Atheist Day Celebration! - James Lindsay's Minor Tantrum

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Atheist Day 2023. Okay, guys, this is very exciting.
It's that time of year again. It's the time of year to say loudly and proudly,
I'm an atheist. And so All right, well, Atheist Day 2023. It's on April 8, not
April, it's on March 23, Atheist Day. That's when Atheist Day is in case you hadn't heard of it. Well, yeah, so this is the day to say loudly and proudly you heard her.
I'm an atheist. That's what it is. It's that day to say that. Wow, I got to be honest,
I've been thinking a little bit about atheism lately. I used to think a lot more about it. You know, when I first became a
Christian, you know, I used to I used to do kind of some online debates with atheists.
I used to do in person witnessing with atheists. In fact, in fact, I traveled from New York to Washington DC to attend the reason rally, which was like the largest gathering of atheists ever.
And you know, this was before people talked about things as being cringe. This event,
I don't know how many of you guys probably a few of you in this audience went to that event. It was the cringiest thing that I could possibly imagine.
It's just so dorky. It's like, atheism is so ridiculous. I it's it's it's it's it's not respectable.
Of course, it's a dumb belief. It doesn't make any sense at all. But it's so embarrassing to atheism to the idea that this is what they play.
They play those semantic games. Atheism loves the semantic games. They have the I lack a belief in God.
That's that's my that's not really a belief. I just lack a belief. I believe in one
God less than you. You know, you don't believe in Allah or Odin. I just I lack a belief in one more
God than you. And like they have all these little games that they play. It's it's so watching debates between Christians and atheists.
It's so embarrassing for the atheist. It's it's it's it I can't put it into a better word.
Embarrassing, cringey. And it's just that's what it is. So in honor of Atheist Day coming up, oh man, let's let's see what the
Atheist Republic has to say about how to loudly and proudly celebrate atheism.
For those who don't know, I just like Atheist Day is March 23rd. And can you please share the screen?
It doesn't matter if it's like, you know, presuppositional debate or if it's a, you know, evidentialist debate.
It doesn't even matter if the the Christian debater is really any good or not.
But the the atheist side of the equation is always always so embarrassing.
It's ridiculous. And even if they're even if they're a debate partner, like the Christian is a little unsure of themselves and they don't have the best arguments, which sometimes does happen.
You know, you've got lots of Christians that, you know, sometimes don't know why they're a Christian and really can't defend it.
And they end up getting and, you know, looking embarrassed, too. But even in those where the atheist is winning, it's still embarrassing for the atheist.
Like the position of atheism is embarrassing no matter if you're winning a debate or losing a debate, no matter if you're really smart or really dumb, because even if you're really smart and you're an atheist, you actually are really dumb.
You're really dumb. You don't even have the beginning of wisdom. You end up looking like a fool no matter how smart you are when you're an atheist.
That's the position that atheists are in. It's it's unfortunate for them. I can't say I feel bad for them, but it's unfortunate.
No matter how intelligent you are, you end up saying the stupidest possible thing. I remember reading a book.
I didn't really read it. I was listening to it while I was biking. It was a manual for creating atheists, and it was written by Peter Boghossian.
And it was this book that was supposed to lay out this this new thing that he was getting behind.
It was going to be just like street preachers, street witnessing, except it was going to be street epistemology.
He was going to create an army of street epistemologists, and they were going to go out there and they were going to show
Christians why they were so dumb. And it was just this book that was supposed to create this movement of street epistemologists, all in the name of atheism.
And it was the dumbest possible thing I could possibly imagine ever writing a book about.
I'm sure people were very excited about it, and I'm sure there's still street epistemologists out there right now embarrassing themselves in public every single day.
Street epistemologists. Sir, have you heard about this great movement? What is it?
Street epistemology. We're all atheists here. We don't really we lack a belief.
We lack a belief. Beautiful. The symbol of Atheist Day, for those who do not know, is the green circle.
And the idea behind the green circle, the symbol of Atheist Day is a green circle. And look at these two superheroes here.
We've got one that's kind of dressed like a Muslim, but he's got the green circle power. And then we've got this lady here who
I guess is a Christian because she's got the cross here. She's also got the green circle power.
So they're loudly and proudly showing that even if they're Christians or Muslims, they're still atheists because they've got the green circle.
