my country these are my plans and I will not have these days taken from me and not turn to the left and give yourself as a partner to the evil that wants to take this land well
- 01:49:08
- I say no it will not happen it will end and it will be done because I say it will be done but nothing will stop me from my plan and putting my son
- 01:49:21
- Donald Trump back in that White House even if they inaugurate the villain and try to put him there
- 01:49:28
- I will kick him out I will remove him and I'll remove every obstacle that's in the way maybe they'll show that in the news says your
- 01:49:38
- God she's an angry false prophet so I want to ask cat the question that keeps being asked to me they say well cat if you prophesied eight years is it that it's for now and for later no no it is not it's for continual years and get ready for some more impossible things to be said
- 01:50:01
- God did choose Pence for eight years after Trump's eight years and he has not changed his mind about that either so cat
- 01:50:12
- Kerr is very specific here they say this is not going to be a Grover Cleveland situation where Trump's gonna have a gap and then come back for four years at a later time no eight consecutive years not only eight consecutive years for Donald Trump but eight consecutive years she has prophesied for Mike Pence to be the occupant of 1600
- 01:50:34
- Pennsylvania Avenue and then a week later she's back on the Elijah list being interviewed by Steve Schultz and she doubles down on it that's what
- 01:50:43
- God meant he meant that Trump will serve two terms one then and one in 2024 that is what happened and there's those those emails are still passing around saying that's probably what
- 01:50:57
- God meant no that is not what God said period he never said that he said he would run two consecutive terms he would be in office when he first announced before he actually won the first time he will be in office for eight years then announced the next eight years and we can go into that a little bit if you want to okay nobody in that side has gone to the dark side either you only knew the power of the dark side
- 01:51:25
- I'll just say he said eight years for Trump eight years for Pence and eight years for whoever he picks for vice president there
- 01:51:31
- I've said it and then Hank Kuhneman gets on this kick for several days talking about how we in the
- 01:51:38
- United States find ourselves in a Red Sea moment you see we're just like the
- 01:51:44
- Hebrews back in Egypt and we the Red Sea is in front of us and the
- 01:51:49
- Egyptian army is behind us and boy we're we're in a real pickle we're caught between a rock and a hard spot and God is about to just part the
- 01:51:57
- Red Sea that that's that's where we find ourselves here in the United States after 400 years of bondage to interject himself into a nation of people who had been under harsh taskmasters for 400 years what am
- 01:52:14
- I saying I have absolutely no idea we may have and there are those that may have been giving up on God they're seeing that it doesn't appear that anything is changing it doesn't look like there's anything that has changed and so they're giving up and they're all looking at somehow that the 20th next week is the deciding factor whether the prophets are true whether they're false whether this nation is going forward or not this is called moving the goalposts
- 01:52:41
- January 20th is inauguration day and the president begins his term on this day the
- 01:52:47
- Electoral College has already declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election on January 7th anyway this is like reading the score after a football game has ended and saying just because one team has more points than the other doesn't mean they won the game those comments there were from Stephen Kozar who runs the messed up church
- 01:53:05
- YouTube channel linked below in the description and he's exactly right they began to move the goalposts as the as the days got closer and closer to inauguration day
- 01:53:16
- Biden's inauguration they began to move the goalposts oh you know it's not so important what happens on January 20th you know and in Lance Wall now he even began to say things like that Donald Trump will still be the president even if he's not in the
- 01:53:32
- White House even if he's not the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue he's he's still going to be the president
- 01:53:39
- United States in a spiritual sense you see whatever that means so watch this this is this is back to flashpoint
- 01:53:49
- January the 19th the day before Joe Biden's inauguration watch this yeah
- 01:53:55
- I mean now I want to go on record right here because I know a lot of people have texted and I know pastor
- 01:54:02
- Hank you've gotten this too well are you guys are you guys moving off of what you stood for are you saying that this was wrong and are you gonna apologize and I'm not backing off one bit
- 01:54:14
- I'm not I'm staying right here pastor Hank are you backing off no in fact
- 01:54:20
- I'm not and something that Lance just said you know regarding the misery we cannot forget the pattern of how
- 01:54:30
- God operates there was so much misery and bondage and crying out from a communist government the
- 01:54:39
- Egyptians under Pharaoh against the nation of Israel communist government in Egypt under Pharaoh over 3 ,000 years before communism was even invented by Karl Marx whatever and Exodus chapter 2 says in fact the actual reference
- 01:55:02
- I believe is verse 27 said that that God heard their cry and he remembered his covenant and I say that because God it has remembered his covenant with an
- 01:55:14
- America and he's going to remember his covenant with America okay I got to stop here too because he talks about how
- 01:55:22
- God has a covenant with the United States of America stop okay just stop
- 01:55:30
- God does not have a covenant with the United States of America there is only one nation in the history of the world that God has ever made a covenant with and that is
- 01:55:46
- Israel he has never made a covenant with any nation other than Israel not the
- 01:55:53
- United States not Great Britain not Botswana Israel in Israel alone and now
- 01:56:01
- Hank Kuhneman begins to address some of the calls that people are making for these false prophets to apologize and repent here's what he has to say about that and some of the demands for repentance that has happened so therefore if some are feeling like they need to repent feel free to do so and I want to go on record this prophetic vessel is not afraid to repent if they needed to or to make admit if they made a mistake
- 01:56:31
- I have gone on record before when I've had to you know make things right that have something that I said so this is not a pride kick here it's just I feel like we're putting so much emphasis on an inauguration date that the election has still some things that must be looked into that will be looked into and you can't tell me over a hundred or thousands of prophetic voices intercessors believers all missed it so it seems that it is just incomprehensible to Hank Kuhneman that in his own words hundreds or thousands of prophetic voices all missed it well
- 01:57:07
- I'm going to tell you that's exactly what happened they did all miss it and I don't even know how many
- 01:57:14
- I mean just the ones that I've seen number in the dozens and that's what is on Christian television quote -unquote
- 01:57:21
- Christian television that's what's on YouTube some of the prominent voices on each I mean dozens upon dozens upon dozens that we've just scratched the surface
- 01:57:29
- I mean barely scratched the surface in this video and who knows how many other charismatic pastors out there that just don't have a public platform we're all saying the same thing yeah that's exactly what
- 01:57:42
- I'm telling you mr. Kuhneman that is reality you and all of the others missed it now again
- 01:57:49
- I ask you dear ones just use a little common sense how is it that every single one of these quote -unquote prophets missed it on literally everything everything all of these major earth -shattering events over the last 12 months they missed it on everything on the
- 01:58:15
- United States presidential election they had years to prepare on something that major and they all missed it that should tell you something these people are not hearing from God God is not speaking to them period period end of story and if they cannot hear from God on something this major a
- 01:58:38
- United States presidential election why under under what rationale would you ever trust them when they say
- 01:58:49
- God spoke to them and told them da da da God speaks to them all the time under under what logical rationale would you ever put any confidence in what they have to say regarding that God is not speaking to them period and what good are they
- 01:59:07
- I mean really what good are they if they can't forget predict kovat if they can't banish kovat once it comes if they can't if they couldn't predict the riots if they couldn't predict the second impeachment of Donald Trump if they couldn't predict the riots at the
- 01:59:23
- Capitol if they couldn't get the presidential election right if they can't get any of these things these things right what good are they what purpose do they serve the only purpose they serve is to bring confusion and to bring incalculable reproach on the name of Christ man you know it's this this is the tightrope that I'm always walking on here because I believe it was
- 01:59:51
- God's will for Donald Trump to be president I also believe that God this is gonna sound terrible for theology out there but I don't think that God always gets what he wants anytime you hear one of these guys say that what they're about to say is bad theology you know it's gonna be bad
- 02:00:09
- Psalm 115 verse 3 our God is in the heavens he does whatever he pleases
- 02:00:16
- Psalm 135 or 6 whatever the Lord Yahweh pleases he does in heaven and in earth in the seas and in all of the deeps
- 02:00:27
- Daniel 435 all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing but he does according to his will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and no one can ward off his hand or say to him what have you done
- 02:00:45
- God does whatever he wants to do but these folks never let the
- 02:00:50
- Bible get in the way of their theology it doesn't necessarily mean that this thing is over and I think people that are just automatically just willing to look at tomorrow and and and think that this nation is being handed over to a bunch of communists
- 02:01:04
- I know God too well and I know what he said to me and where I've been well apparently mr.
- 02:01:10
- Kuhneman does not know God as well as he would have us to believe that he does and so anyway in the days leading up to Joe Biden's inauguration pressure was mounting for the prophets to come up with some kind of explanation and Robbie Dawkins was interviewed on the flashpoint program again this is the news arm outlet of Kenneth Copeland's ministries and and by the way
- 02:01:37
- Kenneth Copeland's ministry brings in according to his own statement that he made a year ago and I have this documented in the video that I did last year on how kovat 19 exposes the false prophets for the liars and charlatans that they are but according to Kenneth Copeland's own words his ministry he expected to bring in 300 million dollars in just the year 2020 300 million dollars friends this stuff is not the fringe of the charismatic movement this is the mainstream of the charismatic movement it's not the fringe so anyway but Robbie Dawkins back to Robbie Dawkins Robbie Dawkins is an evangelist calls himself an evangelist and he came on the flashpoint program to explain why it appears as though Donald Trump would not indeed be inaugurated on January the 23rd
- 02:02:37
- Dawkins by the way is endorsed by a number of false prophets and false teachers he's endorsed by Todd let me pull your leg white he's endorsed by Bill Johnson who is the quote -unquote pastor of Bethel quote -unquote church and I say quote -unquote because he's not a real pastor in Bethel Church is not a real church by the biblical definition of the term and he is also endorsed by Sean Bowles now
- 02:03:02
- Sean Bowles I've spoken of him just a little bit earlier in this video Sean Bowles is Sean Bowles is a
- 02:03:08
- Google prophet he gets his words of knowledge not from God he gets them by looking at social media on his iPad or iPhone or whatever device it is he's using at the particular time but he calls out words of knowledge for people in the audience and he's literally he literally does this as he's holding his iPhone or iPad in fact
- 02:03:31
- I want to show you a brief commercial from one of Sid Roth's programs from just a few years ago Sid Roth had
- 02:03:37
- Sean Bowles come onto his program to talk about his latest book DVD I think it's entitled how to translate
- 02:03:44
- God and this is what Sid Roth does every guest he brings on week after week after week on his program they've done they've they're talking about their latest book latest
- 02:03:54
- DVD series CD series whatever and they hawk these wares and this is no different but listen to this commercial how the narrator says that Sid Roth considers
- 02:04:05
- Sean Bowles to be the most accurate prophet that he's ever known and literally literally as he's getting words of knowledge from God on high he's holding his smart device in his hand you cannot make this stuff up just just watch for yourself
- 02:04:27
- I had one more username I never get usernames but I ask God for new information I never get Terry Bishop 9 -1 -1
- 02:04:33
- Terry Bishop you're working on the show and we're getting you that is my username Terry Bishop 9 -1 -1 you live in a pleasant place what does that mean to you
- 02:04:43
- I live on pleasant come on Sid Roth says that Sean Bowles is the most amazingly detailed prophet he has ever known he has ministered to thousands from royalty to people on the streets now he wants to share with you the secrets he has learned concerning the gift of prophecy and wants to activate you to do the same as he does call now and get
- 02:05:02
- Sean Bowles brand -new book translating God and his anointed three -part audio CD teaching everyone can hear
- 02:05:08
- God's voice exclusive for our it's supernatural audience yours for a donation of $35 weekend and week out he has the looniest zaniest dumbest guest on his program with the dumbest stories and the most outlandish tales honestly honestly with just a slight bit of hyperbole here
- 02:05:33
- I really believe if Sid Roth did not know who I was and I know that he does but if he didn't
- 02:05:38
- I really believe I could call up Sid Roth's program and say hey Sid I I was just abducted by a
- 02:05:45
- UFO and Elvis was flying the UFO Bigfoot was on there too and they took me to heaven to see my personal mansion
- 02:05:52
- Elvis and Bigfoot on this UFO I really believe if he didn't know who I was he would have me on his program the very next week it is it is the guest on his program are that loony if 1 % if 1 % if 1 100th of 1 % of what the guest on Sid Roth's program said were actually true 1 100th of 1 % of what they claim was true every demon and Satan himself would be bound we would all be shuttling back and forth between heaven and earth we would be having regular open visions from God in heaven and we every disease would be banished from the face of the earth we would be living in a
- 02:06:41
- Christian utopia we would be living in an age and that that dare I say would would almost look like almost make heaven look like a disappointment when we get there
- 02:06:50
- I mean it is it is just lunacy lunacy the kind of stuff he promotes and and if he is not intentionally deceiving people then his discernment is is such that he has absolutely no business teaching anyone the
- 02:07:08
- Bible none none but there you see and I'm sorry I get worked up about this dear friends but this is this stuff is making a mockery out of Christianity is making a mockery out of the gospel it is bringing incalculable reproach on the name of Christ and the fact that these false teachers are so prevalent in so many people are deceived by them is a sad testimony to the complete and utter lack and dearth of discernment amongst the vast majority of people who profess to be
- 02:07:44
- Christians but this from Sean Bolts this is blatant deception he's not getting words of knowledge from God he's getting information from Google Michael Brown says that a false prophet is intentionally trying to deceive people well there you go and you might have noticed in that promo as well
- 02:08:08
- Bill Johnson is right there with Sean Bolts you think Bill Johnson doesn't know what
- 02:08:13
- Sean Bolts is doing of course he does of course he does they're together all the time there's a picture of Bill Johnson right there on stage with Sean Bolts as Sean Bolts is holding his smartphone in his hand giving words of knowledge of course
- 02:08:30
- Bill Johnson knows that he's getting his words of knowledge from from Wi -Fi goo and of course he knows he's a
- 02:08:37
- Google prophet so does Todd White but it doesn't really matter to Todd White you see because Todd White pulls your leg quite literally to deceive people with growing people's leg the old leg lengthening routine it's intentional deception these people are intentionally deceiving you they are intentionally deceiving you so a little breather here all right so all of that sorry for that little rabbit trail but Robbie Dawkins Robbie Dawkins who is endorsed by Bill Johnson and John Bolts this is his explanation for why apparently
- 02:09:11
- Trump was not going to be reinaugurated on January the 20th all right well
- 02:09:17
- I want to play something about that Robbie did where it's a clip where he talks about hey quit apologizing watch just got out of the gym a little sweaty heading over to my son's swim meet remember the story 13 years ago
- 02:09:33
- I was in Armenia for the first time a friend of mine invited me to go and do some meetings there while we were there
- 02:09:38
- I prophesied over a young man that he had a call on his life to win thousands of people to Christ that he was going to operate in signs and wonders all these things
- 02:09:48
- God had destined him for well after I left two months later he was killed in a farming accident the host pastor contacted me and said hey do you want to apologize to the congregation you want to apologize to the church for the word being inaccurate and I said no because the word was accurate what happened is
- 02:10:06
- Satan came and stole and Satan killed that young man because he saw a call on his life and he saw a destiny and many destinies that would be changed because of him prophets stop apologizing so rather than having the humility and quite honestly the decency to apologize for his false prophecy to this church he just blames it on Satan oh it's all
- 02:10:31
- Satan's fault Satan killed that young man you know and this speaks to one of the other problems in the vast majority of the charismatic movement
- 02:10:40
- Word Faith NAR certainly is that they they ascribe just as much power and authority to Satan as they do
- 02:10:49
- God if not more so because they believe that Satan is the legal God of planet earth in fact you look at Kenneth Copeland what he teaches he actually teaches that God has been kicked out of planet earth and has no legal right no legal access to planet earth unless he gets it through you and me and Satan is the legal
- 02:11:12
- God of planet earth I don't have time to fully flesh all of that out but difference Satan is not the legal
- 02:11:18
- God of planet earth God is the legal God of planet earth the earth is the
- 02:11:24
- Lord's the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein God is the legal
- 02:11:30
- God of planet earth always has been is now and always will be Satan is a bug on God's windshield
- 02:11:37
- Satan can do nothing that God does not allow him to do Satan is on a leash a very short leash and God is holding the other end of that leash
- 02:11:48
- Satan is referred to as the God of this age in 2nd
- 02:11:53
- Corinthians 4 for an age is a better rendering by the way than that world he's referred to as the
- 02:11:59
- God of this age Paul was making a theological point not a legal point
- 02:12:05
- Paul was speaking to the fallenness the sinfulness and the depravity of mankind and in this fallen world he's not saying that Satan is the legal
- 02:12:16
- God of planet earth and God is outside just kind of looking in wishing he had some access and the only way that God can get access to the earth is if he gets it through us no that's word faith theology that's false teaching that's heresy
- 02:12:29
- God is a legal God of planet earth again Satan is a bug on God's windshield and instead of blaming
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- Satan for your false prophecy Robbie Dawkins just own it and admit that you are what you are a false prophet hello ladies and gentlemen this is an interview that I promised you with dr.
