

Pastor David Mitchell



Hey, it worked. All right. So, we got a couple of things to move because they popped over there. Do it. All right.
So, boy, those two specials were awesome today, weren't they?
Just so great. Thank you so much, both of you. Abraham Lincoln said, all that I am or hope to be,
I owe to my angel mother. You've heard me read that one once or twice in the past.
That's one of my favorite quotes on Mother's Day. Life began with waking up and loving my mother's face,
George Elliott. Isn't that something? I love to watch my grandbabies gazing into their mom's faces.
And I like to watch their moms gazing into their children's faces. It's a beautiful thing, isn't it?
A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.
Isn't that true? Yeah, all of us can remember that when we were dating and maybe somebody broke up with us and mom was there, right?
Mom was there through it all and still there now. My mom is here today for the first time since COVID.
92, we're just about 92 years old. Not quite yet. 91 and a half.
How about that? And so glad to have you with us today. Yeah, call it that.
So, thank you, mom, for I pray for you every day and I think about my whole life with you every day.
Life doesn't come with a manual. It comes with a mother. That kind of fits your song pretty good, doesn't it,
Bobby? If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way mom told you to do it in the first place.
That's a good one. I wrote that one. Actually, I didn't.
God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. Pretty smart man wrote that.
All right. Well, moms, we just want to thank you again for everything in your life that you've done and we're so thankful.
Those of us who are children are thankful that you remember only the good things and God made it that way, didn't he?
Yeah, as life goes on, that's just what you tend to remember. All right. Well, let's get back in Romans chapter 11 and if you know me at all, you know
I'm not real big on preaching messages that have to do with man -made holidays or any kind of holiday for that matter.
So, that's a weakness of mine, but I just don't. I have to preach what I think the Lord wants me to preach and I think this is more beneficial.
So, we're going to continue right on through, but I think that we got some great mother's day messages in the songs today and I'm really glad that we did.
Romans chapter 11 verse by verse. I'm going to review just a hair. We were in Romans 11 17 and this whole thing we've been talking about for about two
Sundays has to do with the Apostle Paul in chapter 11 of Romans verse 17 and following where he talks about these branches of these olive trees and he depicts two types of olive trees, a wild one which is the
Gentiles and then what he calls the good olive tree which is the Jews and how that God broke some branches off of the good tree and grafted some branches into that tree from the wild tree and that's the
Gentiles. That's us and so he has a word of caution for us here in this little passage.
We've already covered this, but if you just look right there in verse 9, look at verse 18.
It says this is he's speaking to the Gentiles in the room and he's always speaking to the Jew first and then the
Gentile both groups in every room where Paul preached his whole life. That's my opinion except maybe one time when he preached to the
Greeks, but other than that, but there were probably Jews there too. So he's always preaching to the
Jew first and Gentile, but he's already preached to the Jew here and now he's talking to the Gentile. That's us predominantly a
Gentile church here in the end times the end of this age and look what he says boasts not against the
Jewish branches but if thou boasts thou bears not the root you don't bear the root the root bears you and Jesus was a
Jew and he came through the lineage of the Jews down through time thou will say then the branches were broken off that I might be grafted in the
Gentile can say that and that's true Paul's already taught that that's true well because of unbelief those
Jews were broken off so not all Jews were broken off he spoke earlier in this chapter the first part of chapter 11 about the fact that he had never cast away those whom he had foreknown those are the
Jewish people that he knew before the foundation of the world and he predestined that they would be saved and and brought adopted into his family and I used to think only the
Gentiles were adopted but that's not true the Jews are adopted too except for Jesus he's the only begotten child of God remember that so they're adopted in there too and he talks about that and we all kind of know that story well those who he foreknew and predestinated to be adopted into his family whether Jew or Gentile a hundred percent of them will be saved because Jesus says when the father draws them
I will lose none of them but will raise them up the last day so Jesus I mean Paul says it early in this chapter that I'd never cast away those that I foreknew that Jew or Gentile and by the way
Jew Gentile covers every human every people group in the world because the Gentile group is divided into many people groups but Jesus came to die for all men and that always and only means when it's used in that manner in the context that he died for some people in every people group all people groups you got to take it in context the
Jew didn't believe it but Paul continually taught them that that was true and he said and by the way I'm the apostle to the
Gentiles so you need to think about that because I'm the Jew of Jews and God called me to be a an apostle to the
