National Strategy for Counter Terrorism Against Christians


Rapp Report episode 179 This July 4th episode looks at counter terrorism and is not a pleasant one. The government has put out a new document to explain their strategy for countering what they call domestic terrorism. That sounds good, however, when we see how they define a domestic terrorist and how they plan to...


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Sorry that this episode is gonna be a scary one for American citizens that actually are patriots and believe in Patriotism because well this episode is going to show that Those of you who are patriots those of you who believe in Christianity your
American government is targeting you We might need a new Independence Day coming up soon
Welcome to the rap report with your host Andrew Rappaport where we provide biblical interpretation and application
This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the Christian podcast community for more contents or to request a speaker for your church
Go to striving for eternity org All right, I am your host
Andrew Rappaport and this is the rap report I am joined by my faithful sidekick
Bud the wiser how you doing, bud? Good day, sir. How are you? I like that Sure, you got a nice driving fraternity sure
God exists. He is spoken. That's right, and he doesn't has You know what occurred to me in your opening
Biblical interpretation and application. That's not what you're planning to do today. Actually, you're doing domestic policy interpretation and application
Unfortunately folks, I'm gonna tell you you need to stay tuned to the end of that This will be a longer than normal podcast.
I know that I apologize for that There's just no way I can see getting through as much as what we have for you today
Without without this taking some time at the end though is gonna be crucial and important we're gonna be basically going through and looking at how the
American government is gonna be targeting those of us who want to live by biblical principles and They're gonna be targeting us.
They've laid out a game plan for that We're gonna go through this game plan What we plan to do today is go through a very lengthy document
It's 30 pages 32 pages long that the government has put out that Is is called the national strategy for countering domestic terrorism
It sounds good. And when you read through this you might think it looks good But I'm gonna show you how to read through this and at the end
What I want to do is give some biblical principles give some encouragement for Christians and I want to make sure that we as Christians know who's in control and where things are headed and So that we are ready for what may be coming our way or what will be coming our way
I don't even think it's a maybe anymore there's a lot going on and With our country right now.
It sure seems like we have a Country that we live in that is starting to target
Christians and those that are conservative and They're not even shy about it anymore
They're starting to come right out and and say it more and more and that's that's what we're gonna cover today so this is gonna be one of those episodes that's more about culture and How we as Christians should be thinking about it, but unfortunately to get through this there's a lot of material
That we need to go through so you're aware of it. Okay, so Folks I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry. This is torture But Andrew this this is critically important.
I mean Christians, I think largely At least faithful Christians recognize the need to be discerning when they're hearing something coming from the pulpit or when they see something in You know the curriculum of their
Sunday school class or whatever We need to apply the mind of Christ and use Berean discernment there, but that's not the only place
We also have to do it like minivis a car with what's going on in our times How do we understand what's going on?
And how do we filter everything thing through a biblical worldview? So discernment doesn't stop when you leave the doors of the church yeah, and and You're gonna see that the things that they list here and folks if you're going well, hey,
I don't care about politics This isn't really so much about politics. It really is not political as much as it is
This is the culture in which we now live This is how they're gonna let us know exactly how they plan to target us
And it's gonna be interesting because as we go through this document, you're gonna see there's subtleties They put in here to make it clear who's who's in there in their scopes.
So so let's go through this So this is this is put out from the White House. Okay, this is there's two documents that have been out
There was a March 21 Assessment so 2021 and in March that gave an assessment that brought about this
June 15th Basically statement or briefing from From the
White House and so it is called national security for countering domestic terrorism
June 21 This is the first time anything like this has been put out. Okay, this is a first and this is something that Biden directed his team to do to come up with a
Comprehensive review of domestic terrorism within the first hundred days of his administration
I think they missed that date, but I guess they made it in the March one. But what we end up seeing in this is
That they're they're touting. This is as a wonderful thing. So let's let's deal with this right from the beginning.
I'm gonna read what Well, it's signed by Biden, but it's not it's one of those, you know rubber stamp signatures
I I don't even know if Biden read this if he did he probably doesn't even remember what it said
But he was he whispered his signature. Yeah, he whispered it if you haven't listened to last week's episode if This is but this is supposedly
Biden's Reason for this and so he says too often in the past over years
American Communities have have felt the wrenching pain of domestic terrorism.
Now, how does he define that? Well, he tells us black church members slaughtered during Bible study in Charleston Now, okay.
Did that happen? Yes. Why does he bring that one up because they were black. He emphasized that a black church
What you're gonna see missing is the white church that was shot up in, Texas What you're gonna see missing is any kind of thing where you have churches that are other than this one black church
That's the only time you're gonna see that reference that you're gonna see a church as the victim throughout this entire
Document is this one time and why because he mentions black church, okay
Yet, there's been lots of churches that have been targeted now. They do mention a synagogue in Pittsburgh targeted for Supporting immigrants.
That's very interesting. They noted the one synagogue in Pittsburgh that was targeted for supporting immigrants
They didn't mention the black guys that were traveling in in New York and just shooting Jewish people they didn't talk about this the synagogues that were being burned.
Oh at the hands of black people didn't mention those okay, a gunman spraying bullets at the
El Paso Walmart targeting Latinos So you see what they end up doing is it's black.
It's immigrants. It's Latinos and they ignore all the others But here's what he ends up saying it goes against everything our country sir strives to stand in for in the world and poses a direct challenge to the
American national security our democracy and our National unity.
This is the thing you're hearing throughout on on media and everywhere. You're gonna see it throughout this document Our democracy is at stake folks
Biden just came out and said and we said this last week, right that he has nukes and f -15s
And we can't overtake him because he's got nukes and f -15s We can't we can't overturn a tyrannical government and yet at the same time
January 6th where there wasn't a single gun Supposedly the whole democracy was at stake He can't make up his mind
The reality is throughout this book this document They're gonna be laying out a case for that there's this violence to violent domestic terrorism and that this is
Challenging our democracy and that's the reason for all this now when you argue you're challenging democracy.
They just pulled off a coup folks They they've pulled off a coup without a gunfire.
We're gonna get to that at the end, but the reality is like it or not Biden was legitimately voted as President only because well like it or not the
Electoral College the way it works. They don't have to actually go with what their state's majority is
They could vote any way they want even if the majority was overwhelming for Trump They could vote for Biden in fact for some of those conservatives you may remember there was a pitch for many of the
Conservatives saying look, you know that the the election was stolen So vote at that for Trump now had all these, you know people in the
Electoral College Voted for Trump against what the the numbers were saying would any of the conservatives been complaining then no
But so when we look at that you have to realize Biden is president by the laws of the land
Because the Electoral College whether we like it or not. Did he get the majority vote? There's no mathematical way.
That's possible you know there was the we end up seeing right now is that the federal government is trying to Make sure that they can continue to steal elections from this time forward
Okay, they pulled off the coup, but they got to keep it going the next election will be a big one and what they need to do before the 2022 election is
Either get this thing passed in Congress that will allow them to steal every election here going forward in other words make this a one -party country where they're in control and no one can stop them or They need to make sure anyone that would vote conservative is out of the picture and this document is to do exactly that that's gonna
Be what we're gonna go through now. No in this Biden writes that he in in throughout here.
There's gonna be a couple key words You're gonna see throughout this document that I'm gonna bring up over and over again the word violence and non government partners
We're gonna go through that but Biden ends up saying in this introduction that violence That violates law threatens public safety and infringes on free expression of ideas.
You know who is obviously Overwhelmingly absent from this entire document bud, but what one group or maybe two groups could you think of that as you read through this?
Everything in this document applies to and yet they're being supported by the government Huh? Yeah, could it be black lives matter and Antifa?
I mean, yeah, I mean it is very opening paragraph I'm thinking wait a minute
BLM and Tifa Further on into it where we're so concerned about, you know, human flourishing and and personal
You know livelihood being a lot. I mean Planned Parenthood Isn't that a prop?
No, but those things fit the narrative, correct? but a whole lot of other things don't when we look at what's been going on for the last 15 months or Whatever was 13 15 months of the black lives matter riots
Antifa riots. They have done over two billion dollars worth of damage murder rate and crime rate in these cities are up in some places to 200 % they're they're arguing for defund the police.
In fact, I think it's Hysterical that the the Democrats can't run away from their own policies fast enough now now they're trying to say it was
Trump that Wanted to defund the babes the Republicans that were defund it what I don't I don't know a single
Republican that was arguing for defund the police but now all of a sudden they were the ones that were that were doing it and Pushing this it isn't all the
Democrats in all the cities And now here's the thing that I want you to think about as we go through this
There's a talk about violence and the violence that would affect political views.
What in the world was black lives matter? In fact During the the election if you went to the donation page for Antifa, you know where you went you went right to Joe Biden Election campaign that's where your money went
If you went you clicked on Antifa to give them money and went right to Joe Biden that is to affect a political party
That is to push a political agenda. And how did they use it? They use terrorism BLM and Antifa are terrorist organizations, but they are not defined as such here
Well, we're gonna get to that because it all comes down to the agenda really the color of skin of the agenda
Not necessarily the the color skin of the of the protester, but of the agenda
So he ends up Biden is of saying that the the all these factors preventing domestic terrorism and reducing the factors that fuel it demand a multifaceted response across federal government and Beyond that beyond is gonna be important that beyond is important because what he's going to do is throughout this is it is the
Justification of illegal activity. Wait a minute Andrew. What do you mean illegal activity? Well, there's certain things that the federal government is not allowed to do without court order like spying on its own civilians killing their its own civilians
Get doing things without trial without giving American citizens the right to be able to defend themselves and with this entire document is is to basically allow for Beyond federal government in other words big tech or whoever they want to be able to spy on you because they can't the laws prevent
Them from doing it So they want to work with people that are going to be able to do what they're legally not allowed to do with there's there's
Restrictions on them. So this is an argument when they say beyond federal government and beyond is to get
Businesses and the businesses can go well This is our this is just our algorithms our algorithms do this and we're gonna show you that this is already happening
They say it's happening. We're gonna give you the evidence in a little bit So stay tuned some of you already have seen the evidence on your
Facebook and we'll talk about that. Yeah So but it's not when they say beyond they even say, you know
Biden even says in here that that it is With our allies and foreign partners now think about that if it's our allies
Those are foreign countries we work with who are our foreign partners then foreign partners that are not our allies, huh?