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- Nathan Boosnitz dr. Boosnitz is the academic provost at the
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- Masters Seminary in Los Angeles California and is also an elder at Grace Community Church and I wanted to interview
- 02:13:06
- Nathan he and our friends we met back at the strange fire conference and he did a couple of presentations at the strange fire conference and one of them dealt with evaluating the modern gift of prophecy is there a difference between new testament prophecy and Old Testament prophecy is there such a thing as fallible prophecy and all of those issues play right into what we've been dealing with in this video and so Nathan brother thank you very much for joining us yeah
- 02:13:36
- Justin thank you so much and grateful for your ministry grateful for the opportunity to be here well
- 02:13:42
- Nathan start us off how does the Bible define a false prophet yeah that's a great question you know when we think about a prophet and we're talking within the context here of new revelation from God the word prophet literally means a spokesman or a mouthpiece so we were talking about a prophet we're talking about someone who claims to be a spokesperson for God who delivers revelation from God to God's people and in Scripture God speaks through the prophets in fact
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- Hebrews chapter 1 talks about the fact that in the days of old in the
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- Old Testament God spoke to the fathers through the prophets and he has spoken in the
- 02:14:29
- New Testament era through his son the Lord Jesus Christ but but God delivers his revelation through prophets and so understanding the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet is extraordinarily important because it's the difference between knowing with certainty that you're hearing from God in the case of a true prophet and knowing with certainty that you're not hearing from God in spite of what a false prophet might claim and so getting that right is of vital importance and the
- 02:15:03
- Bible gives us tests by which we can test people who claim to be spokespeople for God so people who claim to be prophets are subject to these tests and I believe
- 02:15:16
- Scripture gives us three tests for evaluating prophets one would be what
- 02:15:22
- I would call the doctrinal test that prophets are those who speak truth because they're speaking again revelation from God and so that truth will be doctrinal doctrinally that truth will be doctrinally orthodox get that word out and it will accord with what
- 02:15:44
- God has revealed about himself in the past and we can see in both the Old Testament and the New Testament this standard put forth so Deuteronomy 13 1 to 5 is a place where prophets are held to the standard of doctrinal orthodoxy and we see a similar thing in for example 2nd
- 02:16:03
- Peter chapter 2 where Peter says just as there were false prophets who arose among the people so also false teachers will arise among God's flock and so in the
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- New Testament a false teacher is someone who puts forth false doctrine false teaching and that is what characterizes a false prophet so doctrinal orthodoxy is one test a second test would be the test of what
- 02:16:30
- I would call moral integrity namely that God calls his prophets to live consistently with the message that they proclaim and that's not to say that prophets are perfect people they're not perfect people we have plenty of examples in scripture of prophets who sinned but they respond to that in a repentant way and the general tenor of their life is one in which they live by a standard of moral integrity that is consistent with the message and you see examples of that for example
- 02:17:04
- Jeremiah 23 false prophets are condemned because of the adultery immorality and idolatry that they were promoting in ancient
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- Israel similarly similarly in the New Testament 2nd
- 02:17:18
- Peter chapter 2 again Peter goes on to say that the false teachers who are the equivalent of false prophets that they are known as those who are greedy who are characterized by the lust of the flesh by sensuality and by all sorts of immorality so there is a moral test and then thirdly and I think this gets to the heart of what we're going to be talking about today is what
- 02:17:47
- I would call revelatory accuracy in terms of a third test so doctrinal orthodoxy moral integrity and then revelatory accuracy which is to say that when a prophet claims to be delivering a message from God in other words when the prophet stands up and says this is what the
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- Lord says whatever comes out of the prophet's mouth next has to be 100 % accurate and that's because God is a
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- God of truth God does not lie and so if the prophet is delivering a word from the
- 02:18:25
- Lord that truly comes from God it's going to come with the kind of accuracy that we would expect a message from God to come with which is a hundred percent accuracy and there are some key texts in that regard probably the most important text at least in terms of setting that standard in the
- 02:18:44
- Old Testament is Deuteronomy 18 verses 18 to 22 where God makes it very clear that if a person claims to be a prophet and they make a prediction about the future and that prediction about the future does not come to pass then
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- God himself says you can know that that person is not truly a prophet of mine and that person is according to the biblical standard a false prophet he's falsely claiming to speak for God when in fact he's speaking presumptuously he's not actually speaking for the
- 02:19:23
- Lord and I think you see that same standard carried out throughout the rest of Scripture that when prophets speak for God the content of their prophecy must be accurate so those would be the three tests that I see in Scripture for distinguishing between false prophets and true prophets okay great and I'm doing this video we're talking about just the incredible face plant that all of the prophets have done in the last 12 months detail how literally none of the prophets saw kovat coming after kovat came they decreed it to be gone they banished it that didn't work none of them saw the riots coming that lasted you know for months on the end none of them saw the second impeachment none of them saw the riots at the
- 02:20:12
- Capitol and even on the event which they knew was coming on the calendar the presidential election they 100 % of the prophets got that wrong and one of the arguments that I've one of the counter arguments that I've heard from some of these folks they say well well none of the prophets are perfect you know even prophets make mistakes and and I would say that in only in the sense like say if Isaiah one morning was talking to one of his friends and he said you know it looks like it's gonna rain today
- 02:20:45
- I think it might rain today and it doesn't rain that day it doesn't make him a false prophet but when he's when he prophesies thus saith the
- 02:20:53
- Lord when he speaks for God in that sense prophets are held to a 100 % accuracy rate correct yeah that's exactly right
- 02:21:06
- Justin and if you're looking for a biblical example of that I think the prophet Nathan is provides a good biblical example when he offers his opinion
- 02:21:16
- David asks him hey I'd like to build the temple what do you think Nathan offers his opinion and says yeah you know that sounds like a great idea but then the
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- Lord comes to Nathan and says to Nathan you know what I'm not going to have David build the temple
- 02:21:31
- I want Solomon to build the temple and Nathan comes back to David and says okay my opinion was my opinion but this is what the
- 02:21:39
- Lord says and you're right so when a prophet says this is what the
- 02:21:45
- Lord says or when he communicates to people that the content of his message represents revelation from God that revelation from God if he is a true prophet will be 100 % accurate and if it's not a hundred percent accurate then you know then that message did not come from God right absolutely okay and another one of the arguments that the charismatics make
- 02:22:12
- Nathan to try to extricate themselves from these incredibly deep holes for which they have dug which they've dug for themselves they will say that there that New Testament prophets aren't held to the same standard as the
- 02:22:25
- Old Testament prophets that there has been a degradation of the prophetic gift from Old Testament to New Testament they're just not held to that same 100 % standard what would be your argument against that yeah
- 02:22:41
- I would say that that is an argument that has developed in the last 100 years or 120 years since the birth of Pentecostalism in 1901 and it's developed out of necessity because it's become very clear that the prophet the prophecy and the prophets that are so abundant in the care broader charismatic movement that their prophecy does not meet the biblical standard of a hundred percent accuracy so what do you do when you have a reality that you're claiming to be a prophet but you don't meet the standard of 100 % accuracy you have to invent a category in which you can still claim to be a prophet and yet not meet the biblical standard and that's exactly what the charismatic movement has done so you're right the claim is that in the
- 02:23:36
- New Testament there were the apostles and other writers of the New Testament who were held to the same standard as Old Testament prophets and so the
- 02:23:46
- New Testament meets that standard but then there's a second class or a second tier of prophet some would call these congregational prophets some would just call them
- 02:23:57
- New Testament prophets and the idea is that the congregational prophets they didn't always get it right so the standard of infallibility and also the expectation of authority both of those things are absent from New Testament prophets so the
- 02:24:17
- New Testament prophets the congregational prophets this again is the charismatic this is the category that they invented it is this idea that you have people who get a revelation from God but then either because they don't have enough faith or something else happens that message gets muddled and so when they speak it it doesn't come out with 100 % accuracy and it also is not authoritative so you don't have to obey it you can if you want and the prophets not held liable if they say for example
- 02:24:53
- God told me that you should go and sell your house and then you go and sell your house and that ends up being a really bad thing that you did financially unwise well the prophet can always say well look maybe
- 02:25:06
- I got the prophecy wrong it wasn't authoritative it wasn't inerrant it really degrades the idea of prophecy and puts it almost on the level of just sort of spiritual advice yeah yeah okay all right well that's helpful so New Testament prophets are held to the same standard there's been no degradation there and I've always found it somewhat ironic that the whole point that the overall theme of the
- 02:25:37
- New Testament is that we have something better Jesus is our better high priest he offers us a better covenant made a better sacrifice everything is better except apparently the gift of prophecy the gift of prophecy just took a nosedive in in the
- 02:25:52
- New Testament it just makes no sense yeah and Justin along those lines you asked in the earlier question you know what are the biblical arguments against this idea of a second category or a lower category of congregational prophecy it's just it's absent from the
- 02:26:13
- New Testament when the book of Acts for example talks about prophets it talks about the
- 02:26:18
- Old Testament prophets and then interspersed between those accounts it talks about New Testament prophets uses the exact same terminology gives no indication in the text that there's some sort of categorical difference and intersperses them in a way that unless you were trying to create a new category you just wouldn't see it in the text in addition to that you know one of the verses that those who promote this idea of the charismatic gift of prophecy want to appeal to is
- 02:26:52
- Peter's sermon in Acts chapter 2 when he says this is that of which the
- 02:26:58
- Prophet Joel prophesied and it goes on to say that you're you know it talks about your young men dreaming dreams and your old men seeing visions and about the people prophesying and it's interesting to me that because Peter's quoting from an
- 02:27:15
- Old Testament prophet the Prophet Joel from Joel 2 .28 that the category or the caliber of prophecy that Joel is talking about has to be
- 02:27:25
- Old Testament prophecy because he's an Old Testament prophet talking about prophecy in an Old Testament context so when
- 02:27:32
- Peter quotes that passage the quality of prophecy that Peter implies will characterize the phenomena that he is describing it is an
- 02:27:44
- Old Testament quality prophecy but you can't have Old Testament quality prophecy without the
- 02:27:49
- Old Testament standards that govern that prophecy so this idea that Joel 2 is some sort of or Acts 2
- 02:27:58
- Joel 2 is some sort of that it gives the charismatic movement license to do this kind of thing
- 02:28:06
- I would see that as them trying to have their cake and eat it too you just can't do that because Joel 2 is clearly an
- 02:28:14
- Old Testament kind of prophecy and that comes with the Old Testament standards of accuracy which again
- 02:28:20
- I would argue apply to prophecy in both the
- 02:28:26
- Old Testament and the New Testament and like you said New Covenant promises are supposed to be represent for lack of a better way of describing it an upgrade why would prophecy be the one category where it's downgraded right and severely downgraded at that as we have as we have seen you know it's interesting that all of I hear the charismatic prophets all the time quoting
- 02:28:51
- Amos 3 7 the Lord or Yahweh does nothing without revealing it to his prophets and so they like to carry that mantle but they don't want the
- 02:29:01
- Old Testament penalties for a false prophet ie stoning putting to death and and that that the penalty was so severe for false prophets
- 02:29:13
- I think speaks to the seriousness with which God takes people who put words in his mouth correct well absolutely there really is nothing more serious than misrepresenting revelation from God claiming to have revelation from God when it's not from God distorting what
- 02:29:38
- God has truly said and putting yourself in a position where you claim to be a mouthpiece for God but in fact you're just a mouthpiece for your own imagination
- 02:29:47
- I think of Ezekiel chapter 13 where Ezekiel condemns the false prophets and says you know you're just hoping you're making predictions and hoping they come to pass that's not biblical prophecy prophecy when it came to the predictive side of prophecy is saying in the past what will happen in the future because the
- 02:30:11
- God who controls the future has given you that revelatory content and again Deuteronomy 18 if you make a prediction in the prediction doesn't come true you've just shown you exposed yourself to the whole world that you are not what you have claimed to be another passage that comes to mind is
- 02:30:31