Gentile why would he do that if he won't save Gentiles and he's always teaching them yes he will yes he will but now he's speaking to the
Gentiles and he says well you know the only ones of the Jews that were cut off were unbelievers do you see that none of them lost their salvation the ones that he's depicting with this allegory this allegorical idea of the branches being broken off of the tree they were unbelievers and never were going to be believers they were goat
Jews right that's what they were our tears if you want to call them that and so even though they appeared to be branches from the good tree that was just an appearance because they weren't believers they weren't foreknown by God he didn't know them and love them like he did his own children that he knew before the foundation of the world none of those were cast off so well because of unbelief they were broken off verse 20 and thou standest by faith you
Gentiles that are saved you stand by faith the only reason you're grafted in is because God gave you a gift in Ephesians 2 8 9 a gift which is
Jesus's faith he gave it to you as a gift and you have it and that's why you're grafted into this good tree so be not high -minded but be fearful now watch this for if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee and I think you see that's a message to the end times predominantly
Gentile church that among this huge modern church are many people who are not really believers oh they say they believe but they've invented their own
God and their own Jesus and they're led by a different spirit and so they will be cut off 100 of those will be cut off but no one who
God foreknew with his love before the foundation of the world and predestinated to be his adopted children and brought to Jesus none of them will be lost none of them so that's the message
Paul is giving but it is a warning to the church because just because you're sitting in a pew doesn't mean that you're a genuine believer well how can you know the difference well let's think about this let's say that someone told you once maybe a pastor that if you'll just pray this little prayer follow after me dear
Jesus come my heart and save me amen that you'll be saved the problem with that is the
Bible teaches the Holy Spirit has to call you for you to be saved you say well that's a problem brother
David then how do you preach the gospel because the gospels all the true gospels never change Jesus died
Jesus was buried and he rose again for his people that he might take his the sins of his people away that's always been the gospel and it still is and we have to tell that to everyone in the world that's called the general calling everyone gets to hear that message everyone gets to hear this if you want the water of life
Jesus says I will give it to whoever wants it and that's the true gospel but I have some bad news for the human race is the
Bible says there's none that seeketh God not one they've all fallen away and gone their own way because it's a depraved race and the only way any single human has ever saved and you have to remember it's always just a remnant the world church today's got this entirely wrong because they worship a different God not the
God of the Bible they worship a God they've invented in their mind that loves everybody and it's gonna that died for everybody you go back to the 1700s 1600s probably 95 percent of all
Baptists were particular Baptists which meant they means that they believed that Jesus only died for the elect not for every individual now that's flipped around maybe only five percent of Baptists believe that today that's unfortunate because the truth is he every single person for whom
Jesus died will be in heaven because you're only saved by the blood it's not stuff you do that saves you it's his blood so if he gave that blood as a ransom for you you're going to heaven he said of them
I will lose nothing think about it just logic but it's also Bible because there are verses in the book of Isaiah in the
Old Testament and many verses in the New Testament in the book of Mark and Matthew the other gospels just say that Jesus died for many not all and I'll tell you this if you ever studied logic
I'll promise you many can never mean all but sometimes all can mean many check it out it's a fact how can all mean many because when
Paul tells the Jews who don't think God will save a Gentile he died for all men he doesn't mean every individual he means many from all people groups so all can mean many but many can never mean all because many limits the number of people saved to less than all well we know that because Jesus said broad is the gate to hell and many there be that go thereby right so think about it think about it every single person that Jesus died for will be in heaven you know how
I know that the Bible says it secondly the Holy Spirit will call there's a thing called the effectual call it's theological term but it's you find it in scripture by context is how you can tell it's very clear by the way where he lights on the shoulder of every foreknown elect person throughout all ages at some point in their timeline on this earth it could be when you're a young child it could be like me when
I was 24 it could be I know older people get saved when they're 80 on their deathbed it doesn't matter
God knows your spirit's a birthday and he sends his spirit to light on your shoulder and wake you up and open your eyes to where you can see your
Messiah you can see your shepherd and you instantly he becomes irresistible once you see him with eyes at sea and you can hear the word of God which is the fact he died for you individually and he gives you
