Romans 6:22-23 - Grace & Freedom From Sin (01/27/2019)


Pastor David Mitchell


Good morning, this is a family crowd today, I kind of like that, hope you're all doing well.
We are the survivors here today, everyone else is getting the flu, aren't they? I think we need to import from Japan some of those things they wear, the
Japanese wear all the time, we can just start wearing those. Can you imagine if people, visitors came and we all had one of those on, that would come across really well.
I don't know, sometimes I think they're smarter than we are though, they wear them everywhere. But probably that little flu virus would go right through that thing, wouldn't it brother
Bill? It's pretty small, yeah. Well we pray for those who are under the weather and for those of us here who haven't caught it that we won't and glad that you're able to be back here with us this quickly,
Sharon, she had a surgical procedure Friday and already back, she's a trooper and pray for her though because she has some problems with one of her legs and the doctors are having difficulty figuring out what it is but we're going to check it out with another doctor that I think is going to be really good and pray that he will be able to determine that.
So, let's see, our president opened the government again so we need to pray for all of us because the government's operating, that's not good news.
I can pass laws now, we're in trouble. Alright, so thank you for taking care of everything this morning brother
Paul and if you would turn to the end of Romans chapter 6 this morning, we will talk about the conclusion of this great chapter.
I will say this, if anyone, if the Lord lays on anyone's heart to add a little extra beyond the normal offerings today, we'd appreciate it, we've got to make a, we came up a little short on the budget this month so we've got to make a payment tomorrow or Tuesday, be helpful if anyone felt they had to give a little extra, just let brother
Paul know about that and we'd appreciate that.
Alright, let's pray and we'll get started here. Lord, we thank you for your word, we thank you for this day that we can come together to be with you, we thank you for each other, we pray for our brothers and sisters and the children also among our church family, they're ill today, we ask you to bless them, strengthen their bodies and bring them back to us soon and Lord, we don't take anything for granted with these things, the flu can be very serious so we just pray for people across town, across the state, across the country that are battling this today and Lord, we just ask you to bless the preaching of your word, in Jesus' name, amen.
Well, with regard to Romans chapter 6, we have discussed that much of this chapter is about how to live right, our responsibility to live for and unto the
Lord, our responsibility. Now even there, when we talk about responsibility, we have to always recognize that the
Lord never expects us to rely upon our flesh to accomplish anything because anything we do in the flesh is not considered good by the
Lord anyway. So it's always something we do together with Christ, right? Something we do with him and that he does in us and through us and with us and it's like one big happy family business, it's all
God's business, everything we're doing. And so we have traversed the
Bible also finding various lists of practical methods that God himself teaches us to help us be better at living a good life and we're not talking about our eternal salvation, we're talking about the effects of it, how we live while we're still on this earth and there are many great places where the scripture just seems to give a list of several points on if you do this, you can live a better life.
So we've talked about many of those. We've discussed many times that we can never walk a good walk in our own flesh but only together with Christ, reaching up, taking his hand and walking with him throughout the day is how this works.
And so now as we conclude this great chapter, let's remind ourselves how the chapter began.
It started with a question, do you remember that? All the way back at verse 1, Romans chapter 6 verse 1, look at the question.
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Why does he start that?
Well, you know much of what Paul's already written up to this point in the book of Romans is about, it's grace oriented.
It has to do with the finished work of Jesus Christ, what he did for us on our behalf and how he saved us and we can't save ourselves.
It's by grace, it's a free gift and so forth. And the natural question that the world will always ask and even tares in the church who act like they're
Christians but they're not really saved, they'll always ask the question, well if that's true, if it's by grace then I'm just going to live however
I want to because I'll be saved anyway. They'll always ask it that way and they did, 2 ,000 years ago they asked
Paul the same question. And so he starts the chapter with that question. It's interesting that the rest of the chapter is going to deal much of it with living right.
How do we live right? Because the question they're asking is why should we live right? If we're living under grace, why do we need to worry about anything?
How do we live? He just saves us, that's their question. And so he starts it out with that question and it's kind of interesting that he gives a very quick answer and it's twofold.
He says right there at the beginning that it is a positional truth that the answer's first based on.
So when he starts to answer the question why should we live right, he says well with regard to how to live right, we do have to fall back on the positional truth because we can't do it on our own.
We have to realize what God has done for us already, that he saved us and how he did it or else we'll never even get a start on that.
So positional truth is the foundation for all righteous living. You have to start there.
Verse two said, God forbid, how shall we live in sin when we're dead to it?
Know you not that as many as are baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the
Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. So now he looks at these positional things and why do I call them positional?
One thing is because Christ did the work to make it happen, but secondly, this happened 2 ,000 years ago in our timeline.
2 ,000 years ago, the Father not being bound by time had already placed you and me into Christ and connected us with him spiritually so that when he died, our old man died.
When he was buried, our old man was buried, but when he came out of that grave, we were a new man. We were risen just as he is risen.
All of that is positional truth and it's the very first thing we have to understand before we can live right because we think living right is based on what we do in the flesh would fail.
But if we think it's based on what he did for us 2 ,000 years ago, which will never change, whether we wake up tomorrow morning feeling good or feeling bad, you don't change what he's already done for us.
If you can understand that, that's where we start. It's interesting that the start of this positional truth uses the word we're being baptized into Christ, baptizo.
The sad thing is there's no English translation for that. It doesn't mean that word is not an
English word, and yet they put the word baptized in the Bible as if it's an English word. It's not.