- Jeremiah 23 where Jeremiah similarly denounces the false prophets as those who simply proclaim their own imagination and if it doesn't come from God it comes from some other source and Ezekiel 13 and Jeremiah 23 place that in the simple arrogant imaginations of those who would be so presumptuous as to claim to speak for God when in fact they do not right and one of the other common arguments from charismatics when they try to give themselves some cover they'll say oh but what about Agabus Agabus was a
- 02:31:17
- New Testament prophet and even though the gist of what he prophesied that Paul would be handed over to the
- 02:31:24
- Romans by the Jews you know the gist of what what they what he prophesied happened but he was he was wrong on the details
- 02:31:32
- Agabus is one of their favorite trump cards if you will walk us through a little bit was was
- 02:31:39
- Agabus he was clearly a New Testament prophet but it was he a prophet with some error yeah
- 02:31:47
- I'm glad you brought up the example of Agabus because he is the sort of the main example that is used by those who are again insisting on this category of fallible prophecy
- 02:31:59
- Agabus is mentioned in Acts 11 in he predicts the coming of the famine and predicts that accurately and then he's featured in Acts 21 because he brings a revelation he says this is what the
- 02:32:14
- Holy Spirit says and then he brings a revelation directly from the Holy Spirit and that revelation it depicts what is going to happen to Paul when he returns to Jerusalem that he will be seized and bound by the
- 02:32:29
- Jews and and then delivered over and the claim that's made is that when
- 02:32:38
- Luke later in Acts 21 records Paul's arrest that the details maybe seem a little bit different than what
- 02:32:47
- Agabus specifically predicted but my response to that is why
- 02:32:53
- I have a number of responses to that but first and foremost that is reading something into the text that isn't there
- 02:32:59
- Luke doesn't have to go back over all of those same details because it's implied in the text that those things happened and so when
- 02:33:10
- Luke describes the actual details of the arrest he focuses more on what happened with Paul being delivered over to the
- 02:33:20
- Romans and doesn't cover as much detail about him being seized and bound by the Jews there in the temple because those details have already been inserted into the narrative through Agabus' prophecy we know that Agabus those details in Agabus' prophecy took place just as he said because the
- 02:33:39
- Apostle Paul confirms that in Acts 26 when he gives his testimony before Agrippa he talks about how the
- 02:33:47
- Jews in the temple seized him and tried to kill him and even in Acts 28 he talks about with the
- 02:33:54
- Jewish leaders there in the city of Rome how he was delivered over uses the same language that Agabus used in Acts 21 so Paul's own testimony in Acts 26 and in Acts 28 confirms that the precise details that Agabus foretold are indeed they were accurate they are exactly what happened to Paul even though Luke didn't reiterate all of those same details later in Acts 21 but Luke certainly did not indicate in any sense that there was any part of Agabus' prophecy that was incorrect and no one in church history interpreted
- 02:34:35
- Agabus' prophecy as having any issues until the modern charismatic movement comes along and they have to try and find somebody because there's no example of a true prophet in scripture who got the details of his prophecy wrong it just doesn't exist and Agabus is an attempted example but honestly
- 02:34:57
- I like to say that they threw Agabus under the bus not that Agabus cares
- 02:35:04
- Agabus is in heaven rejoicing around the throne but in fairness to Agabus he got the details of his prophecy exactly right and just one more comment on that Agabus was quoting the
- 02:35:17
- Holy Spirit I mean the formula that Agabus uses is just like an Old Testament prophet this is what
- 02:35:23
- Yahweh says except that he emphasizes the third member of the Trinity this is what the
- 02:35:29
- Holy Spirit says so for modern charismatic to suggest that Agabus got his prophecy wrong
- 02:35:37
- I think is incredibly dangerous because what they're really saying is that a direct quote from the
- 02:35:42
- Holy Spirit includes in it some sort of error and that is an incredibly dangerous honestly blasphemous thing to suggest so it's not just that Agabus is making a prediction
- 02:35:57
- Agabus is quoting the Holy Spirit and he's quoting the Holy Spirit in the Bible so the
- 02:36:03
- Holy Spirit inspired Luke to record Agabus quoting the Holy Spirit and so this idea that the
- 02:36:11
- Holy Spirit got the details wrong is something that I find incredibly dangerous and I don't know that modern charismatics always have thought through the implications of what they're suggesting when they suggest that Agabus got the details of his prophecy wrong right that's very very helpful
- 02:36:29
- Nathan thank you for that because I know that is a common objection and so thank you for bringing that kind of clarity to our viewers here that's very very helpful in preparation for this interview
- 02:36:40
- I sent you a link to a program that dr. Michael Brown did entitled who or what is a false prophet if memory serves
- 02:36:47
- I think it was aired on January the 12th 2020 and he was responding or trying to give a response to the completeness of literally 100 % of the prophets and dealing with the presidential election and you watched that and so I want to ask you about some of the arguments that he made and in fairness to Michael Brown and I in you and I as cessationist we have our significant theological differences with with dr.
- 02:37:20
- Michael Brown but he's widely regarded as the leading apologist of the charismatic movement and in fairness to him he he took this reasonably seriously
- 02:37:33
- I mean he said that that there's no excuse in fact to quote him here in an article he says
- 02:37:41
- January 20th this is writing after the inauguration of Joe Biden but he says January 20th is now passed
- 02:37:47
- Biden not Trump is the president to all those who prophesied that Trump would serve a second consecutive term and assured us that he would be inaugurated on the 20th
- 02:37:55
- I appeal to you in the strongest possible terms admit your error take full responsibility and do not under any circumstances to can continue to put a false hope into the hearts of God's people he said face the facts be accountable before God and man take the hits that will be coming rightly so and humble yourself before the
- 02:38:14
- Lord and his people he said if you prophesied falsely you and you alone are to blame so very clear about that but but then he he does this program on and he basically says walk through a few of his arguments he says that there's a difference between a false prophet and one who falsely prophesies now we've kind of already dealt with that but but is that a valid argument is there a difference between someone who falsely prophesies in a genuine false prophet yeah
- 02:38:51
- I know what dr. Brown is trying to do there he's trying to put again the modern charismatic self -proclaimed prophet he's trying to put those individuals into a category in which fallible prophecy is allowable my contention against that is the scripture itself does not contain that category that category is an invention of a movement that is forced to find that that kind of category in order to make room for what is obvious to everyone and that is that their prophets get it wrong most of the time but biblically speaking that just doesn't pass muster the biblical standard is 100 % accuracy when you are delivering revelation from God and if you claim that you are delivering revelation from God to his people and the content of that supposed revelation is inaccurate
- 02:39:58
- Deuteronomy 18 and honestly the rest of scripture rise up in testimony against you that your claim is going to be false on its face you are not what you claim to be in so far as your content is proven to be false
- 02:40:16
- I appreciate the fact that dr. Brown wants to hold these individuals to account but the damage that is being done by those who claim to be prophets and yet make predictions that are proven to be false is massive and it's massive on two levels it's massive because it creates enormous confusion for people who are part of that movement who have been told that prophets are still active in the church today and then they suddenly wonder wait a second how could all of these prophets have gotten this wrong
- 02:40:53
- I mean how are you supposed to trust your spiritual leadership when your spiritual leadership says God told me this and then what they say
- 02:41:00
- God told you ends up being clearly wrong so enormous confusion and then the second major problem is that it also brings a massive reproach on the name of Christ and so for both those who are part of that movement who are deeply confused by it and then those who are part of the watching world who make a mockery out of Christianity out of the gospel out of the idea of God being sovereign over future events whatever it may be the testimony to a watching world is obliterated by this kind of tragic sham it's a charade is really what it is and so I I'm grateful that he's calling them to account but I wish he would go farther and repudiate the entire system upon which this confusion and this disparagement of the name of Christ is based indeed indeed and you know it really begs the question if if literally 100 % of the prophets were wrong about an event as monumental and as planned and known and scheduled as the
- 02:42:20
- United States presidential election 100 % of them got that wrong it really begs the question what good are they
- 02:42:26
- I mean what can you trust them on and and even after the electors were certified this is after January 6 many of the prophets were still saying oh
- 02:42:38
- Trump's still gonna get in God's gonna do a miracle and and even even after it was clear that Biden was going to be in they most of them doubled down on their error so it begs a question what what purpose do they serve what good are they well let me ask you about this another one of dr.
- 02:42:57
- Brown's arguments is that a false prophet is one who intentionally deceives people and Brown makes the argument in fact
- 02:43:09
- I'll quote from the same article from which I just read a minute ago he said of the prophets maybe you did not intend to mislead maybe you are acting in sincerity and integrity truly believing the
- 02:43:20
- Lord had spoken maybe you were so grieved over where the radical left was going that you prophesied what you desired maybe you sensed
- 02:43:28
- God's intent that's language not found in the Bible but maybe you sensed
- 02:43:33
- God's intent maybe you got caught up in the power of the group so you know maybe maybe maybe maybe this is what happened maybe this is why you did what you did and he makes the argument that yes they were obviously wrong but they were not intentionally wrong and a false prophet is one who is intentionally deceiving people in his argument is that these folks weren't intentionally trying to deceive people what would be what would be your response to that yeah my my response to that would be to say that sincerity is not part of the biblical test for determining the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet there are many in false religions who are sincere in their pursuit of that false religion but they are sincerely wrong what we're dealing with here is a claim that people are making that they are spokesmen or spokesman spokespeople for God that they are a mouthpiece for God and they are claiming to deliver revelatory content from God to his people the sincerity of that belief is irrelevant from a biblical standard from the standpoint of the biblical standard all that matters is whether or not their claim is true and you can test whether or not their claim is true based on those criteria that we talked about earlier doctrinal orthodoxy moral integrity and then to the point of what we're speaking about right now revelatory accuracy if I claim to be a prophet and I say this is what
- 02:45:17
- God says and then what comes out of my mouth next is not true then my claim that I am a spokesman for God is proven to be false the sincerity of that claim again is irrelevant right sincerity is not the issue truth is the issue yeah absolutely yeah and you and I are cessationist and that people hear that term a lot of people really don't understand what it means because it's been caricatured and as cessationist
- 02:45:54
- Nathan you and I would affirm the continuance of the spiritual gifts of teaching mercy administration exhortation hospitality giving those gifts absolutely continue to be operative in the church today we we simply believe that the apostolic gifts the sign gifts have ceased including prophecy in the sense of foretelling the future or speaking directly for God that that has ceased with the closing of the canon of Scripture the the closing of the apostolic age you and I are on the same page there right yeah we totally are so when we talk about those extraordinary gifts that characterized the foundation age of the church we're talking about sign gifts and revelatory gifts so the sign gifts are those gifts like gifts of healing and gifts of miracles that were given specifically to the
- 02:46:55
- Apostles but also to others during the apostolic age and they served as a sign to demonstrate powerfully to people that those who exercise those gifts were indeed empowered by God and that they were his messengers and then the revelatory gifts were given during this same period of time the apostolic age and they were given while the
- 02:47:18
- New Testament scriptures were being revealed and until the canon was complete and you know
- 02:47:24
- I think the one of the clearest passages in that regard is
- 02:47:30
- Ephesians 2 20 because in Ephesians 2 20 Paul makes it clear that the
- 02:47:35
- Apostles and the Prophets that they were given that those offices were given for the foundation of the church that the church is founded on the witness of the
- 02:47:48
- Apostles and the Prophets specifically their revelatory witness to Jesus Christ who is the cornerstone and so even you know sometimes
- 02:47:55
- Charismatics will look at Ephesians 4 11 and they'll see Apostles and Prophets as the first two of those five different offices that are listed and they'll assume that those are supposed to continue for the entire church age but what they fail to recognize is that back in chapter 3 verse 5 and then especially chapter 2 verse 20
- 02:48:15
- Paul has already made it clear that the expectation for Apostles and Prophets is that and chapter 3 verse 5 makes it clear that it's
- 02:48:24
- New Testament prophets who are being described there in Ephesians 2 20 that Apostles and Prophets were for the foundation age of the church only and so you're right as cessationists and you know it is regrettable sometimes that that term sounds so negative but really what we're saying is we're saying that God spoke through his
- 02:48:46
- Apostles and through his prophets for the foundation of the church that revelatory foundation is found in the
- 02:48:55
- New Testament which is where the knowledge of God is revealed to us that is all that we need for life and godliness second
- 02:49:03
- Peter chapter 1 and it is all that we need so that the man of God can be complete second
- 02:49:08
- Timothy 3 16 and 17 this idea that we need more revelation in addition to the
- 02:49:15
- Bible it really undercuts and undermines our commitment to scripture alone as our all -sufficient authority in terms of what
- 02:49:25
- God has revealed in his truth for the church age okay great yeah so along those lines
- 02:49:33
- Nathan what would you say because charismatic would point to say like Romans 12 6 the one who prophesies should prophesy according to the measure of his faith that's you know the rendering that they often cite that and and also first Thessalonians 5 20 and 21 where it says do not despise prophetic utterances so how do those texts square with what you just described as cessationism yeah so I'm glad you brought up those texts