Jesus's faith he gives you the Holy Spirit to dwell within your body and your body becomes the temple of the living
God you can't tell me that doesn't change a person instantly and on and on that's what happens at the calling so if you're listening today and you say well
I'm saved because I prayed this little prayer no not really you're not saved because of that but let me say this the preacher may have told you that and the fact that he told you that can't unsave you either so here's how you know when you're saved all right let's just give a very simple one it's part of the
Romans road Romans 10 13 but I'm going to read it in Greek English Greek okay here's how it reads in Greek for whosoever desires to call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved so you may not be saved today yet you may know it because you're still running from God you just may know that but here's the point do you have a desire to be saved do you have a desire to know about the things of God does it bother you when you sin because it doesn't bother a goat a lost sheep will sin and hang out with the goats but it bothers his conscience way more than it does a goat in fact the goat eventually loses his conscience if you don't believe it read
Romans chapter one carefully word by word the whole thing so you you you know if you care and if you care it's because the
Holy Spirit's making you care so all you need to do is like the bride does to the bridegroom is respond just receive the fact that he loves you he died for you he's given himself for you and he wants you to be with him all the time not just talk about him sometimes you know you can kind of tell a fake
Christian from a real one is because the fake one is really spiritual looking at church on Sunday and when he goes home he cusses at his wife or she cusses at her husband and they get all cattywampus at each other did not they don't treat each other with the kindness and gentleness that Jesus treats people with because they don't really have it all they got was a fake gospel just pray this little prayer and you'll be saved and they've never been called to Christ they've never been born again same message
Jesus gave Nicodemus you must be born again or you'll never see the kingdom of heaven and that's not something you can do or a preacher can do to you or for you not even a mom can do that for you you can pray for you like my mom did and my grandmother did until I finally got saved but it wasn't their prayer that saved me although they worked together with the
Lord to save me because it's a family business right and so God worked together with them to get me saved but it's because the
Holy Spirit came to me in my car driving to work one day when I was 24 between Waco, Texas and Mahea, Texas after I had been to my
MBA class to manage the oil company and he met me in that car going pretty fast down the highway and he saved me.
He opened my eyes and in an instant I knew that I wanted Jesus as my Lord and Savior for the first time in my life.
I always knew about him but I never wanted him to be my Lord my boss in fact I got
I used business terms when I got saved I was already a businessman I said Jesus for the first time in my life
I've always known about you but I want you to be my boss instead of me being my boss now there's no way that my flesh would have said that it didn't say it two seconds before that it didn't say it a week before it or a year before it because I didn't want him but the
Holy Spirit called me and made me desire Christ has that ever happened to you has that ever happened to you because if it hasn't you haven't been saved yet you're just religious and if you're just religious the way you act at church and the way you act at home is very different now
I'm not saying we don't mess up sometimes but I'll tell you what there are things the Holy Spirit should take out of your life when you get truly regenerated and born again and if those things aren't if you don't have some things that were removed you need to you need to get out by yourself and get before the
Lord and say look if I'm not saved save me Lord I do have a desire for you for some weird reason
I'm seeking you and you say no one does so the Holy Spirit must be moving me toward you so here I am be my
Lord be my boss take my life change me don't let me be like I've been up until this point that's the experience we all need to have had and I hope everyone here has had it and everyone out there has had it and all your friends who claim to be
Christians and family I hope they've had it but if they have there'll be difference be kind one to another gentle -hearted that'll be the new spirit that they have now
I know personalities can be different we have some of us are cranky some of us are happy all the time but none of us have a right to be unkind to one another right none of us have a right not to love one another and I'll tell you what else about love think about this there are many things the
Bible says love is but one of the things love is it says it's in the Greek it says love does not make a list of the sins of the person it loves so what if you do have a
Christian in your life that's cranky a little bit not always like they should be we'd look and need to look in the mirror there don't we we shouldn't make a list of the things they do wrong and talk about it a lot okay does that make sense love covereth the multitude of sins and none of us have the whole package but there should be some definite changes in every life that's been truly called and if it's not there that's a problem biblically well there can be the whole message is there can be people among us that think that they're