The green circle is the symbol of atheism. Maybe. Will Susannah tell us why? Let's find out.
The green circle is that you can share a picture of a green circle no matter where you are in the world to signal your non -belief without it being immediately identifiable that you are an atheist, right?
So the way to loudly and proudly show that you're an atheist on Atheist Day is a green circle.
Why? Well, the green circle is good because you can kind of signal without anyone really knowing.
So that's how you loudly and proudly say I'm an atheist. You draw a green circle on your hand, you see.
And then that is a subtle way of you showing your non -belief in a way that nobody can identify.
So that's how you loudly and proudly say I'm an atheist. You do it in a way that nobody knows what it means. Nobody ever accused atheists of being experts in logic, but that's what she's saying.
You loudly and proudly show you're an atheist by not telling anyone you're an atheist and just putting a stupid circle on your hand so that nobody really knows.
But you know, you know you're an atheist. As for a lot of people in a lot of countries, being open about their apostasy is dangerous for them, maybe in their community or because of the laws of their country, right?
But if you just have a green circle, if someone comes to you and is like, what is this?
What does this mean? You're like, it's just a green circle. Yeah, because the reality is that she's hitting on something important here.
Nobody's going to die for their atheism. I mean, obviously that's, that's insane. Why would you die for your atheism? So you loudly and proudly show you're an atheist by hiding your symbols that you're an atheist.
That's how you do it on Atheist Day. Whatever do you mean, good sir? This is a green circle.
What could possibly be wrong? Yes, that's how you do it.
You secretly, covertly show you're an atheist. That's how you loudly and proudly show you're an atheist on Atheist Day.
I don't know how much more of this I can take. This is so crazy. It's a safer symbol for a lot of atheists around the world. And it also has some symbolism behind it as well.
Mainly being like Occam's razor and stuff like that. But the green circle is the symbol of Occam's razor.
That's one of the core tenets of atheism, I guess. Occam's razor, it's very symbolic.
This is a, you know, I think I could get into Atheist Day. Atheist Day seems like something that I could get into.
We could gather every April 23rd, or March 23rd, or whatever it is. And we could just watch the cringiest possible content in existence.
Atheist Day, again, is happening on March 23rd this year in North America. That is this coming
Thursday. And I believe for the rest of the world, that would be this coming Friday. And what you can do to help celebrate
Atheist Day is to make a post on Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram.
Just either with a green circle, or maybe like your hand in a green circle, or you holding up something with a green circle, and just talking about being an atheist.
Again, if this is safe for you. This sounds like a great celebration. This sounds like a massive holiday.
This is a real, everyone looks forward to Atheist Day every year. Everyone. What you do, how to celebrate
Atheist Day. You know, I know Christians have their things. They've got Christmas. They've got the
Lord's Day. I mean, every Sunday is a holiday for us. They've got the Lord's Day. They've got Christmas. They've got
Easter. But we've got Atheist Day. And the way you celebrate, do you feast? No, you don't feast.
I guess unless you want to, you could feast. No, that's not the main way to celebrate
Atheist Day is you put a post on Facebook. And you hold up a green. Let me demonstrate how to celebrate
Atheist Day here. Hold on. Hold on. We're going to celebrate Atheist Day right here.
All right. Boom. Atheist Day. This is how you do it.
You put a post on, you can do it on YouTube if you want. Picture something like that.
Atheist Day. That's how you do it. That's the celebration. That's what we look forward to all year round.
365, 364 days. You know, when Atheist Day is over, you're immediately counting down the next
Atheist Day where you can maybe this time on your hand. This is like the first way you could also do it on your hand.
That's the other thing. Oh, wow. Occam's razor. It's very important. Occam's razor.
That's the symbol. If you are not an Atheist, but you believe that it is wrong, that Atheists are abused and discriminated against in the systematic fashion, you think it's wrong, then you can be religious and say, hey,
I'm celebrating Atheist Day for my friends who don't believe, but I still love them.
And I don't think that they should be mistreated because they do not believe. I can't take it anymore. I only lasted two minutes.
It's just too much. I can't do it. I can't do it. I remember back in the day when
I was, I used to think about Atheism a lot, like I said, and they introduced Atheism Plus. Do you remember that?
Atheism Plus? I remember that. That was a big infighting thing where it was like, you know,
Atheists are like, well, Atheism is just about not having beliefs. I don't have any beliefs. I lack belief. And then the other, the
Atheism Plus people were like, yeah, but we believe in inclusivity and diversity and inclusion.