Those are not allies will should be our enemies that are foreigners Okay, so he's willing to work with people who are not our allies
I mean, why would foreign countries he's working with foreign countries to be able to spy on American citizens that could never happen.
Really? General Flynn, I mean, that's exactly what happened with him. What was what Obama? Oh and Biden He was there by the way
What they did was to spy on on Trump and to be able to try to wiretap
Trump They ended up basically making up a whole thing where they went to a foreign intelligence
Then if you're not familiar with everything that happened with Flynn Basically what they did was they they found someone that happened to have the same name as someone that was working with Flynn There are they working with the president
Trump and that was this guy was in Russia and a banker met at a bank with Russia because he happened to have the same name
That allowed them to then say oh see we're not really You know listening in spying in on Trump.
We're on this foreign guy But because he's talking to this guy that's in that it's talking to Trump then we can listen to that guy
They come up with these foreign Reports that that we now know are all made up with the
Steele dossier that was paid for by Hillary All this that was developed so that they could spy on on Trump before the the
Trump election Now what's really interesting about that by the way, but historically Hillary Clinton was involved in the investigating
Watergate. What was Watergate Watergate was where they ended up It's trying to you know,
Nixon was trying to basically spy out his his his The Democrats to see what they were doing before the election
And so he broke in the office and check that out Now the interesting thing was Hillary Clinton in that she was the one who ended up Saying that they couldn't find the impeachment documents because the because the impeachment prior to that you actually had to have evidence of impeachment and She ended up writing a document of impeachment that superseded any others that just said you had to have the look of impropriety
The irony of history is that that document that Hillary Clinton wrote to try to get Nixon impeached is the very document that impeached her husband
Furthermore what you end up seeing is Hillary did exactly what she was charging Nixon with is is paying is
Paying for a dossier so that they could spy on her competition Yeah, okay now
Biden says all this project is to unite Americans and I think it's gonna be anything but So let's go through this document.
Let me go through the introduction and then there's gonna be four pillars I'm gonna try to do this quickly, bud Just wave your hand if there's something you need to add.
So I want it. Well right now I want to insert something here Because it relates to what you just said this document this introduction that that Biden Has given says it, you know
This includes working with our critical partners and state local tribal and territorial government governments and in civil society the private sector
Academia and local communities and then as you noted as well as with our allies and foreign powers
Academia and private sector. This is a broad scale approach this this is not something
That's just gonna come under the auspices of Homeland Security But it reminded me of a quote because I'm a quote guy.
You may know that. Oh, yeah, I do Jay Gresham Machen who valiantly fought the liberalism
Primarily within the church, but he made this statement What is today a matter of academic speculation begins tomorrow to move armies and pull down empires?
This is what we're seeing in this document You mentioned BLM BLM agenda is a complete political paradigm shift.
It is anarchy. They are wanting to establish essentially a new world order
And it is based on on the issue of race. So as you go through this, you know, keep that in mind
These are not new ideas. These have been percolating throughout mainly academia, but certainly within the halls of you know, those who lust for power and What you end up seeing is the real insurrection was what was going on in chop and Chaz where they they basically said they are
Their own country. They said they're no longer the United States. They took over entire city blocks That's an insurrection and it was a violent one.
You know what ended up happening with that? We have president vice president Harris who? Supported paying for people to get out of jail so they could be back on the streets and doing this again
Yeah So what you end up seeing is that they actually support the very thing. This document says is a problem
You look at this in the instruction It says it has over the centuries taken many American lives and spilt much
American blood, especially in communities deliberately deliberately and vacatiously
Targeted by on the basis of hatred and bigotry after the Civil War For example, the Ku Klux Klan waged a campaign of terror to intimidate black voters
Who was the party of the Ku Klux Klan? Oh, wow. Let me think. Yeah the Democrats Who is it that that was trying to suppress the blacks the
Democrats? Who was it? That was that was voting for the Civil Liberties Act the Republicans which party was was
Started because they wanted the Central agenda item was ending slavery the
Republicans There was the Whig Party and the Democrat Party and the Republican Party was founded on The ending of on the abolition of slavery and somehow they try to say it's the
Republicans that are the white supremacists So they say the Klan and other white supremacists.
That's another thing. You're gonna see throughout this document white supremacist Okay, because they have a strange definition for that but the
Klan and other white supremacists continue to terrorize black Americans continue now, here's the thing you do not see lynchings of blacks
Like you did during the Democrat Klan days But we do see over and over again right now where blacks are beating up or killing whites and nothing's being done about it
In fact, I have a friend of mine whose pastor's son and associate pastor's son was walking around Portland and they were jumped by eight
Eight plus black men adult men and and beaten to a pulp basically and the police told him there's nothing they could do about it
Why because it's happening too often that you have black on white crimes people being killed
They've they had the guy in you I think it was New York that he killed He killed a white guy and he was they have him on video saying
I want to kill a white man. It's all his fault Okay, so you end up seeing this that they are this is the the
Klan of today is black lives matter trying to affect political a political goal the irony of it is the the black lives matter of today is
Pushing for the very party that wanted them to stay enslaved and was the party of the
Ku Klux Klan So the Democrat Party hasn't changed They just changed they're still using the same terroristic tactics.
They just changed which you know now they were going for the white supremacy now They want to go for black supremacy.
That's basically what it comes down to now Let's look at the the examples they give of this in their introduction the shooting and killing of 23
People in a retail store in El Paso we mentioned that why did they mention those? They're Latino so to focus on that the the killing of peaceful protesters in Charlottesville the shooting and killing of three people in a festival in Gilroy Three people why each of these that what you see is they they moat they focus in on color of skin
Okay, the racism or son that pushes the liberal agenda the arson Committed at a mosque.
Oh, so it's a mosque. That's you know the appalling violence and xenophobia against Asian Americans no no that's really interesting because we and we've talked about this previously on that on this show that five minutes
Before that guy goes in and he didn't shoot those those Asians that were at the massage parlor because they were
Asian he was very clear why he did it He did it because he visited those parlors He had a problem with pornography and obviously was doing other things at those parlors
And he was taking it out on them not because they were Asian But because his pornography and so they totally changed the narrative here
But five minutes before that they were saying Asians have white suppress have white privilege there there
You know they don't deserve all this special Handling like other minorities, and then right after that the
Democrats went Oh, we could use this stop Asian hate and all of a sudden. This is this is a racial crime Okay, and so and and then it's the surge in anti -semitism
Anti -semitism now it's interesting because the only anti -semitism they want to mention is the anti -semitism that happens of Jewish people that are trying to help immigrants illegal immigrants yeah
They don't have other examples there No, but they've got to add that in there because that's a significant voting bloc for the
Democrats. Yes Yeah, and so here's here's the real thing though and and look at this next paragraph domestic terrorist attacks in the
United States Also have been committed frequently by those opposing our government institutions
So if you disagree with the government now we have been hearing for a year now with Black Lives Matter has been marching
That they want to tear down the government in fact They've been tearing down all the statues and and the Democrats have been praising that we should we should allow for that You know the the reality is this is they are supporting the very thing this document attacks
You know I find it very interesting, but you and I talked about this before we went live But in Canada right now, which they're a little bit further ahead of us unfortunately on this you have these
We've talked about these three pastors where there's been big news of their arrest There's a lot of police force to arrest them you've multiple cars
They're dragged out of their house with their crying kids sitting there I mean like you know and by the way, we're glad that pastor
Tim is is free now But you know they he wasn't resisting at all But they had to you know
When pastor James Coates was arrested they had to handcuff him and put leg shackles on him like he was he went in to be
Arrested he he knew that they wanted him He went in you know it's it's all for to make it look bad And then what did they have this this weekend or this week when they had their their holiday in Canada?
They're tearing down statues of the Queen no police there at all Amazing the police are all concerned is the threat of a pastor preaching on church on Sunday.
You know that the nerve To do that. That's what's coming here folks and and to oppose the government institution.
That is exactly what Antifa and And black lives matter that is their agenda that has been their talking points
They have been very clear about that. They are trained Marxists who want to take down the capitalist system
They are against the American system. They say all of our government institutions are systemically racist and have to be torn down and rebuilt
And yet, they're not included in this document now look at the examples. We have here. I find these examples really interesting in 1995 the largest single act of domestic terrorism in US history and the largest okay, they remember this the largest with a okay,
I just 1995 all right an anti -government violent extremist detonated a bomb in the
Alfred Murray building a federal building in Oklahoma City City killing how many a 168 people now, but I I'm not sure about my math.
I really I'm having trouble, but I think 2001 might be after 1995 and I believe if you're going by chronology, yeah
I I believe that the 3 ,000 people that died in the Twin Towers alone Just they're not counting the
Pentagon and the and the plane that went down just those 3 ,000 people I think 3 ,000 is more than 168.
Yeah, okay I'm just trying to check my math because I believe that was an act of terrorism on Domestic soil and so when they say the largest act the the largest act by the way was a guy that was liberal
He wasn't conservative. He hated the government He had very you know he was more than Tifa type of guy wants to tear down the entire government
He wasn't conservative, but they paint him that way then they say in 2016 Anti -authority violence extremists ambushed and shot and killed five police officers in Dallas again, those were
Liberals doing that that the Democrat Party in to in 2017 a lone government gunman wounded four people at a congressional baseball practice a
Lone gunman who is Democrat? Oh in fact he even told you why he did it Bernie Sanders he believed what
Bernie Sanders said and he said he would he was a Bernie follower And he was doing it.