And so it throws us off. It makes us think it's talking about water baptism, which it is not. It is talking about spirit baptism.
So let me give you the actual definition of that word, baptizo, in Greek. Nearly every
Greek definition that I looked up says the best English word is kind of an old word that we, it doesn't seem like we use it as much, but we use one that's kin to it, and the best word would be to be whelmed, w -h -e -l -m, whelmed.
Now we use overwhelmed a lot, don't we? We don't use whelmed a lot, but in the older English it was used a lot, and it normally had to do with a ship being whelmed by an unusually large wave that overswept the ship and literally turned it over and sunk the ship.
That's the early use of the word whelm, and I don't know if you've ever seen it, but you can go on the internet and you can see on YouTube and different places several videos of different ships, usually in the
Northern Sea is where this happens, and there'll be 150 foot waves, and these modern ocean liners have trouble with those.
In fact, they can be whelmed by those, and if you can kind of picture this huge ship hitting 150 foot waves and eventually just washes over the thing and it just turns over and sinks, that is what whelmed means.
So think about it. It means to be turned upside down and to be totally covered by the water, although the water is just a picture of what the word means.
It just means to be turned upside down and totally immersed into something. So in this case, what the
Bible is teaching us is that when the Holy Spirit came to us and called us and regenerated us, he did many things to us, but one of the things that he did was he whelmed us with the
Holy Spirit. In other words, he placed the Holy Spirit within us. He placed the
Holy Spirit around us so that he turned our lives upside down. We were headed in the wrong direction, so he turned us upside down, so now we're actually right side up, and he totally covered us with Christ, and that's what the word means.
So it has nothing to do with water baptism. It is a spiritual event that takes place at the moment of your regeneration where you're connected to Jesus, you're connected to the
Father, you're connected to each other, and you're whelmed with Christ, you're surrounded with him, you're engulfed with him, you're totally covered with him, he's on the inside, he's on the outside, you're totally different than you were.
Do you see how great a word this is? So, whelm has been with us since the
Middle English, Old English, and the old original word was whelmen. I like that.
I like that. I think I'd like to use that word. I like it better. Whelmen. You've been whelmened.
But throughout the years, the meaning has meant to overturn, for example, and also whelm has come to mean to overpower in thought or feeling.
Now think about that, to kind of overturn, change you totally and to overpower you with regard to your thoughts, life, and your feelings.
And that's exactly what happens when we get saved. It is overwhelming is the more modern word.
Whelmed is the actual word. Or whelmen. I like that even better. So the truth that a
Christian is whelmed by the death, burial, and resurrection and the life of Jesus Christ, just as a ship overturned by a rogue wave, it totally changes everything.
The old life, you picture that ship sinking, that's your old man is dead now. The old way of life, the old thought life, the old you.
The thought life is a bit of a problem, but the old you, the old man has died. You've been overwhelmed with Christ and now the resurrection takes place and you're in Christ when he comes and now you're a new ship, far more seaworthy than that old one that was sunk.
And that is sort of the picture that takes place here with this word baptizo in the
Greek. When the Holy Spirit calls us effectually and regenerates us, he baptizes us into Christ.
He completely overturns our lives and overwhelms us with his love, with his presence, and with his life.
Galatians 3 .26 says, for you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Now listen to this, for as many of you as have been baptized, whelmed, engulfed into Christ have put on Christ.
So when we are saved by faith, at that moment the Holy Spirit overwhelms us and places us into Jesus Christ, connects us with him, connects us with the father, connects us with each other.
Now as you go into chapter six, so that positional concept that you were baptized into Christ and become one with him in his death and burial and resurrection is the basis for any kind of good living.
If we don't understand that, we don't have a chance. But there's a second aspect throughout, especially chapter six in Paul's writings here.
And that second step that's listed in this chapter is not positional, but it's experiential.
It is actually a responsibility, something we are supposed to take effort to do, and that is to live right, the best way that we can do it, and the best way to do that is found down in verse 11 there, chapter six, look at that.
Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin. So just like Jesus did die, reckon you yourself as if you died with him the day he died.
What does reckon mean? It means to count it to be so. In your mind, count it to be a truth that your old man is crucified, he is flat dead.
How can you tempt a dead man? You can't. So if you reckon your old man to be dead, it is a great trick in living right and avoiding temptation.
When the temptation comes, you just say, look, you're dead, don't listen to this, it has no effect on you. You're dead to this.
Jesus has saved you from this. We've been set free from this. He died to help us avoid these things.
Reckon it to be true. Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto
God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So it takes it back to the death, burial, and resurrection, all that positional stuff, but now we're in time living our life, it says you've got to reckon it to be true.
You have to think on purpose that it's true, is a great help to living a good life.
Remember that this word reckon, we've talked about it a couple of times in Greek. It literally means to take inventory of something.
Now what does that mean? It means you should be always thinking about what God has done for us. What has he actually done for me that would help me live a better life?
And when we think about that he gave his only son to die in our place so we could be saved in the first place so we'd even have a chance to live a good life, just thinking about the reality of that is a great thing in helping us to live better, don't you think?
So, when you take inventory of what God has done for us and what he has done for us, what is the best one word we could put it in?
I think it's grace. Grace is what he's done for us. So think about that. What does grace mean?
An unmerited, undeserved gift or favor that he has upon us even when we don't deserve it.
That's the greatest thing that he's done for us. What is grace exactly? Grace, I'm going to tell you a couple of things that the scripture tells us about it.