And there was a big divide. It splintered the Atheist community, the Atheists versus the
Atheism Plus people. And I guess James Lindsay would have been one of the Atheists that was against Atheism Plus because it was all about diversity and all that kind of junk.
In any case, that's not why you're here, though. You're not here to discuss Atheism Day. You're here to discuss
James Lindsay, because James Lindsay had a minor tantrum on Twitter the other day because he found a clip that Joel Webben and I recorded back in January.
And I guess they had right response to ministry. They'll put out the full video, but then they'll also put out like key snippets that they think are interesting.
And this one was a 13 minute snippet called We Love James Lindsay, but he's not. Let's see.
He's not a. I don't even know what it's called. It's not my video, but he's not a
Christian. He's not a Christian. Sorry about that. All right. We love James Lindsay, but he's not a
Christian. That's the name of the video. And this video is the what the reason we recorded is because there was two controversies at the time, right?
There was there was controversy with James Lindsay, you know, kind of being against Christian nationalism and how you deal with an
Atheist who's coming against, you know, you know, Christians versus an internal controversy, which there was one at the time with Doug Wilson and Jared Moore where they were discussing homosexuality and some differences of opinion on on whether or not it was sinful and things like that.
And the whole point of the video was that it's different when you're dealing with an Atheist or you're dealing with a brother. It's different.
You got to handle it differently and things like that. And that's what the whole video is about. And that's pretty tame stuff, you know, pretty tame stuff.
But but this video, it's 13 minutes, and I urge you to watch it. I urge you to watch it. It's there's nothing controversial in this video at all.
Maybe the way I talk, I guess, could be controversial. But but as far as the the premises go, look, he's not a
Christian. He can we can only team up with James Lindsay so far because because he's not a
Christian, he's against Christ. There are certain things that we'll be able to to to to team up with him about and all of that.
And there are certain things that we will not be able to team up with him about. And I guess James Lindsay thought that was just beyond the pale.
And I got to be honest, this is this is so ridiculous and so hilarious that I think it's worth commenting on.
So here's what he goes. He goes. The thread starts off pretty good. He says, Friendly reminder, we love
James Lindsay, but he's not one of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. I thought that was funny because that's from the movie
Freaks. One of us. One of us. Gooba Gobba. One of us. I like that movie.
It's kind of a kind of a controversial flick if you've never seen called Freaks. It's like from the 20s, I think.
And it's hard to find. You can find it on online, of course. But yeah, so I thought that was pretty funny.
And then he kind of takes out some quotations from the video that he's taking issue with. And it's just it's so funny because he ends up looking like a hysterical woman.
He does what hysterical women do, and he twists the words and he tries to make it seem like it's something that it's not.
And it's all because he's just completely offended. He's clutching his pearls. He can't imagine how
Christians could behave this way. And here's what he says. He says, We are not on the same team.
That's a quotation. I think I might have said that. And he says, OK, and it's like,
OK, so he obviously took offense to that. And it's just the truth. Right. Because what I was referring to is the fact that I'm on the team of Jesus Christ and he is not.
There's really no middle ground there. You're either with Christ or you're against Christ.
That's how it works. The scripture teaches that that's it's common sense. You're either one of the you're either one of the saved or you're one of the of the damned.
It's either a sheep or a goat. This is the way the Bible teaches. And so he might think that that makes me an asshole.
But it's just it's just a basic statement of, you know, you're either in or you're out.
You're in Christ. You're out of Christ. You're in Christ. You're in Adam. It's just that simple. It's just that simple. But he's taking offense to that.
Then he says, Maybe we shouldn't have let him in our circles in the first place. I think I might have said that one, too.
That might have been Joel as well. You know, Joel was in agreement with me on these things, so it's hard to remember, but you can watch the video and see.
And and I was just kind of musing that, you know, at the time, you know, when he was sort of kind of, you know, giving the church information about wokeness, you know, a lot of people embraced him into those circles.
You know, I liked his stuff. I mean, I never really shared it that much. I don't even think I shared it at all because I knew that that as an atheist, there's only there's a into how much
I can use his stuff. I mean, he'll be able to identify lots of the problems, but he won't be able to give you a solution because he's not in Christ.