He who did he this is what they didn't collect here They don't talk about this stuff when it doesn't fit their narrative. He shot
Republicans at a Republican baseball practice, and then this is the key and just months ago on January 6 2021
America's Witness Americans witnessed an Unprecedented attack against a core institution of our democracy the
US Congress See this is what has started this and we're gonna talk about the March thing because that's where a lot of this is rooted in But it is all about January 6th folks
January 6 was not a riot. It was not an insurrection It was a peaceful protest with over 400 ,000 people that were there
They have they had roughly a hundred people that were in most of them invited in the building
Out of all the people they've arrested and they're looking to arrest anyone that was even there They have 500 people that have been in jail with no trial no to most of them no charges
That have been in solitary confinement. No due process, which is a which is supposed to be given to them and Yet not a single gun has been found
The only violence that was discovered was a police officer shooting an unarmed woman
The police officer that they said died because he was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher They later said he was trampled
But the coroner's report revealed as he had a stroke and oh, by the way There were pictures of him not only inviting the protesters in but taking pictures with the protesters
That was a peaceful protest which our Constitution allows Nothing like what we have had with the two billion plus dollars worth of damage in our cities for over a year by Black Lives Matter And Antifa that is a true insurrection that we see what they're doing because they want to overturn the government
That is their stated goal What ended up happening on January 6 was the desire for many people to have an audit to have the ballots audited
Before that the vote was confirmed And in fact if you go listen to the verdict podcast with Ted Cruz He lays out the timeline and when you look at that timeline and you look at the timeline of the events that day you end
Up seeing what happened on January 6 and we're gonna spend a little bit of time in January 6 because this is so crucial To everything this document is doing because it shows you who they're targeting.
What you end up seeing is that That day they were that Ted Cruz and and I think was 17 others that were planning to Soon as Arizona announced that they were that before before Arizona when they got up to give their the their seal of what they how they're that they were gonna go for Biden there was gonna be a
Call for an audit a 10 10 or 14 day audit so that every state would be audited
Okay, now here's the interesting thing Just as Arizona got up. That's when the
Capitol Police said we got to move We got to move everyone's got to move that held up the proceedings and they moved from one place
To another place to then a secure location Interesting because they moved from not right to the secure location
One of the things that happened was they moved and when you look at the other the timeline of the events You have the people that were and we now know this that there was black lives matter and Tifa people in the only section of the building where it looked like there was violence going on on that Capitol and that's the one that the footage everyone sees where they're banging on the doors and People climbing the walls, but here's the interesting thing
You know that woman that was shot if you watch that video There were police officers right behind her soon as she shot and falls to the ground
There's a whole group people of police officers right there. They give a thumbs up. So they know hey, we're we're here
Don't be shooting anymore. And then they start taking care of her. The police were there how violent could it have been? Why were the police doing nothing?
in fact Pelosi refused extra police from the Capitol She refused the extra police that the
National Guard that Trump wanted so this was all staged. It was all staged How do we know because what ended up having was they ended up when they ended up opening the doors because not enough protesters were in there the police end up we have video of them opening doors and waving people in and That second time that the
Capitol Police moved the Congress they moved them so that they would see the protesters What were these violent protesters doing taking selfies taking pictures?
They were on a tour of the Capitol They were invited in by Capitol Police. They didn't think they were doing anything wrong
They were just in getting to see their Capitol building now if the Democrats were so against Protesting at Congress doing some when they're in session
Why didn't they complain during Brett Kavanaugh's hearing when protesters made it all the way into the to the hearings to demand that the hearings?
Be stopped and what you didn't see is anyone crying back then They just waited till they left the
Capitol Police didn't move everybody the irony is when you look at the timeline the Capitol Police moved the
Congress that first time Before there was anyone in the Capitol building. So so you have to understand some folks
This was all a setup. Now. This is all conspiracy theory by the way what I'm telling you They're gonna say that's all conspiracy.
Remember. They also said it's all conspiracy that the Coronavirus was in a lab. That's now.
Oh, they did know that Fauci even knew that The the fact that you know that it from a lab was conspiracy the the fact that you would say that there was anything
Any kind of mishandling of an election? That's conspiracy. Can we talk about New York now?
You know where they where they had a hundred and thirty -eight test ballots that were in there for the liberal candidate
That just happened to get in there and because the the more conservative kind of cried foul they had to say, okay
We got to throw the whole thing out Well, I thought we can't say that there's mishandling that goes on in an election.
That's conspiracy theory You see what they do is they want to shut down anyone that disagrees with them
That's what this is all about and that's what this whole document is gonna be about It's it's going to be about things that they're they're not dealing with what the real terror domestic
Terrorism is the real domestic terrorism is black lives matter and Antifa the ones that want to overturn our government system
For a Marxist system and they want to use terror and fear to get you to do that and and it is working why?
They have raised over a billion dollars in money to black lives matter Now that goes to paying for four million dollar homes for you know, the the people that run black lives matter
But you have like 10 to 14 now state cities or states black lives matter
Operations in different states that are suing black lives matter because they're not getting the money promised It's all just staying at the national organization with the with the leaders.
It's all going toward funding Democrat agendas You don't see it going toward what what they're saying.
It's gonna go toward helping black people And so that's the thing that you end up seeing they're the real domestic terrorists, but who do they say?
well, you know this article goes during Reconstruction the US Department of Justice was created and Immediately focused on prosecuting and convicting hundreds of Klan members in Connection with their campaign of domestic terrorism.
So doesn't that sound good? But now they're using the Department of Justice to protect the very same people that are doing the domestic terrorism
Today now they say in here that this this Document they have out is an over arching approach.
Okay to deal with domestic terrorism Domestic today's domestic terrorists espouse and arrange a violent ideology motivated motivations including racial and ethnic bigotry and Hatred as well as anti -government or anti authorities a sentiment in other words if you disagree with your government
That's gonna make you a racist but people that have taken over city streets and claim they are no longer
America They are Chaz or chop. That's not anti -government You see this has
BLM written all over it, but they ignore that they talk about in here that for Dealing with this the violence they talk about with guns and they want to put a stop that they say despite legal prohibition in all 50 states
Against certain private militia activity assert a baseless right to take law into their own hands
This is called the Second Amendment. Let me let me read to you because many people don't know the
Constitution bud So I'm gonna read the Second Amendment the right to bear arms ratified 1215 1791 a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
The the right to bear arms has nothing to do bud with hunting it has nothing to do with protecting your home
It has to do with protection of a militia And and the thing that I find amazing of this when the black lives matter you had all those riots going on you ended up seeing you go watch those videos and they're walking through cities with AR -15s carrying open carry in cities where it is illegal to carry
Open or concealed and and I watched video after video where they'd interview these people and They would argue that they are a black militia and they need weapons with high caliber rounds for the explicit purpose of being able to be a militia against the
American government and that was Supported by the Democrats. This was the you know
Antifa and where was Antifa's money going when you donate it to him Biden Okay, so see
Andrew are you saying that that you're trying to say that this document is it gives a pass on black militias and black
You know Blacks doing violence. Well, let's read among the wide range of ideologies radically or ethnically motivated violent extremists principally those who promote the superiority of white race and Militia violent extremists are
Assessed to be presenting the most present and lethal threats.
Let's see black superiority the the Promotion of black supremacy has been on the major cities for over a year now
Causing over two billion dollars worth of damage and that's not included. It's the white supremacy I haven't seen white supremacy being getting this big name is being out there the way
It was when they were killing blacks, you know after the Civil War when it was the Klan I do see black lives matter doing far worse than the
Klan I mean if you want to do a comparison go go do the numbers of whites killed during the by the
Klan and People that are sorry blacks killed by the Klan well blacks on whites because they clan did kill some whites
But the number of people killed by the Klan versus number of people killed by black lives matter now One of the things when we look at that there are more people now in America So that you have to take that in per population but you end up seeing that the
Violence has has gone up way more in the last year and a half In many factors one is they're defunding the police.
They're arresting police officers doing their job They're doing things like that. You you have the fact that there's it's being encouraged
That all this, you know black Supremacy it's being funded made all the all the fortune 500 companies pretty much are donating to black lives matter to help fund this agenda and the violence and Irony of this is in the throughout this document
They say, you know, we need as a well as a well civilized society You know, we need to we need to be doing this
These are to protect, you know There's this approach that they have is going is going to honor and protect both
American security and American values Well American values are not that we only allow one side of an argument to speak but again, they're gonna mention that this is going to be a plan that's going to be and this is interesting because they say that this is going to be a approach that's going to bolster efforts that are not only within the government as well as Civil society and private sector and beyond again.
This is the the fear that I have When we say beyond let me bud for those who are on patreon
I want to I want to show something that was sent to me you you I think sent this to me as well
Let me get the first one up here and we have if you can see that That's a this is some people been seeing this on Facebook is from Kala Kali It says
Kali you may have been exposed to harmful extremist Content recently violent groups try to manipulate your anger and Disappointment you can take action now to protect yourself and others get support from experts spot the signs understand the dangers of extremism and hear from people who
You know who escape? Escape violent violent groups. I'm trying I'm trying to find the next one
Does that this isn't gonna show up is it you don't see this next one do you let me let me do this then let
Me close that I want to share the next one so you could see the next one. Sorry And then some people are seeing this one as well
Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist? We care about preventing extremism on Facebook others in your situation have received confident confidential support
How can you how you How you can help? Hear stories and get involved from those who escaped violent extremist groups get support
Okay, so you end up seeing that now even you know, bud even gab is getting in on this I don't know if you saw this on gab.
Yeah, look at look at what it said what gab has out there. It says You may have been exposed to content that hurts your feelings informed groups try to educate you and make you feel angry and foot -stompy
You can take action now to protect yourself get support from experts Spot the signs understand the same dangers to safe spaces and hear from people who escaped censorship
Their button doesn't say Get support. It says grow up But but when they're talking about that this is what
Facebook is now doing Facebook is now part of this that they're now and we're gonna see we're gonna see us as we get through this
Document I'd said this is gonna be a longer episode folks because we're not even halfway through the document
But we haven't gotten to the four pillars yet. We're still in the introduction But you're gonna see face Facebook is going through this and they're they're saying you you know
We've checked you out and you're probably been on the on the list, you know, but you sent me some of these things
Where you saw it, but the reality is is that this even made the news? All right, so let let me let me share this
This is this was from CNN just so you see that they're they're in on it.