It is the mode through which we are brought into the Abrahamic covenant is the first thing and you'll find that in Romans chapter 4 verse 13.
The great unconditional promise whereby we are actually justified, made to be right with God.
It's an unconditional promise God made with Abraham and Christ was there on our behalf and since we're in Christ then the
Abrahamic covenant is for us as well because we were in Christ when the covenant was made. And so Christ did all the work on our behalf that day when this covenant was made in the scripture in the
Old Testament and Christ did all the work on our behalf to save us and the father was completely and forever satisfied with the work that he did to save us.
There's nothing you can add to it. God was propitiated which means he was totally satisfied. You see that here in Romans chapter 4 verse 13.
It says for the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not just to Abraham or to his seed through the law but rather that promise was made through the righteousness of faith.
It was a faith based promise not works. It didn't have anything to do with you doing something for God. It had everything to do with God doing something for us and that's the whole basis of our salvation.
Verse 14 says for if they which are of the law are heirs of this promise then faith is made void.
So you have to understand that salvation by works and salvation by grace are mutually exclusive. You can't have it both ways.
It's one or the other. It's not both. You can't be saved by grace plus works. The scripture forbids it both from the point of view of grammar and the word meanings and definitions but also the scripture just forbids it.
For if they which were of the law, those trying to keep the law to be saved, if those are heirs of the promise then faith is made void.
Then salvation is not by faith the scripture says and the promise is made of no effect.
This is what worries me about my friends who try to add something to Jesus. They add, yeah
I believe in Jesus but you gotta and when they say that but you gotta it really worries me about their salvation because right here the scripture says that the faith becomes of noneffect to them.
That's frightening to me. Therefore it is by faith that it might be by grace to the end that the promise might be sure.
The only way that the promise of heaven is certain to anyone is if it's only by faith in what he did for us.
It's the only way it's certain. So you got friends that talk about yeah I believe in Jesus but you are not certain that they're saved.
Let me just put it that way. I'm not wanting them to not be saved. I want them to be saved. I hope all of them are saved but you're not certain that they're saved.
That means they're not certain and usually if you'll ask them they'll tell you I don't know I hope I hope I'm going to heaven that's what they'll tell you.
You don't talk like that do you? You don't say well I hope I'm going to heaven because his spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are the children of God.
We know we're going to heaven. In fact I'm going to end the sermon with that verse this morning but they don't have that one and it's sad but it says right here why?
Because when you add works to it where you try to make it not just be by faith then there is no certainty at all that the promise is effective to that person.
So that's the first thing about grace. Grace is unmerited.
It is a promise based on an unconditional promise where man had nothing to do. God did all of it.
Second thing I see about grace is found in Romans chapter 5 look at this 515 Romans 515 but not as the offense so also is the free gift.
You see free gift is a perfect definition of grace isn't it? Free gift. Isn't it funny it's redundant because by nature a gift is what?
It's kind of free so it's like saying a free free gift. You know it's like it's redundant it's so like in Sunday school it adds emphasis.
God is emphasizing it's not only a free gift it's a free free gift. You see?
So not as the offense so also is the free gift for if through the offense of one that would be
Adam the first Adam if through the offense of one many are dead much more through the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man
Jesus Christ that has abounded unto many. Notice it doesn't say to all it's abounded to many for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.
So the second thing I see about grace here in scripture is that grace by definition is a free gift given to us by the father through the death of his son on our behalf and by this we are justified.
What does that mean? We're made right in front of God. The third thing I see about grace is grace is totally separate from and distinct from works as it operates toward our regeneration with regard to regeneration.
Now I don't mean to say that if we're saved by faith that there won't be work connected to it like the book of James teaches.
The very salvation has many effects it changes how we live and that's what most of Romans six is about that change and how you live right.
So I'm not saying they're not connected in that sense but they're totally separate in the sense of how we get saved how we are justified they're not connected at all.
In fact in the Greek language it says there's a great gulf between faith and works like two men here's a mountaintop that's works salvation here's a mountaintop that's salvation by faith alone and there's a great valley in between they are not connected in any manner and so I see
I see that they're totally separate and that is the definition of grace and I find that Romans chapter 11 verse 5 it says even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace there is a small group of the human race elected or chosen to be saved and verse 6 says and if it's by grace then it is no more works otherwise grace is not grace but if it's works then it's no more grace otherwise work is not works.
So the very Bible definition is it can't be both it's one or the other and it teaches us it concludes very clearly that it's by grace it's the free gift that we're saved and that very passage there ends with this some of the most beautiful language ever written in all of the
Word of God it says after it talks about that grace can't be mixed with works and works can't be mixed with grace it's just grace you're saved as a free gift listen how it ends right after that all the way down to verse 33 it says oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments in his ways past finding out.