He doesn't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's the solution to all these problems. Right. The law of God.
If you want to replace a pagan law with something that's more just, it's going to have to be replaced by God's law because pagans can invent all kinds of ways to be unjust.
But if you want to be safe, you need to go with God's law and atheists won't want to do that. So obviously that's what
I was musing. You know, you know, maybe we shouldn't have let us let us let him in our circles in the first place. Okay, fine.
He takes offense to that as well. He's got nothing for you. I have nothing for them.
That's true. All right. Well, I mean, I, I, I agree. So thanks, James. And I appreciate that.
And then let's see here. He says, that one's not really relevant.
He says, these guys are why people hate Christianity with quotes, scare quotes.
It's amazing because I think that James Lindsay, and quite frankly, if you look at the comments to, to, you know, the responses to this, he's got a lot of, you know,
Christian followers that agree with him that he can define what real Christianity is.
In fact, he's saying here with these scare quotes, that this does not represent real Christianity. What we're saying doesn't represent
Christianity. So I guess the idea that we're not on the same team, you know, James is an atheist, you know, we're
Christians, that's not the same team. That doesn't represent real Christianity to James Lindsay. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but he, this is why we made the video that we made, because it's a, it's a different animal.
We're talking to Doug Wilson and Jared Moore. You know, these people are in Christ. They have the church's best interest at heart.
They, you know, they have, uh, the, the, the, the spirit of God within them. There are certain things that we can trust
Jared Moore and Doug Wilson with, even if we disagree with them much more than we could
James Lindsay, because James Lindsay does not have the spirit of Christ living in him. James Lindsay does not, uh, has no love for the
Lord. If anyone has no love for the Lord, let them be accursed. That's a scripture. That's a Bible verse, right?
Let them be accursed. If they have no love for the Lord, James Lindsay is cursed.
He's under a curse. He's under the condemnation of the law. He's in Adam. He's not in Christ. And so there's just, you know, we, we need to understand that like, like, like you cannot allow someone who's not in Christ define what a
Christian is, what a Christian ought to act like. And this is the problem that we see. We see lots of people that are assigning to James the ability to do that fairly, to do that morally, to decide who's in and out, what, what, what the church ought to do, what the church shouldn't do.
In fact, that's a major theme in this video where I say, look, I'm okay. If you want to use
James Lindsay's materials, that's fine. I'm okay with that. So long as it, you know, you cut it off at the right cutoff point.
I urge you to watch this. This is a great video. You have to cut it off because here's the thing, like he can identify problems with someone's ideology, but he has no solutions.
He has no correct ideology. The minute that James starts going into what, how the church ought to behave, how the church ought to be, you know, determining who's in or out or, or, or, you know, organizing themselves or, or confronting error, the oughts are the problem when it comes to James Lindsay, because he has no love for the
Lord. Therefore he has no love for the Lord's church. He has no love for the Lord. He has no love for the bride of Christ.
And therefore, you know, you cannot use those parts of his material. It's just that simple.
It's just that simple. He says here, the stuff around 10 minutes is absolutely gorgeous.
So let's, let's go around 10 minutes and see kind of what he was referring to. We'll go to 9 30 and we'll listen in.
What, what was, what was all AD saying? But fighting with James Lindsay is totally different because, because one of the things that James is very like, you know, upset about.
And I understand from his perspective is that, you know, Stephen Wolfe in his book said that, you know, atheism will be stomped out in, in a
Christian nation crushed. And, and that is not controversial in the slightest. Atheism will be crushed.
Yes. Of course. Every, any, anything, any, any group or organization, that doesn't mean we're going to hunt down atheists and just kill them for no reason.
Like that's not what we're talking about, but they will have no influence. None. That's right. In a Christian nations, our traditions, our laws, our customs and all that kind of stuff.
Right. And they should have none. It, that stuff is absolutely gorgeous because the atheist has no morality of their own, the morality they have, they get from the
Lord and they're going to need to act consistently with that. When it comes to a Christian nation, a
Christian nation has no quarter for atheists, atheistic influence on their law system because the atheist does not revere
Christ as Lord in their heart. The atheist does not acknowledge Christ as King. And the Bible says that Christ is the
King and actually he's the King of Kings. And so when we organize ourselves as a government, as a law system, as a family, as a church and all of these things, we do that without reference to an atheist, obviously.