- 02:50:05
- Romans chapter 12 verse 6 first Thessalonians 5 20 to 22 and then one more that I'll just add because it often gets added in this same category of taxes first Corinthians 14 29 where it's talking about prophecy within the congregation and saying that only one prophet should speak at a time and the others are to pass judgment and so let's start with Romans 12 6 so these passages are often used to again bolster the claim that New Testament prophecy is somehow different than Old Testament prophecy that there was a category of New Testament prophecy that was fallible prophecy or congregational prophecy and the idea when
- 02:50:51
- Romans 12 6 is if if my ability to prophesy is tied to the level of my faith then it makes sense that if if I have you know a lower level of faith than my prophecy might not be as accurate as somebody else who has a higher level of faith that's the way that that is often applied the issue in Romans 12 6 is that the
- 02:51:16
- Greek there doesn't actually say according to the measure of his faith that the
- 02:51:23
- Greek is according to the measure of the faith it's the definite article there in Greek it's not a personal possessive pronoun and so Romans 12 6 is better understood not as hey prophesy at the level of faith that you have you have 50 % faith you get 50 % accuracy that's not the right interpretation of Romans 12 6 it is that when a prophet prophesies and again
- 02:51:50
- Romans was written at a time when everyone agrees the gift of prophecy was active when a prophet delivers revelation from God that revelation from God must accord with the faith the body of doctrinal content once for all delivered to the
- 02:52:08
- Saints if it's inconsistent with the faith you know that there's something wrong it must be consistent with the faith so that's
- 02:52:17
- Romans 12 6 1st Thessalonians 5 20 to again written at a time when everyone agrees the gift of prophecy was active why would
- 02:52:27
- Paul tell the Thessalonians do not despise prophetic utterances it's because the Thessalonians had been burned by false prophets false prophets who had given them incorrect information about the coming of the day of the
- 02:52:39
- Lord and Paul has to set their eschatology straight and they're so burned by false prophets and so wary of anyone claiming to be a prophet that Paul has to say hey look if somebody comes to you and they're a genuine prophet listen to them and then he gives them this added instruction examine everything carefully or test everything carefully how are they supposed to do that well
- 02:53:06
- I believe they were supposed to do that in the same way that the Bereans did that in Acts 17 11 in fact it was right after Paul was in Thessalonica that he went to Berea and then the
- 02:53:16
- Bereans investigated searched the scriptures to see if these things were true and Luke says that they were noble for doing that so how do you examine revelatory or prophetic content how do you examine somebody says
- 02:53:30
- I have a message from God for you how do you know if that's true use you test it against what has been revealed in Scripture and then
- 02:53:39
- Paul goes on to say cling to that which is good and far too often that's where the charismatic stop quoting these verses but the very next phrase is important in verse 22
- 02:53:51
- Paul says avoid that which is evil which is to say that if someone claims to have a prophetic word from God and it is not actually from God it is in the category of evil that must be avoided just a couple more comments the issue in first Thessalonians 5 is not one prophet who says some things that are good and some things that are bad and you're trying to decide which was good and which was bad it's that you're actually testing the prophet himself to see if the prophet is a true prophet or a false prophet that's in keeping with the warnings throughout the
- 02:54:34
- New Testament starting with Jesus and Matthew 7 beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing and you will know them by their fruit so the danger of false prophets was a very real danger and the
- 02:54:45
- Thessalonians are to test what's being said so they can know the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet so this idea that you're gonna just kind of remember hearing one charismatic author say one time that it's like calling balls and strikes and you just kind of call it as you see it that is not what first Thessalonians 5 is about it's about discerning difference between true prophets and false prophets doing so against the standard of Scripture and avoiding as evil those who demonstrate themselves to be false prophets and then
- 02:55:20
- I would just say real quickly that's the same thing in 1st Corinthians 1429 when it says the others are to pass judgment the word that's used there is the
- 02:55:29
- Greek term the form of diacrino which is a term to pass judgment that almost always refers to passing judgment about people not about whether or not a message got some things right and some things wrong like we're doing some sort of sermon evaluation it's about actually passing judgment on whether this person is a true prophet or a false prophet because again in the first century the and even today all throughout church history the reality of the danger of false prophets was so predominant and so prevalent that the church always had to be on guard for those who would seek to creep in unnoticed and wreak havoc by claiming to be prophets when in fact they were not truly
- 02:56:16
- God spokesman that's very helpful very very helpful and you know in in reading all of these we have to keep in the context in which these instructions were written and as you said they were all of these directives were written in the age in which the prophetic was still an operation that in much the same vein that many people have pushed back against me when
- 02:56:45
- I say that tongues is no longer operative today I'll say well Paul said in 1st Corinthians 13 and 14 39 do not forbid to speak in tongues so how can you say tongues is no longer operative when
- 02:56:55
- Paul says we're not to forbid it and it's like well answer that as he was writing in a day and age in which the gift of tongues was still operative but it's not today so context very very helpful yeah and I would
- 02:57:10
- I would even add that point that you know really I think the simplest way to evaluate the modern charismatic movement in terms of their view of the gifts is to compare what's happening today to what was actually happening in the
- 02:57:27
- New Testament right so you take tongues for example tongues was real foreign languages you would never prevent someone from speaking in a real foreign language so do not forbid speaking in tongues
- 02:57:38
- I don't forbid people from speaking in real foreign languages but this idea of speaking a non -language gibberish well yeah it's gibberish the idea of speaking gibberish in church that's that's not something that is validated by the
- 02:57:57
- New Testament in any age right and so when you take the real thing the miraculous ability to speak in a language you never learned and compare it to the modern counterfeit the counterfeit becomes so evidently exposed as being something completely foreign to what the
- 02:58:19
- New Testament is speaking of and the same thing is true with prophecy if prophecy was 100 % accurate in everything that it portrayed when a prophet spoke from God he spoke with absolute precision and total accuracy and you compare that to what's happening in the modern charismatic movement it's clear that even though they're using the same terminology tongues prophecy and same thing is true with healing what they are doing today simply cannot match up with the biblical standard
- 02:58:51
- Old Testament or New Testament and when people begin to understand that I think the light of Scripture exposes the error for what it actually is a cheap counterfeit yeah indeed indeed absolutely there yeah what's being portrayed today in the modern charismatic movement is apostolic or signed gifts it bears no resemblance to what we read in the
- 02:59:16
- New Testament not not at all and if all of those gifts were still operative today then the charismatics wouldn't have to spend so much time trying to prove that they are it would be just Justin if those gifts were still operative today you and I would not be cessationist that's right all we are doing is pointing out the obvious reality that what was happening in the
- 02:59:44
- New Testament the Apostle speaking in languages they never heard before prophets predicting things that they could have never known unless God had revealed it to them and doing it with a hundred percent accuracy and then
- 02:59:57
- Christ and his disciples healing people of diseases in a way that was immediate and public and resulted in permanent full healing for the recipient if that kind of activity what's described in the
- 03:00:14
- New Testament was still active today we would all be continuationists yeah but because we take what was happening in the
- 03:00:21
- New Testament seriously we're gonna hold anything that claims to still be that we're gonna hold it to that standard when it doesn't meet that standard we're willing to say hey
- 03:00:34
- I know you guys are calling it the same thing but it's not the same thing not tongues and inaccurate predictions are not prophecy and you know the the failed claims of the faith healer are not the biblical gift of healing
- 03:00:55
- I realize that a lot of people in that movement are very sincere but their sincerity is based at best in confusion and at worst in just deception yeah yeah and you and I both would just plead with people to to evaluate these things not by feelings not by emotions but by the authoritative
- 03:01:19
- Word of God and and place your trust not in these the vain imaginations of these false prophets their their dreams and visions that they claim to have that they're they're not from God I mean everybody gets we all dream that doesn't mean it's from God and and we have a prophetic word more sure as the
- 03:01:37
- Apostle Peter said and that is the written Word of God so Nathan dr.
- 03:01:44
- booze this thank you Justin just one thought on that you know we mentioned acts to earlier and a lot of charismatics think you know because Peter quoted from Joel chapter 2 at the beginning of his sermon in Acts chapter 2 that the phenomena that are described there that they necessarily will characterize the entire church age but the reality is if you look at those verses
- 03:02:08
- Peter also talks about the cosmic signs that they're all you know the
- 03:02:13
- Sun turns dark and the blood and the moon turns to blood and he talks about the cosmic signs everyone understands that those cosmic signs do not characterize the entire church age they only characterize the end of the church age well the the charismatic signs or the prophecy and the visions and the dreams and all that's talked about that characterizes the beginning of the church age and so you have the beginning of the church age characterized by one part of Joel's prophecy and then the end of the church age characterized by the other part of the of Joel's prophecy these are bookends right and by not understanding that they they read into Joel's prophecy something that then leads to this again this confusion
- 03:03:06
- I I will I will say this maybe just as a last thought I would echo your plea to those who are watching this to be like the
- 03:03:18
- Bereans in Acts 1711 and to search the scriptures because in evaluating that which claims to come from the
- 03:03:27
- Holy Spirit we need to go to that which we know comes from the Holy Spirit which is the prophetic word more sure than our experience and we need to submit ourselves to that word and seek the truth that God has revealed there and use that as the standard by which we evaluate anything or anyone else who claims to speak for God indeed good work brother thank you very much
- 03:03:55
- Nathan I really appreciate your time and sharing these things with us and I believe it will be a big help to many many who view this interview thank you so very much and and as we close are there any resources that you would recommend to our viewers along these lines yeah thanks
- 03:04:14
- Justin you know the videos from the strange fire conference that we did back in 2013 are available on the grace to you website at gty .org
- 03:04:25
- and certainly would recommend those for those who really want to do a deeper dive into the biblical arguments
- 03:04:35
- I would highly recommend to you a book by a man named Thomas Edgar wrote a book called satisfied by the promise of the spirit it is an excellent deep dive into the biblical arguments that some of which we've been talking about today but it goes through all of these passages and shows why these passages cannot be interpreted in the way that many charismatics want to interpret them and then of course at a more popular level the strange fire book that came out of that conference is also a good resource so those would be a few recommendations all right excellent excellent and friends for those of you are watching and you would like to see dr.
- 03:05:17
- business full presentation it is on it is entitled a word from the
- 03:05:22
- Lord evaluating the modern gift of prophecy an excellent excellent resource well good afternoon my name is
- 03:05:35
- Nathan Busenitz and the title of our seminar this afternoon is a word from the
- 03:05:40
- Lord evaluating the modern gift of prophecy so Nathan brother
- 03:05:47
- I appreciate your contribution appreciate your friendship and thank you very much brother may God bless you all right thank you
- 03:05:54
- Justin well dear ones I hope that interview was helpful and encouraging for you I know it was for me
- 03:06:00
- I really appreciate dr. busenitz taking his time and helping us to think through all of these issues with biblical clarity he did a great job and if there are any young men who happen to be watching this video and maybe you are considering seminary at some point in your near or intermediate future
- 03:06:18
- I would highly encourage you to check out the master seminary out there in Los Angeles California if I could go back and do seminary all over again no doubt that is where I would go so TMS edu and no they did not ask me to do that plug for them
- 03:06:35
- I just do it because I believe in those guys out there and they do a good job okay so let's turn a here some of you may be wondering well didn't some of these prophets come out and apologize for their false prophecies and doesn't make that doesn't that make everything okay now and we can trust them again since they have apologized so let's look at that a few of them have apologized
- 03:06:59
- Jeremiah Johnson Sean Bolts and Chris Vallotton are some of the more prominent ones so I want us to look at some of this and let's start with Jeremiah Johnson you remember
- 03:07:09
- Jeremiah Johnson is the one who of course prophesied that Trump would win and even after the election multiple days after the election he doubled down on he said every prophet
- 03:07:19
- I know is standing there all in 100 % agreement that Trump is going to win he was saying this after the election as someone who is in touch with all the prophets in America who have prophesied that Donald Trump would win a second term they're not giving an inch they're not willing to budge they're not willing to repent all of us are unanimous believing the word that God spoke to us that Trump indeed would win a reelection and so on January the 7th
- 03:07:53
- Jeremiah Johnson puts up this public letter of apology and quote -unquote repentance and dr.