See this is not a human concept that's why humans don't like it it doesn't feel fair to a human that your works don't play any role in whether you go to heaven or not doesn't seem fair but the human doesn't understand that he's so totally lost that he can't be saved by works his works are filthy in front of a holy
God he doesn't understand that so he thinks it's not fair and yet the scripture says this is the very depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God that created this concept of salvation by grace how unsearchable are
God's judgments in his ways past finding out for who hath known the mind of God or who hath been his counselor you don't tell him how to save people you don't like the idea of predestination election all these things
God did so you're going to tell him a better way to save people you know I know moms don't like it predestination is a very difficult concept for women at first when they first hear it and they'll come to me and say well
I don't you know I've got five kids and you're telling me I can't know if they're all going to be saved think about that gentlemen don't you think that would be harder on a mom it should be hard on the dad too but it's harder on the mom and what
I try to explain to moms is very simply I said okay think with me here just think you use this right here not your heart use your head think about this so what are you telling me that you wish
God had made it so that you have to live such a perfect marvelous life in front of your kids they'll get saved because your perfect marvelous life and if you screw up they're going to hell you'd rather it be that way or would you rather it depend on a loving all -knowing
God and they'll always look and say okay I see your point it's not my point that's the next thing
I'll say it's not my point it's how the Bible teaches it but now you see the wisdom of it right so look at this so his mind the mind of God who can be his counselor and tell him how to do things you can't find out the wisdom of God I'm not saying humans will like it especially if they don't know anything about the
Bible they're not going to like it the verse 35 says oh or who has first given to God and then it's going to be reckoned penced again back to him in other words who among you thinks you can actually give
God something he gives us everything we can't have anything to give him because he owns everything who thinks you're going to help him by being a say giving a consecrated life to him so that he'll save you that doesn't help
God God doesn't need your consecrated life he wants you to sit on his lap because you love him that's what he wants he doesn't he knows you're not perfect listen he made you that way on purpose he said it was no accident that he put this this great beautiful creation this new man new woman that you are in an earthen vessel it means an imperfect body that we live in and he did it so that he would be glorified the
Bible says so it doesn't surprise God it's God's plan and the wisdom of it man cannot see the depth of it man cannot understand the wisdom of God nor the knowledge of God nor why his judgments are like they are because the
Bible says they are unsearchable and his way is beyond finding out so don't expect your friends to just accept what you tell them the
Bible says at first glance they've got many years of study to do from where they are to get where you are sometimes you're not going to do it in five minutes
I usually tell them that well I can't explain that to you in three minutes sorry you know come to my house spend the next week with me and we'll talk about this issue if you want to and I'll smile at him when
I say it but it's absolutely the truth and he goes on and says there who is first given to God verse 36 says for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory forever and ever amen kind of puts it where it has to be doesn't it
God is the sovereign the fourth thing I see about grace is found in first Corinthians 1030 and that is that grace means freedom from a list of man's rules and that's a big one grace means freedom from a list of man's rules first Corinthians 1030 for if by grace be if I by grace be a partaker why am
I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks so Paul say look if I'm saved by faith why are you speaking evil of what
I'm eating at my table like you want me to eat only certain meats and not eat other meat and you're speaking evil of me and why do you do that if we all now know that we're saved by grace not by the law great question so grace means freedom from a list that man makes we know
Paul's talking about that because the next verse says whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all the glory of God don't tell me what
I can eat and can't eat or drink whatever you eat or drink do it to God's glory if you can't do it to his glory then don't eat or drink it that's what he's saying that's how grace works it's not a list of rules and then the fifth thing
I see about grace is that it is by grace that we are saved there's no other mixture of works and grace there's no other method it's purely free grace by which we're saved by the promise of God by the free gift of God by the fact that it is not by our incomplete ineffectual works of righteousness but by his blood plus nothing that we are saved and all our good works are any or if we have any all of them are an effect of the salvation never the cause of it that's the fifth thing that I see that grace teaches us we see that so clearly in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 look at that with me
I'll slow down give you time to turn to it because you go to sleep if you don't do a little work when you think about grace there's not much better place to look in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 and following it says and he has quickened and sorry and you hath he quickened now that means you has he brought to life this is actually a one verse synopsis of the calling of the
Holy Spirit the effectual calling when he comes to save you on that day when you were saved it says in you has he brought to life who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in time past you walked according to the course of the world according to the prince of the power of the air according to the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience so did you have free will or did you work according to what they moved you to do so that's not free you see you're making choices but they're all influenced there's so much bad language in the church today
I'm not talking about cursing there's that too probably nowadays I'm talking about just saying things that are absolutely not true when we say we have free will well we need to be more precise than that because free means sovereign that means you have thoughts that are not influenced you just think right things by yourself that is not true look what it says in verse 2 before you got saved it says you walked according to the course of the world and according to the prince of the power there that means the very things you thought and the things you did were according to Satan and you thought it was free will because you thought those were your thoughts and you didn't realize there's there are demons and demonic spirits that put thoughts in your mind and you act according to them that's before you were saved so even lost people don't have free will and then after we get saved we walk according to the
Holy Spirit that's not free will we are a bond slave to God we're we're a willing servant to the
Lord even Jesus said look I don't say anything that I haven't heard the Father say is that free will no it is not
