FBC Daily Devotional – October 8, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well a good Friday morning to you Finishing up another week, and I'm wrapping up the last of these devotionals from somewhere other than my study
I trust and Looking forward to getting back home and this weekend should be back in well weekend for you, so it's
October what is today 7th 8th? So this coming
Lord's Day. I'll be back in the pulpit and Preaching and the services and looking forward to looking forward to that after having missed the last couple of Sundays being out of town and Sandwiching a little vacation time between a couple of conferences, so I'm looking forward to have having learned much and been encouraged and and rejuvenated some refreshed in My work so looking looking forward to all that being back with God's people together on the
Lord's Day I trust that this weekend as God Enables you that you'll be able to get together with God's people as we meet
Sunday morning Sunday school at 930 and then the Worship service at 1030 evening service at 6 o 'clock another good
Lord's Day coming up this Sunday Well today. We're reading in John chapter 11 and of course this passage is well known for the
Raising of Lazarus from the dead, but I want to point out a couple of things other than that I mean, that's a very well -known account and And I won't emphasize that but I do want to emphasize two things in this passage one of them is that God in his
Providence Brings even plagues into the lives of his people those whom he loves
I mean the scripture makes it very clear that Jesus had a special there was a special place in his heart
Jesus heart for Mary Martha and and Lazarus and And yet, you know
Lazarus gets this sickness from which he dies and Jesus points out that this is not to be a final thing
This sickness is not unto death That's going to last as we know the end of the story
Rather he says this he's he's he's contract contracted this illness for the glory of God God is going to do something through this illness to bring glory to himself
So God uses this illness for a purpose bigger than the
The affliction of this individual and his loved ones And sometimes
God brings affliction into our lives. I mean just a variety of reasons sometimes to teach us lessons sometimes just to Remind us that we live in a fallen world and we need to trust him in the fallenness of this world
With all of its afflictions and so forth the Sun and sometimes He does so to some way bring glory to himself
Even even if it's in nothing else than our trusting in him through the affliction
But that's one thing I want to point out that God this is this even the sicknesses the plagues the illnesses from which
God's people suffer are brought about by the sovereign hand of our
God and the way he Providentially works to bring those things to pass The other thing
I wanted to point out is that that there is a difference between Submission and resignation and I was struck by this difference when
I read as Jesus tells his disciples First he tells his disciples, you know
Lazarus is sick, but it's not unto death This is for the glory of God and then they stick around for a couple of days and then after a couple of days
Lazarus's will have died and then Jesus says to his disciples. Let's let's go
Lazarus sleeps and they think well if he's asleep and he's been sick, that's a good thing
You know sleep is good when you're sick, and then Jesus tells them plainly. No, he's dead and let's go and The disciples wait and say well, wait a minute now
The people in I mean the the leaders in Judea they wanted to kill you and This isn't safe for us to go down there and Jesus says no
We're gonna go and makes it very clear And then
Thomas in in verse 16 Thomas says this and I think it's very important to catch the tone of his voice
You know, you can't always detect a tone From things that are said in Scriptures quotations in Scripture, but I think we can get the tone in this voice
Verse 16 says so Thomas after Jesus says let's go anyway
We're gonna go to Judah anyway, because Lazarus has died and even though all these people want to kill me we're gonna go anyway
Let's go to him Thomas verse 16 says said to his fellow disciples
Let us also go that we may die with him now, do you do you detect that?
Do you detect the tone in his voice? Do you detect a little bit of? sarcasm
He goes Jesus says let's go and Thomas goes
But he's resigned to the going he hasn't submitted to it resignation
Goes along with what the authority says to do but holds on to the opposition to it and Holds on to the idea that I know better than what you're asking us to do
But because I don't have much choice in the matter. I'm gonna go along with it. That's resignation.
That's not submission submission Doesn't just go along submission owns it submission buys into What the authority is calling upon you to do?
so Thomas Would have received he had been truly submissive When Jesus said this is you know
Tom, you know Lazarus's sickness is for the glory of God and then he says he has died
Let's go to him if he was if Thomas was submissive He would have said all right that this should be really interesting this is going to be good
Jesus the Messiah he he's got something good in mind here now that would be submission and not resignation
So think about that the next time you're called upon to do something that initially you really don't want to do but Because the authority over you really insists upon it
Be sure you understand the difference between resignation and submission and Where you are called upon to submit?
Then be sure that you do so be sure you do so don't just resign and go along for the ride
All right, so let's take that let's take that warning and be challenged by it Father in heaven
I I pray that we could Gain much benefit from understanding this simple distinction between these two ideas of Resigning ourselves to something and submitting to what we need to do and I pray father that by our our
Necessary submission, we would give testimony to our trust in you ultimately as As the one who has authority over us
And I pray that that testimony would be a blessing to ourselves and to others and we pray this in Jesus name
Amen All right, we'll have a good rest of your Friday I hope you have a wonderful weekend
And if you can join us in God's house on the Lord's Day look forward to seeing you then good day