- 03:07:59
- Michael Brown linked to this to help him get the word out and so I want to I want us to look at this
- 03:08:05
- Jeremiah Johnson writes my aim in this public apology is twofold first I would like to repent for inaccurately prophesying that Donald Trump would win a second term as president of the
- 03:08:16
- United States I refuse to blame the Saints and say it didn't come to pass because they did not pray enough nor will
- 03:08:23
- I proclaim Donald Trump actually won so I was right but now it has been stolen from him
- 03:08:28
- I believe the first statement seeks to alleviate the prophetic messenger from the responsibility of what he prophesied and the second statement is filled with potential pride and an unwillingness to humble himself and admit he was wrong
- 03:08:40
- I want to go on record I was wrong I am deeply sorry and I ask for your forgiveness
- 03:08:46
- I specifically want to apologize to any believer in whom I have now caused potential doubt concerning the voice of God and his ability to speak to his people as a human being
- 03:08:57
- I missed what God was saying however rest assured God himself is not a liar and his written word should always be the foundation and source of our lives as Christians so you know in and of itself much of this sounds good he's not he's not shifting the blame he's not saying well
- 03:09:15
- Trump really won it was just stolen from him like a lot of the prophets are saying he's he's owning it and saying
- 03:09:20
- I missed it I'm sorry please forgive me it sounds good but there's still a lot of problems here notice he says that he wants to apologize to any believer in whom
- 03:09:32
- I have now caused potential doubt concerning the voice of God and his ability his ability to speak to his people well that's one of the fundamental issues here isn't it because difference
- 03:09:42
- God has no problem in speaking clearly to his people nowhere in the
- 03:09:49
- Bible Old or New Testament will you see anyone saying something like oh you know oh
- 03:09:56
- I just was was that you Lord or was that me you know what I just heard a voice what was that you or was that me or was that the the pizza
- 03:10:06
- I ate tonight nowhere in the Bible do you find anyone to whom God was speaking expressing any doubt as to exactly what
- 03:10:16
- God was saying now some of my more astute Bible scholars that are watching me right now you may be thinking well wait a minute what about Samuel back in back in the
- 03:10:29
- Old Testament yeah the boy a couple of points with that Samuel was a boy and also when you read the text carefully notice it says that a word from the
- 03:10:40
- Lord was rare in those days and visions were infrequent a lot of times we have this idea that God was just speaking to people all the time throughout the biblical days and he really wasn't there were long long long stretches of times when
- 03:10:56
- God oftentimes did not say anything and this is one of those times a word from the Lord was rare in those days so it was very unexpected and so that's one thing
- 03:11:07
- Samuel was a boy the other thing and a third thing even though a word from the
- 03:11:13
- Lord was rare in those days and Samuel was just a boy Samuel still knew exactly what
- 03:11:19
- God was saying God was calling his name he just at first didn't know who was saying it but he knew exactly what
- 03:11:26
- God was saying so you can't take Samuel and use that as some excuse oh well you know it's just sometimes we know when
- 03:11:34
- God is speaking to us sometimes we don't know it's just not that's just not the case you cannot make that point even in the
- 03:11:40
- New Testament when the Holy Spirit spoke he spoke with crystal clear clarity set apart for me
- 03:11:48
- Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them God does not stutter he does not whisper
- 03:11:55
- God doesn't whisper again a little plug for that excellent book God does not have any difficulty in speaking to his people when he chooses to do so but apparently literally 100 % of the prophets today are having enormous difficulty in hearing
- 03:12:13
- God problems not with God problem is with them and the fundamental problem is is that God is not speaking us to us today outside of his word so now that sounded good but he then goes on to explain how he came to such a wrong understanding of what
- 03:12:32
- God was supposedly telling him in fact it gives you kind of like a prophetic timeline he starts in the summer of 2015 talking about this prophecy that he supposedly got from God that Trump would be would be the president would win his first election and in fact this prophecy says quote
- 03:12:49
- Trump shall become a trumpet to the American people that is so overused so many of the prophets are playing off of Donald Trump's last name
- 03:12:57
- Trump trumpet you know it's a it's really common so that's I'm not impressed with that then he goes to January then he starts to relate to you dream after dream after dream after dream that he had with Donald Trump in January of 2018 he had a dream of Donald Trump's right hand and yes
- 03:13:17
- I know I'm showing you my left hand but my right hand doesn't work too well but Donald Trump's right hand becoming an iron fist and God spoke to him about Donald Trump's grip is going to tighten and the liberal agenda is going to lose its grip so he relates that dream he says and then the following night
- 03:13:35
- I received another prophetic dream it's kind of funny let me go up here he says uh he says that he has always ever since his youth he has had a lot of dreams he said he dreams almost every night well who doesn't all of us dream practically every night in fact as long as you go into a deep sleep you know like stage 4
- 03:13:59
- REM you're dreaming you may not remember it the next morning but but you're dreaming we all dream dreams are just dreams they're not coming from God Hebrews 1 1 & 2 makes it very clear but he goes on January of 2019 oh this is where he says
- 03:14:16
- I had as a nightly dreamer since the days of my youth he goes on to give you another dream about how he's in a boat with Donald Trump and he's in a swamp and there are alligators attacking them in their boat well you know
- 03:14:30
- Donald Trump draining the swamp and that whole thing of course that's so overused as well it just goes on dream after dream so again he keeps
- 03:14:39
- I was good December of 2019 I was given a prophetic dream so this one is about Donald Trump running the
- 03:14:48
- Boston Marathon and then there were he stumbled in the Boston Marathon and then there were two older women one with one with a cane and one with a walker who slipped through security to come to the president's aid you know
- 03:15:03
- I mean he he does exactly what I was talking about earlier in this video he spends his time exegeting dreams exegeting visions not scripture charismatics aren't known for that at all on any level they spend far more time exegeting their dreams and visions to you than their scriptures
- 03:15:23
- Sean Boltz also prophesied you remember Sean Boltz Sean Boltz is the
- 03:15:29
- Google prophet but on January the 8th two days after the electors were certified two days after the riots
- 03:15:37
- Sean Boltz I guess finally figured out that yeah Joe Biden's gonna be president may as well fess up and he says quote
- 03:15:44
- I was obviously wrong about my prophecy about President Trump getting another term obviously
- 03:15:49
- I am truly sorry as I am growing in this prophetic journey and was not accurate about something so big in this season as I am holding myself accountable
- 03:15:59
- I am going to stay out of public political prophetic words and grow in my closeness to Jesus thanks to all who have grace for my own journey of faith the prophetic is real regardless of my miss in the same season of such a big miss
- 03:16:14
- I have had some of the most marvelous fulfillment of prophecies in my entire career and it's hard when something like this is so wrong
- 03:16:22
- I am soul -searching and praying thank God we are in the New Testament grace of Jesus God is good and so even in his apology he's still making excuses he's still saying that he is seeing incredible fulfillments of amazing prophecies even right now even though he missed something so big and he says but he says he's gonna stay away from the public political prophetic words well maybe he's gonna shy away from the political prophecy
- 03:16:55
- I suppose but he's certainly not shying away from the prophetic in fact just read to you a couple of tweets from very recently this is after his public apology on January the 18th
- 03:17:09
- Sean Boltz says we live in a time where prophetic ministry is needed now more than ever before but let's answer the question what is prophetic ministry prophetic ministry isn't just hearing from God or the basic gift that we all have it's not profit blah blah blah so he says prophetic ministry still needed now more than ever before on January the 22nd he says what does
- 03:17:30
- God have for us in 2021 and how do we move forward join Sean Boltz and Rabbi Jason Sobel on Friday January 29th 4 p .m.
- 03:17:39
- Pacific they will be sharing about the spiritual and prophetic significance of both 2021 in the
- 03:17:46
- Hebrew year 5781 so I mean full steam forward with the prophetic it does not seem to occur to him that he has absolutely no prophetic ability whatsoever that he can miss something in his own words something so big in fact his whole ministry his entire ministry is about the prophetic
- 03:18:08
- I went to his website just now and here's a few screenshots of his resources and I'm not
- 03:18:14
- I'm not being selective here this is what he's got God's secrets keys to heaven's economy you know developing a lifestyle by words of knowledge and then you've got the prophetic 101 mini e -course prophetic 101 e -course hearing
- 03:18:32
- God's voice in your marriage e -course modern prophets translating
- 03:18:39
- God you know almost everything he's got is about prophecy and hearing the voice of God he's got another resource called
- 03:18:49
- God's secrets a book and entitled God's secrets you know what this this is
- 03:18:54
- Gnosticism as I said earlier the secret divine revelation knowledge this is a modern -day version warmed over version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism he's even got a book for kids on how to hear the voice of God so he he can't hear of God's voice apparently but he's gonna teach your kids how to a number of years ago my wife
- 03:19:16
- Kathy and I were talking about this and she made an excellent point and I've used it often but she pointed out that in every area of our lives we seek out the best right we want the best plumber to fix our leaky sink we want the best roofer to put a roof on our house we want the best mechanic to fix our car we want the best doctor to give us health care we seek out the best in every area of our life you know you wouldn't take your car to a mechanic whom you know nine out of every ten cars he works on breaks down before they get out of the parking lot you wouldn't let a surgeon perform surgery on you if you knew that 90 % of the patients that he has don't make it out of the operating room alive you wouldn't go to a roofer to put a roof on your house if you knew that nine out of every ten roofs he puts on within a year are leaking we don't do that we seek out the best in every area of our lives except the nurturing and feeding and shepherding of our eternal souls when it comes to that oh anything will do you know when it comes to the area that is by far the most important you know
- 03:20:36
- Joel Osteen I mean maybe there's some others that know a bit more about the
- 03:20:41
- Bible than he does but you know Joel Osteen he's so nice and he just smiles all the time he makes me just feel so good about myself and you know and I just really like that you know we don't settle for mediocrity and Joel Osteen is not even mediocre but we don't sell settle for mediocrity in any other area of our life why would you go to learn about the prophetic and learn how to hear the voice of God from someone who can't prophesy and can't hear the
- 03:21:11
- Word of God the voice of God which makes no sense dear friends the one area that is by far the most important we must and should and should want to seek out men who are knowledgeable in the scriptures proficient in the scriptures know how to rightly divide the word of truth and are not bringing reproach upon the name of Christ by putting words in his mouth that he did not say
- 03:21:43
- I thought that was a great illustration by my wife Kathy he who finds a wife finds a good thing okay okay so Chris Vallotton is one of the senior leaders at Bethel Church pastored by Bill Johnson there in Redding California he's one of the associate pastors but one of the top guys there also the co -founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry which will be a subject matter for a future video of mine but Chris Vallotton like all the others prophesied very clearly very forthrightly that Donald Trump would win the
- 03:22:19
- United States presidential election but then when he didn't November 3rd a few days after that Chris Vallotton put up an apology video apologizing for his false prophecy so I want to read to you from this article this is from record searchlight the title
- 03:22:38
- Bethel Church leader Chris Vallotton reposts election prophecy apology video so I want to read this to you he says the article says
- 03:22:47
- Bethel senior Bethel Church senior associate Chris Vallotton has made good on his word and reposted a video apologizing for prophesying
- 03:22:56
- Donald Trump would win a second term Vallotton who co -founded Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry put the video back up Friday night two days after the violent siege on the
- 03:23:06
- US Capitol by Trump supporters originally Vallotton posted the apology video the
- 03:23:12
- Saturday after the November 3rd election but the church leader took the video down saying he did more research and decided to wait for the official vote count because it appears there is significant a significant amount of discrepancy in the process however he said he would repost the apology if the outcome of the election did not change after Congress confirmed
- 03:23:35
- President -elect Joe Biden's victory last week referring to January the 6th the record searchlight asked
- 03:23:41
- Vallotton last Thursday morning if now that the results were official would he repost his video
- 03:23:47
- Vallotton said stay tuned in an email the video and Vallotton's decision to take it down received national attention and coverage from various publications including
- 03:23:57
- Christian Post Vallotton congratulates Biden in the video says he will be praying for him all these years
- 03:24:04
- I've been praying for presidents I just want to say I pray for your success Vallotton then apologizes for missing the prophecy about Donald Trump he says
- 03:24:13
- I take full responsibility for being wrong there's no excuse for it I think it doesn't make me a false prophet yeah it does it goes on but it does create a credibility cap no kidding a lot of people trust me trust my ministry and I want to say
- 03:24:29
- I'm very sorry for everyone who put their trust in me Vallotton says he has never had to apologize for making a bad prophecy but he said he wants to be held accountable for the mistake says
- 03:24:40
- I know I will learn from it this was a very big mistake da da da he says it's humiliating and he's not mad because Biden became president
- 03:24:49
- Vallotton says he's humbled I'm sure some of you have questions maybe over the next couple of weeks we'll talk about it so there it is so Chris Vallotton put up an apology video a few days after the election then when it seemed like Trump might have a shot at it after all he pulled his apology down said he would repost it if Biden did win
- 03:25:10
- I did win officially January 6 we put the vote the apology video back up is that confusing let's just say for the sake of kicks and giggles let's just say we are still in the prophetic age and there are still modern -day prophets which there aren't but let's just say that they are why in the world would you put your trust in a prophet whose prophetic convictions change with the wind that God doesn't know if he's foot or horseback he doesn't know if he's coming or going
- 03:25:42
- I mean he I mean put the apology up take it out put it back up again he doesn't know he's not hearing from God none of these people are hearing from God but this is the fundamental problem is that the entire charismatic movement is based on this belief that God is still speaking to people in a direct quotable sense outside of Scripture friends he's not even
- 03:26:08
- Michael Brown I shouldn't say even Michael Brown I guess I should say could say especially Michael Brown but dr.
- 03:26:14
- Michael Brown also believes that God is speaking to people in a direct quotable sense outside of Scripture now to his credit he says that God's not doing it nearly as often as what many people these prophets anyway well that's patently obvious but he does believe that God is still speaking to people outside of Scripture and God is still giving prophecies today in fact
- 03:26:37
- I want to show you this is a just a little excerpt from one of his articles now this article dr.
- 03:26:43
- Brown wrote in the wake of the first prophetic face plan of 2020 when none of the prophets all kovat coming and then after it came and everybody knew about it they prophesied that it would go away or at least be severely diminished by Passover April of 2020 that didn't happen and so he wrote an article acknowledging that face plant but as part of his article he still supports it gave some anecdotes rather to support his belief that God is still speaking to people in a direct quotable sense outside of Scripture and in one of these examples that he gives reads like this he says a powerful woman of prayer was asked to speak at a church banquet and on the way there she heard the
- 03:27:23
- Spirit capital S say to her heart quote I want you to bring a prophetic word to each person there when she arrived there was a table with about 12 people sitting there and so she thought to herself
- 03:27:35
- I can bring a word to each of these 12 then some doors swung open and to her surprise there were about 300 people seated at other tables she thought to herself how can
- 03:27:46
- I possibly bring a prophetic word to all these people now I'm just gonna say right on that that just doesn't pass the smell test to me
- 03:27:54
- I mean when you go to a meeting some kind of a Christian meeting or a church banquet
- 03:27:59
- I think you've got a pretty good idea you know at least the general number of people are there's a big difference between 12 people being there and 300 but so I mean right off the bat this just doesn't seem plausible but anyway at that moment she noticed a silver -haired woman seated in that front table and received this message for her keep on trucking what she's supposed to tell an old woman that Lord saying keep on trucking but she couldn't shake the feeling and she went ahead and said to her the
- 03:28:29
- Lord says keep on trucking the whole place instantly erupted with shouts of shouts and applause the prophetic word was for all of them you see this elderly woman had recently lost her husband who owned a large trucking company the widow had asked the church to pray for wisdom in the matter should she keep the company going or not
- 03:28:48
- God answered their prayers directly with a very clear word our Father cares enough to do things like this friends
- 03:28:56
- I'm sorry God just doesn't talk like that I mean what else did
- 03:29:02
- God say breaker one nine this here's a rubber duck you got your ears on I mean God just doesn't talk like that dear ones these people are putting words in God's mouth that he did not say if you have to wonder whether or not
- 03:29:17
- God spoke to you he didn't okay if you have to wonder whether or not God spoke to you he didn't he speaks to us in his word and when dr.