I don't say anything I haven't heard the father's I don't do anything I haven't seen him do is that free will no it's not he acts according to a loving free will desire to be a servant to one who is called the father and that's exactly how he walked once he gave up heaven and came here and that's how we walk so that's a misnomer it doesn't mean though that we don't believe choices are important and that we're responsible for things because we are held responsible for everything we do it's just that we have influences among whom also we all had our lifestyle in time past so all of us who are saved now before we got saved we lived like them we walked according to the world system and Satan those two things influenced what we would do and mentions our flesh later the world the flesh and the devil influenced everything we did before we were saved among whom you just like these people were when they're lost you were like that before you were saved so was
I and among whom also we had our lifestyle in time past according to lust the flesh now it brings in the flesh there's the third enemy fulfilling the desire of the flesh and of the mind the fleshly mind and we're by nature the children of wrath even as they are still today it's just that God saved us so we're only saved by grace it's not because we're better than they are it's just merely because Jesus died in our place and God accepted that and so God sees us as if we're better than they are isn't that great he sees us as if we're as perfect as Jesus Christ because when he looks at us he sees the perfection of Christ because we're in Christ and he is in us but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us now there's election because he he doesn't love the non -elect he loves those who he knew before the foundation of the world is who he loves so God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherefore he loved us now if you look and see the book of Ephesians is written to you'll know who us is there it's not written to the world it's written to the elect to God's people and he goes on and it says even when we were dead in our sins he has quickened us together with Christ because by grace you're saved by the finished work of Christ so when
Jesus came out of the grave you were in him and you came out of the grave that's called grace because it happened 2 ,000 years before you did a good work you see that it's so clear when you put the whole
Bible together is very very clear what grace really means he has raised us up together with Christ and made us to sit together in heavenly places so not only when he came out of the grave 2 ,000 years ago were we in him and with him so that we now have a risen life a resurrected life but Jesus is seated in the right hand of heavenlies right now at the right hand of God and spiritually we're there too we're there too spiritually and I mean you look at your position tell me that won't help you live a better life that's what all of Romans chapter 6 is look at your position look at who you are look what you own look what
God's given to you and what you now possess and think about it reckon it to be true take inventory of it don't tell me you won't live a better life if you do that every day and that's why
I've said so many times the goodness of your walk the strength of you as a
Christian is directly proportional to the amount of Bible you're reading every day
I'll say every week you don't have to read it every day I don't read it every day I wish
I did my wife reads it every day but I read it every week and but I may spend a whole day reading it one day so you've got to be in the word it's better if you can be in it every day
I should learn to be a little bit usually I tell you the truth I am because I walk through the kitchen she says let me tell you what mr.
Spurgeon said today and then she'll give me she'll give me some scripture but it's directly proportional to how much we are in the word how much we read it how much we study it how much we dissect it how much we meditate on it how much we think about it and you can do that without being reading it you can be going down the highway and thinking about the
Word of God but that is a fact that's so clear in this passage so he raised us up together made us to sit in the heavenlies that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us while we're connected to Jesus Christ through dia through the channel of Jesus Christ for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift the free gift of God and not of works lest any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which
God is before ordained we would walk in them so there's the connection there it shows that works are in effect not the cause the cause is given in verses 8 9 the effect is given in verse 10 and that brings the book of James in and the fact of how do we live a good life we take inventory of the position that God's given us and that's the positional truth so the positional truth has to be the foundation of all of it now remember this chapter chapter 6 of Romans began with a question what shall we say then shall we continue in sin so that grace will even be bigger well that's a nonsensical question that only a lost person would ask in my opinion but they asked
Paul the question so he answered it right at the top of this chapter now I want you to look see how the chapter ends it's remarkable that it ends with the same question look all the way down to Romans chapter 14 and I mean chapter 6 chapter 6 verses 14 and 15 for sin now this is sort of the conclusion of all the information he gave us in chapter 6 about how to avoid sin and how to live a good life and all that stuff he says for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace so he brings it back to this foundation of grace is how we can live right if we know who we are what
God's given us helps us live right sin shall not have dominion over you listen this does not mean that you won't sin but it does mean you won't be a sinner and there's a difference biblically a sinner is someone who has a habitual lifestyle of sinning and the lost people the goats are sinners the tares are sinners sheep are people who are saved who make mistakes sometimes and sin but they never can they're never allowed to enjoy their sin the sin upsets them more than the pleasure that came from it every time if you're born again and you feel dirty and you come back to the
Lord and you use first John 1 9 and you confess to him that it was evil and you agree with him that it's evil and then you know you're forgiven because the blood's already cleansed you from it before you ever did it so the reason that we need confession is just for our own conscience it's not doesn't help
God one bit you listen God does not need for us to confess our sins to remove them they've already been removed it's in the heiress
I'll bet you in a thousand places it's already been removed but your conscience gets guilty when you sin and that's a good thing because when we're talking about living right we need that conscious to tell us when we're not living right don't we even as Christians so when the conscience has a problem we go to first John 1 9 and he says if we'll confess it which means we simply admit with God and agree that it was evil and we shouldn't have done it then he's faithful and just to forgive us for our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and your mind can know that and you can get up and go and walk right again you have a starting over place every time so it doesn't mean we don't sin it means we don't have a habitual lifestyle of sinning and we don't have that anymore and so we see for sin shall not have dominion over us listen you might sin when you get in the flesh in a weak moment but your life is different than it used to be because used to sin had dominion it is it was your life your thought life what you did what you thought it was all about the world system it was all about satanic leverage in your life it was all about your own flesh being just filled with whatever it wanted to fill itself with it's not like that now now you may sin but you're not like that anymore you are not overwhelmed by sin you're overwhelmed by your love for Christ you're whelmed right by your love for Christ that's what overwhelms you the sin is a is a problem because you got in the flesh for a moment maybe or several moments and the