This is the CNN business, but let's listen to this if it's gonna play So take this is someone, you know turning into an extremist
Well Facebook now asking that exact question of people who use the platform Some of the social sites users here in the u .s
Now being served a prompt that asks if they are worried that someone might know Might know you might know excuse me
Maybe becoming extremist and others are being notified that they may have been exposed to extremist content
Okay, it's a social media version of those health warnings on a pack of cigarettes Now Facebook has come under scrutiny intense scrutiny really from critics for not taking enough action to curtail extremist content on its platform
The company's own independent oversight board even urged the company to investigate the role as platform played in the
January 6th insurrection But extremism is not the only problem for Facebook right now
There's a whole lot of misinformation there, too And the White House chief of staff says that he talked to Facebook's boss
Mark Zuckerberg about it Ron Klain tells the New York Times that he raised the issue of kovat vaccine lies on the platform.
I Think Facebook itself has built a number of tools to help people find vaccines and so on so forth but I've told
Mark Zuckerberg directly that when we Gather groups of people of who are not vaccinated and we ask them
Why aren't you vaccinated and they tell us things that are wrong? Tell us things that are untrue and we ask them where they've heard that the most common answer is
Facebook So Facebook has promised to do better at stopping the flow of misinformation and conspiracy theories and it's on them now to follow through Okay, so so you end up seeing there that they're saying very clearly that they think you know if you if you
Vaccination, that's the conspiracy theory. Okay, the vaccination that people say doesn't work. Oh, yeah that that's been confirmed now, too
Like all these things that were Conspiracy theories and their argument why we had we couldn't believe these things was because Trump said it and Trump's just such a liar that We had to lie.
I mean, that's what they're saying. We had to lie to protect people because Trump's such a liar Well Trump was the one telling the truth and you were the one lying.
You're the one we shouldn't believe and and so Facebook is where everyone hears it. Well, let's see Where's everybody hearing about black lives matter protests and riots where they're happening
Oh Facebook that that's not mentioned So you see You see
Facebook is now being used to do the spying that you ended up seeing the Nazis do
Where people were encouraged children through their teachers were encouraged to spy on their families report their families
Report P. So what they're gonna do is you go to that link to get help You're gonna get identified people that don't think the government's telling the truth people that you know
Think that vaccines are conspiracy If you know people like that, you should report them then they could build that list of who they're gonna go after So they're gonna have four strategies let me give you the overview of the strategies
Okay, this strategy is is organized. Sorry for pillars in the strategy
This strategy is organized around four pillars the core elements of how the US government will tackle the threat
Posted by domestic terrorism today first our efforts to understand and share information
Regarding the full range of domestic terrorism threats. That's what we just talked about Second are the efforts to prevent domestic terrorists from successful recruiting inciting and mobilizing
Americans to violence That bud by the way that recruiting That's going to be called church soon church meetings.
That's that's what it is in in China Sorry in Canada, sorry China, that's a
Freudian slip I guess That's who's behind all this Yeah, okay third are the efforts to deter and disrupt domestic terrorist activity before it yields violence
That's gonna be interesting. What is that? We're gonna talk about that. That's that's if you there's a movie
I that I know of called minority report where they try to catch criminals before they actually commit crimes
That's what that is. They they're gonna assess That you might become violent and so they're gonna protect it by preventing it before it happens before you actually do something they're gonna assess you as a terrorist and Then say we're got to prevent it
So that that's gonna be they're gonna have to disrupt and deter the activity before it happens
Huh? That's gonna be an interesting one. How do you do that? You do that by profiling remember that's a bad thing that we're not supposed to do.
Oh, yeah falling is bad Yeah, but stereotyping profiling you have no way of doing this without and then finally they say final the long -term issue
That contributes to domestic terrorism in our country must be addressed to ensure the threat that diminishes our
Generations to come so that's gonna be legislative which is gonna be really interesting because that says that everything that's in here
Has not been legislated. Okay They said they say in here we cannot and will not ignore the dynamics such as racism and bigotry
That is the thing that is throughout this whole thing. But the definition of racism and bigotry is up for definition
Because when black lives matter do these very same things based on color of skin based on this stuff
Then it's not considered racism or bigotry. Okay, and we see that throughout now when they talk about this stuff
I want you to understand son and I encourage you go do this search now duck duck go do it on duck duck go because We don't use
Google Because they're folks Google if you don't know has been I've been watching a ton of Christian sites and their their number the traffic is going down Why because Google will not put put up Matt slick and I from karma
We did this experiment if we were talking about it and Matt said let's try this and we typed in What is the
Trinity on every search engine out there on every search engine his website karm karm .org
was the one two or three on every wet on every search engine except for Google on Google it was page three prior to him.
There was every Wikipedia from every country is Wikipedia Wikipedia Denmark Wikipedia, you know
Sweden Wikipedia so There so do this on dr. Go type in Christianity is white supremacy you will see throughout
I mean the time magazine the New Yorker Huffington Post Harvard dot edu.
Okay MSNBC News American magazine these are you know, these are not small things.
No, it goes on and on I mean, yeah are countless articles that do and that time magazine just the one you mentioned it says
Here's the title of this article white supremacy runs deep and white
American Christianity It does I don't know that and they also time also has another article that says
White American Christianity needs to be honest about its history of white supremacy
Yeah, so go back to that pillar four and I'm looking at it from the fact sheet the
June 15th thing Okay, so let's bring peel up speed the fact sheet came along with this document
Which is a kind of a cliff notes version and I'll link that in the show notes as well. So you have it so if you want to get the skinny on this you not read all 30 pages like bud and I did reading through highlighting and You know, like I guess here's what here's what my notes look like I should for those that are the patreons
I'll show them the notes, you know, this is just this is just here's me writing thing I mean, this is we went through this in detail
But the fact sheet is it is the skinny on it, so go ahead yes, so to summarize what you were reading from the official
You know document the fact sheet on pillar four says this confront long -term contributors to domestic
Terrorism every component of the government has to play a role in doing what rooting out racism and bigotry
Now go to the search that you've just heard Andrew talk about The Christianity is white supremacy and look at this white supremacy runs deep in Christianity You don't have to be terribly bright or terribly discerning to see where the trajectory for this kind of thinking and this kind of policy
Making is ultimately going to point it's going to point at orthodox Evangelical Christianity when it's really interesting because here's the
Huffington Post for folks there for patreons that supporters can see White is from Huffington Post white supremacy shaped
American Christianity Researcher says and what's the picture a picture of a guy? That's Antifa Antifa.
Yeah, that's the picture that they end up using in there That's the irony of this is they're saying that all that when they say white supremacy.
This is Basically their code word for Christianity now when we say Christianity you and I bud think
Christian a specific, right? We think those that have been converted to Christ those who who have turned from their sin and turned to Christ Born again, we'd use terms like this.
That is not what they end up meeting in they refer to Christianity in a broad sense
That's very monolithic. Yeah, and when when we look at this, you know when you look at it in monolithic
Christianity is the number one targeted group around the world for terrorism for violence
And and this is this is what we end up seeing here. And so now Folks when you say you're
Christian the people you work with the people in in the cities what they're being told is
Christianity equals white supremacy. So when you read this document And it talks about white supremacy throughout what they mean is you nasty person who believes in Christ You person who believes in the
Bible or want it wants the country to follow biblical principles you conservative and what does this do?
What this ends up doing is very simple What this does is this makes it really clear that anyone that is conservative anyone disagreeing with the liberal agenda
You are shut down. You're not gonna want to say what you are You're not gonna that's why they were surprised that Trump got so many votes because no one wants to admit it anymore
Why because their terrorism is working? No, and in part of the notes just kind of thinking through what this reflects and kind of the engine behind it
What you're looking at is as a document a policy that is driven by essentially the pagan religion that dominates culture right now and and among the many things that are tenants of that pagan religion is
Tolerance and Christianity is viewed as intolerant that pagan religion promotes sexual liberty.
Oh my goodness You know Christianity has sexual morality that it adheres to I mean we see a lot of waffling and waving on that and broader evangelicalism, but Largely the world looks at us as wow, you're prudes, you know, you're
Sexually unliberated and the world is liberated, but you've got tolerance You've got sexual liberty and then the big one right now is race and and all of this is promoting the fact that Christian and Christianity is a racist white man's oppressive religion.
That's right I mean, that's what's the behind all this and it's very simple reason why but because we've seen this in in Nazi Germany We've seen this with you know,
Lenin and Stalin. We've seen this with you know In China with the
Boxer Rebellion, we've seen this in Venezuela what one of the first group they have to get rid of is the group that has a
Absolute morality not a subjective morality because the subjective morality now they can gaslight you and Tell you a lie over and over and over and over and over again.
That's what gaslighting is Gaslighting is when they tell you something that isn't true so often that you start to believe it's true
Like they tell you that there was an insurrection and an attempt to take over the government on January 6th a call
For an audit is not taking over the government It's a call to verify and why are the why are the
Democrats so scared of all these these audits? I mean, we've already seen in we now know
That I would say biblically darkness hates the light. Yes. Well, that's true Yeah, I mean because what you end up seeing with those is you're in Arizona.
They they haven't released the records yet the report But we do know that they're they're saying the
Dominion voting machines are being pulled out of every a Fulton County I mean, no, they can't use them anymore the
Which one isn't in Arizona because I think they did the same thing in Georgia as well and so They're starting to realize so they're saying hey
We did the audit and one thing that's coming out of it is all the voting machines are being replaced So it tells you there's problems
The Supreme Court just ruled that it is okay to ban the ballot harvesting that they do and they argued that the reason they have to do that was because of racism and the reason they it was
The majority voted the way they did was because there were no signs of racism Because this and that's the whole thing that you end up seeing with it is they discovered it's there's not a racist
Issue with voting and voter ID and all that but they keep saying it why Gaslighting and so what they need to do is they need to silence those
That won't go along and and the reality folks if you're if you're look folks if you're listening still and you're black lives matter supporter or Antifa or whatever or You're liberal and you're listening just because you want to see you know, how these these crazy wack wackadoos
Christians do things Well, let me just explain this unto you You're the one that's gonna get hurt the most because when they do get you you think they're doing all this because they're gonna make a
Better utopia for you by stealing from the rich and giving to you the reality is when they steal from the rich when they silence all their their
Those that disagree with them. You're not gonna be able to rise up and do anything They're gonna have control and just like every other place that this has been tried
Once they have control they're gonna stop you out next you're just gonna become their pawns
You work for them and you keep them with all the riches and all you're doing is is
Empowering them to keep you oppressed even more if those of you, you know black lives matter folks.