- 03:29:28
- Brown says that God cares enough to do things like this friends of course he cares enough
- 03:29:35
- I mean first Peter 5 7 humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God so that he may exalt you at the proper time casting all of your anxiety upon him for he cares for you and the best rendering and understanding of that in the
- 03:29:49
- Greek is literally it matters to him about you it matters to him about you and so that's not the issue of course he cares for us but friends he cares for us enough to give us this
- 03:30:03
- I mean I know he cares for me I don't need God to tell me to keep on trucking or anything else like that I know
- 03:30:12
- God cares for me because his word tells me he cares for me this is enough this is enough
- 03:30:20
- I don't need some word of knowledge or some prophecy from anybody to tell me that hey you know
- 03:30:27
- Justin God God told me to tell you that he really cares for you I know he cares for me it's right here in black and white and for all these people who say well you know yeah the
- 03:30:39
- Bible is the Word of God but you know I just need something more I need the Bible is good but I yearn for something more that's what
- 03:30:46
- Sarah Young says in her book Jesus Calling I quote I knew that God communicated with me through the
- 03:30:52
- Bible but I yearned for more here's my question for all those people who say that they need something more than the
- 03:30:59
- Bible have you squeezed every drop of truth there is to be squeezed out of this book have you mastered this book from Genesis 1 1 to Revelation 22 21 you have mastered it you have you have squeezed every drop of truth there is to be squeezed there is to be wrung out of this book you have mastered it all from cover to cover if the answer that is no and it is because friends none of us have completely mastered this but we could all spend a thousand lifetimes studying this book and just scratch the surface so if the answer that question is no and it is then please don't tell me the
- 03:31:43
- Bible's not enough you don't even understand what you have in black and white right in front of you don't tell me the
- 03:31:51
- Bible's not enough it is enough and that's the whole issue for those of us who are cessationists
- 03:32:00
- Scripture is sufficient it is sufficient but when you take the charismatic position it's not and I know people would push back against that and dr.
- 03:32:10
- Brown would push back against that fact of the matter is though if you believe that God is still speaking today in a direct quotable sense outside of Scripture giving dreams getting giving visions words of knowledge telling people to keep on trucking well the
- 03:32:23
- Bible doesn't tell me to keep on trucking I mean doesn't use that language so I guess I need God to tell me that outside of Scripture so all of this if you take that position the sufficiency of Scripture is out the window it's gone they are two mutually exclusive positions okay so I want you to I want to I want to show you a brief video of a clip rather of Chris Vallotton in his explanation of his false prophecy and then apology apologizing and then taking it back and then putting it back up in the body of Christ for everybody here we're talking about prophecy and prophets that prophecy and prophets were never meant to live in the world of infallibility and the truth is when we create a system where we believe that people are supposed to be infallible think about how crazy that is like are we actually saying that there's a certain title that you wear that means that everything you say should be taken as being infallible you are infallible straw man argument dr.
- 03:33:28
- Busenitz and I talked about that in our interview it is not that a true prophet was completely infallible and everything that he did and dr.
- 03:33:36
- Busenitz gave the example of Nathan when Nathan the true prophet gave his opinion his opinion happened to be on that occasion at least wrong but when when a prophet says thus saith the
- 03:33:48
- Lord or a prophet is saying this is what God is telling me quote da da da to do it like they do all the time nowadays you better be right 100 % yes and that yes you are held to infallibility you must be 100 % correct if you're not your false prophet
- 03:34:06
- I'd like to point out there is no place in the New Testament when when
- 03:34:12
- Jesus warned about false prophets or when John in first John 4 talked about false prophets did they ever say that a false prophet is false because he gave inaccurate prophetic words another straw man argument
- 03:34:26
- Deuteronomy 18 very clearly lays this parameter out for a false prophet who does
- 03:34:32
- Chris Vallotton think wrote Deuteronomy 18 who does he think inspired that yeah
- 03:34:38
- Christ the argument he just used there is the exact same argument that liberal theologians make when they say oh well
- 03:34:45
- Jesus never said anything about homosexuality it's the exact same argument and it's a straw man argument it's a false argument it's a very dangerous argument just go look at it it's all about heart and I wouldn't be putting too much confidence in my heart you know what
- 03:35:01
- Jeremiah said a real prophet Jeremiah said about that yeah and false prophets are people who lead people astray on purpose okay now
- 03:35:11
- I want to deal with this objection just a little bit more fully we've kind of dealt with it somewhat but I want to flesh this out a little bit more than what we've already done
- 03:35:19
- Chris Vallotton and dr. Michael Brown and all these others they keep saying that a false teacher is one who is intentionally and knowingly trying to deceive you and we've already seen how from from Sean Boltz that he gets his words of knowledge from Wi -Fi
- 03:35:35
- Google profit so that is intentional deception Todd White when he pulls people's legs that is intentional deception and some of these people that you see in the charismatic world they're they're out -and -out charlatans
- 03:35:48
- I mean complete frauds and they know they are there's not an ounce of sincerity in them people like Robert Tilton and Don Stewart and Peter Popoff and some of these people that are that are so bad
- 03:36:01
- TBN won't even put them on but some others would fall under the yes they are intentionally deceiving you but there's still a part of them that thinks that they are doing the right thing
- 03:36:13
- I want to bring your attention to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 13 the
- 03:36:18
- Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God says that that evil men and imposters will grow from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived notice that deceiving and being deceived some of these people as I said out -and -out charlatans hucksters not an ounce of sincerity in them most of them
- 03:36:42
- I believe fall under the 2nd Timothy 3 13 category yes they are intentionally trying to deceive you
- 03:36:49
- I believe that Sean Boltz is intentionally trying to deceive you I believe it many times
- 03:36:54
- Chris Ballatin is intentionally trying to deceive you he must be because he knows that the signs and wonders that they claim are happening and taking place at the
- 03:37:03
- Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry which he co -founded are not actually happening Bill Johnson Kenneth Copeland all these others
- 03:37:09
- Benny Hinn I believe is a good example of this yes they are intentionally deceiving you
- 03:37:15
- Benny Hinn knows that the people that he claims are healed on his platform in his healing crusades he knows they are not truly healed he knows that they are in he is intentionally deceiving you in that he knows that his father was never never the mayor of Jaffa Israel he knows that he did not go into a hospital in Sault Ste.
- 03:37:36
- Marie Ontario Canada Canada along with an Episcopal priest and heal everybody in the hospital he knows that he is told lie after lie after lie after lie major lies about major events in his own life ministry he is intentionally deceiving you all these others are but there is also a part of them that is being deceived themselves
- 03:38:00
- I believe that Benny Hinn even though he is intentionally deceiving people it has been doing so for over 40 years there's a part of him that believes at some level that he's doing the right thing that he's actually serving the
- 03:38:16
- Lord in some way and I'm sure that's true for Chris Vallotton and Bill Johnson and Kenneth Copeland there have you ever heard it that if you tell a lie often enough you begin to believe it yourself so most of these people fall under that second
- 03:38:32
- Timothy 313 category yes they are intentionally deceiving you but they are also at some level being deceived themselves both of those dynamics can be at work in the same person okay dear ones
- 03:38:46
- I will now want to show you a few clips from a recent Sid Roth program he put this up on January the 27th this is a full week after Biden's inauguration of course
- 03:38:56
- Sid Roth is the one who gave many not all but many of these false prophets a platform to utter all of their false prophecies over the last year going back further than that but when that's what we're focusing on the last year and so he obviously had to say something right and so finally a week after the inauguration he did and someone reminded me
- 03:39:22
- I think was last night and they said Sid remember this you only have an audience of one and that's
- 03:39:35
- God he's the only one you have to please he is right about that we do have an audience of one but friends that should terrify him
- 03:39:47
- God holds his name and his word above all things Psalm 138 verse 2 he does not take lightly false prophets false prophecies people putting words in his mouth that he did not say
- 03:40:03
- Sid Roth truly does not grasp the magnitude of the reproach that he and all these other false prophets have brought upon the name of Christ he does not get it none of these people get it the sad reality is that the vast vast vast majority of charismatic simply do not think it's a big deal to do this kind of stuff they really don't think it's a big deal to utter false prophecies and put words in God's mouth he did not say you know they just think oh well it's a mistake and you apologize and you move forward no it's not just a mistake
- 03:40:44
- I mean taking a wrong turn is a mistake leaving the milk out of the refrigerator overnight that's a that's a mistake false prophecies are huge putting words in God's mouth is a big big deal
- 03:41:02
- God prescribed the death penalty for that in the Old Testament in the only reason that Sid Roth and all these others have not been stoned a long time ago is that thankfully for them we're living on this side of the cross we're no longer in a in an
- 03:41:19
- Old Testament theocracy Old Testament theocracy of Israel but God's standard has not changed his character and his nature has not changed he still holds his name and his word above all things and just so everyone understands we're not talking here about making an error in our teaching like I'm a preacher
- 03:41:42
- I am NOT saying at all that I have never made a mistake in something that I have taught or and I have no doubt that somewhere in my theology
- 03:41:51
- I've got something wrong none of the fundamentals you know but you know somewhere all of us has something wrong for example
- 03:42:00
- I personally do not believe that Matthias was a real
- 03:42:06
- Apostle I think the Apostles kind of jumped the gun a little bit in trying to find a replacement for Judas what they could not have known at the time was that later down the road
- 03:42:14
- Saul of all people Saul would be but would come Judas replacement and of course be known as Paul so I think they jumped the gun with Matthias I don't
- 03:42:25
- I don't think when I get to heaven and I see those twelve foundation stones that Matthias his name is going to be on one of them it's hard for me to imagine that Matthias his name will be there and not
- 03:42:37
- Paul's but at any rate you know not everybody agrees with me on that Jim Osman one of my best friends
- 03:42:45
- I have as much respect for Jim Osman as a preacher as I do anyone on the face of this earth
- 03:42:51
- Jim disagrees with me on that he thinks Matthias is or was a real
- 03:42:57
- Apostle and you know what that's okay Jim can be wrong about that and you know we still have fellowship in Christ it's not a big deal you know that of course you know either he's wrong or I'm wrong we're not talking about minor things like this we're not even talking about your eschatology and it's not that eschatology is not an important issue it is important but it's not a salvific issue it's not you know
- 03:43:24
- John MacArthur and R .C. Sproul absolutely united on the gospel but they did have different eschatological viewpoints but they still loved each other and partnered with one another in in the gospel so we're not talking about making a mistake or having an error at some you know in some area of our theology that that's one thing and and that is to be expected all of us have that but I can honestly tell you dear friends one thing that I have never done and never will do is say that God has spoken to me and told me quote duh -duh -duh -duh -duh
- 03:44:06
- God has told me to tell you or I am prophesying this thus sayeth the Lord I have never done that I never will do that that is blasphemy of the highest order and these people do it all the time that is the theological distinctive of the charismatic movement and it is just it is like water off a duck's back for them it is no big deal they utter dozens and dozens and dozens hundreds thousands of false prophecies and they just keep on going doesn't even bother them that's a big deal as you know
- 03:44:47
- I am an investigative reporter and we do such a thorough job of investigating our guests and reading books and just all the steps that we do it's actually in a sense because of the number of guests we have ridiculous you have no idea how many guests are eliminated for doctrinal reasons or for just things we feel the book won't be that good for you friends when
- 03:45:29
- I heard him say that that you have no idea how many people we turn away because you know we really vet them and we turn them away for doctrinal issues and all these things you know they really check out their guests
- 03:45:39
- I nearly fell out of my chair that is gobsmacking to me as I said earlier in this video
- 03:45:48
- Sid Roth has the looniest of loony and I just want to show you some of this so I went to Sid Roth's YouTube channel and I just took some screenshots of some recent programs that he has put up I just want to read through some of the titles of this okay you ready are you are you sitting down okay people are healed when he plays his violin how to hear
- 03:46:11
- God talk to you I met Michael the Archangel and he taught me heavenly secrets that's what the word is it's left out there this one from Sean Boltz God has secrets and I'll show you how to unlock them you see all the see all the secret motif that's
- 03:46:25
- Gnosticism and Sean Boltz's secret is to have a good Wi -Fi signal
- 03:46:31
- Satan brought me to hell to make me his son I walked into Jesus's eyes a woman grew five inches taller before my eyes healing breaks out when she sings you would think that would be a best -selling album now wouldn't you she can get drunk without alcohol diseases disappear when she swings her sword are you kidding me really so this woman
- 03:46:58
- I've seen the episode by this way this woman has this great big old sword and when she swings her sword around supposedly people get healed are you kidding me you know what
- 03:47:07
- Sid Roth's program is what Babylon B wants to be when it grows up Babylon B ain't got nothing on Sid Roth nothing this
- 03:47:21
- West African King has seen eight people raised from the dead yeah all these reports of people being raised from the dead in Africa yeah that that's that's that's fake news that's anyway what
- 03:47:34
- Jesus did to me in heaven made me weep cancer dies in his healing rooms if that were true if cancer really died in this guy's healing rooms you wouldn't be able to fit people in those healing rooms with a shoehorn see that's that's the reason that that's why
- 03:47:51
- Nathan and I dr. business I said what we did if if all of the apostolic gifts were still in operation the charismatics wouldn't have to go to such lengths to try to prove that they are it would be so patently obvious that moment when an angel came and stood on our bed face to face with a shape -shifting witch doctor has your healing not manifested this may be the reason so if you if you're not healed if you're sick it's your fault it's something you're not doing it's your lack of faith are you sick of being sick it's time you tried this how to position yourself for supernatural wealth transfer you think
- 03:48:30
- Sid Roth didn't health and wealth of course he is I saw Jesus in a blue mist who hasn't seen
- 03:48:37
- Jesus in a blue mist a kid takes off and flies at my meeting I saw skittles dropping from heaven you know how
- 03:48:45
- I know that's not true because skittles would if heaven were gonna drop candy it would be
- 03:48:52
- M &Ms not skittles a heavenly elevator took
- 03:48:58
- Kevin Zadai up to see this God supernaturally transports him across the earth so so God just got takes this guy and flies him around the world
- 03:49:06
- Superman Jesus taught me the Warriors dance in heaven lady
- 03:49:12
- I've seen that most of these episodes I've seen Looney Tunes and in his in his loony as the titles are believe me if you were to watch the videos oh yeah
- 03:49:22
- God takes her up to the throne room I saw demons guarding a heavenly treasure room
- 03:49:27
- God led me upstairs to a special room in heaven this is Gnosticism I saw an angel with these four names written on him a witch doctor comes to my meeting to kill me danger danger danger
- 03:49:39
- Jesus came to me and said we must protest this I pray for a baby dead for a year and this happens
- 03:49:46
- I've seen that in episode 2 it's Looney Tunes angel secrets discovered on my visit to heaven
- 03:49:53
- I was taken to hell what I saw there shocked me the supernatural secret to reverse aging hmm
- 03:49:58
- I went to heaven this is a James Gaul I went to heaven and God spoke these words to me secrets to unlock wealth from the courts of heaven lunacy absolute lunacy and see this is one of my this is one of my chief concerns and complaints about dr.