Holy Spirit will bring you out of that because Jesus is your shepherd he won't leave you out there in the briar bushes he'll bring you back into the herd you might get a whipping because he might hit you with that stick to bring you back or he might put the loop around your neck and drag you back he will get you back and it won't be pleasant but you'll get back and then you'll be happy you'll be glad it happened and you'll be a better Christian than you were before it happened and that's exactly why they asked
Paul the Christian think think with me about this this is almost nonsensical to our way of thinking but we if we're adults and we've lived beyond say 20 years old or at least 30 if you're older than 30 for sure you know for a fact there have been times when you slipped and you did sin and you flat got caught by humans and you know you got caught by God and you had to deal with it and you had to go through it and it was hard and it was embarrassing and it was awful and you never want to go through that again and because you went through it you came out on the other side stronger as a
Christian than you've ever been before has that ever happened to any of you it has to me so let me ask you a question if that's true then why don't we just say well then why don't we sin more because every time we sin we come out stronger than we were before now that sounds nonsensical doesn't it you see that's how the world would ask the question if we were to tell the world look yeah
I had that problem once even as a saved person I had that sin in my life and I went through it and God taught me and now
I'm stronger their answer would be then why don't we just sin all the time will be even stronger you see see that's why the question is asked at the first of the chapter and at the end of the chapter because that's the lost world's way of thinking the
Christian knows that you understand their question don't we I mean I understand their question because logically it's a logical question but what what makes me not be able to go with their conclusion is that I know on the inside there's something there they can't understand that is it when
I do sin I hate it and when they sin they love it and they're never gonna understand the difference between that because God willed me when he saved me he turned me upside down he covered me completely he lives around me he lives in me
I can't be the same towards sin even when I sin I'm not the same towards sin it has no dominion over me anymore and it doesn't over you either and it is a positional truth it has no dominion
Christ is your only Lord when he saves you he sets you free from every lesser Lord thank you for that Rocky Freeman I love that phrase for sin shall not have dominion over you for you're not under the law that's why it doesn't have dominion but you're under grace which means you got saved by a free gift therefore even when you sin it can't have dominion because it doesn't own you anymore it's not a matter of whether you sinned or not that takes you to heaven so it has no dominion over you anymore what then shall we sin because we're not under the law but under grace
God forbid see the question is asked again at the end of the chapter well should we just sin more because we're not under the law since we don't have to keep the law let's just sin a whole bunch is that what it means to live under grace only a tear would ask the question a
Christian just knows better innately we just know better we can't even explain it that well to the lost person can we can't we have a hard time because they're being logical and we're being a little bit illogical and we say hey it doesn't work that way
I love that's why I love Paul's answer because really he didn't answer and he turned a corner and just answered a different question because what he said was said they said well how why don't we live in sin so that grace may abound why don't we do that he said
God forbid how can we who are dead to sin live any longer in it he went back to our position but see they don't understand the position but Paul does and we do we're dead the old man was crucified 2 ,000 years ago
I don't need to even ask that question I'm dead to sin why would I live in it today well we kind of know the answer we live in it because we get in the flesh sometimes we don't need to tell the lost person that because they see that that's a big problem that confuses them and that's why we need to work at living a better life where we don't sin as much and as often so the chapter right at the towards the end of the chapter asked the question again the intricate truth of his love to us his gracious giving of the life of his only begotten
Son to pay for our sins and his outside of time ability to place us into Christ the day he was killed 2 ,000 years ago we were in him and when he was buried we were in him and when he rose again we were in him so therefore by Christ's death by his burial and through his death and through his burial and in his death and in his burial and into his resurrection is interwoven throughout this chapter that that is the power for living right in the ending of this great chapter
Paul agrees with James if there is a great cause of salvation then there must also be a great effect to put it negatively there must be a testimony of a changed life to the extent that otherwise the cause really never happened it was fake humanistic religious perhaps an act of supposed salvation that wasn't real but it wasn't grace it wasn't spiritual it wasn't invisible and it wasn't true so the end of the chapter asked the question or makes the statement who you yield yourself to is your
Lord in reality now think about that look at verse 16 chapter 6 of Romans look at what it says no you not that to whom you yield your body yourself servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey so a person who habitually yields his body to sin is not saved yet do you hear me he is not saved yet if that's the habit of the life and it goes on in the second part of verse 16 whether of sin unto death if you listen if you're obeying sin you're walking a life that's going towards hell towards eternal death but if your life is bent towards obedience then it's unto righteousness and unto eternal life now let's look at this a minute so there's there's a contrast the living of the life is not what saves us
Paul's already made that clear in five chapters but in chapter 6 he asked the question okay if you if you're a person who habitually lives a life of sin who really is your
Lord and the implication is it's not Jesus it's the world the flesh the devil and you're still lost but if you have a life that is yielded unto obedience unto righteousness then you're headed towards heaven but we have to look at this interesting word this word obedience
I think it's kind of an old English translation it doesn't make much sense to me today so let me show you what it means it comes from the
Greek word hoopa Koya this word obedience and let me tell you what it means it means attentive hearkening to or listening attentive hearing so let me read the verse with the true meaning of the word know you not that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey whether to sin unto death or of attentive hearing of God's Word unto life isn't that amazing those who have ears to hear those who have the ears to hear the doctrines and teachings and instructions of the
Word of the true Word of God those are the ones who are truly saved those who don't have that can be religious they can say the right words but they still live a habitual lifestyle of sin and they really know it and that's why
