How Woke Is the Gospel Coalition? TGC25 -Part 2
Many celebrity preachers will be at next year's TGC25 conference, speakers include David Platt, Alistair Begg, JD Greear, John Piper, Sam Allberry, Ligon Duncan and many more! How woke is TGC, watch and find out!
Special thanks to the channel Woke Preacher Clips @WokePreacherClips
Trump wins
election 2024
Harris loses
Diversity Equity Inclusion
Tim Keller
John MacArthur
- 00:00
- Hello and thank you for watching this video. Today is Wednesday, the day after the election, and as you probably know,
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- Donald Trump won. That means, at least to some degree, Americans are starting to reject the progressive agenda.
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- Diversity, equity, and inclusion, and CRT, that's part of it, and that's what we're going to be talking about.
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- So this will be a part two to the video from last week about the Gospel Coalition and how they're woke.
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- Now last time we focused on the Side B element, and I did a podcast explaining
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- Side B theology and how people from the Gospel Coalition, David Platt, people like that, they're trying to normalize the
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- LGBT agenda within Christianity. So today we're going to take a different approach and we're going to focus more on the element of diversity, equity, and inclusion,
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- DEI, and CRT, critical race theory. All of this is meant to divide people, and we're going to see that J .D.
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- Greer, who is one of the main speakers at the Gospel Coalition conference, he pushes this stuff big time.
- 01:04
- Matter of fact, he wants a quota in his church because they just have too many white people in his church, so he wants to get a quota system in, and he's going to actually talk about that openly from the pulpit on Sunday morning.
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- It's amazing that anyone sits there and listens to that, but at the same time, while he's pushing this agenda, he's lying to the people and saying, no, this isn't what
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- I'm doing. I know it looks like this, but this really isn't what I'm doing as he does it right in front of them.
- 01:34
- It's really unbelievable. So we're going to look at this clip from J .D. Greer and then
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- Tim Keller, because Tim Keller is the founder of TGC, the Gospel Coalition.
- 01:46
- So, Tim Keller is the wokest of the woke. Of course, he passed away sometime, was it this year or last year?
- 01:54
- Tim Keller is no longer with us, but his influence remains. So, here's the thing, even though Americans may starting to,
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- I hope so. I hope this is the case, but I want to be optimistic. But Americans, I think, are starting to reject
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- CRT and the woke agenda. But here's the thing, these preachers, the
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- Gospel Coalition types, they've bought in hook, line, and sinker. They're pushing this.
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- They are trying to bring this into the local churches and these celebrity conferences, you know, these
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- Christian conferences that platform celebrities, celebrity preachers.
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- They're going to be trying to, this is how CRT gets into your church, because your pastor goes to Gospel Coalition events.
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- I could name a few churches in our area where, you know, people would consider this church to be a solid church, but the pastor is reading the
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- Gospel Coalition. He's bringing his elders to Gospel Coalition events. And you know, sometimes you want to believe the best about people and say, well, they don't really know.
- 02:59
- They don't know all this. They don't understand. Well, we need to help people understand because this stuff is toxic to the body of Christ.
- 03:07
- So, J .D. Greer is one of the main speakers at next year's TGC conference.
- 03:13
- Let's listen to what J .D. Greer has to say about DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- 03:20
- Watch. J .D. Greer For a few years now, we have said that our goal as a church, we say 25 by 25, as in we would like for our congregation to be 25 % ethnically diverse, at least 25 % ethnically diverse by 2025.
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- If we achieve that goal, that will mean we're reaching all the types of people that God has brought to our community and not just one slice of them.
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- Now, I know for some of you, just talking about this raises questions, well -intended questions, I believe.
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- Questions like, well, you know, is this similar to some worldly quota strategy, like we went through at my previous job, where this was kind of, you know, forced on everybody.
- 03:54
- It is significant that right now, about 20%, a little above 20 % of our staff, 46 people, to be exact, on our staff are people of color.
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- Those that are serving in the senior director levels, that's doubled over the last three years to about 25%.
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- Three of the five lay directional elders are people of color. More than half of our campus pastors are people of color.
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- Y 'all, that moves us closer to that 25 % goal by 2025. By the way, that number's not arbitrary either because they say 20 % is when a minority starts to feel like their voice is heard, that they're not just guests at a white church, that their influence is felt, and the first time guests who are minorities don't feel out of place.
- 04:29
- This is getting us closer to that goal we believe God has given us. Okay, so can you imagine going to your church on Sunday and expecting a sermon, you know, from the
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- Bible? You expect your pastor to open the Bible and preach the Bible, and you have to sit there and listen to this garbage?
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- I don't see how people can put up with it. Sunday morning is a time for the Word, not this stuff.
- 04:52
- And really, this stuff has no place in the body of Christ at all. But let's see what else
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- J .D. Greer has to say. Actually, watch what he did the next Sunday. This whole thing is not about getting a bunch of different colored people in a room for a photo op.
- 05:09
- And I want you to actually lock arms here. Right here. We're going to get a few other worship leaders so this is not a photo op that people put up.
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- And here's what we're going to do.
- 05:25
- Stop it. Yeah, just go across the aisles. Go across the aisles. Just join. As much as we can make it like one body here.
- 05:35
- Here's what we're going to do. Here's what we're going to do. So J .D. Greer is like, no, we're not just doing this as a photo op, bringing black people and white people together on stage and just to put on a show.
- 05:49
- We're not doing that. No, that's exactly what you're doing. And the black guy didn't look all that thrilled about it because this is ridiculous.
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- This doesn't help. This makes things worse. It's uncomfortable at best and it's divisive at worst.
- 06:03
- And again, that's what critical theory is meant to do, to divide. So J .D. Greer is lying to the people.