- 03:50:20
- Michael Brown Michael Brown by his own admission has been friends with heaven with him has been friends with Sid Roth Sid Roth's been actually
- 03:50:27
- Sid Roth hasn't been to heaven it's all of his guests he's actually mentioned that he said my guests provoked me to jealousy because all my guests have been to heaven and he hasn't been to heaven well it might be a clue to you
- 03:50:38
- Sid but at any rate dr. Michael Brown has been friends with Sid Roth for now
- 03:50:44
- I believe it's 36 or 37 years I'm with my good friend dr.
- 03:50:50
- Michael Brown Mike how long have we known each other we became friends in 1984 that's that's a long time whatever the 33 years 33 years good friends
- 03:51:01
- Michael Brown has been a guest on Sid Roth's program Michael Brown has hosted Sid Roth's program it's supernatural this is the looniest stuff out there and I'm not saying that Michael Brown would believe everything that Sid Roth puts on his program but my goodness given that they have such a long history
- 03:51:21
- I mean here's a screenshot of Michael Brown on Sid Roth's program from back in 1997 given that they have such a long friendship
- 03:51:28
- Michael Brown either needs to be telling Sid Roth to stop this nonsense or he needs to publicly distance himself from Sid Roth because this is the world is mocking this he won't call anybody out by name as a false prophet
- 03:51:48
- Sid Roth is a false prophet and he gives dozens and dozens of other false prophets a huge platform and by the way if you think that this is so oh who listens to this who would watch such nonsense this is so crazy surely nobody watches this
- 03:52:03
- Sid Roth's YouTube channel has 1 .26
- 03:52:09
- million subscribers 1 .26 million my
- 03:52:16
- YouTube channel has got I don't know something like 84 ,000 at this point in time I'm not jealous of Sid believe me
- 03:52:23
- I'm not jealous of Sid Roth because I I'm sure glad I'm not gonna have to give an account for what he's gonna have to give an account for at any rate it shows you that this is not the fringe this is the mainstream of the charismatic movement grace to youths grace to use
- 03:52:43
- YouTube channel I think I'd have to look it up I'll put up a graphic but I'm 400 and some odd thousand subscribers so Sid Roth I mean grace to you that's as solid as solid gets in Sid Roth's lunacy has triple the number of subscribers that grace to you does this is not the fringe this is the mainstream of the charismatic movement and another video that I've mentioned before Sid Roth actually reenacting throwing babies against walls it doesn't get any more bizarre deranged than this and dr.
- 03:53:19
- Michael Brown's good friends will say there's no way he doesn't know the stuff that Sid Roth's putting up there's just no way you may remember that one of dr.
- 03:53:28
- Brown's chief complaints about the strange fire conference was that it painted all charismatics with a broad brush well dr.
- 03:53:35
- Brown if you're watching this it doesn't get loonier than Sid Roth you're good friends with him you are obligated to either to go to him and rebuke him that you should do that I mean it unless you believe this stuff but you should go and and confront him in this mockery of Christianity that the world is laughing at I mean the gospel is hard enough to believe as it is without piling on this kind of looney -tune stuff so you are obligated to confront
- 03:54:11
- Sid Roth and and then publicly say what his reaction was and if he does not respond and bend his knee to the truth which honestly
- 03:54:20
- I hope he would I would love love love to see Sid Roth repent
- 03:54:25
- I would love to see all of these people repent but barring repentance then you've got to distance yourself from this kind of lunacy but I want you to know as an investigative reporter we only have the best of the best and when it comes to profits the profits that we have on the show are ones with proven track records yes proven to be false there were so many biblical reasons that I wanted
- 03:55:04
- President Trump to win now you can say but Sid his character or personality before he was a believer in Jesus stop
- 03:55:13
- I could say that about everyone listening to me and me too I could say that about my
- 03:55:20
- Bible says he became a new creation now does that mean he didn't regress in some areas such as language etc yes but he's a work in training a work in progress so Sid Roth is saying that Donald Trump is a
- 03:55:38
- Christian that he's been saved this brings me to another major issue that we should all have with this stuff it is that is it is a cheapening of the gospel
- 03:55:48
- I've already done a couple of videos talking about Donald Trump and yes I voted for him in 2016 and 2020 because I support his policies but he's not a believer he's not a
- 03:56:01
- Christian there is absolutely no evidence that this man is regenerate in the Lord Jesus Christ this he is by his own admission he is not asked
- 03:56:12
- God for forgiveness he's been asked that question on two separate occasion occasions have you ever asked
- 03:56:17
- God for forgiveness and Donald Trump has on both occasions said no that by definition is not a
- 03:56:26
- Christian and it is a it truly is a tragedy that for the last number of years
- 03:56:33
- Donald Trump has been surrounded by these kinds of quote -unquote Christians Paula White and Kenneth Copeland and others
- 03:56:42
- I mean it's his Evangelical Advisory Board is a disaster a truly a disaster but this cheapens the gospel and it goes back to the irony that I was discussing as a cessationist my view of the
- 03:56:56
- Holy Spirit of God is far too high to believe that someone like Donald Trump who just surrounds himself with evangelicals and has policies that are supportive of the evangelical position and yet openly says he's never asked
- 03:57:15
- God for forgiveness he's considered to be a Christian in word -faith
- 03:57:21
- NAR circles many of them Sid Roth you just heard he thinks Donald Trump is a
- 03:57:26
- Christian dear friends my view of the Holy Spirit of God is far too high for that if Donald Trump had truly become a
- 03:57:32
- Christian there would be a night and day difference in him you cannot go from being dead in trespasses and sins to alive in Christ and there be no change it's just not possible if these folks were truly indwelt by the
- 03:57:49
- Holy Spirit of God as much as they claim to be then they wouldn't be wasting their time on skittles falling from heaven and riding elevators with Jesus and Jesus teaching me the warrior dance in heaven
- 03:58:00
- I mean it they wouldn't be talking about that kind of lunacy they would be there would be an emphasis on the gospel there would be an emphasis on sound doctrine and right theology and hermeneutics and how to rightly interpret and study the
- 03:58:12
- Word of God so that you can grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ they would be talking about real repentance they would be talking about a godly sorrow over sin they would be talking about suffering for the sake of the gospel and for the honor of Christ and how that is indeed a privilege to us
- 03:58:29
- Philippians 129 they would be talking more about those things not flying off to heaven and walking into Jesus eyeballs
- 03:58:38
- I want to sincerely ask that's my pastor's heart that's that's really the strong thing promoting this
- 03:58:46
- I want to sincerely ask for forgiveness for saying
- 03:58:51
- Trump would serve another term and I do take full responsibility for what
- 03:58:57
- I said Sid there's nothing wrong with saying that you wanted Trump to serve a second term or that you hoped that he would serve a second term or even thought that you thought that he might would actually indeed serve a second term the problem is is that you prophesied that he would that all of your guests prophesied that he would
- 03:59:20
- I'm especially sorry for people whose faith really was shaken yes many people's faith was shaken but unnecessarily so it was shaken because they put so much faith and stock not in the sovereign
- 03:59:40
- God of the universe but in these prophets my faith wasn't shaken at all hey
- 03:59:46
- I was hoping and praying that Donald Trump would win and that he would serve a second term
- 03:59:51
- I was praying for that but you know what he's not gonna serve a second term and my faith hasn't been shaken one iota because I know
- 04:00:00
- God is sovereign God is in control in the heart of the king is as like as a river in his hands
- 04:00:06
- I know that no authority exists except that which has been established by God I my faith has not been shaken because my faith is in the sufficient
- 04:00:16
- Word of God not these prophets now you know this
- 04:00:22
- I'm sure if you're on social media that many of my friends that I endorse as prophets have gone on social media and they believe that it's not over and I have to tell you
- 04:00:39
- I pray in Yeshua's name that they're right it's over I know that and this what
- 04:00:51
- I call it you just got to bear with me because God put into my spirit and I'm supposed to say it publicly okay now what you just heard that was a telling moment so Sid Roth is about to tell us something publicly because God has told him to do so so God has given him some information and has instructed him to tell us publicly and so he's about to do that so Sid can hear
- 04:01:15
- God clearly enough to know to do that and yet he could not hear God clearly enough to get it right on the
- 04:01:23
- United States presidential election for which he had years to prepare you see friends a little common sense these people are not hearing from God Chris Vallotton by the way said the exact same thing this is a screenshot from Chris Vallotton's blog in which he finally put up I guess his final apology video for getting the prophecy wrong now look what
- 04:01:47
- I have highlighted here his words when I realized I got the prophetic word wrong about Trump I asked the
- 04:01:55
- Lord what should I do he told me to apologize not contend
- 04:02:00
- I had to be true to what I felt there's that language again feeling the Holy Spirit but what
- 04:02:05
- I felt the Holy Spirit said to me okay notice he says he admits he got the prophecy about Trump wrong but then he asked the
- 04:02:13
- Lord what should I do and the Lord told him that he should apologize okay so again folks so he can hear
- 04:02:21
- God clearly enough just in real -time conversation Lord what shall I do apologize okay
- 04:02:28
- Lord so he is in he's in tune with God enough to hear that but not to hear
- 04:02:35
- God about again the United States presidential election for which he had years to prepare a little common sense folks these folks are not hearing from God God is not speaking to them period so I'm releasing it publicly
- 04:02:51
- I know that the golden global glory I like saying it that way gold is trying to say it's a tongue twister in a way golden global glory is coming this year it will be a game -changer let's learn from what's going on but if I got some good news for you coming up coming up the golden global glory will be here this year
- 04:03:23
- Isaiah 61 to 3 describes it in the Amplified Bible it's what's happening right at this minute this cold globe oh
- 04:03:33
- I did it global golden glory is going to usher in repentance beginning at the house of God like the world has never seen before Isaiah 60 is talking about the glory of Jerusalem in the
- 04:03:54
- Millennial Kingdom not the United States of America and even if you have a different eschatology than that Isaiah 60 is not talking about the
- 04:04:02
- United States of America or Donald Trump or any of those things because the golden global glory will just swoop in but not only that when you're walking down the street people that have demons their demons will leave they won't want to be in your presence by the way that means they'll leave you they won't even be able to harass you anymore
- 04:04:27
- I mean can you picture them trying to get by the the global glory of God the golden global glory
- 04:04:35
- I cannot picture the golden global glory Sid the glory will trigger evangelism that will be incalculable it won't be a million souls it won't be a billion souls it is incalculable so when the golden global glory hits this year in 2021 there won't be just a million people safe not even a billion and when
- 04:05:04
- Sid Roth first said that I thought oh he just kind of misspoke but then a few minutes later he said it again billions are going to be saved billions are going to be saved now let's take the conservative the most conservative understanding of billions which would be 2 billion dear friends the entire population of the whole planet is only seven point something billion seven and a half billion people and so according to Sid Roth in 2021 the golden global glory is going to result in the salvation of billions at minimum a third of the world's population subtracting the number of people who are already
- 04:05:51
- Christians at this point come on millions of miracle ministries are about ready to be raised up there'll be mass miracles but there will well you have seen nothing until you see glory miracles millions of miracle ministries will arise in the golden global glory year of 2021 see friends it always comes back to the signs and wonders stuff that is that is that is their emphasis not the gospel signs and wonders but there's gonna be millions of miracle ministries to rise up dear friends even in the in the early days of church in the book of Acts signs and wonders were not taking place at the hands of believers in general
- 04:06:43
- I mean read the book of Acts read Acts chapter 2 signs were taking place at the hands of the
- 04:06:49
- Apostles Acts chapter 5 verse 12 it says at the hands of the Apostles many signs and wonders were taking place among the people signs and wonders were taking place at the hands of the
- 04:07:02
- Apostles there are no more Apostles today God still performs miracles today but there are no miracle workers today when
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- God does a miracle he just does it because it pleases him to do so but no one today has the apostolic sign gifts if they were still in operation then the
- 04:07:25
- Charismatics wouldn't have to spend so much time trying to convince us that they are and friends lest you think that in any way
- 04:07:32
- Sid Roth has repented or this has given him any kind of pause in doing what he's doing it has not let me assure you
- 04:07:40
- I just as I was working on this video and trying to wrap this up I'm recording this on January the 29th 332 p .m.
- 04:07:50
- Mountain Standard Time just as I was working on this I saw a little notification pop up and Sid Roth just uploaded a brand new video on his
- 04:07:59
- YouTube channel and he's interviewing Chris Reid this I'm not real familiar with him but Chris Reid apparently some some profit and the title of this video is an angel came to me with a word for this hour and so I pushed play just gonna watch a few minutes of it see what it was like within the first two or three minutes
- 04:08:20
- Chris Reid is is lauding and praising William Branham Chris just give me one example because this happens often just give me one example of a very recent time where your gift was demonstrated and he told me something about it an
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- Olympic runner or tell me about that. Yeah so I was at Morningstar for their
- 04:08:53
- New Year's conference and so back about 2011
- 04:09:00
- I started studying the ministry of a great prophetic voice in our modern time and William Branham was his name and when studying his gifting is a unique ministry of healing in the prophetic
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- I started having experiences at nighttime where I would feel electricity go through my body and this went on for about a year.