Paul wrote this to warn them he said look just look at your life whoever you obey that's who your
Lord is if you're obeying the Word of God your Lord is Jesus if you're obeying sin the devil the flesh your
Lord Satan and you still own by him Matthew 13 16 says but blessed are your eyes for your eyes see and blessed are your ears for your ears hear that's the same word it means attentive hearkening it's translated obedience up there in Romans which is odd I don't it's an old
English word doesn't mean that to us so let's don't translate it that way it's talking about an ear that hears
Matthew 13 19 says when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and understands it not then comes the wicked one and catches away that was sown in that person's heart and this is he that received the seed by the wayside verse 23 says but he that received the seed into the good ground the fertile soil that's talking about your mind and your heart that person is he that hears the word there's your word the same word translated obey obey obey obedience in Romans 6 is this same word so it really means hearing it's not talking about obeying
Christ I'm not hearing him with ears that hear because listen if you can hear him with ears that hear you don't have to have a set of rules because you're hearing him with the heart with the mind and you're wanting to follow him you're already a disciple he's not going to lead you into a sinful life it's a whole different way of living a good life than the world understands because they can't live one anyway they can only fake it he that receives the seed into the good ground is he that hears the word and look at this and understand it the
Greek word itself implies hearing with understanding it's what the word means he that hears it with understanding it's different than hearing it with the ear it's hearing it with the ear the heart the mind and the soul and understanding it that person which also bears fruit in his life and he brings forth fruit some a hundredfold some 60 and some 30 every born -again person brings some fruit or he's not born again in other words if you don't see effects the cause was never there that's what
James teaches he's not teaching salvation by works because those are the effects it's not the works that save you they're the result of the salvation and yet if the results not there the cause never happened that's what
Paul is saying here Romans chapter 6 do you have ears that hears my question this morning do you hear under the great old doctrines of the
Bible do you have understanding of Scripture when you read it do you hear Scripture with ears that understand or do you understand the modern cheap shallow ideas of modern men better great question to ask the church today maybe not this church hopefully but it could be in this church we have many influences outside the walls here don't we in this world we live in do you have ears that hear what you hear is who you are
I'm talking about hearing with understanding what you hear and understand is who you become how you serve is who you belong to Paul was happy that his own converts in the
Roman Church that he wrote to not now but back in the first century the Roman Church he was happy that they were actually saved they weren't just faking it what were their symptoms of salvation look at verse 17
Romans chapter 6 look at verse 17 but God be thanked he says of his converts that you were the servants of sin that's what they were but what are they now it's interesting when he talks about they were the servants of sin that is a in the imperfect tense it's kind of a state of existence or a state of action that may have happened in the past but it's still it's still ongoing and so you were servants of sin but look what you are now look at the second part of the verse but you have now obeyed from the heart see that's the hearing with understanding when in the word obey there by the way is not obey it is to hear under someone to like to hear under a great teacher to sit under a great teacher and hear it with understanding that's what the word means in Greek not obey so you have heard under the great doctrines of Scripture from the heart that form and now he fleshes it out he tells you what he's talking about when you to hear under that form of doctrine which was delivered to you by me
Paul the Apostle Paul now that's interesting that you know it says that he brought this and they obeyed it and it was delivered to you and it was called doctrine the word doctrine is didache in Greek it means instruction the instructions that Paul gave them they heard under it they submitted to it they understood it from the heart and they're really saved it
Bible also says Paul writes says right here it was delivered to you essentially that's in the past tense it's actually aorist passive indicative which means it just happened
I learned that from Raj and I'll always remember it it just happened it was delivered it's already done it's over with it was delivered once and for all and we see that in Jude 3 it says beloved when
I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith that means all of the
Christian faith which was once already delivered unto you means
God's not still adding to it it's been done it's been given to us and we have it and they had it in the first century isn't that interesting and there's whole groups today that think
God's still adding to his word through prophets and apostles and things that the Bible says don't exist anymore and the effect of this great salvation is found here in Romans 6 verse 18 being then made free from sin isn't that something listen having that ear to hear that hears
God's Word more and more and the more of it you hear the better Christian you'll be no doubt in my mind directly proportional the amount of time you're in the word in the amount of effective time that you're in the word being made free from sin you became the servants of righteousness you see the contrast was who you serve is who your
Lord is you used to be servants of sin now through having the ear that would hear and submitting to the teachings and instructions of the true doctrines that the
Apostle Paul taught and still teaches us through the New Testament that's how we become free from that and all of a sudden people around us can know and we ourselves can know that we're actually now the servants of righteousness so who you serve is who you belong to who your
Lord is is who you serve true believers are servants of righteousness just like verse 18 says and it might be nice to take that home and read it slower when we're not going fast read that verse slow and figure out what it means being then made free from sin you're become the servants of righteousness who your
Lord is is Jesus Christ and he sets us free none of that has bondage over us anymore true believers are servants of righteousness and of the righteous one
Jesus Christ verse 19 talks about who we were again it says I speak after the manner of men so he's trying to explain it further someone let me give you a human example he says because of the infirmity of your flesh it's hard for you understand spiritual things so let me give you a human example
Paul says for as you have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and unto iniquity unto iniquity just like you used to do that so he's trying to teach us a spiritual truth by using us as an example of in our own life you remember how you used to live before you were saved how you just did whatever the world flesh and devil said to do that's what you did that's how you lived and he's reminding us of that that's how we were but look at verse 20 for when you were the servants of sin you were free from righteousness you didn't go to church you didn't want to go to church you didn't read your