You think you're oppressed now Go study history. This is why they don't want to start teach history in schools
They want to teach, you know All these social issues the reason being is if you understood history you would know that the moment they get control you're silenced
You're gonna be oppressed even more You're gonna be struggling for food because that's what they end up doing time and time again
They restrict your food because then you're willing to do anything to eat and you'll obey them
And no, yeah, there becomes some who fight to try to get food and they usually eliminate them And so then you're just compliant and that's how this works over and over and over again
This isn't the first time it's happened in history. I'm gonna get to why this you know in more detail Why it doesn't happen in america, but primarily the short of it is the reason it doesn't happen
America is because our founders knew these things and put protections in and this document that we're going through is an attempt to override
Those protections so that they could then force what the our founding fathers tried to prevent so You know, we're still in the introduction
Let me try to get through this part this one part because this is there's a lot in here bud on page eight According to this assessment, we haven't gotten to the assessment and I want to spend time on the assessment
But according to this assessment one key aspect of today's domestic terrorism threats a threat emerges from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists and networks whose radical ethnic or religious hatred leads them towards violence as well as Those whom they encourage to take violent action now read what that says religious hatred leads them toward violence
Remember they identify white supremacy with christianity christianity and this is all white supremacy
So if you're part of a christian church Then you are a religious hatred that leads toward violence.
In other words you hate lgbt You you oh you maybe i'm making it up well, let's keep reading then these actors have different motivations
But many focus their violence toward the same sediment Segment or segments of american community whether persons of color immigrants jews muslims other religious minorities women and girls lgbtqi plus Individuals and others
I don't even know what all the letters are on that but notice what's missing here immigrants jews muslims
Religious minorities. What about christian? Oh, that's not in there the group that's being targeted the most. Nope. That's not in there women and girls
Really? What about men? No, they never get targeted. No. No, that would never happen Um, you see what ends up happening here
This is there this is when you talk about critical race theory Which by the way, the democrats are running from that one as well.
They're saying well, we don't teach that we don't support that They're renaming. I forget what the name is. It's some crazy, like you know socially emotional education or something
I forget But because people are rising up against this stuff. They're recognizing that critical racism theory is racism
It is pushing racism ideas But they go on to say their insistence on violence
Now remember They're they're saying there was violence at january 6. That's the whole thing. This is referring to the assessment
I'm going to get to what the assessment is, but it's all about january 6th where you had 400 000 people And less than 20 that they could identify as having anything to do with any kind of violence 20 out of 400 000 can black lives matter protests make that argument?
Could they make the claim that they had fewer than 20 out of 400 000? They would have a thousand people on the streets and hundreds that would be involved in violence
And dozens that would die in a single night and that's not included So it says their their insistence on violence can at times be explicit.
Now. This becomes important. It can be explicit. Yeah It can also at times be less explicit lurking in ideologies rooted in the perception of superiority of the white race that calls for violence in the furtherance of uh of perverse and abhorrent
Notions of radical purity or cleansing so they say it can be racial purity or cleansing.
Oh, sorry Uh, so they they can be implicit is what they're saying. We you know when they say this right remember
What they say to those of us who say we're not racist that we're blind to our racism That's it.
That's what critical race theory says you are you have an inherent you're inherently racist And if you don't recognize that that's because of your racism they ignore black racism.
That's not included in this thus They're actually promoting the violence that they say that we might promote
And and see the fact that it is can be implicit that it's just the lurking ideologies
And if you deny that you might get violent, that's the proof that you will get violent
That is what we've been hearing from crt Okay, and so they say another key component of the threats come from anti -government anti -authority
Violent extremists in other words those of us who are against the the what is going on with the biden administration that makes you a terrorist significant component of today's threat includes self -proclaimed militias and militia violent extremists who take steps to violently resist government authority
Or facilitate the overthrow of the u .s. Government based on perceived over our overreach
Now notice that if it's a perceived overreach this is exactly what the second amendment was for folks
This is exactly what I read to you earlier for the second amendment is to protect the States against government overreach and they're saying that if you are involved in doing what the second amendment has
You my friend are domestic terrorists so so this is
This is all now. It's it's interesting because they say so if you if you have a perceived overreach of government Then if you you have
I like that is this partition Who violently oppose all forms of capitalism?
corporate globalization and government institutions Who is it? That's opposing forms of capitalism.
Uh, oh, that's right black lives matter They're the marxists that want to end capitalism uh, they're against corporate globalization
Well, that is black lives matter, but they get funded by the corporate globalization and who is it that we now see is promoting well the globalization of the
Corporations are being that's what this whole document is to do is to get the big tech to be doing what they can't do
And so if you're against big tech and we're going to get to that We're going to explain they're going to define that a lot more in this what defines you being against the corporate globalization
Going to things like gab going to to things like signal going places where where they can't spy on you
Then you're then you're a terrorist. I mean they define that throughout this document Okay, and so you this is this right here perfectly describes black lives matter and yet they're not listed here
This goes against the second amendment, which is to protect the government protect us against the government Yeah and so This if you believe in the second amendment you will be a violent extremist even if you do know violence because they need to protect against the
Less implicit the implicit things the ideologies that you believe That are you know going to bring you to violence?
They know that you will be violent so they're going to have to take action now And it's interesting because they say they also say in here
Uh sovereign citizens violent extremists who believe they are immune to the government authority and laws
Again, black lives matter. I mean they're blatantly in front of police officers breaking laws
Knowing the police won't do a thing about it anymore in in many of these cities Okay. Now it's interesting because they they go on to say other domestic terrorists may be motivated to violence by single uh by single issue ideologies related to abortion animal rights environmental or involuntary celibate violent extremist
As well as other grievances or a combination of ideologies influences
So if you are against abortion, yeah, okay. So here's where i'm gonna I have to be careful.
Okay so What you have here? Uh years ago. I I I used to work
Uh, I used to work for the government. Okay back under barack obama He made a change. One of the things he did was he made a change in what defined domestic terrorists
Now typically domestic terrorists were actual terrorist groups that used violence to try to overturn the american system
That were against uh, you know this and what you ended up seeing in that Uh very often is they would be what we would
Literally think of as terrorists barack obama changed that On his list of terrorists that I actually saw with my own hands had in my own hands
Was the list of what he considered terrorists if you were against abortion any organization that was against abortion
Was a domestic terrorist organization if you were against lgbt you are a domestic terrorist organization so groups like Samaritan's purse.
What does samaritan's purse do they they try to you know Try to help people in foreign countries to you know
Take care of the needs of people they go out to try to help those who don't have they're terrorists because they have christian values
And don't agree with lgbt This is what they defined as terrorists. Okay Now when you look at this thing and they mention all these ideologies it says in some cases may develop their own
Ideology, so this allows for the government to make up anything They want to charge you with terrorism that'll fit their definition.
They can make it up Yeah, I mean that's an important line in there. Here's what it says in some cases individuals may develop their own idiosyncratic
Justifications for violence that defy ready categorization Well, what is that telling you?
It's telling you we can call you whatever we want to call you. We can identify you However, it doesn't matter if we recognize what particular ideology may have motivated you
If it does not fit our narrative if it does not fit our agenda We can classify you that way and we can classify you that way the way we want to classify you
We don't need justifications for and you don't even need to be violent. That's the whole thing. This is to prevent it That's that's that's their third pillar there
And so they they talk about lone actors and small groups But they they here's the interesting thing in this that when they talk about these they say and it can in some instances
Connect and intersect with conspiracy theories and other forms of disinformation and misinformation often the often solid
Solitary and at times rapid nature of such mobilization to violence pose a particular acute challenge
To law enforcement and others seeking to prevent disrupt and deter domestic terrorism
That's black lives matter by the way All right, the reality is is that this is the same group I mean biden administration is the same administration wanting to defund the police, but but throughout this they're like all law enforcement law enforcement
You know and who is it that they say has conspiracy theories and forms of disinformation and misinformation
Well, let's see. Let's talk about covid. You think it was formed in a lab? That's disinformation. How dare you?
That's oh wait. No, that was in fauci's emails. That's I mean all these doctors who lost
Their their practices and were shamed out of work because they had the nerve to say
That this doesn't fit the biology. This was in a laboratory. That's what conspiracy theory.
No, that's misinformation Think about all the information that was had to be pulled off. You you have all this stuff biden's son.
They have his laptop That's disinformation that They're they're creating a narrative.
This is propaganda folks. Listen Many of you who follow this podcast for a long time, you know me, you know,
I grew up jewish You know that I grew up watching a lot of the stuff on the happy with the holocaust.
This is what? Happened propaganda the propaganda comes it once they have everything in place.
They start the propaganda So you only hear their side everything else is misinformation disinformation But here what they do is if you're promoting the truth, they they call disinformation.
You're a terrorist they can identify you as a terrorist and they even say here that Especially so especially on internet -based communication platforms such as social media file upload sites and end -to -end
Encrypted platforms all these elements can combine to amplify threats to public safety
In other words if you're trying to avoid big tech You go to something that doesn't let them spy on you
Which by the way the fourth amendment doesn't allow them to do in the first place They're not allowed to do that They're not allowed to to spy on american citizens with without a warrant
They have to go through a process a court system the fiza court To make sure that they have a legal right to spy on you.
But what are they doing with the big tech? We'll see what they're not doing the spying. They're giving it to big tech
And big tech is doing that they're doing so this is what we end up doing in the uh intelligence community
We're gonna we're gonna come up with you're gonna hear that term again in a moment But in the intelligent community what we do when we try to find bad guys is we will end up Uh doing what's called a community of interest
So i'm gonna i'm gonna look at bud But some he's and he'd have to be a foreigner by the way This is the way at least it used to work before barack obama is you you find some you're looking for saddam hussein
You're gonna look at saddam hussein. You get it. You get access to him. You're gonna look at who he talks to Well, okay.
He talks to his mom every sunday. Okay, we we note that He talks to the pizza guy every week because he likes to get some pizza, you know, uh, then you see who else he talks
So you see these people he talks to infrequently or you know And and you start to go. Okay, let's let's go check them out and see who they talk to And then see who they tell you build a community
Who is it? He talks to because you end up finding who it is. He communicates with who he's planning things with That's what they look to do.