We don't do it in reference to Allah. We don't do it in reference to Vishnu. We don't do it in reference to Satan.
We don't say, I wonder what Satan would say about this governmental system. Or I wonder what, you know, the non -belief of the atheists are going to think when we honor
Christ as Lord in our law. Like that's obviously not what a Christian nation would do. What a Christian nation would do is say,
I wonder what the Lord would think. I wonder what the Lord would think, because the Lord has given us authority in certain areas and he has told us what to do with that authority and he gives us the responsibility to carry it out.
We're the Lord's servant. We're the Lord's deacon. This is straight out of the scripture, guys. This is nothing controversial at all.
The government is the Lord's servant. And so the Lord is the reference point. What does a servant do, right?
What does a servant just do whatever it wants, whatever the servant wants to do? Think of it as in terms of an employee, right?
An employee, you know, you own a business, you're the CEO, you're the president of the business. Do your employees just do whatever they want to do?
They do things, you know, whatever goal they want to have, whatever, you know, outcomes they want. No, no.
They look to you as the leader, as the CEO, as the president to define where they're headed, right?
They have a mission statement. They've got certain ways that they do business. They've got certain goals that they're trying to achieve.
And because you're an employee, you're not the owner of the business, you look to your leader in order to find out what to do.
Sure, you have some leeway, you know, the leader's not going to give you every detail, and Christ doesn't give us every detail.
But he gives us the outline, he gives us the thrust, he gives us the general direction that we're headed, and we're supposed to be serving him in that way.
And that's obviously not, okay, well, you know, consider what, you know, the atheists think, because they might not like it if we put in our constitution that Christ is
Lord, Christ is king of kings. You know, most state constitutions in New England reference
Jesus Christ directly by name. And that was a good thing. That was a good thing.
And so we obviously, you know, this is true. We're going to stomp out the influence of every power or principality that's opposed to Jesus Christ.
That's obviously going to happen in a Christian nation. That is gorgeous. Let's see if our education, no, they will have no influence.
That's the goal. And the thing is, so when you're fighting, so he doesn't like that. He's very upset about that. But the problem is, he's a fool.
And so the Bible tells us how to deal with him. You don't answer him, lest he be just like him.
So you don't act like he acts when he calls you a little, you know, whatever, you can bleep that out. Sorry. You don't respond in kind, you know what
I mean? You don't make fun of him in that way. You don't, you know, rip him that way. You can zing him, obviously,
I'm not saying you can't zing him, but you know, but you don't answer a fool, you know, according to his folly, lest you be just like him.
But you do answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. He needs to be put in his place. Absolutely.
Yeah, he does. He does. And, you know, if he wants to get all butthurt about it, that's okay.
If he wants to clutch his pearls, that's okay. But the reality is, James, that you're not a Christian. And Christians ought not to care what you say a
Christian ought to be like. You have not the first idea what a
Christian ought to be like. You don't have the spirit of the Lord. You don't have any of that. The Bible says, you have no love for the
Lord, therefore, let him be accursed. That's the problem, James. The problem is that you think you have this ability that you do not have.
You're not as serious. These are the funny parts of this.
This is how I know he's gotten a little bit, he's having a little bit of a tantrum here.
He's not really thinking straight. He's a hysterical woman here. This is the activity of a hysterical woman.
He says, I love how often and how casually they repeatedly say they can use me.
Now, if you watch this video, friends, and I'm sure most of you will because it's really good stuff.
I don't think we even once say that we can use him. This is the language of a woman scorned.
You just used me. You used me. How could you use me like that?
James, James, James, you really need to take a step back and think about why this was so offensive to you.
It's really something you should think about. What we did say, though, was that you could use his materials. In fact,
I think that's exactly how we said it. We could use his work, the work he's done on wokeness.
It can be useful to people and you can use that. It's very different than saying you used me.
Man, you just used me. How could you? Oh, man.
Yeah. So, you know, I guess to James, though, if you use his work, but you don't think that he's a
Christian, then you're just using him. You're just using him. You abused me and used me. Oh, man.
So that's kind of how I knew that he was real butthurt about this. And then this was the funniest part. Like, obviously,
James knows very little about me. But it's even funnier than that. So final word.
This is his final word about that video. Now, remember, we recorded this video in January and we recorded it for a very specific purpose to compare dealing with an atheist, an outsider, and an insider, a believer.