- 04:09:24
- William Branham was a false prophet false teacher charlatan and absolute downright heretic he denied the
- 04:09:34
- Trinity here listen for yourself I found some audio clips of William Branham listen for yourself.
- 04:09:42
- Now you Trinitarian brother and I'm not going to hurt you but how in the name of the good word of God could you ever place
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- Jesus being a separate person from God himself and I know that I'm talking in here even a
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- Trinitarian minister and my brethren I do not say this
- 04:10:03
- I do not say this to her I'm a Trinitarian too I believe in the Trinity the three attributes of God Father Son and Holy Ghost but not three gods
- 04:10:13
- I believe to be three attributes absolutely I do that with all my heart
- 04:10:19
- Father Son and Holy Spirit but they are not three gods they're just three attributes or other three offices of God God lived once in the fatherhood sonship and now the
- 04:10:29
- Holy Ghost it's the same God in three offices. My precious brother I know this is a tape also now don't get excited let me say this with godly love the hours approach where I can't hold still on these things no more.
- 04:10:50
- Trinitarianism is of the devil. I say that thus saith the Lord. There it is dear ones
- 04:10:58
- William Branham who said Trinitarianism is of the devil I say that thus saith the
- 04:11:05
- Lord and here is a so -called prophet Chris Reed extolling
- 04:11:10
- William Branham on Sid Roth's program. Unbelievable. Does this remind you of what the
- 04:11:17
- Apostle Paul said in Galatians chapter 1 verse 8 but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you he is to be accursed.
- 04:11:29
- This is exactly what is happening. Chris Reed claims an angel came and gave him a word from the
- 04:11:37
- Lord and he is extolling a blatant heretic who denounced the
- 04:11:42
- Trinity as a demonic doctrine. This is a different gospel. There is absolutely no repentance on the part of Sid Roth none whatsoever.
- 04:11:54
- These are not minor issues dear ones. But with the global golden glory let me tell you something it'll be different it'll be better than Samuel but this is what it says about Samuel in 1st
- 04:12:09
- Samuel 3 19 the Lord was with him that's with Samuel and did not let any of his words fall to the ground.
- 04:12:19
- That's what happens when you prophesy in the glory. No that's not what happens when you prophesy under the golden global glory.
- 04:12:31
- It's what happens when a true prophet prophesies. You see dear ones when a true prophet prophesies no word falls to the ground and that is in stark contrast to the modern so -called self -appointed prophets.
- 04:12:49
- Every single word that has come from their mouth has fallen to the ground.
- 04:12:56
- They have gotten literally nothing right. If by chance you're just watching the end of this video you haven't seen the first part they got nothing right.
- 04:13:04
- They didn't see COVID coming. When COVID came they tried to banish it. They couldn't banish it. They didn't see the riots coming that raged for months on end.
- 04:13:13
- They didn't see the second impeachment coming. They didn't see the riots at the Capitol coming. They couldn't even get the
- 04:13:18
- United States presidential election right when they had a 50 -50 chance of getting it right in the first place.
- 04:13:24
- Dear friends these aren't prophets. There is more prophetic power in a Zoltar machine than these prophets.
- 04:13:31
- A magic 8 -ball has more prophetic power than any of these prophets. Rafiki the baboon from the
- 04:13:38
- Lion King could run prophetic circles around all of these people. These are not true prophets.
- 04:13:45
- Every word they have said has fallen to the ground. A true prophet, no word a true prophet says under the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit falls to the ground.
- 04:13:56
- I want to share with you a scripture. I want to take you first to the book of Ezekiel.
- 04:14:03
- Ezekiel chapter 13 Then the word of the Lord Yahweh came to me saying,
- 04:14:09
- Son of man prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy and say to those who prophesy from their own inspiration, listen to the word of the
- 04:14:18
- Lord. Thus says the Lord God, woe to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit and have seen nothing.
- 04:14:27
- O Israel your prophets have been like foxes among ruins. You have not gone up into the breeches nor did you build the wall around the house of Israel to stand in the battle on the day of the
- 04:14:37
- Lord. They see falsehood and lying divination who are saying the
- 04:14:43
- Lord declares when the Lord has not sent them yet they hope for the fulfillment of their word.
- 04:14:49
- Did you not see a false vision and speak a lying divination when you said the Lord declares but it is not
- 04:14:56
- I who have spoken. You see false prophets they they prophesy out of their own vain imaginations, out of their own vain dreams.
- 04:15:08
- Even more stark is Jeremiah. Let's go to Jeremiah chapter 23. This is what the
- 04:15:15
- Lord of armies says. Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you.
- 04:15:21
- They are leading you into futility. They tell a vision of their own imagination not from the mouth of the
- 04:15:29
- Lord. I did not send these prophets but they ran. I did not speak to them but they prophesied but if they had stood in my counsel then they would have announced my words to my people and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.
- 04:15:50
- I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy falsely in my name saying I had a dream.
- 04:15:56
- I had a dream. That's exactly what we're seeing right now isn't it? They're exegeting their dreams.
- 04:16:02
- I had a dream. I had a vision. That's exactly what this is talking about. How long?
- 04:16:10
- Is there anything in the hearts of the prophets who prophesy falsehood? These prophets of the deceitfulness of their own heart who intend to make my people forget my name by their dreams which they report to one another?
- 04:16:26
- Friends, that is so what is happening today. These prophets are prophesying their own dreams, their own imaginations, and they're taking each other's words.
- 04:16:36
- They're prophesying to each other, sharing their words, and you listen to these prophets and if you've ever noticed that so much of what they're saying all sounds like they're copying one another.
- 04:16:45
- It's because they are. The result of this is that it leads people to forget
- 04:16:53
- God. Now people are not spending their time in the
- 04:16:58
- Word of God. They're not laboring in the Word, studying to show themselves approved unto
- 04:17:04
- God. They're chasing after the latest prophet with his latest dream and vision, the latest word from the
- 04:17:11
- Lord, and the latest word that some angel gave to them.
- 04:17:17
- And it's causing people to forget Yahweh. Behold, I am against the prophets, declares
- 04:17:27
- Yahweh, who use their tongues and declare the Lord declares. Behold, I am against those who have prophesied false dreams, declares the
- 04:17:38
- Lord, and reported them and led my people astray by their lies and reckless boasting.
- 04:17:43
- Yet I did not send them nor command them, and watch this, nor do they provide this people the slightest benefit, declares the
- 04:17:55
- Lord. Dear ones, these people do not provide you with the slightest benefit.
- 04:18:06
- They are not helping you. They are hurting you. If you have followed one of these prophets, they're not helping you.
- 04:18:15
- They're hurting you. They are serving to to divorce you from your reliance upon Scripture.
- 04:18:24
- Do you want a real word of prophecy? A more sure word of prophecy?
- 04:18:30
- As the Apostle Peter said in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 19, he says we have the prophetic word more certain, more sure.
- 04:18:38
- Think about this. This is Peter. This is the Apostle Peter. He was just talking about the transfiguration.
- 04:18:46
- He was just talking about how he and James and John saw
- 04:18:51
- Jesus transfigured before them with Moses on one side and Elijah on the other.
- 04:18:59
- And as incredible as an experience as that was, Peter says, but we have the prophetic word more certain, more sure, more sure than that.
- 04:19:12
- What? This. This is the prophetic word that is more certain than that.
- 04:19:19
- You know, I don't doubt that some of these prophets are having dreams. We all have dreams.
- 04:19:26
- They're not from God. I don't doubt that some of these prophets, so -called, are having some kind of experiences.
- 04:19:35
- That's not the point. I mean, lots of people have experiences. Muslims have experiences.
- 04:19:41
- Mormons attest to experiences. They have the burning in their bosom. Lots of people have experiences.
- 04:19:48
- Hindus have experiences. And Hindus experience the exact same thing by the way that Charismatics do.
- 04:19:55
- Shaking and falling over, being slain in the Spirit. Hindus do that. The question is not, are people having experiences?
- 04:20:03
- The question is, what is the source of that experience? Friends, no matter how real some so -called prophet may think his experience was, no matter how real some experience that you think you may have,
- 04:20:18
- I guarantee you that experience did not rise to the same level of the experience that Peter, James, and John had on the
- 04:20:31
- Mount of Transfiguration. I guarantee you it was nothing like that.
- 04:20:37
- And if Peter could say that this, the written Word of God, is more certain than that, friends, rest in this book.
- 04:20:54
- Don't chase after experiences, dreams, and visions, and words of knowledge.
- 04:21:01
- No matter how real an experience may seem, if it exceeds the parameters of this book, it is illegitimate.
- 04:21:09
- Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4 .6, do not exceed what is written. Do not exceed the written Word of God.
- 04:21:17
- Friends, if you want to hear God speak to you, there is one way I guarantee you you will hear
- 04:21:22
- God speak. Read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak to you audibly, read it out loud.
- 04:21:30
- 100 % guaranteed you will hear God speak. These prophets are prophesying out of their own vain imaginations.
- 04:21:41
- They do not do you the slightest benefit, and they bring untold reproach on the name of Christ.
- 04:21:49
- They are not hearing from God. This is how we hear from God. Dear ones, as we've been talking about, a number of these false prophets have come out and apologized and said that they are repenting.
- 04:22:05
- Sid Roth has said this. Michael Brown has said that Jeremiah Johnson has repented, and others.
- 04:22:11
- This is not repentance. Just saying, oops, I'm sorry.
- 04:22:17
- That's not repentance. Real repentance bears real fruit, Zacchaeus kind of fruit.
- 04:22:24
- Luke chapter 19. If these people were truly repentant, then they would be very cognizant of the incalculable reproach that they have brought on the gospel.
- 04:22:36
- They would realize that they are false prophets, as the Bible defines the term. They would realize that they are not qualified to preach.
- 04:22:45
- They're not qualified to teach God's Word. They are false prophets. If they are truly repentant, they would come out and admit that.
- 04:22:54
- They would come out and admit that they are not hearing from God, and God is not speaking to them. And then they would shut their ministries down.
- 04:23:04
- And I don't say that with an ounce of hyperbole. They would shut their ministries down.
- 04:23:10
- They're not qualified to preach and teach. They do not belong behind the pulpit.
- 04:23:18
- They belong in front of the pulpit, sitting in the pew, submitting themselves to men who actually are biblically qualified to be elders and to preach and teach the
- 04:23:29
- Word of God. And they would learn. That would be real repentance.
- 04:23:35
- If they would do that, then you would know that God has truly granted them genuine repentance unto salvation.
- 04:23:45
- But anything short of that, anything short of them shutting down their ministries, that's not repentance.
- 04:23:53
- And anything short of that is to to not recognize the kind of approach that they have brought upon Christ and His gospel.
- 04:24:05
- As I close, I just want to close with the gospel. Has there been a time in your life when you have been convicted by the
- 04:24:14
- Holy Spirit of God that you are a sinner, that you have broken God's laws? We are all liars, thieves, blasphemers, adulterers at heart.
- 04:24:24
- We have all blasphemed the name of God in both word and deed. We have committed sin, high treason against God, and because we have sinned against Him, there is a penalty to be paid.
- 04:24:36
- And if we die in our sins, we will very rightly and very justly go to a very real place that the
- 04:24:41
- Bible calls hell. The worm will not die. The fire will not be quenched. Wailing, weeping, gnashing of teeth forever and ever.
- 04:24:51
- That's what your sins have earned you. The wages of sin is death, eternal death.
- 04:24:57
- We have sinned against God who is eternal. The punishment of that sin is also eternal. And you cannot work your way into heaven.
- 04:25:03
- You cannot overcome your sin debt by doing some good works, by helping at the soup kitchen or helping little old ladies across the street.
- 04:25:10
- Can't do it. The Bible says our works are as filthy rags before a thrice holy
- 04:25:15
- God. Your works will not save you. But there is good news, and the good news of the gospel is this, is that God loves you, and He has made a way for you to escape
- 04:25:28
- His wrath. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth, and Jesus lived a perfect life, never broke any of God's laws, fully
- 04:25:37
- God, fully man. And Jesus willingly laid down His life on the cross.
- 04:25:44
- His life was not taken. He gave it. And on the cross, Jesus Christ, the second person of the triune
- 04:25:52
- God, laid down His perfect life as a perfect sacrifice to perfectly satisfy the perfect wrath of God.
- 04:26:04
- Three days later, bodily, raised from the dead, proving Himself to be who He said He was,
- 04:26:10
- God in human flesh. And the only way to be saved is to turn from sin, repent, repent of your sin, trust
- 04:26:18
- Christ in Him alone for your salvation, in His Word, on the cross. There is salvation in no one else.
- 04:26:26
- If you will come to Christ in a genuine godly sorrow over your sin, not just a guilty conscience, but a godly sorrow when you grieve over your sin because you understand that your sin grieves
- 04:26:40
- God. If you will come to Him in a godly sorrow, He will save you.
- 04:26:46
- You will pass from death to life. That is the good news of the gospel.
- 04:26:53
- You will be made a new creature in Christ with new affections, new desires.
- 04:27:00
- You will begin to love what God loves and hate what God hates. You will have a love for the brethren.
- 04:27:06
- You will have a love for the church. You will desire to fellowship and worship with like -minded believers in the
- 04:27:13
- Lord Jesus Christ. Seek out a good, doctrinally sound church. Join yourself to it, a church that is committed to expositional preaching, a church that does church discipline per Matthew 18.
- 04:27:27
- These are some of the things to look for in a good church. Join yourself to one and you will grow in the grace and knowledge of the
- 04:27:33
- Lord Jesus Christ. Don't follow after these charismatic false prophets. They offer you not the slightest benefit.
- 04:27:41
- Dear friends, God's Word is not only inerrant, it is not only infallible, it is not only authoritative, it is all of these things, but because it is all of these things, it is also sufficient.
- 04:27:57
- It is sufficient. It is everything that we need. Thank you very much, dear ones.
- 04:28:04
- Until our next time together, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all.