That is exactly what they're doing folks That's what they want big tech to do on you to build a community of interest to know that how you may be a threat to the american government, okay
No, but at this point we've been going for over an hour and we're probably about halfway through but we're gonna get to a very
A very important part next with this march 20, uh, 2021 Assessment and because this becomes the crucial thing we'll go through the pillars kind of quickly
But as we look at this, I mean you you I I know that for some of you you are like frantic at this
This can drive many people to fear and that's not what we want to do and i'm telling you again
Stick around to the end. We're going to give hope But as we get to this point, you may be thinking how in the world can
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You'll be able to sleep after this next segment So That's wonderful So let's
I want to deal with this assessment now in in this document they put the assessment in the middle in blue It's highlighted.
Um, oh, wow. What is that book that I just saw you pull up with? well, I was going to reference it earlier, but i'm like no because I just finished that that's been about a
Week and a half going back through this Which well, why don't you read it for those who are listening on podcast?
Like you're showing it to the patrons rise and fall of the third reich a history of Nazi, germany william shire.
It's the classic sort of history. Uh, how many pages is that? Uh, 700 1240
Okay Yeah, so And that was just your light reading, right? I would read this every evening when
I go to bed Yeah, it's your light reading before bed read You know, so it took about a week and a half I went through um
But if you don't think the things that are going on right now that are facilitated by the technology that we have
That wasn't available uh in the 1940s and the 1930s these guys accomplished exactly what biden has
Has proposed here Hitler did it all his cronies. They were able to put this together in a non at least digitally technical environment, um, don't think it can't happen and this is
This is a signal this whole document This is where we're going. Yeah It can happen it has happened and like you mentioned it will happen if you don't if you don't know history
You're doomed to repeat it. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's to quote somebody made Yeah, I mean because the reality is that now in the digital world is going to be easier for them
So let's go through this this assessment. This is the assessment from march 2021 It's called the assessment of the domestic violent extremist threat.
Okay The intelligence community or ic Assesses that domestic violent extremists dves
Who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and social events in the united states pose an elevated threat to the homeland in 2021 enduring dve motivations, uh pertaining to Biases against minority populations and perceived government overreach will almost certainly continue to drive dve
Radicalization and mobilization to violence now here is the very key. This is it newer psycho, uh, socio -political developments such as narratives of fraud in the recent general elections
The emboldened emboldening impact of violent breach of the u .s.
Capitol conditions related to covid19 pandemic and conspiracy theories promoting violence
Will almost certainly spur some devs To try to engage in violence this year
So this exposes exactly who they think of the threat if if you have a brain you're a threat
Right if you look at the numbers and realize wait a minute in in in the general election of 2020 in the georgia senate election
Uh in the new york election in all these elections What do we see happening? They stop counting and then all of a sudden there's a surge for the liberal candidate overnight when no one's there
No one's supposed to be counting All of a sudden all these ballots show up and all for one candidate, right?
If you believe that that joe biden who can't even get 40 people to attend a rally Somehow got more votes than barack obama
You're barack obama who filled the when when he was inaugurated filled the the uh park there the national mall,
I mean it was hundreds of thousands of people Close to a million filled it
And and you think andrew biden biden couldn't do that. We had coven man. Yeah. Well trump was able to Um, I mean he had hundreds of thousands at his at his he could
I mean even if okay Fine, how about looking at online stuff trump does a does a speech
And and he gets hundreds of thousands of people watching live and biden gets tens of thousands
Okay, so there's it's it's just when you look at the math you look at all it You know, they say if you dare to have a narrative that there was fraud in the election
But it's amazing because they wanted to claim there was fraud when the democrat lost by only a few votes, right?
I mean the democrats can say there's fraud But it's only but it's only when the democrats win that that somehow is is is terrorism
Um, you know if you actually believe that the violent Breach at the u .s.
Capitol what breach? There was no violence and they were welcomed in, you know, it was a staged coup.
All right That's that's now that well, that's your conspiracy theory that again. It makes me a terrorist
Um, you know conditions related to the covid pandemic Wait, the numbers are in folks.
This is about as deadly as the flu. Uh, okay and and people that argue Well, it's more contagious.
How do you know when you have a flu? You don't go report it you stay home Okay So so the reality is that their their their assessment of this
Is that if you are conservative if you are not going with the status quo of what the democrats are pushing
You are terrorist. Okay, that's basically what the this is. Okay And and they're using the intelligence community in a way that's never been used before this is you know
Folks barack obama said he wanted to fundamentally change america and there are two things he did fundamentally
That so many people never understood i've spoken very publicly about one of them, but now i'm going to speak about the other one thing that barack obama did
Was to use private business to push his political agenda to get businesses to do what he could not do
In government and and you're seeing that with you're seeing that with amazon you're seeing that with google you're seeing it with apple
You're seeing with all these companies where if you don't push the democrat agenda, they're going to silence you
They are doing the the censoring that the government cannot do there's another thing That you're seeing in this assessment and that is that barack obama turned the intelligence community
From looking at terrorists outside the country, which is what it was designed for to start looking for them inside the country
So in other words what we end up seeing is that for years You and you see this the the change between barack obama donald trump joe biden
Donald trump and you can even go back to the bush you end up seeing that they saw that that the terrorists were those outside the country attacking us
Where the democrats see the terrorists of those inside their country attacking them They are against americans.
Okay. So what do you see the the intelligence community assesses that the us rm mvs and and rmv
I I guess I should give you that with that stands for uh, that is a um, basically rmvs are going to be um
Oh, i'm forgetting the term for it, but it's well, it's racially racially motivated violent.
Yes I forgot what the r was off hand. Sorry So so this is dealing with the if you have the racial component, right?
So so the rmvs who promote the superiority of the white race What about the rmvs that promote the spirit are the black race like black lives matter?
That's not included Okay, are the are the dmv actors with the most persistent and concerning?
transactional connections Because individuals with similar ideologies beliefs exist outside the united states now, wait a minute this
They've promoted this whole thing of white supremacy being an american thing And yet now it's connected to individuals outside.
Well, there are connections outside, but it's not on the white side Of this, uh, it's the marxists that we end up seeing
Uh, and part of this the reason this has never worked in america all this ideology The marxism ideology is simply because of the fact that what you end up having is you you america had these checks and balances
And so they have been trying for years to to promote The rich versus poor and it didn't work because america didn't have that class system
And that is why they're using the race system to do this Okay, but throughout this it's interesting the ic assesses that dmv dvs
Uh exploit a variety of popular social media platforms smaller websites with targeted audience and encrypted chat applications
And they to plan and rally support. So if you're a christian trying to avoid big tech That because you don't want to be spied on that makes you a terrorist
I mean i'm saying this over and over because it's over and over in this document Okay, the that there's a growing perception of government overreach related to the legal
Or policy changes the the fact is what we've been finding over and over again. These things are been proven
That they're they're right now I'm gonna i'm gonna pick up speed on this bud Because we are about an hour and a half in and I want to give a half hour on or so So we can give encouragement, okay
And and for all we know this may be the last episode we do because we'll be in jail after this because we're terrorists I mean just doing this just doing this is an act of terrorism according to this document just Certainly is yeah, this episode is an is an act of terrorism according to them and and according to them
They have to stop it before it becomes violent. I've never promoted violence But yet they're going to say that right because that's the agenda.
So they say here. Um assessing domestic terrorism And this is under their approach domestic addressing a domestic terrorism effectively responsibly and enduringly requires moving swiftly, but sustainably
Creatively but carefully Decisively but doubt deathly so they got to move quickly
They're going to do quickly creatively and decisively but they say they're going to do it to protect our civil liberties and our citizens
And yet the very these very things you see are going to go after citizens Then one of the things they end up saying they have all these departments
We have a lot of departments in the government and these departments are specifically designed to not work together
In certain areas to protect us But what this document does is say that they're all going to be coming together even the domestic the department of Veteran affairs because they want to find how veterans
Can help or if not, they're going to become Identified as terrorists. Okay, the strategy demands that the broad broader federal government coordinate and collaborate on programmatic aspects of countering domestic terrorism now those those things that they're now wanting to break down were there for reasons and they say in here that that they want it with critical partners as well as To they say here for you
We will also build a community to address domestic terrorism that extends not only across the federal government
But also to critical partners as well as foreign allies and partners civil society and technology sector academia and More interlocking the communities to contribute information the federal government can
Energize connect and empower those communities So they're going to use foreign allies foreign governments to illegally spy the same way
They did like on trump right and yet trying to protect their privacy. They say they're doing this
They're going to try to they're going to protect our privacy But if you try to do protect your own privacy You're a terrorist by this document the contrast here between the peaceful trump rally
That that happened on january 6th and the destruction that blm exposes what this agenda is really about Okay, when when they say here that it is critical that we condemn and confront the domestic terrorism regardless of particular ideology
What about blm? They ignore that because they end up saying that there's no distinction based on political views left or right or center in this
And yet there is because they're they're only looking at white supremacy and not black supremacy Because black supremacy is what is on the rise right now not white supremacy
I do think there will be an overreaction of white supremacists There are white supremacists in the country and I do think that because of this rise of blm
You're going to see an overreaction on their part and the media every time that happens is going to try to overblow it
But the fact that we don't see it being overblown on media that much Tells you it's not happening that much because the moment that happens they're going to point it out
And and that's one of the things that you end up seeing So again, they talk about the over the overarching goal of this strategy is to prevent
Is the preventing disrupting and deterring of that violence? That means that they're going to do it before the violence happens.
This is the minority report if you I I kind of got a snippet of that movie.
I didn't actually watch it, but Basically, and I don't know if I should recommend people to watch it because maybe it isn't good
But but the reality what that ends up saying is that they're they're looking to try to prevent the crimes before they happen
They're going to prevent violence before it happens. All right, so but let's quickly look at their pillars
Okay, and that's going to bring us to christ church as well uh christ church new zealand not christ's church, but um, because there's going to be that's going to play into this, uh, what happened there, but Pillar one and we're going to look at their their pillars and the strategic goal
Okay, i'm going to go through this very quickly, uh pillar one understand and share domestic terrorism related information
So their first goal under that is enhance domestic terrorism related Research and analysis.
