F4F | You Remind Charity Kalstrup of Toilet Paper
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- 00:15
- Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ. This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
- 00:23
- Word of God. So have you ever heard somebody say that Ephesians 2 10 says you are
- 00:30
- God's masterpiece? It doesn't really say that. Yeah we have an example of that today and this is a weird one.
- 00:39
- Okay yeah I gotta I gotta let you know before we get into it. From time to time there are things that I find as I'm preparing for episodes of Fighting for the
- 00:47
- Faith. There are some things that just leave me scratching my head going what did
- 00:52
- I just watch? This caught my eye because the thumbnail sketch had a picture of a woman that I'm not really that familiar with.
- 01:02
- Her name is Charity Kallstrup and it shows this woman holding a roll of toilet paper and apparently, and I kid you not, she's comparing you and I to toilet paper.
- 01:19
- It's like what? So I have kind of a dark interpretation of what it is that we're gonna see.
- 01:27
- So I don't know how else to prepare you for what it is that we're about to see, but I would note that this one's a weird one and along the way we will deal with that idea that somehow
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- Ephesians 2 10 says you are God's masterpiece.
- 01:43
- No it really doesn't say that. So let's whirl up the desktop and let's get into it shall we?
- 01:50
- All right yeah the Sydney Opera House and let's do this. I will pull up my web browser and here's
- 01:56
- Charity Kallstrup. She's holding a roll of toilet paper and let's let her explain what this is all about.
- 02:07
- Here we go. You remind me of this toilet paper. Fine. I'm in pain already.
- 02:19
- Wow you remind me of toilet paper. Good grief that's terrible.
- 02:28
- What an awful comparison and how is this a Christian teaching again? Let's continue.
- 02:33
- Find out why on today's Young Life podcast brought to you by Dean Shropshire Ministries. I'm Charity Kallstrup and I'm so excited to hang with you.
- 02:41
- All right she's gonna hang with us and you remind her of toilet paper. Okay so here's the deal.
- 02:50
- So maybe about a month ago I sat down, I know it's kind of TMI, to use the restroom and I have an amazing team like a housekeeper service that cleans my house.
- 03:03
- Charity you are aware what toilet paper is used for and you're saying the people in your audience remind you of toilet paper?
- 03:14
- This seems like some kind of satanic mockery yeah that I'm listening to. And so I sat down to use the restroom and I was so shocked to find this most incredible toilet paper.
- 03:27
- I don't know if you guys have seen this. Incredible toilet paper. What? Incredible toilet paper.
- 03:36
- This is Charmin brand but when you tear it it doesn't tear straight it tears like curved and I was like oh my gosh 2024 is like my favorite year ever and I don't know if this was out in 23 and I just didn't have it but I just like literally was like in awe of this toilet paper and the fact that it was curved like who came up with that?
- 04:01
- Who cares? It's toilet paper.
- 04:06
- You wipe your bum with it and it ends up in the toilet and you flush it.
- 04:14
- Who cares if it tears straight or if it's curvy? That is so unique that is so creative and honestly toilet paper is toilet paper but I like the soft toilet paper and like I like things that are unique because I'm unique you're unique you.
- 04:34
- Oh I'm in pain. You know that text in 2nd
- 04:39
- Timothy that talks about the days will come when people will not endure sound doctrine but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear.
- 04:50
- She wants to scratch the itching ears of the people in her audience but I don't know if she's succeeding here.
- 04:57
- If I were a member of her audience I would really be offended that she compared me to toilet paper. What on earth is this?