When there's controversy, how you deal with both. His final word in summary. This is the great James Lindsay, the great intellect of James Lindsay.
They're upset that I'm speaking at the Turning Point USA Faith Pastors Conference if the huge campaign to get me canceled from it doesn't succeed.
And they're not. And they're not. Envy is very Christ -like. You know, so many people that do know me obviously know that I think
Turning Point USA is a complete joke. I mean, you know, it's gay.
It's cringy as well. It's just standard, you know, con ink type stuff.
I am no fan of Turning Point USA. I've never been a fan of Turning Point USA. I can't remember a single thing from Turning Point USA that I've ever shared.
Maybe I have. It's possible that I've shared something in the past. But I've never been a big fan, never been a supporter.
So that doesn't make any sense to say that I'd be jealous of that. Obviously, anyone who knows me knows that.
But furthermore, this was before anyone knew he was he was speaking at this Faith Pastors Conference.
It was this was in January. I think that as far as I knew, nobody knew he was doing this until February. So apparently, according to the great intellect of James Lindsay, the atheist, that, you know, envy is not very
Christlike because he knows a lot about being Christlike as an atheist. And somehow
I went I went forward into the future and got jealous of him speaking at a conference that I would never speak at, even if even if I was invited to speak,
I would never speak at it. And I got jealous. And so I did a video in jealousy saying the horrible, horrendous thing.
This is obvious jealousy. That atheists aren't Christians.
That's the amazing intellect of James Lindsay. I somehow knew he was speaking at this conference that I would never attend or speak at.
And the big thing to get back at him because I was jealous of this conference, this covenant speaking gig that I would never, ever accept.
The way to get back at him is to say, shock of all shocks, atheists and Christians ain't on the same team.
Oh, man, it's pretty funny. It's pretty funny. Let me just close this off really quickly here.
I've got to go. I think I know what's going on here. I think that James Lindsay, this is my opinion.
We'll take a serious turn for a minute. I think James Lindsay understands that this all this stuff, this stuff is really cringy.
So this is very atheism is the least respectable belief a human being can have.
It's it's one of the it's the most immoral belief a human being can have. It's the least respectable.
It's the least intellectual belief that a human being can have. And I think that since he's been hanging,
James has been hanging around a lot of Christians lately, and that's really good. That's really good for James. I think that the more he hangs out with Christians, the more uncomfortable he is with his atheism.
That's the only thing I can think of that would make sense of this, this, this weird, like, how could you be offended that a
Christian would say atheists and Christians aren't on the same team? Like, why? How could you turn, you know, hey, if you want to use his work, you know, his materials, you know, you know, to your benefit, go ahead and use it.
But just remember that he's not a Christian. How can you turn that into Oh, he used me. He used me. How do you get turned into a hysterical woman over such minor pushback?
It's like we didn't even go as hard as we could have like, like him being an atheist. And, and, and, and, and all that is, is, is so embarrassing.
We could have gone hard on him, but we didn't. All we said was, you know, Christians and atheists aren't on the same team.
You know, we're Christians. He's an atheist. We don't we love the Lord. He has no love for the Lord. We're saved and we're blessed and we're holy and he's cursed.
Like we're sheep. He's a goat. Like, that's all we said. And he got a hair trigger.
And of course this is a minor tantrum. It's not a major tantrum, but he's highly offended. You can easily see that, especially in the way he twists the words.
And, and he's, he's decided to write a thread about it. It's like, I think that he's very self -conscious about his atheism and that's a good thing.
He should be because atheism is so dumb. It's so stupid. And I'm hoping,
I'm hoping that a lot of the stuff we've been seeing, because this is not an isolated incident. James has had a little bit of a hair trigger about Christian nationalism, about a bunch of other things.
I think this hair trigger reveals that there's a certain level of uncomfortability that he has right now.
And I hope that that's him feeling the weight of his sin debt. I hope that that's him feeling the weight of his immorality, his rejection of his creator, his rejection of the
Lord, who's really the only way out of all of this chaos.
The Lord is the only way out of this chaos. That's why there is only one solution to what the problems that we have.
And it's not classical liberalism. It's Christ. It's the
Lord. It's God's law. It's God's justice. That's the only way forward.
And I hope that this is a revelatory of him starting to feel the weight of that. In any case, I have to go.