So they they say they want to understand as they misinterpret conservatives and ignore the actions of blm
Okay, and that's going to be how they're going to do this research. They're going to research things uh And they're going to bring all these organizations within the government together to do it
But the separation of those organizations are protect american privacy And and they're trying to remove that while claiming that they're going to protect
This is all all this is is the propaganda. Okay, and and so they end up what this is doing uh is they're going to say maximizing the federal government, uh,
Federal government's understanding of this particular threat also means supporting and making appropriate use of the analysis
Performed by entities outside the government and bring to bear revel relevant expertise
And doing so in a structured way that provides a channel for such analysis while also avoiding the bias or improper influence thus
Doing what the government cannot legally do they want businesses to do and the irony of this is they already proven
That they have a bias and an influence because they're limiting it to white supremacy Yeah, on the one hand they're saying don't worry.
We're going to enhance all this and we will see it enhanced We're going to see this go on in in manifold ways
But on the one hand they're saying we're going to enhance this we're going to we're going to control domestic terrorism, but don't worry
It's not going to violate your civil liberties. It's not going to violate your You know your constitutional rights trust us trust us and and we won't be biased but throughout this whole document they are
Okay, strategic goal 1 .2 Improve information sharing across all levels within as well as outside the federal government.
So this means big tech You think that what you saw on facebook just this week with them? We're asking you whether you're you know extremists that's just getting started strategic goal 1 .3
illuminate transnational aspects of domestic terrorism This is this basically is they're going to be working with international folks.
This is like this is like discussing Uh, if you discuss well, here's the line Let me put the terrorists and and and their support supporters increasingly connect with other via internet -based communication with each other via internet -based communication platforms recruiting and encouraging mobilization to violence across international boundaries and point the ideology similar to foreign foreigners
As inspiration for their violent acts. In other words folks if you've been discussing the arresting the pastors being arrested in Canada and remember the violence you don't actually have to do violence
You just have to have an ideology that they believe leads to violence like discussing the canadians
Gathering together for church. That is so wicked and violent you you my friend have to be targeted
They need to work with those foreign powers to to monitor you. Okay Now it is interesting because they say at the end at the end of this one such efforts can be used
To counter messages from adversaries who? racially motivated Motivated violence incidences in america an attempt to erode american credibility
Racism is terrorism not not those muslims who are involved in terrorism for years I mean that's so they're using the muslims here and then and then they're countering that so this is the bait and switch they do
Okay, and so when they talk about foreign governments of questions. I ended up asking so what foreign government? They're gonna they're gonna be working on china and russia.
That's because they always say china and russia is influencing all these elections Let's get the pillar to uh, prevent domestic terrorism recruitment and mobilization to violence folks.
This is going to be your church services I'm telling you Strategic goal number 2 .1 strengthen domestic terrorism prevention resources and services
Okay, and this is really interesting because in here they say such prevention efforts must be pursued while safeguarding civil rights and civil liberties
Including privacy protections and while avoiding discrimination bias and stereotyping so they rely on profiling to prevent
Those very things so they they the only way they could do this is to profile So they're going to go against the second amendment in in doing all this and but they're going to protect your civil liberties
They cannot avoid discrimination bias and stereotyping because that is required to be able to do this They they have no other way of doing this because how do you prevent doing this before the action occurs?
the only way you could do that is to Stereotype discriminate and have a bias they've named that bias throughout this
They're making it clear in our society what this bias is So the government will is going to pay companies and organizations that support their agenda through grants
That's part of it what this goal is They're going to give grant programs and training to those companies those organizations that will help them in this effort
Well now there's going to be big money in big in big companies to do this And then what they're going to do is to get this out into the public's understanding.
That's mass thinking That's the propaganda that you see in every regime that does this and they say here that we intend to launch a new approach a new approach because I guess
The old approach of like just telling people the truth and having public opinion that doesn't work the new approach of uh agitating synthesizing
And sorry aggregating synthesizing and publicizing information. That's basically we're going to create a government
Uh news and and only are just like in china only only the state accepted news is allowed uh
Strategic goal 2 .2 is to address online terrorist recruitment and mobilization
By via by to violence by domestic terrorists Remember they think that the recruitment is encouraging people to a platform that that encrypts your communication
That doesn't let them spy on you. That is what they consider Okay, these end -to -end these encrypted platforms are end -to -end encrypted
That's what they consider needing to to deal with in this in this one. So pillar number three uh
Disrupt and deter domestic terrorism activity. The goal 3 -1 is to enable appropriate enhanced investigation and prosecution of domestic terrorist crimes
Now here is where it gets interesting because in this one they talk about the fact that there they that well, here's what it says the the department of justice and federal bureau of investigation are receiving additional resources and Support to enhance this effort the president's fight fiscal year 2022 budget includes significant additional resources for department of justice in the federal bureau of investigation to ensure that they have
Analysis investigators and prosecutors they need to thwart domestic terrorists and do justice When the law has been broken
But remember they're saying they need to the first the pillar just before this is to prevent the law from being broken So now they're getting all this now this is the same group by the way folks they're saying defund the police okay, and so they say that what are they going to be doing the department of of justice and federal bureau of investigation will be
Will sustain the already robust collaboration between counterterrorism investigations and prosecutors and hate crimes remember
You as a christian who who say that homosexuality is a sin is a hate crime
Is a hate crime Therefore this is essential. We empower the vital non -federal partners to effectively address today's domestic terrorism threat and To anticipate tomorrow's evolution of that threat who's going to be doing that non -federal partners
That's not the government folks. They're going to empower people that don't that are not bound by the constitution
They can just say we're doing this as private business or you can't do anything. This is our just our algorithms
Okay And and so what they're going to do is is use all this
Now, let me let me go to number Goal three to assess potential legislative reforms
The threat poses opposed by domestic terrorism is an urgent priority. I mean, this is their number one priority
They depend on law enforcement for all this while shouting defund the police. So what are they arguing? They're arguing for federal police
Over local police. I want you to notice that they want department of justice.
They want the fbi They want to defund local police. There's an inconsistency there. Why because they want the police under their control
So they can control them folks Since january 6th, they've we've have all these states.
They've sent in their national guard to protect the capital. They're still there folks They were there because of the trump was gonna have this rally and and and december 20th
He was going to take over the government never happened. And then there was this other date march something never happened They're still there to protect the capital by the way, they built walls there.
Uh, I guess walls do work for for democrats um So they they're they are admitting in this whole thing that that these measures are not law
Because they're in this goal. They're saying they need to put laws in place to prevent this stuff from happening
So they're saying what this is is not law. They have not gone through the congress to get it voted and discussed This is a decision behind closed doors folks goal.
Three three ensure that screening and vetting process considered full range of terrorism threat uh there so the u .s
government is going to uh, create this robust way of determining individuals, uh,
One year i'm going to read this because this this is this is trying if you know the chinese merit system That's what this is where the depending how your your your merit score determines what how where you could work?
What you could buy things like this the u .s government has a robust system for determining which individuals seeking sensitive access or employment and which passengers seeking certain forms of travel require for the safety of others
Additional security scrutiny that system has been refined to curl out to calibrate over time to ensure increase protect civil
Rights and civil liberties as well as enhanced accuracy to the extent that individuals known or Suspected terrorists might meet thresholds under that system for additional screening measures or where appropriate
Exclusion from certain activities that system is being fully utilized folks.
We're seeing this with vaccines right now If you're not vaccinated They're talking about all these things that you're going to have to pay extra for Or you may not be able to do if you don't have the vaccine
Because you believe that well if you got it the science says that you're immune and you are not likely to get it again folks
Right now the death rate of covet 19 is 30 people a day The death rate right now in car accidents is 300 a day get a grip.
Okay You know what? We end up seeing here is that this is promoting what what biden and by the way
What obama and by the way, biden did by using the the government to spy on trump?
This is what they want to be able to do here is is that they should use the the nsa to spy on americans
Which that is illegal and not allowed. Okay, and and they they are want to do this
Okay all under this pretense Let me get to to number four and I know bud
I didn't get to the christ church document or the other one yet We're gonna get there i'm gonna use that to wrap up.
So pillar number four This one doesn't have goals under it but can form long -term contributors to domestic terrorism
Okay, so individuals subscribing to violent ideologies such as violent white supremacy, which is grounded in racial ethnic and religious hatred and the dehumanizing of portions of american communities as well as Violent anti -government ideologies are responsible for a substantial portion of today's domestic terrorism
Okay, that means that tackling racism in america. It means this is what they say It it means protecting americans from gun violence and mass murders
It means ensuring that we provide early uh in intervention and appropriate care for those who
Pose a danger to themselves or others You see all this
Okay, they they're they're they're saying that you know It's they have in here.
This is kind of a comical thing It means ensuring that there is simply no government tolerance and instead denouncing and rejection of violence
As acceptable mode of seeking political or social change What have we been hearing for over a year with black lives matter?
I mean we we have we have cnn saying What part of protest?
You know is peaceful. Uh, that's what the constitution says You're allowed to peacefully protest black lives matter has not been peacefully protesting throughout this whole thing.
No, okay And just earlier I quickly want to mention this that here's the quote It also means ensuring that americans receive the type of civics education
That promotes tolerance and respect for all They're coming after you kids.
They've already been and what is that called critical race theory? Yeah, but the promotion of tolerance.
Well tolerance. This is a major tenant of the pagan religion that runs the world Yes, uh christians do not have tolerance
We are narrow thinking people because we have a book that gives us black and white
Uh truth we have objective standards, but the world doesn't have that but this is what this is going to uh force on people
That's right tolerance tolerance tolerance, but it's but it's a tolerance that's intolerant. It's intolerant of you that disagree with their view
And they say here and and i'm trying to to speed folks. I there's hope coming
There's some scripture coming We are we are therefore prioritizing efforts to ensure that every component of the government
Has a role to play in rooting out racism and advancing equality for underserved communities
That have far too often been targeted for discrimination and violence This approach must apply to our efforts to counter domestic terrorism by addressing underlying racism and bigotry
So that's what this whole thing is about. This is all crt This is about rooting out racism and and their view of equality
Remember their view of equality is not that everyone has a fair Shot at the starting line.