- 05:05
- Let me back this up just a little bit. That is so creative and honestly toilet paper is toilet paper but I like the soft toilet paper and like I like things that are unique because I'm unique you're unique you were made in God's image he created you so unique and so when
- 05:22
- I saw this toilet paper honestly I would know we humanity was originally created in the image of God but I got to show you something here that one so when people talk in general like this oh you were you were unique you were made in the image of God they are ignoring man's fall into sin and that's part of how people scratch itching ears so in Genesis chapter 1 it legitimately says this that you know
- 05:48
- God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created a male and female he created them but in Genesis chapter 3 humanity rebelled against God broke the commandment regarding not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and as a result of it we fell into sin in the subsequent chapters then we read about what happened to humanity so in like in Genesis chapter 4 it says this now
- 06:27
- Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bore Cain saying I've gotten a man with the help of Yahweh and again she bore his brother
- 06:34
- Abel now Abel was a keeper of sheep and Cain a worker of the ground you kind of get the idea but it goes on then to explain what happens with Adam's descendants okay in Genesis chapter 5 it says this is the book of the generations of Adam when
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- God created man he made him in the likeness of God male and female he created them and he blessed them and named them man
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- Adam when they were created when Adam had lived a hundred and thirty years he fathered a son in his own likeness after his image and named him
- 07:09
- Seth so note because of the fall we don't reflect the image of God like you like Adam did before the fall in fact
- 07:19
- Genesis chapter 5 verse 3 clearly states that he fathered a son in his own likeness and Adam was a sinner so you got a problem those who scratch itching ears oh you are unique you are special you are created in the image of God we're just going to ignore mankind's fall into sin and how the scriptures say that after after Adam and Eve fell that they're the children that they had were made in their image and their likeness rather than the image of God that's what the text says so charity is off here she shouldn't be teaching at all clearly she's not qualified but we continue so encouraged to encourage people and you may be watching this podcast and you've never made
- 08:03
- Jesus the Lord of your life you're not what many would consider to be a Christian or a born -again believer and I'm gonna give you the opportunity so you think you're talking to non -believers but you're telling them they're made in the image of God without explaining sin you need to pray with me at the end of this broadcast to make
- 08:20
- Jesus the Lord of your life because when you connect with him you can connect with the true reason why you exist and why you're alive you know there's so much competition there's so much insecurity there's so much jealousy that literally has infused itself into our society it's like nobody feels good about them from the youngest toddler to the oldest senior citizen everybody is trying to change themselves everybody's trying to be something different and I want you to be encouraged and I want you to be reminded maybe get yourself get yourself yourself get yourself some toilet paper like this even just get some toilet paper so you can remind yourself of how special and unique you are oh this is so cringe is a reminder of how unique and valuable you are because y 'all that is unique like how many years how many hundreds of years have we had toilet paper that tore straight who came up with the design to perforate and make it curvy that is the best it's the best and guess what you are the best
- 09:26
- I want to show you you just made it clear you're talking to non -believers and you're telling non -believers they're the best what you some verses in God's Word all right here we go here comes the
- 09:38
- Bible verse twisting page first Peter 2 9 it says you are a chosen person by God you okay first Peter 2 9 what are the three rules for sound biblical exegesis context context context right so first Peter 3 9 1
- 09:58
- Peter 3 verse 9 right who is this let's see is it to him so listen to 9 there we go if he's first Peter 2 verse 9 all right who's this written to Christians or non -Christians is first Peter written to Christians or to non -Christians answer it's written to Christians right first Peter 1 says
- 10:24
- Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to those who are elect exiles of the dispersion of Pontius Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia according to the foreknowledge of God so you're gonna know we
- 10:36
- Christians are just are described here as elect exiles right according to the foreknowledge of God in the sanctification of the
- 10:43
- Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood first Peter's clearly written to Christians okay so when we get to first Peter 2 9 you are a chosen race who is that referring to Christians not the world not in unbelievers
- 11:03
- Christians you are a chosen race you are a royal priesthood you are a holy nation a people for God's own possession so that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light once you were not a people but now you are
- 11:22
- God's people once you had not received mercy which we all need by the way but now you have received mercy so this can't be shown as an example of oh just how unique every human being is this is this is language specifically that can only be attributed to Christians not unbelievers but we continue as you are a chosen person by God you are priests of the king you are holy you are pure you are
- 11:54
- God's very own the Bible says I believe in Ephesians 2 10 that you are God's masterpiece you there it is
- 12:01
- Ephesians 2 10 you are God's masterpiece this is an example of scratching itching ears done really poorly by the way comparing you to toilet paper so if we go to Ephesians chapter 2 here's the text in question and we'll put it back in context we are his workmanship we who's the we there and we are his workmanship and so here here's the word that gets translated in the bad translations as masterpiece the word is poema and no this has nothing to do with you being a poem or a masterpiece a poema is that which is made that that is something that is a work it is a creation okay we are