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- I know it looks like we're doing this, D -E -I -C -R -T. I know it looks like that, but don't believe your lying eyes.
- 06:15
- That's actually not what I'm doing as I'm doing it right in front of you. Now I could play the
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- David Platt clip again, the one where I did the video a week or two ago about the David Platt documentary, and he's pushing
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- CRT. But if you want to watch that, go check out my video on the David Platt documentary.
- 06:33
- But most of you probably saw that. Now here's a clip. I want to show you this. This is old.
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- Tim Keller is no longer with us, but Tim Keller was the wokest of the woke.
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- And Tim Keller is actually just going to come right out and say, white people are the problem. And if you are a
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- Christian with white skin, you are guilty. You are guilty of injustice. It's your fault, white people.
- 06:58
- Tim Keller just comes right out and says that. And remember, why is this relevant? Tim Keller is the founder the
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- Gospel Coalition. He's the founder of TGC. So all these people, David Platt, J .D.
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- Greer, Alistair Begg, who's going to the Gospel Coalition conference, all these people have a great deal of respect for Tim Keller.
- 07:20
- But Tim Keller said stuff like this. Watch. A friend of mine recently, who's a pastor, was talking to a
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- Norwegian man who had just moved into his community and went to his church.
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- And at one point, he heard the pastor talking about the fact that we are all complicit in creating this narrative that black people are dangerous, etc.
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- And so we're complicit in this. Afterwards, the Norwegian came up and said, no, no, no.
- 07:51
- I'm Norwegian. No, I had nothing to do with it. And my pastor friend said, studies have shown, have pretty much proven that if you have white skin, it's worth a million dollars over a lifetime over somebody who doesn't have white skin.
- 08:09
- And that's because of historical forces that have come about. And at this point, you know, you could go out of several ways.
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- One, as I mentioned, if you have that asset of white skin right now, historical asset, then you actually have to say,
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- I didn't deserve this. And also, I'm, to some degree, I'm the product of,
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- I'm standing on the shoulders of other people who got that through injustice. So the
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- Bible actually says, yes, you do, you do, you are involved in injustice.
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- And even if you didn't actually do it, therefore you have a responsibility, not just to say, well, you know, maybe if I get around to it, maybe we could do something about the poor people out there.
- 08:51
- No, you're, you're part of the problem. So you saw the Tim Keller just came right out and he said it, you are guilty.
- 08:59
- If you have white skin, you are part of the problem. Just by being a
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- Christian with white skin, you are involved in injustice. Now here's the thing in the Bible, the word justice can actually be translated.
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- It's a synonym for righteousness. So to tell Christians that you are involved in injustice, that's another way of saying, you are not righteous.
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- And you wonder some of these people, I really believe this, that some of the gospel coalition types, they believe a false gospel, the social gospel.
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- And if you're white, you're horrible. You need to repent of your white privilege and all the rest.
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- Some of these guys have talked about that. And the only way you can really atone because there's, you can't change your skin color.
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- The only way you can atone for all of that is to be involved in social justice and get involved with the social gospel.
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- So in other words, you are irredeemable, you know, you're sort of an irredeemable deplorable, but the only way you can really atone for that is to vote for the progressives.
- 10:06
- Here's a video I, you know, maybe you say, well, I don't know if they believe that. I'm not saying that Alistair Begg believes that or, but some of the more woke people at TGC absolutely believe that.
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- Ron Burns changed his name to Thabiti Anabwile. I mean, that guy worked for gospel coalition to listen to what he has to say.
- 10:25
- I mean, it's, it is, it is radical to quote, you know, David Platt's book, but yeah, here's a video speaking of David Platt.
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- He actually wrote a book before the last election in 2020, where he, he wrote a book.
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- He made his church pay for it. His elders didn't want the book in the lobby and David Platt put it out in the lobby anyways, to push it.
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- And the, the gist of the book was, you know what Christians probably should, or at least they can vote for progressives.
- 10:56
- Watch this is from the David Platt documentary. As we approach a presidential election in such a polarized political climate, seven things to consider before you vote book, the elders got a copy of that about a week or two before it went to the publisher.
- 11:12
- And I started reading it. I thought, boy, this isn't right.
- 11:18
- Basically it's okay to vote for liberal progressives who don't have a biblical worldview.
- 11:25
- And I don't think that that's right. You know, if somebody's talking about, you know, transgender or homosexuality and women's liberation, if that's what they stand for and you're voting for that individual,
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- David said, you know, kind of in a soft way, it's okay. I came back with notes in the margins on this stuff.
- 11:48
- And I said, David, did you read my, he goes, yeah. He goes,
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- I did. He said, Craig, thank you very much. Okay. And then the next week it was published.
- 12:00
- Tom, definitely Mark and I, maybe Larry, we, we said, we don't want this book, you know, promoted from the pulpit.
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- And we don't really want books in the lobby for sale because we just don't think this book is right.
- 12:18
- Book came out and there were thousands of copies put in the lobby. And we said,
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- David, we told you not to do that. And we just got the look, you know. I got the bill for it, for the publishing of it.
- 12:37
- Yeah. And so I called Larry up and I said, Larry, are we supposed to be paying for this?
- 12:46
- He goes, no, no, no, no. We have an agreement. No, we're not supposed to be. I said, okay.
- 12:52
- I said, I'm not going to sign this check. I said, Larry, if you want to pay for it, you can.
- 13:01
- Okay. So you're getting the point. TGC is woke and some people don't know it.
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- I got comments. People sent me messages saying, I didn't realize TGC gospel coalition was woke.
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- I don't know how they didn't know that, but this stuff is toxic to the body of Christ. And we need to speak with one voice.
- 13:19
- I'm glad the nation rejected the progressive agenda and people in the church need to reject it as well.