It's a it's a fair shot at the end line at the goal Everyone should have the same end. However, that's impossible because not everyone's going to be president
It's it's an impossible goal The whole thing of an impossible goal is it never ends they could say it's never finished
They say that this approach the the approach their the critical tasks Without any they could do this without any racial bias and other biases
In strict adherence to the law and law enforcement can do this and operate without bias.
That's impossible Because they've already identified their bias throughout this So when you when you do this,
I mean this whole comparison you compare the non Violent january 6 trump rally and the year -long riots
We had with blm where the the destruction and mayhem and violence and and criminal activity
This whole document is an attack on those that agree Uh that disagree with the marxist coup of the 2020 elections.
That's what this is all about It's all about this now now in pillar three, they referred to two things uh christ church call this document the church
Church christ call to eliminate terrorism and violent extremism online uh
Online content adopted so they state this document in there This document is a document what happened in christ church, new zealand
Okay, if you're not familiar with that, you can go look it up a 51 members of a muslim community
Were murdered on a on a live stream on on march 15th The reality is is that was being done what he had a manifesto that was put out there
It was taken down immediately because this guy was a marxist He was a leftist and they removed that part of it and they want to make it seem like he was a white supremacist
But he wasn't he was the very people that support what blm supports would biden and this administration supports but this document calls
For the government regulation over what you can post on media There's one other document that they mentioned in there that is very interesting and it is it's a document you can go search for Is the homegrown violence extremist?
mobilization indicators the 2019 edition this just came out 2019 Just came out but in in part of pillar three what they want to do is redo this whole document because this document
Identifies terrorists that what we would think of as terrorists and they make it very clear They want to redo this document why because this document does not talk about white supremacy and racial
Issues, that's what they want to make it all about folks. This has been scary. I understand But the reality is is that at this point what
I want you to realize Is this is what our government is doing. They are attacked. They are going to attack
They are going to target those of us who name the name of christ Okay, and and if you doubt that let me just I this will be a show we want to do at a future time uh, this is another 30 page document that we we want to talk about bud, but uh, we may do it on apologetics live, but The the document is the secular democrats of america have put this together restoring constitutional secularism
And patriotic pluralism in the white house. So this has been signed on to by several several.
Uh of the democrats right now They've been pushing it and and what
It's interesting because what they refer to throughout this document is the white nationalist movement or other
Or other or in other words the religious, right? And they and what do they say is the problem with it that it it provides constant cover for white supremacy, huh?
It's anti -democratic and it's anti -scientific Basically what you're seeing folks is that everything right now is being tied to this idea that everything is
Going to destroy the democracy if you don't agree with the marxists Marxists are not in support of democracy.
They are the ones that are against it. Okay now So bud, let me let me do this.
Let me let us give some hope Okay, so let me go to my logos bible software, which by the way, I I should announce that we're planning
Uh a special thing you even bud you're gonna get in. I know you have logos So you don't use our you know
Our promo that gets you five free books if you upgrade or get a new version of logos But if someone else wants to you could go to bit dot ly slash sfe dot logos
It's in the show notes, but there is how you can get upgrades you get discounts there But we're going to do a presentation.
We have a plan I think for july 12th is the plan right now, even if you have logos, we're going to do a special Training with logos and we're going to have it on our youtube channel.
We're going to have it on my facebook And they're going to give uh, I think it's 72 hours They're going to give huge discounts for those who attend that training.
So just want you to think about that um But i'm going to turn to my logos and I want to say, you know here how should we think about uh persecution well, you know this past sunday
I was preaching about the Uh out of math mark 10, uh with the the rich young ruler and I came across this is very interesting that we see
Uh in in the scripture where he he's talking about what do we have to give up? Uh for the sake of christ, he's basically saying everything.
Okay, that's really what it is. Give up, you know Jesus said truly I say to you there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms for my sake and for the gospel's sake but that he will receive a hundred times as much now and in the
Now in the present age houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms along with Persecutions and in the age to come eternal life.
That's mark 10 29 to 30 persecutions all these things that people look for and he says what we can look forward to is persecutions
You know on wednesday night some of some folks may be aware that uh at our church and we're putting it on the striving fraternity uh youtube channel for now along with my facebook, but uh our church
And I have some big news that we'll be announcing soon, but not we're not ready to announce everything yet But some big news going on on that front, uh, they'll be announcing in a couple weeks
So folks if uh, if you're if you're anywhere in the the philadelphia area, uh looking for a church
I'm, just going to tell you there's going to be some things going on uh reach out to me privately and I can tell you some of those details and we'll be announcing them soon, but with my church on wednesday nights
Uh, we're going through first peter why because it's a book to teach us about uh how to deal with Suffering and persecution and what he does first is lay out the gospel
He lays a very firm foundation for the gospel. Why because it's it's when we have a mindset of that which we're going to inherit
That's what's going to get us through when our own government is going to come after us That's what's going to help us through this
Okay is having this mindset. In fact, that's what that's what he's going to end up saying In in this passage, let me read just uh first peter i'll start at verse one verse 10
Uh as to this salvation, right? He just got done talking about He he talks about that the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come
To you make careful searches and inquiries seeking to know what person and time the spirit of christ within them was
Was indicating as he predicted the sufferings of christ and the glories to follow it was revealed to them
That they were not serving themselves, but you in these things which have now been announced to you though those who preached the gospel to you by the holy spirit sent from heaven things which
Which angels long to look? Therefore prepare your minds for action
Be sober in spirit Fix your hope completely on the grace
To be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ as obedient children Do not be conformed to the former lusts which you were in your ignorance
But be like the holy one who is calling you be holy yourselves as in All your behavior because it is written you shall be holy for I am holy
If you will for you address As father the one who impartially judges according to each one's works conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth
Knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood as of a lamb
Unblemished and spotless the blood of christ This is the focus of the christian now.
I know that we have focused nearly two hours On a document that shows that our government is going to be persecuting us that our government is going to be attacking us and coming
After us and targeting us and for many they're going to fear If you are afraid it could be you're not a christian.
Look folks. This is the reality What we as christians promote is not violence This is the thing that they misrepresent about us and they have to to promote their agenda
The only way that they can get their marxism across is to promote us as the violent ones when they're actually doing the violence
They have to gaslight the entire Community of people when they talk about these communities They have to gaslight them by telling them lies so they think that the christians are the victims are the villains
And that they're all the victims of of this mass attack of christianity and white supremacy and all this folks
The christian message is simply this and you even see it in here That our works condemn us to hell
We cannot do enough good to earn our way to heaven. We are criminals in god's sight
We have violated his law and in such we deserve an eternal punishment
But god by his blood by god becoming a man made a way of escape that we can have eternal life
We inherit a glorious future and that's what we look to And that must be our mindset that we look to that And therefore when they come to us to persecute us, you know
What our reaction must be according to christ we turn the other cheek and we share the gospel That is the solution for the christian
That's the christian message that god died even for those who will persecute us
Because even the persecution is given to us You we we don't often think about that But if you look at philippians 1 28, we talk about us this
Our salvation being this gift and yet we think about that but when talking about persecution when paul is talking about the persecution that the the philippians are going through he says
For it has been granted for christ's sake not only that you believe in him
But that you would suffer for his sake. Not only did god grant you your salvation and you praise god for that But you must thank him for the suffering that we also suffer for his sake for we will suffer
Many people who name the name of christ are going to flee They're going to deny christ very quickly because they don't want to suffer and they don't want to go through this
I understand that and the reality is we're going to see who the the christians are the genuine christians
And you're already seeing with this with the whole lockdown and and churches that are opening what we're seeing is which churches?
The the solid churches are growing and and multiplying why because people who are in bad churches are selling saying well
I want to meet I want his fellowship. I want to do church, which is to gather. That's the definition of church
And the the good churches are starting to grow. May there be a revival? I don't know I pray there will be
But the way there's going to be a revival is not fighting our government The way we're going to have revival is through the gospel.
That's the solution And so with that folks, I I know this wasn't probably the most encouraging and it was the longest
I think we've probably ever done and i'm sorry about that. We wanted to go through this but have hope Hope in where we spend eternity.
Our hope is in is in christ That inheritance that that peter ends up speaking about And let me they read earlier in peter first peter one to look at this salvation he talks about Blessed be the god and father of this verse three blessed be the god and father of our lord
Jesus christ who according to his great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead to obtain an inheritance, which is
Imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away reserved in heaven for you
Who are protected? by the power of god through faith For a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time in this you greatly rejoice
Even though now for a little while if necessary you have been distressed by various trials so that the proof of your faith
Being more precious than gold, which is perishable even though tested by fire
May be found to result In praise and glory and honor at the revelation of jesus christ
And though you have not seen him you love him and though you do not see him now you believe in him you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory obtaining
The outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls. I hope that encourages you
I hope at least with the ending of this You have hope and encouragement christian, but be wise as serpents know what's coming
Study the history and know what is about to come upon us Start memorizing your scriptures so that then when they throw you in jail and they persecute you that is what you have
I'm working on memorizing First peter why because that's a one good one to memorize when we're being persecuted.
I really want to memorize hebrews That's going to be one we're going to go for but if you want you can contact me
We're going through this go to contact me at info at striving for attorney .org Ask how you can join us in the collaboration of memorizing that book with our church
But uh, that's all that I have But let me give you see if there's any last words you want with anything
I know that I was kind of taken over tonight on a rant, but you were preaching for two hours
Look, I just I'll be quick I just want and i'm not pulling a red letter here by citing this because peter that's excellent
Uh, but I do want to go back to matthew 5 and and this is the lord in the beatitude very very early in his ministry and uh verses 10, uh and 11 and 12 says
Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you
Because of me and then here's what the lord says Rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great
For in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you We have a great and glorious hope and these are exciting times to live in as difficult as they're going to practically be
But we've got that eternal hope and we do have to share the gospel We're fighting not flesh.
We're fighting ideologies and and it's about to get more intense. That's right. And you know what bud?
What's that? That's a wrap This podcast is part of the striving for eternity ministry for more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church
Go to starboard eternity .org. Okay after that. Hold on. I gotta check my blood pressure here. Let's see what this is like Talking about all this stuff, dude
Yeah, yeah, this is you know, let's see. Let's see what the blood pressure is. This will be scary.
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