- 12:47
- God's workmanship we are his creation created in Christ Jesus for good works first Peter 2 10 does not say that you are
- 12:55
- God's masterpiece and it does not talk about humanity in that way at all in general in fact when you apply the context of Ephesians chapter 2 you'll note that Ephesians 2 1 through 10 works together as a unit and what the the beginning thought here in verse 1 is mirrored in its opposite here in verse 10 this actually follows a
- 13:18
- Hebrew outlining technique known as a chiasm so listen to how this passage works
- 13:24
- Paul writing to Christians in in Ephesus says this you were dead past tense you were dead in trespasses in sins which is the state of humanity before they become
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- Christians in which you once walked following the course of this world following the prince of the power of the air the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh carrying out the desires of the body in the mind and we were by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind so you'll note
- 14:01
- Ephesians 2 1 through 3 describes humanity not as God's masterpiece it describes humanity as dead and trespasses in sins and by nature children of wrath under the dominion of darkness under the power of the prince of the air and the sons of disobedience and people following the passions and living by the passions of their sinful flesh it is not describing us as God's masterpiece this is a description of humanity after the fall and that's we were all of us conceived this way born conceived and born dead in trespasses and sins and by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind however the text goes on but God and I would note here in the
- 14:47
- Greek ha Theos but God ha de Theos God is in the nominative that means
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- God is the one who's running the verbs that follow next he's the subject of the verbs okay but God being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even while we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ and this is a tough word to pronounce soon aids oh boy a sin right soon aids boy a oh is is the word it's it's it and it takes five
- 15:21
- English words to translate the one Greek verb God made us alive together with Christ this is what
- 15:28
- God has done for us by grace you have been saved and here's the next verb and raised us up with him soon a gay role and that means so so God raised us up with Christ and God seated us with Christ sook a feed so here in Greek God seated us with Christ in heavenly places in Christ Jesus so God what did he do made us alive together with Christ he raised us with Christ God seated us with Christ okay so that in the coming ages he
- 16:04
- God might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus for by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God it is not the result of work so that no one may boast and here we go for we
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- Christians that's what this is referring to not humanity in general we are
- 16:28
- God's workmanship we are created in Christ Jesus as Christians for what for good works which
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- God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them so when you hear charity Cal strip here sit here and say well there it says in Ephesians 210 that we are
- 16:46
- God's masterpiece and she's clearly making it clear she's also talking to unbelievers Ephesians 210 doesn't apply to unbelievers
- 16:55
- Ephesians 210 only applies to Christians who have been made alive by by God made alive together with Christ raised with Christ seated with Christ God did all of that for us so she's this is just terrible you get the idea it's just so terrible because she's she's scratching itching ears telling people what they want to hear tell them how unique they are you're so unique you're like toilet paper charity
- 17:23
- Cal strip says and then she goes on to twist the scriptures and not make the proper distinctions this shows this woman's not qualified to teach anybody she needs to go back for remedial sent to remedial
- 17:34
- Sunday school to relearn if she ever learned the actual basics of the Christian faith but again
- 17:40
- I point out that comparing us all the toilet paper what a horrible horrible metaphor and comparison that is if I were somebody in her audience
- 17:50
- I would be offended that she would compare me to toilet paper this is scratching itching ears gone wrong
- 17:59
- I think you get the point so hopefully you found this helpful if so all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description and a quick shout out for those of you who support fighting for the faith financially thank you you make it possible for us to keep doing what we are doing and if you would like to support us financially and join our crew there's a link down below that will take you to our website where you can join our crew and if you do again thank you for supporting us and making it possible for us to do what we do we couldn't be doing it without it so in next until next time may
- 18:27
- God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins amen so nice to see that you've made it to the end before you inevitably click on another video to continue binging our glorious content you should know about some of our other offerings first off something you may know that our pirate captain is also the pastor of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church out in Oslo Minnesota the editor that I totally don't have locked in my basement produces audio and video versions of Kongsvinger sermons and Sunday schools weekly so go check out
- 19:02
- Kongsvinger church .org to see all of our offerings now to address some of the frequently asked questions we get in the comments.
- 19:11
- One, the Bible and video editing software we use are named and linked in the description down below.
- 19:18
- Two, if you wish to donate to us directly so we can keep the lights on go check out www .piratechristian
- 19:25
- .com and hit the crew tab. We don't promise miraculous healings or a double increase in your finances but what we do promise is more quality discernment from our studio into your ear holes.
- 19:39
- And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay who's the wiseacre who put this in here?