Bible you didn't want to read your Bible you didn't have to love people you loved yourself you were free from all those things because you served sin so being a servant of sin meant you were free from the things of God you didn't have to do them you know think about them you never did he's saying use that as an example of how it is when you flip the coin when the ships turned upside down when your life is changed and you're not like that anymore like how are you you know as a lost sheep you were free to sin you loved hanging out with those who did sin but look at verse 21 what fruit had you then in those things wherever you are now ashamed how much fruit in your life did that life bring for the end of those things is death and hell but now look at verse 22 so he's taking the contrast remember back what that life was like and use that to understand what the new life is like look at verse 22 but now being made free from sin and become servants to God you have your fruit unto holiness so just like back then when you belong to Satan your whole life brought out fruit that was ungodly and it just happened it was just natural the same way now that you serve
God your life will just naturally bring forth good things can we fall into the flesh and sin yes we can but that's not the direction of our life that's not the predominance and that doesn't have dominion over us because we can tell it no and feel sorry about it and confess it put it behind us and keep going so it does not have dominion over us anymore we're not sinners anymore we're people who sin sometimes and ashamed of it but we're not sinners anymore but now being made free from sin and become servants to God you have your fruit unto holiness that's how we live a good life it's just fruit it's natural it's the natural fruit of who we are now it has to come from the position of truth because that's what teaches us who we are we're children of the
King God gave his only son and paid for our sins and took our sins away and he put us in him and he buried us and the old man is destroyed by crucifixion and has been buried and has risen again as a new man connected to the life of the universe which is
Jesus Christ don't tell me that isn't bare fruit and you don't even really have to think about it it's natural that's the fruit you bear because that's who you are and if you don't see that you're not that person because you serve what your fruit is you might still be serving
Satan and just calling yourself a Christian you've got to ask the question and be honest now I'll tell you this the
Bible says the Spirit confesses with our spirit that we are the children of God so if you are saved you know you're saved but if you have the least doubt it's unnatural to have that if you're truly saved if you have the least doubt it's unnatural now let me clarify though right after we sin we're all gonna have a little doubt because you
God doesn't let us have assurance when we're sinning but as soon as we confess it and the
Holy Spirit causes us to confess it we then then we don't have doubt we know because why did it even bother me
I mean if I'm if I'm lost and why did even bother me that I just said it wouldn't have so that's one way we know we're saying so what is our destiny look at verse 23 the end is everlasting life
I'm sorry that's the end of verse 22 so let me read 22 again but now being made free from sin and become servants to God you have fruit unto holiness and the end of that is everlasting life verse 23 for the wages of sin is death if that's who we serve but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord now turn with me to first John chapter 5 and verse 11 I want to end with this and I want everybody to see it as we end with it we used to have an old man in our church that would zip his
Bible when he thought I had preached this long enough and it was a real loud zip and he sat right on the third row mr.
Miller remember that he'd zip that Bible and everyone's why y 'all to kind of grin at me when he would do it
I never stopped when he zipped the Bible though of course naturally but just wasn't quite time so anyway you can zip it after this one ready first John 5 11 through 13 look at this and this is the record that God has given to us those of us who are born again he has given to us the word given is the very definition of grace it's free it's a gift he has given to us eternal life now let me ask you this how long does eternal last how long when can it end so if it can't end how could you lose it if that's what he gave you how could you lose it so he has given to us eternal life and look how it happens his life is in his son it's not in us doing good things or not because we fail don't we still we still fail we still have doubts sometimes right we still don't have perfect faith except we've been given
Jesus's faith and that's what saved us thank the Lord but this is the record that God has in fact given us life that never ends and this life is in his son
I look at verse 12 very simple you want to know if you're saved or not just tell me which category you're in here in verse 12 it's the only verse you need if you only had one verse in the whole world you're on an island you never had any
Bible but this one verse you could know if you're saved or not because look what it says he that has the son who's that Jesus he that has the son has what say it life he that has not the
Son of God has not what life so which group are you in who do you serve who do you serve with your day -in and day -out body your mind your soul who do you love he that has the
Son has life and he that has not the Son of God has not life these things have I written unto you and who is the you that the
Bible is written to the elect I've written these things to you who are saved so that you can believe on the name of some
God and know that you have already eternal life so if you already have it and it can't stop how could you lose it
I'll ask again you can't and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God isn't that interesting that that's written to people already saved people most people would use that as a salvation verse to try to get lost people to get saved that's not what it's for it's to remind you who you are in the fact that you have the
Son therefore you can believe on the Son because you have him the Holy Spirit witness to you that you have him and you know that you have him and even when we fail we hate it when we fail and we get right back in line one way or the other either he chastens us or brings us with love and doesn't have to chase us that time he'll do it either way he's appropriate and he'll get us right back in the saddle of living right again and that's the predominant direction of our life and if it's not we have to question our salvation that's what the last few verses of Romans chapter 6 are talking about so let's stand and have word of prayer together and thank the
Lord for his grace in our lives unmerited favor we can't deserve it we can only own it we can't obey it we can only hear it with understanding we can only hear it with understanding and love what we're hearing and if you have that you're saved you're saved because if you use the old
English word obey you're going to question your salvation because we don't always obey do we but the word in the Greek isn't obey the word is do
I hear under do I have ears that hear this and do I love it when I hear it that is a great test of whether we're saved or not father we thank you so much for your word thank you that you've given it in a perfect language to give it in in this world
Greek in the New Testament Hebrew in the old and some Aramaic and Lord you picked the exact languages for your purposes and thank you that it steers us in the right direction when we strive to understand and hear your word with understanding and thank you that your
Holy Spirit is our great teacher and the word the written word is our great guide and your words are life and spirit that come into our hearts and souls as we read them as the